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03-32 The Easy Way to Stop 2022-12-24T00:07:43+02:00 false

The Easy Way to Stop

This chapter contains instructions about the easy way to stop PMO. Providing you follow the instructions, you will find that stopping ranges from relatively easy to enjoyable! But remember the definition of a brunette: “a girl who didn't read the instructions on the bottle.” It is ridiculously easy to stop PMO. All you have to do is two things:

  1. Make the decision that you are never going to PMO again.
  2. Don't mope about it. Rejoice.

You are probably asking, “Why the need for the rest of the book? Why couldn't you have said that in the first place?” The answer is that you would at some time have moped about it and consequently sooner or later, you would have changed your decision. You have probably already done that many times before.

As I have already said, the whole business of PMOing is a subtle, sinister trap. The main problem of stopping isn't the dopamine addiction (it is a problem but not the main) but the brainwashing and it is necessary first to explode all the myths and delusions. Understand your enemy. Know his tactics and you will easily defeat him. I've spent most of my life trying to stop PMOing and I've suffered weeks of black depression. When I finally stopped I went to zero without one bad moment. It was enjoyable even during the withdrawal period, and I have never had the slightest pang since. On the contrary, it is the most wonderful thing that has happened in my life.

I couldn't understand why it had been so easy and it took me a long time to find out the reason. It was this. I knew for certain that I was never going to PMO again. During previous attempts, no matter how determined I was, I was basically trying to stop PMOing, hoping that if I could survive long enough without a session of PMO the urges would eventually go. Of course they didn't go because I was waiting for something to happen and the more I moped about it, the more I wanted to visit my internet harem, so the craving never went.

My final attempt was different. Like all PMOers nowadays, I had been giving the problem serious thought. Up to then, whenever I failed, I had consoled myself with the thought that it would be easier next time. It had never occurred to me that I would have to go on PMOing the rest of my life. This latter thought filled me with horror and started me thinking very deeply about the subject.

Instead of firing up my browser subconsciously, I began to analyse my feelings as I was looking at the screen. This confirmed what I already knew, I wasn't enjoying them and they were filthy and disgusting. I started looking at non-PMOers - the ones that live in some other part of the world or the older people who never got to know the tube sites. Until then I had always regarded non-PMOers as wishy-washy, unsociable, finicky people. However, when I examined them they appeared, if anything, stronger and more relaxed. They appeared to he able to cope with the stresses and strains of life, and they seemed to enjoy social functions more than the PMOers. They certainly had more sparkle and zest than PMOers.

I started talking to ex-PMOers. Up to this point I had regarded them as people who had been forced to give up PMO for health and religious reasons and who were always secretly longing for a harem visit. A few did say, “You get the odd pangs but they are so few and far between they aren't worth bothering about.” But most said, “Miss it? You must be joking! I have never felt better in my life.” Even failures were fail forwards for them. They did not condemn themselves. It was easier for them to unconditionally accept themselves. Like a coach who will accept a mistake by a genuinely golden player. Talking to ex-PMOers exploded another myth that I had always had in my mind. I had thought that there was an inherent weakness in me and it suddenly dawned on me that all PMOers go through this private nightmare.

Basically I said to myself, “Scores of people are stopping now and leading perfectly happy lives. I didn't need to do it before I started and I can remember having to work hard to get used to this filth. So why do I need to do it now?” In any event I didn't enjoy PMO, I hated the whole filthy ritual and I didn't want to spend the rest of my life being the slave of this disgusting porn addiction.

I then said to myself:

{{% center %}} {{% h3 %}} “WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR LAST PMO VISIT” {{% /h3 %}} {{% /center %}}

I knew, right from that point, that I would never PMO again. I wasn't expecting it to be easy; in fact, just the reverse. I fully believed that I was in for months of black depression and that I would spend the rest of my life having the occasional pang. Instead it has been absolute bliss right from the start.

It took me a long time to work out why it had been so easy and why this time I hadn't suffered those terrifying withdrawal pangs. The reason is that they do not exist. It is the doubt and uncertainty that causes the pangs. The beautiful truth is: IT IS EASY TO STOP PMO. It is only the indecision and moping about it that makes it difficult. Even while they are addicted to porn, PMOers can go for relatively long periods at certain times in their lives without bothering about it. It is only when you want it but can't have one that you suffer.

Therefore the key to making it easy is to make stopping certain and final. Not to hope but to know you have kicked it, having made the decision. Never to doubt or question it. In fact, just the reverse - always to rejoice about it. If you can be certain from the start, it will be easy. But how can you be certain from the start unless you know it is going to be easy? This is why the rest of the book is necessary. There are certain essential points and it is necessary to get them clear in your mind before you start:

  1. Realize that you can achieve it. There is nothing different about you and the only person who can make you PMO is you. Not that star, she would never in her dreams thought about herself being used for reducing a mans virility.
  2. There is absolutely nothing to give up. On the contrary, there are enormous positive gains to be made. I do not only mean you will be healthier and richer. I mean you will enjoy the good times more and be less miserable during the bad times.
  3. Get it clear in your head that there is no such thing as a peek or visit. PMOing is a drug addiction and a chain reaction. By moaning about the odd PMO you will only be punishing yourself needlessly.
  4. See the whole business of PMOing not as a “boys-will-be-boys” habit that might injure you but as drug addiction. Face up to the fact that, whether you like it or not, YOU HAVE GOT THE DISEASE. It will not go away because you bury your head in the sand. Remember: like all crippling diseases, it not only lasts for life but gets worse and worse. The easiest time to cure it is now.
  5. Separate the disease (i.e. the brain chemical addiction) from the frame of mind of being a PMOer or a non-PMOer. All PMOers, if given the opportunity to go back to the time before they became hooked, would jump at that opportunity. You have that opportunity today! Don't even think about it as 'giving up' PMOing.

When you have made the final decision that you have had your last PMO you will already be a non-PMOer. A PMOer is one of those poor wretches who have to go through life destroying themselves with porn. A non-PMOer is someone who doesn't. Once you have made that final decision, you have already achieved your object.

Rejoice in the fact. Do not sit moping waiting for the chemical addiction to go. Get out and enjoy life immediately. Life is marvellous even when you are addicted and each day it will get so much better when you aren't.

The key to making it easy to quit PMOing is to be certain that you will succeed in abstaining completely during the withdrawal period (maximum three weeks). If you are in the correct frame of mind, you will find it ridiculously easy.

By this stage, if you have opened your mind as I requested at the beginning, you will already have decided you are going to stop. You should now have a feeling of excitement, like a dog straining at the leash, unable to wait to break down those brain DeltaFosB porn water slides. If you have a feeling of doom and gloom, it will be for one of the following reasons:

  1. Something has not gelled in your mind. Re-read the above five points, and ask yourself if you believe them to be true. If you doubt any point, re-read the appropriate sections in the book.
  2. You fear failure itself. Do not worry. Just read on. You will succeed. The whole business of internet porn is like a confidence trick on a gigantic scale. Intelligent people fall for confidence tricks but it is only a fool who having once found out about the trick goes on kidding himself.
  3. You agree with everything but you are still miserable. Don't be! Open your eyes. Something marvellous is happening. You are about to escape from the prison. It is essential to start with the correct frame of mind: isn't it marvellous that I am a non-PMOer!

All we have to do now is to keep you in that frame of mind during the withdrawal period, and the next few chapters deal with specific points to enable you to stay in that frame of mind during that time. After the withdrawal period you won't have to think that way. You will think that way automatically, and the only mystery in your life will be: “It is so obvious, why couldn't I see it before?” However, two important warnings:

  1. Delay your plan to make your last visit until you have finished the book.
  2. I have mentioned several times a withdrawal period of up to three weeks. This can cause misunderstanding. First, you may subconsciously feel that you have to suffer for three weeks. You don't. Secondly, avoid the trap of thinking, “Somehow I have just got to abstain for three weeks and then I will be free.” Nothing magic will actually happen after three weeks. You won't suddenly feel like a non-PMOer. Non-PMOers do not feel any different from PMOers. If you are moping about stopping during the three weeks, in all probability you will still be moping about it after the three weeks. What I am saying is, if you can start right now by saying, “I am never going to PMO again. Isn't it marvelous?” After three weeks all temptation will go. Whereas if you say, “If only I can survive three weeks without a PMO,” you will be dying for a harem visit after the three weeks are up.

Sexual dysfunction has a lot to do with your brain and your mind frame. Internet Porn rewires your brains reward circuit and gives your mind a doubting mind frame. This self doubt will undoubtedly cause your sexual dysfunctions. Having all the desire in your upper part but putting up no arousal in your lower part is the worst thing to happen to your mind frame. Libido going hand in hand with romance is the elixir of youth that you can have until you die. You will keep the probabilities high by quitting. But that is not the only or the major gain in all this. It is your freedom from slavery.

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