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03-15 Self-Imposed Slavery 2022-12-23T12:06:39+03:00 false

Self-Imposed Slavery

Usually when PMOers try to stop the main reasons given are health, religion and partner stigma. Part of the brainwashing of this awful drug is the sheer slavery. Man fought hard in the last century to abolish slavery and yet the PMOer spends his life suffering self-imposed slavery. He seems to be oblivious to the fact that when he is allowed to PMO he wishes that he were a non-PMOer. With most of the masturbation we do in our lives, not only do we not enjoy them but we aren't even aware that we are masturbating. It is only after a period of abstinence that we actually suffer the delusion of enjoying PMO (e.g. the first day after a 4 day abstinence with the intent of rebooting etc.). The only time that the porn becomes precious is when we are 'trying' to cut down or abstain or when abstinence is forced on us (e.g. when on a business trips, holiday trips to locations where the Internet is not available and so on).

The confirmed PMOer should bear in mind that more studies and even more people are coming out and talking about the ill effects of internet porn. This trend will get “worse and worse.” Today, it is non-medical people talking. Tomorrow, it will be in your doctors list of diagnostic tests to perform. Gone are the days when the PMOer can hide behind “just a bit of downtime due to work stress” in his or her sex life. Your partner is going to ask you why you are on your laptop at this time too late into the night. The poor PMOer, who was already feeling wretched, wants the ground to open up and swallow him.

I remember every time my partner stayed up late it was an ordeal waiting to open up my laptop. When on business trips the dinner with the clients and colleagues dragged on or was I just going through the natural ups and downs in human interactions? What was I doing? I was thinking, “let's get on with it, so that I can get over with this and go to my room for some porn.” I have thought many times, “am I not lucky? I have got my little reward. The poor non-PMOer with no internet access somewhere in an Amish village hasn't got a reward.” The 'poor' non-PMOer doesn't need a reward. We were not designed to go through life systematically flooding our brains with dopamine and opioids. The pathetic thing is that even when masturbating with internet porn the PMOer doesn't achieve those feelings of peace, confidence and tranquillity that the non-PMOer has experienced for the whole of his non-PMO life. The non-PMOer isn't sitting in the family room, feeling agitated and wishing his life away. He can enjoy the whole of his life.

No, this wasn't a fourteen-year-old schoolboy but a forty-year-old professional. How pathetic. I wouldn't admit to myself that I wasn't enjoying it. I was looking for the right clip and/or pictures to reach orgasm or better, edge forever. I don't know what I am supposed to be 'watching' sometimes. That is the confusing part. The 'edging' and then the orgasm floods my brain. Yet this was supposed to be my way of relaxing and enjoying my “favourite hobby.”

To me, one of the tremendous joys of being a non-PMOer is to be freed from that slavery. To be able to enjoy the whole of my life and not spend half of it craving for more and more internet porn and then, when I get to fire up my browser, wishing I didn't have to do it. PMOers should bear in mind that when they see or meet non-PMOers, it is not the self-righteous non-PMOer who is depriving them but their very own “little monster.”

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