2023-04-29 13:36:49 +03:00

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To an individual who has had a PMO problem, porn is poison. It's poison in two ways. First of all it's poison because it breaks down the very will power, the very ego, the very faith in oneself that the individual is able to build up. And so it is a psychological poison because having once conquered the porn problem, if you ever allow it to get back into you again then you begin thinking about yourself all the thoughts that you thought about yourself before, namely, well I really am no good anyway, I really didn't lick it and so on. So it's a psychological poison.

Now in addition to that for anyone who has ever had a porn problem, it's a physical poison. It actually poisons your system. Because you're allergic to porn just like other people are allergic to other things. And so if you're allergic to something, even penicillin, it's poison to you and you must never take it. The same is true with porn. If you're allergic to it, you're through with it. Now you've been allergic to porn. porn is a poison to you. What's even more fascinating is that usually the reason why one is drawn to porn is not for most of the reasons that most people reiterate, namely that it makes me feel good, I like it, all these things. On the contrary, almost every person who has a porn problem will tell you just the opposite. I don't like it. It's ruining my life. It's terrible.

And if that's true, then why are they drawn to it? For precisely that reason. Because it is a poison and because they in their subconscious mind need to commit suicide and so they do it the slow tortuous way. And so that's why it's so important that the underlying cause of the problem be completely removed so that you don't need to punish yourself again with porn. And that's why we have removed them.

That's why you don't need to punish yourself anymore. Because you realize you're not guilty to begin with. And if you're not guilty you don't have to punish yourself. And since you're through punishing yourself, you're through poisoning yourself. Yes porn is a poison. It's important that you realize that it's a poison and you are leaving poisons alone. Because you don't need poison any more. You don't need to poison yourself. You don't need to punish yourself. You're through with all that.

You're going to appreciate yourself. That's what you're going to do, appreciate yourself for the talents that you have, for the fact that you have life, for all the good that you can do in that life for yourself and others. In talking about porn we frequently say he got his fix. Interesting how drugs and porn go together. You're through with porn. You don't even take a peek at it. You're just beginning to appreciate yourself, to value yourself, your mind and your body and to make them really work for you.

You're going to make yourself happy and you're going to make others happy by staying abstinent, by avoiding completely like the plague any video which you are allergic to and porn especially for you're most allergic to that. You have obtained a great victory in forever placing porn behind you for you have now placed a beautiful future before you. For no matter what may befall you, good, bad, indifferent, it's still better and easier and happier to face the future as an ex-PMOer than a PMOer. Indeed, you're going to have twice the fun as ex-PMOer than you ever had PMOed because when PMOing you never had any fun. You were only using porn to assassinate yourself, to poison yourself, to get rid of yourself, to fix yourself, and to become dead lover. And you almost succeeded in that. But you removed all those thoughts from your mind. You're through punishing yourself. You're through beating yourself down. You're now going to build yourself up. You're through assassinating and you're going to appreciate and as you start appreciating instead of assassinating you're going to build yourself up more and more and more with every breath you take as you go deeper and deeper relaxed, deeper and deeper and deeper. And all these suggestions are going to be reinforced in your mind every single day of your life. Now sleep.