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For most PMOers that first peek at the tube site harem was not as good as sex with a real person."/>
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<header><h1 style="margin-top: 0%; padding-top: 0.5em;" id="tag_03-34 Just One Peek">03-34 Just One Peek</h1></header>
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<nav><a href="/">vodoraslo</a> /&nbsp;<a href="/library/">Vodoraslo&#39;s Library</a> /&nbsp;<a href="/library/hackbook/">Hackbook EasyPeasy - free yourself from pornography</a> /&nbsp;03-34 Just One Peek</nav>
<small><em><p style="color: var(--muted_text);">作成日: <time datetime="2022-12-24T00:20:57&#43;03:00" style="color: var(--muted_text);">2022年12月24日 (土)</time>; 最終更新日: <time datetime="2024-08-29T22:46:33&#43;03:00" style="color: var(--muted_text);">2024年8月29日 (木)</time> </p></em></small>
<div class="post-content"><h2 id="just-one-peek">Just One Peek<a hidden class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#just-one-peek">#</a></h2>
<p>This is the undoing of many PMOers who try to stop on the Willpower Method. They will go through three or four days and then have the odd peek or a PMO or two to tide them over. They do not realize the devastating effect this has on their morale.</p>
<p>For most PMOers that first peek at the tube site harem was not as good as sex with a real person. The clips that are clean are far in between. This gives their conscious minds a boost. They think, “Good. That wasn&rsquo;t entirely all that enjoyable. I am losing the urge to PMO and I am not that much into the shocking stuff.” In fact, the reverse is the case. Get it clear in your mind - enjoyment of orgasm wasn&rsquo;t the reason why you hit porn. If PMOers were there for orgasm alone, they&rsquo;d never watch more than one clip. The only reason why you PMO was to feed that little monster. Just think: you had starved him for four days. How precious that one peek must have been to him. You are not aware of it in your conscious mind but the fix your body received will be communicated to your subconscious mind and all your sound preparation will be undermined. There will be a little voice at the back of your mind saying, “In spite of all the logic they are precious. I want another one.”</p>
<p>That little peek has two damaging effects:</p>
<li>It keeps the little monster alive in your body.</li>
<li>What&rsquo;s worse, it keeps the big monster alive in your mind. If you had the “last peek”, it will be easier to have the next one.</li>
<p>Above all, remember:</p>
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<p><strong>“Just one peek” is how people get into PMO addiction in the first place.</strong></p>
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