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02-02 Sister Kenny 2022-12-20T16:58:54+02:00 false

Sister Kenny

You've probably seen the film Sister Kenny. In case you haven't, it was about the time when infantile paralysis or polio was the scourge of our children. I vividly remember that the words engendered the same fear in me as the word cancer does today. The effect of polio was not only to paralyze the legs and arms but to distort the limbs. The established medical treatment was to put those limbs in irons and thus prevent the distortion. The result was paralysis for life.

Sister Kenny believed the irons inhibited recovery and proved a thousand times over that the muscles could be re-educated so that the child could walk again. However, Sister Kenny wasn't a doctor, she was merely a nurse. How dare she dabble in a province that was confined to qualified doctors? It didn't seem to matter that Sister Kenny had found the solution to the problem and had proved her solution to be effective. The children that were treated by Sister Kenny knew she was right, so did their parents, yet the established medical profession not only refused to adopt her methods but actually prevented her from practicing. It took Sister Kenny twenty years before the medical profession would accept the obvious.

I (Allen Carr) first saw that film years before I (Allen Carr) discovered EASYWAY, The film was very interesting and no doubt there was an element of truth. However, it was equally obvious that Hollywood had used a large portion of poetic license. Sister Kenny couldn't possibly have discovered something that the combined knowledge of medical science had failed to discover. Surely the established medical specialists weren't the dinosaurs they were being portrayed as? How could it possibly have taken them twenty years to accept the facts that were staring them in the face?

They say that fact is stranger than fiction, I apologize for accusing the makers of Sister Kenny for using poetic license. Even in this so-called enlightened age of modern communications, even having access to modern communications, I've failed to get my message across.

Oh, I've proved my point, the only reason that you are reading this hook is because another ex-PMOer has recommended it to you. Remember, I don't have the massive financial power of popular and big institutions. Like Sister Kenny, I'm a lone individual. Like her. I'm (Allen Carr) only famous because my system works. This Method is already regarded as the number-one Method on helping people to quit. Like Sister Kenny, I've proved my point. But Sister Kenny proved her point. What good did that do if the rest of the world was still adopting procedures which were the direct opposite to what they should be?

The last sentence of this book is identical to that in the original manuscript: There is a wind of change in society, A snowball has started that I hope this book will help turn into an avalanche'. From my remarks above, you might have drawn the conclusion that I am no respecter of the medical profession. Nothing could be further from the truth. One of Allen Carrs sons is a doctor and I know of no finer profession. Indeed Allens clinics receive more recommendations from doctors than from any other source, and surprisingly, more of our clients come from the medical profession than any other single profession.

In the early years, I (Allen Carr) was generally regarded by the doctors as being somewhere between a charlatan and a quack. Allen is no more and his clinics dont provide services for PMO sufferers, probably due to non coverage by insurance companies. I would not know. But I can tell you that this Method works. If you have doubts please do keep them but give this hackbook a try. This hackbook will give you all the numbers of the combination lock. But it is important that you use the numbers in the right order. You must follow the flow by going chapter to chapter and must not jump for any reasons. And you dont need to cut down or stop PMO while you are reading this book.

Since many mix sex and eroticism with internet porn they haven't a clue about helping PMOers to quit. They concentrate on telling what PMOers already know: PMO is unhealthy and self-defeating. It never seems to occur to them that PMOers do not use for the reasons that they shouldn't use. The real problem is to remove the reasons they have to use porn.

However, I might just as well have been lecturing to a brick wall since - substituting- such as porn diets1 ( PMO once in n number of days) or cutting down have failed to cure the problem. PMOers themselves appear to have accepted that you don't get cured from addiction to a drug by turning it into a forbidden fruit.

Some PUA2 experts say something like: PMO only once in four days “ Every PMOer knows that it is the one day that most PMOers will do twice as many as they usually do and sometimes they close the shop to run home knowing that it is their final day of fasting and because no one like being told what to do, particularly by people who dismiss PMOers as mere idiots and don't understand their problem.

Because they don't completely understand PMOers themselves or how to make it easy for them to quit, their attitude is 'Try this method. If it doesn't work try another: Can you imagine if there were ten different ways of treating appendicitis? Nine of them cured 10 per cent of the patients, which means they killed 90 per cent of them and the tenth way cured 95 per cent. Imagine that knowledge of the tenth method had been available for free, but the vast majority of the medical profession was still recommending the other nine.

Someone pointed out that doctors might well find themselves liable to a legal action for malpractice, by not advising their patients of the best way to quit. Ironically he was a great advocate of substituting methods (soft porn, solo, nude only, porn-diet etc), I try hard not to be vindictive, but I hope he becomes the first victim of his suggestion.

There are many websites that talk about the harms of PMO. You can find content that explains scientifically the harms of high speed internet porn on the brain. There is much literature and studies of neurochemicals and the neuroplasticity of the brain and how it is affected by PMO. I read many comments on forums and blogs of how some were able to overcome the addiction. They might just as well have wasted it on trying to persuade their readers that motorbikes can kill you. Do they not realize that youngsters know that one look at a tube site won't kill them and that no youngster ever expects to get hooked? The link between porn and PIED porn induced ED, has been established for some time now. Yet more youngsters are becoming hooked nowadays than ever before.

Youngsters don't need to be preached on the harms of PIED, hypofrontality, dopamine surge and the resulting cutting down of the associated dopamine receptors. Young and old PMOers tend to avoid such materials anyway. Practically every subscriber and reader of sites such as YBOP knows the brain science and the self-sabotage nature of PMO. I myself has seen the damages in my personal life. On a more serious note, two men in my own family had MO addiction ( porn was not prevalent 20 yrs ago) and I can see how they were peevish and melancholic when they felt deprived or guilty related to their MO. But that didn't prevent me from falling into the trap.

However, the snowball won't become an avalanche until the medical profession and the media stop recommending methods that make it harder to quit and accept that EASYPEASYWAY is not just another method: BUT THE ONLY SENSIBLE METHOD TO USE! I don't expect you to believe me at this stage, but by the time you have finished the book, you will understand.

Even the comparatively few failures that we have say something like: 'I haven't succeeded yet, but your way is better than any I know.' If when you finish the book, you feel that you owe me a debt of gratitude, you can more than repay that debt. Not just by recommending EASYPEASYWAY to your friends, but whenever you see or read an article advocating some other method, email to them asking why they aren't advocating EASYWAY.

This edition of EASYPEASYWAY is to give you the state of the art technology on just how easy and enjoyable it is to quit PMOing. Do you have a feeling of doom and gloom? Forget it. I've achieved some marvelous things in my life. By far the greatest was to escape from the slavery of orgasm addiction. I escaped a long time ago and still cannot get over the joy of being free. There is no need to feel depressed, nothing bad is happening, on the contrary, you are about to achieve something that every PMOer on the planet would love to achieve : TO BE FREE!

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  1. PUA - pickup artist. Someone who teaches men to pick up mates ↩︎

  2. Porn diet - To restrict PMO once in n number of days ↩︎