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03-13 Social Night PMOing 2022-12-23T11:47:03+03:00 false

Social Night PMOing

This is a misinformation that seems to make sense but then it does not. In order to have control of eating, will you eat at home before leaving to go to a restaurant or a party? This is what you are doing when you PMO before your social night. You will look tired and will not be up to your best. If you have dating jitters then work on it beforehand and then go with the flow even with some butterflies in your stomach. I like a bit of the anxiety in me to keep me going. Tiring yourself mentally and physically with an orgasm is not going to help you, unless of course you are going to see a prostitute. The goal is entirely different in that angle.

The widespread adoption of pick-up techniques has put pressure on guys to perform, to attract and to score. You can get knowledge but you should know how to use it. I can guarantee that 100% of the other guys hanging at that bar know exactly what you know. It comes down to the how of how you use it when you get the chance. Even before that, there is one very critical thing about any knowledge pertaining to human interactions, that knowledge should never force your actions. This is important.

I once masturbated and then poured wine to quiet the butterflies in my stomach before a date. I looked tired after just one hour into the date, the loud noise of the bar, dehydration, excessive self-consciousness (PUA teachings) etc. made my time unenjoyable. Somehow the girl and her friend liked it all. However, I do think it would have been better if I had gone without any props. I ended up being successful by claiming my 'goal(s)' - which I consider unfortunate and as random luck.

The PMO session I had before the date triggered a dopamine flooding and its withdrawal hit around the time I was with the date. I had to over-do my conversation to compensate the ineffective dopamine effects after that earlier orgasm. I am also sure that I was suffering from hypofrontality - where my impulses were failing my controls. That gushing moment, an extra decibel in the tone etc. would easily have given my nervousness to the girls - only if I was not protected by the loud noise in the bar. Why do you want to take chances?

PMO ceases to relieve the withdrawal pangs that it causes in the first place. That is also why heavy PMOers turn to alcohol or other drugs. But I digress. Social night PMOing is occasioned by two or more of our usual reasons for pleasure/prop seeking, e.g. social functions, parties, weddings, school exams, game night, even business meetings. These are examples of occasions that are both stressful and relaxing. This might at first appear to be a contradiction but it isn't. Any form of socializing can be stressful, even with friends, and at the same time you want to be enjoying yourself and be completely relaxed.

There are situations where multiple reasons are present at one and the same time. To illustrate I will quote driving as one of these. But driving always involves an element of stress. Your life is at stake. You are also having to concentrate. You may not be aware of the last two factors but the fact that they are subconscious doesn't mean they aren't there. And if you are stuck in a traffic jam or have a long motorway drive, you may also be bored and may have promised yourself to a PMO after you reach home.

Another classic example is going on a first date. Especially when you know something about the date before hand like their profile from an online dating site. Your mind is throwing questions back and forth. If she is a 10 then it gets even noisier in your head. Then the surprise to meet the person in flesh, first the looks, then the voice, then the mannerisms. Expectations determine the level of interest you have for her from there on. If your enthusiasm starts to flag you will start to feel too relaxed but then you feel guilty for feeling too relaxed. The tug of war has started. I want sex or get me out of here ASAP - I know where to get it. That will lead you to the next stage of post-date PMOing.

Even if the date went fine and hours later you are at her door and which ever way it goes, you will not be satisfied if your goal is fully on the orgasm-seek. At other times, you drive home alone and all you want to do is to go to your online harem instead of patting yourself on the back for your efforts and enjoying yourself.

You can bet that this unfortunate guy is going to PMO after he reaches home. It is often after nights like these, when we wake to feel the uneasy emptiness, are often the special ones, the ones that we think we'll miss the most when we are contemplating stopping PMOing. We think that life will never be quite as enjoyable again. In fact, it is the same principle at work: these PMO sessions simply provide relief from withdrawal pangs and at certain times we have greater need to relieve them than at others. You had ended up greasing the neural waterslides in your brain and made it ready to slide again on the next cue.

Let us make it quite clear. It is not the internet porn and the harem dwellers that are special; it is the occasion. Once we have removed the need for the PMO, such occasions will become more enjoyable and the stressful situations less stressful. This will be explained in greater detail in the next chapter.

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