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03-43 Help the PMOer Left on the Sinking Ship 2022-12-24T11:28:29+02:00 false

Help the PMOer Left on the Sinking Ship

PMOers are panicking nowadays. They sense that there is a change in the way internet porn is perceived by men and women. Internet porns addictive nature is being studied by more and more people. It is now rightly regarded not as the same as old traditional porn. Its easy reach and effortless availability raises alarm even in the hearts of porn supporters. They also sense that their crusade for free speech and free thought is being hijacked by vicious elements. The wild wild west nature of the unpoliced internet makes it hard for enforcing age restrictive access to supranormal stimuli. Yet I dont think this whole thing will be coming to an end anytime soon. Thousands of PMOers are now stopping and all porn users are conscious of the new brain studies that point their studied fingers to the similarities of drug and substance addiction. Every time a PMOer leaves the sinking ship, the ones left on it feel more miserable. Every PMOer instinctively knows that it is ridiculous to self sabotage and spend time in front of two dimensional pixels, treat the poor brain to super surges, develop porn brain water slides that will guarantee him unreliable erections and fading penetrations. If you still don't think it is silly, try talking to a porn magazine standing at the centre of the city square and ask yourself what the difference is. Just one. You cannot get the pleasure of warmth and intimacy that way. If you can stop buying alcohol and cigarettes every time you go grocery shopping you can definitely stop visiting your online harems. PMOers cannot find a rational reason for PMOing but if someone else is doing it, they do not feel quite so silly.

PMOers blatantly lie about their habit, not only to others and university researchers but worse of all to themselves. They have to. The brainwashing is essential if they are to retain some self-respect. They feel the need to justify their “habit” not only to themselves but to non-PMOers. They are therefore forever advertising the illusory advantages of porn and PMO by more subtler means.

If a PMOer stops using the Willpower Method he still feels deprived and tends to become a moaner. All this does is to confirm to other PMOers how right they are to keep PMOing. If the ex-PMOer succeeds in kicking the habit, he is then grateful that he no longer has to go through life sabotaging himself or wasting energy. But he has no need to justify himself, he doesn't sit there saying how marvellous it is not to be PMOing. He will do that only if he is asked and PMOers won't ask that question. They wouldn't like the answer. Remember: it is fear that keeps them in their addiction and they would rather keep their heads in the sand. The only time they ask that question is when it is time to stop. Help the PMOer. Remove these fears. Tell him how marvellous it is not to have to go through life living in a prison, how lovely it is to wake up in the morning feeling fit and healthy instead of lacking in energy and self loathing, how wonderful it is to be free of slavery, to be able to enjoy the whole of your life, to be rid of those awful black shadows. Or, better still; get him to read this book.

It is essential not to belittle a married PMOer by indicating that he is deliberately ruining his relationship or is in some way a cheat and is unclean. There is a common conception that the ex-PMOer is the worst in this respect. I believe this conception has some substance but I think this is due to the Willpower Method of stopping. Because the ex-PMOer, although he has kicked the habit, retains part of the brainwashing - part of him still believes that he has made a sacrifice. He feels vulnerable and his natural defensive mechanism is to attack the PMOer.

This may help the ex-PMOer but it does nothing to help the PMOer. All it does is put his back up, make him feel even more wretched and consequently make his need for PMO even greater. Although the change in the medical establishments attitude to internet porn is the main reason why many of PMOers are quitting, it doesn't make it any easier for them to do so. In fact, it makes it a great deal harder. Most PMOers nowadays believe they are stopping mainly for health reasons. This is not strictly true.

Although the enormous health risk is obviously the chief reason for quitting, PMOers have been sabotaging their virility for years and it has made not the slightest difference. The main reason why PMOers are stopping is because society is beginning to see PMOing for what it actually is: filthy drug addiction. The enjoyment was always an illusion; this attitude removes this illusion, so that the PMOer is left with nothing. Many women and girlfriends now would ask questions if you are on your laptop in the middle of the night.

The complete ban on porn in some countries and or the unavailability of internet is a classic example of the travelling PMOers dilemma. The PMOer either takes the attitude: “OK, if I cannot PMO during this time, I will find a way to abscond,” which does no good for him if his job is hanging on it. Or he says: “Fine, it will help me cut down on my PMOing.” The result of this is that instead of one or two a day, neither of which he would have enjoyed, he abstains for an entire week. During this enforced period of abstinence however, not only will he be mentally deprived and waiting for his reward but his body will have been craving too. Oh, how precious that online harem visit will be when he is eventually allowed to go.

Enforced abstinences do not actually cut down the intake because the PMOer just indulges himself even more when he is eventually allowed to be alone. All it does is to ingrain in the PMOers mind how precious internet porn and PMO are and how dependent he is upon them. I think the most insidious aspect of this enforced abstinence is its effect on younger population. We allow the “hijackers” of “freedom of expression” - the porn producers - to target unfortunate teenagers to get hooked in the first place. Then, at what is probably the most stressful period in their lives, when in their deluded minds they need PMO most of all, we blackmail them into giving up because of the harm they are causing to themselves.

Many are unable to do so and are forced, through no fault of their own, to suffer a guilt complex for the rest of their lives. Many of them succeed and are pleased to do so, thinking, “Fine. I will do this for now and after its over I will be cured anyway.” Then comes the pain and fear of finding work etc. followed by the biggest “high” of their lives - finding a job. The pain and fear are over. Then they feel secure and the old trigger mechanism comes back into operation. Part of the brainwashing is still there and almost before the smell of the new work laptop is gone the PMOer is at the threshold of his favourite online harem. The elation of the occasion blocks the foul feelings from his or her mind. She has no intention of becoming hooked again. But... “just the one peek.” Too late! She is already hooked again.

The little porn monster has got into her body again. The old craving will start and even if she doesn't become hooked again straight away, post-high depression will probably catch her out. It is strange that although heroin addicts are criminals in law, our society's attitude is quite rightly, “What can we do to help these pathetic individuals?” Let us adopt the same attitude to the poor PMOer. He is not doing it because he wants to but because he thinks he has got to and, unlike the heroin addict, he usually has to suffer years and years of mental and physical torture. We always say a quick death is better than a slow one, so do not envy the poor PMOer. He and she deserves your pity.