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had some issues with papermod and their css not working so for now i&rsquo;ll use lugo
i think the css looks pretty alright
im adding this bit in just to check if the scuffed shell script i made actually works (it&rsquo;s supposed to cd into the .git where hugo is, rsync the /public/ folder into var/www [where my site is])"/>
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<header><h1 style="margin-top: 0%; padding-top: 0.5em;" id="tag_Hello world / About me">Hello world / About me</h1></header>
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<p style="color: var(--muted_text);">Last updated: <time datetime="2023-05-14T14:33:48&#43;03:00" style="color: var(--muted_text);">2023年5月14日 (日)</time> <a href="/index.xml"><img src="/rss.svg" style="max-height:1.5em; float:right;" alt="RSS Feed" title="Subscribe via RSS for updates."></a> </p>
<div class="post-content"><h2 id="obligatory-hello-world">Obligatory Hello World!<a hidden class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#obligatory-hello-world">#</a></h2>
<p>trying to see which hugo theme i like best</p>
<p>had some issues with papermod and their css not working so for now i&rsquo;ll use lugo</p>
<p>i think the css looks pretty alright</p>
<p>im adding this bit in just to check if the scuffed shell script i made actually works (it&rsquo;s supposed to cd into the .git where hugo is, rsync the /public/ folder into var/www [where my site is])</p>
<h2 id="about-me">About me<a hidden class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#about-me">#</a></h2>
<li>touching grass and nature in general (wannabe farmer)</li>
<li>&lsquo;ate manga</li>
<li>&lsquo;ate anime</li>
<li>luv vinnies and jp youtube simple as</li>
<li>currently reading the <a href="https://friendsoftherainbow.net/node/1976">Tsarigrad translation of the bible</a> (bulgarian orthodox bible)</li>
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<figure ><img src="/img/ab67706c0000da8432f03af2b48b93d104186742.jpg" title="Gigachad Orthodox priest" alt="Gigachad Orthodox priest"><figcaption>he&#39;s literally me</figcaption></figure>
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