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<header><h1 style="margin-top: 0%; padding-top: 2%;" id="tag_04-01 The Instructions">04-01 The Instructions</h1></header>
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<div class="post-content"><h2 id="the-instructions">The Instructions<a hidden class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#the-instructions">#</a></h2>
<li>Follow all the instructions.</li>
<li>Keep an open mind.</li>
<li>Start with a feeling of elation.</li>
<li>Ignore all advice and influences that conflict with EasyPeasyway</li>
<li>Resist any promise of a temporary fix.</li>
<li>Get it clear in your mind: PMO gives you no genuine pleasure or crutch; you are not making a sacrifice; there is nothing to give up and no reason to feel deprived.</li>
<li>Don&rsquo;t wait to quit. Do it now!</li>
<li>Make a decision never to PMO again and never question it.</li>
<li>Always remember there&rsquo;s no such thing as &ldquo;Just One Peek&rdquo;.</li>
<li>Never PMO again.</li>
<h3 id="affirmations">Affirmations<a hidden class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#affirmations">#</a></h3>
<li>I am free from the slavery of PMO.</li>
<li>It is easy for me to ignore my thoughts about PMO.</li>
<li>Bye bye thoughts, bye bye Urges. Oh, there goes my cravings.</li>
<li>I focus my subconscious mind to overcome masturbation addiction.</li>
<li>PMO zaps my time, energy and vitality.</li>
<li>Beating PMO gets easier day by day and in every way.</li>
<li>I enjoy and value my PMO free strong, happy, light and easy lifestyle.</li>
<li>If I look back and think about my progress, it gives me great joy and pride in myself.</li>
<li>Every time I see other PMOers I get more motivated to see myself break that chain.</li>
<li>All that pent up energy is healing my body and my mind. And then I can do more productive and challenging work towards my values and my goals.</li>
<li>My brain is getting back in the right shape as it gets exercised by me not doing what I was doing before.</li>
<li>Now, all that pent up willpower is being used to handle the other lightweight stresses and
strains of life.</li>
<li>Great, I am free. I am not a slave any more!</li>
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