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02-01 Introduction 2022-12-19T22:27:57+03:00 false


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I was talking to my mentor. He thought that I had flipped. Understandable if you consider that he had watched me fail on numerous attempts to quit. The most recent had been two years previously. I'd actually survived six months of sheer purgatory before I finally succumbed and found myself clicking on stacked up tabs of porn sites. I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried like a baby. I was crying because I knew that I was condemned to be an addict for life. I'd put so much effort into that attempt and suffered so much misery that I knew I would never have the strength to go through that ordeal again. I'm not a violent man, but if some patronizing non-PMOer had been stupid enough at that moment to suggest to me that all users can find it easy to quit, immediately and permanently, I would not have been responsible for my actions. However, I'm convinced that any jury in the world, comprised of PMOers only, would have pardoned me on the grounds of justifiable homicide.

Perhaps you too find it impossible to believe that any PMOer can find it easy to quit. If so, I beg you not to cast this book into the rubbish bin. Please trust me. I assure you that you can find it easy to quit.

Anyway, there I was two years later, having just completed what I knew would be my final session, not only telling my mentor that I was already a non-PMOer, but that I was going to cure the rest of the world. I must admit that at the time I found his scepticism somewhat irritating. However, in no way did it diminish my feeling of exaltation, I suppose that my exhilaration in knowing that I was already a happy non-PMOer distorted my perspective somewhat. With the benefit of hindsight, I can sympathize with his attitude, I now understand why he thought I was a candidate for the funny farm.

As I look back on my life, it seems that my whole existence has been a preparation for solving the problem. Even those hateful years of training and practising as a professional were invaluable in helping me to unravel the mysteries of the PMO trap. They say you can't fool all the people all of the time, but I believe the internet porn producers have done just that for years. I also believe that I am the first to really understand the PMO trap. If I appear to be arrogant, let me hasten to add that it was no credit to me, just the circumstances of my life.

The momentous day was when I made my final online harem visit, I felt a sense of relief and exhilaration as I closed out my browser in incognito mode. I realized I had discovered something that every PMOer was praying for: an easy way to stop. One of my failures, the man I describe in chapter 25, was the inspiration. We were both reduced to tears on every meeting. He was so agitated that I couldn't get him to relax enough to absorb what I was saying. I hoped that if I wrote it all down, he could read it in his own good time, as many times as he wanted to, and this would help him to absorb the message.

I was in no doubt that EASYWAY would work just as effectively for other PMOers as it had for me. However, when I contemplated putting the method into book form, I was apprehensive. The comments were not very encouraging:

  • “How can a book help me to quit? What I need is willpower!”
  • “How can a book avoid the terrible withdrawal pangs?”

In addition to these pessimistic comments, I had my own doubts. Often it became obvious that someone had misunderstood an important point that I was making. I was able to correct the situation when I am in person or chatting. But how would a book be able to do that?

I remembered well the times when I studied to qualify as a (professional), when I didn't understand or agree with a particular point in a book, the frustration because you couldn't ask the book to explain. Added to all these factors, I had one doubt that overrode all the rest. I wasn't a writer and was very conscious of my limitations in this respect. I was confident that I could sit down face to face with a PMOer and convince him or her how much more enjoyable social occasions are without PMO.

When a PMOer fail in quitting it is a mistake to regard it as their failure. In Allens smoker's clinic when a smoker fails they regard it as the clinics failure, we failed to convince those smokers just how easy and enjoyable it is to quit. That failure rate was based on the money-back guarantee at the clinics. The average current failure rate of the clinics world-wide is under 5 per cent. That means a success rate of over 95 per cent. That was beyond the wildest dreams. Coming back to the present...You might well argue that if I genuinely believed that I would cure the world of all addictions, I must have expected to achieve 100 per cent. No, I never ever expected to achieve 100 per cent.

Snuff-taking was the previous most popular form of nicotine addiction until it became antisocial and died . However, there are still a few weirdoes that continue to take snuff and probably, there always will be. So there will always be a few weirdoes that will continue to use.

I certainly never expected to have to cure every PMOer personally. What I thought would happen was that once I had explained the mysteries of the porn trap and dispelled such illusions as:

  • Users enjoy PMO
  • Users choose to use PMO
  • PMO relieves boredom & stress
  • PMO aids concentration and performance
  • PMO is a habit
  • It takes willpower to quit
  • Once an addict always an addict
  • Telling PMOers that it will turn them into robots will make them to quit
  • Substitutes, particularly soft porn, reality porn, solo naked only porn etc.. and training toys such as fleshlight, helps PMOers to regain their full unfading erections.
  • All porn is same in their rate of addictiveness
  • In particular, when I had dispelled the illusion that it is difficult to quit and that you have to go through a transitional period of misery in order to do so, I naively thought that the rest of the world would also see the light and adopt my method.

I thought my chief antagonist would be the porn industry. Amazingly, my chief stumbling blocks were the very institutions that I thought would be my greatest allies: the control/regulated safe sex advocates in the noFap forum,the media and the established medical profession.

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