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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
title: "03-18 Energy"
date: 2022-12-23T23:12:56+02:00
draft: false
Most PMOers are aware of the effect that this progressive process of PMO, leading to novelty and escalation seeking, has on their brains reward circuits and their sexual system. However, they are not so aware of the effect it has on their energy level.
One of the subtleties of the PMO trap is that the effects it has on us, both physical and mental, happen so gradually and imperceptibly that we are not aware of them and regard them as normal. It is very similar to the effects of bad eating habits. The pot-belly appears so gradually that it causes us no alarm. We look at people who are grossly overweight and wonder how they could possibly have allowed themselves to reach that state.
But supposing it happened overnight. You went to bed weighing 140 lbs, trim, rippling with muscles and not an ounce of fat on your body. You awoke weighing 180 lbs, fat, bloated and pot-bellied. Instead of waking up feeling fully rested and full of energy, you wake up feeling miserable, lethargic and you can hardly open your eyes. You would be panic-stricken, wondering what awful disease you had contracted overnight. Yet the disease is exactly the same.
The fact that it took you twenty years to reach that state is irrelevant. So it is with PMOing. If I could immediately transfer you into your mind and body to give you a direct comparison on how you would feel having stopped internet porn for just three weeks, that is all I would need to do to persuade you to quit. You would think: “Will I really feel this good?” Or what it really amounts to: “Had I really sunk that low?” I emphasize that I don't just mean that you would feel healthier and have more energy but how you would also feel more confident and relaxed and better able to concentrate.
As a teenager, I can remember rushing around just for the hell of it. I was interested in reading, I had set up a chemical lab, tried fixing (old CRT) TVs, dabbled with cooking etc. I was fascinated by scientists. Then I got attracted to makers and doers of the rag-to-riches lives of real people. I had the inner push and I knew I had it.
I then was introduced to print porn, then came music TV channels, followed by static computer images. By this time I was permanently tired and lethargic. Then came internet porn of images and downloadable movies. I used to struggle to wake up at nine o'clock in the morning. After my evening meal I would already be thinking about porn before going to bed, even when I had a girlfriend. Sex with her was a chore. But PMO with internet porn had all the novelty, shock, etc. No one can match that lure. And then the internet upped its game with tube sites, catalogued porn genres, hearting favorites and all in lightning speed, high quality, no traces of downloads. Even the browsers went incognito, thoroughly helping me to cover my tracks. Reward with no pains.
By this time, the lack of energy, tiredness and everything related to it is nicely swept under the rug of getting older. My friends and colleagues by this time are all living sedentary lifestyles. I hought this behaviour was normal. I believed that energy was the exclusive prerogative of children and teenagers, and that old age began in the early twenties. I did not notice that I was paying attention to my health in general by eating right - which they did not. But I did not notice that anomaly.
Shortly after I stopped PMO, I was relieved that this foggy and muggy feeling left me. For example, I can keep a steady gaze with my eyes on just about anything for a longer time. If I am looking into someones eyes it is even longer. However something truly marvellous and unexpected also happened. I started waking at seven o'clock in the morning feeling completely rested and full of energy, actually wanting to exercise, jog and swim. I have read about a forty-eight year old who couldn't run a step or swim a stroke. The only sporting activities were confined to such dynamic pursuits as green bowling, affectionately referred to as “the old man's game,” and golf, for which he had to use a motorized cart. But after quitting PMO he started going to gym - not that it is necessary that everyone would - but still. Almost all us know that it's great to have energy and when you feel physically and mentally strong, it feels great to be alive.
That is the point with PMOing - you are always debiting your energy. And in that process tampering with your brain codes of the reward circuit. Which again is going to make you miserable and vulnerable to stress and strain attacks. Unfortunately when you feel down with all of this you will seek a cigarette or alcohol or again porn. Unlike quitting smoking, where the return of your physical and mental health is only gradual, quitting PMO gives you excellent results from day one. Starting with energy. Then your mental programming to close the water slides takes a bit of time. You need to kill the Little Monster - which will be explained in later chapters. Recovering your RC is nothing like as slow as the slide into the pit and if you are going through the trauma of the willpower method of quitting, any health or energy gains will be obliterated by the depression you will be going through. Unfortunately, I cannot immediately transfer you into your mind and body in three weeks' time. But you can! You know instinctively that what I am telling you is correct. All you need to do is: USE YOUR IMAGINATION!

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
title: "03-19 It Relaxes Me and Gives Me Confidence"
date: 2022-12-23T23:16:17+02:00
draft: false
This is the worst fallacy of all about PMOing and for me it ranks with the ending of the slavery, the greatest benefit from quitting - is not to have to go through life with the permanent feelings of insecurity that PMOers suffer from.
PMOers find it very difficult to believe that masturbation to internet porn actually causes those insecure feelings you get when you are out late at night after a contentious day at home or work. Non-PMOers do not suffer from that feeling. It is the porn that causes it. I only became aware of many of the advantages of stopping months afterwards, as a result of my consultations with other PMOers.
I refused to see my PMO as causing so much of the mental tug of war in my mind that I am foolishly working hard to have nominal levels of confidence in my day to day life. Forget about getting an erection, I am talking about focusing, taking challenges, fighting, choosing, deciding - actions that define our lives. Especially when we are often forced to act when the facts are not clear. Come to think of it, facts were and will never be clear and hence it is to our great advantage anyway to act.
Also of note is in dating area as well, the fire to go forward is being misappropriated to this high reward zero pain porn. If you have read some top PUA books and forums, what do they say? Go on a diet[^1]? Yes of course when you have the good hunger your internal juices and your brain will do the rest. Copping out is not an option at all. Playing the numbers is not tiresome by no means. All PUA advice in a nut-shell is this - try more numbers. Even if your approach is wrong you will be right twice a day like a broken clock. But if your mind is fighting a tug of war with effortless easy access to a harem of online women, how would you get back on your feet when that girl ignores you? Oh, if it was a public outright rejection I am running, not walking, to my porn girlfriend.
For a long time, before YBOP and Garys articles, none of these things did I relate to my PMOing habit but getting off it has been like awakening from a bad dream. Nowadays I look forward to each day. Of course, bad things still happen in my life, and I am subject to normal stresses and strains but it is wonderful to have the confidence to cope with them, and extra health, energy and confidence make the good times more enjoyable too.
[^1]: **porn diet** - n number of days off before PMO.

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: "03-20 Those Sinister Black Shadows"
date: 2022-12-23T23:18:55+02:00
draft: false
Another of the great joys of quitting porn is to be free of those sinister black shadows at the back of our minds. All PMOers know they are fools to close their minds on the ill-effects of PMO. For most of our lives PMO is automatic but the black shadows are always lurking in our subconscious minds, just beneath the surface. There are several marvellous advantages to achieve from quitting PMO. Some of them I was consciously aware of throughout my life, such as the health risks, the waste of time and the sheer stupidity of making love to a two dimensional image. However, such was my fear of quitting, so obsessed was I in resisting all the attempts of do-gooders and anyone else who tried to persuade me to quit, that all my imagination and energy was directed to finding any flimsy excuse that would allow me to continue to PMO.
Amazingly, my most ingenious thoughts occurred when I was actually trying to quit. They were of course inspired by the fear and misery I suffered when attempting to quit by using willpower. No way could I block my mind from the health and sexual aspects. But now that I am free it amazes me how I successfully blocked my mind from even more important advantages to be gained from quitting. I've already mentioned the sheer slavery - spending half of our lives being allowed to PMO, doing it automatically and wishing we had never started, the other half feeling miserable and deprived because the knowledge of the destructive effects of internet porn won't allow us to PMO. In the last chapter I've referred to the incredible joy of having energy again. But for me the greatest joy of being free was not the health, the time, the energy, or the ending of the slavery, it was the removal of those sinister black shadows, the removal of feeling despised by and feeling apologetic to myself and to other quitters, and most of all to be able to respect yourself.
Most PMOers aren't the weak-willed, spineless jellyfish that both society and themselves tend to believe. In every other aspect of my life I was in control. I loathed myself for being dependent on an evil crutch that I knew was ruining my life. I cannot tell you of the utter joy of being free of those sinister black shadows, the dependency and the self-despising. I can't tell you how nice it is to be able to look at all other users, whether they be young, old, casual or heavy, not with a feeling of envy, but with a feeling of pity for them and elation for yourself that you are no longer the slave of that insidious trap. The other day I felt pity for the guy on a TV show who was so excited to get to watch porn - another case of society slipping one in your drink under the pretence of comedy.
The last two chapters have dealt with the considerable advantages of being a non-PMOer. I feel it necessary to give a balanced account, so the next chapter lists the advantages of being a PMOer.

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
title: "03-21 the Willpower Method of Stopping"
date: 2022-12-23T23:20:42+02:00
draft: false
It is an accepted fact in our society that it is very difficult to stop PMO. Even books and forums advising you how to do so usually start off by telling you how difficult it is. The truth is that it is ridiculously easy. Yes, I can understand you questioning that statement but just consider it. If your aim is to run a mile in under four minutes, that's difficult. You may have to undergo years of hard training and even then you may be physically incapable of doing it. (Much of our achievement lies in the mind. Isn't it strange how difficult it was until Roger Bannister actually did it but nowadays it is commonplace?).
However, in order to stop PMOing all you have to do is not watch internet porn and or masturbate any more. No one forces you to masturbate (apart from yourself) and unlike food or drink, you don't need it to survive. So if you want to stop doing it, why should it be difficult? In fact, it isn't. It is PMOers who make it difficult by using the Willpower Method. I define the Willpower Method as any method that forces the PMOer to feel he is making some sort of sacrifice. Let us just consider the Willpower Method.
We do not decide to become PMOers. We merely experiment with porn magazines or websites and because they are awful, yes that is right awful - except for our desired clip, we are convinced that we can stop whenever we want to. In the main, we watch those first few clips only when we want to and that is usually on special occasions. Before we realize it, we are not only visiting those sites regularly and masturbating when we want to, we are masturbating to them every day. PMO has become a part of our lives. We then ensure that we always have an internet connection wherever we go. We believe that we are entitled to love, sex and orgasms - and also that porn helps to relieve stress. It doesn't seem to occur to us that the same clip and actors do not provide us the same degree of arousal and that we are either escalating or fighting against the red line we have put around ourselves to avoid harmful “bad porn.” In fact, masturbation and internet porn neither improves our sex life nor does it relieve stress, it's just that PMOers believe they can't enjoy life or handle stress without an orgasm - even mind induced porn orgasms. Because that is what many times we are doing.
It usually takes us a long time to realize that we are hooked because we suffer from the illusion that PMOers masturbate because they enjoy porn - not because they have to have porn - a need. While we are not “enjoying” porn (which we can never do unless novelty, shock or escalation is added), we suffer from the illusion that we can stop whenever we want to. This is a confidence trap. I dont enjoy porn, so I am sure I can stop when I want to. Only that you never seem to want to stop though.
Usually it is not until we actually try to stop that we realize a problem exists. The first attempts to stop are more often than not in the early days and are usually triggered off by boy-meets-girl and boy notices the girl is not quite enough after the initial dates or health (the teenager is still active in sport and finds he is short of breath).
Whatever the reason, the PMOer always waits for a stressful situation, whether it be health or sex. As soon as he stops, the little monster needs feeding. The PMOer then wants something to pump that dopamine - a cigarette or alcohol or of course internet porn where your favourites are just a click and log in away. The porn cache is no longer down in the basement, its now virtual in the cloud. If the girl is around or if he is with his friends he cannot have access to his virtual harem and this makes him more distressed.
Now by this time if he had already come across YBOP or Reddit material he is going to be having a tiresome “tug of war” (TOW[^1]), resisting his temptations and feeling deprived. The thing he usually takes to relieve stress is now not available, so he suffers a triple blow. The probable result after a period of torture is the compromise, “I'll cut down,” or, “I've picked the wrong time,” or, “I'll wait until the stress has gone from my life.” However, once the stress has gone, he has no need to stop and doesn't decide to do so again until the next stressful time. Of course, the time is never right because life for most people doesn't become less stressful; it becomes more so. We leave the protection of our parents and enter the world of setting up home, taking on mortgages, having children, more responsible jobs, etc. Of course, the PMOer's life can never become less stressful because it is the porn that actually causes stress. The quicker the PMOer passes on to the escalation stage, the more distressed he becomes and the greater the illusion of his dependency grows.
[^1]: **TOW**- tug of war, dichotomous thinking, double thinking.
In fact, it is an illusion that life becomes more stressful and it's the porn itself, or a similar crutch, that creates the illusion. This will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 28. After these initial failures the PMOer usually relies on the possibility that one day he will wake up and just not want to masturbate, use porn etc. any more. This hope is usually kindled by the stories that he has heard about other ex-PMOers (e.g. “I was not serious until I had a fading penetration then I didnt want to use porn any more and stopped masturbating”).
Don't kid yourself. I have probed all of these rumours and they are never quite as simple as they appear. Usually the user has already been preparing himself to stop and merely used the incident as a springboard. I spent many years waiting to wake up one morning wanting never to PMO again. Whenever I had a PIED incident or even lack of energy - I would look forward to my energy dip to end because it was interfering with my entitled porn orgasms.
More often in the case of people who stop “just like that” they have suffered a shock. Perhaps a discovery by their girlfriend or wife, a self spotting incident of accessing porn that is not of your normal sexual orientation, or they have had a scare themselves. It is so much easier to say, “I just decided to stop one day. That's the sort of guy I am.” Stop kidding yourself! It won't happen unless you make it happen.
Let's consider in greater detail why the Willpower Method is so difficult. For most of our lives we adopt the head-in-the-sand, “I'll stop tomorrow” approach. At odd times something will trigger off an attempt to stop. It may be concerns about health, virility or we may have been going through a particularly heavy bout of self analyses and realize that we don't actually enjoy it.
Whatever the reason, we take our head out of the sand and start weighing up the pros and cons of PMO. It is time to define what PMO is - the internet porn IP, any porn, masturbation with or without porn and orgasms. Sex is split into amative and propagative. This distinction is one of our major keys in opening up our minds doors. Without which there will be confusion and failure will be the result. We then find out what we have known all our lives: on a rational assessment the conclusion is, a dozen times over, STOP PMOing.
If you were to sit down and give points out often to all the advantages of stopping and do a similar exercise with the advantages of PMOing, the total point count for stopping would far outweigh the disadvantages. If you employ Pascals Wager - by quitting, you will see that you are losing almost nothing with higher chances of gaining a lot and also higher chances of NOT losing a lot. However, although the PMOer knows that he will be better off as a non-PMOer, he does believe that he is making a sacrifice. Although it is an illusion, it is a powerful illusion. The PMOer doesn't know why, but he believes that during the good times and the bad times of life the PMO sessions does appear to help. Before he starts the attempt he has the brainwashing of our society, reinforced by the brainwashing of his own addiction. To these must be added the even more powerful brainwashing of how difficult it is to “give up.”
He has heard stories of PMOers who have stopped for many months and are still desperately craving. There are all the disgruntled stoppers (people who stop and then spend the rest of their lives bemoaning the fact that they'd love to PMO). He has heard of the PMOers who had stopped for many months or even years, apparently leading happy lives but then have one look or PMO and are suddenly hooked again. Probably he also knows several PMOers in the advanced stages of the disease who are visibly destroying themselves and are clearly not enjoying life yet they continue to PMO. Added to all this, he has perhaps already suffered one or more of these experiences himself.
So, instead of starting with the feeling, “Great! Have you heard the news? I dont need to PMO any more!” He starts with a feeling of doom and gloom, as if he were trying to climb Everest and he firmly believes that once the little monster has got his hooks into you, you are hooked for life. Many PMOers even start the attempt by apologizing to their girlfriends and wives: “Look. I am trying to give up PMO. I will probably be irritable during the next few weeks. Try to bear with me.” Most attempts are doomed before they start.
Let's assume that the PMOer survives a few days without a PMO session. He is getting back his arousal and morning wood is starting to rear its head. He hasn't opened the “favourites” on his tube sites and consequently getting turned on and a tent appears for incidences where he would have zoned out before. So the reasons why he decided to stop in the first place are rapidly disappearing from his thoughts. It is like seeing a bad road accident when you are driving. It slows you down for a while but the next time you are late for an appointment you have forgotten all about it and your foot stamps on the throttle.
On the other side of the tug of war, that little monster inside you hasn't had his fix. There is no physical pain. If you had the same feeling because of a cold, you wouldn't stop working or get depressed. You would laugh it off. All the PMOer knows is that he wants to visit his harem. Quite why it is so important to him he doesn't know. The little monster in the stomach then starts off the big monster in the mind and now the person who a few hours or days earlier was listing all the reasons to stop is desperately searching for any excuse to start again. Now he is saying things like:
* “Life is too short. A bomb could go off. I could step under a bus tomorrow. I have left it too late. They tell you everything gives you addiction these days.”
* “I have picked the wrong time. I should have waited until after Christmas, after my holidays/tests, after this stressful event in my life. I cannot concentrate, I am getting irritable and bad tempered. I cannot do my job properly. My family and friends won't love me. Let's face it, for everybody's sake I have got to start again. I am a confirmed sex addict and there is no way I will ever be happy again without an orgasm inducing masturbation.”
* “No man can survive without sex (brainwashed by well meaning people who did not think about the amative and propagative distinction of sex).”
* “I know this will happen - my brain is sensitized by the deltaFosB due to changes effected by dopamine surges because of my past excessive porn use. Sensitization can never be removed from the brain.”
At this stage the PMOer usually gives in. He fires up his browser and the schizophrenia increases. On the one hand there is the tremendous relief of ending the craving, when the little monster finally gets his fix; on the other hand, the orgasm is awful and the PMOer cannot understand why he is doing it. This is why the PMOer thinks he lacks willpower. In fact, it is not lack of willpower; all he has done is to change his mind and make a perfectly-rational decision in the light of the latest information.
* “What's the point of being healthy if you are miserable?”
* “What is the point of being rich if you are miserable?”
Absolutely none. Far better to have a shorter enjoyable life than a lengthy miserable life. Fortunately, that is not true - just the reverse. Life as a non-PMOer is infinitely more enjoyable but it was this delusion that kept me masturbating for twenty five years. I must confess, if that were the true situation, I would still be PMOing. The misery that the PMOer is suffering has nothing to do with withdrawal pangs. True, they trigger them off, but the actual agony is in the mind and it is caused by doubt and uncertainty. Because the PMOer starts by feeling he is making a sacrifice, he begins to feel deprived - this is a form of stress. One of the times when his brain tells him, “have a peek,” will be a time of stress. Therefore as soon as he stops, he wants to go back. But now he can't because he has stopped. This makes him more depressed, which sets the trigger off again. Another thing that makes it so difficult is the waiting for something to happen. If your object is to pass a driving test, as soon as you have passed the test it is certain you have achieved your object. Under the Willpower Method you say, “if I can go long enough without internet porn then the urge to PMO will eventually go.” You can see this in the forum where addicts talk about their number of days of abstinences.
How do you know when you have achieved it? The answer is that you never do because you are waiting for something to happen and nothing else is going to happen. You stopped when you had that last session and what you are really doing now is waiting to see how long it will be before you give in. Especially if you have read and subscribed the brain chemistry and DeltaFosB or any other similar sciences. You say, “if only I wait it out - like kidney stones - it will dissolve and go away.”
As I said above, the agony that the PMOer undergoes is mental and caused by uncertainty. Although there is no physical pain, it still has a powerful effect. The PMoer is miserable and feeling insecure. Far from forgetting about PMO, his mind instead becomes obsessed with it. There can be days or even weeks of black depression. His mind is obsessed with doubts and fears.
* “How long will the craving last?”
* “Will I ever be happy again?”
* “Will I ever want to get up in the morning?”
* “How will I ever cope with stress in future?”
The PMOer is waiting for things to improve but of course while he is still moping, the harem is becoming more precious. In fact, something does happen but the user isn't conscious of it. If he can survive three weeks without opening up his browser at all, the physical craving for porn and orgasm (the little monster) disappears. However, as stated before, the pangs of withdrawal from dopamine and opioids are so mild that the user isn't aware of them.
But after about three weeks many PMOers sense that they have “kicked it.” So they then take a peek to prove it and it does just that. The ex-PMOer has now supplied dopamine to the body and as soon as he is done it starts to leave the body. There is now a little voice at the back of his mind saying, “you want another one.” In fact, he had kicked it but now he has hooked himself again.
When you were a child you watched Mickey Mouse on TV and as per the brain science you formed DeltaFosB for the cartoon. If I were to discourage you at that time from watching this program - Id study why adults dont like to watch their favourite childhood cartoon anymore - whether they still hold this DeltaFosB or not. For one, they have better entertainment and for the other the old cartoon does not hold the magic anymore. With the Willpower Method you are denying the child the cartoon - but with my method you are also making sure that he sees no value in the cartoon. Which one is better?
The PMOer will not usually get into another session immediately. He thinks, “I don't want to get hooked again!” So he allows a safe period to pass. It might be hours, days, even weeks. The ex-PMOer can now say, “well, I didn't get hooked, so I can safely have another session.” He has fallen back into the same trap as he did in the first place and is already on the slippery slope.
PMOers who succeed under the Willpower Method tend to find it long and difficult because the main problem is the brainwashing - long after the physical addiction has died, the PMOer is still moping around all miserable. Eventually - if he can survive this long-term torture - it begins to dawn on him that he is not going to give in. He stops moping and accepts that life goes on and is enjoyable without PMO.
Many PMOers are succeeding with this Willpower Method but it is difficult and arduous. There are many more failures than successes. Even those who do succeed can go through the rest of their lives in a vulnerable state. They are left with a certain amount of the brainwashing and believe that during good and bad times the PMOs can give you a boost. (Most non-PMOers also suffer from that illusion. They are subjected to the brainwashing also but either find they cannot learn to “enjoy” internet porn or are too religious and don't want the bad side, thank you very much). This explains why many PMOers who have stopped for long periods end up starting again later on.
Many ex-PMOers will have the occasional session as a “special treat” or to convince themselves how strong their self-control is. It does exactly that but as soon as their session ends, dopamine starts to leave and a little voice at the back of their mind is saying, “you want another one.” If they get on with another one, it still seems to be under control - no shocks, no escalation, no novelty seek and they say, “marvellous! While I am not really enjoying it, I won't get hooked. After Christmas/the holiday/this trauma, I will stop,” Little do they know the water slides of their brain. The action greased the slides even more.
Too late. They are already hooked. The trap that they fell into in the first place has claimed its victim again.
As I keep saying, enjoyment doesn't come into it. It never did! If we PMOed because we enjoyed it, nobody would stay on the tube sites more than the average time it takes to finish the deed. Anyway, a better way to orgasm is to masturbate out of your memories. We assume we enjoy internet porn only because we cannot believe we would be so stupid as to get addicted if we didn't enjoy them. I had no idea about supranormal stimulus or novelty-seeking or shock-seeking, and even after I read about them, I did not believe that so much of my “fun” seeking was to do with simple evolutionary reward circuit wiring. I am some lab rat? I have free will! This is why so much of our PMOing is subconscious. If, while using, you were aware of the brain changes (the dopamine/opioid squirts, diluting of those fluids, the closing up of their receptors, the satiation levels going up ruining our future encounters and experiences with the opposite sex and you had to say to yourself, “this is going to cost $$$ in my lifetime, and this session with an unknown two dimensional actor might just be the one to trigger off PIED, PE, hypofrontality by greasing those water slides” - even the illusion of enjoyment would go.
When we try to block our minds to the bad side, we feel stupid. If we had to face up to it, that would be intolerable! If you get to watch a PMOer in action, you will see that they are happy only when they are not aware that they are PMOing. Once they become aware of it, they tend to be uncomfortable and apologetic. We PMO to feed that little monster... and once you have purged the little monster from your body and the big monster from your brain, you will have neither need nor desire to PMO.

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
title: "03-22 Beware of Cutting Down"
date: 2022-12-23T23:28:58+02:00
draft: false
Many PMOers resort to cutting down either as a stepping-stone towards stopping or as an attempt to control the little monster. Many recommend cutting down or a porn diet[^1] as a pick-me-up. Obviously, the less you PMO the better off you are but as a stepping-stone to stopping, cutting down is fatal. It is these attempts to cut down that keep us trapped all our lives.
Usually cutting down follows failed attempts to stop. After a few hours or days of abstinence the PMOer says to himself something like:
> *“I cannot face the thought of going to sleep without visiting my online harem, so from now on I will just PMO once in four days or I will purge my collection of bad porn. If I can follow this porn diet, I can either hold it there or cut down further.”*
Certain terrible things now happen:
1. He has the worst of all worlds. He is still addicted to internet porn and is keeping the monster alive not only in his body but also in his mind.
2. He is now wishing his life away waiting for the next session.
3. Prior to cutting down, whenever he wanted to visit his harem he would fire up his browser and at least partially relieved his withdrawal pangs. Now, in addition to the normal stresses and strains of life, he is actually causing himself to suffer the withdrawal pangs from porn most of his life. So he is causing himself to be even more miserable and bad tempered.
4. While he was indulging himself, he didn't enjoy most of the PMO sessions nor did he realize he was using a supranormal stimulate. It was automatic. The only harem visits that he imagined he enjoyed were after a period of abstinence (e.g. the first in the four days, the one after a business trip, etc.).
Now that he waits an extra hour for each harem visit, he enjoys every one. The longer he waits, the more enjoyable each PMO session appears to become because the enjoyment in a session isn't the session itself; it's the ending of the agitation caused by the craving, whether it be the slight physical craving for internet porn or the mental moping. The longer you suffer, the more enjoyable each session becomes.
[^1]: **Porn Diet** - Intentionally cutting down or attempting to control etc. Frequency: Restricting PMO to once in four days. Time: Setting a timer for the session. Shock: Safe porn only. Novelty: Only one clip.
The main difficulty of stopping PMOing is not the brain chemical addiction. That's easy. PMOers will all on without it anyway on various occasions - such as death of a loved one, family/work affairs keeping them away from access etc. They will go say, ten days without internet porn and it doesn't bother them. But if they went the same ten days during which time they can have access to internet porn, they would be tearing their hair out.
Many PMOers will get a chance during their work day and abstain from masturbating to orgasm. PMOers will pass through Victorias Secret store in the mall, swimming pools and so on without undue inconvenience. Many PMOers will abstain if they have to sleep on the couch temporarily to make space for a visitor or if they are themselves visiting . Even in the Go-Go bars or on nudist beaches there have been no riots. PMOer are almost pleased for someone to say they cannot masturbate. In fact, PMOers who want to quit get a secret pleasure out of going long periods without a harem visit. It gives them the hope that maybe one day they will never want it.
The real problem when stopping is the brainwashing. That illusion of entitlement that internet porn is some sort of prop or reward and life will never be quite the same without it. Far from turning you off to internet porn, all cutting down does is to leave you feeling insecure and miserable and to convince you that the most precious thing on this earth is the missed new clip on your tube site, that there is no way that you will ever be happy again without seeing that one.
There is nothing more pathetic than the PMOer who is trying to cut down. He suffers from the delusion that the less he PMOs, the less he will want to visit the online harems[^2]. In fact, the reverse is true. The less he PMOs, the longer he suffers the withdrawal pangs; the more he enjoys the PMO. However, the more he will then notice that his favourite genre or star are not hitting the spot now. But that won't stop him. If the tube sites were to dedicate to one star only no PMOers would ever go more than once to those online harems.
[^2]: **Harems** - Internet porn sites that cater for streaming videos, webcams and pictures.
You find that difficult to believe? OK, let's talk it out. Which is the worst moment of self control one feels? Waiting for four days and then having a climax. Which is one of the most precious moment for most PMOers who are in the 4 day porn diet? That's right, the same climax after waiting for four days! Now do you really believe you are masturbating to it to enjoy the orgasm? Or do you think a more rational explanation is that you are relieving withdrawal pangs and the illusion that your are entitled to PMO?
It is essential that we remove all these illusions about PMO before you extinguish that final session. Unless you've removed the illusion that you enjoy it before you close the window on the final one, there is no way you can prove it afterwards without getting hooked again. So, unless you are already online waiting to go to your tube site, do type it now. Open up your favourites folder and PMO to your most favourites - star, genre, theme etc. Now as you are in the action ask yourself what is so glorious about this thing. Perhaps you believe that it is only certain clips that are of good taste, like the one on your habitual or favourite theme? If so, why do you bother to watch the other videos and themes?
Because you got into the habit of doing it? Now why would anyone get into the habit of PMO which is screwing up their brain scripts and wasting themselves? Why should a clip of the same star that hit the spot last month not be as exciting now? Nothing is different after a month, so why should porn clip be different after a month?
Don't just rely on me, check it out yourself. Find that hot clip from last month to prove that it is different. Now, set a reminder and watch the same clip after a week of no PMO. It will hit (almost) the same spots like it did last month. The same clip will also do a different thing to you after a social event where you are turned down or tested by some potential partner. The reason is that the addict can never be really happy if that little monster remains unsatisfied.
Where does satisfaction come into it? It's just that they are miserable if they aren't allowed to relieve their withdrawal symptoms at those times. So the difference between PMOing and not PMOing is the difference between being happy and miserable. That's why the internet porn appears to be better. Whereas PMOers who get on the internet first thing in the morning for porn are miserable whether they are PMOing or not.
Cutting down not only doesn't work but it is the worst form of torture. It doesn't work because initially the PMOer hopes that by getting into the habit of using less and less, he will reduce his desire to PMO. It is not a habit. It is an addiction and the nature of any addiction is to want more and more, not less and less. Therefore in order to cut down, the PMOer has to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of his life. So cutting down means willpower and discipline forever.
The main problem of stopping is not the dopamine addiction to internet porn. That's easy to cope with. It is the mistaken belief that the porn gives you some pleasure. This mistaken belief is brought about initially by the brainwashing we receive before we started using internet porn, which is then reinforced by the actual addiction. All cutting down does is reinforce the fallacy further to the extent that porn dominates the users life completely and convinces him that the most precious thing on this earth is the addiction.
As I have already said, cutting down never works anyway because you have to or must exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life. If you did not have enough willpower to stop then you certainly have not got enough to cut down. Stopping is far easier and less painful. I have heard of literally thousands of cases in which cutting down has failed.
The handful of successes I have known have been achieved after a relatively short period of cutting down, followed by the 'cold turkey'. These PMOers really stopped in spite of cutting down, not because of it. All it did was prolong the agony. A failed attempt to cut down leaves the PMOer a nervous wreck, even more convinced that he is hooked for life. This is usually enough to keep him reverting back to is online harem for pleasure and crutch for another stretch of time before the next attempt.
However, cutting down helps to illustrate the whole futility of PMO because it clearly illustrates that a visit to the harem is enjoyable only after a period of abstinence. You have to bang your head against a brick wall (i.e. suffer withdrawal pangs) to make it nice when you stop. So the choices are:
1. Cut down for life. This will be self-imposed torture and you will not be able to do it anyway.
2. Increasingly torture yourself for life. What is the point?
3. Be nice to yourself. Stop doing it.
The other important point that cutting down demonstrates is that there is no such thing as the odd or occasional harem visit. Internet porn is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you make a positive effort to break it:
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
title: "03-23 Just One Peek"
date: 2022-12-23T23:35:22+02:00
draft: false
“Just one peek” is a myth you must get out of your mind:
* It is just one peek that gets us started in the first place.
* It is just one peek to tide us over a difficult patch or on a special occasion that defeats most of our attempts to stop.
* It is just one peek that, when PMOers have succeeded in breaking the addiction, sends them back into the trap. Sometimes it is just to confirm that they do not need them any more and that one harem visit does just that.
The after effect of PMO will be horrible and convinces the PMOer he will never become hooked again but he already is. The PMOer feels that something that is making him or her so miserable and guilty should have not made him or her do it yet they did.
It is the thought of that one special PMO session that often prevents users from stopping. The one after your long conference trip or the one after your hard day at work or your fight with kids or after an incident where your partner rejects you for sex. Get it firmly in your mind there is no such thing as “just one peek.” It is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you break it. It is the myth about the odd, special occasion that keeps PMOers moping about it when they stop. Get into the habit of never seeing the “no big deal” (NBD[^1]) session - it is a fantasy. Whenever you think about porn or PMO, see a whole filthy lifetime of spending a lot of time behind a screen just for the privilege of destroying yourself mentally and physically, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of hopelessness. It is not a crime if your erections are unreliable. But it is when you could be happier in the long term but choose to sacrifice that for a short term pleasure.
It is OK that we cant always come up with something to do for the void and it is not realistically possible to do that every time and for our entire life. Yes, we can plan for most of them, but sometimes void happens. Good times and bad times also happen, irrespective of your PMO anyway. But get it clearly into your mind: the PMO isn't it. You are stuck with either a lifetime of misery or none at all. You wouldn't dream of taking cyanide because you liked the taste of almonds, so stop punishing yourself with the thought of the occasional “no big deal” PMO. Ask a PMOer with issues, “if you had the opportunity to go back to the time before you became hooked, would you have become a PMOer?” The answer is inevitably, “you have got to be joking!” Yet every PMOer has that choice every day of his life. Why doesn't he opt for it? The answer is fear. The fear that he cannot stop or that life won't be the same without it.
[^1]: **NBD** - no big deal.
[^2]: **JOP** - Just one peek.
Stop kidding yourself! You can do it. Anybody can. It's ridiculously easy. In order to make it easy to stop masturbating to internet porn there are certain fundamentals to get clear in your mind. We have already dealt with three of them up to now:
1. There is nothing to give up. There are actually only marvellous positive gains to achieve.
2. Never convince yourself of the odd/NBD (no big deal) or JOP[^2] (just one peak) PMO. It doesn't exist. There is only a lifetime of filth and slavery,
3. There is nothing different about you. Any addicted PMOer can find it easy to stop.
Many PMOers believe that they are confirmed addicts or have addictive personalities. This usually happens if they have read the shocking[^3] part of the brain science a little bit too much. I promise you there is no such thing. No one is born with needs to masturbate to video clips before they become hooked on the drug. It is the drug that hooks you and not the nature of your character or personality. It is the effect of addictive supranormal stimuli that makes you believe that you have an addictive personality. However, it is essential that you remove this belief because if you believe that you are dependent on internet porn, you will be. Even after the little porn monster inside your body is dead. It is essential to remove all of this brainwashing.
[^3]: The shocking part of brain chemistry talks about a long lasting deltaFosB stable protein that forms the water slide cues in our brains. These cause the slip-lapse-relapse cycles in addicts. They are greased (kept alive) every time the addicted substance is used.

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
title: "03-24 Casual PMOers, Teenagers, Non PMOers"
date: 2022-12-23T23:40:22+02:00
draft: false
Heavy PMOers tend to envy the casual porn user. We've all met these characters: “Oh, I can go all week without a PMO, it really doesn't bother me.” We think: “I wish I were like that!” I know this is hard to believe but no PMOer enjoys being a PMOer. Never forget:
* No PMOer ever decided to become a PMOer casual or otherwise, therefore:
* All PMOers feel stupid, therefore:
* All PMOers have to lie to themselves and other people in a vain attempt to justify their stupidity.
I used to be a golf fanatic. I would brag about how often I played and I wanted to play more. Why do PMOers brag about how little they masturbate? If that's the true criterion then surely the true accolade is not to masturbate at all?
If I said to you, “do you know, I can go all week without carrots and it doesn't bother me in the slightest,” You would think I was some sort of nutcase. If I enjoy carrots, why would I want go all week without them? If I didn't enjoy them, why would I make such a statement? So when a user makes a statement like: “I can go all week without a PMO session, it really doesn't bother me.” He's trying to convince both himself and you that he has no problem. But there would be no need to make the statement if he had no problem. What he is really saying is: “I managed to survive a whole week without PMOing.” Like every PMOer, he was probably hoping that after this he could survive the rest of his life. But he could only survive a week and can you imagine how precious that PMO session must have been afterwards, having felt deprived for a whole week?
This is why casual PMOers are effectively more hooked than heavy PMOers. Not only is the illusion of pleasure greater but they have less incentive to quit because they spend less time and are less vulnerable to the health risks. They may occasionally experience PIED but they are not very sure what caused it. Remember, the only pleasure PMOers get is in search-and-seek and then to relieve the withdrawal pangs, as I have already explained but even that pleasure is an illusion. Imagine the little porn monster inside your body as a permanent itch so imperceptible that most of the time we aren't even aware of it.
Now if you have a permanent itch, the natural tendency is to scratch it. Similarly as our brain's reward circuits become more and more immune to dopamine and opioids, the natural tendency is to edge, escalate, binge, novelty-seek, shock-seek etc. There are four main factors that prevent PMOers from chain-PMOing:
1. Time. Most cannot afford to.
2. Health. In order to relieve our itches we have to consume all free material that is available and then some. Capacity to cope with that kind of binging varies with each individual and at different times and situations in his or her life. This acts as an automatic restraint.
3. Discipline. This is imposed by society or the PMOers job, or friends and relatives, or by the PMOer himself as a result of the natural tug of war that goes on in every PMOers mind.
4. Imagination. Lack of imagination plays down the shock, novelty and other values of the same clip on a subjective basis.
I used to think of my non-casual PMOing as a weakness. I couldn't understand why my friends could limit their “intake.” I knew I was a very strong-willed person. It never occurred to me that most PMOers are incapable of chain-PMOing - you need a very strong imagination and also extraordinarily strong penis stamina in order to do it. Some of these once-a-week PMOers that heavy PMOers tend to envy do it less frequently because physically their constitution cannot do more, or because they cannot afford to PMO more, or because their job, or society, or their own hatred of being hooked won't allow them to PMO more.
It may be of advantage at this stage to provide a few definitions:
Someone who has never fallen for the trap but should not be complacent. He is a non-PMOer only by luck or the grace of goodness. All PMOers were convinced that they would never become hooked and some non-PMOers keep trying an occasional session.
There are two basic classifications of casual PMOers:
1. The PMOer who has fallen for the trap but doesn't realize it. Do not envy such PMOers. They are merely sampling the nectar at the mouth of the pitcher plant and in all probability will soon be heavy users. Remember, just as all alcoholics started off as casual drinkers, so all PMOers started off as casual PMOers.
2. The PMOer who was previously a heavy PMOer and thinks he cannot stop. These PMOers are the saddest of all. They fall into various categories, each of which needs separate comment.
If he enjoys his entitlement to orgasm, why does he use internet porn to orgasm only once a day? If he can take it or leave it, why does he bother to PMO at all? Remember, the habit is really banging your head against the brick wall only to make it relaxing when you stop. The once-a-day PMOer is relieving his withdrawal pangs for less than one hour each day. The rest of the day, although he doesn't realize it, he is banging his head against the wall and does so for most of his life. He is PMOing only once a day because either he cannot take the risk of getting caught or screwing up his brain health. It is easy to convince the heavy PMOer that he doesn't enjoy it but you try convincing a casual PMOer. Anybody who has gone through an attempt to cut down will know it is the worst torture of all and almost guaranteed to keep you hooked for the rest of your life.
This PMOer demands the right to his/her orgasm(s) every day. And of course his sex partner is not always up to it. So he goes on the internet for porn initially. Once he takes “the ride” to fix “the void” he is trapped on this most exciting water slide of novelty, shock, supranormal images etc. He is in fact dichotomously happy with the partners rejection it gives him something of an excuse. If internet porn is giving so much to you, why even bother to have a partner at all? Set him or her free. He is not even enjoying the PMO when he has to carry his partner in his mind. At some point he is using his real life partner to hand him an excuse to go out into the valleys of the dark side of the internet.
(Or, “I can stop whenever I want to. I have done it thousands of times”). If he thinks dieting helps with his moods to get out to get women, why is he even on the diet of once every four days? How can one predict the future, what if the happenstance of meeting occurred just an hour after your scheduled PMO session? Also, if he thinks this occasional “cleaning the plumbing” is good to relieve tension and relax why not plumb every day? It has been proven that masturbation is not required to keep the genitals healthy. Internet porn is not required at all. Even if that may be the case, any PUA guru who has read about the brain chemistry and its plasticity will never recommend watching super stimulus porn. The truth is he is still hooked. Although he gets rid of the physical addiction, he is left with the main problem - the brainwashing. He hopes each time that he will stop for good and soon falls for the same trap again.
Many PMOers actually envy these stoppers and starters. They think, “how lucky to be able to control it like that, to do PMO when you want to and stop when you want to,” What they always overlook is that these stoppers and starters aren't controlling it. When they are PMOers, they wish they weren't. They go through the hassle of stopping, then begin to feel deprived and fall for the trap again, then wish they hadn't. They get the worst of both worlds. If you think about it, this is true in the lives of the PMOers. When we are allowed to PMO we either take it as entitled or wish we didn't. It's only when we can't have PMO that it appears to be so precious. The forbidden fruit syndrome. This is the awful dilemma of PMOers. They can never win because they are moping for a myth, an illusion. There is one way they can win and that is to stop PMOing and stop moping!
Yes, we all do it to start with but isn't it amazing how the average shock value of these clips seems rapidly to increase and before we know it we seem to be feeling deprived (tolerance)? The novelty is lacking in with static porn and we pay the mascot for a cup of grease and take the ride down the porn water slide towards the dark spirals of resentment and guilt. The worst thing you can do is to use your partner's pictures (with approval, of course) for masturbation. Why? Because you are re-wiring your brain for the seeking, searching and variety induced dopamine flushes. The porn water slides in the brain is the DeltaFosB built-up due to the dopamine surges induced by internet porn. But you will find yourself having weak and unreliable erections when you are with her in real time. Another genre in this category is amateur or home made porn. Most are fakes and you know it. And you are not going to settle down and finish on the very first one that hits your eyes... you are going to continue to seek and search. Remember its not only the orgasms but the search-and-seek, the wandering, that gives the porn slide the surge, the ride. The porn content, whether amateur or professional or whatever is not the issue, it is the brain flushes of dopamine during the search-and-seek - the building up of brain tolerance and satiation. Porn destroys normal brain operations. Masturbation confuses the muscle-brain. Orgasms floods the brain and so it should be, better the risks involved in having one.
In a way such peeking PMOers are the most pathetic of all. Either they go through their lives believing they are being deprived or, more often, the occasional peek becomes two. They remain on the slippery slope and it goes only one way - DOWNWARDS. Sooner or later they are back to being heavy PMOers. They have fallen again for the very trap that they fell into in the first place.
There are two other categories of casual PMOers. The first is the type who masturbates to images or clips of the latest celebrity sex tapes that hit the news. Or something they carried home from their accidental viewing at school or work. These people are really non-PMOers. It's just that they feel they are missing out. They want to be part of the action. We all start off like this. Next time watch how, after a while, the celebrity sex tape, the same star of your fantasy is not doing it to you any more. The more unattainable the target of your fantasy is, the more frustrating the withdrawal of the orgasm is.
The second category is recently getting attention. The type can best be described by outlining a case shared online. A woman who is a professional, had been using internet porn stories for many years and had never PMOed more or less than one time every night. She was, incidentally, a very strong-willed lady. Most PMOers would wonder why she wanted to stop in the first place. They would gladly point out to her that there is no worries of PIED, or PE in her case as she is a women. She is using not even static images and the stories are far tamer than any they use on a daily basis.
They make the mistake of assuming that casual PMOers are happier and more in control. In control they may be but happy they are not. In this case, she is not satisfied with her partner, not interested in real sex, highly irritable with her daily stress and strains. Her nearest-and-dearest could not find out what is bothering her. Even if she convinced herself not to be afraid of her use of internet porn by rationalizing, she still finds herself not being able to enjoy real relationships which almost invariably involve ups and downs. Her brains RC[^1] is not able to make use of the normal de-stress brain chemicals as she is flooding dopamine into her brain on an everyday basis. The down regulation[^2] of her brain receptors has rendered her melancholic most times. Like me, she had a great fear of internet porns dark side of the treatment of women- before her first time. Like me, she eventually fell victim to the massive social brainwash and tried that first porn site. Like me, she can remember the foul clips of violence staged as entertainment. Unlike me, who capitulated and became a chain-PMOer very quickly, she resisted the slide.
[^1]: **RC** - reward circuits.
[^2]: **Regulation** - Up and down regulation is a natural reactionary process of the brain to adjust receptors and or their neuro-transmitters based on the level that is present.
All you ever enjoy in PMO is the ending of the craving that started before it, whether it be the almost imperceptible physical craving for dopamine or the mental torture caused by not being allowed to scratch the itch. Internet porn itself is a poison as far as it concerns you. This is why you only suffer the illusion of enjoying it after a period of abstinence. Just like a hunger or thirst, the longer you suffer it, the greater the pleasure when you finally relieve it. PMOers make the mistake of believing PMO is just a habit. They think, “if I can only keep it down to a certain level or do only on special occasions, my brain and body will accept it. I can then keep my PMOing at that level or cut down further should I wish to.” Get it clear in your mind: the 'habit' doesn't exist. PMOing is drug addiction. The natural tendency is to relieve withdrawal pangs, not to endure them. Even to hold it at the level you are already at, you would have to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life because as your brain's RC becomes immune to dopamine and opioids, it wants more and more, not less and less. As PMO begins to destroy you physically and mentally, as it gradually breaks down your nervous system, your courage and confidence, your impulse controls, so you are increasingly unable to resist reducing the interval between each session.
That is why in the early days, we can take it or leave it. If we get a sign of something amiss mentally or physically, we just stop. It also explains why someone like me, who never even suffered the illusion of enjoying them, had to go on chain-PMOing even though every time it had become a physical torture. Don't envy that woman. When you PMO only once every twenty four hours it appears to be the most precious thing on earth. The “forbidden fruit syndrome.” For many years that poor woman had been at the centre of a tug of war.
She had been unable to stop PMOing, yet was frightened to escalate to streaming clips. But for twenty-three hours and ten minutes of every one of those days she had to fight the temptation. She also had to fight her own lack of feelings towards her boyfriend. It took tremendous willpower to do what she did and, as I have said, such cases are rare. But it reduced her to tears in the end. Just look at it logically: either there is a genuine crutch or pleasure in PMOing or there isn't. If there is, who wants to wait an hour, or a day, or a week? Why should you be denied the crutch or pleasure in the meantime? If there is no genuine crutch or pleasure, why bother paying visits to your online harem?
Here is another case of a once-in-four-days man. This is how the man described his life:
> *“I am forty years old. I suffered PIED with real women and even when Id be doing PMO. Most times I am only rubbing it out. It has been a while since I had a full erection. Before going on the one-in-four days porn diet, I used to sleep soundly through the night after my PMO. Now I wake up every hour of the night and all I can think about is PMO. Even when I am sleeping. I dream about my favourite clips. On days after my scheduled PMO I feel pretty down and this diet would take up all my energy. My SO would leave me alone because I am so bad-tempered and if she cant get out, she will not have me in the house. I go for a jog outside but my mind is obsessed with PMOing. On the schedule day I begin planning earlier in the night. I get very irritated if something happens against my plans. Id give up on conversation and give in (only to later regret) at work and at home. I am not an argumentative guy but I dont want the topic or conversation to hold me down. I remember occasions when Id pick up silly fights with my SO. I then wait for 10 o'clock. When it arrives my hands are shaking uncontrollably. I do not start the deed right away. As there are new videos that has been added, I had to shop around. As I click around, my mind tells me that since I had starved myself for 4 days I deserve a special clip and it has to be worth the time spent searching. Eventually I settle for one or two but then I want it to last so that I can survive through the next 4 days. So I take more time to finish the deed.”*
In addition to his other troubles, this poor man has no idea that he treating himself to a poison. First he is suffering the “forbidden fruit syndrome.” Next he is forcing his brain to flush dopamine. His dopamine receptors are not as cut down comparatively either. But he is sliding and greasing the porn slides, seeking and searching for edging, novelty, variety, shock-value, anxiety-value (“I must treat myself so that I can survive the next three days”) etc. You probably have visions of a pathetic imbecile. Not so. This man was over six feet tall and an ex-sergeant in the Marines. He was a former athlete and didn't want to become an addict to anything. However, when he returned from the war he was trained as a techie in a veterans rehab program. When he entered the civil work force he was a well paid IT professional in a bank and was given a laptop (one of the ways to ensure you take work home). It was the year that famous socialites leaked their porn videos online. There was much talk about it. And he got hooked. He has spent the rest of his life paying through the nose and it has ruined him physically and mentally. If he were an animal, our society would have put him out of his misery, yet we still allow mentally and physically healthy young teenagers to become hooked. You may think the above case and my notes are exaggerated. It is extreme but not unique. There are literally thousands of similar stories. That man poured his heart out to me but you can be sure that many of his friends and acquaintances envied him for being a once-a-week man. If you think this couldn't happen to you, STOP KIDDING YOURSELF.
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In any event, PMOers like other addicts are notorious liars, even to themselves. They have to be. Most casual PMOers indulge far more times and on far more occasions than they will admit to. I have had many conversations with so-called twice-a-week PMOers during which they have done it more than three times that week. If you read the Reddit or No-Fap forums of casual PMOers, they are either counting the days or waiting to fail. You do not need to envy casual PMOers. You do not need to PMO. Life is infinitely sweeter without PMO. One log says...
> *“It started with a simple challenge to not touch my penis for a day. And being unable. I don't think about masturbation anymore. It doesn't cross my mind. That is possible, I promise you. And the riches that await those who are able - they're incredible.”*
Teenagers are generally more difficult to cure, not because they find it difficult to stop but because either they do not believe they are hooked or they are at the primary stage of the trap and suffer from the delusion that they will automatically have stopped before the secondary stage.
I would like particularly to warn parents of children who loathe internet porn not to have a false sense of security. All children loathe the dark sides of porn until they become hooked. You did too at one time. Also do not be fooled by scare campaigns. The trap is the same as it always was. Children know that internet porn is supranormal stimuli but they also know that one visit or peek will not do it. At some stage they may be influenced by a girlfriend or boyfriend, school friend or work colleague.
You may think that all they need is an education in brain plasticity and that PMO (including even masturbation) acts like a virus in their brain programme to convince them they could never become hooked. I find society's failure to prevent our children from becoming addicted to internet porn and other drugs to be the most disturbing of all the many disturbing facets of addiction. I beg you not to be complacent in this matter. It is necessary to protect youngsters as their brain is more plastic at that age. I strongly urge you to read the YBOP book and educate yourself of the brain science. Even if you suspect your teenager might lready be hooked, the book will provide excellent guidance to assist in gaining understanding for someone to escape.

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
title: "03-25 The YouTube PMOer"
date: 2022-12-23T23:51:35+02:00
draft: false
The YouTube PMOer should be grouped with casual PMOers but the effects of a YouTube PMOer are so insidious that it merits a separate chapter. It can lead to the breakdown of personal self control. In one case it nearly caused a split for a No-Fap forum user.
> *“I was three weeks into one of my failed attempts to stop. The attempt had been triggered off by my wife's worry about my unreliable hard-ons and lack of interest. I had told her that it was not her and it was just job pressure. She said, 'I know you had handled the work pressure before but how would you feel if you were me and had to watch someone you love systematically destroying themselves? It was an argument that I found irresistible, hence the attempt to stop. She knows that I am not cheating - but this in a way is as worse as that (sic). The attempt ended after three weeks after a heated argument with an old friend. It did not register until years afterwards that my devious mind had deliberately triggered off the argument. I felt justly aggrieved at the time but I do not believe that it was coincidence, as I had never argued with this particular friend before, nor have I since. It was clearly the little monster at work. Anyway, I had my excuse. I desperately needed a release of orgasm and it doesnt matter how. As it happens she was not in the mood right away and I was in an “entitlement” hurry. So I convinced myself that it is OK if I restrict myself by avoiding a porn site and just stay this side of the red line and watch only YouTube videos. But she came around as the night unfolded and wanted to make love. But I was tired and not with all my horsepower. I then invented a headache. I could not bear to think of the disappointment this would cause my wife. Then gradually I returned to the old ways, only YouTube became my new harem destination. I remember being quite pleased at the time. I thought, 'well, at least it is cutting my consumption down; Eventually she accused me of continuing to ignore her in the bed. I had not realized it but she described the times I had caused an argument and stormed out of the house. At other times I had taken two hours to purchase some minor item and faked a sprain or something. I had made feeble excuses to cop out of the whole wooing her and etc. when I have a reliable online harem it is even more hard.”*
The worst thing about the YouTube PMOer is that it supports the fallacy in the PMOers mind that he is being deprived. At the same time, it causes a major loss of self-respect; an otherwise honest person may force himself to deceive his loved one. It has probably happened or is still happening to you in some form.
It happened to me several times. Have you ever watched the TV detective series Columbo? The theme of each episode is similar. The villain, usually a wealthy and respected businessman, has committed what he is convinced is the perfect murder and his confidence in his crime remaining undetected receives a boost when he discovers that the rather shabby and unimpressive-looking Detective Columbo is in charge of the case.
Columbo has this frustrating practice of closing the door after finishing his interrogation, having assured the suspect that he is in the clear and before the satisfied look has disappeared from the murderer's face, Columbo reappears with: “just one small point, sir, which I'm sure you can explain...” The suspect stammers and from that point on we know and he knows that Columbo will gradually wear him down. No matter how heinous the crime, from that point on my sympathies were with the murderer.
It was almost as if I were the criminal and that's exactly how those bouts made me feel. The tension of not being allowed to cross the red line to get my porn fix that I “rightly deserve because I am hard working man and why shouldnt I when every man does it?” entitlement, click, click, clicking on videos that come close to the right one. Longing for the porn tube videos. And then finishing the deed - just a limp rub out, wondering where the pleasure was. The fear of crossing the line losing control. The relief of returning to the bed, immediately followed by the fear that she would toss around and ask for sex. As the “safe” YouTube videos started not to do it for me - desensitization and lack of novelty and the certain knowledge that sooner or later I was bound to visit my favourite online harem. The final humiliation and shame when that certainty became a fact, followed by the immediate return to chain-PMOing.
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title: "03-26 A Social Habit?"
date: 2022-12-23T23:54:03+02:00
draft: false
Health of mind and body are the main reason why we should want to stop but then they always have been. We do not actually need scientific research and knowledge in brain chemistry to tell us that internet porn is addictive and can potentially shatter our lives. These bodies of ours are the most sophisticated objects on the planet and any PMOer knows instantly, from the first session, that the stimulus can go to excess and it can turn poisonous.
The only reason why we ever get involved with internet porn is the PMOs overlap with their evolutionary brain programming. Porn is available for free and it gets streamed 24 hours a day. No risk and no traces and with very high brain rewards. Porn was once considered as harmless but that was when the images were static and involved a trip to the local store for a VHS tape.
Today it is generally considered even by PMOers themselves to be a supra-stimulus and addiction forming. In the old days, the strong man did not admit he masturbated. Jerk is a derogatory term. In every pub or club bar the majority of men would be proudly wanting to take a woman home and have real sex. Today the position is completely reversed for the internet porn addicts. Today's man realizes that he is starting to feel that he doesn't need a woman. This scares him. He bands together online and starts discussing experiences, devise strategies and explore options. Today's strong man does not want to depend on drugs. With the social revolution all PMOers nowadays are giving serious thought to stopping internet porn and masturbation. Today's PMOers consider PMO as an useless and harmful activity.
The most significant trend that I have noticed in forums is the increasing emphasis on the anti-social aspect of PMOing. The days when a man boasted of having sex and orgasms every day is slowly getting replaced with, “why do I need to be a slave for this porn monster when I know it is controlling my wand (and mind)?”
The only reason why people continue to PMO after getting educated is because they have failed to stop or are too frightened to try. There are even talks about no porn, no masturbation and no orgasms - with or without partners. Karezza is discussed widely and people are trying it out. Many aforementioned failures are “fail forwards” and thus somewhat benefiting the people who practice them. Once you start in the no-PMO route you will find your best fit that applies to your life. I strongly encourage devising your own plan on orgasms after understanding and practising the separation of the amative and the propagative parts of sex. I am sure whichever route you take you will see the value of preserving the “seed” by limiting the number of times you flush your brain with chemicals by orgasming. You will then never see porn, sex and orgasms as a pleasure or as a crutch for your emotional ups and downs.
I was reading a Reddit forum by non-PMOers dedicated to quitting not only porn but also masturbation. As I read along I thought. “This is good, I see so many have taken to quitting masturbation and I think that is the right way to quit PMO.” However, I found most of the notes pointing to them to try with the Willpower Method. There was a lot of self-pitying as well. Except a few... almost all were not feeling elated and not having the, “yippee I am free from slavery” attitude. Eventually someone broke down - as I unfortunately expected to happen. And the result was a domino effect. All those other PMOers had been sitting there thinking, “surely I can't be the only PMOer here.” However, they were “failing forward” albeit with a lot of self-torturing as they shut down their browsers but did not shut down the desire and the need. This method is the reverse as - we shut down the desire and the need first before shutting down the browser screen. As every day more and more PMOers leave the sinking ship, so those left on it become terrified they'll be the last.
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### **DON'T LET IT BE YOU!**
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title: "03-27 Timing"
date: 2022-12-23T23:55:57+02:00
draft: false
Apart from the obvious point that as it is doing you no good, now is the right time to stop. I believe timing is important. Our society treats internet porn flippantly as a slightly distasteful habit that can not injure your health. It is not. It is drug addiction, a disease and a destroyer of relationships in society. The worst thing that happens in most PMOers lives is getting hooked on that awful addiction. If they stay hooked, horrendous things happen. Timing is important to give yourself the right to a proper cure.
First of all, identify the times or occasions when PMO appears to be important to you. If you are a businessman and use it for the illusion of relief of stress, pick a relatively slack period; a good idea is to choose your annual holiday. If you PMO mainly during boring or relaxing periods, weekends etc. do the opposite. In any event, take the matter seriously and make the attempt the most important thing in your life.
Look ahead for a period of about three weeks and try to anticipate any event that might lead to failure. Occasions like a conference trip, partner out of town etc. need not deter you, providing you anticipate them in advance and do not feel you will be deprived. Do not attempt to cut down in the meantime as this will only create the illusion that being denied is enjoyable. In fact, it helps to force yourself to watch and have as many PMO sessions as possible. While you are having the last session and that last time, be conscious of the disappointment due to satiation, unfulfilled expectations (porn can never satisfy you), any bodily pain or pain in the genitals, the withdrawal effects, the peevishness and the melancholy. Think how marvellous it will be when you allow yourself to stop doing it.
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Remember you aren't giving anything up. On the contrary: you are about to receive marvellous positive gains.
For years the medical profession viewed porn is harmless without knowing the difference between the tame static porn of yesteryear and the latest VR streaming porn. The problem is this; although every PMOer uses internet porn purely to relieve the brain chemical craving for dopamine, it is not the addiction to the brain chemical itself that hooks the PMOer but the self-brainwashing that results from that addiction. An intelligent person will fall for a confidence trick. But only a fool will go on falling for it once he realizes that it's a confidence trick. Fortunately, most PMOers aren't fools; they only think they are. Each individual PMOer has his own private brainwashing. That is why there appears to be such a wide range of different types of PMOer, which only serves to compound the mysteries.
With the benefit of the original book that used this method to stop smoking, which dealt with nicotine addiction (one of the most quickest and addictive drug known to man) and bearing in mind that the personal logs that I collected from Reddit, NoFap and YBOP blogs and forums, I was agreeably surprised to realize that the philosophy propounded in the original book was still sound. The accumulated knowledge that was acquired by the original author Alan Carr and by myself the hack-author is how to communicate that knowledge to each individual PMOer. The fact that I know every PMOer can not only find it easy to stop but can actually enjoy the process is not only pointless but exceedingly frustrating unless I can make the PMOer realize it. The original author of the quit smoking book explains some controversial advice:
> *“Many people have said to me: You say, "Continue to smoke until you have finished the book.'' This tends to make the smoker take ages to read the hook or just not finish it. period. Therefore you should change that instruction. This sounds logical, but I know that if the instruction were: Stop immediately, some smokers wouldn't even start reading the book. I had a smoker consult me in the early days. He said, I really resent having to seek your help, I know I'm strong-willed. In every other area of my life I'm in control. Why is it that all these other smokers are stopping by using their own willpower, yet I have to come to you? He continued, I think I could do it on my own, if I could smoke while I was doing it.’”*
This may sound like a contradiction but I know what the man meant. We think of stopping smoking as something that is very difficult to do. What do we need when we have something difficult to do? We need our little friend. So stopping smoking appears to be a double blow. Not only do we have a difficult task to perform, which is hard enough, but the crutch on which we normally rely on such occasions is no longer available. It didn't occur to me until long after the man had left that my instruction to keep smoking is the real beauty of my method. You can continue to smoke while you go through the process of stopping. You get rid of all your doubts and fears first so when you extinguish that final cigarette you are already a non-smoker and can enjoy being one.
So this book on PMO will also keep the same advice intact. No matter how much I say it will be easy there will be a vast majority who will not be able to accept it due to their personal brainwashing on how difficult it is to quit.
The only chapter that has caused me to question my original advice seriously is this chapter on the matter of the right timing. Above all, I advise that if your special occasions are stress situations at the office then pick a holiday to make an attempt to give up or vice versa. In fact, that isn't the easiest way to do it. The easiest way is to pick what you consider to be the most difficult time to do it, whether it be stress, social, concentration or boredom. Once you've proved that you can cope with and enjoy life in the worst possible situations every other situation becomes easy. But if I gave that as a definite instruction, would you even make the attempt to stop?
Let me use an analogy. My wife and I intend to swim together. We arrive at the pool at the same time but we rarely swim together. The reason is that she immerses one toe and half an hour later she's actually swimming. I cannot stand that slow torture. I know in advance that at some stage, no matter how cold the water is, eventually I'm going to have to brave it. So I've learned to do it the easy way: I dive straight in. Now, assuming that I were in a position to insist that if she didn't dive straight in, she couldn't swim at all. I know that she wouldn't swim at all. Do you see the problem?
From feedback I know that many PMOers have used the original advice I gave on timing to delay what they think will be the “evil day.” My next thoughts were to use the technique that I used for the chapter on the advantages of PMOing, something like: “timing is very important and in the next chapter I will advise you about the best time for you to make the attempt!” You turn the page over and there is just a huge, “NOW!” That is, in fact, the best advice but would you take it? This is the most subtle aspect of the porn trap. When we have genuine stress in our lives, it's not the time to stop yet if we have no stress in our lives, we have no desire to stop. Ask yourself these following questions:
1. When you got porn the first time, did you really decide then that you would continue to depend on it the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU DIDN'T!
2. Are you going to continue the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU AREN'T!
So when will you stop? Tomorrow? Next year? The year after? Isn't this what you've been asking yourself since you first realized you were hooked? Are you hoping that one morning you will wake up and just not want to PMO any more? Stop kidding yourself. I waited many many awful years for it to happen to me. With any addiction you get progressively more hooked, not less. You think it will be easier tomorrow? You're still kidding yourself. If you can't do it today, what makes you think it will be easier tomorrow? Are you going to wait until you've actually started to feel getting out of bed is harder than just masturbating? That would be a bit pointless.
The real trap is the belief that now isn't the right time - it will always be easier tomorrow. We believe that we live stressful lives. In fact, we don't. We've taken most genuine stress out of our lives. When you leave your home you don't live in fear of being attacked by wild animals. Most of us don't have to worry where our next meal is coming from or whether we'll have a roof over our head tonight. But just think of the life of a wild animal. Every time a rabbit comes out of its burrow, it is facing Vietnam the whole of its life. But the rabbit can handle it. It's got adrenalin and other hormones and so have we. The truth is, the most stressful periods for any creature are early childhood and adolescence. But 3 billion years of natural selection have equipped us to cope with stress. Many people who have had hard childhoods grew up to lead normal lives.
We are all able to cope with unkind people and the unpleasant parts of life. I don't believe any of my life adversities have left me with any permanent scars; on the contrary, I believe they have made me a stronger person. When I look back on my life there has only been one thing that I couldn't handle and that was my slavery to that damned internet porn.
A few years ago I thought I had all the worries in the world. I was suicidal - not in the sense that I would have jumped off a roof but in the sense that I knew that this mental tug of war would soon kill me. I argued that if this was life with my crutch, life just wouldn't be worth living without it. What I didn't realize was that when you are physically and mentally depressed everything gets you down. Now I feel like a young boy again. Only one thing made the change in my life: I'm now out of the porn pit.
I know it's a cliché to say, “if you haven't got your health, you've got nothing,” but it's absolutely true. I used to think that physical fitness fanatics like Gary Player were a pain. I used to claim there's more to life than feeling fit; there's sex, booze and tobacco. That's nonsense. When you feel physically and mentally strong you can enjoy the highs and handle the lows. We confuse responsibility with stress. Responsibility becomes stressful only when you don't feel strong enough to handle it. The Richard Burtons of this world are physically and mentally strong. What destroys them is not the stresses of life or their jobs, or old age but the lying crutches they turn to which are just illusions. Sadly in his case and for millions like him those lying crutches kill.
Look at it this way. You've already decided that you are not going to stay in the trap the rest of your life. Therefore at some time in your life whether you find it easy or difficult, you will have to go through the process of getting free. PMOing is not a habit or pleasure. It is drug addiction and a disease. We've already established that far from being easier to stop tomorrow, it will get progressively harder. With a disease that's going to get progressively worse, the time to get rid of it is NOW - or as near to now as you can manage. Just think how quickly each week of our lives comes and goes. That's all it takes. Just think how nice it will he to enjoy the rest of your life without that ever-increasing black shadow hanging over you. And if you follow all my instructions, you won't even have to wait five days. You won't only find it easy after closing down your bowser: Y**OU'LL ENJOY IT!**

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title: "03-28 Will I Miss the Fun?"
date: 2022-12-24T00:01:03+02:00
draft: false
No! Once that little porn monster is dead and your body stops craving dopamine and the porn water slides in your brain start to fade due to lack of greasing, any remaining brainwashing will vanish and you will find yourself both physically and mentally better equipped not only to cope with the stresses and strains of life but to enjoy the good times to the full.
There is only one danger and that is the influence of those who still use sex as their lying crutch and damned pleasure. “The other man's grass is always greener,” is commonplace in many aspects of our lives and is easily understandable. Why is it in the case of PMOing, where the disadvantages are so enormous as compared with even the illusory advantages, that the ex-PMOer tend to envy the man or woman who appears to demand sex and use porn for pleasure and a crutch?
With all the brainwashing of our childhood it is quite understandable that we fall into the trap. Why is it that, once we realize what a mug's game it is and many of us manage to kick the habit, we walk straight back into the same trap? It is the influence of society's brainwashing of porn being conflated with sex and presented as normal. The ex-PMOer has a pang! The insecure void feelings of them being single, which in itself is not a crime anyway, causes anxiety and cues them to PMO water slide. This is indeed a curious anomaly, particularly if you consider this piece of observation: not only is every non-PMOer in the world happy to be a non-PMOer but every PMOer in the world, even with his warped, addicted, brainwashed mind suffering the delusion that he enjoys it or it relaxes him, wishes he had never become hooked in the first place. So why do some ex-PMOers envy the PMOer on these occasions? There are two reasons.
1. “Just one peek.” Remember; it doesn't exist. Stop seeing that isolated occasion and start looking at it from the point of view of the PMOer. You may be envying him but he doesn't approve of himself: he envies you. If only you could somehow watch (clinically) another PMOer. They can be the most powerful boost of all to help you of it. Notice how quickly they open many tabs and many windows of their browsers? They fast forward to their important minutes. How quickly they get bored of some clips and how quickly they run through the gamut of genres producing novelty, shock, anxiety, worry etc. Notice particularly that not only is he/she not aware that he or she is PMOing but even the act of masturbation appears to be automatic. Remember, he is not enjoying it; it's just that he cannot enjoy himself without it. Particularly remember that when he leaves to go to sleep after his visit he is drained of energy. The next morning, when he wakes up with a weakened will, lost energy, bleary eyes, he is going to have to carry on choking himself at the first appearance of stress and strain. The next time he has a pain in the penis, the next ED episode or a fading penetration when he is in the company of a non-PMOer, he has to continue this lifetime chain of paying through the nose just for the privilege of destroying himself physically and mentally. He is facing a lifetime of filth, bad mental health, stained confidence, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of destroying himself, a lifetime of black shadows at the back of his mind. And all of this is to achieve what purpose? The lying illusion if getting what you deserve and the damned pleasure?
2. The second reason why some ex- PMOers have pangs on these occasions is because the PMOer is doing something i.e. self pleasuring and the non-PMOer is not, so he tends to feel deprived. Get it clear in your mind before you start: it is not the non-PMOer who is being deprived. It is the poor PMOer who is being deprived of:
Get out of the habit of envying PMOers and start seeing them as the miserable, pathetic creatures they really are. I know: I was the one of the world's worst. That is why you are reading this book and the ones who cannot face up to it, who have to go on kidding themselves, are the most pathetic of all.
You wouldn't envy a heroin addict. Like all drug addiction, yours won't get better. Each year it will get worse and worse. If you don't enjoy being a PMOer today, you'll enjoy it even less tomorrow. Don't envy other PMOers. Pity them. Believe me: THEY NEED YOUR PITY.

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title: "03-29 Can I Compartmentalize?"
date: 2022-12-24T00:03:34+02:00
draft: false
This is another myth about PMOing spread mainly by PMOers who, when attempting to stop on the Willpower Method, substitute mental gymnastics - they propose to act -Jekyll and Hyde: “Porn is for my alter ego side and real life romance is for my relationship side.” Nothing is further from the truth. The porn waterslides - the deltaFosBs and all the brain changes are going to overrun the real life romance and will make it less desirable. Mr Hyde is most definitely going to overrule Dr. Jekylls instructions.
If you use internet porn, you may be training yourself for the role of voyeur or to need the option of clicking to something more arousing at the least drop in your dopamine levels, or to search and search for just the right scene for maximum effect. Also, you may be masturbating in a hunched-over position or watching your smartphone in bed nightly. You will eventually desire those cues more than the real life action. The thing that goes against real sex is the lack of novelty, variety, harem like 24/7 quick delivery etc. and so it stands no chance compared to your online harem. The younger you were when you started on PMO the longer to rewire and break down those porn water slides and get back those real water slides if there were any from the past or create new ones. Also powerful and lasting are the associated memories from when you were young.
Every time you take a ride on the porn water slide you are greasing it - keeping the nerves fresh. When you park next to a fast food restaurant the smell of the fries floats from the pan into your nostrils and the sale was already made. Likewise, the porn water slides in your brain are there for you to get sucked in and they are open 24 hours a day. Each of these cues, or triggers, can now light up your reward circuit with the promise of sex... only it isn't sex. Nevertheless, nerve cells may solidify these associations with sexual arousal by sprouting new branches to strengthen the connections. The more you use porn the stronger the nerve connections can become, with the result that you may ultimately need to be a voyeur, need to click to new material, need to climax to porn to get to sleep, or need to search for the perfect ending just to get the job done.
As with any substance or behavioural drug, after a while the body becomes immune and the “drug” ceases to relieve the withdrawal pangs completely. As soon as we close a session, the addict wants another one very soon and he has a permanent hunger. The natural inclination is eventually to escalate just to get the dopamine rush. However, most PMOers are prevented from doing this for one, or both, of two reasons.
1. Money - they cannot afford to subscribe to paid porn sites.
2. Health - There is only so much the body can take - either the motivator dopamine surges or the orgasms. And orgasms actually trigger anti-dopamine chemicals to cut down the dopamine flush. It has to - that is the way the body works.
Once that little monster leaves your body the awful feeling of insecurity ends. Your confidence returns, together with a marvellous feeling of self-respect. You obtain the assurance to take control of your life, not only in your other habits but also in all other ways. This is one of the many great advantages of being free from any addiction.
As I have said, the compartment myth is due to one of many tricks that the little monster plays with your mind. In fact, these tricks do not make it easier to stop, they make it harder. The PMOer is therefore left with a permanent hunger that he can never satisfy. This is why many PMOers turn to cigarettes, heavy drinking or even harder drugs in order to satisfy the void.
I had suggested watching porn with one of my partners. But eventually I noticed it did not enhance my arousal at all. The sex was not better. I realized that it actually diminished my attraction towards her. We humans are rating animals - we always self rate and other rate. I am sure she rated me against the male porn start too. Why take chances? Do you want Brad Pitt in your bedroom, even if he is in a poster ? No one man or woman can match a harem where each experience is acted, scripted and directed by professionals and at the ready 24 hours a day.

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title: "03-30 Avoid False Incentives"
date: 2022-12-24T00:05:14+02:00
draft: false
Many PMOers, while trying to stop on the Willpower Method, attempt to increase their motivation by building up false incentives. There are many examples of this, a typical one is, “I will reward myself with a gift after no-PMO for a month.” This appears to be a logical and sensible approach but in fact it is false because any self-respecting PMOer would rather continue PMOing every day than receive a “self given gift.” In any case there is a doubt in the PMOers mind because not only will she have to abstain for thirty days but will she even enjoy the days without a PMO? Her only pleasure or crutch is taken away! All this does is to increase the size of the sacrifice that the PMOer feels she is making, which makes it even more precious in her mind.
Other examples: “I'll stop PMO so that I will force myself to get a social life and seek more sex in real life” OR “Ill stop so some magical energy will help me to leap above the competitors and get this woman I pursue” OR “I commit to not waste my energy and enthusiasm in PMO, so I can grow enough hunger in myself.” These are true and can be effective and you may end up getting what you want. But think about it for a second - if you do get what you had wanted, once the novelty has gone you will feel deprived - if you didnt then you will feel miserable and either way sooner or later you will fall for the trap again.
Another typical example is online or forum pacts. These have the advantage of eliminating temptation for certain periods. However, they generally fail for the following reasons:
1. The incentive is false. Why should you want to stop just because other people are doing so? All this does is to create an additional pressure, which increases the feeling of sacrifice. It is fine if all PMOers genuinely want to stop at one particular time. However, you cannot force PMOers to stop and although all PMOers secretly want to, until they are ready to do so a pact just creates additional pressure, which increases their desire to PMO. This turns them into secret PMOers, which further increases the feeling of dependency.
2. The “Rotten Apple” theory or dependency on each other. Under the Willpower Method of stopping, the PMOer is undergoing a period of penance during which he waits for the urge to PMO to go. If he gives in, there is a sense of failure. Under the Willpower Method one of the participants is bound to give in sooner or later. The other participants now have the excuse they have been waiting for. It's not their fault. They would have held out. It is just that Fred has let them down. The truth is that most of them have already been cheating.
3. “Sharing the credit” is the reverse of the “Rotten Apple” theory. Here the loss of face due to failure is not so bad when shared. There is a marvellous sense of achievement in stopping PMOing. When you are doing it alone the acclaim you receive from your friends and online buddies can be a tremendous boost to help you over the first few days. When everybody is doing it at the same time the credit has to be shared and the boost is consequently reduced.
4. Another classic example of false incentives is the guru promise. When I was younger it would make me feel angry if youd call me a saint. It is a cuss word. Stopping will give you happiness as you are not engaged in the tug of war and your brain is starting to re-wire and regain impulse controls and all that. However you must keep in mind that none of this will make you a sex god or win a lotto. No one, except you, cares if you stop PMO. You are not a weak person either if you are doing PMO three times a day and have PIED. And you are not a strong person if you are an addict and dont have PIED.
Stop kidding yourself. If the job offer that I mentioned before, of 10 months work for 12 months salary a year won't stop him. Or if the risks of cutting down your brains capacity to cope with just any normal day-to-day stress and strains or if putting yourself at odds with having a reliable erection, or if the lifetime of mental and physical torture and slavery did not stop him or her - the above said few phoney incentives will not make the slightest bit of difference. They will only make the sacrifice appear worse. Instead concentrate on the other side:
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### **“What am I getting out of it? Why do I need to PMO?”**
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Keep looking at the other side of the tug of war. What is PMOing doing for me? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Why do I need to do it? YOU DON'T! YOU ARE ONLY PUNISHING YOURSELF. Try looking at it from the Pascals Wager perspective. You have almost nothing to lose (a rub-out with half arousals) for sure, chances of big profits (a full and reliable arousal, mental well being and happiness) and no chance of losing big (unreliable full arousals, premature ejaculations, fading penetrations, loss of general impulse controls, lower tolerance for frustrations and anger).
Why not declare your quitting to friends and family? Well, it will make you a proud ex-addict, ex-PMOer, not an elated and happy non-PMOer. It will scare your partner a bit since they may see this as an effort to have more sex, sort of a new-age thing. They may also fear to lose you if this turns you into sex machine. It is hard to explain to them unless they are open minded.
Any attempt to get others to help you in your quitting gives more power to the little monster of addiction. Pushing it from your mind and totally ignoring it has the effect of trying NOT to think of it. As soon as you spot the thoughts, when you hit the cues (home alone) or just absent minded thoughts - just say to yourself: “Great, I dont have to do it like a slave animal. I am free. I am happy to know the differences in sex.” This will cut the life of the thought and will deny oxygen to it and will stop it from burning towards urges and cravings.

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title: "03-31 the Easy Way to Stop"
date: 2022-12-24T00:07:43+02:00
draft: false
This chapter contains instructions about the easy way to stop PMO. Providing you follow the instructions, you will find that stopping ranges from relatively easy to enjoyable! But remember the definition of a brunette: “a girl who didn't read the instructions on the bottle.” It is ridiculously easy to stop PMO. All you have to do is two things:
1. Make the decision that you are never going to PMO again.
2. Don't mope about it. Rejoice.
You are probably asking, “Why the need for the rest of the book? Why couldn't you have said that in the first place?” The answer is that you would at some time have moped about it and consequently sooner or later, you would have changed your decision. You have probably already done that many times before.
As I have already said, the whole business of PMOing is a subtle, sinister trap. The main problem of stopping isn't the dopamine addiction (it is a problem but not the main) but the brainwashing and it is necessary first to explode all the myths and delusions. Understand your enemy. Know his tactics and you will easily defeat him. I've spent most of my life trying to stop PMOing and I've suffered weeks of black depression. When I finally stopped I went to zero without one bad moment. It was enjoyable even during the withdrawal period, and I have never had the slightest pang since. On the contrary, it is the most wonderful thing that has happened in my life.
I couldn't understand why it had been so easy and it took me a long time to find out the reason. It was this. I knew for certain that I was never going to PMO again. During previous attempts, no matter how determined I was, I was basically trying to stop PMOing, hoping that if I could survive long enough without a session of PMO the urges would eventually go. Of course they didn't go because I was waiting for something to happen and the more I moped about it, the more I wanted to visit my internet harem, so the craving never went.
My final attempt was different. Like all PMOers nowadays, I had been giving the problem serious thought. Up to then, whenever I failed, I had consoled myself with the thought that it would be easier next time. It had never occurred to me that I would have to go on PMOing the rest of my life. This latter thought filled me with horror and started me thinking very deeply about the subject.
Instead of firing up my browser subconsciously, I began to analyse my feelings as I was looking at the screen. This confirmed what I already knew, I wasn't enjoying them and they were filthy and disgusting. I started looking at non-PMOers - the ones that live in some other part of the world or the older people who never got to know the tube sites. Until then I had always regarded non-PMOers as wishy-washy, unsociable, finicky people. However, when I examined them they appeared, if anything, stronger and more relaxed. They appeared to he able to cope with the stresses and strains of life, and they seemed to enjoy social functions more than the PMOers. They certainly had more sparkle and zest than PMOers.
I started talking to ex-PMOers. Up to this point I had regarded them as people who had been forced to give up PMO for health and religious reasons and who were always secretly longing for a harem visit. A few did say, “You get the odd pangs but they are so few and far between they aren't worth bothering about.” But most said, “Miss it? You must be joking! I have never felt better in my life.” Even failures were fail forwards for them. They did not condemn themselves. It was easier for them to unconditionally accept themselves. Like a coach who will accept a mistake by a genuinely golden player. Talking to ex-PMOers exploded another myth that I had always had in my mind. I had thought that there was an inherent weakness in me and it suddenly dawned on me that all PMOers go through this private nightmare.
Basically I said to myself, “Scores of people are stopping now and leading perfectly happy lives. I didn't need to do it before I started and I can remember having to work hard to get used to this filth. So why do I need to do it now?” In any event I didn't enjoy PMO, I hated the whole filthy ritual and I didn't want to spend the rest of my life being the slave of this disgusting porn addiction.
I then said to myself:
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I knew, right from that point, that I would never PMO again. I wasn't expecting it to be easy; in fact, just the reverse. I fully believed that I was in for months of black depression and that I would spend the rest of my life having the occasional pang. Instead it has been absolute bliss right from the start.
It took me a long time to work out why it had been so easy and why this time I hadn't suffered those terrifying withdrawal pangs. The reason is that they do not exist. It is the doubt and uncertainty that causes the pangs. The beautiful truth is: IT IS EASY TO STOP PMO. It is only the indecision and moping about it that makes it difficult. Even while they are addicted to porn, PMOers can go for relatively long periods at certain times in their lives without bothering about it. It is only when you want it but can't have one that you suffer.
Therefore the key to making it easy is to make stopping certain and final. Not to hope but to know you have kicked it, having made the decision. Never to doubt or question it. In fact, just the reverse - always to rejoice about it. If you can be certain from the start, it will be easy. But how can you be certain from the start unless you know it is going to be easy? This is why the rest of the book is necessary. There are certain essential points and it is necessary to get them clear in your mind before you start:
1. Realize that you can achieve it. There is nothing different about you and the only person who can make you PMO is you. Not that star, she would never in her dreams thought about herself being used for reducing a mans virility.
2. There is absolutely nothing to give up. On the contrary, there are enormous positive gains to be made. I do not only mean you will be healthier and richer. I mean you will enjoy the good times more and be less miserable during the bad times.
3. Get it clear in your head that there is no such thing as a peek or visit. PMOing is a drug addiction and a chain reaction. By moaning about the odd PMO you will only be punishing yourself needlessly.
4. See the whole business of PMOing not as a “boys-will-be-boys” habit that might injure you but as drug addiction. Face up to the fact that, whether you like it or not, YOU HAVE GOT THE DISEASE. It will not go away because you bury your head in the sand. Remember: like all crippling diseases, it not only lasts for life but gets worse and worse. The easiest time to cure it is now.
5. Separate the disease (i.e. the brain chemical addiction) from the frame of mind of being a PMOer or a non-PMOer. All PMOers, if given the opportunity to go back to the time before they became hooked, would jump at that opportunity. You have that opportunity today! Don't even think about it as 'giving up' PMOing.
When you have made the final decision that you have had your last PMO you will already be a non-PMOer. A PMOer is one of those poor wretches who have to go through life destroying themselves with porn. A non-PMOer is someone who doesn't. Once you have made that final decision, you have already achieved your object.
Rejoice in the fact. Do not sit moping waiting for the chemical addiction to go. Get out and enjoy life immediately. Life is marvellous even when you are addicted and each day it will get so much better when you aren't.
The key to making it easy to quit PMOing is to be certain that you will succeed in abstaining completely during the withdrawal period (maximum three weeks). If you are in the correct frame of mind, you will find it ridiculously easy.
By this stage, if you have opened your mind as I requested at the beginning, you will already have decided you are going to stop. You should now have a feeling of excitement, like a dog straining at the leash, unable to wait to break down those brain DeltaFosB porn water slides. If you have a feeling of doom and gloom, it will be for one of the following reasons:
1. Something has not gelled in your mind. Re-read the above five points, and ask yourself if you believe them to be true. If you doubt any point, re-read the appropriate sections in the book.
2. You fear failure itself. Do not worry. Just read on. You will succeed. The whole business of internet porn is like a confidence trick on a gigantic scale. Intelligent people fall for confidence tricks but it is only a fool who having once found out about the trick goes on kidding himself.
3. You agree with everything but you are still miserable. Don't be! Open your eyes. Something marvellous is happening. You are about to escape from the prison. It is essential to start with the correct frame of mind: isn't it marvellous that I am a non-PMOer!
All we have to do now is to keep you in that frame of mind during the withdrawal period, and the next few chapters deal with specific points to enable you to stay in that frame of mind during that time. After the withdrawal period you won't have to think that way. You will think that way automatically, and the only mystery in your life will be: “It is so obvious, why couldn't I see it before?” However, two important warnings:
1. Delay your plan to make your last visit until you have finished the book.
2. I have mentioned several times a withdrawal period of up to three weeks. This can cause misunderstanding. First, you may subconsciously feel that you have to suffer for three weeks. You don't. Secondly, avoid the trap of thinking, “Somehow I have just got to abstain for three weeks and then I will be free.” Nothing magic will actually happen after three weeks. You won't suddenly feel like a non-PMOer. Non-PMOers do not feel any different from PMOers. If you are moping about stopping during the three weeks, in all probability you will still be moping about it after the three weeks. What I am saying is, if you can start right now by saying, “I am never going to PMO again. Isn't it marvelous?” After three weeks all temptation will go. Whereas if you say, “If only I can survive three weeks without a PMO,” you will be dying for a harem visit after the three weeks are up.
Sexual dysfunction has a lot to do with your brain and your mind frame. Internet Porn rewires your brains reward circuit and gives your mind a doubting mind frame. This self doubt will undoubtedly cause your sexual dysfunctions. Having all the desire in your upper part but putting up no arousal in your lower part is the worst thing to happen to your mind frame. Libido going hand in hand with romance is the elixir of youth that you can have until you die. You will keep the probabilities high by quitting. But that is not the only or the major gain in all this. It is your freedom from slavery.

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title: "03-32 The Withdrawal Period"
date: 2022-12-24T00:16:57+02:00
draft: false
For up to three weeks after your last PMO session you may be subjected to withdrawal pangs. These consist of two quite separate factors:
1. The withdrawal pangs of dopamine, that empty, insecure feeling, like a hunger, which PMOers identify as a craving or “something I must to do” feeling.
2. The psychological trigger of certain external stimuli such as a commercial, online browsing, a telephone conversation etc.
It is the failure to understand and to differentiate between these two distinct factors that makes it so difficult for PMOers to achieve success on the Willpower Method and it's also the reason why many who do achieve it fall into the trap again.
Although the withdrawal pangs of dopamine flush cause no physical pain, do not underestimate their power. We talk of “hunger pains” if we go without food for a day; there may be “tummy rumblings” but there is no physical pain. Even so, hunger is a powerful force and we are likely to become very irritable when deprived of food. It is similar when our body is craving its dopamine rush. The difference is that our body needs food but it doesn't need poison and with the right frame of mind the withdrawal pangs are easily overcome and disappear very quickly.
If PMOers can abstain for a few days on the Willpower Method the craving for dopamine flush soon disappears. It is the second factor that causes the difficulty. The PMOer has got into the habit of relieving his withdrawal pangs at certain times or occasions, which causes an association of ideas (e.g. “I got a hard on so I must PMO” or “I am on the bed with my laptop and I must PMO to feel happy”). It may be easier to understand the effect with the help of an example.
You have a car for a few years and let's say the indicator lever is on the left of the steering column. On your next car it is on the right (the law of sod). You know it is on the right but for a couple of weeks you put the windscreen wipers on whenever you want to indicate.
Stopping PMO is similar. During the early days of the withdrawal period the trigger mechanism will operate at certain times. You will think, “I want to PMO.” It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from square one then these automatic cues and triggers will quickly disappear. Under the Willpower Method, because the PMOer believes he is making a sacrifice, he is moping about it and is waiting for the urge to PMO to go - far from removing these trigger mechanisms he is actually increasing them. And under the Mystic Method the PMOer starts to wonder when he is going to become a God and even demand from himself that he should not even have those bad thoughts - this paves the way for self-loathing and failure.
A common trigger is alone time - particularly one at a social event with friends. The ex-PMOer (using other methods) is already miserable because he is being deprived of his usual pleasure or crutch. His friends are with their partners and are acting intimate. He is either single or is not getting any from his wife for whatever reasons. Now he is not enjoying the meal or what should be a pleasant social occasion. His ready made brain porn water slides lead him to porn as it is easier than either trying to woo his wife.
Because of his association of his entitlement to sex with his well being he is now suffering a triple blow and the brainwashing is actually being increased. If he is resolute and can hold out long enough he eventually accepts his lot and gets on with his life. However, part of the brainwashing remains and I think the second most pathetic thing about PMOing is the PMOer who has given up for health or money reasons, yet even after several years still craves “just one visit to the harem” on certain occasions. He is pining for an illusion that exists only in his mind and is needlessly torturing himself.
Even under my method responding to triggers is the most common failing. The ex-PMOer tends to regard the internet porn as a sort of placebo or sugar pill. He thinks: “I know the porn does nothing for me but if I think it does then on certain occasions it will be a help to me.”
A sugar pill, although giving no actual physical help, can be a powerful psychological aid to relieve genuine symptoms and is therefore a benefit. Internet porn, the habitual masturbation, however, are not sugar pills. Why? Porn creates the symptoms that it relieves and after a while ceases even to relieve these symptoms completely; the “pill” is causing the disease and quite apart from that it also happens to be the No. 1 killer poison in a mans or a womans quest for love and relationships.
You may find it easier to understand the effect when related to a non-PMOer or a successful PMOer who has quit for several years. Take the case of a PMOer who loses his partner. It is quite common at such times, with the best intentions, to say, “Have just one harem visit. It will help calm you down.” If the offer is accepted, it will not have a calming effect because the man is not addicted to dopamine and there are no withdrawal pangs to relieve. At best all it will do is to give him a momentary psychological boost.
Even after the “deed” is over, the original tragedy is still there. In fact, it will be increased because the person is now suffering withdrawal pangs and his choice is now either to endure them or to relieve them by repeating the porn water slide rides and start the chain of misery. All the porn will have done is to give a momentary psychological boost. The same effect could have been achieved by reading a book or watching a feel-good movie, even a bad one at that. Many non-PMOers and ex-PMOers have become addicted to the porn as a result of such occasions. It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from the start. Get it quite clear in your head: you don't need the dopamine rush and you are only torturing yourself by continuing to regard it as some sort of prop or boost. There is no need to be miserable.
Orgasms do not make good relations; they at most times ruin them. Remember too that it is not entirely true at all times the men and women who show public display of intimacy are enjoying it at all times. Intimacy is best enjoyed in private where both partners can respond without embarrassments. You dont have to be an orgasm induced dopamine addict. If it happens as a natural result of a series of life events, fine- if not No Big Deal. You enjoy the occasion and life without it.
Abandon the concept of the PMOing habit as pleasurable in itself, Many PMOers think, “If only there was clean internet porn.” There is clean soft porn. Any PMOer who tries it soon finds out it is a waste of time. Get it clear in your mind that the only reason you have been PMOing is to get the dopamine flush. Once you have got rid of the craving for PMO you will have no more need to visit your online harem.
Whether the pangs are due to actual withdrawal symptoms (the empty feeling) or a trigger/cue mechanism, accept it. The physical pain is non-existent and with the right frame of mind it will not be a problem. Do not worry about withdrawal. The feeling itself isn't bad. It is the association with wanting and then feeling denied that is the problem. Instead of moping about it, say to yourself, “I know what it is. It's the withdrawal pang from PMO. That's what PMOers suffer all their lives and that's what keeps them PMOing. Non-PMOers do not suffer these pangs. It is another of the many evils of this lying habit. Isn't it marvellous I am purging this evil from my brain?”
In other words, for the next three weeks you will have a slight trauma inside your body but during those weeks and for the rest of your life something marvellous will be happening. You will be ridding yourself of an awful disease. That bonus will more than outweigh the slight trauma and you will actually enjoy the withdrawal pangs. They will become moments of pleasure. Think of the whole business of stopping as an exciting game. Think of the porn monster as a sort of tape worm inside your stomach. You have got to starve him for three weeks and he is going to try to trick you into getting to bed to keep him alive.
At times he will try to make you miserable. At times you will be off guard. You will receive a porn URL and you may forgot that you have stopped. There is a slight feeling of deprivation when you remember. Be prepared for these traps in advance. Whatever the temptation, get it into your mind that it is only there because of the monster inside your body and every time you resist the temptation you have dealt another mortal blow in the battle.
Whatever you do, don't try to forget about PMO. This is one of the things that causes PMOers using the Willpower Method hours of depression. They try to get through each day hoping that eventually they'll just forget about it. It is like not being able to sleep. The more you worry about it, the harder it becomes. In any event you won't be able to forget about it. For the first few days the “little monster” will keep reminding you and you won't be able to avoid it; while there are still laptops, smartphones and magazines etc. about, you will have constant reminders.
The point is you have no need to forget. Nothing bad is happening. Something marvellous is taking place. Even if you are thinking about it a thousand times a day, SAVOR EACH MOMENT. REMIND YOURSELF HOW MARVELOUS IT IS TO BE FREE AGAIN. REMIND YOURSELF OF THE SHEER JOY OF NOT HAVING TO TORTURE YOURSELF ANYMORE. As I have said, you will find that the pangs become moments of pleasure, and you will be surprised how quickly you will then forget about internet porn.
Whatever you do DO NOT DOUBT YOUR DECISION. Once you start to doubt, you will start to mope and it will get worse. Instead use the moment as a boost. CONVERT MOPE TO BOOST. If the cause is depression then remind yourself that's what the internet porn and PMO were doing to you. If you are forwarded a URL by a friend, take pride in saying, “I'm happy to say I do not need them any more.” That will hurt him but when he sees that it isn't bothering you he will be halfway to joining you.
Remember that you had very powerful reasons for stopping in the first place. Remind yourself of the costs and ask yourself whether you really want to risk too much of those fearful malfunctions of your equipage which is not the greatest loss if you ask me - but the most important loss of mental happiness and well being - of not living under a spell. This is called referenting or spotting of the minimizing efforts of the monster about the hazards. Above all, remember that the feeling is only temporary and each moment is a moment nearer to your goal.
Some PMOers fear that they will have to spend the rest of their lives reversing the 'automatic triggers'. In other words, they believe that they will have to go through life kidding themselves that they don't really need PMO by the use of psychology. This is not so. Remember that the optimist sees the bottle as half full and the pessimist sees it as half empty. In the case of PMO, the bottle is empty and the PMOer sees it as full. There are just no advantages with internet porn and PMO. It is the PMOer who has been brainwashed. Once you start telling yourself that you don't need to orgasm using PMO, in a very short time you won't even need to say it because the beautiful truth is... you do not need to PMO. It's the last thing you need to do; make sure it's not the last thing you do.

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title: "03-33 Just One Peek"
date: 2022-12-24T00:20:57+02:00
draft: false
This is the undoing of many PMOers who try to stop on the Willpower Method. They will go through three or four days and then have the odd peek or a PMO or two to tide them over. They do not realize the devastating effect this has on their morale.
For most PMOers that first peek at the tube site harem was not as good as sex with a real person. The clips that are clean are far in between. This gives their conscious minds a boost. They think, “Good. That wasn't entirely all that enjoyable. I am losing the urge to PMO and I am not that much into the shocking stuff.” In fact, the reverse is the case. Get it clear in your mind - enjoyment of orgasm wasn't the reason why you hit porn. If PMOers were there for orgasm alone, they'd never watch more than one clip. The only reason why you PMO was to feed that little monster. Just think: you had starved him for four days. How precious that one peek must have been to him. You are not aware of it in your conscious mind but the fix your body received will be communicated to your subconscious mind and all your sound preparation will be undermined. There will be a little voice at the back of your mind saying, “In spite of all the logic they are precious. I want another one.”
That little peek has two damaging effects:
1. It keeps the little monster alive in your body.
2. What's worse, it keeps the big monster alive in your mind. If you had the “last peek”, it will be easier to have the next one.
Above all, remember:
## “Just one peek” is how people get into PMO addiction in the first place.

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title: "03-34 Will It Be Harder for Me?"
date: 2022-12-24T00:22:12+02:00
draft: false
The combinations of factors that will determine how easily each individual PMOer will quit are infinite. To start with, each of us has his own character, type of work, personal circumstances, timing, etc. Certain professions may make it harder than others but providing the brainwashing is removed it doesn't have to be so. A few individual examples will help.
It tends to be particularly difficult for members of the medical profession. We think it should be easier for doctors because they are more aware of the effects of ill- health and are seeing daily evidence of it. Although this supplies more forceful reasons for stopping, it doesn't make it any easier to do. The reasons are these:
1. The constant awareness of the health risks creates fear which is one of the conditions under which we need to relieve our withdrawal pangs.
2. A doctor's work is exceedingly stressful and he is usually not able to relieve the additional stress of withdrawal pangs while he is working.
3. He has the additional stress of guilt. He feels that he should be setting an example for the rest of the population. This puts more pressure on him and increases the feeling of deprivation.
After his hard day at work, when the stress is momentarily relieved by PMO, that session becomes wrongly attached to the relief experienced. Because of this mis-association of ideas the porn and the PMO gets credit for the total situation. It becomes very precious when he eventually quits and goes through his withdrawal pangs. This is a form of casual PMO and applies to any situation where the PMOer is forced to abstain for lengthy-periods. Under the Willpower Method the PMOer is miserable because he is being deprived. He is not enjoying the tiredness and sleep that goes after a PMO. His sense of loss is therefore greatly increased. However, if you can first remove the brainwashing and stop moping about the PMO, the break and the sleep can still be enjoyed even while the body is craving the amine transmitters - serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.
Another difficult situation is boredom, particularly when it is combined with periods of stress. Typical examples are students and single parents. The work is stressful, yet much of the work is monotonous. During an attempt to stop on the Willpower Method the single person has long periods in which to mope about his or her “loss” which increases the feeling of depression. Again this can be easily overcome if your frame of mind is correct. Do not worry that you are continually reminded that you have stopped PMOing. Use such moments to rejoice in the fact that you are ridding yourself of the evil monster.
If you have a positive frame of mind these pangs can become moments of pleasure. Remember any PMOer, regardless of age, sex, intelligence or profession, can find it easy and enjoyable to stop provided ***YOU FOLLOW ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS***.

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title: "03-35 the Main Reasons for Failure"
date: 2022-12-24T00:23:39+02:00
draft: false
There are two main reasons for failure. The first is the influence of external stimuli - a commercial, online news articles, internet browsing etc. At a weak moment or even during a social occasion somebody will get intimate with their partner. I have already dealt with this topic at length. Use that moment to remind yourself that there is no such thing as one visit or one peek. Rejoice in the fact that you have broken the chain of mental slavery. Remember that the PMOer envies you, and feel sorry for him. Believe me, he needs your pity. The other main reason for failure is having a bad day. Get it clear in your mind before you start that, whether you are a PMOer or a non-PMOer, there are good days and bad days. It rains for both the pope and the murderer.
Life is a matter of relativity and you cannot have ups without having downs. The problem with the Willpower Method of stopping is that as soon as the PMOer has a bad day he starts moping for his harem visit and all that does is make a bad day worse. The non-PMOer is better equipped, not only physically but also mentally, to cope with the stresses and strains of life. If you have a bad day during the withdrawal period just take it on the chin. Remind yourself that you had bad days when you were addicted (otherwise you wouldn't have decided to stop). Instead of moping about it, say to yourself something like, “OK, today's not so good but masturbating is not going to cure it. Tomorrow will be better and at least I have got a marvellous bonus at the moment. I have kicked that awful PMO habit.”
When you are a PMOer you have to block your mind to the bad side of PMO. PMOer never have brain fog just “a bit down.” When you are having lifes inevitable troubles you want to PMO but are you happy and cheerful? Of course you aren't. Once you stop, the tendency is to blame everything that goes wrong in your life on the fact that you have stopped.
Now if your work stresses you out you think, “At times like this I would have PMOed.” That's true but the important thing you forget is that the PMO didn't solve the problem and you are simply punishing yourself by moping for an illusory crutch. You are creating an impossible situation. You are miserable because you can't have the porn and masturbation yet you'll be even more miserable if you do. You know that you have made the correct decision by stopping PMO so why punish yourself by ever doubting the decision?
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***Remember: A positive mental approach is essential - always.***
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<atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
<title>03-35 the Main Reasons for Failure</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:23:39 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;There are two main reasons for failure. The first is the influence of external stimuli - a commercial, online news articles, internet browsing etc. At a weak moment or even during a social occasion somebody will get intimate with their partner. I have already dealt with this topic at length. Use that moment to remind yourself that there is no such thing as one visit or one peek. Rejoice in the fact that you have broken the chain of mental slavery. Remember that the PMOer envies you, and feel sorry for him. Believe me, he needs your pity. The other main reason for failure is having a bad day. Get it clear in your mind before you start that, whether you are a PMOer or a non-PMOer, there are good days and bad days. It rains for both the pope and the murderer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Life is a matter of relativity and you cannot have ups without having downs. The problem with the Willpower Method of stopping is that as soon as the PMOer has a bad day he starts moping for his harem visit and all that does is make a bad day worse. The non-PMOer is better equipped, not only physically but also mentally, to cope with the stresses and strains of life. If you have a bad day during the withdrawal period just take it on the chin. Remind yourself that you had bad days when you were addicted (otherwise you wouldn&amp;rsquo;t have decided to stop). Instead of moping about it, say to yourself something like, “OK, today&amp;rsquo;s not so good but masturbating is not going to cure it. Tomorrow will be better and at least I have got a marvellous bonus at the moment. I have kicked that awful PMO habit.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you are a PMOer you have to block your mind to the bad side of PMO. PMOer never have brain fog just “a bit down.” When you are having lifes inevitable troubles you want to PMO but are you happy and cheerful? Of course you aren&amp;rsquo;t. Once you stop, the tendency is to blame everything that goes wrong in your life on the fact that you have stopped.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now if your work stresses you out you think, “At times like this I would have PMOed.” That&amp;rsquo;s true but the important thing you forget is that the PMO didn&amp;rsquo;t solve the problem and you are simply punishing yourself by moping for an illusory crutch. You are creating an impossible situation. You are miserable because you can&amp;rsquo;t have the porn and masturbation yet you&amp;rsquo;ll be even more miserable if you do. You know that you have made the correct decision by stopping PMO so why punish yourself by ever doubting the decision?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Remember: A positive mental approach is essential - always.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-34 Will It Be Harder for Me?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:22:12 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;The combinations of factors that will determine how easily each individual PMOer will quit are infinite. To start with, each of us has his own character, type of work, personal circumstances, timing, etc. Certain professions may make it harder than others but providing the brainwashing is removed it doesn&amp;rsquo;t have to be so. A few individual examples will help.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It tends to be particularly difficult for members of the medical profession. We think it should be easier for doctors because they are more aware of the effects of ill- health and are seeing daily evidence of it. Although this supplies more forceful reasons for stopping, it doesn&amp;rsquo;t make it any easier to do. The reasons are these:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The constant awareness of the health risks creates fear which is one of the conditions under which we need to relieve our withdrawal pangs.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;A doctor&amp;rsquo;s work is exceedingly stressful and he is usually not able to relieve the additional stress of withdrawal pangs while he is working.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He has the additional stress of guilt. He feels that he should be setting an example for the rest of the population. This puts more pressure on him and increases the feeling of deprivation.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;After his hard day at work, when the stress is momentarily relieved by PMO, that session becomes wrongly attached to the relief experienced. Because of this mis-association of ideas the porn and the PMO gets credit for the total situation. It becomes very precious when he eventually quits and goes through his withdrawal pangs. This is a form of casual PMO and applies to any situation where the PMOer is forced to abstain for lengthy-periods. Under the Willpower Method the PMOer is miserable because he is being deprived. He is not enjoying the tiredness and sleep that goes after a PMO. His sense of loss is therefore greatly increased. However, if you can first remove the brainwashing and stop moping about the PMO, the break and the sleep can still be enjoyed even while the body is craving the amine transmitters - serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Another difficult situation is boredom, particularly when it is combined with periods of stress. Typical examples are students and single parents. The work is stressful, yet much of the work is monotonous. During an attempt to stop on the Willpower Method the single person has long periods in which to mope about his or her “loss” which increases the feeling of depression. Again this can be easily overcome if your frame of mind is correct. Do not worry that you are continually reminded that you have stopped PMOing. Use such moments to rejoice in the fact that you are ridding yourself of the evil monster.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you have a positive frame of mind these pangs can become moments of pleasure. Remember any PMOer, regardless of age, sex, intelligence or profession, can find it easy and enjoyable to stop provided &lt;em&gt;&lt;strong&gt;YOU FOLLOW ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/em&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-33 Just One Peek</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:20:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is the undoing of many PMOers who try to stop on the Willpower Method. They will go through three or four days and then have the odd peek or a PMO or two to tide them over. They do not realize the devastating effect this has on their morale.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For most PMOers that first peek at the tube site harem was not as good as sex with a real person. The clips that are clean are far in between. This gives their conscious minds a boost. They think, “Good. That wasn&amp;rsquo;t entirely all that enjoyable. I am losing the urge to PMO and I am not that much into the shocking stuff.” In fact, the reverse is the case. Get it clear in your mind - enjoyment of orgasm wasn&amp;rsquo;t the reason why you hit porn. If PMOers were there for orgasm alone, they&amp;rsquo;d never watch more than one clip. The only reason why you PMO was to feed that little monster. Just think: you had starved him for four days. How precious that one peek must have been to him. You are not aware of it in your conscious mind but the fix your body received will be communicated to your subconscious mind and all your sound preparation will be undermined. There will be a little voice at the back of your mind saying, “In spite of all the logic they are precious. I want another one.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That little peek has two damaging effects:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It keeps the little monster alive in your body.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;What&amp;rsquo;s worse, it keeps the big monster alive in your mind. If you had the “last peek”, it will be easier to have the next one.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Above all, remember:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h2 id=&#34;just-one-peek-is-how-people-get-into-pmo-addiction-in-the-first-place&#34;&gt;“Just one peek” is how people get into PMO addiction in the first place.&lt;/h2&gt;
<title>03-32 The Withdrawal Period</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:16:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;For up to three weeks after your last PMO session you may be subjected to withdrawal pangs. These consist of two quite separate factors:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The withdrawal pangs of dopamine, that empty, insecure feeling, like a hunger, which PMOers identify as a craving or “something I must to do” feeling.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The psychological trigger of certain external stimuli such as a commercial, online browsing, a telephone conversation etc.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is the failure to understand and to differentiate between these two distinct factors that makes it so difficult for PMOers to achieve success on the Willpower Method and it&amp;rsquo;s also the reason why many who do achieve it fall into the trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Although the withdrawal pangs of dopamine flush cause no physical pain, do not underestimate their power. We talk of “hunger pains” if we go without food for a day; there may be “tummy rumblings” but there is no physical pain. Even so, hunger is a powerful force and we are likely to become very irritable when deprived of food. It is similar when our body is craving its dopamine rush. The difference is that our body needs food but it doesn&amp;rsquo;t need poison and with the right frame of mind the withdrawal pangs are easily overcome and disappear very quickly.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If PMOers can abstain for a few days on the Willpower Method the craving for dopamine flush soon disappears. It is the second factor that causes the difficulty. The PMOer has got into the habit of relieving his withdrawal pangs at certain times or occasions, which causes an association of ideas (e.g. “I got a hard on so I must PMO” or “I am on the bed with my laptop and I must PMO to feel happy”). It may be easier to understand the effect with the help of an example.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You have a car for a few years and let&amp;rsquo;s say the indicator lever is on the left of the steering column. On your next car it is on the right (the law of sod). You know it is on the right but for a couple of weeks you put the windscreen wipers on whenever you want to indicate.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stopping PMO is similar. During the early days of the withdrawal period the trigger mechanism will operate at certain times. You will think, “I want to PMO.” It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from square one then these automatic cues and triggers will quickly disappear. Under the Willpower Method, because the PMOer believes he is making a sacrifice, he is moping about it and is waiting for the urge to PMO to go - far from removing these trigger mechanisms he is actually increasing them. And under the Mystic Method the PMOer starts to wonder when he is going to become a God and even demand from himself that he should not even have those bad thoughts - this paves the way for self-loathing and failure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A common trigger is alone time - particularly one at a social event with friends. The ex-PMOer (using other methods) is already miserable because he is being deprived of his usual pleasure or crutch. His friends are with their partners and are acting intimate. He is either single or is not getting any from his wife for whatever reasons. Now he is not enjoying the meal or what should be a pleasant social occasion. His ready made brain porn water slides lead him to porn as it is easier than either trying to woo his wife.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Because of his association of his entitlement to sex with his well being he is now suffering a triple blow and the brainwashing is actually being increased. If he is resolute and can hold out long enough he eventually accepts his lot and gets on with his life. However, part of the brainwashing remains and I think the second most pathetic thing about PMOing is the PMOer who has given up for health or money reasons, yet even after several years still craves “just one visit to the harem” on certain occasions. He is pining for an illusion that exists only in his mind and is needlessly torturing himself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Even under my method responding to triggers is the most common failing. The ex-PMOer tends to regard the internet porn as a sort of placebo or sugar pill. He thinks: “I know the porn does nothing for me but if I think it does then on certain occasions it will be a help to me.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A sugar pill, although giving no actual physical help, can be a powerful psychological aid to relieve genuine symptoms and is therefore a benefit. Internet porn, the habitual masturbation, however, are not sugar pills. Why? Porn creates the symptoms that it relieves and after a while ceases even to relieve these symptoms completely; the “pill” is causing the disease and quite apart from that it also happens to be the No. 1 killer poison in a mans or a womans quest for love and relationships.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You may find it easier to understand the effect when related to a non-PMOer or a successful PMOer who has quit for several years. Take the case of a PMOer who loses his partner. It is quite common at such times, with the best intentions, to say, “Have just one harem visit. It will help calm you down.” If the offer is accepted, it will not have a calming effect because the man is not addicted to dopamine and there are no withdrawal pangs to relieve. At best all it will do is to give him a momentary psychological boost.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Even after the “deed” is over, the original tragedy is still there. In fact, it will be increased because the person is now suffering withdrawal pangs and his choice is now either to endure them or to relieve them by repeating the porn water slide rides and start the chain of misery. All the porn will have done is to give a momentary psychological boost. The same effect could have been achieved by reading a book or watching a feel-good movie, even a bad one at that. Many non-PMOers and ex-PMOers have become addicted to the porn as a result of such occasions. It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from the start. Get it quite clear in your head: you don&amp;rsquo;t need the dopamine rush and you are only torturing yourself by continuing to regard it as some sort of prop or boost. There is no need to be miserable.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Orgasms do not make good relations; they at most times ruin them. Remember too that it is not entirely true at all times the men and women who show public display of intimacy are enjoying it at all times. Intimacy is best enjoyed in private where both partners can respond without embarrassments. You dont have to be an orgasm induced dopamine addict. If it happens as a natural result of a series of life events, fine- if not No Big Deal. You enjoy the occasion and life without it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Abandon the concept of the PMOing habit as pleasurable in itself, Many PMOers think, “If only there was clean internet porn.” There is clean soft porn. Any PMOer who tries it soon finds out it is a waste of time. Get it clear in your mind that the only reason you have been PMOing is to get the dopamine flush. Once you have got rid of the craving for PMO you will have no more need to visit your online harem.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whether the pangs are due to actual withdrawal symptoms (the empty feeling) or a trigger/cue mechanism, accept it. The physical pain is non-existent and with the right frame of mind it will not be a problem. Do not worry about withdrawal. The feeling itself isn&amp;rsquo;t bad. It is the association with wanting and then feeling denied that is the problem. Instead of moping about it, say to yourself, “I know what it is. It&amp;rsquo;s the withdrawal pang from PMO. That&amp;rsquo;s what PMOers suffer all their lives and that&amp;rsquo;s what keeps them PMOing. Non-PMOers do not suffer these pangs. It is another of the many evils of this lying habit. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvellous I am purging this evil from my brain?”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In other words, for the next three weeks you will have a slight trauma inside your body but during those weeks and for the rest of your life something marvellous will be happening. You will be ridding yourself of an awful disease. That bonus will more than outweigh the slight trauma and you will actually enjoy the withdrawal pangs. They will become moments of pleasure. Think of the whole business of stopping as an exciting game. Think of the porn monster as a sort of tape worm inside your stomach. You have got to starve him for three weeks and he is going to try to trick you into getting to bed to keep him alive.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;At times he will try to make you miserable. At times you will be off guard. You will receive a porn URL and you may forgot that you have stopped. There is a slight feeling of deprivation when you remember. Be prepared for these traps in advance. Whatever the temptation, get it into your mind that it is only there because of the monster inside your body and every time you resist the temptation you have dealt another mortal blow in the battle.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever you do, don&amp;rsquo;t try to forget about PMO. This is one of the things that causes PMOers using the Willpower Method hours of depression. They try to get through each day hoping that eventually they&amp;rsquo;ll just forget about it. It is like not being able to sleep. The more you worry about it, the harder it becomes. In any event you won&amp;rsquo;t be able to forget about it. For the first few days the “little monster” will keep reminding you and you won&amp;rsquo;t be able to avoid it; while there are still laptops, smartphones and magazines etc. about, you will have constant reminders.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The point is you have no need to forget. Nothing bad is happening. Something marvellous is taking place. Even if you are thinking about it a thousand times a day, SAVOR EACH MOMENT. REMIND YOURSELF HOW MARVELOUS IT IS TO BE FREE AGAIN. REMIND YOURSELF OF THE SHEER JOY OF NOT HAVING TO TORTURE YOURSELF ANYMORE. As I have said, you will find that the pangs become moments of pleasure, and you will be surprised how quickly you will then forget about internet porn.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever you do DO NOT DOUBT YOUR DECISION. Once you start to doubt, you will start to mope and it will get worse. Instead use the moment as a boost. CONVERT MOPE TO BOOST. If the cause is depression then remind yourself that&amp;rsquo;s what the internet porn and PMO were doing to you. If you are forwarded a URL by a friend, take pride in saying, “I&amp;rsquo;m happy to say I do not need them any more.” That will hurt him but when he sees that it isn&amp;rsquo;t bothering you he will be halfway to joining you.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Remember that you had very powerful reasons for stopping in the first place. Remind yourself of the costs and ask yourself whether you really want to risk too much of those fearful malfunctions of your equipage which is not the greatest loss if you ask me - but the most important loss of mental happiness and well being - of not living under a spell. This is called referenting or spotting of the minimizing efforts of the monster about the hazards. Above all, remember that the feeling is only temporary and each moment is a moment nearer to your goal.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Some PMOers fear that they will have to spend the rest of their lives reversing the &amp;lsquo;automatic triggers&amp;rsquo;. In other words, they believe that they will have to go through life kidding themselves that they don&amp;rsquo;t really need PMO by the use of psychology. This is not so. Remember that the optimist sees the bottle as half full and the pessimist sees it as half empty. In the case of PMO, the bottle is empty and the PMOer sees it as full. There are just no advantages with internet porn and PMO. It is the PMOer who has been brainwashed. Once you start telling yourself that you don&amp;rsquo;t need to orgasm using PMO, in a very short time you won&amp;rsquo;t even need to say it because the beautiful truth is&amp;hellip; you do not need to PMO. It&amp;rsquo;s the last thing you need to do; make sure it&amp;rsquo;s not the last thing you do.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-31 the Easy Way to Stop</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:07:43 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This chapter contains instructions about the easy way to stop PMO. Providing you follow the instructions, you will find that stopping ranges from relatively easy to enjoyable! But remember the definition of a brunette: “a girl who didn&amp;rsquo;t read the instructions on the bottle.” It is ridiculously easy to stop PMO. All you have to do is two things:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Make the decision that you are never going to PMO again.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t mope about it. Rejoice.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You are probably asking, “Why the need for the rest of the book? Why couldn&amp;rsquo;t you have said that in the first place?” The answer is that you would at some time have moped about it and consequently sooner or later, you would have changed your decision. You have probably already done that many times before.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have already said, the whole business of PMOing is a subtle, sinister trap. The main problem of stopping isn&amp;rsquo;t the dopamine addiction (it is a problem but not the main) but the brainwashing and it is necessary first to explode all the myths and delusions. Understand your enemy. Know his tactics and you will easily defeat him. I&amp;rsquo;ve spent most of my life trying to stop PMOing and I&amp;rsquo;ve suffered weeks of black depression. When I finally stopped I went to zero without one bad moment. It was enjoyable even during the withdrawal period, and I have never had the slightest pang since. On the contrary, it is the most wonderful thing that has happened in my life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I couldn&amp;rsquo;t understand why it had been so easy and it took me a long time to find out the reason. It was this. I knew for certain that I was never going to PMO again. During previous attempts, no matter how determined I was, I was basically trying to stop PMOing, hoping that if I could survive long enough without a session of PMO the urges would eventually go. Of course they didn&amp;rsquo;t go because I was waiting for something to happen and the more I moped about it, the more I wanted to visit my internet harem, so the craving never went.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;My final attempt was different. Like all PMOers nowadays, I had been giving the problem serious thought. Up to then, whenever I failed, I had consoled myself with the thought that it would be easier next time. It had never occurred to me that I would have to go on PMOing the rest of my life. This latter thought filled me with horror and started me thinking very deeply about the subject.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Instead of firing up my browser subconsciously, I began to analyse my feelings as I was looking at the screen. This confirmed what I already knew, I wasn&amp;rsquo;t enjoying them and they were filthy and disgusting. I started looking at non-PMOers - the ones that live in some other part of the world or the older people who never got to know the tube sites. Until then I had always regarded non-PMOers as wishy-washy, unsociable, finicky people. However, when I examined them they appeared, if anything, stronger and more relaxed. They appeared to he able to cope with the stresses and strains of life, and they seemed to enjoy social functions more than the PMOers. They certainly had more sparkle and zest than PMOers.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I started talking to ex-PMOers. Up to this point I had regarded them as people who had been forced to give up PMO for health and religious reasons and who were always secretly longing for a harem visit. A few did say, “You get the odd pangs but they are so few and far between they aren&amp;rsquo;t worth bothering about.” But most said, “Miss it? You must be joking! I have never felt better in my life.” Even failures were fail forwards for them. They did not condemn themselves. It was easier for them to unconditionally accept themselves. Like a coach who will accept a mistake by a genuinely golden player. Talking to ex-PMOers exploded another myth that I had always had in my mind. I had thought that there was an inherent weakness in me and it suddenly dawned on me that all PMOers go through this private nightmare.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Basically I said to myself, “Scores of people are stopping now and leading perfectly happy lives. I didn&amp;rsquo;t need to do it before I started and I can remember having to work hard to get used to this filth. So why do I need to do it now?” In any event I didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy PMO, I hated the whole filthy ritual and I didn&amp;rsquo;t want to spend the rest of my life being the slave of this disgusting porn addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I then said to myself:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;“WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR LAST PMO VISIT”&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I knew, right from that point, that I would never PMO again. I wasn&amp;rsquo;t expecting it to be easy; in fact, just the reverse. I fully believed that I was in for months of black depression and that I would spend the rest of my life having the occasional pang. Instead it has been absolute bliss right from the start.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It took me a long time to work out why it had been so easy and why this time I hadn&amp;rsquo;t suffered those terrifying withdrawal pangs. The reason is that they do not exist. It is the doubt and uncertainty that causes the pangs. The beautiful truth is: IT IS EASY TO STOP PMO. It is only the indecision and moping about it that makes it difficult. Even while they are addicted to porn, PMOers can go for relatively long periods at certain times in their lives without bothering about it. It is only when you want it but can&amp;rsquo;t have one that you suffer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Therefore the key to making it easy is to make stopping certain and final. Not to hope but to know you have kicked it, having made the decision. Never to doubt or question it. In fact, just the reverse - always to rejoice about it. If you can be certain from the start, it will be easy. But how can you be certain from the start unless you know it is going to be easy? This is why the rest of the book is necessary. There are certain essential points and it is necessary to get them clear in your mind before you start:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Realize that you can achieve it. There is nothing different about you and the only person who can make you PMO is you. Not that star, she would never in her dreams thought about herself being used for reducing a mans virility.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is absolutely nothing to give up. On the contrary, there are enormous positive gains to be made. I do not only mean you will be healthier and richer. I mean you will enjoy the good times more and be less miserable during the bad times.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Get it clear in your head that there is no such thing as a peek or visit. PMOing is a drug addiction and a chain reaction. By moaning about the odd PMO you will only be punishing yourself needlessly.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;See the whole business of PMOing not as a “boys-will-be-boys” habit that might injure you but as drug addiction. Face up to the fact that, whether you like it or not, YOU HAVE GOT THE DISEASE. It will not go away because you bury your head in the sand. Remember: like all crippling diseases, it not only lasts for life but gets worse and worse. The easiest time to cure it is now.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Separate the disease (i.e. the brain chemical addiction) from the frame of mind of being a PMOer or a non-PMOer. All PMOers, if given the opportunity to go back to the time before they became hooked, would jump at that opportunity. You have that opportunity today! Don&amp;rsquo;t even think about it as &amp;lsquo;giving up&amp;rsquo; PMOing.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you have made the final decision that you have had your last PMO you will already be a non-PMOer. A PMOer is one of those poor wretches who have to go through life destroying themselves with porn. A non-PMOer is someone who doesn&amp;rsquo;t. Once you have made that final decision, you have already achieved your object.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Rejoice in the fact. Do not sit moping waiting for the chemical addiction to go. Get out and enjoy life immediately. Life is marvellous even when you are addicted and each day it will get so much better when you aren&amp;rsquo;t.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The key to making it easy to quit PMOing is to be certain that you will succeed in abstaining completely during the withdrawal period (maximum three weeks). If you are in the correct frame of mind, you will find it ridiculously easy.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;By this stage, if you have opened your mind as I requested at the beginning, you will already have decided you are going to stop. You should now have a feeling of excitement, like a dog straining at the leash, unable to wait to break down those brain DeltaFosB porn water slides. If you have a feeling of doom and gloom, it will be for one of the following reasons:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Something has not gelled in your mind. Re-read the above five points, and ask yourself if you believe them to be true. If you doubt any point, re-read the appropriate sections in the book.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;You fear failure itself. Do not worry. Just read on. You will succeed. The whole business of internet porn is like a confidence trick on a gigantic scale. Intelligent people fall for confidence tricks but it is only a fool who having once found out about the trick goes on kidding himself.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;You agree with everything but you are still miserable. Don&amp;rsquo;t be! Open your eyes. Something marvellous is happening. You are about to escape from the prison. It is essential to start with the correct frame of mind: isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvellous that I am a non-PMOer!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;All we have to do now is to keep you in that frame of mind during the withdrawal period, and the next few chapters deal with specific points to enable you to stay in that frame of mind during that time. After the withdrawal period you won&amp;rsquo;t have to think that way. You will think that way automatically, and the only mystery in your life will be: “It is so obvious, why couldn&amp;rsquo;t I see it before?” However, two important warnings:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Delay your plan to make your last visit until you have finished the book.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;I have mentioned several times a withdrawal period of up to three weeks. This can cause misunderstanding. First, you may subconsciously feel that you have to suffer for three weeks. You don&amp;rsquo;t. Secondly, avoid the trap of thinking, “Somehow I have just got to abstain for three weeks and then I will be free.” Nothing magic will actually happen after three weeks. You won&amp;rsquo;t suddenly feel like a non-PMOer. Non-PMOers do not feel any different from PMOers. If you are moping about stopping during the three weeks, in all probability you will still be moping about it after the three weeks. What I am saying is, if you can start right now by saying, “I am never going to PMO again. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvelous?” After three weeks all temptation will go. Whereas if you say, “If only I can survive three weeks without a PMO,” you will be dying for a harem visit after the three weeks are up.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Sexual dysfunction has a lot to do with your brain and your mind frame. Internet Porn rewires your brains reward circuit and gives your mind a doubting mind frame. This self doubt will undoubtedly cause your sexual dysfunctions. Having all the desire in your upper part but putting up no arousal in your lower part is the worst thing to happen to your mind frame. Libido going hand in hand with romance is the elixir of youth that you can have until you die. You will keep the probabilities high by quitting. But that is not the only or the major gain in all this. It is your freedom from slavery.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-30 Avoid False Incentives</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:05:14 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers, while trying to stop on the Willpower Method, attempt to increase their motivation by building up false incentives. There are many examples of this, a typical one is, “I will reward myself with a gift after no-PMO for a month.” This appears to be a logical and sensible approach but in fact it is false because any self-respecting PMOer would rather continue PMOing every day than receive a “self given gift.” In any case there is a doubt in the PMOers mind because not only will she have to abstain for thirty days but will she even enjoy the days without a PMO? Her only pleasure or crutch is taken away! All this does is to increase the size of the sacrifice that the PMOer feels she is making, which makes it even more precious in her mind.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Other examples: “I&amp;rsquo;ll stop PMO so that I will force myself to get a social life and seek more sex in real life” OR “Ill stop so some magical energy will help me to leap above the competitors and get this woman I pursue” OR “I commit to not waste my energy and enthusiasm in PMO, so I can grow enough hunger in myself.” These are true and can be effective and you may end up getting what you want. But think about it for a second - if you do get what you had wanted, once the novelty has gone you will feel deprived - if you didnt then you will feel miserable and either way sooner or later you will fall for the trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Another typical example is online or forum pacts. These have the advantage of eliminating temptation for certain periods. However, they generally fail for the following reasons:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The incentive is false. Why should you want to stop just because other people are doing so? All this does is to create an additional pressure, which increases the feeling of sacrifice. It is fine if all PMOers genuinely want to stop at one particular time. However, you cannot force PMOers to stop and although all PMOers secretly want to, until they are ready to do so a pact just creates additional pressure, which increases their desire to PMO. This turns them into secret PMOers, which further increases the feeling of dependency.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The “Rotten Apple” theory or dependency on each other. Under the Willpower Method of stopping, the PMOer is undergoing a period of penance during which he waits for the urge to PMO to go. If he gives in, there is a sense of failure. Under the Willpower Method one of the participants is bound to give in sooner or later. The other participants now have the excuse they have been waiting for. It&amp;rsquo;s not their fault. They would have held out. It is just that Fred has let them down. The truth is that most of them have already been cheating.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Sharing the credit” is the reverse of the “Rotten Apple” theory. Here the loss of face due to failure is not so bad when shared. There is a marvellous sense of achievement in stopping PMOing. When you are doing it alone the acclaim you receive from your friends and online buddies can be a tremendous boost to help you over the first few days. When everybody is doing it at the same time the credit has to be shared and the boost is consequently reduced.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Another classic example of false incentives is the guru promise. When I was younger it would make me feel angry if youd call me a saint. It is a cuss word. Stopping will give you happiness as you are not engaged in the tug of war and your brain is starting to re-wire and regain impulse controls and all that. However you must keep in mind that none of this will make you a sex god or win a lotto. No one, except you, cares if you stop PMO. You are not a weak person either if you are doing PMO three times a day and have PIED. And you are not a strong person if you are an addict and dont have PIED.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stop kidding yourself. If the job offer that I mentioned before, of 10 months work for 12 months salary a year won&amp;rsquo;t stop him. Or if the risks of cutting down your brains capacity to cope with just any normal day-to-day stress and strains or if putting yourself at odds with having a reliable erection, or if the lifetime of mental and physical torture and slavery did not stop him or her - the above said few phoney incentives will not make the slightest bit of difference. They will only make the sacrifice appear worse. Instead concentrate on the other side:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;what-am-i-getting-out-of-it-why-do-i-need-to-pmo&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;“What am I getting out of it? Why do I need to PMO?”&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Keep looking at the other side of the tug of war. What is PMOing doing for me? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Why do I need to do it? YOU DON&amp;rsquo;T! YOU ARE ONLY PUNISHING YOURSELF. Try looking at it from the Pascals Wager perspective. You have almost nothing to lose (a rub-out with half arousals) for sure, chances of big profits (a full and reliable arousal, mental well being and happiness) and no chance of losing big (unreliable full arousals, premature ejaculations, fading penetrations, loss of general impulse controls, lower tolerance for frustrations and anger).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Why not declare your quitting to friends and family? Well, it will make you a proud ex-addict, ex-PMOer, not an elated and happy non-PMOer. It will scare your partner a bit since they may see this as an effort to have more sex, sort of a new-age thing. They may also fear to lose you if this turns you into sex machine. It is hard to explain to them unless they are open minded.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Any attempt to get others to help you in your quitting gives more power to the little monster of addiction. Pushing it from your mind and totally ignoring it has the effect of trying NOT to think of it. As soon as you spot the thoughts, when you hit the cues (home alone) or just absent minded thoughts - just say to yourself: “Great, I dont have to do it like a slave animal. I am free. I am happy to know the differences in sex.” This will cut the life of the thought and will deny oxygen to it and will stop it from burning towards urges and cravings.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-29 Can I Compartmentalize?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:03:34 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is another myth about PMOing spread mainly by PMOers who, when attempting to stop on the Willpower Method, substitute mental gymnastics - they propose to act -Jekyll and Hyde: “Porn is for my alter ego side and real life romance is for my relationship side.” Nothing is further from the truth. The porn waterslides - the deltaFosBs and all the brain changes are going to overrun the real life romance and will make it less desirable. Mr Hyde is most definitely going to overrule Dr. Jekylls instructions.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you use internet porn, you may be training yourself for the role of voyeur or to need the option of clicking to something more arousing at the least drop in your dopamine levels, or to search and search for just the right scene for maximum effect. Also, you may be masturbating in a hunched-over position or watching your smartphone in bed nightly. You will eventually desire those cues more than the real life action. The thing that goes against real sex is the lack of novelty, variety, harem like 24/7 quick delivery etc. and so it stands no chance compared to your online harem. The younger you were when you started on PMO the longer to rewire and break down those porn water slides and get back those real water slides if there were any from the past or create new ones. Also powerful and lasting are the associated memories from when you were young.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Every time you take a ride on the porn water slide you are greasing it - keeping the nerves fresh. When you park next to a fast food restaurant the smell of the fries floats from the pan into your nostrils and the sale was already made. Likewise, the porn water slides in your brain are there for you to get sucked in and they are open 24 hours a day. Each of these cues, or triggers, can now light up your reward circuit with the promise of sex&amp;hellip; only it isn&amp;rsquo;t sex. Nevertheless, nerve cells may solidify these associations with sexual arousal by sprouting new branches to strengthen the connections. The more you use porn the stronger the nerve connections can become, with the result that you may ultimately need to be a voyeur, need to click to new material, need to climax to porn to get to sleep, or need to search for the perfect ending just to get the job done.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As with any substance or behavioural drug, after a while the body becomes immune and the “drug” ceases to relieve the withdrawal pangs completely. As soon as we close a session, the addict wants another one very soon and he has a permanent hunger. The natural inclination is eventually to escalate just to get the dopamine rush. However, most PMOers are prevented from doing this for one, or both, of two reasons.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Money - they cannot afford to subscribe to paid porn sites.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Health - There is only so much the body can take - either the motivator dopamine surges or the orgasms. And orgasms actually trigger anti-dopamine chemicals to cut down the dopamine flush. It has to - that is the way the body works.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Once that little monster leaves your body the awful feeling of insecurity ends. Your confidence returns, together with a marvellous feeling of self-respect. You obtain the assurance to take control of your life, not only in your other habits but also in all other ways. This is one of the many great advantages of being free from any addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have said, the compartment myth is due to one of many tricks that the little monster plays with your mind. In fact, these tricks do not make it easier to stop, they make it harder. The PMOer is therefore left with a permanent hunger that he can never satisfy. This is why many PMOers turn to cigarettes, heavy drinking or even harder drugs in order to satisfy the void.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I had suggested watching porn with one of my partners. But eventually I noticed it did not enhance my arousal at all. The sex was not better. I realized that it actually diminished my attraction towards her. We humans are rating animals - we always self rate and other rate. I am sure she rated me against the male porn start too. Why take chances? Do you want Brad Pitt in your bedroom, even if he is in a poster ? No one man or woman can match a harem where each experience is acted, scripted and directed by professionals and at the ready 24 hours a day.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-28 Will I Miss the Fun?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:01:03 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;No! Once that little porn monster is dead and your body stops craving dopamine and the porn water slides in your brain start to fade due to lack of greasing, any remaining brainwashing will vanish and you will find yourself both physically and mentally better equipped not only to cope with the stresses and strains of life but to enjoy the good times to the full.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There is only one danger and that is the influence of those who still use sex as their lying crutch and damned pleasure. “The other man&amp;rsquo;s grass is always greener,” is commonplace in many aspects of our lives and is easily understandable. Why is it in the case of PMOing, where the disadvantages are so enormous as compared with even the illusory advantages, that the ex-PMOer tend to envy the man or woman who appears to demand sex and use porn for pleasure and a crutch?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;With all the brainwashing of our childhood it is quite understandable that we fall into the trap. Why is it that, once we realize what a mug&amp;rsquo;s game it is and many of us manage to kick the habit, we walk straight back into the same trap? It is the influence of society&amp;rsquo;s brainwashing of porn being conflated with sex and presented as normal. The ex-PMOer has a pang! The insecure void feelings of them being single, which in itself is not a crime anyway, causes anxiety and cues them to PMO water slide. This is indeed a curious anomaly, particularly if you consider this piece of observation: not only is every non-PMOer in the world happy to be a non-PMOer but every PMOer in the world, even with his warped, addicted, brainwashed mind suffering the delusion that he enjoys it or it relaxes him, wishes he had never become hooked in the first place. So why do some ex-PMOers envy the PMOer on these occasions? There are two reasons.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Just one peek.” Remember; it doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. Stop seeing that isolated occasion and start looking at it from the point of view of the PMOer. You may be envying him but he doesn&amp;rsquo;t approve of himself: he envies you. If only you could somehow watch (clinically) another PMOer. They can be the most powerful boost of all to help you of it. Notice how quickly they open many tabs and many windows of their browsers? They fast forward to their important minutes. How quickly they get bored of some clips and how quickly they run through the gamut of genres producing novelty, shock, anxiety, worry etc. Notice particularly that not only is he/she not aware that he or she is PMOing but even the act of masturbation appears to be automatic. Remember, he is not enjoying it; it&amp;rsquo;s just that he cannot enjoy himself without it. Particularly remember that when he leaves to go to sleep after his visit he is drained of energy. The next morning, when he wakes up with a weakened will, lost energy, bleary eyes, he is going to have to carry on choking himself at the first appearance of stress and strain. The next time he has a pain in the penis, the next ED episode or a fading penetration when he is in the company of a non-PMOer, he has to continue this lifetime chain of paying through the nose just for the privilege of destroying himself physically and mentally. He is facing a lifetime of filth, bad mental health, stained confidence, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of destroying himself, a lifetime of black shadows at the back of his mind. And all of this is to achieve what purpose? The lying illusion if getting what you deserve and the damned pleasure?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The second reason why some ex- PMOers have pangs on these occasions is because the PMOer is doing something i.e. self pleasuring and the non-PMOer is not, so he tends to feel deprived. Get it clear in your mind before you start: it is not the non-PMOer who is being deprived. It is the poor PMOer who is being deprived of:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;PEACE OF MIND&lt;/li&gt;
Get out of the habit of envying PMOers and start seeing them as the miserable, pathetic creatures they really are. I know: I was the one of the world&amp;rsquo;s worst. That is why you are reading this book and the ones who cannot face up to it, who have to go on kidding themselves, are the most pathetic of all.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You wouldn&amp;rsquo;t envy a heroin addict. Like all drug addiction, yours won&amp;rsquo;t get better. Each year it will get worse and worse. If you don&amp;rsquo;t enjoy being a PMOer today, you&amp;rsquo;ll enjoy it even less tomorrow. Don&amp;rsquo;t envy other PMOers. Pity them. Believe me: THEY NEED YOUR PITY.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-27 Timing</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:55:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Apart from the obvious point that as it is doing you no good, now is the right time to stop. I believe timing is important. Our society treats internet porn flippantly as a slightly distasteful habit that can not injure your health. It is not. It is drug addiction, a disease and a destroyer of relationships in society. The worst thing that happens in most PMOers lives is getting hooked on that awful addiction. If they stay hooked, horrendous things happen. Timing is important to give yourself the right to a proper cure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;First of all, identify the times or occasions when PMO appears to be important to you. If you are a businessman and use it for the illusion of relief of stress, pick a relatively slack period; a good idea is to choose your annual holiday. If you PMO mainly during boring or relaxing periods, weekends etc. do the opposite. In any event, take the matter seriously and make the attempt the most important thing in your life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Look ahead for a period of about three weeks and try to anticipate any event that might lead to failure. Occasions like a conference trip, partner out of town etc. need not deter you, providing you anticipate them in advance and do not feel you will be deprived. Do not attempt to cut down in the meantime as this will only create the illusion that being denied is enjoyable. In fact, it helps to force yourself to watch and have as many PMO sessions as possible. While you are having the last session and that last time, be conscious of the disappointment due to satiation, unfulfilled expectations (porn can never satisfy you), any bodily pain or pain in the genitals, the withdrawal effects, the peevishness and the melancholy. Think how marvellous it will be when you allow yourself to stop doing it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;whatever-you-do-dont-fall-into-the-trap-of-just-saying-not-now-later-and-putting-it-out-of-your-mind-work-out-your-timetable-now-and-look-forward-to-it&#34;&gt;WHATEVER YOU DO, DON&amp;rsquo;T FALL INTO THE TRAP OF JUST SAYING, “NOT NOW. LATER,” AND PUTTING IT OUT OF YOUR MIND. WORK OUT YOUR TIMETABLE NOW AND LOOK FORWARD TO IT.&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Remember you aren&amp;rsquo;t giving anything up. On the contrary: you are about to receive marvellous positive gains.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For years the medical profession viewed porn is harmless without knowing the difference between the tame static porn of yesteryear and the latest VR streaming porn. The problem is this; although every PMOer uses internet porn purely to relieve the brain chemical craving for dopamine, it is not the addiction to the brain chemical itself that hooks the PMOer but the self-brainwashing that results from that addiction. An intelligent person will fall for a confidence trick. But only a fool will go on falling for it once he realizes that it&amp;rsquo;s a confidence trick. Fortunately, most PMOers aren&amp;rsquo;t fools; they only think they are. Each individual PMOer has his own private brainwashing. That is why there appears to be such a wide range of different types of PMOer, which only serves to compound the mysteries.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;With the benefit of the original book that used this method to stop smoking, which dealt with nicotine addiction (one of the most quickest and addictive drug known to man) and bearing in mind that the personal logs that I collected from Reddit, NoFap and YBOP blogs and forums, I was agreeably surprised to realize that the philosophy propounded in the original book was still sound. The accumulated knowledge that was acquired by the original author Alan Carr and by myself the hack-author is how to communicate that knowledge to each individual PMOer. The fact that I know every PMOer can not only find it easy to stop but can actually enjoy the process is not only pointless but exceedingly frustrating unless I can make the PMOer realize it. The original author of the quit smoking book explains some controversial advice:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“Many people have said to me: You say, &amp;ldquo;Continue to smoke until you have finished the book.&amp;rsquo;&amp;rsquo; This tends to make the smoker take ages to read the hook or just not finish it. period. Therefore you should change that instruction. This sounds logical, but I know that if the instruction were: Stop immediately, some smokers wouldn&amp;rsquo;t even start reading the book. I had a smoker consult me in the early days. He said, I really resent having to seek your help, I know I&amp;rsquo;m strong-willed. In every other area of my life I&amp;rsquo;m in control. Why is it that all these other smokers are stopping by using their own willpower, yet I have to come to you? He continued, I think I could do it on my own, if I could smoke while I was doing it.’”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This may sound like a contradiction but I know what the man meant. We think of stopping smoking as something that is very difficult to do. What do we need when we have something difficult to do? We need our little friend. So stopping smoking appears to be a double blow. Not only do we have a difficult task to perform, which is hard enough, but the crutch on which we normally rely on such occasions is no longer available. It didn&amp;rsquo;t occur to me until long after the man had left that my instruction to keep smoking is the real beauty of my method. You can continue to smoke while you go through the process of stopping. You get rid of all your doubts and fears first so when you extinguish that final cigarette you are already a non-smoker and can enjoy being one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So this book on PMO will also keep the same advice intact. No matter how much I say it will be easy there will be a vast majority who will not be able to accept it due to their personal brainwashing on how difficult it is to quit.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only chapter that has caused me to question my original advice seriously is this chapter on the matter of the right timing. Above all, I advise that if your special occasions are stress situations at the office then pick a holiday to make an attempt to give up or vice versa. In fact, that isn&amp;rsquo;t the easiest way to do it. The easiest way is to pick what you consider to be the most difficult time to do it, whether it be stress, social, concentration or boredom. Once you&amp;rsquo;ve proved that you can cope with and enjoy life in the worst possible situations every other situation becomes easy. But if I gave that as a definite instruction, would you even make the attempt to stop?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let me use an analogy. My wife and I intend to swim together. We arrive at the pool at the same time but we rarely swim together. The reason is that she immerses one toe and half an hour later she&amp;rsquo;s actually swimming. I cannot stand that slow torture. I know in advance that at some stage, no matter how cold the water is, eventually I&amp;rsquo;m going to have to brave it. So I&amp;rsquo;ve learned to do it the easy way: I dive straight in. Now, assuming that I were in a position to insist that if she didn&amp;rsquo;t dive straight in, she couldn&amp;rsquo;t swim at all. I know that she wouldn&amp;rsquo;t swim at all. Do you see the problem?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;From feedback I know that many PMOers have used the original advice I gave on timing to delay what they think will be the “evil day.” My next thoughts were to use the technique that I used for the chapter on the advantages of PMOing, something like: “timing is very important and in the next chapter I will advise you about the best time for you to make the attempt!” You turn the page over and there is just a huge, “NOW!” That is, in fact, the best advice but would you take it? This is the most subtle aspect of the porn trap. When we have genuine stress in our lives, it&amp;rsquo;s not the time to stop yet if we have no stress in our lives, we have no desire to stop. Ask yourself these following questions:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;When you got porn the first time, did you really decide then that you would continue to depend on it the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU DIDN&amp;rsquo;T!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Are you going to continue the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU AREN&amp;rsquo;T!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So when will you stop? Tomorrow? Next year? The year after? Isn&amp;rsquo;t this what you&amp;rsquo;ve been asking yourself since you first realized you were hooked? Are you hoping that one morning you will wake up and just not want to PMO any more? Stop kidding yourself. I waited many many awful years for it to happen to me. With any addiction you get progressively more hooked, not less. You think it will be easier tomorrow? You&amp;rsquo;re still kidding yourself. If you can&amp;rsquo;t do it today, what makes you think it will be easier tomorrow? Are you going to wait until you&amp;rsquo;ve actually started to feel getting out of bed is harder than just masturbating? That would be a bit pointless.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The real trap is the belief that now isn&amp;rsquo;t the right time - it will always be easier tomorrow. We believe that we live stressful lives. In fact, we don&amp;rsquo;t. We&amp;rsquo;ve taken most genuine stress out of our lives. When you leave your home you don&amp;rsquo;t live in fear of being attacked by wild animals. Most of us don&amp;rsquo;t have to worry where our next meal is coming from or whether we&amp;rsquo;ll have a roof over our head tonight. But just think of the life of a wild animal. Every time a rabbit comes out of its burrow, it is facing Vietnam the whole of its life. But the rabbit can handle it. It&amp;rsquo;s got adrenalin and other hormones and so have we. The truth is, the most stressful periods for any creature are early childhood and adolescence. But 3 billion years of natural selection have equipped us to cope with stress. Many people who have had hard childhoods grew up to lead normal lives.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We are all able to cope with unkind people and the unpleasant parts of life. I don&amp;rsquo;t believe any of my life adversities have left me with any permanent scars; on the contrary, I believe they have made me a stronger person. When I look back on my life there has only been one thing that I couldn&amp;rsquo;t handle and that was my slavery to that damned internet porn.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A few years ago I thought I had all the worries in the world. I was suicidal - not in the sense that I would have jumped off a roof but in the sense that I knew that this mental tug of war would soon kill me. I argued that if this was life with my crutch, life just wouldn&amp;rsquo;t be worth living without it. What I didn&amp;rsquo;t realize was that when you are physically and mentally depressed everything gets you down. Now I feel like a young boy again. Only one thing made the change in my life: I&amp;rsquo;m now out of the porn pit.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I know it&amp;rsquo;s a cliché to say, “if you haven&amp;rsquo;t got your health, you&amp;rsquo;ve got nothing,” but it&amp;rsquo;s absolutely true. I used to think that physical fitness fanatics like Gary Player were a pain. I used to claim there&amp;rsquo;s more to life than feeling fit; there&amp;rsquo;s sex, booze and tobacco. That&amp;rsquo;s nonsense. When you feel physically and mentally strong you can enjoy the highs and handle the lows. We confuse responsibility with stress. Responsibility becomes stressful only when you don&amp;rsquo;t feel strong enough to handle it. The Richard Burtons of this world are physically and mentally strong. What destroys them is not the stresses of life or their jobs, or old age but the lying crutches they turn to which are just illusions. Sadly in his case and for millions like him those lying crutches kill.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Look at it this way. You&amp;rsquo;ve already decided that you are not going to stay in the trap the rest of your life. Therefore at some time in your life whether you find it easy or difficult, you will have to go through the process of getting free. PMOing is not a habit or pleasure. It is drug addiction and a disease. We&amp;rsquo;ve already established that far from being easier to stop tomorrow, it will get progressively harder. With a disease that&amp;rsquo;s going to get progressively worse, the time to get rid of it is NOW - or as near to now as you can manage. Just think how quickly each week of our lives comes and goes. That&amp;rsquo;s all it takes. Just think how nice it will he to enjoy the rest of your life without that ever-increasing black shadow hanging over you. And if you follow all my instructions, you won&amp;rsquo;t even have to wait five days. You won&amp;rsquo;t only find it easy after closing down your bowser: Y&lt;strong&gt;OU&amp;rsquo;LL ENJOY IT!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-26 A Social Habit?</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:54:03 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Health of mind and body are the main reason why we should want to stop but then they always have been. We do not actually need scientific research and knowledge in brain chemistry to tell us that internet porn is addictive and can potentially shatter our lives. These bodies of ours are the most sophisticated objects on the planet and any PMOer knows instantly, from the first session, that the stimulus can go to excess and it can turn poisonous.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only reason why we ever get involved with internet porn is the PMOs overlap with their evolutionary brain programming. Porn is available for free and it gets streamed 24 hours a day. No risk and no traces and with very high brain rewards. Porn was once considered as harmless but that was when the images were static and involved a trip to the local store for a VHS tape.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Today it is generally considered even by PMOers themselves to be a supra-stimulus and addiction forming. In the old days, the strong man did not admit he masturbated. Jerk is a derogatory term. In every pub or club bar the majority of men would be proudly wanting to take a woman home and have real sex. Today the position is completely reversed for the internet porn addicts. Today&amp;rsquo;s man realizes that he is starting to feel that he doesn&amp;rsquo;t need a woman. This scares him. He bands together online and starts discussing experiences, devise strategies and explore options. Today&amp;rsquo;s strong man does not want to depend on drugs. With the social revolution all PMOers nowadays are giving serious thought to stopping internet porn and masturbation. Today&amp;rsquo;s PMOers consider PMO as an useless and harmful activity.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The most significant trend that I have noticed in forums is the increasing emphasis on the anti-social aspect of PMOing. The days when a man boasted of having sex and orgasms every day is slowly getting replaced with, “why do I need to be a slave for this porn monster when I know it is controlling my wand (and mind)?”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only reason why people continue to PMO after getting educated is because they have failed to stop or are too frightened to try. There are even talks about no porn, no masturbation and no orgasms - with or without partners. Karezza is discussed widely and people are trying it out. Many aforementioned failures are “fail forwards” and thus somewhat benefiting the people who practice them. Once you start in the no-PMO route you will find your best fit that applies to your life. I strongly encourage devising your own plan on orgasms after understanding and practising the separation of the amative and the propagative parts of sex. I am sure whichever route you take you will see the value of preserving the “seed” by limiting the number of times you flush your brain with chemicals by orgasming. You will then never see porn, sex and orgasms as a pleasure or as a crutch for your emotional ups and downs.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I was reading a Reddit forum by non-PMOers dedicated to quitting not only porn but also masturbation. As I read along I thought. “This is good, I see so many have taken to quitting masturbation and I think that is the right way to quit PMO.” However, I found most of the notes pointing to them to try with the Willpower Method. There was a lot of self-pitying as well. Except a few&amp;hellip; almost all were not feeling elated and not having the, “yippee I am free from slavery” attitude. Eventually someone broke down - as I unfortunately expected to happen. And the result was a domino effect. All those other PMOers had been sitting there thinking, “surely I can&amp;rsquo;t be the only PMOer here.” However, they were “failing forward” albeit with a lot of self-torturing as they shut down their browsers but did not shut down the desire and the need. This method is the reverse as - we shut down the desire and the need first before shutting down the browser screen. As every day more and more PMOers leave the sinking ship, so those left on it become terrified they&amp;rsquo;ll be the last.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;dont-let-it-be-you&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;DON&amp;rsquo;T LET IT BE YOU!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
<title>03-25 The YouTube PMOer</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:51:35 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;The YouTube PMOer should be grouped with casual PMOers but the effects of a YouTube PMOer are so insidious that it merits a separate chapter. It can lead to the breakdown of personal self control. In one case it nearly caused a split for a No-Fap forum user.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I was three weeks into one of my failed attempts to stop. The attempt had been triggered off by my wife&amp;rsquo;s worry about my unreliable hard-ons and lack of interest. I had told her that it was not her and it was just job pressure. She said, &amp;lsquo;I know you had handled the work pressure before but how would you feel if you were me and had to watch someone you love systematically destroying themselves? It was an argument that I found irresistible, hence the attempt to stop. She knows that I am not cheating - but this in a way is as worse as that (sic). The attempt ended after three weeks after a heated argument with an old friend. It did not register until years afterwards that my devious mind had deliberately triggered off the argument. I felt justly aggrieved at the time but I do not believe that it was coincidence, as I had never argued with this particular friend before, nor have I since. It was clearly the little monster at work. Anyway, I had my excuse. I desperately needed a release of orgasm and it doesnt matter how. As it happens she was not in the mood right away and I was in an “entitlement” hurry. So I convinced myself that it is OK if I restrict myself by avoiding a porn site and just stay this side of the red line and watch only YouTube videos. But she came around as the night unfolded and wanted to make love. But I was tired and not with all my horsepower. I then invented a headache. I could not bear to think of the disappointment this would cause my wife. Then gradually I returned to the old ways, only YouTube became my new harem destination. I remember being quite pleased at the time. I thought, &amp;lsquo;well, at least it is cutting my consumption down; Eventually she accused me of continuing to ignore her in the bed. I had not realized it but she described the times I had caused an argument and stormed out of the house. At other times I had taken two hours to purchase some minor item and faked a sprain or something. I had made feeble excuses to cop out of the whole wooing her and etc. when I have a reliable online harem it is even more hard.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The worst thing about the YouTube PMOer is that it supports the fallacy in the PMOers mind that he is being deprived. At the same time, it causes a major loss of self-respect; an otherwise honest person may force himself to deceive his loved one. It has probably happened or is still happening to you in some form.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It happened to me several times. Have you ever watched the TV detective series Columbo? The theme of each episode is similar. The villain, usually a wealthy and respected businessman, has committed what he is convinced is the perfect murder and his confidence in his crime remaining undetected receives a boost when he discovers that the rather shabby and unimpressive-looking Detective Columbo is in charge of the case.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Columbo has this frustrating practice of closing the door after finishing his interrogation, having assured the suspect that he is in the clear and before the satisfied look has disappeared from the murderer&amp;rsquo;s face, Columbo reappears with: “just one small point, sir, which I&amp;rsquo;m sure you can explain&amp;hellip;” The suspect stammers and from that point on we know and he knows that Columbo will gradually wear him down. No matter how heinous the crime, from that point on my sympathies were with the murderer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It was almost as if I were the criminal and that&amp;rsquo;s exactly how those bouts made me feel. The tension of not being allowed to cross the red line to get my porn fix that I “rightly deserve because I am hard working man and why shouldnt I when every man does it?” entitlement, click, click, clicking on videos that come close to the right one. Longing for the porn tube videos. And then finishing the deed - just a limp rub out, wondering where the pleasure was. The fear of crossing the line losing control. The relief of returning to the bed, immediately followed by the fear that she would toss around and ask for sex. As the “safe” YouTube videos started not to do it for me - desensitization and lack of novelty and the certain knowledge that sooner or later I was bound to visit my favourite online harem. The final humiliation and shame when that certainty became a fact, followed by the immediate return to chain-PMOing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;oh-the-joys-of-being-a-pmo-er&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;OH THE JOYS OF BEING A PMO-er!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
<title>03-24 Casual PMOers, Teenagers, Non PMOers</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:40:22 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Heavy PMOers tend to envy the casual porn user. We&amp;rsquo;ve all met these characters: “Oh, I can go all week without a PMO, it really doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me.” We think: “I wish I were like that!” I know this is hard to believe but no PMOer enjoys being a PMOer. Never forget:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;No PMOer ever decided to become a PMOer casual or otherwise, therefore:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;All PMOers feel stupid, therefore:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;All PMOers have to lie to themselves and other people in a vain attempt to justify their stupidity.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I used to be a golf fanatic. I would brag about how often I played and I wanted to play more. Why do PMOers brag about how little they masturbate? If that&amp;rsquo;s the true criterion then surely the true accolade is not to masturbate at all?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If I said to you, “do you know, I can go all week without carrots and it doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me in the slightest,” You would think I was some sort of nutcase. If I enjoy carrots, why would I want go all week without them? If I didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy them, why would I make such a statement? So when a user makes a statement like: “I can go all week without a PMO session, it really doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me.” He&amp;rsquo;s trying to convince both himself and you that he has no problem. But there would be no need to make the statement if he had no problem. What he is really saying is: “I managed to survive a whole week without PMOing.” Like every PMOer, he was probably hoping that after this he could survive the rest of his life. But he could only survive a week and can you imagine how precious that PMO session must have been afterwards, having felt deprived for a whole week?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This is why casual PMOers are effectively more hooked than heavy PMOers. Not only is the illusion of pleasure greater but they have less incentive to quit because they spend less time and are less vulnerable to the health risks. They may occasionally experience PIED but they are not very sure what caused it. Remember, the only pleasure PMOers get is in search-and-seek and then to relieve the withdrawal pangs, as I have already explained but even that pleasure is an illusion. Imagine the little porn monster inside your body as a permanent itch so imperceptible that most of the time we aren&amp;rsquo;t even aware of it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now if you have a permanent itch, the natural tendency is to scratch it. Similarly as our brain&amp;rsquo;s reward circuits become more and more immune to dopamine and opioids, the natural tendency is to edge, escalate, binge, novelty-seek, shock-seek etc. There are four main factors that prevent PMOers from chain-PMOing:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Time. Most cannot afford to.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Health. In order to relieve our itches we have to consume all free material that is available and then some. Capacity to cope with that kind of binging varies with each individual and at different times and situations in his or her life. This acts as an automatic restraint.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Discipline. This is imposed by society or the PMOers job, or friends and relatives, or by the PMOer himself as a result of the natural tug of war that goes on in every PMOers mind.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Imagination. Lack of imagination plays down the shock, novelty and other values of the same clip on a subjective basis.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I used to think of my non-casual PMOing as a weakness. I couldn&amp;rsquo;t understand why my friends could limit their “intake.” I knew I was a very strong-willed person. It never occurred to me that most PMOers are incapable of chain-PMOing - you need a very strong imagination and also extraordinarily strong penis stamina in order to do it. Some of these once-a-week PMOers that heavy PMOers tend to envy do it less frequently because physically their constitution cannot do more, or because they cannot afford to PMO more, or because their job, or society, or their own hatred of being hooked won&amp;rsquo;t allow them to PMO more.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It may be of advantage at this stage to provide a few definitions:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-non-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE NON-PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Someone who has never fallen for the trap but should not be complacent. He is a non-PMOer only by luck or the grace of goodness. All PMOers were convinced that they would never become hooked and some non-PMOers keep trying an occasional session.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-casual-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE CASUAL PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There are two basic classifications of casual PMOers:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The PMOer who has fallen for the trap but doesn&amp;rsquo;t realize it. Do not envy such PMOers. They are merely sampling the nectar at the mouth of the pitcher plant and in all probability will soon be heavy users. Remember, just as all alcoholics started off as casual drinkers, so all PMOers started off as casual PMOers.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The PMOer who was previously a heavy PMOer and thinks he cannot stop. These PMOers are the saddest of all. They fall into various categories, each of which needs separate comment.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-oncea--day-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE ONCEA- DAY PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If he enjoys his entitlement to orgasm, why does he use internet porn to orgasm only once a day? If he can take it or leave it, why does he bother to PMO at all? Remember, the habit is really banging your head against the brick wall only to make it relaxing when you stop. The once-a-day PMOer is relieving his withdrawal pangs for less than one hour each day. The rest of the day, although he doesn&amp;rsquo;t realize it, he is banging his head against the wall and does so for most of his life. He is PMOing only once a day because either he cannot take the risk of getting caught or screwing up his brain health. It is easy to convince the heavy PMOer that he doesn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy it but you try convincing a casual PMOer. Anybody who has gone through an attempt to cut down will know it is the worst torture of all and almost guaranteed to keep you hooked for the rest of your life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-rejected-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE REJECTED PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This PMOer demands the right to his/her orgasm(s) every day. And of course his sex partner is not always up to it. So he goes on the internet for porn initially. Once he takes “the ride” to fix “the void” he is trapped on this most exciting water slide of novelty, shock, supranormal images etc. He is in fact dichotomously happy with the partners rejection it gives him something of an excuse. If internet porn is giving so much to you, why even bother to have a partner at all? Set him or her free. He is not even enjoying the PMO when he has to carry his partner in his mind. At some point he is using his real life partner to hand him an excuse to go out into the valleys of the dark side of the internet.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-porn-diet-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE PORN DIET PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;(Or, “I can stop whenever I want to. I have done it thousands of times”). If he thinks dieting helps with his moods to get out to get women, why is he even on the diet of once every four days? How can one predict the future, what if the happenstance of meeting occurred just an hour after your scheduled PMO session? Also, if he thinks this occasional “cleaning the plumbing” is good to relieve tension and relax why not plumb every day? It has been proven that masturbation is not required to keep the genitals healthy. Internet porn is not required at all. Even if that may be the case, any PUA guru who has read about the brain chemistry and its plasticity will never recommend watching super stimulus porn. The truth is he is still hooked. Although he gets rid of the physical addiction, he is left with the main problem - the brainwashing. He hopes each time that he will stop for good and soon falls for the same trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers actually envy these stoppers and starters. They think, “how lucky to be able to control it like that, to do PMO when you want to and stop when you want to,” What they always overlook is that these stoppers and starters aren&amp;rsquo;t controlling it. When they are PMOers, they wish they weren&amp;rsquo;t. They go through the hassle of stopping, then begin to feel deprived and fall for the trap again, then wish they hadn&amp;rsquo;t. They get the worst of both worlds. If you think about it, this is true in the lives of the PMOers. When we are allowed to PMO we either take it as entitled or wish we didn&amp;rsquo;t. It&amp;rsquo;s only when we can&amp;rsquo;t have PMO that it appears to be so precious. The forbidden fruit syndrome. This is the awful dilemma of PMOers. They can never win because they are moping for a myth, an illusion. There is one way they can win and that is to stop PMOing and stop moping!&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-i-only-pmo-to-statictamehome-made-porn-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE I-ONLY-PMO-TO-STATIC/TAME/HOME-MADE-PORN PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Yes, we all do it to start with but isn&amp;rsquo;t it amazing how the average shock value of these clips seems rapidly to increase and before we know it we seem to be feeling deprived (tolerance)? The novelty is lacking in with static porn and we pay the mascot for a cup of grease and take the ride down the porn water slide towards the dark spirals of resentment and guilt. The worst thing you can do is to use your partner&amp;rsquo;s pictures (with approval, of course) for masturbation. Why? Because you are re-wiring your brain for the seeking, searching and variety induced dopamine flushes. The porn water slides in the brain is the DeltaFosB built-up due to the dopamine surges induced by internet porn. But you will find yourself having weak and unreliable erections when you are with her in real time. Another genre in this category is amateur or home made porn. Most are fakes and you know it. And you are not going to settle down and finish on the very first one that hits your eyes&amp;hellip; you are going to continue to seek and search. Remember its not only the orgasms but the search-and-seek, the wandering, that gives the porn slide the surge, the ride. The porn content, whether amateur or professional or whatever is not the issue, it is the brain flushes of dopamine during the search-and-seek - the building up of brain tolerance and satiation. Porn destroys normal brain operations. Masturbation confuses the muscle-brain. Orgasms floods the brain and so it should be, better the risks involved in having one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-i-have-stopped-but-i-have-an-occasional-peek-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE I-HAVE-STOPPED-BUT-I-HAVE-AN-OCCASIONAL-PEEK PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In a way such peeking PMOers are the most pathetic of all. Either they go through their lives believing they are being deprived or, more often, the occasional peek becomes two. They remain on the slippery slope and it goes only one way - DOWNWARDS. Sooner or later they are back to being heavy PMOers. They have fallen again for the very trap that they fell into in the first place.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There are two other categories of casual PMOers. The first is the type who masturbates to images or clips of the latest celebrity sex tapes that hit the news. Or something they carried home from their accidental viewing at school or work. These people are really non-PMOers. It&amp;rsquo;s just that they feel they are missing out. They want to be part of the action. We all start off like this. Next time watch how, after a while, the celebrity sex tape, the same star of your fantasy is not doing it to you any more. The more unattainable the target of your fantasy is, the more frustrating the withdrawal of the orgasm is.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The second category is recently getting attention. The type can best be described by outlining a case shared online. A woman who is a professional, had been using internet porn stories for many years and had never PMOed more or less than one time every night. She was, incidentally, a very strong-willed lady. Most PMOers would wonder why she wanted to stop in the first place. They would gladly point out to her that there is no worries of PIED, or PE in her case as she is a women. She is using not even static images and the stories are far tamer than any they use on a daily basis.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;They make the mistake of assuming that casual PMOers are happier and more in control. In control they may be but happy they are not. In this case, she is not satisfied with her partner, not interested in real sex, highly irritable with her daily stress and strains. Her nearest-and-dearest could not find out what is bothering her. Even if she convinced herself not to be afraid of her use of internet porn by rationalizing, she still finds herself not being able to enjoy real relationships which almost invariably involve ups and downs. Her brains RC&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; is not able to make use of the normal de-stress brain chemicals as she is flooding dopamine into her brain on an everyday basis. The down regulation&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; of her brain receptors has rendered her melancholic most times. Like me, she had a great fear of internet porns dark side of the treatment of women- before her first time. Like me, she eventually fell victim to the massive social brainwash and tried that first porn site. Like me, she can remember the foul clips of violence staged as entertainment. Unlike me, who capitulated and became a chain-PMOer very quickly, she resisted the slide.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;All you ever enjoy in PMO is the ending of the craving that started before it, whether it be the almost imperceptible physical craving for dopamine or the mental torture caused by not being allowed to scratch the itch. Internet porn itself is a poison as far as it concerns you. This is why you only suffer the illusion of enjoying it after a period of abstinence. Just like a hunger or thirst, the longer you suffer it, the greater the pleasure when you finally relieve it. PMOers make the mistake of believing PMO is just a habit. They think, “if I can only keep it down to a certain level or do only on special occasions, my brain and body will accept it. I can then keep my PMOing at that level or cut down further should I wish to.” Get it clear in your mind: the &amp;lsquo;habit&amp;rsquo; doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. PMOing is drug addiction. The natural tendency is to relieve withdrawal pangs, not to endure them. Even to hold it at the level you are already at, you would have to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life because as your brain&amp;rsquo;s RC becomes immune to dopamine and opioids, it wants more and more, not less and less. As PMO begins to destroy you physically and mentally, as it gradually breaks down your nervous system, your courage and confidence, your impulse controls, so you are increasingly unable to resist reducing the interval between each session.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That is why in the early days, we can take it or leave it. If we get a sign of something amiss mentally or physically, we just stop. It also explains why someone like me, who never even suffered the illusion of enjoying them, had to go on chain-PMOing even though every time it had become a physical torture. Don&amp;rsquo;t envy that woman. When you PMO only once every twenty four hours it appears to be the most precious thing on earth. The “forbidden fruit syndrome.” For many years that poor woman had been at the centre of a tug of war.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;She had been unable to stop PMOing, yet was frightened to escalate to streaming clips. But for twenty-three hours and ten minutes of every one of those days she had to fight the temptation. She also had to fight her own lack of feelings towards her boyfriend. It took tremendous willpower to do what she did and, as I have said, such cases are rare. But it reduced her to tears in the end. Just look at it logically: either there is a genuine crutch or pleasure in PMOing or there isn&amp;rsquo;t. If there is, who wants to wait an hour, or a day, or a week? Why should you be denied the crutch or pleasure in the meantime? If there is no genuine crutch or pleasure, why bother paying visits to your online harem?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Here is another case of a once-in-four-days man. This is how the man described his life:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I am forty years old. I suffered PIED with real women and even when Id be doing PMO. Most times I am only rubbing it out. It has been a while since I had a full erection. Before going on the one-in-four days porn diet, I used to sleep soundly through the night after my PMO. Now I wake up every hour of the night and all I can think about is PMO. Even when I am sleeping. I dream about my favourite clips. On days after my scheduled PMO I feel pretty down and this diet would take up all my energy. My SO would leave me alone because I am so bad-tempered and if she cant get out, she will not have me in the house. I go for a jog outside but my mind is obsessed with PMOing. On the schedule day I begin planning earlier in the night. I get very irritated if something happens against my plans. Id give up on conversation and give in (only to later regret) at work and at home. I am not an argumentative guy but I dont want the topic or conversation to hold me down. I remember occasions when Id pick up silly fights with my SO. I then wait for 10 o&amp;rsquo;clock. When it arrives my hands are shaking uncontrollably. I do not start the deed right away. As there are new videos that has been added, I had to shop around. As I click around, my mind tells me that since I had starved myself for 4 days I deserve a special clip and it has to be worth the time spent searching. Eventually I settle for one or two but then I want it to last so that I can survive through the next 4 days. So I take more time to finish the deed.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In addition to his other troubles, this poor man has no idea that he treating himself to a poison. First he is suffering the “forbidden fruit syndrome.” Next he is forcing his brain to flush dopamine. His dopamine receptors are not as cut down comparatively either. But he is sliding and greasing the porn slides, seeking and searching for edging, novelty, variety, shock-value, anxiety-value (“I must treat myself so that I can survive the next three days”) etc. You probably have visions of a pathetic imbecile. Not so. This man was over six feet tall and an ex-sergeant in the Marines. He was a former athlete and didn&amp;rsquo;t want to become an addict to anything. However, when he returned from the war he was trained as a techie in a veterans rehab program. When he entered the civil work force he was a well paid IT professional in a bank and was given a laptop (one of the ways to ensure you take work home). It was the year that famous socialites leaked their porn videos online. There was much talk about it. And he got hooked. He has spent the rest of his life paying through the nose and it has ruined him physically and mentally. If he were an animal, our society would have put him out of his misery, yet we still allow mentally and physically healthy young teenagers to become hooked. You may think the above case and my notes are exaggerated. It is extreme but not unique. There are literally thousands of similar stories. That man poured his heart out to me but you can be sure that many of his friends and acquaintances envied him for being a once-a-week man. If you think this couldn&amp;rsquo;t happen to you, STOP KIDDING YOURSELF.&lt;/p&gt;
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&lt;h3 id=&#34;it-is-already-happening&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;IT IS ALREADY HAPPENING.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In any event, PMOers like other addicts are notorious liars, even to themselves. They have to be. Most casual PMOers indulge far more times and on far more occasions than they will admit to. I have had many conversations with so-called twice-a-week PMOers during which they have done it more than three times that week. If you read the Reddit or No-Fap forums of casual PMOers, they are either counting the days or waiting to fail. You do not need to envy casual PMOers. You do not need to PMO. Life is infinitely sweeter without PMO. One log says&amp;hellip;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“It started with a simple challenge to not touch my penis for a day. And being unable. I don&amp;rsquo;t think about masturbation anymore. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t cross my mind. That is possible, I promise you. And the riches that await those who are able - they&amp;rsquo;re incredible.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Teenagers are generally more difficult to cure, not because they find it difficult to stop but because either they do not believe they are hooked or they are at the primary stage of the trap and suffer from the delusion that they will automatically have stopped before the secondary stage.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I would like particularly to warn parents of children who loathe internet porn not to have a false sense of security. All children loathe the dark sides of porn until they become hooked. You did too at one time. Also do not be fooled by scare campaigns. The trap is the same as it always was. Children know that internet porn is supranormal stimuli but they also know that one visit or peek will not do it. At some stage they may be influenced by a girlfriend or boyfriend, school friend or work colleague.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You may think that all they need is an education in brain plasticity and that PMO (including even masturbation) acts like a virus in their brain programme to convince them they could never become hooked. I find society&amp;rsquo;s failure to prevent our children from becoming addicted to internet porn and other drugs to be the most disturbing of all the many disturbing facets of addiction. I beg you not to be complacent in this matter. It is necessary to protect youngsters as their brain is more plastic at that age. I strongly urge you to read the YBOP book and educate yourself of the brain science. Even if you suspect your teenager might lready be hooked, the book will provide excellent guidance to assist in gaining understanding for someone to escape.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;RC&lt;/strong&gt; - reward circuits.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Regulation&lt;/strong&gt; - Up and down regulation is a natural reactionary process of the brain to adjust receptors and or their neuro-transmitters based on the level that is present.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-23 Just One Peek</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:35:22 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;“Just one peek” is a myth you must get out of your mind:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek that gets us started in the first place.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek to tide us over a difficult patch or on a special occasion that defeats most of our attempts to stop.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek that, when PMOers have succeeded in breaking the addiction, sends them back into the trap. Sometimes it is just to confirm that they do not need them any more and that one harem visit does just that.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The after effect of PMO will be horrible and convinces the PMOer he will never become hooked again but he already is. The PMOer feels that something that is making him or her so miserable and guilty should have not made him or her do it yet they did.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is the thought of that one special PMO session that often prevents users from stopping. The one after your long conference trip or the one after your hard day at work or your fight with kids or after an incident where your partner rejects you for sex. Get it firmly in your mind there is no such thing as “just one peek.” It is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you break it. It is the myth about the odd, special occasion that keeps PMOers moping about it when they stop. Get into the habit of never seeing the “no big deal” (NBD&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;) session - it is a fantasy. Whenever you think about porn or PMO, see a whole filthy lifetime of spending a lot of time behind a screen just for the privilege of destroying yourself mentally and physically, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of hopelessness. It is not a crime if your erections are unreliable. But it is when you could be happier in the long term but choose to sacrifice that for a short term pleasure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is OK that we cant always come up with something to do for the void and it is not realistically possible to do that every time and for our entire life. Yes, we can plan for most of them, but sometimes void happens. Good times and bad times also happen, irrespective of your PMO anyway. But get it clearly into your mind: the PMO isn&amp;rsquo;t it. You are stuck with either a lifetime of misery or none at all. You wouldn&amp;rsquo;t dream of taking cyanide because you liked the taste of almonds, so stop punishing yourself with the thought of the occasional “no big deal” PMO. Ask a PMOer with issues, “if you had the opportunity to go back to the time before you became hooked, would you have become a PMOer?” The answer is inevitably, “you have got to be joking!” Yet every PMOer has that choice every day of his life. Why doesn&amp;rsquo;t he opt for it? The answer is fear. The fear that he cannot stop or that life won&amp;rsquo;t be the same without it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stop kidding yourself! You can do it. Anybody can. It&amp;rsquo;s ridiculously easy. In order to make it easy to stop masturbating to internet porn there are certain fundamentals to get clear in your mind. We have already dealt with three of them up to now:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is nothing to give up. There are actually only marvellous positive gains to achieve.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Never convince yourself of the odd/NBD (no big deal) or JOP&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; (just one peak) PMO. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. There is only a lifetime of filth and slavery,&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is nothing different about you. Any addicted PMOer can find it easy to stop.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers believe that they are confirmed addicts or have addictive personalities. This usually happens if they have read the shocking&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:3&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:3&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;3&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; part of the brain science a little bit too much. I promise you there is no such thing. No one is born with needs to masturbate to video clips before they become hooked on the drug. It is the drug that hooks you and not the nature of your character or personality. It is the effect of addictive supranormal stimuli that makes you believe that you have an addictive personality. However, it is essential that you remove this belief because if you believe that you are dependent on internet porn, you will be. Even after the little porn monster inside your body is dead. It is essential to remove all of this brainwashing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;NBD&lt;/strong&gt; - no big deal.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;JOP&lt;/strong&gt; - Just one peek.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:3&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The shocking part of brain chemistry talks about a long lasting deltaFosB stable protein that forms the water slide cues in our brains. These cause the slip-lapse-relapse cycles in addicts. They are greased (kept alive) every time the addicted substance is used.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:3&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-22 Beware of Cutting Down</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:28:58 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers resort to cutting down either as a stepping-stone towards stopping or as an attempt to control the little monster. Many recommend cutting down or a porn diet&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; as a pick-me-up. Obviously, the less you PMO the better off you are but as a stepping-stone to stopping, cutting down is fatal. It is these attempts to cut down that keep us trapped all our lives.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Usually cutting down follows failed attempts to stop. After a few hours or days of abstinence the PMOer says to himself something like:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I cannot face the thought of going to sleep without visiting my online harem, so from now on I will just PMO once in four days or I will purge my collection of bad porn. If I can follow this porn diet, I can either hold it there or cut down further.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Certain terrible things now happen:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He has the worst of all worlds. He is still addicted to internet porn and is keeping the monster alive not only in his body but also in his mind.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He is now wishing his life away waiting for the next session.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Prior to cutting down, whenever he wanted to visit his harem he would fire up his browser and at least partially relieved his withdrawal pangs. Now, in addition to the normal stresses and strains of life, he is actually causing himself to suffer the withdrawal pangs from porn most of his life. So he is causing himself to be even more miserable and bad tempered.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;While he was indulging himself, he didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy most of the PMO sessions nor did he realize he was using a supranormal stimulate. It was automatic. The only harem visits that he imagined he enjoyed were after a period of abstinence (e.g. the first in the four days, the one after a business trip, etc.).&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now that he waits an extra hour for each harem visit, he enjoys every one. The longer he waits, the more enjoyable each PMO session appears to become because the enjoyment in a session isn&amp;rsquo;t the session itself; it&amp;rsquo;s the ending of the agitation caused by the craving, whether it be the slight physical craving for internet porn or the mental moping. The longer you suffer, the more enjoyable each session becomes.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The main difficulty of stopping PMOing is not the brain chemical addiction. That&amp;rsquo;s easy. PMOers will all on without it anyway on various occasions - such as death of a loved one, family/work affairs keeping them away from access etc. They will go say, ten days without internet porn and it doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother them. But if they went the same ten days during which time they can have access to internet porn, they would be tearing their hair out.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers will get a chance during their work day and abstain from masturbating to orgasm. PMOers will pass through Victorias Secret store in the mall, swimming pools and so on without undue inconvenience. Many PMOers will abstain if they have to sleep on the couch temporarily to make space for a visitor or if they are themselves visiting . Even in the Go-Go bars or on nudist beaches there have been no riots. PMOer are almost pleased for someone to say they cannot masturbate. In fact, PMOers who want to quit get a secret pleasure out of going long periods without a harem visit. It gives them the hope that maybe one day they will never want it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The real problem when stopping is the brainwashing. That illusion of entitlement that internet porn is some sort of prop or reward and life will never be quite the same without it. Far from turning you off to internet porn, all cutting down does is to leave you feeling insecure and miserable and to convince you that the most precious thing on this earth is the missed new clip on your tube site, that there is no way that you will ever be happy again without seeing that one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There is nothing more pathetic than the PMOer who is trying to cut down. He suffers from the delusion that the less he PMOs, the less he will want to visit the online harems&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;. In fact, the reverse is true. The less he PMOs, the longer he suffers the withdrawal pangs; the more he enjoys the PMO. However, the more he will then notice that his favourite genre or star are not hitting the spot now. But that won&amp;rsquo;t stop him. If the tube sites were to dedicate to one star only no PMOers would ever go more than once to those online harems.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You find that difficult to believe? OK, let&amp;rsquo;s talk it out. Which is the worst moment of self control one feels? Waiting for four days and then having a climax. Which is one of the most precious moment for most PMOers who are in the 4 day porn diet? That&amp;rsquo;s right, the same climax after waiting for four days! Now do you really believe you are masturbating to it to enjoy the orgasm? Or do you think a more rational explanation is that you are relieving withdrawal pangs and the illusion that your are entitled to PMO?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is essential that we remove all these illusions about PMO before you extinguish that final session. Unless you&amp;rsquo;ve removed the illusion that you enjoy it before you close the window on the final one, there is no way you can prove it afterwards without getting hooked again. So, unless you are already online waiting to go to your tube site, do type it now. Open up your favourites folder and PMO to your most favourites - star, genre, theme etc. Now as you are in the action ask yourself what is so glorious about this thing. Perhaps you believe that it is only certain clips that are of good taste, like the one on your habitual or favourite theme? If so, why do you bother to watch the other videos and themes?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Because you got into the habit of doing it? Now why would anyone get into the habit of PMO which is screwing up their brain scripts and wasting themselves? Why should a clip of the same star that hit the spot last month not be as exciting now? Nothing is different after a month, so why should porn clip be different after a month?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t just rely on me, check it out yourself. Find that hot clip from last month to prove that it is different. Now, set a reminder and watch the same clip after a week of no PMO. It will hit (almost) the same spots like it did last month. The same clip will also do a different thing to you after a social event where you are turned down or tested by some potential partner. The reason is that the addict can never be really happy if that little monster remains unsatisfied.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Where does satisfaction come into it? It&amp;rsquo;s just that they are miserable if they aren&amp;rsquo;t allowed to relieve their withdrawal symptoms at those times. So the difference between PMOing and not PMOing is the difference between being happy and miserable. That&amp;rsquo;s why the internet porn appears to be better. Whereas PMOers who get on the internet first thing in the morning for porn are miserable whether they are PMOing or not.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Cutting down not only doesn&amp;rsquo;t work but it is the worst form of torture. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t work because initially the PMOer hopes that by getting into the habit of using less and less, he will reduce his desire to PMO. It is not a habit. It is an addiction and the nature of any addiction is to want more and more, not less and less. Therefore in order to cut down, the PMOer has to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of his life. So cutting down means willpower and discipline forever.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The main problem of stopping is not the dopamine addiction to internet porn. That&amp;rsquo;s easy to cope with. It is the mistaken belief that the porn gives you some pleasure. This mistaken belief is brought about initially by the brainwashing we receive before we started using internet porn, which is then reinforced by the actual addiction. All cutting down does is reinforce the fallacy further to the extent that porn dominates the users life completely and convinces him that the most precious thing on this earth is the addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have already said, cutting down never works anyway because you have to or must exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life. If you did not have enough willpower to stop then you certainly have not got enough to cut down. Stopping is far easier and less painful. I have heard of literally thousands of cases in which cutting down has failed.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The handful of successes I have known have been achieved after a relatively short period of cutting down, followed by the &amp;lsquo;cold turkey&amp;rsquo;. These PMOers really stopped in spite of cutting down, not because of it. All it did was prolong the agony. A failed attempt to cut down leaves the PMOer a nervous wreck, even more convinced that he is hooked for life. This is usually enough to keep him reverting back to is online harem for pleasure and crutch for another stretch of time before the next attempt.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;However, cutting down helps to illustrate the whole futility of PMO because it clearly illustrates that a visit to the harem is enjoyable only after a period of abstinence. You have to bang your head against a brick wall (i.e. suffer withdrawal pangs) to make it nice when you stop. So the choices are:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Cut down for life. This will be self-imposed torture and you will not be able to do it anyway.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Increasingly torture yourself for life. What is the point?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Be nice to yourself. Stop doing it.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The other important point that cutting down demonstrates is that there is no such thing as the odd or occasional harem visit. Internet porn is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you make a positive effort to break it:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h2 id=&#34;remember-cutting-down-will-drag-you-down&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;REMEMBER: CUTTING DOWN WILL DRAG YOU DOWN.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h2&gt;
&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Porn Diet&lt;/strong&gt; - Intentionally cutting down or attempting to control etc. Frequency: Restricting PMO to once in four days. Time: Setting a timer for the session. Shock: Safe porn only. Novelty: Only one clip.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Harems&lt;/strong&gt; - Internet porn sites that cater for streaming videos, webcams and pictures.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-21 the Willpower Method of Stopping</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:20:42 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;It is an accepted fact in our society that it is very difficult to stop PMO. Even books and forums advising you how to do so usually start off by telling you how difficult it is. The truth is that it is ridiculously easy. Yes, I can understand you questioning that statement but just consider it. If your aim is to run a mile in under four minutes, that&amp;rsquo;s difficult. You may have to undergo years of hard training and even then you may be physically incapable of doing it. (Much of our achievement lies in the mind. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it strange how difficult it was until Roger Bannister actually did it but nowadays it is commonplace?).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;However, in order to stop PMOing all you have to do is not watch internet porn and or masturbate any more. No one forces you to masturbate (apart from yourself) and unlike food or drink, you don&amp;rsquo;t need it to survive. So if you want to stop doing it, why should it be difficult? In fact, it isn&amp;rsquo;t. It is PMOers who make it difficult by using the Willpower Method. I define the Willpower Method as any method that forces the PMOer to feel he is making some sort of sacrifice. Let us just consider the Willpower Method.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We do not decide to become PMOers. We merely experiment with porn magazines or websites and because they are awful, yes that is right awful - except for our desired clip, we are convinced that we can stop whenever we want to. In the main, we watch those first few clips only when we want to and that is usually on special occasions. Before we realize it, we are not only visiting those sites regularly and masturbating when we want to, we are masturbating to them every day. PMO has become a part of our lives. We then ensure that we always have an internet connection wherever we go. We believe that we are entitled to love, sex and orgasms - and also that porn helps to relieve stress. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t seem to occur to us that the same clip and actors do not provide us the same degree of arousal and that we are either escalating or fighting against the red line we have put around ourselves to avoid harmful “bad porn.” In fact, masturbation and internet porn neither improves our sex life nor does it relieve stress, it&amp;rsquo;s just that PMOers believe they can&amp;rsquo;t enjoy life or handle stress without an orgasm - even mind induced porn orgasms. Because that is what many times we are doing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It usually takes us a long time to realize that we are hooked because we suffer from the illusion that PMOers masturbate because they enjoy porn - not because they have to have porn - a need. While we are not “enjoying” porn (which we can never do unless novelty, shock or escalation is added), we suffer from the illusion that we can stop whenever we want to. This is a confidence trap. I dont enjoy porn, so I am sure I can stop when I want to. Only that you never seem to want to stop though.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Usually it is not until we actually try to stop that we realize a problem exists. The first attempts to stop are more often than not in the early days and are usually triggered off by boy-meets-girl and boy notices the girl is not quite enough after the initial dates or health (the teenager is still active in sport and finds he is short of breath).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever the reason, the PMOer always waits for a stressful situation, whether it be health or sex. As soon as he stops, the little monster needs feeding. The PMOer then wants something to pump that dopamine - a cigarette or alcohol or of course internet porn where your favourites are just a click and log in away. The porn cache is no longer down in the basement, its now virtual in the cloud. If the girl is around or if he is with his friends he cannot have access to his virtual harem and this makes him more distressed.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now by this time if he had already come across YBOP or Reddit material he is going to be having a tiresome “tug of war” (TOW&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;), resisting his temptations and feeling deprived. The thing he usually takes to relieve stress is now not available, so he suffers a triple blow. The probable result after a period of torture is the compromise, “I&amp;rsquo;ll cut down,” or, “I&amp;rsquo;ve picked the wrong time,” or, “I&amp;rsquo;ll wait until the stress has gone from my life.” However, once the stress has gone, he has no need to stop and doesn&amp;rsquo;t decide to do so again until the next stressful time. Of course, the time is never right because life for most people doesn&amp;rsquo;t become less stressful; it becomes more so. We leave the protection of our parents and enter the world of setting up home, taking on mortgages, having children, more responsible jobs, etc. Of course, the PMOer&amp;rsquo;s life can never become less stressful because it is the porn that actually causes stress. The quicker the PMOer passes on to the escalation stage, the more distressed he becomes and the greater the illusion of his dependency grows.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In fact, it is an illusion that life becomes more stressful and it&amp;rsquo;s the porn itself, or a similar crutch, that creates the illusion. This will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 28. After these initial failures the PMOer usually relies on the possibility that one day he will wake up and just not want to masturbate, use porn etc. any more. This hope is usually kindled by the stories that he has heard about other ex-PMOers (e.g. “I was not serious until I had a fading penetration then I didnt want to use porn any more and stopped masturbating”).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t kid yourself. I have probed all of these rumours and they are never quite as simple as they appear. Usually the user has already been preparing himself to stop and merely used the incident as a springboard. I spent many years waiting to wake up one morning wanting never to PMO again. Whenever I had a PIED incident or even lack of energy - I would look forward to my energy dip to end because it was interfering with my entitled porn orgasms.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;More often in the case of people who stop “just like that” they have suffered a shock. Perhaps a discovery by their girlfriend or wife, a self spotting incident of accessing porn that is not of your normal sexual orientation, or they have had a scare themselves. It is so much easier to say, “I just decided to stop one day. That&amp;rsquo;s the sort of guy I am.” Stop kidding yourself! It won&amp;rsquo;t happen unless you make it happen.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let&amp;rsquo;s consider in greater detail why the Willpower Method is so difficult. For most of our lives we adopt the head-in-the-sand, “I&amp;rsquo;ll stop tomorrow” approach. At odd times something will trigger off an attempt to stop. It may be concerns about health, virility or we may have been going through a particularly heavy bout of self analyses and realize that we don&amp;rsquo;t actually enjoy it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever the reason, we take our head out of the sand and start weighing up the pros and cons of PMO. It is time to define what PMO is - the internet porn IP, any porn, masturbation with or without porn and orgasms. Sex is split into amative and propagative. This distinction is one of our major keys in opening up our minds doors. Without which there will be confusion and failure will be the result. We then find out what we have known all our lives: on a rational assessment the conclusion is, a dozen times over, STOP PMOing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you were to sit down and give points out often to all the advantages of stopping and do a similar exercise with the advantages of PMOing, the total point count for stopping would far outweigh the disadvantages. If you employ Pascals Wager - by quitting, you will see that you are losing almost nothing with higher chances of gaining a lot and also higher chances of NOT losing a lot. However, although the PMOer knows that he will be better off as a non-PMOer, he does believe that he is making a sacrifice. Although it is an illusion, it is a powerful illusion. The PMOer doesn&amp;rsquo;t know why, but he believes that during the good times and the bad times of life the PMO sessions does appear to help. Before he starts the attempt he has the brainwashing of our society, reinforced by the brainwashing of his own addiction. To these must be added the even more powerful brainwashing of how difficult it is to “give up.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;He has heard stories of PMOers who have stopped for many months and are still desperately craving. There are all the disgruntled stoppers (people who stop and then spend the rest of their lives bemoaning the fact that they&amp;rsquo;d love to PMO). He has heard of the PMOers who had stopped for many months or even years, apparently leading happy lives but then have one look or PMO and are suddenly hooked again. Probably he also knows several PMOers in the advanced stages of the disease who are visibly destroying themselves and are clearly not enjoying life yet they continue to PMO. Added to all this, he has perhaps already suffered one or more of these experiences himself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So, instead of starting with the feeling, “Great! Have you heard the news? I dont need to PMO any more!” He starts with a feeling of doom and gloom, as if he were trying to climb Everest and he firmly believes that once the little monster has got his hooks into you, you are hooked for life. Many PMOers even start the attempt by apologizing to their girlfriends and wives: “Look. I am trying to give up PMO. I will probably be irritable during the next few weeks. Try to bear with me.” Most attempts are doomed before they start.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let&amp;rsquo;s assume that the PMOer survives a few days without a PMO session. He is getting back his arousal and morning wood is starting to rear its head. He hasn&amp;rsquo;t opened the “favourites” on his tube sites and consequently getting turned on and a tent appears for incidences where he would have zoned out before. So the reasons why he decided to stop in the first place are rapidly disappearing from his thoughts. It is like seeing a bad road accident when you are driving. It slows you down for a while but the next time you are late for an appointment you have forgotten all about it and your foot stamps on the throttle.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;On the other side of the tug of war, that little monster inside you hasn&amp;rsquo;t had his fix. There is no physical pain. If you had the same feeling because of a cold, you wouldn&amp;rsquo;t stop working or get depressed. You would laugh it off. All the PMOer knows is that he wants to visit his harem. Quite why it is so important to him he doesn&amp;rsquo;t know. The little monster in the stomach then starts off the big monster in the mind and now the person who a few hours or days earlier was listing all the reasons to stop is desperately searching for any excuse to start again. Now he is saying things like:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Life is too short. A bomb could go off. I could step under a bus tomorrow. I have left it too late. They tell you everything gives you addiction these days.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“I have picked the wrong time. I should have waited until after Christmas, after my holidays/tests, after this stressful event in my life. I cannot concentrate, I am getting irritable and bad tempered. I cannot do my job properly. My family and friends won&amp;rsquo;t love me. Let&amp;rsquo;s face it, for everybody&amp;rsquo;s sake I have got to start again. I am a confirmed sex addict and there is no way I will ever be happy again without an orgasm inducing masturbation.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“No man can survive without sex (brainwashed by well meaning people who did not think about the amative and propagative distinction of sex).”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“I know this will happen - my brain is sensitized by the deltaFosB due to changes effected by dopamine surges because of my past excessive porn use. Sensitization can never be removed from the brain.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;At this stage the PMOer usually gives in. He fires up his browser and the schizophrenia increases. On the one hand there is the tremendous relief of ending the craving, when the little monster finally gets his fix; on the other hand, the orgasm is awful and the PMOer cannot understand why he is doing it. This is why the PMOer thinks he lacks willpower. In fact, it is not lack of willpower; all he has done is to change his mind and make a perfectly-rational decision in the light of the latest information.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“What&amp;rsquo;s the point of being healthy if you are miserable?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“What is the point of being rich if you are miserable?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Absolutely none. Far better to have a shorter enjoyable life than a lengthy miserable life. Fortunately, that is not true - just the reverse. Life as a non-PMOer is infinitely more enjoyable but it was this delusion that kept me masturbating for twenty five years. I must confess, if that were the true situation, I would still be PMOing. The misery that the PMOer is suffering has nothing to do with withdrawal pangs. True, they trigger them off, but the actual agony is in the mind and it is caused by doubt and uncertainty. Because the PMOer starts by feeling he is making a sacrifice, he begins to feel deprived - this is a form of stress. One of the times when his brain tells him, “have a peek,” will be a time of stress. Therefore as soon as he stops, he wants to go back. But now he can&amp;rsquo;t because he has stopped. This makes him more depressed, which sets the trigger off again. Another thing that makes it so difficult is the waiting for something to happen. If your object is to pass a driving test, as soon as you have passed the test it is certain you have achieved your object. Under the Willpower Method you say, “if I can go long enough without internet porn then the urge to PMO will eventually go.” You can see this in the forum where addicts talk about their number of days of abstinences.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;How do you know when you have achieved it? The answer is that you never do because you are waiting for something to happen and nothing else is going to happen. You stopped when you had that last session and what you are really doing now is waiting to see how long it will be before you give in. Especially if you have read and subscribed the brain chemistry and DeltaFosB or any other similar sciences. You say, “if only I wait it out - like kidney stones - it will dissolve and go away.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I said above, the agony that the PMOer undergoes is mental and caused by uncertainty. Although there is no physical pain, it still has a powerful effect. The PMoer is miserable and feeling insecure. Far from forgetting about PMO, his mind instead becomes obsessed with it. There can be days or even weeks of black depression. His mind is obsessed with doubts and fears.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“How long will the craving last?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Will I ever be happy again?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Will I ever want to get up in the morning?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“How will I ever cope with stress in future?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The PMOer is waiting for things to improve but of course while he is still moping, the harem is becoming more precious. In fact, something does happen but the user isn&amp;rsquo;t conscious of it. If he can survive three weeks without opening up his browser at all, the physical craving for porn and orgasm (the little monster) disappears. However, as stated before, the pangs of withdrawal from dopamine and opioids are so mild that the user isn&amp;rsquo;t aware of them.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;But after about three weeks many PMOers sense that they have “kicked it.” So they then take a peek to prove it and it does just that. The ex-PMOer has now supplied dopamine to the body and as soon as he is done it starts to leave the body. There is now a little voice at the back of his mind saying, “you want another one.” In fact, he had kicked it but now he has hooked himself again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you were a child you watched Mickey Mouse on TV and as per the brain science you formed DeltaFosB for the cartoon. If I were to discourage you at that time from watching this program - Id study why adults dont like to watch their favourite childhood cartoon anymore - whether they still hold this DeltaFosB or not. For one, they have better entertainment and for the other the old cartoon does not hold the magic anymore. With the Willpower Method you are denying the child the cartoon - but with my method you are also making sure that he sees no value in the cartoon. Which one is better?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The PMOer will not usually get into another session immediately. He thinks, “I don&amp;rsquo;t want to get hooked again!” So he allows a safe period to pass. It might be hours, days, even weeks. The ex-PMOer can now say, “well, I didn&amp;rsquo;t get hooked, so I can safely have another session.” He has fallen back into the same trap as he did in the first place and is already on the slippery slope.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;PMOers who succeed under the Willpower Method tend to find it long and difficult because the main problem is the brainwashing - long after the physical addiction has died, the PMOer is still moping around all miserable. Eventually - if he can survive this long-term torture - it begins to dawn on him that he is not going to give in. He stops moping and accepts that life goes on and is enjoyable without PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers are succeeding with this Willpower Method but it is difficult and arduous. There are many more failures than successes. Even those who do succeed can go through the rest of their lives in a vulnerable state. They are left with a certain amount of the brainwashing and believe that during good and bad times the PMOs can give you a boost. (Most non-PMOers also suffer from that illusion. They are subjected to the brainwashing also but either find they cannot learn to “enjoy” internet porn or are too religious and don&amp;rsquo;t want the bad side, thank you very much). This explains why many PMOers who have stopped for long periods end up starting again later on.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many ex-PMOers will have the occasional session as a “special treat” or to convince themselves how strong their self-control is. It does exactly that but as soon as their session ends, dopamine starts to leave and a little voice at the back of their mind is saying, “you want another one.” If they get on with another one, it still seems to be under control - no shocks, no escalation, no novelty seek and they say, “marvellous! While I am not really enjoying it, I won&amp;rsquo;t get hooked. After Christmas/the holiday/this trauma, I will stop,” Little do they know the water slides of their brain. The action greased the slides even more.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Too late. They are already hooked. The trap that they fell into in the first place has claimed its victim again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I keep saying, enjoyment doesn&amp;rsquo;t come into it. It never did! If we PMOed because we enjoyed it, nobody would stay on the tube sites more than the average time it takes to finish the deed. Anyway, a better way to orgasm is to masturbate out of your memories. We assume we enjoy internet porn only because we cannot believe we would be so stupid as to get addicted if we didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy them. I had no idea about supranormal stimulus or novelty-seeking or shock-seeking, and even after I read about them, I did not believe that so much of my “fun” seeking was to do with simple evolutionary reward circuit wiring. I am some lab rat? I have free will! This is why so much of our PMOing is subconscious. If, while using, you were aware of the brain changes (the dopamine/opioid squirts, diluting of those fluids, the closing up of their receptors, the satiation levels going up ruining our future encounters and experiences with the opposite sex and you had to say to yourself, “this is going to cost $$$ in my lifetime, and this session with an unknown two dimensional actor might just be the one to trigger off PIED, PE, hypofrontality by greasing those water slides” - even the illusion of enjoyment would go.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When we try to block our minds to the bad side, we feel stupid. If we had to face up to it, that would be intolerable! If you get to watch a PMOer in action, you will see that they are happy only when they are not aware that they are PMOing. Once they become aware of it, they tend to be uncomfortable and apologetic. We PMO to feed that little monster&amp;hellip; and once you have purged the little monster from your body and the big monster from your brain, you will have neither need nor desire to PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;TOW&lt;/strong&gt;- tug of war, dichotomous thinking, double thinking.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-20 Those Sinister Black Shadows</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:18:55 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Another of the great joys of quitting porn is to be free of those sinister black shadows at the back of our minds. All PMOers know they are fools to close their minds on the ill-effects of PMO. For most of our lives PMO is automatic but the black shadows are always lurking in our subconscious minds, just beneath the surface. There are several marvellous advantages to achieve from quitting PMO. Some of them I was consciously aware of throughout my life, such as the health risks, the waste of time and the sheer stupidity of making love to a two dimensional image. However, such was my fear of quitting, so obsessed was I in resisting all the attempts of do-gooders and anyone else who tried to persuade me to quit, that all my imagination and energy was directed to finding any flimsy excuse that would allow me to continue to PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Amazingly, my most ingenious thoughts occurred when I was actually trying to quit. They were of course inspired by the fear and misery I suffered when attempting to quit by using willpower. No way could I block my mind from the health and sexual aspects. But now that I am free it amazes me how I successfully blocked my mind from even more important advantages to be gained from quitting. I&amp;rsquo;ve already mentioned the sheer slavery - spending half of our lives being allowed to PMO, doing it automatically and wishing we had never started, the other half feeling miserable and deprived because the knowledge of the destructive effects of internet porn won&amp;rsquo;t allow us to PMO. In the last chapter I&amp;rsquo;ve referred to the incredible joy of having energy again. But for me the greatest joy of being free was not the health, the time, the energy, or the ending of the slavery, it was the removal of those sinister black shadows, the removal of feeling despised by and feeling apologetic to myself and to other quitters, and most of all to be able to respect yourself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Most PMOers aren&amp;rsquo;t the weak-willed, spineless jellyfish that both society and themselves tend to believe. In every other aspect of my life I was in control. I loathed myself for being dependent on an evil crutch that I knew was ruining my life. I cannot tell you of the utter joy of being free of those sinister black shadows, the dependency and the self-despising. I can&amp;rsquo;t tell you how nice it is to be able to look at all other users, whether they be young, old, casual or heavy, not with a feeling of envy, but with a feeling of pity for them and elation for yourself that you are no longer the slave of that insidious trap. The other day I felt pity for the guy on a TV show who was so excited to get to watch porn - another case of society slipping one in your drink under the pretence of comedy.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The last two chapters have dealt with the considerable advantages of being a non-PMOer. I feel it necessary to give a balanced account, so the next chapter lists the advantages of being a PMOer.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-19 It Relaxes Me and Gives Me Confidence</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:16:17 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is the worst fallacy of all about PMOing and for me it ranks with the ending of the slavery, the greatest benefit from quitting - is not to have to go through life with the permanent feelings of insecurity that PMOers suffer from.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;PMOers find it very difficult to believe that masturbation to internet porn actually causes those insecure feelings you get when you are out late at night after a contentious day at home or work. Non-PMOers do not suffer from that feeling. It is the porn that causes it. I only became aware of many of the advantages of stopping months afterwards, as a result of my consultations with other PMOers.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I refused to see my PMO as causing so much of the mental tug of war in my mind that I am foolishly working hard to have nominal levels of confidence in my day to day life. Forget about getting an erection, I am talking about focusing, taking challenges, fighting, choosing, deciding - actions that define our lives. Especially when we are often forced to act when the facts are not clear. Come to think of it, facts were and will never be clear and hence it is to our great advantage anyway to act.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Also of note is in dating area as well, the fire to go forward is being misappropriated to this high reward zero pain porn. If you have read some top PUA books and forums, what do they say? Go on a diet&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;? Yes of course when you have the good hunger your internal juices and your brain will do the rest. Copping out is not an option at all. Playing the numbers is not tiresome by no means. All PUA advice in a nut-shell is this - try more numbers. Even if your approach is wrong you will be right twice a day like a broken clock. But if your mind is fighting a tug of war with effortless easy access to a harem of online women, how would you get back on your feet when that girl ignores you? Oh, if it was a public outright rejection I am running, not walking, to my porn girlfriend.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For a long time, before YBOP and Garys articles, none of these things did I relate to my PMOing habit but getting off it has been like awakening from a bad dream. Nowadays I look forward to each day. Of course, bad things still happen in my life, and I am subject to normal stresses and strains but it is wonderful to have the confidence to cope with them, and extra health, energy and confidence make the good times more enjoyable too.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;porn diet&lt;/strong&gt; - n number of days off before PMO.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-18 Energy</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:12:56 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Most PMOers are aware of the effect that this progressive process of PMO, leading to novelty and escalation seeking, has on their brains reward circuits and their sexual system. However, they are not so aware of the effect it has on their energy level.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;One of the subtleties of the PMO trap is that the effects it has on us, both physical and mental, happen so gradually and imperceptibly that we are not aware of them and regard them as normal. It is very similar to the effects of bad eating habits. The pot-belly appears so gradually that it causes us no alarm. We look at people who are grossly overweight and wonder how they could possibly have allowed themselves to reach that state.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;But supposing it happened overnight. You went to bed weighing 140 lbs, trim, rippling with muscles and not an ounce of fat on your body. You awoke weighing 180 lbs, fat, bloated and pot-bellied. Instead of waking up feeling fully rested and full of energy, you wake up feeling miserable, lethargic and you can hardly open your eyes. You would be panic-stricken, wondering what awful disease you had contracted overnight. Yet the disease is exactly the same.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The fact that it took you twenty years to reach that state is irrelevant. So it is with PMOing. If I could immediately transfer you into your mind and body to give you a direct comparison on how you would feel having stopped internet porn for just three weeks, that is all I would need to do to persuade you to quit. You would think: “Will I really feel this good?” Or what it really amounts to: “Had I really sunk that low?” I emphasize that I don&amp;rsquo;t just mean that you would feel healthier and have more energy but how you would also feel more confident and relaxed and better able to concentrate.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As a teenager, I can remember rushing around just for the hell of it. I was interested in reading, I had set up a chemical lab, tried fixing (old CRT) TVs, dabbled with cooking etc. I was fascinated by scientists. Then I got attracted to makers and doers of the rag-to-riches lives of real people. I had the inner push and I knew I had it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I then was introduced to print porn, then came music TV channels, followed by static computer images. By this time I was permanently tired and lethargic. Then came internet porn of images and downloadable movies. I used to struggle to wake up at nine o&amp;rsquo;clock in the morning. After my evening meal I would already be thinking about porn before going to bed, even when I had a girlfriend. Sex with her was a chore. But PMO with internet porn had all the novelty, shock, etc. No one can match that lure. And then the internet upped its game with tube sites, catalogued porn genres, hearting favorites and all in lightning speed, high quality, no traces of downloads. Even the browsers went incognito, thoroughly helping me to cover my tracks. Reward with no pains.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;By this time, the lack of energy, tiredness and everything related to it is nicely swept under the rug of getting older. My friends and colleagues by this time are all living sedentary lifestyles. I hought this behaviour was normal. I believed that energy was the exclusive prerogative of children and teenagers, and that old age began in the early twenties. I did not notice that I was paying attention to my health in general by eating right - which they did not. But I did not notice that anomaly.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Shortly after I stopped PMO, I was relieved that this foggy and muggy feeling left me. For example, I can keep a steady gaze with my eyes on just about anything for a longer time. If I am looking into someones eyes it is even longer. However something truly marvellous and unexpected also happened. I started waking at seven o&amp;rsquo;clock in the morning feeling completely rested and full of energy, actually wanting to exercise, jog and swim. I have read about a forty-eight year old who couldn&amp;rsquo;t run a step or swim a stroke. The only sporting activities were confined to such dynamic pursuits as green bowling, affectionately referred to as “the old man&amp;rsquo;s game,” and golf, for which he had to use a motorized cart. But after quitting PMO he started going to gym - not that it is necessary that everyone would - but still. Almost all us know that it&amp;rsquo;s great to have energy and when you feel physically and mentally strong, it feels great to be alive.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That is the point with PMOing - you are always debiting your energy. And in that process tampering with your brain codes of the reward circuit. Which again is going to make you miserable and vulnerable to stress and strain attacks. Unfortunately when you feel down with all of this you will seek a cigarette or alcohol or again porn. Unlike quitting smoking, where the return of your physical and mental health is only gradual, quitting PMO gives you excellent results from day one. Starting with energy. Then your mental programming to close the water slides takes a bit of time. You need to kill the Little Monster - which will be explained in later chapters. Recovering your RC is nothing like as slow as the slide into the pit and if you are going through the trauma of the willpower method of quitting, any health or energy gains will be obliterated by the depression you will be going through. Unfortunately, I cannot immediately transfer you into your mind and body in three weeks&amp;rsquo; time. But you can! You know instinctively that what I am telling you is correct. All you need to do is: USE YOUR IMAGINATION!&lt;/p&gt;
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<title>03-17 Health</title> <title>03-17 Health</title>
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<title>03-35 the Main Reasons for Failure</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:23:39 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;There are two main reasons for failure. The first is the influence of external stimuli - a commercial, online news articles, internet browsing etc. At a weak moment or even during a social occasion somebody will get intimate with their partner. I have already dealt with this topic at length. Use that moment to remind yourself that there is no such thing as one visit or one peek. Rejoice in the fact that you have broken the chain of mental slavery. Remember that the PMOer envies you, and feel sorry for him. Believe me, he needs your pity. The other main reason for failure is having a bad day. Get it clear in your mind before you start that, whether you are a PMOer or a non-PMOer, there are good days and bad days. It rains for both the pope and the murderer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Life is a matter of relativity and you cannot have ups without having downs. The problem with the Willpower Method of stopping is that as soon as the PMOer has a bad day he starts moping for his harem visit and all that does is make a bad day worse. The non-PMOer is better equipped, not only physically but also mentally, to cope with the stresses and strains of life. If you have a bad day during the withdrawal period just take it on the chin. Remind yourself that you had bad days when you were addicted (otherwise you wouldn&amp;rsquo;t have decided to stop). Instead of moping about it, say to yourself something like, “OK, today&amp;rsquo;s not so good but masturbating is not going to cure it. Tomorrow will be better and at least I have got a marvellous bonus at the moment. I have kicked that awful PMO habit.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you are a PMOer you have to block your mind to the bad side of PMO. PMOer never have brain fog just “a bit down.” When you are having lifes inevitable troubles you want to PMO but are you happy and cheerful? Of course you aren&amp;rsquo;t. Once you stop, the tendency is to blame everything that goes wrong in your life on the fact that you have stopped.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now if your work stresses you out you think, “At times like this I would have PMOed.” That&amp;rsquo;s true but the important thing you forget is that the PMO didn&amp;rsquo;t solve the problem and you are simply punishing yourself by moping for an illusory crutch. You are creating an impossible situation. You are miserable because you can&amp;rsquo;t have the porn and masturbation yet you&amp;rsquo;ll be even more miserable if you do. You know that you have made the correct decision by stopping PMO so why punish yourself by ever doubting the decision?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Remember: A positive mental approach is essential - always.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-34 Will It Be Harder for Me?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:22:12 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;The combinations of factors that will determine how easily each individual PMOer will quit are infinite. To start with, each of us has his own character, type of work, personal circumstances, timing, etc. Certain professions may make it harder than others but providing the brainwashing is removed it doesn&amp;rsquo;t have to be so. A few individual examples will help.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It tends to be particularly difficult for members of the medical profession. We think it should be easier for doctors because they are more aware of the effects of ill- health and are seeing daily evidence of it. Although this supplies more forceful reasons for stopping, it doesn&amp;rsquo;t make it any easier to do. The reasons are these:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The constant awareness of the health risks creates fear which is one of the conditions under which we need to relieve our withdrawal pangs.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;A doctor&amp;rsquo;s work is exceedingly stressful and he is usually not able to relieve the additional stress of withdrawal pangs while he is working.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He has the additional stress of guilt. He feels that he should be setting an example for the rest of the population. This puts more pressure on him and increases the feeling of deprivation.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;After his hard day at work, when the stress is momentarily relieved by PMO, that session becomes wrongly attached to the relief experienced. Because of this mis-association of ideas the porn and the PMO gets credit for the total situation. It becomes very precious when he eventually quits and goes through his withdrawal pangs. This is a form of casual PMO and applies to any situation where the PMOer is forced to abstain for lengthy-periods. Under the Willpower Method the PMOer is miserable because he is being deprived. He is not enjoying the tiredness and sleep that goes after a PMO. His sense of loss is therefore greatly increased. However, if you can first remove the brainwashing and stop moping about the PMO, the break and the sleep can still be enjoyed even while the body is craving the amine transmitters - serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Another difficult situation is boredom, particularly when it is combined with periods of stress. Typical examples are students and single parents. The work is stressful, yet much of the work is monotonous. During an attempt to stop on the Willpower Method the single person has long periods in which to mope about his or her “loss” which increases the feeling of depression. Again this can be easily overcome if your frame of mind is correct. Do not worry that you are continually reminded that you have stopped PMOing. Use such moments to rejoice in the fact that you are ridding yourself of the evil monster.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you have a positive frame of mind these pangs can become moments of pleasure. Remember any PMOer, regardless of age, sex, intelligence or profession, can find it easy and enjoyable to stop provided &lt;em&gt;&lt;strong&gt;YOU FOLLOW ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/em&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-33 Just One Peek</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:20:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is the undoing of many PMOers who try to stop on the Willpower Method. They will go through three or four days and then have the odd peek or a PMO or two to tide them over. They do not realize the devastating effect this has on their morale.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For most PMOers that first peek at the tube site harem was not as good as sex with a real person. The clips that are clean are far in between. This gives their conscious minds a boost. They think, “Good. That wasn&amp;rsquo;t entirely all that enjoyable. I am losing the urge to PMO and I am not that much into the shocking stuff.” In fact, the reverse is the case. Get it clear in your mind - enjoyment of orgasm wasn&amp;rsquo;t the reason why you hit porn. If PMOers were there for orgasm alone, they&amp;rsquo;d never watch more than one clip. The only reason why you PMO was to feed that little monster. Just think: you had starved him for four days. How precious that one peek must have been to him. You are not aware of it in your conscious mind but the fix your body received will be communicated to your subconscious mind and all your sound preparation will be undermined. There will be a little voice at the back of your mind saying, “In spite of all the logic they are precious. I want another one.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That little peek has two damaging effects:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It keeps the little monster alive in your body.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;What&amp;rsquo;s worse, it keeps the big monster alive in your mind. If you had the “last peek”, it will be easier to have the next one.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Above all, remember:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h2 id=&#34;just-one-peek-is-how-people-get-into-pmo-addiction-in-the-first-place&#34;&gt;“Just one peek” is how people get into PMO addiction in the first place.&lt;/h2&gt;
<title>03-32 The Withdrawal Period</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:16:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;For up to three weeks after your last PMO session you may be subjected to withdrawal pangs. These consist of two quite separate factors:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The withdrawal pangs of dopamine, that empty, insecure feeling, like a hunger, which PMOers identify as a craving or “something I must to do” feeling.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The psychological trigger of certain external stimuli such as a commercial, online browsing, a telephone conversation etc.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is the failure to understand and to differentiate between these two distinct factors that makes it so difficult for PMOers to achieve success on the Willpower Method and it&amp;rsquo;s also the reason why many who do achieve it fall into the trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Although the withdrawal pangs of dopamine flush cause no physical pain, do not underestimate their power. We talk of “hunger pains” if we go without food for a day; there may be “tummy rumblings” but there is no physical pain. Even so, hunger is a powerful force and we are likely to become very irritable when deprived of food. It is similar when our body is craving its dopamine rush. The difference is that our body needs food but it doesn&amp;rsquo;t need poison and with the right frame of mind the withdrawal pangs are easily overcome and disappear very quickly.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If PMOers can abstain for a few days on the Willpower Method the craving for dopamine flush soon disappears. It is the second factor that causes the difficulty. The PMOer has got into the habit of relieving his withdrawal pangs at certain times or occasions, which causes an association of ideas (e.g. “I got a hard on so I must PMO” or “I am on the bed with my laptop and I must PMO to feel happy”). It may be easier to understand the effect with the help of an example.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You have a car for a few years and let&amp;rsquo;s say the indicator lever is on the left of the steering column. On your next car it is on the right (the law of sod). You know it is on the right but for a couple of weeks you put the windscreen wipers on whenever you want to indicate.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stopping PMO is similar. During the early days of the withdrawal period the trigger mechanism will operate at certain times. You will think, “I want to PMO.” It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from square one then these automatic cues and triggers will quickly disappear. Under the Willpower Method, because the PMOer believes he is making a sacrifice, he is moping about it and is waiting for the urge to PMO to go - far from removing these trigger mechanisms he is actually increasing them. And under the Mystic Method the PMOer starts to wonder when he is going to become a God and even demand from himself that he should not even have those bad thoughts - this paves the way for self-loathing and failure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A common trigger is alone time - particularly one at a social event with friends. The ex-PMOer (using other methods) is already miserable because he is being deprived of his usual pleasure or crutch. His friends are with their partners and are acting intimate. He is either single or is not getting any from his wife for whatever reasons. Now he is not enjoying the meal or what should be a pleasant social occasion. His ready made brain porn water slides lead him to porn as it is easier than either trying to woo his wife.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Because of his association of his entitlement to sex with his well being he is now suffering a triple blow and the brainwashing is actually being increased. If he is resolute and can hold out long enough he eventually accepts his lot and gets on with his life. However, part of the brainwashing remains and I think the second most pathetic thing about PMOing is the PMOer who has given up for health or money reasons, yet even after several years still craves “just one visit to the harem” on certain occasions. He is pining for an illusion that exists only in his mind and is needlessly torturing himself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Even under my method responding to triggers is the most common failing. The ex-PMOer tends to regard the internet porn as a sort of placebo or sugar pill. He thinks: “I know the porn does nothing for me but if I think it does then on certain occasions it will be a help to me.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A sugar pill, although giving no actual physical help, can be a powerful psychological aid to relieve genuine symptoms and is therefore a benefit. Internet porn, the habitual masturbation, however, are not sugar pills. Why? Porn creates the symptoms that it relieves and after a while ceases even to relieve these symptoms completely; the “pill” is causing the disease and quite apart from that it also happens to be the No. 1 killer poison in a mans or a womans quest for love and relationships.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You may find it easier to understand the effect when related to a non-PMOer or a successful PMOer who has quit for several years. Take the case of a PMOer who loses his partner. It is quite common at such times, with the best intentions, to say, “Have just one harem visit. It will help calm you down.” If the offer is accepted, it will not have a calming effect because the man is not addicted to dopamine and there are no withdrawal pangs to relieve. At best all it will do is to give him a momentary psychological boost.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Even after the “deed” is over, the original tragedy is still there. In fact, it will be increased because the person is now suffering withdrawal pangs and his choice is now either to endure them or to relieve them by repeating the porn water slide rides and start the chain of misery. All the porn will have done is to give a momentary psychological boost. The same effect could have been achieved by reading a book or watching a feel-good movie, even a bad one at that. Many non-PMOers and ex-PMOers have become addicted to the porn as a result of such occasions. It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from the start. Get it quite clear in your head: you don&amp;rsquo;t need the dopamine rush and you are only torturing yourself by continuing to regard it as some sort of prop or boost. There is no need to be miserable.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Orgasms do not make good relations; they at most times ruin them. Remember too that it is not entirely true at all times the men and women who show public display of intimacy are enjoying it at all times. Intimacy is best enjoyed in private where both partners can respond without embarrassments. You dont have to be an orgasm induced dopamine addict. If it happens as a natural result of a series of life events, fine- if not No Big Deal. You enjoy the occasion and life without it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Abandon the concept of the PMOing habit as pleasurable in itself, Many PMOers think, “If only there was clean internet porn.” There is clean soft porn. Any PMOer who tries it soon finds out it is a waste of time. Get it clear in your mind that the only reason you have been PMOing is to get the dopamine flush. Once you have got rid of the craving for PMO you will have no more need to visit your online harem.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whether the pangs are due to actual withdrawal symptoms (the empty feeling) or a trigger/cue mechanism, accept it. The physical pain is non-existent and with the right frame of mind it will not be a problem. Do not worry about withdrawal. The feeling itself isn&amp;rsquo;t bad. It is the association with wanting and then feeling denied that is the problem. Instead of moping about it, say to yourself, “I know what it is. It&amp;rsquo;s the withdrawal pang from PMO. That&amp;rsquo;s what PMOers suffer all their lives and that&amp;rsquo;s what keeps them PMOing. Non-PMOers do not suffer these pangs. It is another of the many evils of this lying habit. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvellous I am purging this evil from my brain?”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In other words, for the next three weeks you will have a slight trauma inside your body but during those weeks and for the rest of your life something marvellous will be happening. You will be ridding yourself of an awful disease. That bonus will more than outweigh the slight trauma and you will actually enjoy the withdrawal pangs. They will become moments of pleasure. Think of the whole business of stopping as an exciting game. Think of the porn monster as a sort of tape worm inside your stomach. You have got to starve him for three weeks and he is going to try to trick you into getting to bed to keep him alive.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;At times he will try to make you miserable. At times you will be off guard. You will receive a porn URL and you may forgot that you have stopped. There is a slight feeling of deprivation when you remember. Be prepared for these traps in advance. Whatever the temptation, get it into your mind that it is only there because of the monster inside your body and every time you resist the temptation you have dealt another mortal blow in the battle.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever you do, don&amp;rsquo;t try to forget about PMO. This is one of the things that causes PMOers using the Willpower Method hours of depression. They try to get through each day hoping that eventually they&amp;rsquo;ll just forget about it. It is like not being able to sleep. The more you worry about it, the harder it becomes. In any event you won&amp;rsquo;t be able to forget about it. For the first few days the “little monster” will keep reminding you and you won&amp;rsquo;t be able to avoid it; while there are still laptops, smartphones and magazines etc. about, you will have constant reminders.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The point is you have no need to forget. Nothing bad is happening. Something marvellous is taking place. Even if you are thinking about it a thousand times a day, SAVOR EACH MOMENT. REMIND YOURSELF HOW MARVELOUS IT IS TO BE FREE AGAIN. REMIND YOURSELF OF THE SHEER JOY OF NOT HAVING TO TORTURE YOURSELF ANYMORE. As I have said, you will find that the pangs become moments of pleasure, and you will be surprised how quickly you will then forget about internet porn.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever you do DO NOT DOUBT YOUR DECISION. Once you start to doubt, you will start to mope and it will get worse. Instead use the moment as a boost. CONVERT MOPE TO BOOST. If the cause is depression then remind yourself that&amp;rsquo;s what the internet porn and PMO were doing to you. If you are forwarded a URL by a friend, take pride in saying, “I&amp;rsquo;m happy to say I do not need them any more.” That will hurt him but when he sees that it isn&amp;rsquo;t bothering you he will be halfway to joining you.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Remember that you had very powerful reasons for stopping in the first place. Remind yourself of the costs and ask yourself whether you really want to risk too much of those fearful malfunctions of your equipage which is not the greatest loss if you ask me - but the most important loss of mental happiness and well being - of not living under a spell. This is called referenting or spotting of the minimizing efforts of the monster about the hazards. Above all, remember that the feeling is only temporary and each moment is a moment nearer to your goal.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Some PMOers fear that they will have to spend the rest of their lives reversing the &amp;lsquo;automatic triggers&amp;rsquo;. In other words, they believe that they will have to go through life kidding themselves that they don&amp;rsquo;t really need PMO by the use of psychology. This is not so. Remember that the optimist sees the bottle as half full and the pessimist sees it as half empty. In the case of PMO, the bottle is empty and the PMOer sees it as full. There are just no advantages with internet porn and PMO. It is the PMOer who has been brainwashed. Once you start telling yourself that you don&amp;rsquo;t need to orgasm using PMO, in a very short time you won&amp;rsquo;t even need to say it because the beautiful truth is&amp;hellip; you do not need to PMO. It&amp;rsquo;s the last thing you need to do; make sure it&amp;rsquo;s not the last thing you do.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-31 the Easy Way to Stop</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:07:43 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This chapter contains instructions about the easy way to stop PMO. Providing you follow the instructions, you will find that stopping ranges from relatively easy to enjoyable! But remember the definition of a brunette: “a girl who didn&amp;rsquo;t read the instructions on the bottle.” It is ridiculously easy to stop PMO. All you have to do is two things:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Make the decision that you are never going to PMO again.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t mope about it. Rejoice.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You are probably asking, “Why the need for the rest of the book? Why couldn&amp;rsquo;t you have said that in the first place?” The answer is that you would at some time have moped about it and consequently sooner or later, you would have changed your decision. You have probably already done that many times before.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have already said, the whole business of PMOing is a subtle, sinister trap. The main problem of stopping isn&amp;rsquo;t the dopamine addiction (it is a problem but not the main) but the brainwashing and it is necessary first to explode all the myths and delusions. Understand your enemy. Know his tactics and you will easily defeat him. I&amp;rsquo;ve spent most of my life trying to stop PMOing and I&amp;rsquo;ve suffered weeks of black depression. When I finally stopped I went to zero without one bad moment. It was enjoyable even during the withdrawal period, and I have never had the slightest pang since. On the contrary, it is the most wonderful thing that has happened in my life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I couldn&amp;rsquo;t understand why it had been so easy and it took me a long time to find out the reason. It was this. I knew for certain that I was never going to PMO again. During previous attempts, no matter how determined I was, I was basically trying to stop PMOing, hoping that if I could survive long enough without a session of PMO the urges would eventually go. Of course they didn&amp;rsquo;t go because I was waiting for something to happen and the more I moped about it, the more I wanted to visit my internet harem, so the craving never went.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;My final attempt was different. Like all PMOers nowadays, I had been giving the problem serious thought. Up to then, whenever I failed, I had consoled myself with the thought that it would be easier next time. It had never occurred to me that I would have to go on PMOing the rest of my life. This latter thought filled me with horror and started me thinking very deeply about the subject.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Instead of firing up my browser subconsciously, I began to analyse my feelings as I was looking at the screen. This confirmed what I already knew, I wasn&amp;rsquo;t enjoying them and they were filthy and disgusting. I started looking at non-PMOers - the ones that live in some other part of the world or the older people who never got to know the tube sites. Until then I had always regarded non-PMOers as wishy-washy, unsociable, finicky people. However, when I examined them they appeared, if anything, stronger and more relaxed. They appeared to he able to cope with the stresses and strains of life, and they seemed to enjoy social functions more than the PMOers. They certainly had more sparkle and zest than PMOers.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I started talking to ex-PMOers. Up to this point I had regarded them as people who had been forced to give up PMO for health and religious reasons and who were always secretly longing for a harem visit. A few did say, “You get the odd pangs but they are so few and far between they aren&amp;rsquo;t worth bothering about.” But most said, “Miss it? You must be joking! I have never felt better in my life.” Even failures were fail forwards for them. They did not condemn themselves. It was easier for them to unconditionally accept themselves. Like a coach who will accept a mistake by a genuinely golden player. Talking to ex-PMOers exploded another myth that I had always had in my mind. I had thought that there was an inherent weakness in me and it suddenly dawned on me that all PMOers go through this private nightmare.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Basically I said to myself, “Scores of people are stopping now and leading perfectly happy lives. I didn&amp;rsquo;t need to do it before I started and I can remember having to work hard to get used to this filth. So why do I need to do it now?” In any event I didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy PMO, I hated the whole filthy ritual and I didn&amp;rsquo;t want to spend the rest of my life being the slave of this disgusting porn addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I then said to myself:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;“WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR LAST PMO VISIT”&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I knew, right from that point, that I would never PMO again. I wasn&amp;rsquo;t expecting it to be easy; in fact, just the reverse. I fully believed that I was in for months of black depression and that I would spend the rest of my life having the occasional pang. Instead it has been absolute bliss right from the start.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It took me a long time to work out why it had been so easy and why this time I hadn&amp;rsquo;t suffered those terrifying withdrawal pangs. The reason is that they do not exist. It is the doubt and uncertainty that causes the pangs. The beautiful truth is: IT IS EASY TO STOP PMO. It is only the indecision and moping about it that makes it difficult. Even while they are addicted to porn, PMOers can go for relatively long periods at certain times in their lives without bothering about it. It is only when you want it but can&amp;rsquo;t have one that you suffer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Therefore the key to making it easy is to make stopping certain and final. Not to hope but to know you have kicked it, having made the decision. Never to doubt or question it. In fact, just the reverse - always to rejoice about it. If you can be certain from the start, it will be easy. But how can you be certain from the start unless you know it is going to be easy? This is why the rest of the book is necessary. There are certain essential points and it is necessary to get them clear in your mind before you start:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Realize that you can achieve it. There is nothing different about you and the only person who can make you PMO is you. Not that star, she would never in her dreams thought about herself being used for reducing a mans virility.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is absolutely nothing to give up. On the contrary, there are enormous positive gains to be made. I do not only mean you will be healthier and richer. I mean you will enjoy the good times more and be less miserable during the bad times.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Get it clear in your head that there is no such thing as a peek or visit. PMOing is a drug addiction and a chain reaction. By moaning about the odd PMO you will only be punishing yourself needlessly.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;See the whole business of PMOing not as a “boys-will-be-boys” habit that might injure you but as drug addiction. Face up to the fact that, whether you like it or not, YOU HAVE GOT THE DISEASE. It will not go away because you bury your head in the sand. Remember: like all crippling diseases, it not only lasts for life but gets worse and worse. The easiest time to cure it is now.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Separate the disease (i.e. the brain chemical addiction) from the frame of mind of being a PMOer or a non-PMOer. All PMOers, if given the opportunity to go back to the time before they became hooked, would jump at that opportunity. You have that opportunity today! Don&amp;rsquo;t even think about it as &amp;lsquo;giving up&amp;rsquo; PMOing.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you have made the final decision that you have had your last PMO you will already be a non-PMOer. A PMOer is one of those poor wretches who have to go through life destroying themselves with porn. A non-PMOer is someone who doesn&amp;rsquo;t. Once you have made that final decision, you have already achieved your object.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Rejoice in the fact. Do not sit moping waiting for the chemical addiction to go. Get out and enjoy life immediately. Life is marvellous even when you are addicted and each day it will get so much better when you aren&amp;rsquo;t.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The key to making it easy to quit PMOing is to be certain that you will succeed in abstaining completely during the withdrawal period (maximum three weeks). If you are in the correct frame of mind, you will find it ridiculously easy.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;By this stage, if you have opened your mind as I requested at the beginning, you will already have decided you are going to stop. You should now have a feeling of excitement, like a dog straining at the leash, unable to wait to break down those brain DeltaFosB porn water slides. If you have a feeling of doom and gloom, it will be for one of the following reasons:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Something has not gelled in your mind. Re-read the above five points, and ask yourself if you believe them to be true. If you doubt any point, re-read the appropriate sections in the book.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;You fear failure itself. Do not worry. Just read on. You will succeed. The whole business of internet porn is like a confidence trick on a gigantic scale. Intelligent people fall for confidence tricks but it is only a fool who having once found out about the trick goes on kidding himself.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;You agree with everything but you are still miserable. Don&amp;rsquo;t be! Open your eyes. Something marvellous is happening. You are about to escape from the prison. It is essential to start with the correct frame of mind: isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvellous that I am a non-PMOer!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;All we have to do now is to keep you in that frame of mind during the withdrawal period, and the next few chapters deal with specific points to enable you to stay in that frame of mind during that time. After the withdrawal period you won&amp;rsquo;t have to think that way. You will think that way automatically, and the only mystery in your life will be: “It is so obvious, why couldn&amp;rsquo;t I see it before?” However, two important warnings:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Delay your plan to make your last visit until you have finished the book.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;I have mentioned several times a withdrawal period of up to three weeks. This can cause misunderstanding. First, you may subconsciously feel that you have to suffer for three weeks. You don&amp;rsquo;t. Secondly, avoid the trap of thinking, “Somehow I have just got to abstain for three weeks and then I will be free.” Nothing magic will actually happen after three weeks. You won&amp;rsquo;t suddenly feel like a non-PMOer. Non-PMOers do not feel any different from PMOers. If you are moping about stopping during the three weeks, in all probability you will still be moping about it after the three weeks. What I am saying is, if you can start right now by saying, “I am never going to PMO again. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvelous?” After three weeks all temptation will go. Whereas if you say, “If only I can survive three weeks without a PMO,” you will be dying for a harem visit after the three weeks are up.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Sexual dysfunction has a lot to do with your brain and your mind frame. Internet Porn rewires your brains reward circuit and gives your mind a doubting mind frame. This self doubt will undoubtedly cause your sexual dysfunctions. Having all the desire in your upper part but putting up no arousal in your lower part is the worst thing to happen to your mind frame. Libido going hand in hand with romance is the elixir of youth that you can have until you die. You will keep the probabilities high by quitting. But that is not the only or the major gain in all this. It is your freedom from slavery.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-30 Avoid False Incentives</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:05:14 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers, while trying to stop on the Willpower Method, attempt to increase their motivation by building up false incentives. There are many examples of this, a typical one is, “I will reward myself with a gift after no-PMO for a month.” This appears to be a logical and sensible approach but in fact it is false because any self-respecting PMOer would rather continue PMOing every day than receive a “self given gift.” In any case there is a doubt in the PMOers mind because not only will she have to abstain for thirty days but will she even enjoy the days without a PMO? Her only pleasure or crutch is taken away! All this does is to increase the size of the sacrifice that the PMOer feels she is making, which makes it even more precious in her mind.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Other examples: “I&amp;rsquo;ll stop PMO so that I will force myself to get a social life and seek more sex in real life” OR “Ill stop so some magical energy will help me to leap above the competitors and get this woman I pursue” OR “I commit to not waste my energy and enthusiasm in PMO, so I can grow enough hunger in myself.” These are true and can be effective and you may end up getting what you want. But think about it for a second - if you do get what you had wanted, once the novelty has gone you will feel deprived - if you didnt then you will feel miserable and either way sooner or later you will fall for the trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Another typical example is online or forum pacts. These have the advantage of eliminating temptation for certain periods. However, they generally fail for the following reasons:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The incentive is false. Why should you want to stop just because other people are doing so? All this does is to create an additional pressure, which increases the feeling of sacrifice. It is fine if all PMOers genuinely want to stop at one particular time. However, you cannot force PMOers to stop and although all PMOers secretly want to, until they are ready to do so a pact just creates additional pressure, which increases their desire to PMO. This turns them into secret PMOers, which further increases the feeling of dependency.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The “Rotten Apple” theory or dependency on each other. Under the Willpower Method of stopping, the PMOer is undergoing a period of penance during which he waits for the urge to PMO to go. If he gives in, there is a sense of failure. Under the Willpower Method one of the participants is bound to give in sooner or later. The other participants now have the excuse they have been waiting for. It&amp;rsquo;s not their fault. They would have held out. It is just that Fred has let them down. The truth is that most of them have already been cheating.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Sharing the credit” is the reverse of the “Rotten Apple” theory. Here the loss of face due to failure is not so bad when shared. There is a marvellous sense of achievement in stopping PMOing. When you are doing it alone the acclaim you receive from your friends and online buddies can be a tremendous boost to help you over the first few days. When everybody is doing it at the same time the credit has to be shared and the boost is consequently reduced.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Another classic example of false incentives is the guru promise. When I was younger it would make me feel angry if youd call me a saint. It is a cuss word. Stopping will give you happiness as you are not engaged in the tug of war and your brain is starting to re-wire and regain impulse controls and all that. However you must keep in mind that none of this will make you a sex god or win a lotto. No one, except you, cares if you stop PMO. You are not a weak person either if you are doing PMO three times a day and have PIED. And you are not a strong person if you are an addict and dont have PIED.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stop kidding yourself. If the job offer that I mentioned before, of 10 months work for 12 months salary a year won&amp;rsquo;t stop him. Or if the risks of cutting down your brains capacity to cope with just any normal day-to-day stress and strains or if putting yourself at odds with having a reliable erection, or if the lifetime of mental and physical torture and slavery did not stop him or her - the above said few phoney incentives will not make the slightest bit of difference. They will only make the sacrifice appear worse. Instead concentrate on the other side:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;what-am-i-getting-out-of-it-why-do-i-need-to-pmo&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;“What am I getting out of it? Why do I need to PMO?”&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Keep looking at the other side of the tug of war. What is PMOing doing for me? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Why do I need to do it? YOU DON&amp;rsquo;T! YOU ARE ONLY PUNISHING YOURSELF. Try looking at it from the Pascals Wager perspective. You have almost nothing to lose (a rub-out with half arousals) for sure, chances of big profits (a full and reliable arousal, mental well being and happiness) and no chance of losing big (unreliable full arousals, premature ejaculations, fading penetrations, loss of general impulse controls, lower tolerance for frustrations and anger).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Why not declare your quitting to friends and family? Well, it will make you a proud ex-addict, ex-PMOer, not an elated and happy non-PMOer. It will scare your partner a bit since they may see this as an effort to have more sex, sort of a new-age thing. They may also fear to lose you if this turns you into sex machine. It is hard to explain to them unless they are open minded.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Any attempt to get others to help you in your quitting gives more power to the little monster of addiction. Pushing it from your mind and totally ignoring it has the effect of trying NOT to think of it. As soon as you spot the thoughts, when you hit the cues (home alone) or just absent minded thoughts - just say to yourself: “Great, I dont have to do it like a slave animal. I am free. I am happy to know the differences in sex.” This will cut the life of the thought and will deny oxygen to it and will stop it from burning towards urges and cravings.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-29 Can I Compartmentalize?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:03:34 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is another myth about PMOing spread mainly by PMOers who, when attempting to stop on the Willpower Method, substitute mental gymnastics - they propose to act -Jekyll and Hyde: “Porn is for my alter ego side and real life romance is for my relationship side.” Nothing is further from the truth. The porn waterslides - the deltaFosBs and all the brain changes are going to overrun the real life romance and will make it less desirable. Mr Hyde is most definitely going to overrule Dr. Jekylls instructions.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you use internet porn, you may be training yourself for the role of voyeur or to need the option of clicking to something more arousing at the least drop in your dopamine levels, or to search and search for just the right scene for maximum effect. Also, you may be masturbating in a hunched-over position or watching your smartphone in bed nightly. You will eventually desire those cues more than the real life action. The thing that goes against real sex is the lack of novelty, variety, harem like 24/7 quick delivery etc. and so it stands no chance compared to your online harem. The younger you were when you started on PMO the longer to rewire and break down those porn water slides and get back those real water slides if there were any from the past or create new ones. Also powerful and lasting are the associated memories from when you were young.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Every time you take a ride on the porn water slide you are greasing it - keeping the nerves fresh. When you park next to a fast food restaurant the smell of the fries floats from the pan into your nostrils and the sale was already made. Likewise, the porn water slides in your brain are there for you to get sucked in and they are open 24 hours a day. Each of these cues, or triggers, can now light up your reward circuit with the promise of sex&amp;hellip; only it isn&amp;rsquo;t sex. Nevertheless, nerve cells may solidify these associations with sexual arousal by sprouting new branches to strengthen the connections. The more you use porn the stronger the nerve connections can become, with the result that you may ultimately need to be a voyeur, need to click to new material, need to climax to porn to get to sleep, or need to search for the perfect ending just to get the job done.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As with any substance or behavioural drug, after a while the body becomes immune and the “drug” ceases to relieve the withdrawal pangs completely. As soon as we close a session, the addict wants another one very soon and he has a permanent hunger. The natural inclination is eventually to escalate just to get the dopamine rush. However, most PMOers are prevented from doing this for one, or both, of two reasons.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Money - they cannot afford to subscribe to paid porn sites.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Health - There is only so much the body can take - either the motivator dopamine surges or the orgasms. And orgasms actually trigger anti-dopamine chemicals to cut down the dopamine flush. It has to - that is the way the body works.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Once that little monster leaves your body the awful feeling of insecurity ends. Your confidence returns, together with a marvellous feeling of self-respect. You obtain the assurance to take control of your life, not only in your other habits but also in all other ways. This is one of the many great advantages of being free from any addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have said, the compartment myth is due to one of many tricks that the little monster plays with your mind. In fact, these tricks do not make it easier to stop, they make it harder. The PMOer is therefore left with a permanent hunger that he can never satisfy. This is why many PMOers turn to cigarettes, heavy drinking or even harder drugs in order to satisfy the void.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I had suggested watching porn with one of my partners. But eventually I noticed it did not enhance my arousal at all. The sex was not better. I realized that it actually diminished my attraction towards her. We humans are rating animals - we always self rate and other rate. I am sure she rated me against the male porn start too. Why take chances? Do you want Brad Pitt in your bedroom, even if he is in a poster ? No one man or woman can match a harem where each experience is acted, scripted and directed by professionals and at the ready 24 hours a day.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-28 Will I Miss the Fun?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:01:03 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;No! Once that little porn monster is dead and your body stops craving dopamine and the porn water slides in your brain start to fade due to lack of greasing, any remaining brainwashing will vanish and you will find yourself both physically and mentally better equipped not only to cope with the stresses and strains of life but to enjoy the good times to the full.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There is only one danger and that is the influence of those who still use sex as their lying crutch and damned pleasure. “The other man&amp;rsquo;s grass is always greener,” is commonplace in many aspects of our lives and is easily understandable. Why is it in the case of PMOing, where the disadvantages are so enormous as compared with even the illusory advantages, that the ex-PMOer tend to envy the man or woman who appears to demand sex and use porn for pleasure and a crutch?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;With all the brainwashing of our childhood it is quite understandable that we fall into the trap. Why is it that, once we realize what a mug&amp;rsquo;s game it is and many of us manage to kick the habit, we walk straight back into the same trap? It is the influence of society&amp;rsquo;s brainwashing of porn being conflated with sex and presented as normal. The ex-PMOer has a pang! The insecure void feelings of them being single, which in itself is not a crime anyway, causes anxiety and cues them to PMO water slide. This is indeed a curious anomaly, particularly if you consider this piece of observation: not only is every non-PMOer in the world happy to be a non-PMOer but every PMOer in the world, even with his warped, addicted, brainwashed mind suffering the delusion that he enjoys it or it relaxes him, wishes he had never become hooked in the first place. So why do some ex-PMOers envy the PMOer on these occasions? There are two reasons.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Just one peek.” Remember; it doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. Stop seeing that isolated occasion and start looking at it from the point of view of the PMOer. You may be envying him but he doesn&amp;rsquo;t approve of himself: he envies you. If only you could somehow watch (clinically) another PMOer. They can be the most powerful boost of all to help you of it. Notice how quickly they open many tabs and many windows of their browsers? They fast forward to their important minutes. How quickly they get bored of some clips and how quickly they run through the gamut of genres producing novelty, shock, anxiety, worry etc. Notice particularly that not only is he/she not aware that he or she is PMOing but even the act of masturbation appears to be automatic. Remember, he is not enjoying it; it&amp;rsquo;s just that he cannot enjoy himself without it. Particularly remember that when he leaves to go to sleep after his visit he is drained of energy. The next morning, when he wakes up with a weakened will, lost energy, bleary eyes, he is going to have to carry on choking himself at the first appearance of stress and strain. The next time he has a pain in the penis, the next ED episode or a fading penetration when he is in the company of a non-PMOer, he has to continue this lifetime chain of paying through the nose just for the privilege of destroying himself physically and mentally. He is facing a lifetime of filth, bad mental health, stained confidence, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of destroying himself, a lifetime of black shadows at the back of his mind. And all of this is to achieve what purpose? The lying illusion if getting what you deserve and the damned pleasure?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The second reason why some ex- PMOers have pangs on these occasions is because the PMOer is doing something i.e. self pleasuring and the non-PMOer is not, so he tends to feel deprived. Get it clear in your mind before you start: it is not the non-PMOer who is being deprived. It is the poor PMOer who is being deprived of:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;PEACE OF MIND&lt;/li&gt;
Get out of the habit of envying PMOers and start seeing them as the miserable, pathetic creatures they really are. I know: I was the one of the world&amp;rsquo;s worst. That is why you are reading this book and the ones who cannot face up to it, who have to go on kidding themselves, are the most pathetic of all.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You wouldn&amp;rsquo;t envy a heroin addict. Like all drug addiction, yours won&amp;rsquo;t get better. Each year it will get worse and worse. If you don&amp;rsquo;t enjoy being a PMOer today, you&amp;rsquo;ll enjoy it even less tomorrow. Don&amp;rsquo;t envy other PMOers. Pity them. Believe me: THEY NEED YOUR PITY.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-27 Timing</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:55:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Apart from the obvious point that as it is doing you no good, now is the right time to stop. I believe timing is important. Our society treats internet porn flippantly as a slightly distasteful habit that can not injure your health. It is not. It is drug addiction, a disease and a destroyer of relationships in society. The worst thing that happens in most PMOers lives is getting hooked on that awful addiction. If they stay hooked, horrendous things happen. Timing is important to give yourself the right to a proper cure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;First of all, identify the times or occasions when PMO appears to be important to you. If you are a businessman and use it for the illusion of relief of stress, pick a relatively slack period; a good idea is to choose your annual holiday. If you PMO mainly during boring or relaxing periods, weekends etc. do the opposite. In any event, take the matter seriously and make the attempt the most important thing in your life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Look ahead for a period of about three weeks and try to anticipate any event that might lead to failure. Occasions like a conference trip, partner out of town etc. need not deter you, providing you anticipate them in advance and do not feel you will be deprived. Do not attempt to cut down in the meantime as this will only create the illusion that being denied is enjoyable. In fact, it helps to force yourself to watch and have as many PMO sessions as possible. While you are having the last session and that last time, be conscious of the disappointment due to satiation, unfulfilled expectations (porn can never satisfy you), any bodily pain or pain in the genitals, the withdrawal effects, the peevishness and the melancholy. Think how marvellous it will be when you allow yourself to stop doing it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;whatever-you-do-dont-fall-into-the-trap-of-just-saying-not-now-later-and-putting-it-out-of-your-mind-work-out-your-timetable-now-and-look-forward-to-it&#34;&gt;WHATEVER YOU DO, DON&amp;rsquo;T FALL INTO THE TRAP OF JUST SAYING, “NOT NOW. LATER,” AND PUTTING IT OUT OF YOUR MIND. WORK OUT YOUR TIMETABLE NOW AND LOOK FORWARD TO IT.&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Remember you aren&amp;rsquo;t giving anything up. On the contrary: you are about to receive marvellous positive gains.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For years the medical profession viewed porn is harmless without knowing the difference between the tame static porn of yesteryear and the latest VR streaming porn. The problem is this; although every PMOer uses internet porn purely to relieve the brain chemical craving for dopamine, it is not the addiction to the brain chemical itself that hooks the PMOer but the self-brainwashing that results from that addiction. An intelligent person will fall for a confidence trick. But only a fool will go on falling for it once he realizes that it&amp;rsquo;s a confidence trick. Fortunately, most PMOers aren&amp;rsquo;t fools; they only think they are. Each individual PMOer has his own private brainwashing. That is why there appears to be such a wide range of different types of PMOer, which only serves to compound the mysteries.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;With the benefit of the original book that used this method to stop smoking, which dealt with nicotine addiction (one of the most quickest and addictive drug known to man) and bearing in mind that the personal logs that I collected from Reddit, NoFap and YBOP blogs and forums, I was agreeably surprised to realize that the philosophy propounded in the original book was still sound. The accumulated knowledge that was acquired by the original author Alan Carr and by myself the hack-author is how to communicate that knowledge to each individual PMOer. The fact that I know every PMOer can not only find it easy to stop but can actually enjoy the process is not only pointless but exceedingly frustrating unless I can make the PMOer realize it. The original author of the quit smoking book explains some controversial advice:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“Many people have said to me: You say, &amp;ldquo;Continue to smoke until you have finished the book.&amp;rsquo;&amp;rsquo; This tends to make the smoker take ages to read the hook or just not finish it. period. Therefore you should change that instruction. This sounds logical, but I know that if the instruction were: Stop immediately, some smokers wouldn&amp;rsquo;t even start reading the book. I had a smoker consult me in the early days. He said, I really resent having to seek your help, I know I&amp;rsquo;m strong-willed. In every other area of my life I&amp;rsquo;m in control. Why is it that all these other smokers are stopping by using their own willpower, yet I have to come to you? He continued, I think I could do it on my own, if I could smoke while I was doing it.’”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This may sound like a contradiction but I know what the man meant. We think of stopping smoking as something that is very difficult to do. What do we need when we have something difficult to do? We need our little friend. So stopping smoking appears to be a double blow. Not only do we have a difficult task to perform, which is hard enough, but the crutch on which we normally rely on such occasions is no longer available. It didn&amp;rsquo;t occur to me until long after the man had left that my instruction to keep smoking is the real beauty of my method. You can continue to smoke while you go through the process of stopping. You get rid of all your doubts and fears first so when you extinguish that final cigarette you are already a non-smoker and can enjoy being one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So this book on PMO will also keep the same advice intact. No matter how much I say it will be easy there will be a vast majority who will not be able to accept it due to their personal brainwashing on how difficult it is to quit.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only chapter that has caused me to question my original advice seriously is this chapter on the matter of the right timing. Above all, I advise that if your special occasions are stress situations at the office then pick a holiday to make an attempt to give up or vice versa. In fact, that isn&amp;rsquo;t the easiest way to do it. The easiest way is to pick what you consider to be the most difficult time to do it, whether it be stress, social, concentration or boredom. Once you&amp;rsquo;ve proved that you can cope with and enjoy life in the worst possible situations every other situation becomes easy. But if I gave that as a definite instruction, would you even make the attempt to stop?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let me use an analogy. My wife and I intend to swim together. We arrive at the pool at the same time but we rarely swim together. The reason is that she immerses one toe and half an hour later she&amp;rsquo;s actually swimming. I cannot stand that slow torture. I know in advance that at some stage, no matter how cold the water is, eventually I&amp;rsquo;m going to have to brave it. So I&amp;rsquo;ve learned to do it the easy way: I dive straight in. Now, assuming that I were in a position to insist that if she didn&amp;rsquo;t dive straight in, she couldn&amp;rsquo;t swim at all. I know that she wouldn&amp;rsquo;t swim at all. Do you see the problem?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;From feedback I know that many PMOers have used the original advice I gave on timing to delay what they think will be the “evil day.” My next thoughts were to use the technique that I used for the chapter on the advantages of PMOing, something like: “timing is very important and in the next chapter I will advise you about the best time for you to make the attempt!” You turn the page over and there is just a huge, “NOW!” That is, in fact, the best advice but would you take it? This is the most subtle aspect of the porn trap. When we have genuine stress in our lives, it&amp;rsquo;s not the time to stop yet if we have no stress in our lives, we have no desire to stop. Ask yourself these following questions:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;When you got porn the first time, did you really decide then that you would continue to depend on it the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU DIDN&amp;rsquo;T!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Are you going to continue the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU AREN&amp;rsquo;T!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So when will you stop? Tomorrow? Next year? The year after? Isn&amp;rsquo;t this what you&amp;rsquo;ve been asking yourself since you first realized you were hooked? Are you hoping that one morning you will wake up and just not want to PMO any more? Stop kidding yourself. I waited many many awful years for it to happen to me. With any addiction you get progressively more hooked, not less. You think it will be easier tomorrow? You&amp;rsquo;re still kidding yourself. If you can&amp;rsquo;t do it today, what makes you think it will be easier tomorrow? Are you going to wait until you&amp;rsquo;ve actually started to feel getting out of bed is harder than just masturbating? That would be a bit pointless.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The real trap is the belief that now isn&amp;rsquo;t the right time - it will always be easier tomorrow. We believe that we live stressful lives. In fact, we don&amp;rsquo;t. We&amp;rsquo;ve taken most genuine stress out of our lives. When you leave your home you don&amp;rsquo;t live in fear of being attacked by wild animals. Most of us don&amp;rsquo;t have to worry where our next meal is coming from or whether we&amp;rsquo;ll have a roof over our head tonight. But just think of the life of a wild animal. Every time a rabbit comes out of its burrow, it is facing Vietnam the whole of its life. But the rabbit can handle it. It&amp;rsquo;s got adrenalin and other hormones and so have we. The truth is, the most stressful periods for any creature are early childhood and adolescence. But 3 billion years of natural selection have equipped us to cope with stress. Many people who have had hard childhoods grew up to lead normal lives.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We are all able to cope with unkind people and the unpleasant parts of life. I don&amp;rsquo;t believe any of my life adversities have left me with any permanent scars; on the contrary, I believe they have made me a stronger person. When I look back on my life there has only been one thing that I couldn&amp;rsquo;t handle and that was my slavery to that damned internet porn.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A few years ago I thought I had all the worries in the world. I was suicidal - not in the sense that I would have jumped off a roof but in the sense that I knew that this mental tug of war would soon kill me. I argued that if this was life with my crutch, life just wouldn&amp;rsquo;t be worth living without it. What I didn&amp;rsquo;t realize was that when you are physically and mentally depressed everything gets you down. Now I feel like a young boy again. Only one thing made the change in my life: I&amp;rsquo;m now out of the porn pit.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I know it&amp;rsquo;s a cliché to say, “if you haven&amp;rsquo;t got your health, you&amp;rsquo;ve got nothing,” but it&amp;rsquo;s absolutely true. I used to think that physical fitness fanatics like Gary Player were a pain. I used to claim there&amp;rsquo;s more to life than feeling fit; there&amp;rsquo;s sex, booze and tobacco. That&amp;rsquo;s nonsense. When you feel physically and mentally strong you can enjoy the highs and handle the lows. We confuse responsibility with stress. Responsibility becomes stressful only when you don&amp;rsquo;t feel strong enough to handle it. The Richard Burtons of this world are physically and mentally strong. What destroys them is not the stresses of life or their jobs, or old age but the lying crutches they turn to which are just illusions. Sadly in his case and for millions like him those lying crutches kill.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Look at it this way. You&amp;rsquo;ve already decided that you are not going to stay in the trap the rest of your life. Therefore at some time in your life whether you find it easy or difficult, you will have to go through the process of getting free. PMOing is not a habit or pleasure. It is drug addiction and a disease. We&amp;rsquo;ve already established that far from being easier to stop tomorrow, it will get progressively harder. With a disease that&amp;rsquo;s going to get progressively worse, the time to get rid of it is NOW - or as near to now as you can manage. Just think how quickly each week of our lives comes and goes. That&amp;rsquo;s all it takes. Just think how nice it will he to enjoy the rest of your life without that ever-increasing black shadow hanging over you. And if you follow all my instructions, you won&amp;rsquo;t even have to wait five days. You won&amp;rsquo;t only find it easy after closing down your bowser: Y&lt;strong&gt;OU&amp;rsquo;LL ENJOY IT!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-26 A Social Habit?</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:54:03 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Health of mind and body are the main reason why we should want to stop but then they always have been. We do not actually need scientific research and knowledge in brain chemistry to tell us that internet porn is addictive and can potentially shatter our lives. These bodies of ours are the most sophisticated objects on the planet and any PMOer knows instantly, from the first session, that the stimulus can go to excess and it can turn poisonous.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only reason why we ever get involved with internet porn is the PMOs overlap with their evolutionary brain programming. Porn is available for free and it gets streamed 24 hours a day. No risk and no traces and with very high brain rewards. Porn was once considered as harmless but that was when the images were static and involved a trip to the local store for a VHS tape.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Today it is generally considered even by PMOers themselves to be a supra-stimulus and addiction forming. In the old days, the strong man did not admit he masturbated. Jerk is a derogatory term. In every pub or club bar the majority of men would be proudly wanting to take a woman home and have real sex. Today the position is completely reversed for the internet porn addicts. Today&amp;rsquo;s man realizes that he is starting to feel that he doesn&amp;rsquo;t need a woman. This scares him. He bands together online and starts discussing experiences, devise strategies and explore options. Today&amp;rsquo;s strong man does not want to depend on drugs. With the social revolution all PMOers nowadays are giving serious thought to stopping internet porn and masturbation. Today&amp;rsquo;s PMOers consider PMO as an useless and harmful activity.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The most significant trend that I have noticed in forums is the increasing emphasis on the anti-social aspect of PMOing. The days when a man boasted of having sex and orgasms every day is slowly getting replaced with, “why do I need to be a slave for this porn monster when I know it is controlling my wand (and mind)?”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only reason why people continue to PMO after getting educated is because they have failed to stop or are too frightened to try. There are even talks about no porn, no masturbation and no orgasms - with or without partners. Karezza is discussed widely and people are trying it out. Many aforementioned failures are “fail forwards” and thus somewhat benefiting the people who practice them. Once you start in the no-PMO route you will find your best fit that applies to your life. I strongly encourage devising your own plan on orgasms after understanding and practising the separation of the amative and the propagative parts of sex. I am sure whichever route you take you will see the value of preserving the “seed” by limiting the number of times you flush your brain with chemicals by orgasming. You will then never see porn, sex and orgasms as a pleasure or as a crutch for your emotional ups and downs.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I was reading a Reddit forum by non-PMOers dedicated to quitting not only porn but also masturbation. As I read along I thought. “This is good, I see so many have taken to quitting masturbation and I think that is the right way to quit PMO.” However, I found most of the notes pointing to them to try with the Willpower Method. There was a lot of self-pitying as well. Except a few&amp;hellip; almost all were not feeling elated and not having the, “yippee I am free from slavery” attitude. Eventually someone broke down - as I unfortunately expected to happen. And the result was a domino effect. All those other PMOers had been sitting there thinking, “surely I can&amp;rsquo;t be the only PMOer here.” However, they were “failing forward” albeit with a lot of self-torturing as they shut down their browsers but did not shut down the desire and the need. This method is the reverse as - we shut down the desire and the need first before shutting down the browser screen. As every day more and more PMOers leave the sinking ship, so those left on it become terrified they&amp;rsquo;ll be the last.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;dont-let-it-be-you&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;DON&amp;rsquo;T LET IT BE YOU!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
<title>03-25 The YouTube PMOer</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:51:35 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;The YouTube PMOer should be grouped with casual PMOers but the effects of a YouTube PMOer are so insidious that it merits a separate chapter. It can lead to the breakdown of personal self control. In one case it nearly caused a split for a No-Fap forum user.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I was three weeks into one of my failed attempts to stop. The attempt had been triggered off by my wife&amp;rsquo;s worry about my unreliable hard-ons and lack of interest. I had told her that it was not her and it was just job pressure. She said, &amp;lsquo;I know you had handled the work pressure before but how would you feel if you were me and had to watch someone you love systematically destroying themselves? It was an argument that I found irresistible, hence the attempt to stop. She knows that I am not cheating - but this in a way is as worse as that (sic). The attempt ended after three weeks after a heated argument with an old friend. It did not register until years afterwards that my devious mind had deliberately triggered off the argument. I felt justly aggrieved at the time but I do not believe that it was coincidence, as I had never argued with this particular friend before, nor have I since. It was clearly the little monster at work. Anyway, I had my excuse. I desperately needed a release of orgasm and it doesnt matter how. As it happens she was not in the mood right away and I was in an “entitlement” hurry. So I convinced myself that it is OK if I restrict myself by avoiding a porn site and just stay this side of the red line and watch only YouTube videos. But she came around as the night unfolded and wanted to make love. But I was tired and not with all my horsepower. I then invented a headache. I could not bear to think of the disappointment this would cause my wife. Then gradually I returned to the old ways, only YouTube became my new harem destination. I remember being quite pleased at the time. I thought, &amp;lsquo;well, at least it is cutting my consumption down; Eventually she accused me of continuing to ignore her in the bed. I had not realized it but she described the times I had caused an argument and stormed out of the house. At other times I had taken two hours to purchase some minor item and faked a sprain or something. I had made feeble excuses to cop out of the whole wooing her and etc. when I have a reliable online harem it is even more hard.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The worst thing about the YouTube PMOer is that it supports the fallacy in the PMOers mind that he is being deprived. At the same time, it causes a major loss of self-respect; an otherwise honest person may force himself to deceive his loved one. It has probably happened or is still happening to you in some form.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It happened to me several times. Have you ever watched the TV detective series Columbo? The theme of each episode is similar. The villain, usually a wealthy and respected businessman, has committed what he is convinced is the perfect murder and his confidence in his crime remaining undetected receives a boost when he discovers that the rather shabby and unimpressive-looking Detective Columbo is in charge of the case.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Columbo has this frustrating practice of closing the door after finishing his interrogation, having assured the suspect that he is in the clear and before the satisfied look has disappeared from the murderer&amp;rsquo;s face, Columbo reappears with: “just one small point, sir, which I&amp;rsquo;m sure you can explain&amp;hellip;” The suspect stammers and from that point on we know and he knows that Columbo will gradually wear him down. No matter how heinous the crime, from that point on my sympathies were with the murderer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It was almost as if I were the criminal and that&amp;rsquo;s exactly how those bouts made me feel. The tension of not being allowed to cross the red line to get my porn fix that I “rightly deserve because I am hard working man and why shouldnt I when every man does it?” entitlement, click, click, clicking on videos that come close to the right one. Longing for the porn tube videos. And then finishing the deed - just a limp rub out, wondering where the pleasure was. The fear of crossing the line losing control. The relief of returning to the bed, immediately followed by the fear that she would toss around and ask for sex. As the “safe” YouTube videos started not to do it for me - desensitization and lack of novelty and the certain knowledge that sooner or later I was bound to visit my favourite online harem. The final humiliation and shame when that certainty became a fact, followed by the immediate return to chain-PMOing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;oh-the-joys-of-being-a-pmo-er&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;OH THE JOYS OF BEING A PMO-er!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
<title>03-24 Casual PMOers, Teenagers, Non PMOers</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:40:22 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Heavy PMOers tend to envy the casual porn user. We&amp;rsquo;ve all met these characters: “Oh, I can go all week without a PMO, it really doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me.” We think: “I wish I were like that!” I know this is hard to believe but no PMOer enjoys being a PMOer. Never forget:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;No PMOer ever decided to become a PMOer casual or otherwise, therefore:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;All PMOers feel stupid, therefore:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;All PMOers have to lie to themselves and other people in a vain attempt to justify their stupidity.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I used to be a golf fanatic. I would brag about how often I played and I wanted to play more. Why do PMOers brag about how little they masturbate? If that&amp;rsquo;s the true criterion then surely the true accolade is not to masturbate at all?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If I said to you, “do you know, I can go all week without carrots and it doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me in the slightest,” You would think I was some sort of nutcase. If I enjoy carrots, why would I want go all week without them? If I didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy them, why would I make such a statement? So when a user makes a statement like: “I can go all week without a PMO session, it really doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me.” He&amp;rsquo;s trying to convince both himself and you that he has no problem. But there would be no need to make the statement if he had no problem. What he is really saying is: “I managed to survive a whole week without PMOing.” Like every PMOer, he was probably hoping that after this he could survive the rest of his life. But he could only survive a week and can you imagine how precious that PMO session must have been afterwards, having felt deprived for a whole week?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This is why casual PMOers are effectively more hooked than heavy PMOers. Not only is the illusion of pleasure greater but they have less incentive to quit because they spend less time and are less vulnerable to the health risks. They may occasionally experience PIED but they are not very sure what caused it. Remember, the only pleasure PMOers get is in search-and-seek and then to relieve the withdrawal pangs, as I have already explained but even that pleasure is an illusion. Imagine the little porn monster inside your body as a permanent itch so imperceptible that most of the time we aren&amp;rsquo;t even aware of it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now if you have a permanent itch, the natural tendency is to scratch it. Similarly as our brain&amp;rsquo;s reward circuits become more and more immune to dopamine and opioids, the natural tendency is to edge, escalate, binge, novelty-seek, shock-seek etc. There are four main factors that prevent PMOers from chain-PMOing:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Time. Most cannot afford to.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Health. In order to relieve our itches we have to consume all free material that is available and then some. Capacity to cope with that kind of binging varies with each individual and at different times and situations in his or her life. This acts as an automatic restraint.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Discipline. This is imposed by society or the PMOers job, or friends and relatives, or by the PMOer himself as a result of the natural tug of war that goes on in every PMOers mind.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Imagination. Lack of imagination plays down the shock, novelty and other values of the same clip on a subjective basis.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I used to think of my non-casual PMOing as a weakness. I couldn&amp;rsquo;t understand why my friends could limit their “intake.” I knew I was a very strong-willed person. It never occurred to me that most PMOers are incapable of chain-PMOing - you need a very strong imagination and also extraordinarily strong penis stamina in order to do it. Some of these once-a-week PMOers that heavy PMOers tend to envy do it less frequently because physically their constitution cannot do more, or because they cannot afford to PMO more, or because their job, or society, or their own hatred of being hooked won&amp;rsquo;t allow them to PMO more.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It may be of advantage at this stage to provide a few definitions:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-non-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE NON-PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Someone who has never fallen for the trap but should not be complacent. He is a non-PMOer only by luck or the grace of goodness. All PMOers were convinced that they would never become hooked and some non-PMOers keep trying an occasional session.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-casual-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE CASUAL PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There are two basic classifications of casual PMOers:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The PMOer who has fallen for the trap but doesn&amp;rsquo;t realize it. Do not envy such PMOers. They are merely sampling the nectar at the mouth of the pitcher plant and in all probability will soon be heavy users. Remember, just as all alcoholics started off as casual drinkers, so all PMOers started off as casual PMOers.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The PMOer who was previously a heavy PMOer and thinks he cannot stop. These PMOers are the saddest of all. They fall into various categories, each of which needs separate comment.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-oncea--day-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE ONCEA- DAY PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If he enjoys his entitlement to orgasm, why does he use internet porn to orgasm only once a day? If he can take it or leave it, why does he bother to PMO at all? Remember, the habit is really banging your head against the brick wall only to make it relaxing when you stop. The once-a-day PMOer is relieving his withdrawal pangs for less than one hour each day. The rest of the day, although he doesn&amp;rsquo;t realize it, he is banging his head against the wall and does so for most of his life. He is PMOing only once a day because either he cannot take the risk of getting caught or screwing up his brain health. It is easy to convince the heavy PMOer that he doesn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy it but you try convincing a casual PMOer. Anybody who has gone through an attempt to cut down will know it is the worst torture of all and almost guaranteed to keep you hooked for the rest of your life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-rejected-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE REJECTED PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This PMOer demands the right to his/her orgasm(s) every day. And of course his sex partner is not always up to it. So he goes on the internet for porn initially. Once he takes “the ride” to fix “the void” he is trapped on this most exciting water slide of novelty, shock, supranormal images etc. He is in fact dichotomously happy with the partners rejection it gives him something of an excuse. If internet porn is giving so much to you, why even bother to have a partner at all? Set him or her free. He is not even enjoying the PMO when he has to carry his partner in his mind. At some point he is using his real life partner to hand him an excuse to go out into the valleys of the dark side of the internet.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-porn-diet-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE PORN DIET PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;(Or, “I can stop whenever I want to. I have done it thousands of times”). If he thinks dieting helps with his moods to get out to get women, why is he even on the diet of once every four days? How can one predict the future, what if the happenstance of meeting occurred just an hour after your scheduled PMO session? Also, if he thinks this occasional “cleaning the plumbing” is good to relieve tension and relax why not plumb every day? It has been proven that masturbation is not required to keep the genitals healthy. Internet porn is not required at all. Even if that may be the case, any PUA guru who has read about the brain chemistry and its plasticity will never recommend watching super stimulus porn. The truth is he is still hooked. Although he gets rid of the physical addiction, he is left with the main problem - the brainwashing. He hopes each time that he will stop for good and soon falls for the same trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers actually envy these stoppers and starters. They think, “how lucky to be able to control it like that, to do PMO when you want to and stop when you want to,” What they always overlook is that these stoppers and starters aren&amp;rsquo;t controlling it. When they are PMOers, they wish they weren&amp;rsquo;t. They go through the hassle of stopping, then begin to feel deprived and fall for the trap again, then wish they hadn&amp;rsquo;t. They get the worst of both worlds. If you think about it, this is true in the lives of the PMOers. When we are allowed to PMO we either take it as entitled or wish we didn&amp;rsquo;t. It&amp;rsquo;s only when we can&amp;rsquo;t have PMO that it appears to be so precious. The forbidden fruit syndrome. This is the awful dilemma of PMOers. They can never win because they are moping for a myth, an illusion. There is one way they can win and that is to stop PMOing and stop moping!&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-i-only-pmo-to-statictamehome-made-porn-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE I-ONLY-PMO-TO-STATIC/TAME/HOME-MADE-PORN PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Yes, we all do it to start with but isn&amp;rsquo;t it amazing how the average shock value of these clips seems rapidly to increase and before we know it we seem to be feeling deprived (tolerance)? The novelty is lacking in with static porn and we pay the mascot for a cup of grease and take the ride down the porn water slide towards the dark spirals of resentment and guilt. The worst thing you can do is to use your partner&amp;rsquo;s pictures (with approval, of course) for masturbation. Why? Because you are re-wiring your brain for the seeking, searching and variety induced dopamine flushes. The porn water slides in the brain is the DeltaFosB built-up due to the dopamine surges induced by internet porn. But you will find yourself having weak and unreliable erections when you are with her in real time. Another genre in this category is amateur or home made porn. Most are fakes and you know it. And you are not going to settle down and finish on the very first one that hits your eyes&amp;hellip; you are going to continue to seek and search. Remember its not only the orgasms but the search-and-seek, the wandering, that gives the porn slide the surge, the ride. The porn content, whether amateur or professional or whatever is not the issue, it is the brain flushes of dopamine during the search-and-seek - the building up of brain tolerance and satiation. Porn destroys normal brain operations. Masturbation confuses the muscle-brain. Orgasms floods the brain and so it should be, better the risks involved in having one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-i-have-stopped-but-i-have-an-occasional-peek-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE I-HAVE-STOPPED-BUT-I-HAVE-AN-OCCASIONAL-PEEK PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In a way such peeking PMOers are the most pathetic of all. Either they go through their lives believing they are being deprived or, more often, the occasional peek becomes two. They remain on the slippery slope and it goes only one way - DOWNWARDS. Sooner or later they are back to being heavy PMOers. They have fallen again for the very trap that they fell into in the first place.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There are two other categories of casual PMOers. The first is the type who masturbates to images or clips of the latest celebrity sex tapes that hit the news. Or something they carried home from their accidental viewing at school or work. These people are really non-PMOers. It&amp;rsquo;s just that they feel they are missing out. They want to be part of the action. We all start off like this. Next time watch how, after a while, the celebrity sex tape, the same star of your fantasy is not doing it to you any more. The more unattainable the target of your fantasy is, the more frustrating the withdrawal of the orgasm is.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The second category is recently getting attention. The type can best be described by outlining a case shared online. A woman who is a professional, had been using internet porn stories for many years and had never PMOed more or less than one time every night. She was, incidentally, a very strong-willed lady. Most PMOers would wonder why she wanted to stop in the first place. They would gladly point out to her that there is no worries of PIED, or PE in her case as she is a women. She is using not even static images and the stories are far tamer than any they use on a daily basis.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;They make the mistake of assuming that casual PMOers are happier and more in control. In control they may be but happy they are not. In this case, she is not satisfied with her partner, not interested in real sex, highly irritable with her daily stress and strains. Her nearest-and-dearest could not find out what is bothering her. Even if she convinced herself not to be afraid of her use of internet porn by rationalizing, she still finds herself not being able to enjoy real relationships which almost invariably involve ups and downs. Her brains RC&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; is not able to make use of the normal de-stress brain chemicals as she is flooding dopamine into her brain on an everyday basis. The down regulation&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; of her brain receptors has rendered her melancholic most times. Like me, she had a great fear of internet porns dark side of the treatment of women- before her first time. Like me, she eventually fell victim to the massive social brainwash and tried that first porn site. Like me, she can remember the foul clips of violence staged as entertainment. Unlike me, who capitulated and became a chain-PMOer very quickly, she resisted the slide.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;All you ever enjoy in PMO is the ending of the craving that started before it, whether it be the almost imperceptible physical craving for dopamine or the mental torture caused by not being allowed to scratch the itch. Internet porn itself is a poison as far as it concerns you. This is why you only suffer the illusion of enjoying it after a period of abstinence. Just like a hunger or thirst, the longer you suffer it, the greater the pleasure when you finally relieve it. PMOers make the mistake of believing PMO is just a habit. They think, “if I can only keep it down to a certain level or do only on special occasions, my brain and body will accept it. I can then keep my PMOing at that level or cut down further should I wish to.” Get it clear in your mind: the &amp;lsquo;habit&amp;rsquo; doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. PMOing is drug addiction. The natural tendency is to relieve withdrawal pangs, not to endure them. Even to hold it at the level you are already at, you would have to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life because as your brain&amp;rsquo;s RC becomes immune to dopamine and opioids, it wants more and more, not less and less. As PMO begins to destroy you physically and mentally, as it gradually breaks down your nervous system, your courage and confidence, your impulse controls, so you are increasingly unable to resist reducing the interval between each session.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That is why in the early days, we can take it or leave it. If we get a sign of something amiss mentally or physically, we just stop. It also explains why someone like me, who never even suffered the illusion of enjoying them, had to go on chain-PMOing even though every time it had become a physical torture. Don&amp;rsquo;t envy that woman. When you PMO only once every twenty four hours it appears to be the most precious thing on earth. The “forbidden fruit syndrome.” For many years that poor woman had been at the centre of a tug of war.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;She had been unable to stop PMOing, yet was frightened to escalate to streaming clips. But for twenty-three hours and ten minutes of every one of those days she had to fight the temptation. She also had to fight her own lack of feelings towards her boyfriend. It took tremendous willpower to do what she did and, as I have said, such cases are rare. But it reduced her to tears in the end. Just look at it logically: either there is a genuine crutch or pleasure in PMOing or there isn&amp;rsquo;t. If there is, who wants to wait an hour, or a day, or a week? Why should you be denied the crutch or pleasure in the meantime? If there is no genuine crutch or pleasure, why bother paying visits to your online harem?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Here is another case of a once-in-four-days man. This is how the man described his life:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I am forty years old. I suffered PIED with real women and even when Id be doing PMO. Most times I am only rubbing it out. It has been a while since I had a full erection. Before going on the one-in-four days porn diet, I used to sleep soundly through the night after my PMO. Now I wake up every hour of the night and all I can think about is PMO. Even when I am sleeping. I dream about my favourite clips. On days after my scheduled PMO I feel pretty down and this diet would take up all my energy. My SO would leave me alone because I am so bad-tempered and if she cant get out, she will not have me in the house. I go for a jog outside but my mind is obsessed with PMOing. On the schedule day I begin planning earlier in the night. I get very irritated if something happens against my plans. Id give up on conversation and give in (only to later regret) at work and at home. I am not an argumentative guy but I dont want the topic or conversation to hold me down. I remember occasions when Id pick up silly fights with my SO. I then wait for 10 o&amp;rsquo;clock. When it arrives my hands are shaking uncontrollably. I do not start the deed right away. As there are new videos that has been added, I had to shop around. As I click around, my mind tells me that since I had starved myself for 4 days I deserve a special clip and it has to be worth the time spent searching. Eventually I settle for one or two but then I want it to last so that I can survive through the next 4 days. So I take more time to finish the deed.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In addition to his other troubles, this poor man has no idea that he treating himself to a poison. First he is suffering the “forbidden fruit syndrome.” Next he is forcing his brain to flush dopamine. His dopamine receptors are not as cut down comparatively either. But he is sliding and greasing the porn slides, seeking and searching for edging, novelty, variety, shock-value, anxiety-value (“I must treat myself so that I can survive the next three days”) etc. You probably have visions of a pathetic imbecile. Not so. This man was over six feet tall and an ex-sergeant in the Marines. He was a former athlete and didn&amp;rsquo;t want to become an addict to anything. However, when he returned from the war he was trained as a techie in a veterans rehab program. When he entered the civil work force he was a well paid IT professional in a bank and was given a laptop (one of the ways to ensure you take work home). It was the year that famous socialites leaked their porn videos online. There was much talk about it. And he got hooked. He has spent the rest of his life paying through the nose and it has ruined him physically and mentally. If he were an animal, our society would have put him out of his misery, yet we still allow mentally and physically healthy young teenagers to become hooked. You may think the above case and my notes are exaggerated. It is extreme but not unique. There are literally thousands of similar stories. That man poured his heart out to me but you can be sure that many of his friends and acquaintances envied him for being a once-a-week man. If you think this couldn&amp;rsquo;t happen to you, STOP KIDDING YOURSELF.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;it-is-already-happening&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;IT IS ALREADY HAPPENING.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In any event, PMOers like other addicts are notorious liars, even to themselves. They have to be. Most casual PMOers indulge far more times and on far more occasions than they will admit to. I have had many conversations with so-called twice-a-week PMOers during which they have done it more than three times that week. If you read the Reddit or No-Fap forums of casual PMOers, they are either counting the days or waiting to fail. You do not need to envy casual PMOers. You do not need to PMO. Life is infinitely sweeter without PMO. One log says&amp;hellip;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“It started with a simple challenge to not touch my penis for a day. And being unable. I don&amp;rsquo;t think about masturbation anymore. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t cross my mind. That is possible, I promise you. And the riches that await those who are able - they&amp;rsquo;re incredible.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Teenagers are generally more difficult to cure, not because they find it difficult to stop but because either they do not believe they are hooked or they are at the primary stage of the trap and suffer from the delusion that they will automatically have stopped before the secondary stage.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I would like particularly to warn parents of children who loathe internet porn not to have a false sense of security. All children loathe the dark sides of porn until they become hooked. You did too at one time. Also do not be fooled by scare campaigns. The trap is the same as it always was. Children know that internet porn is supranormal stimuli but they also know that one visit or peek will not do it. At some stage they may be influenced by a girlfriend or boyfriend, school friend or work colleague.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You may think that all they need is an education in brain plasticity and that PMO (including even masturbation) acts like a virus in their brain programme to convince them they could never become hooked. I find society&amp;rsquo;s failure to prevent our children from becoming addicted to internet porn and other drugs to be the most disturbing of all the many disturbing facets of addiction. I beg you not to be complacent in this matter. It is necessary to protect youngsters as their brain is more plastic at that age. I strongly urge you to read the YBOP book and educate yourself of the brain science. Even if you suspect your teenager might lready be hooked, the book will provide excellent guidance to assist in gaining understanding for someone to escape.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;RC&lt;/strong&gt; - reward circuits.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Regulation&lt;/strong&gt; - Up and down regulation is a natural reactionary process of the brain to adjust receptors and or their neuro-transmitters based on the level that is present.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-23 Just One Peek</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:35:22 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;“Just one peek” is a myth you must get out of your mind:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek that gets us started in the first place.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek to tide us over a difficult patch or on a special occasion that defeats most of our attempts to stop.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek that, when PMOers have succeeded in breaking the addiction, sends them back into the trap. Sometimes it is just to confirm that they do not need them any more and that one harem visit does just that.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The after effect of PMO will be horrible and convinces the PMOer he will never become hooked again but he already is. The PMOer feels that something that is making him or her so miserable and guilty should have not made him or her do it yet they did.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is the thought of that one special PMO session that often prevents users from stopping. The one after your long conference trip or the one after your hard day at work or your fight with kids or after an incident where your partner rejects you for sex. Get it firmly in your mind there is no such thing as “just one peek.” It is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you break it. It is the myth about the odd, special occasion that keeps PMOers moping about it when they stop. Get into the habit of never seeing the “no big deal” (NBD&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;) session - it is a fantasy. Whenever you think about porn or PMO, see a whole filthy lifetime of spending a lot of time behind a screen just for the privilege of destroying yourself mentally and physically, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of hopelessness. It is not a crime if your erections are unreliable. But it is when you could be happier in the long term but choose to sacrifice that for a short term pleasure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is OK that we cant always come up with something to do for the void and it is not realistically possible to do that every time and for our entire life. Yes, we can plan for most of them, but sometimes void happens. Good times and bad times also happen, irrespective of your PMO anyway. But get it clearly into your mind: the PMO isn&amp;rsquo;t it. You are stuck with either a lifetime of misery or none at all. You wouldn&amp;rsquo;t dream of taking cyanide because you liked the taste of almonds, so stop punishing yourself with the thought of the occasional “no big deal” PMO. Ask a PMOer with issues, “if you had the opportunity to go back to the time before you became hooked, would you have become a PMOer?” The answer is inevitably, “you have got to be joking!” Yet every PMOer has that choice every day of his life. Why doesn&amp;rsquo;t he opt for it? The answer is fear. The fear that he cannot stop or that life won&amp;rsquo;t be the same without it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stop kidding yourself! You can do it. Anybody can. It&amp;rsquo;s ridiculously easy. In order to make it easy to stop masturbating to internet porn there are certain fundamentals to get clear in your mind. We have already dealt with three of them up to now:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is nothing to give up. There are actually only marvellous positive gains to achieve.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Never convince yourself of the odd/NBD (no big deal) or JOP&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; (just one peak) PMO. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. There is only a lifetime of filth and slavery,&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is nothing different about you. Any addicted PMOer can find it easy to stop.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers believe that they are confirmed addicts or have addictive personalities. This usually happens if they have read the shocking&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:3&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:3&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;3&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; part of the brain science a little bit too much. I promise you there is no such thing. No one is born with needs to masturbate to video clips before they become hooked on the drug. It is the drug that hooks you and not the nature of your character or personality. It is the effect of addictive supranormal stimuli that makes you believe that you have an addictive personality. However, it is essential that you remove this belief because if you believe that you are dependent on internet porn, you will be. Even after the little porn monster inside your body is dead. It is essential to remove all of this brainwashing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;NBD&lt;/strong&gt; - no big deal.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;JOP&lt;/strong&gt; - Just one peek.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:3&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The shocking part of brain chemistry talks about a long lasting deltaFosB stable protein that forms the water slide cues in our brains. These cause the slip-lapse-relapse cycles in addicts. They are greased (kept alive) every time the addicted substance is used.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:3&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-22 Beware of Cutting Down</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:28:58 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers resort to cutting down either as a stepping-stone towards stopping or as an attempt to control the little monster. Many recommend cutting down or a porn diet&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; as a pick-me-up. Obviously, the less you PMO the better off you are but as a stepping-stone to stopping, cutting down is fatal. It is these attempts to cut down that keep us trapped all our lives.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Usually cutting down follows failed attempts to stop. After a few hours or days of abstinence the PMOer says to himself something like:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I cannot face the thought of going to sleep without visiting my online harem, so from now on I will just PMO once in four days or I will purge my collection of bad porn. If I can follow this porn diet, I can either hold it there or cut down further.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Certain terrible things now happen:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He has the worst of all worlds. He is still addicted to internet porn and is keeping the monster alive not only in his body but also in his mind.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He is now wishing his life away waiting for the next session.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Prior to cutting down, whenever he wanted to visit his harem he would fire up his browser and at least partially relieved his withdrawal pangs. Now, in addition to the normal stresses and strains of life, he is actually causing himself to suffer the withdrawal pangs from porn most of his life. So he is causing himself to be even more miserable and bad tempered.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;While he was indulging himself, he didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy most of the PMO sessions nor did he realize he was using a supranormal stimulate. It was automatic. The only harem visits that he imagined he enjoyed were after a period of abstinence (e.g. the first in the four days, the one after a business trip, etc.).&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now that he waits an extra hour for each harem visit, he enjoys every one. The longer he waits, the more enjoyable each PMO session appears to become because the enjoyment in a session isn&amp;rsquo;t the session itself; it&amp;rsquo;s the ending of the agitation caused by the craving, whether it be the slight physical craving for internet porn or the mental moping. The longer you suffer, the more enjoyable each session becomes.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The main difficulty of stopping PMOing is not the brain chemical addiction. That&amp;rsquo;s easy. PMOers will all on without it anyway on various occasions - such as death of a loved one, family/work affairs keeping them away from access etc. They will go say, ten days without internet porn and it doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother them. But if they went the same ten days during which time they can have access to internet porn, they would be tearing their hair out.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers will get a chance during their work day and abstain from masturbating to orgasm. PMOers will pass through Victorias Secret store in the mall, swimming pools and so on without undue inconvenience. Many PMOers will abstain if they have to sleep on the couch temporarily to make space for a visitor or if they are themselves visiting . Even in the Go-Go bars or on nudist beaches there have been no riots. PMOer are almost pleased for someone to say they cannot masturbate. In fact, PMOers who want to quit get a secret pleasure out of going long periods without a harem visit. It gives them the hope that maybe one day they will never want it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The real problem when stopping is the brainwashing. That illusion of entitlement that internet porn is some sort of prop or reward and life will never be quite the same without it. Far from turning you off to internet porn, all cutting down does is to leave you feeling insecure and miserable and to convince you that the most precious thing on this earth is the missed new clip on your tube site, that there is no way that you will ever be happy again without seeing that one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There is nothing more pathetic than the PMOer who is trying to cut down. He suffers from the delusion that the less he PMOs, the less he will want to visit the online harems&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;. In fact, the reverse is true. The less he PMOs, the longer he suffers the withdrawal pangs; the more he enjoys the PMO. However, the more he will then notice that his favourite genre or star are not hitting the spot now. But that won&amp;rsquo;t stop him. If the tube sites were to dedicate to one star only no PMOers would ever go more than once to those online harems.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You find that difficult to believe? OK, let&amp;rsquo;s talk it out. Which is the worst moment of self control one feels? Waiting for four days and then having a climax. Which is one of the most precious moment for most PMOers who are in the 4 day porn diet? That&amp;rsquo;s right, the same climax after waiting for four days! Now do you really believe you are masturbating to it to enjoy the orgasm? Or do you think a more rational explanation is that you are relieving withdrawal pangs and the illusion that your are entitled to PMO?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is essential that we remove all these illusions about PMO before you extinguish that final session. Unless you&amp;rsquo;ve removed the illusion that you enjoy it before you close the window on the final one, there is no way you can prove it afterwards without getting hooked again. So, unless you are already online waiting to go to your tube site, do type it now. Open up your favourites folder and PMO to your most favourites - star, genre, theme etc. Now as you are in the action ask yourself what is so glorious about this thing. Perhaps you believe that it is only certain clips that are of good taste, like the one on your habitual or favourite theme? If so, why do you bother to watch the other videos and themes?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Because you got into the habit of doing it? Now why would anyone get into the habit of PMO which is screwing up their brain scripts and wasting themselves? Why should a clip of the same star that hit the spot last month not be as exciting now? Nothing is different after a month, so why should porn clip be different after a month?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t just rely on me, check it out yourself. Find that hot clip from last month to prove that it is different. Now, set a reminder and watch the same clip after a week of no PMO. It will hit (almost) the same spots like it did last month. The same clip will also do a different thing to you after a social event where you are turned down or tested by some potential partner. The reason is that the addict can never be really happy if that little monster remains unsatisfied.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Where does satisfaction come into it? It&amp;rsquo;s just that they are miserable if they aren&amp;rsquo;t allowed to relieve their withdrawal symptoms at those times. So the difference between PMOing and not PMOing is the difference between being happy and miserable. That&amp;rsquo;s why the internet porn appears to be better. Whereas PMOers who get on the internet first thing in the morning for porn are miserable whether they are PMOing or not.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Cutting down not only doesn&amp;rsquo;t work but it is the worst form of torture. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t work because initially the PMOer hopes that by getting into the habit of using less and less, he will reduce his desire to PMO. It is not a habit. It is an addiction and the nature of any addiction is to want more and more, not less and less. Therefore in order to cut down, the PMOer has to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of his life. So cutting down means willpower and discipline forever.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The main problem of stopping is not the dopamine addiction to internet porn. That&amp;rsquo;s easy to cope with. It is the mistaken belief that the porn gives you some pleasure. This mistaken belief is brought about initially by the brainwashing we receive before we started using internet porn, which is then reinforced by the actual addiction. All cutting down does is reinforce the fallacy further to the extent that porn dominates the users life completely and convinces him that the most precious thing on this earth is the addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have already said, cutting down never works anyway because you have to or must exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life. If you did not have enough willpower to stop then you certainly have not got enough to cut down. Stopping is far easier and less painful. I have heard of literally thousands of cases in which cutting down has failed.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The handful of successes I have known have been achieved after a relatively short period of cutting down, followed by the &amp;lsquo;cold turkey&amp;rsquo;. These PMOers really stopped in spite of cutting down, not because of it. All it did was prolong the agony. A failed attempt to cut down leaves the PMOer a nervous wreck, even more convinced that he is hooked for life. This is usually enough to keep him reverting back to is online harem for pleasure and crutch for another stretch of time before the next attempt.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;However, cutting down helps to illustrate the whole futility of PMO because it clearly illustrates that a visit to the harem is enjoyable only after a period of abstinence. You have to bang your head against a brick wall (i.e. suffer withdrawal pangs) to make it nice when you stop. So the choices are:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Cut down for life. This will be self-imposed torture and you will not be able to do it anyway.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Increasingly torture yourself for life. What is the point?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Be nice to yourself. Stop doing it.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The other important point that cutting down demonstrates is that there is no such thing as the odd or occasional harem visit. Internet porn is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you make a positive effort to break it:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h2 id=&#34;remember-cutting-down-will-drag-you-down&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;REMEMBER: CUTTING DOWN WILL DRAG YOU DOWN.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h2&gt;
&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Porn Diet&lt;/strong&gt; - Intentionally cutting down or attempting to control etc. Frequency: Restricting PMO to once in four days. Time: Setting a timer for the session. Shock: Safe porn only. Novelty: Only one clip.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Harems&lt;/strong&gt; - Internet porn sites that cater for streaming videos, webcams and pictures.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-21 the Willpower Method of Stopping</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:20:42 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;It is an accepted fact in our society that it is very difficult to stop PMO. Even books and forums advising you how to do so usually start off by telling you how difficult it is. The truth is that it is ridiculously easy. Yes, I can understand you questioning that statement but just consider it. If your aim is to run a mile in under four minutes, that&amp;rsquo;s difficult. You may have to undergo years of hard training and even then you may be physically incapable of doing it. (Much of our achievement lies in the mind. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it strange how difficult it was until Roger Bannister actually did it but nowadays it is commonplace?).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;However, in order to stop PMOing all you have to do is not watch internet porn and or masturbate any more. No one forces you to masturbate (apart from yourself) and unlike food or drink, you don&amp;rsquo;t need it to survive. So if you want to stop doing it, why should it be difficult? In fact, it isn&amp;rsquo;t. It is PMOers who make it difficult by using the Willpower Method. I define the Willpower Method as any method that forces the PMOer to feel he is making some sort of sacrifice. Let us just consider the Willpower Method.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We do not decide to become PMOers. We merely experiment with porn magazines or websites and because they are awful, yes that is right awful - except for our desired clip, we are convinced that we can stop whenever we want to. In the main, we watch those first few clips only when we want to and that is usually on special occasions. Before we realize it, we are not only visiting those sites regularly and masturbating when we want to, we are masturbating to them every day. PMO has become a part of our lives. We then ensure that we always have an internet connection wherever we go. We believe that we are entitled to love, sex and orgasms - and also that porn helps to relieve stress. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t seem to occur to us that the same clip and actors do not provide us the same degree of arousal and that we are either escalating or fighting against the red line we have put around ourselves to avoid harmful “bad porn.” In fact, masturbation and internet porn neither improves our sex life nor does it relieve stress, it&amp;rsquo;s just that PMOers believe they can&amp;rsquo;t enjoy life or handle stress without an orgasm - even mind induced porn orgasms. Because that is what many times we are doing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It usually takes us a long time to realize that we are hooked because we suffer from the illusion that PMOers masturbate because they enjoy porn - not because they have to have porn - a need. While we are not “enjoying” porn (which we can never do unless novelty, shock or escalation is added), we suffer from the illusion that we can stop whenever we want to. This is a confidence trap. I dont enjoy porn, so I am sure I can stop when I want to. Only that you never seem to want to stop though.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Usually it is not until we actually try to stop that we realize a problem exists. The first attempts to stop are more often than not in the early days and are usually triggered off by boy-meets-girl and boy notices the girl is not quite enough after the initial dates or health (the teenager is still active in sport and finds he is short of breath).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever the reason, the PMOer always waits for a stressful situation, whether it be health or sex. As soon as he stops, the little monster needs feeding. The PMOer then wants something to pump that dopamine - a cigarette or alcohol or of course internet porn where your favourites are just a click and log in away. The porn cache is no longer down in the basement, its now virtual in the cloud. If the girl is around or if he is with his friends he cannot have access to his virtual harem and this makes him more distressed.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now by this time if he had already come across YBOP or Reddit material he is going to be having a tiresome “tug of war” (TOW&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;), resisting his temptations and feeling deprived. The thing he usually takes to relieve stress is now not available, so he suffers a triple blow. The probable result after a period of torture is the compromise, “I&amp;rsquo;ll cut down,” or, “I&amp;rsquo;ve picked the wrong time,” or, “I&amp;rsquo;ll wait until the stress has gone from my life.” However, once the stress has gone, he has no need to stop and doesn&amp;rsquo;t decide to do so again until the next stressful time. Of course, the time is never right because life for most people doesn&amp;rsquo;t become less stressful; it becomes more so. We leave the protection of our parents and enter the world of setting up home, taking on mortgages, having children, more responsible jobs, etc. Of course, the PMOer&amp;rsquo;s life can never become less stressful because it is the porn that actually causes stress. The quicker the PMOer passes on to the escalation stage, the more distressed he becomes and the greater the illusion of his dependency grows.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In fact, it is an illusion that life becomes more stressful and it&amp;rsquo;s the porn itself, or a similar crutch, that creates the illusion. This will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 28. After these initial failures the PMOer usually relies on the possibility that one day he will wake up and just not want to masturbate, use porn etc. any more. This hope is usually kindled by the stories that he has heard about other ex-PMOers (e.g. “I was not serious until I had a fading penetration then I didnt want to use porn any more and stopped masturbating”).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t kid yourself. I have probed all of these rumours and they are never quite as simple as they appear. Usually the user has already been preparing himself to stop and merely used the incident as a springboard. I spent many years waiting to wake up one morning wanting never to PMO again. Whenever I had a PIED incident or even lack of energy - I would look forward to my energy dip to end because it was interfering with my entitled porn orgasms.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;More often in the case of people who stop “just like that” they have suffered a shock. Perhaps a discovery by their girlfriend or wife, a self spotting incident of accessing porn that is not of your normal sexual orientation, or they have had a scare themselves. It is so much easier to say, “I just decided to stop one day. That&amp;rsquo;s the sort of guy I am.” Stop kidding yourself! It won&amp;rsquo;t happen unless you make it happen.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let&amp;rsquo;s consider in greater detail why the Willpower Method is so difficult. For most of our lives we adopt the head-in-the-sand, “I&amp;rsquo;ll stop tomorrow” approach. At odd times something will trigger off an attempt to stop. It may be concerns about health, virility or we may have been going through a particularly heavy bout of self analyses and realize that we don&amp;rsquo;t actually enjoy it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever the reason, we take our head out of the sand and start weighing up the pros and cons of PMO. It is time to define what PMO is - the internet porn IP, any porn, masturbation with or without porn and orgasms. Sex is split into amative and propagative. This distinction is one of our major keys in opening up our minds doors. Without which there will be confusion and failure will be the result. We then find out what we have known all our lives: on a rational assessment the conclusion is, a dozen times over, STOP PMOing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you were to sit down and give points out often to all the advantages of stopping and do a similar exercise with the advantages of PMOing, the total point count for stopping would far outweigh the disadvantages. If you employ Pascals Wager - by quitting, you will see that you are losing almost nothing with higher chances of gaining a lot and also higher chances of NOT losing a lot. However, although the PMOer knows that he will be better off as a non-PMOer, he does believe that he is making a sacrifice. Although it is an illusion, it is a powerful illusion. The PMOer doesn&amp;rsquo;t know why, but he believes that during the good times and the bad times of life the PMO sessions does appear to help. Before he starts the attempt he has the brainwashing of our society, reinforced by the brainwashing of his own addiction. To these must be added the even more powerful brainwashing of how difficult it is to “give up.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;He has heard stories of PMOers who have stopped for many months and are still desperately craving. There are all the disgruntled stoppers (people who stop and then spend the rest of their lives bemoaning the fact that they&amp;rsquo;d love to PMO). He has heard of the PMOers who had stopped for many months or even years, apparently leading happy lives but then have one look or PMO and are suddenly hooked again. Probably he also knows several PMOers in the advanced stages of the disease who are visibly destroying themselves and are clearly not enjoying life yet they continue to PMO. Added to all this, he has perhaps already suffered one or more of these experiences himself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So, instead of starting with the feeling, “Great! Have you heard the news? I dont need to PMO any more!” He starts with a feeling of doom and gloom, as if he were trying to climb Everest and he firmly believes that once the little monster has got his hooks into you, you are hooked for life. Many PMOers even start the attempt by apologizing to their girlfriends and wives: “Look. I am trying to give up PMO. I will probably be irritable during the next few weeks. Try to bear with me.” Most attempts are doomed before they start.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let&amp;rsquo;s assume that the PMOer survives a few days without a PMO session. He is getting back his arousal and morning wood is starting to rear its head. He hasn&amp;rsquo;t opened the “favourites” on his tube sites and consequently getting turned on and a tent appears for incidences where he would have zoned out before. So the reasons why he decided to stop in the first place are rapidly disappearing from his thoughts. It is like seeing a bad road accident when you are driving. It slows you down for a while but the next time you are late for an appointment you have forgotten all about it and your foot stamps on the throttle.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;On the other side of the tug of war, that little monster inside you hasn&amp;rsquo;t had his fix. There is no physical pain. If you had the same feeling because of a cold, you wouldn&amp;rsquo;t stop working or get depressed. You would laugh it off. All the PMOer knows is that he wants to visit his harem. Quite why it is so important to him he doesn&amp;rsquo;t know. The little monster in the stomach then starts off the big monster in the mind and now the person who a few hours or days earlier was listing all the reasons to stop is desperately searching for any excuse to start again. Now he is saying things like:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Life is too short. A bomb could go off. I could step under a bus tomorrow. I have left it too late. They tell you everything gives you addiction these days.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“I have picked the wrong time. I should have waited until after Christmas, after my holidays/tests, after this stressful event in my life. I cannot concentrate, I am getting irritable and bad tempered. I cannot do my job properly. My family and friends won&amp;rsquo;t love me. Let&amp;rsquo;s face it, for everybody&amp;rsquo;s sake I have got to start again. I am a confirmed sex addict and there is no way I will ever be happy again without an orgasm inducing masturbation.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“No man can survive without sex (brainwashed by well meaning people who did not think about the amative and propagative distinction of sex).”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“I know this will happen - my brain is sensitized by the deltaFosB due to changes effected by dopamine surges because of my past excessive porn use. Sensitization can never be removed from the brain.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;At this stage the PMOer usually gives in. He fires up his browser and the schizophrenia increases. On the one hand there is the tremendous relief of ending the craving, when the little monster finally gets his fix; on the other hand, the orgasm is awful and the PMOer cannot understand why he is doing it. This is why the PMOer thinks he lacks willpower. In fact, it is not lack of willpower; all he has done is to change his mind and make a perfectly-rational decision in the light of the latest information.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“What&amp;rsquo;s the point of being healthy if you are miserable?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“What is the point of being rich if you are miserable?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Absolutely none. Far better to have a shorter enjoyable life than a lengthy miserable life. Fortunately, that is not true - just the reverse. Life as a non-PMOer is infinitely more enjoyable but it was this delusion that kept me masturbating for twenty five years. I must confess, if that were the true situation, I would still be PMOing. The misery that the PMOer is suffering has nothing to do with withdrawal pangs. True, they trigger them off, but the actual agony is in the mind and it is caused by doubt and uncertainty. Because the PMOer starts by feeling he is making a sacrifice, he begins to feel deprived - this is a form of stress. One of the times when his brain tells him, “have a peek,” will be a time of stress. Therefore as soon as he stops, he wants to go back. But now he can&amp;rsquo;t because he has stopped. This makes him more depressed, which sets the trigger off again. Another thing that makes it so difficult is the waiting for something to happen. If your object is to pass a driving test, as soon as you have passed the test it is certain you have achieved your object. Under the Willpower Method you say, “if I can go long enough without internet porn then the urge to PMO will eventually go.” You can see this in the forum where addicts talk about their number of days of abstinences.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;How do you know when you have achieved it? The answer is that you never do because you are waiting for something to happen and nothing else is going to happen. You stopped when you had that last session and what you are really doing now is waiting to see how long it will be before you give in. Especially if you have read and subscribed the brain chemistry and DeltaFosB or any other similar sciences. You say, “if only I wait it out - like kidney stones - it will dissolve and go away.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I said above, the agony that the PMOer undergoes is mental and caused by uncertainty. Although there is no physical pain, it still has a powerful effect. The PMoer is miserable and feeling insecure. Far from forgetting about PMO, his mind instead becomes obsessed with it. There can be days or even weeks of black depression. His mind is obsessed with doubts and fears.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“How long will the craving last?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Will I ever be happy again?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Will I ever want to get up in the morning?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“How will I ever cope with stress in future?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The PMOer is waiting for things to improve but of course while he is still moping, the harem is becoming more precious. In fact, something does happen but the user isn&amp;rsquo;t conscious of it. If he can survive three weeks without opening up his browser at all, the physical craving for porn and orgasm (the little monster) disappears. However, as stated before, the pangs of withdrawal from dopamine and opioids are so mild that the user isn&amp;rsquo;t aware of them.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;But after about three weeks many PMOers sense that they have “kicked it.” So they then take a peek to prove it and it does just that. The ex-PMOer has now supplied dopamine to the body and as soon as he is done it starts to leave the body. There is now a little voice at the back of his mind saying, “you want another one.” In fact, he had kicked it but now he has hooked himself again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you were a child you watched Mickey Mouse on TV and as per the brain science you formed DeltaFosB for the cartoon. If I were to discourage you at that time from watching this program - Id study why adults dont like to watch their favourite childhood cartoon anymore - whether they still hold this DeltaFosB or not. For one, they have better entertainment and for the other the old cartoon does not hold the magic anymore. With the Willpower Method you are denying the child the cartoon - but with my method you are also making sure that he sees no value in the cartoon. Which one is better?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The PMOer will not usually get into another session immediately. He thinks, “I don&amp;rsquo;t want to get hooked again!” So he allows a safe period to pass. It might be hours, days, even weeks. The ex-PMOer can now say, “well, I didn&amp;rsquo;t get hooked, so I can safely have another session.” He has fallen back into the same trap as he did in the first place and is already on the slippery slope.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;PMOers who succeed under the Willpower Method tend to find it long and difficult because the main problem is the brainwashing - long after the physical addiction has died, the PMOer is still moping around all miserable. Eventually - if he can survive this long-term torture - it begins to dawn on him that he is not going to give in. He stops moping and accepts that life goes on and is enjoyable without PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers are succeeding with this Willpower Method but it is difficult and arduous. There are many more failures than successes. Even those who do succeed can go through the rest of their lives in a vulnerable state. They are left with a certain amount of the brainwashing and believe that during good and bad times the PMOs can give you a boost. (Most non-PMOers also suffer from that illusion. They are subjected to the brainwashing also but either find they cannot learn to “enjoy” internet porn or are too religious and don&amp;rsquo;t want the bad side, thank you very much). This explains why many PMOers who have stopped for long periods end up starting again later on.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many ex-PMOers will have the occasional session as a “special treat” or to convince themselves how strong their self-control is. It does exactly that but as soon as their session ends, dopamine starts to leave and a little voice at the back of their mind is saying, “you want another one.” If they get on with another one, it still seems to be under control - no shocks, no escalation, no novelty seek and they say, “marvellous! While I am not really enjoying it, I won&amp;rsquo;t get hooked. After Christmas/the holiday/this trauma, I will stop,” Little do they know the water slides of their brain. The action greased the slides even more.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Too late. They are already hooked. The trap that they fell into in the first place has claimed its victim again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I keep saying, enjoyment doesn&amp;rsquo;t come into it. It never did! If we PMOed because we enjoyed it, nobody would stay on the tube sites more than the average time it takes to finish the deed. Anyway, a better way to orgasm is to masturbate out of your memories. We assume we enjoy internet porn only because we cannot believe we would be so stupid as to get addicted if we didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy them. I had no idea about supranormal stimulus or novelty-seeking or shock-seeking, and even after I read about them, I did not believe that so much of my “fun” seeking was to do with simple evolutionary reward circuit wiring. I am some lab rat? I have free will! This is why so much of our PMOing is subconscious. If, while using, you were aware of the brain changes (the dopamine/opioid squirts, diluting of those fluids, the closing up of their receptors, the satiation levels going up ruining our future encounters and experiences with the opposite sex and you had to say to yourself, “this is going to cost $$$ in my lifetime, and this session with an unknown two dimensional actor might just be the one to trigger off PIED, PE, hypofrontality by greasing those water slides” - even the illusion of enjoyment would go.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When we try to block our minds to the bad side, we feel stupid. If we had to face up to it, that would be intolerable! If you get to watch a PMOer in action, you will see that they are happy only when they are not aware that they are PMOing. Once they become aware of it, they tend to be uncomfortable and apologetic. We PMO to feed that little monster&amp;hellip; and once you have purged the little monster from your body and the big monster from your brain, you will have neither need nor desire to PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;TOW&lt;/strong&gt;- tug of war, dichotomous thinking, double thinking.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-20 Those Sinister Black Shadows</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:18:55 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Another of the great joys of quitting porn is to be free of those sinister black shadows at the back of our minds. All PMOers know they are fools to close their minds on the ill-effects of PMO. For most of our lives PMO is automatic but the black shadows are always lurking in our subconscious minds, just beneath the surface. There are several marvellous advantages to achieve from quitting PMO. Some of them I was consciously aware of throughout my life, such as the health risks, the waste of time and the sheer stupidity of making love to a two dimensional image. However, such was my fear of quitting, so obsessed was I in resisting all the attempts of do-gooders and anyone else who tried to persuade me to quit, that all my imagination and energy was directed to finding any flimsy excuse that would allow me to continue to PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Amazingly, my most ingenious thoughts occurred when I was actually trying to quit. They were of course inspired by the fear and misery I suffered when attempting to quit by using willpower. No way could I block my mind from the health and sexual aspects. But now that I am free it amazes me how I successfully blocked my mind from even more important advantages to be gained from quitting. I&amp;rsquo;ve already mentioned the sheer slavery - spending half of our lives being allowed to PMO, doing it automatically and wishing we had never started, the other half feeling miserable and deprived because the knowledge of the destructive effects of internet porn won&amp;rsquo;t allow us to PMO. In the last chapter I&amp;rsquo;ve referred to the incredible joy of having energy again. But for me the greatest joy of being free was not the health, the time, the energy, or the ending of the slavery, it was the removal of those sinister black shadows, the removal of feeling despised by and feeling apologetic to myself and to other quitters, and most of all to be able to respect yourself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Most PMOers aren&amp;rsquo;t the weak-willed, spineless jellyfish that both society and themselves tend to believe. In every other aspect of my life I was in control. I loathed myself for being dependent on an evil crutch that I knew was ruining my life. I cannot tell you of the utter joy of being free of those sinister black shadows, the dependency and the self-despising. I can&amp;rsquo;t tell you how nice it is to be able to look at all other users, whether they be young, old, casual or heavy, not with a feeling of envy, but with a feeling of pity for them and elation for yourself that you are no longer the slave of that insidious trap. The other day I felt pity for the guy on a TV show who was so excited to get to watch porn - another case of society slipping one in your drink under the pretence of comedy.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The last two chapters have dealt with the considerable advantages of being a non-PMOer. I feel it necessary to give a balanced account, so the next chapter lists the advantages of being a PMOer.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-19 It Relaxes Me and Gives Me Confidence</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:16:17 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is the worst fallacy of all about PMOing and for me it ranks with the ending of the slavery, the greatest benefit from quitting - is not to have to go through life with the permanent feelings of insecurity that PMOers suffer from.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;PMOers find it very difficult to believe that masturbation to internet porn actually causes those insecure feelings you get when you are out late at night after a contentious day at home or work. Non-PMOers do not suffer from that feeling. It is the porn that causes it. I only became aware of many of the advantages of stopping months afterwards, as a result of my consultations with other PMOers.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I refused to see my PMO as causing so much of the mental tug of war in my mind that I am foolishly working hard to have nominal levels of confidence in my day to day life. Forget about getting an erection, I am talking about focusing, taking challenges, fighting, choosing, deciding - actions that define our lives. Especially when we are often forced to act when the facts are not clear. Come to think of it, facts were and will never be clear and hence it is to our great advantage anyway to act.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Also of note is in dating area as well, the fire to go forward is being misappropriated to this high reward zero pain porn. If you have read some top PUA books and forums, what do they say? Go on a diet&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;? Yes of course when you have the good hunger your internal juices and your brain will do the rest. Copping out is not an option at all. Playing the numbers is not tiresome by no means. All PUA advice in a nut-shell is this - try more numbers. Even if your approach is wrong you will be right twice a day like a broken clock. But if your mind is fighting a tug of war with effortless easy access to a harem of online women, how would you get back on your feet when that girl ignores you? Oh, if it was a public outright rejection I am running, not walking, to my porn girlfriend.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For a long time, before YBOP and Garys articles, none of these things did I relate to my PMOing habit but getting off it has been like awakening from a bad dream. Nowadays I look forward to each day. Of course, bad things still happen in my life, and I am subject to normal stresses and strains but it is wonderful to have the confidence to cope with them, and extra health, energy and confidence make the good times more enjoyable too.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;porn diet&lt;/strong&gt; - n number of days off before PMO.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-18 Energy</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:12:56 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Most PMOers are aware of the effect that this progressive process of PMO, leading to novelty and escalation seeking, has on their brains reward circuits and their sexual system. However, they are not so aware of the effect it has on their energy level.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;One of the subtleties of the PMO trap is that the effects it has on us, both physical and mental, happen so gradually and imperceptibly that we are not aware of them and regard them as normal. It is very similar to the effects of bad eating habits. The pot-belly appears so gradually that it causes us no alarm. We look at people who are grossly overweight and wonder how they could possibly have allowed themselves to reach that state.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;But supposing it happened overnight. You went to bed weighing 140 lbs, trim, rippling with muscles and not an ounce of fat on your body. You awoke weighing 180 lbs, fat, bloated and pot-bellied. Instead of waking up feeling fully rested and full of energy, you wake up feeling miserable, lethargic and you can hardly open your eyes. You would be panic-stricken, wondering what awful disease you had contracted overnight. Yet the disease is exactly the same.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The fact that it took you twenty years to reach that state is irrelevant. So it is with PMOing. If I could immediately transfer you into your mind and body to give you a direct comparison on how you would feel having stopped internet porn for just three weeks, that is all I would need to do to persuade you to quit. You would think: “Will I really feel this good?” Or what it really amounts to: “Had I really sunk that low?” I emphasize that I don&amp;rsquo;t just mean that you would feel healthier and have more energy but how you would also feel more confident and relaxed and better able to concentrate.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As a teenager, I can remember rushing around just for the hell of it. I was interested in reading, I had set up a chemical lab, tried fixing (old CRT) TVs, dabbled with cooking etc. I was fascinated by scientists. Then I got attracted to makers and doers of the rag-to-riches lives of real people. I had the inner push and I knew I had it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I then was introduced to print porn, then came music TV channels, followed by static computer images. By this time I was permanently tired and lethargic. Then came internet porn of images and downloadable movies. I used to struggle to wake up at nine o&amp;rsquo;clock in the morning. After my evening meal I would already be thinking about porn before going to bed, even when I had a girlfriend. Sex with her was a chore. But PMO with internet porn had all the novelty, shock, etc. No one can match that lure. And then the internet upped its game with tube sites, catalogued porn genres, hearting favorites and all in lightning speed, high quality, no traces of downloads. Even the browsers went incognito, thoroughly helping me to cover my tracks. Reward with no pains.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;By this time, the lack of energy, tiredness and everything related to it is nicely swept under the rug of getting older. My friends and colleagues by this time are all living sedentary lifestyles. I hought this behaviour was normal. I believed that energy was the exclusive prerogative of children and teenagers, and that old age began in the early twenties. I did not notice that I was paying attention to my health in general by eating right - which they did not. But I did not notice that anomaly.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Shortly after I stopped PMO, I was relieved that this foggy and muggy feeling left me. For example, I can keep a steady gaze with my eyes on just about anything for a longer time. If I am looking into someones eyes it is even longer. However something truly marvellous and unexpected also happened. I started waking at seven o&amp;rsquo;clock in the morning feeling completely rested and full of energy, actually wanting to exercise, jog and swim. I have read about a forty-eight year old who couldn&amp;rsquo;t run a step or swim a stroke. The only sporting activities were confined to such dynamic pursuits as green bowling, affectionately referred to as “the old man&amp;rsquo;s game,” and golf, for which he had to use a motorized cart. But after quitting PMO he started going to gym - not that it is necessary that everyone would - but still. Almost all us know that it&amp;rsquo;s great to have energy and when you feel physically and mentally strong, it feels great to be alive.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That is the point with PMOing - you are always debiting your energy. And in that process tampering with your brain codes of the reward circuit. Which again is going to make you miserable and vulnerable to stress and strain attacks. Unfortunately when you feel down with all of this you will seek a cigarette or alcohol or again porn. Unlike quitting smoking, where the return of your physical and mental health is only gradual, quitting PMO gives you excellent results from day one. Starting with energy. Then your mental programming to close the water slides takes a bit of time. You need to kill the Little Monster - which will be explained in later chapters. Recovering your RC is nothing like as slow as the slide into the pit and if you are going through the trauma of the willpower method of quitting, any health or energy gains will be obliterated by the depression you will be going through. Unfortunately, I cannot immediately transfer you into your mind and body in three weeks&amp;rsquo; time. But you can! You know instinctively that what I am telling you is correct. All you need to do is: USE YOUR IMAGINATION!&lt;/p&gt;
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<meta name="description" content="Most PMOers are aware of the effect that this progressive process of PMO, leading to novelty and escalation seeking, has on their brains reward circuits and their sexual system. However, they are not so aware of the effect it has on their energy level.
One of the subtleties of the PMO trap is that the effects it has on us, both physical and mental, happen so gradually and imperceptibly that we are not aware of them and regard them as normal.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-18 Energy">03-18 Energy</h1></header>
<p>Most PMOers are aware of the effect that this progressive process of PMO, leading to novelty and escalation seeking, has on their brains reward circuits and their sexual system. However, they are not so aware of the effect it has on their energy level.</p>
<p>One of the subtleties of the PMO trap is that the effects it has on us, both physical and mental, happen so gradually and imperceptibly that we are not aware of them and regard them as normal. It is very similar to the effects of bad eating habits. The pot-belly appears so gradually that it causes us no alarm. We look at people who are grossly overweight and wonder how they could possibly have allowed themselves to reach that state.</p>
<p>But supposing it happened overnight. You went to bed weighing 140 lbs, trim, rippling with muscles and not an ounce of fat on your body. You awoke weighing 180 lbs, fat, bloated and pot-bellied. Instead of waking up feeling fully rested and full of energy, you wake up feeling miserable, lethargic and you can hardly open your eyes. You would be panic-stricken, wondering what awful disease you had contracted overnight. Yet the disease is exactly the same.</p>
<p>The fact that it took you twenty years to reach that state is irrelevant. So it is with PMOing. If I could immediately transfer you into your mind and body to give you a direct comparison on how you would feel having stopped internet porn for just three weeks, that is all I would need to do to persuade you to quit. You would think: “Will I really feel this good?” Or what it really amounts to: “Had I really sunk that low?” I emphasize that I don&rsquo;t just mean that you would feel healthier and have more energy but how you would also feel more confident and relaxed and better able to concentrate.</p>
<p>As a teenager, I can remember rushing around just for the hell of it. I was interested in reading, I had set up a chemical lab, tried fixing (old CRT) TVs, dabbled with cooking etc. I was fascinated by scientists. Then I got attracted to makers and doers of the rag-to-riches lives of real people. I had the inner push and I knew I had it.</p>
<p>I then was introduced to print porn, then came music TV channels, followed by static computer images. By this time I was permanently tired and lethargic. Then came internet porn of images and downloadable movies. I used to struggle to wake up at nine o&rsquo;clock in the morning. After my evening meal I would already be thinking about porn before going to bed, even when I had a girlfriend. Sex with her was a chore. But PMO with internet porn had all the novelty, shock, etc. No one can match that lure. And then the internet upped its game with tube sites, catalogued porn genres, hearting favorites and all in lightning speed, high quality, no traces of downloads. Even the browsers went incognito, thoroughly helping me to cover my tracks. Reward with no pains.</p>
<p>By this time, the lack of energy, tiredness and everything related to it is nicely swept under the rug of getting older. My friends and colleagues by this time are all living sedentary lifestyles. I hought this behaviour was normal. I believed that energy was the exclusive prerogative of children and teenagers, and that old age began in the early twenties. I did not notice that I was paying attention to my health in general by eating right - which they did not. But I did not notice that anomaly.</p>
<p>Shortly after I stopped PMO, I was relieved that this foggy and muggy feeling left me. For example, I can keep a steady gaze with my eyes on just about anything for a longer time. If I am looking into someones eyes it is even longer. However something truly marvellous and unexpected also happened. I started waking at seven o&rsquo;clock in the morning feeling completely rested and full of energy, actually wanting to exercise, jog and swim. I have read about a forty-eight year old who couldn&rsquo;t run a step or swim a stroke. The only sporting activities were confined to such dynamic pursuits as green bowling, affectionately referred to as “the old man&rsquo;s game,” and golf, for which he had to use a motorized cart. But after quitting PMO he started going to gym - not that it is necessary that everyone would - but still. Almost all us know that it&rsquo;s great to have energy and when you feel physically and mentally strong, it feels great to be alive.</p>
<p>That is the point with PMOing - you are always debiting your energy. And in that process tampering with your brain codes of the reward circuit. Which again is going to make you miserable and vulnerable to stress and strain attacks. Unfortunately when you feel down with all of this you will seek a cigarette or alcohol or again porn. Unlike quitting smoking, where the return of your physical and mental health is only gradual, quitting PMO gives you excellent results from day one. Starting with energy. Then your mental programming to close the water slides takes a bit of time. You need to kill the Little Monster - which will be explained in later chapters. Recovering your RC is nothing like as slow as the slide into the pit and if you are going through the trauma of the willpower method of quitting, any health or energy gains will be obliterated by the depression you will be going through. Unfortunately, I cannot immediately transfer you into your mind and body in three weeks&rsquo; time. But you can! You know instinctively that what I am telling you is correct. All you need to do is: USE YOUR IMAGINATION!</p>
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<meta name="description" content="This is the worst fallacy of all about PMOing and for me it ranks with the ending of the slavery, the greatest benefit from quitting - is not to have to go through life with the permanent feelings of insecurity that PMOers suffer from.
PMOers find it very difficult to believe that masturbation to internet porn actually causes those insecure feelings you get when you are out late at night after a contentious day at home or work.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-19 It Relaxes Me and Gives Me Confidence">03-19 It Relaxes Me and Gives Me Confidence</h1></header>
<p>This is the worst fallacy of all about PMOing and for me it ranks with the ending of the slavery, the greatest benefit from quitting - is not to have to go through life with the permanent feelings of insecurity that PMOers suffer from.</p>
<p>PMOers find it very difficult to believe that masturbation to internet porn actually causes those insecure feelings you get when you are out late at night after a contentious day at home or work. Non-PMOers do not suffer from that feeling. It is the porn that causes it. I only became aware of many of the advantages of stopping months afterwards, as a result of my consultations with other PMOers.</p>
<p>I refused to see my PMO as causing so much of the mental tug of war in my mind that I am foolishly working hard to have nominal levels of confidence in my day to day life. Forget about getting an erection, I am talking about focusing, taking challenges, fighting, choosing, deciding - actions that define our lives. Especially when we are often forced to act when the facts are not clear. Come to think of it, facts were and will never be clear and hence it is to our great advantage anyway to act.</p>
<p>Also of note is in dating area as well, the fire to go forward is being misappropriated to this high reward zero pain porn. If you have read some top PUA books and forums, what do they say? Go on a diet<sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">1</a></sup>? Yes of course when you have the good hunger your internal juices and your brain will do the rest. Copping out is not an option at all. Playing the numbers is not tiresome by no means. All PUA advice in a nut-shell is this - try more numbers. Even if your approach is wrong you will be right twice a day like a broken clock. But if your mind is fighting a tug of war with effortless easy access to a harem of online women, how would you get back on your feet when that girl ignores you? Oh, if it was a public outright rejection I am running, not walking, to my porn girlfriend.</p>
<p>For a long time, before YBOP and Garys articles, none of these things did I relate to my PMOing habit but getting off it has been like awakening from a bad dream. Nowadays I look forward to each day. Of course, bad things still happen in my life, and I am subject to normal stresses and strains but it is wonderful to have the confidence to cope with them, and extra health, energy and confidence make the good times more enjoyable too.</p>
<div class="footnotes" role="doc-endnotes">
<li id="fn:1">
<p><strong>porn diet</strong> - n number of days off before PMO.&#160;<a href="#fnref:1" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
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<meta name="description" content="Another of the great joys of quitting porn is to be free of those sinister black shadows at the back of our minds. All PMOers know they are fools to close their minds on the ill-effects of PMO. For most of our lives PMO is automatic but the black shadows are always lurking in our subconscious minds, just beneath the surface. There are several marvellous advantages to achieve from quitting PMO.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-20 Those Sinister Black Shadows">03-20 Those Sinister Black Shadows</h1></header>
<p>Another of the great joys of quitting porn is to be free of those sinister black shadows at the back of our minds. All PMOers know they are fools to close their minds on the ill-effects of PMO. For most of our lives PMO is automatic but the black shadows are always lurking in our subconscious minds, just beneath the surface. There are several marvellous advantages to achieve from quitting PMO. Some of them I was consciously aware of throughout my life, such as the health risks, the waste of time and the sheer stupidity of making love to a two dimensional image. However, such was my fear of quitting, so obsessed was I in resisting all the attempts of do-gooders and anyone else who tried to persuade me to quit, that all my imagination and energy was directed to finding any flimsy excuse that would allow me to continue to PMO.</p>
<p>Amazingly, my most ingenious thoughts occurred when I was actually trying to quit. They were of course inspired by the fear and misery I suffered when attempting to quit by using willpower. No way could I block my mind from the health and sexual aspects. But now that I am free it amazes me how I successfully blocked my mind from even more important advantages to be gained from quitting. I&rsquo;ve already mentioned the sheer slavery - spending half of our lives being allowed to PMO, doing it automatically and wishing we had never started, the other half feeling miserable and deprived because the knowledge of the destructive effects of internet porn won&rsquo;t allow us to PMO. In the last chapter I&rsquo;ve referred to the incredible joy of having energy again. But for me the greatest joy of being free was not the health, the time, the energy, or the ending of the slavery, it was the removal of those sinister black shadows, the removal of feeling despised by and feeling apologetic to myself and to other quitters, and most of all to be able to respect yourself.</p>
<p>Most PMOers aren&rsquo;t the weak-willed, spineless jellyfish that both society and themselves tend to believe. In every other aspect of my life I was in control. I loathed myself for being dependent on an evil crutch that I knew was ruining my life. I cannot tell you of the utter joy of being free of those sinister black shadows, the dependency and the self-despising. I can&rsquo;t tell you how nice it is to be able to look at all other users, whether they be young, old, casual or heavy, not with a feeling of envy, but with a feeling of pity for them and elation for yourself that you are no longer the slave of that insidious trap. The other day I felt pity for the guy on a TV show who was so excited to get to watch porn - another case of society slipping one in your drink under the pretence of comedy.</p>
<p>The last two chapters have dealt with the considerable advantages of being a non-PMOer. I feel it necessary to give a balanced account, so the next chapter lists the advantages of being a PMOer.</p>
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<meta name="description" content="It is an accepted fact in our society that it is very difficult to stop PMO. Even books and forums advising you how to do so usually start off by telling you how difficult it is. The truth is that it is ridiculously easy. Yes, I can understand you questioning that statement but just consider it. If your aim is to run a mile in under four minutes, that&rsquo;s difficult. You may have to undergo years of hard training and even then you may be physically incapable of doing it.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-21 the Willpower Method of Stopping">03-21 the Willpower Method of Stopping</h1></header>
<p>It is an accepted fact in our society that it is very difficult to stop PMO. Even books and forums advising you how to do so usually start off by telling you how difficult it is. The truth is that it is ridiculously easy. Yes, I can understand you questioning that statement but just consider it. If your aim is to run a mile in under four minutes, that&rsquo;s difficult. You may have to undergo years of hard training and even then you may be physically incapable of doing it. (Much of our achievement lies in the mind. Isn&rsquo;t it strange how difficult it was until Roger Bannister actually did it but nowadays it is commonplace?).</p>
<p>However, in order to stop PMOing all you have to do is not watch internet porn and or masturbate any more. No one forces you to masturbate (apart from yourself) and unlike food or drink, you don&rsquo;t need it to survive. So if you want to stop doing it, why should it be difficult? In fact, it isn&rsquo;t. It is PMOers who make it difficult by using the Willpower Method. I define the Willpower Method as any method that forces the PMOer to feel he is making some sort of sacrifice. Let us just consider the Willpower Method.</p>
<p>We do not decide to become PMOers. We merely experiment with porn magazines or websites and because they are awful, yes that is right awful - except for our desired clip, we are convinced that we can stop whenever we want to. In the main, we watch those first few clips only when we want to and that is usually on special occasions. Before we realize it, we are not only visiting those sites regularly and masturbating when we want to, we are masturbating to them every day. PMO has become a part of our lives. We then ensure that we always have an internet connection wherever we go. We believe that we are entitled to love, sex and orgasms - and also that porn helps to relieve stress. It doesn&rsquo;t seem to occur to us that the same clip and actors do not provide us the same degree of arousal and that we are either escalating or fighting against the red line we have put around ourselves to avoid harmful “bad porn.” In fact, masturbation and internet porn neither improves our sex life nor does it relieve stress, it&rsquo;s just that PMOers believe they can&rsquo;t enjoy life or handle stress without an orgasm - even mind induced porn orgasms. Because that is what many times we are doing.</p>
<p>It usually takes us a long time to realize that we are hooked because we suffer from the illusion that PMOers masturbate because they enjoy porn - not because they have to have porn - a need. While we are not “enjoying” porn (which we can never do unless novelty, shock or escalation is added), we suffer from the illusion that we can stop whenever we want to. This is a confidence trap. I dont enjoy porn, so I am sure I can stop when I want to. Only that you never seem to want to stop though.</p>
<p>Usually it is not until we actually try to stop that we realize a problem exists. The first attempts to stop are more often than not in the early days and are usually triggered off by boy-meets-girl and boy notices the girl is not quite enough after the initial dates or health (the teenager is still active in sport and finds he is short of breath).</p>
<p>Whatever the reason, the PMOer always waits for a stressful situation, whether it be health or sex. As soon as he stops, the little monster needs feeding. The PMOer then wants something to pump that dopamine - a cigarette or alcohol or of course internet porn where your favourites are just a click and log in away. The porn cache is no longer down in the basement, its now virtual in the cloud. If the girl is around or if he is with his friends he cannot have access to his virtual harem and this makes him more distressed.</p>
<p>Now by this time if he had already come across YBOP or Reddit material he is going to be having a tiresome “tug of war” (TOW<sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">1</a></sup>), resisting his temptations and feeling deprived. The thing he usually takes to relieve stress is now not available, so he suffers a triple blow. The probable result after a period of torture is the compromise, “I&rsquo;ll cut down,” or, “I&rsquo;ve picked the wrong time,” or, “I&rsquo;ll wait until the stress has gone from my life.” However, once the stress has gone, he has no need to stop and doesn&rsquo;t decide to do so again until the next stressful time. Of course, the time is never right because life for most people doesn&rsquo;t become less stressful; it becomes more so. We leave the protection of our parents and enter the world of setting up home, taking on mortgages, having children, more responsible jobs, etc. Of course, the PMOer&rsquo;s life can never become less stressful because it is the porn that actually causes stress. The quicker the PMOer passes on to the escalation stage, the more distressed he becomes and the greater the illusion of his dependency grows.</p>
<p>In fact, it is an illusion that life becomes more stressful and it&rsquo;s the porn itself, or a similar crutch, that creates the illusion. This will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 28. After these initial failures the PMOer usually relies on the possibility that one day he will wake up and just not want to masturbate, use porn etc. any more. This hope is usually kindled by the stories that he has heard about other ex-PMOers (e.g. “I was not serious until I had a fading penetration then I didnt want to use porn any more and stopped masturbating”).</p>
<p>Don&rsquo;t kid yourself. I have probed all of these rumours and they are never quite as simple as they appear. Usually the user has already been preparing himself to stop and merely used the incident as a springboard. I spent many years waiting to wake up one morning wanting never to PMO again. Whenever I had a PIED incident or even lack of energy - I would look forward to my energy dip to end because it was interfering with my entitled porn orgasms.</p>
<p>More often in the case of people who stop “just like that” they have suffered a shock. Perhaps a discovery by their girlfriend or wife, a self spotting incident of accessing porn that is not of your normal sexual orientation, or they have had a scare themselves. It is so much easier to say, “I just decided to stop one day. That&rsquo;s the sort of guy I am.” Stop kidding yourself! It won&rsquo;t happen unless you make it happen.</p>
<p>Let&rsquo;s consider in greater detail why the Willpower Method is so difficult. For most of our lives we adopt the head-in-the-sand, “I&rsquo;ll stop tomorrow” approach. At odd times something will trigger off an attempt to stop. It may be concerns about health, virility or we may have been going through a particularly heavy bout of self analyses and realize that we don&rsquo;t actually enjoy it.</p>
<p>Whatever the reason, we take our head out of the sand and start weighing up the pros and cons of PMO. It is time to define what PMO is - the internet porn IP, any porn, masturbation with or without porn and orgasms. Sex is split into amative and propagative. This distinction is one of our major keys in opening up our minds doors. Without which there will be confusion and failure will be the result. We then find out what we have known all our lives: on a rational assessment the conclusion is, a dozen times over, STOP PMOing.</p>
<p>If you were to sit down and give points out often to all the advantages of stopping and do a similar exercise with the advantages of PMOing, the total point count for stopping would far outweigh the disadvantages. If you employ Pascals Wager - by quitting, you will see that you are losing almost nothing with higher chances of gaining a lot and also higher chances of NOT losing a lot. However, although the PMOer knows that he will be better off as a non-PMOer, he does believe that he is making a sacrifice. Although it is an illusion, it is a powerful illusion. The PMOer doesn&rsquo;t know why, but he believes that during the good times and the bad times of life the PMO sessions does appear to help. Before he starts the attempt he has the brainwashing of our society, reinforced by the brainwashing of his own addiction. To these must be added the even more powerful brainwashing of how difficult it is to “give up.”</p>
<p>He has heard stories of PMOers who have stopped for many months and are still desperately craving. There are all the disgruntled stoppers (people who stop and then spend the rest of their lives bemoaning the fact that they&rsquo;d love to PMO). He has heard of the PMOers who had stopped for many months or even years, apparently leading happy lives but then have one look or PMO and are suddenly hooked again. Probably he also knows several PMOers in the advanced stages of the disease who are visibly destroying themselves and are clearly not enjoying life yet they continue to PMO. Added to all this, he has perhaps already suffered one or more of these experiences himself.</p>
<p>So, instead of starting with the feeling, “Great! Have you heard the news? I dont need to PMO any more!” He starts with a feeling of doom and gloom, as if he were trying to climb Everest and he firmly believes that once the little monster has got his hooks into you, you are hooked for life. Many PMOers even start the attempt by apologizing to their girlfriends and wives: “Look. I am trying to give up PMO. I will probably be irritable during the next few weeks. Try to bear with me.” Most attempts are doomed before they start.</p>
<p>Let&rsquo;s assume that the PMOer survives a few days without a PMO session. He is getting back his arousal and morning wood is starting to rear its head. He hasn&rsquo;t opened the “favourites” on his tube sites and consequently getting turned on and a tent appears for incidences where he would have zoned out before. So the reasons why he decided to stop in the first place are rapidly disappearing from his thoughts. It is like seeing a bad road accident when you are driving. It slows you down for a while but the next time you are late for an appointment you have forgotten all about it and your foot stamps on the throttle.</p>
<p>On the other side of the tug of war, that little monster inside you hasn&rsquo;t had his fix. There is no physical pain. If you had the same feeling because of a cold, you wouldn&rsquo;t stop working or get depressed. You would laugh it off. All the PMOer knows is that he wants to visit his harem. Quite why it is so important to him he doesn&rsquo;t know. The little monster in the stomach then starts off the big monster in the mind and now the person who a few hours or days earlier was listing all the reasons to stop is desperately searching for any excuse to start again. Now he is saying things like:</p>
<li>“Life is too short. A bomb could go off. I could step under a bus tomorrow. I have left it too late. They tell you everything gives you addiction these days.”</li>
<li>“I have picked the wrong time. I should have waited until after Christmas, after my holidays/tests, after this stressful event in my life. I cannot concentrate, I am getting irritable and bad tempered. I cannot do my job properly. My family and friends won&rsquo;t love me. Let&rsquo;s face it, for everybody&rsquo;s sake I have got to start again. I am a confirmed sex addict and there is no way I will ever be happy again without an orgasm inducing masturbation.”</li>
<li>“No man can survive without sex (brainwashed by well meaning people who did not think about the amative and propagative distinction of sex).”</li>
<li>“I know this will happen - my brain is sensitized by the deltaFosB due to changes effected by dopamine surges because of my past excessive porn use. Sensitization can never be removed from the brain.”</li>
<p>At this stage the PMOer usually gives in. He fires up his browser and the schizophrenia increases. On the one hand there is the tremendous relief of ending the craving, when the little monster finally gets his fix; on the other hand, the orgasm is awful and the PMOer cannot understand why he is doing it. This is why the PMOer thinks he lacks willpower. In fact, it is not lack of willpower; all he has done is to change his mind and make a perfectly-rational decision in the light of the latest information.</p>
<li>“What&rsquo;s the point of being healthy if you are miserable?”</li>
<li>“What is the point of being rich if you are miserable?”</li>
<p>Absolutely none. Far better to have a shorter enjoyable life than a lengthy miserable life. Fortunately, that is not true - just the reverse. Life as a non-PMOer is infinitely more enjoyable but it was this delusion that kept me masturbating for twenty five years. I must confess, if that were the true situation, I would still be PMOing. The misery that the PMOer is suffering has nothing to do with withdrawal pangs. True, they trigger them off, but the actual agony is in the mind and it is caused by doubt and uncertainty. Because the PMOer starts by feeling he is making a sacrifice, he begins to feel deprived - this is a form of stress. One of the times when his brain tells him, “have a peek,” will be a time of stress. Therefore as soon as he stops, he wants to go back. But now he can&rsquo;t because he has stopped. This makes him more depressed, which sets the trigger off again. Another thing that makes it so difficult is the waiting for something to happen. If your object is to pass a driving test, as soon as you have passed the test it is certain you have achieved your object. Under the Willpower Method you say, “if I can go long enough without internet porn then the urge to PMO will eventually go.” You can see this in the forum where addicts talk about their number of days of abstinences.</p>
<p>How do you know when you have achieved it? The answer is that you never do because you are waiting for something to happen and nothing else is going to happen. You stopped when you had that last session and what you are really doing now is waiting to see how long it will be before you give in. Especially if you have read and subscribed the brain chemistry and DeltaFosB or any other similar sciences. You say, “if only I wait it out - like kidney stones - it will dissolve and go away.”</p>
<p>As I said above, the agony that the PMOer undergoes is mental and caused by uncertainty. Although there is no physical pain, it still has a powerful effect. The PMoer is miserable and feeling insecure. Far from forgetting about PMO, his mind instead becomes obsessed with it. There can be days or even weeks of black depression. His mind is obsessed with doubts and fears.</p>
<li>“How long will the craving last?”</li>
<li>“Will I ever be happy again?”</li>
<li>“Will I ever want to get up in the morning?”</li>
<li>“How will I ever cope with stress in future?”</li>
<p>The PMOer is waiting for things to improve but of course while he is still moping, the harem is becoming more precious. In fact, something does happen but the user isn&rsquo;t conscious of it. If he can survive three weeks without opening up his browser at all, the physical craving for porn and orgasm (the little monster) disappears. However, as stated before, the pangs of withdrawal from dopamine and opioids are so mild that the user isn&rsquo;t aware of them.</p>
<p>But after about three weeks many PMOers sense that they have “kicked it.” So they then take a peek to prove it and it does just that. The ex-PMOer has now supplied dopamine to the body and as soon as he is done it starts to leave the body. There is now a little voice at the back of his mind saying, “you want another one.” In fact, he had kicked it but now he has hooked himself again.</p>
<p>When you were a child you watched Mickey Mouse on TV and as per the brain science you formed DeltaFosB for the cartoon. If I were to discourage you at that time from watching this program - Id study why adults dont like to watch their favourite childhood cartoon anymore - whether they still hold this DeltaFosB or not. For one, they have better entertainment and for the other the old cartoon does not hold the magic anymore. With the Willpower Method you are denying the child the cartoon - but with my method you are also making sure that he sees no value in the cartoon. Which one is better?</p>
<p>The PMOer will not usually get into another session immediately. He thinks, “I don&rsquo;t want to get hooked again!” So he allows a safe period to pass. It might be hours, days, even weeks. The ex-PMOer can now say, “well, I didn&rsquo;t get hooked, so I can safely have another session.” He has fallen back into the same trap as he did in the first place and is already on the slippery slope.</p>
<p>PMOers who succeed under the Willpower Method tend to find it long and difficult because the main problem is the brainwashing - long after the physical addiction has died, the PMOer is still moping around all miserable. Eventually - if he can survive this long-term torture - it begins to dawn on him that he is not going to give in. He stops moping and accepts that life goes on and is enjoyable without PMO.</p>
<p>Many PMOers are succeeding with this Willpower Method but it is difficult and arduous. There are many more failures than successes. Even those who do succeed can go through the rest of their lives in a vulnerable state. They are left with a certain amount of the brainwashing and believe that during good and bad times the PMOs can give you a boost. (Most non-PMOers also suffer from that illusion. They are subjected to the brainwashing also but either find they cannot learn to “enjoy” internet porn or are too religious and don&rsquo;t want the bad side, thank you very much). This explains why many PMOers who have stopped for long periods end up starting again later on.</p>
<p>Many ex-PMOers will have the occasional session as a “special treat” or to convince themselves how strong their self-control is. It does exactly that but as soon as their session ends, dopamine starts to leave and a little voice at the back of their mind is saying, “you want another one.” If they get on with another one, it still seems to be under control - no shocks, no escalation, no novelty seek and they say, “marvellous! While I am not really enjoying it, I won&rsquo;t get hooked. After Christmas/the holiday/this trauma, I will stop,” Little do they know the water slides of their brain. The action greased the slides even more.</p>
<p>Too late. They are already hooked. The trap that they fell into in the first place has claimed its victim again.</p>
<p>As I keep saying, enjoyment doesn&rsquo;t come into it. It never did! If we PMOed because we enjoyed it, nobody would stay on the tube sites more than the average time it takes to finish the deed. Anyway, a better way to orgasm is to masturbate out of your memories. We assume we enjoy internet porn only because we cannot believe we would be so stupid as to get addicted if we didn&rsquo;t enjoy them. I had no idea about supranormal stimulus or novelty-seeking or shock-seeking, and even after I read about them, I did not believe that so much of my “fun” seeking was to do with simple evolutionary reward circuit wiring. I am some lab rat? I have free will! This is why so much of our PMOing is subconscious. If, while using, you were aware of the brain changes (the dopamine/opioid squirts, diluting of those fluids, the closing up of their receptors, the satiation levels going up ruining our future encounters and experiences with the opposite sex and you had to say to yourself, “this is going to cost $$$ in my lifetime, and this session with an unknown two dimensional actor might just be the one to trigger off PIED, PE, hypofrontality by greasing those water slides” - even the illusion of enjoyment would go.</p>
<p>When we try to block our minds to the bad side, we feel stupid. If we had to face up to it, that would be intolerable! If you get to watch a PMOer in action, you will see that they are happy only when they are not aware that they are PMOing. Once they become aware of it, they tend to be uncomfortable and apologetic. We PMO to feed that little monster&hellip; and once you have purged the little monster from your body and the big monster from your brain, you will have neither need nor desire to PMO.</p>
<div class="footnotes" role="doc-endnotes">
<li id="fn:1">
<p><strong>TOW</strong>- tug of war, dichotomous thinking, double thinking.&#160;<a href="#fnref:1" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
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<meta name="description" content="Many PMOers resort to cutting down either as a stepping-stone towards stopping or as an attempt to control the little monster. Many recommend cutting down or a porn diet1 as a pick-me-up. Obviously, the less you PMO the better off you are but as a stepping-stone to stopping, cutting down is fatal. It is these attempts to cut down that keep us trapped all our lives.
Usually cutting down follows failed attempts to stop.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-22 Beware of Cutting Down">03-22 Beware of Cutting Down</h1></header>
<p>Many PMOers resort to cutting down either as a stepping-stone towards stopping or as an attempt to control the little monster. Many recommend cutting down or a porn diet<sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">1</a></sup> as a pick-me-up. Obviously, the less you PMO the better off you are but as a stepping-stone to stopping, cutting down is fatal. It is these attempts to cut down that keep us trapped all our lives.</p>
<p>Usually cutting down follows failed attempts to stop. After a few hours or days of abstinence the PMOer says to himself something like:</p>
<p><em>“I cannot face the thought of going to sleep without visiting my online harem, so from now on I will just PMO once in four days or I will purge my collection of bad porn. If I can follow this porn diet, I can either hold it there or cut down further.”</em></p>
<p>Certain terrible things now happen:</p>
<li>He has the worst of all worlds. He is still addicted to internet porn and is keeping the monster alive not only in his body but also in his mind.</li>
<li>He is now wishing his life away waiting for the next session.</li>
<li>Prior to cutting down, whenever he wanted to visit his harem he would fire up his browser and at least partially relieved his withdrawal pangs. Now, in addition to the normal stresses and strains of life, he is actually causing himself to suffer the withdrawal pangs from porn most of his life. So he is causing himself to be even more miserable and bad tempered.</li>
<li>While he was indulging himself, he didn&rsquo;t enjoy most of the PMO sessions nor did he realize he was using a supranormal stimulate. It was automatic. The only harem visits that he imagined he enjoyed were after a period of abstinence (e.g. the first in the four days, the one after a business trip, etc.).</li>
<p>Now that he waits an extra hour for each harem visit, he enjoys every one. The longer he waits, the more enjoyable each PMO session appears to become because the enjoyment in a session isn&rsquo;t the session itself; it&rsquo;s the ending of the agitation caused by the craving, whether it be the slight physical craving for internet porn or the mental moping. The longer you suffer, the more enjoyable each session becomes.</p>
<p>The main difficulty of stopping PMOing is not the brain chemical addiction. That&rsquo;s easy. PMOers will all on without it anyway on various occasions - such as death of a loved one, family/work affairs keeping them away from access etc. They will go say, ten days without internet porn and it doesn&rsquo;t bother them. But if they went the same ten days during which time they can have access to internet porn, they would be tearing their hair out.</p>
<p>Many PMOers will get a chance during their work day and abstain from masturbating to orgasm. PMOers will pass through Victorias Secret store in the mall, swimming pools and so on without undue inconvenience. Many PMOers will abstain if they have to sleep on the couch temporarily to make space for a visitor or if they are themselves visiting . Even in the Go-Go bars or on nudist beaches there have been no riots. PMOer are almost pleased for someone to say they cannot masturbate. In fact, PMOers who want to quit get a secret pleasure out of going long periods without a harem visit. It gives them the hope that maybe one day they will never want it.</p>
<p>The real problem when stopping is the brainwashing. That illusion of entitlement that internet porn is some sort of prop or reward and life will never be quite the same without it. Far from turning you off to internet porn, all cutting down does is to leave you feeling insecure and miserable and to convince you that the most precious thing on this earth is the missed new clip on your tube site, that there is no way that you will ever be happy again without seeing that one.</p>
<p>There is nothing more pathetic than the PMOer who is trying to cut down. He suffers from the delusion that the less he PMOs, the less he will want to visit the online harems<sup id="fnref:2"><a href="#fn:2" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">2</a></sup>. In fact, the reverse is true. The less he PMOs, the longer he suffers the withdrawal pangs; the more he enjoys the PMO. However, the more he will then notice that his favourite genre or star are not hitting the spot now. But that won&rsquo;t stop him. If the tube sites were to dedicate to one star only no PMOers would ever go more than once to those online harems.</p>
<p>You find that difficult to believe? OK, let&rsquo;s talk it out. Which is the worst moment of self control one feels? Waiting for four days and then having a climax. Which is one of the most precious moment for most PMOers who are in the 4 day porn diet? That&rsquo;s right, the same climax after waiting for four days! Now do you really believe you are masturbating to it to enjoy the orgasm? Or do you think a more rational explanation is that you are relieving withdrawal pangs and the illusion that your are entitled to PMO?</p>
<p>It is essential that we remove all these illusions about PMO before you extinguish that final session. Unless you&rsquo;ve removed the illusion that you enjoy it before you close the window on the final one, there is no way you can prove it afterwards without getting hooked again. So, unless you are already online waiting to go to your tube site, do type it now. Open up your favourites folder and PMO to your most favourites - star, genre, theme etc. Now as you are in the action ask yourself what is so glorious about this thing. Perhaps you believe that it is only certain clips that are of good taste, like the one on your habitual or favourite theme? If so, why do you bother to watch the other videos and themes?</p>
<p>Because you got into the habit of doing it? Now why would anyone get into the habit of PMO which is screwing up their brain scripts and wasting themselves? Why should a clip of the same star that hit the spot last month not be as exciting now? Nothing is different after a month, so why should porn clip be different after a month?</p>
<p>Don&rsquo;t just rely on me, check it out yourself. Find that hot clip from last month to prove that it is different. Now, set a reminder and watch the same clip after a week of no PMO. It will hit (almost) the same spots like it did last month. The same clip will also do a different thing to you after a social event where you are turned down or tested by some potential partner. The reason is that the addict can never be really happy if that little monster remains unsatisfied.</p>
<p>Where does satisfaction come into it? It&rsquo;s just that they are miserable if they aren&rsquo;t allowed to relieve their withdrawal symptoms at those times. So the difference between PMOing and not PMOing is the difference between being happy and miserable. That&rsquo;s why the internet porn appears to be better. Whereas PMOers who get on the internet first thing in the morning for porn are miserable whether they are PMOing or not.</p>
<p>Cutting down not only doesn&rsquo;t work but it is the worst form of torture. It doesn&rsquo;t work because initially the PMOer hopes that by getting into the habit of using less and less, he will reduce his desire to PMO. It is not a habit. It is an addiction and the nature of any addiction is to want more and more, not less and less. Therefore in order to cut down, the PMOer has to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of his life. So cutting down means willpower and discipline forever.</p>
<p>The main problem of stopping is not the dopamine addiction to internet porn. That&rsquo;s easy to cope with. It is the mistaken belief that the porn gives you some pleasure. This mistaken belief is brought about initially by the brainwashing we receive before we started using internet porn, which is then reinforced by the actual addiction. All cutting down does is reinforce the fallacy further to the extent that porn dominates the users life completely and convinces him that the most precious thing on this earth is the addiction.</p>
<p>As I have already said, cutting down never works anyway because you have to or must exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life. If you did not have enough willpower to stop then you certainly have not got enough to cut down. Stopping is far easier and less painful. I have heard of literally thousands of cases in which cutting down has failed.</p>
<p>The handful of successes I have known have been achieved after a relatively short period of cutting down, followed by the &lsquo;cold turkey&rsquo;. These PMOers really stopped in spite of cutting down, not because of it. All it did was prolong the agony. A failed attempt to cut down leaves the PMOer a nervous wreck, even more convinced that he is hooked for life. This is usually enough to keep him reverting back to is online harem for pleasure and crutch for another stretch of time before the next attempt.</p>
<p>However, cutting down helps to illustrate the whole futility of PMO because it clearly illustrates that a visit to the harem is enjoyable only after a period of abstinence. You have to bang your head against a brick wall (i.e. suffer withdrawal pangs) to make it nice when you stop. So the choices are:</p>
<li>Cut down for life. This will be self-imposed torture and you will not be able to do it anyway.</li>
<li>Increasingly torture yourself for life. What is the point?</li>
<li>Be nice to yourself. Stop doing it.</li>
<p>The other important point that cutting down demonstrates is that there is no such thing as the odd or occasional harem visit. Internet porn is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you make a positive effort to break it:</p>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<h2 id="remember-cutting-down-will-drag-you-down"><strong>REMEMBER: CUTTING DOWN WILL DRAG YOU DOWN.</strong></h2>
</div><div class="footnotes" role="doc-endnotes">
<li id="fn:1">
<p><strong>Porn Diet</strong> - Intentionally cutting down or attempting to control etc. Frequency: Restricting PMO to once in four days. Time: Setting a timer for the session. Shock: Safe porn only. Novelty: Only one clip.&#160;<a href="#fnref:1" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
<li id="fn:2">
<p><strong>Harems</strong> - Internet porn sites that cater for streaming videos, webcams and pictures.&#160;<a href="#fnref:2" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
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It is just one peek that gets us started in the first place. It is just one peek to tide us over a difficult patch or on a special occasion that defeats most of our attempts to stop. It is just one peek that, when PMOers have succeeded in breaking the addiction, sends them back into the trap.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-23 Just One Peek">03-23 Just One Peek</h1></header>
<p>“Just one peek” is a myth you must get out of your mind:</p>
<li>It is just one peek that gets us started in the first place.</li>
<li>It is just one peek to tide us over a difficult patch or on a special occasion that defeats most of our attempts to stop.</li>
<li>It is just one peek that, when PMOers have succeeded in breaking the addiction, sends them back into the trap. Sometimes it is just to confirm that they do not need them any more and that one harem visit does just that.</li>
<p>The after effect of PMO will be horrible and convinces the PMOer he will never become hooked again but he already is. The PMOer feels that something that is making him or her so miserable and guilty should have not made him or her do it yet they did.</p>
<p>It is the thought of that one special PMO session that often prevents users from stopping. The one after your long conference trip or the one after your hard day at work or your fight with kids or after an incident where your partner rejects you for sex. Get it firmly in your mind there is no such thing as “just one peek.” It is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you break it. It is the myth about the odd, special occasion that keeps PMOers moping about it when they stop. Get into the habit of never seeing the “no big deal” (NBD<sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">1</a></sup>) session - it is a fantasy. Whenever you think about porn or PMO, see a whole filthy lifetime of spending a lot of time behind a screen just for the privilege of destroying yourself mentally and physically, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of hopelessness. It is not a crime if your erections are unreliable. But it is when you could be happier in the long term but choose to sacrifice that for a short term pleasure.</p>
<p>It is OK that we cant always come up with something to do for the void and it is not realistically possible to do that every time and for our entire life. Yes, we can plan for most of them, but sometimes void happens. Good times and bad times also happen, irrespective of your PMO anyway. But get it clearly into your mind: the PMO isn&rsquo;t it. You are stuck with either a lifetime of misery or none at all. You wouldn&rsquo;t dream of taking cyanide because you liked the taste of almonds, so stop punishing yourself with the thought of the occasional “no big deal” PMO. Ask a PMOer with issues, “if you had the opportunity to go back to the time before you became hooked, would you have become a PMOer?” The answer is inevitably, “you have got to be joking!” Yet every PMOer has that choice every day of his life. Why doesn&rsquo;t he opt for it? The answer is fear. The fear that he cannot stop or that life won&rsquo;t be the same without it.</p>
<p>Stop kidding yourself! You can do it. Anybody can. It&rsquo;s ridiculously easy. In order to make it easy to stop masturbating to internet porn there are certain fundamentals to get clear in your mind. We have already dealt with three of them up to now:</p>
<li>There is nothing to give up. There are actually only marvellous positive gains to achieve.</li>
<li>Never convince yourself of the odd/NBD (no big deal) or JOP<sup id="fnref:2"><a href="#fn:2" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">2</a></sup> (just one peak) PMO. It doesn&rsquo;t exist. There is only a lifetime of filth and slavery,</li>
<li>There is nothing different about you. Any addicted PMOer can find it easy to stop.</li>
<p>Many PMOers believe that they are confirmed addicts or have addictive personalities. This usually happens if they have read the shocking<sup id="fnref:3"><a href="#fn:3" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">3</a></sup> part of the brain science a little bit too much. I promise you there is no such thing. No one is born with needs to masturbate to video clips before they become hooked on the drug. It is the drug that hooks you and not the nature of your character or personality. It is the effect of addictive supranormal stimuli that makes you believe that you have an addictive personality. However, it is essential that you remove this belief because if you believe that you are dependent on internet porn, you will be. Even after the little porn monster inside your body is dead. It is essential to remove all of this brainwashing.</p>
<div class="footnotes" role="doc-endnotes">
<li id="fn:1">
<p><strong>NBD</strong> - no big deal.&#160;<a href="#fnref:1" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
<li id="fn:2">
<p><strong>JOP</strong> - Just one peek.&#160;<a href="#fnref:2" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
<li id="fn:3">
<p>The shocking part of brain chemistry talks about a long lasting deltaFosB stable protein that forms the water slide cues in our brains. These cause the slip-lapse-relapse cycles in addicts. They are greased (kept alive) every time the addicted substance is used.&#160;<a href="#fnref:3" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
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<meta name="description" content="Heavy PMOers tend to envy the casual porn user. We&rsquo;ve all met these characters: Oh, I can go all week without a PMO, it really doesn&rsquo;t bother me. We think: I wish I were like that! I know this is hard to believe but no PMOer enjoys being a PMOer. Never forget:
No PMOer ever decided to become a PMOer casual or otherwise, therefore: All PMOers feel stupid, therefore: All PMOers have to lie to themselves and other people in a vain attempt to justify their stupidity.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-24 Casual PMOers, Teenagers, Non PMOers">03-24 Casual PMOers, Teenagers, Non PMOers</h1></header>
<p>Heavy PMOers tend to envy the casual porn user. We&rsquo;ve all met these characters: “Oh, I can go all week without a PMO, it really doesn&rsquo;t bother me.” We think: “I wish I were like that!” I know this is hard to believe but no PMOer enjoys being a PMOer. Never forget:</p>
<li>No PMOer ever decided to become a PMOer casual or otherwise, therefore:</li>
<li>All PMOers feel stupid, therefore:</li>
<li>All PMOers have to lie to themselves and other people in a vain attempt to justify their stupidity.</li>
<p>I used to be a golf fanatic. I would brag about how often I played and I wanted to play more. Why do PMOers brag about how little they masturbate? If that&rsquo;s the true criterion then surely the true accolade is not to masturbate at all?</p>
<p>If I said to you, “do you know, I can go all week without carrots and it doesn&rsquo;t bother me in the slightest,” You would think I was some sort of nutcase. If I enjoy carrots, why would I want go all week without them? If I didn&rsquo;t enjoy them, why would I make such a statement? So when a user makes a statement like: “I can go all week without a PMO session, it really doesn&rsquo;t bother me.” He&rsquo;s trying to convince both himself and you that he has no problem. But there would be no need to make the statement if he had no problem. What he is really saying is: “I managed to survive a whole week without PMOing.” Like every PMOer, he was probably hoping that after this he could survive the rest of his life. But he could only survive a week and can you imagine how precious that PMO session must have been afterwards, having felt deprived for a whole week?</p>
<p>This is why casual PMOers are effectively more hooked than heavy PMOers. Not only is the illusion of pleasure greater but they have less incentive to quit because they spend less time and are less vulnerable to the health risks. They may occasionally experience PIED but they are not very sure what caused it. Remember, the only pleasure PMOers get is in search-and-seek and then to relieve the withdrawal pangs, as I have already explained but even that pleasure is an illusion. Imagine the little porn monster inside your body as a permanent itch so imperceptible that most of the time we aren&rsquo;t even aware of it.</p>
<p>Now if you have a permanent itch, the natural tendency is to scratch it. Similarly as our brain&rsquo;s reward circuits become more and more immune to dopamine and opioids, the natural tendency is to edge, escalate, binge, novelty-seek, shock-seek etc. There are four main factors that prevent PMOers from chain-PMOing:</p>
<li>Time. Most cannot afford to.</li>
<li>Health. In order to relieve our itches we have to consume all free material that is available and then some. Capacity to cope with that kind of binging varies with each individual and at different times and situations in his or her life. This acts as an automatic restraint.</li>
<li>Discipline. This is imposed by society or the PMOers job, or friends and relatives, or by the PMOer himself as a result of the natural tug of war that goes on in every PMOers mind.</li>
<li>Imagination. Lack of imagination plays down the shock, novelty and other values of the same clip on a subjective basis.</li>
<p>I used to think of my non-casual PMOing as a weakness. I couldn&rsquo;t understand why my friends could limit their “intake.” I knew I was a very strong-willed person. It never occurred to me that most PMOers are incapable of chain-PMOing - you need a very strong imagination and also extraordinarily strong penis stamina in order to do it. Some of these once-a-week PMOers that heavy PMOers tend to envy do it less frequently because physically their constitution cannot do more, or because they cannot afford to PMO more, or because their job, or society, or their own hatred of being hooked won&rsquo;t allow them to PMO more.</p>
<p>It may be of advantage at this stage to provide a few definitions:</p>
<h3 id="the-non-pmoer">THE NON-PMOer</h3>
<p>Someone who has never fallen for the trap but should not be complacent. He is a non-PMOer only by luck or the grace of goodness. All PMOers were convinced that they would never become hooked and some non-PMOers keep trying an occasional session.</p>
<h3 id="the-casual-pmoer">THE CASUAL PMOer</h3>
<p>There are two basic classifications of casual PMOers:</p>
<li>The PMOer who has fallen for the trap but doesn&rsquo;t realize it. Do not envy such PMOers. They are merely sampling the nectar at the mouth of the pitcher plant and in all probability will soon be heavy users. Remember, just as all alcoholics started off as casual drinkers, so all PMOers started off as casual PMOers.</li>
<li>The PMOer who was previously a heavy PMOer and thinks he cannot stop. These PMOers are the saddest of all. They fall into various categories, each of which needs separate comment.</li>
<h3 id="the-oncea--day-pmoer">THE ONCEA- DAY PMOer</h3>
<p>If he enjoys his entitlement to orgasm, why does he use internet porn to orgasm only once a day? If he can take it or leave it, why does he bother to PMO at all? Remember, the habit is really banging your head against the brick wall only to make it relaxing when you stop. The once-a-day PMOer is relieving his withdrawal pangs for less than one hour each day. The rest of the day, although he doesn&rsquo;t realize it, he is banging his head against the wall and does so for most of his life. He is PMOing only once a day because either he cannot take the risk of getting caught or screwing up his brain health. It is easy to convince the heavy PMOer that he doesn&rsquo;t enjoy it but you try convincing a casual PMOer. Anybody who has gone through an attempt to cut down will know it is the worst torture of all and almost guaranteed to keep you hooked for the rest of your life.</p>
<h3 id="the-rejected-pmoer">THE REJECTED PMOer</h3>
<p>This PMOer demands the right to his/her orgasm(s) every day. And of course his sex partner is not always up to it. So he goes on the internet for porn initially. Once he takes “the ride” to fix “the void” he is trapped on this most exciting water slide of novelty, shock, supranormal images etc. He is in fact dichotomously happy with the partners rejection it gives him something of an excuse. If internet porn is giving so much to you, why even bother to have a partner at all? Set him or her free. He is not even enjoying the PMO when he has to carry his partner in his mind. At some point he is using his real life partner to hand him an excuse to go out into the valleys of the dark side of the internet.</p>
<h3 id="the-porn-diet-pmoer">THE PORN DIET PMOer</h3>
<p>(Or, “I can stop whenever I want to. I have done it thousands of times”). If he thinks dieting helps with his moods to get out to get women, why is he even on the diet of once every four days? How can one predict the future, what if the happenstance of meeting occurred just an hour after your scheduled PMO session? Also, if he thinks this occasional “cleaning the plumbing” is good to relieve tension and relax why not plumb every day? It has been proven that masturbation is not required to keep the genitals healthy. Internet porn is not required at all. Even if that may be the case, any PUA guru who has read about the brain chemistry and its plasticity will never recommend watching super stimulus porn. The truth is he is still hooked. Although he gets rid of the physical addiction, he is left with the main problem - the brainwashing. He hopes each time that he will stop for good and soon falls for the same trap again.</p>
<p>Many PMOers actually envy these stoppers and starters. They think, “how lucky to be able to control it like that, to do PMO when you want to and stop when you want to,” What they always overlook is that these stoppers and starters aren&rsquo;t controlling it. When they are PMOers, they wish they weren&rsquo;t. They go through the hassle of stopping, then begin to feel deprived and fall for the trap again, then wish they hadn&rsquo;t. They get the worst of both worlds. If you think about it, this is true in the lives of the PMOers. When we are allowed to PMO we either take it as entitled or wish we didn&rsquo;t. It&rsquo;s only when we can&rsquo;t have PMO that it appears to be so precious. The forbidden fruit syndrome. This is the awful dilemma of PMOers. They can never win because they are moping for a myth, an illusion. There is one way they can win and that is to stop PMOing and stop moping!</p>
<h3 id="the-i-only-pmo-to-statictamehome-made-porn-pmoer">THE I-ONLY-PMO-TO-STATIC/TAME/HOME-MADE-PORN PMOer</h3>
<p>Yes, we all do it to start with but isn&rsquo;t it amazing how the average shock value of these clips seems rapidly to increase and before we know it we seem to be feeling deprived (tolerance)? The novelty is lacking in with static porn and we pay the mascot for a cup of grease and take the ride down the porn water slide towards the dark spirals of resentment and guilt. The worst thing you can do is to use your partner&rsquo;s pictures (with approval, of course) for masturbation. Why? Because you are re-wiring your brain for the seeking, searching and variety induced dopamine flushes. The porn water slides in the brain is the DeltaFosB built-up due to the dopamine surges induced by internet porn. But you will find yourself having weak and unreliable erections when you are with her in real time. Another genre in this category is amateur or home made porn. Most are fakes and you know it. And you are not going to settle down and finish on the very first one that hits your eyes&hellip; you are going to continue to seek and search. Remember its not only the orgasms but the search-and-seek, the wandering, that gives the porn slide the surge, the ride. The porn content, whether amateur or professional or whatever is not the issue, it is the brain flushes of dopamine during the search-and-seek - the building up of brain tolerance and satiation. Porn destroys normal brain operations. Masturbation confuses the muscle-brain. Orgasms floods the brain and so it should be, better the risks involved in having one.</p>
<h3 id="the-i-have-stopped-but-i-have-an-occasional-peek-pmoer">THE I-HAVE-STOPPED-BUT-I-HAVE-AN-OCCASIONAL-PEEK PMOer</h3>
<p>In a way such peeking PMOers are the most pathetic of all. Either they go through their lives believing they are being deprived or, more often, the occasional peek becomes two. They remain on the slippery slope and it goes only one way - DOWNWARDS. Sooner or later they are back to being heavy PMOers. They have fallen again for the very trap that they fell into in the first place.</p>
<p>There are two other categories of casual PMOers. The first is the type who masturbates to images or clips of the latest celebrity sex tapes that hit the news. Or something they carried home from their accidental viewing at school or work. These people are really non-PMOers. It&rsquo;s just that they feel they are missing out. They want to be part of the action. We all start off like this. Next time watch how, after a while, the celebrity sex tape, the same star of your fantasy is not doing it to you any more. The more unattainable the target of your fantasy is, the more frustrating the withdrawal of the orgasm is.</p>
<p>The second category is recently getting attention. The type can best be described by outlining a case shared online. A woman who is a professional, had been using internet porn stories for many years and had never PMOed more or less than one time every night. She was, incidentally, a very strong-willed lady. Most PMOers would wonder why she wanted to stop in the first place. They would gladly point out to her that there is no worries of PIED, or PE in her case as she is a women. She is using not even static images and the stories are far tamer than any they use on a daily basis.</p>
<p>They make the mistake of assuming that casual PMOers are happier and more in control. In control they may be but happy they are not. In this case, she is not satisfied with her partner, not interested in real sex, highly irritable with her daily stress and strains. Her nearest-and-dearest could not find out what is bothering her. Even if she convinced herself not to be afraid of her use of internet porn by rationalizing, she still finds herself not being able to enjoy real relationships which almost invariably involve ups and downs. Her brains RC<sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">1</a></sup> is not able to make use of the normal de-stress brain chemicals as she is flooding dopamine into her brain on an everyday basis. The down regulation<sup id="fnref:2"><a href="#fn:2" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">2</a></sup> of her brain receptors has rendered her melancholic most times. Like me, she had a great fear of internet porns dark side of the treatment of women- before her first time. Like me, she eventually fell victim to the massive social brainwash and tried that first porn site. Like me, she can remember the foul clips of violence staged as entertainment. Unlike me, who capitulated and became a chain-PMOer very quickly, she resisted the slide.</p>
<p>All you ever enjoy in PMO is the ending of the craving that started before it, whether it be the almost imperceptible physical craving for dopamine or the mental torture caused by not being allowed to scratch the itch. Internet porn itself is a poison as far as it concerns you. This is why you only suffer the illusion of enjoying it after a period of abstinence. Just like a hunger or thirst, the longer you suffer it, the greater the pleasure when you finally relieve it. PMOers make the mistake of believing PMO is just a habit. They think, “if I can only keep it down to a certain level or do only on special occasions, my brain and body will accept it. I can then keep my PMOing at that level or cut down further should I wish to.” Get it clear in your mind: the &lsquo;habit&rsquo; doesn&rsquo;t exist. PMOing is drug addiction. The natural tendency is to relieve withdrawal pangs, not to endure them. Even to hold it at the level you are already at, you would have to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life because as your brain&rsquo;s RC becomes immune to dopamine and opioids, it wants more and more, not less and less. As PMO begins to destroy you physically and mentally, as it gradually breaks down your nervous system, your courage and confidence, your impulse controls, so you are increasingly unable to resist reducing the interval between each session.</p>
<p>That is why in the early days, we can take it or leave it. If we get a sign of something amiss mentally or physically, we just stop. It also explains why someone like me, who never even suffered the illusion of enjoying them, had to go on chain-PMOing even though every time it had become a physical torture. Don&rsquo;t envy that woman. When you PMO only once every twenty four hours it appears to be the most precious thing on earth. The “forbidden fruit syndrome.” For many years that poor woman had been at the centre of a tug of war.</p>
<p>She had been unable to stop PMOing, yet was frightened to escalate to streaming clips. But for twenty-three hours and ten minutes of every one of those days she had to fight the temptation. She also had to fight her own lack of feelings towards her boyfriend. It took tremendous willpower to do what she did and, as I have said, such cases are rare. But it reduced her to tears in the end. Just look at it logically: either there is a genuine crutch or pleasure in PMOing or there isn&rsquo;t. If there is, who wants to wait an hour, or a day, or a week? Why should you be denied the crutch or pleasure in the meantime? If there is no genuine crutch or pleasure, why bother paying visits to your online harem?</p>
<p>Here is another case of a once-in-four-days man. This is how the man described his life:</p>
<p><em>“I am forty years old. I suffered PIED with real women and even when Id be doing PMO. Most times I am only rubbing it out. It has been a while since I had a full erection. Before going on the one-in-four days porn diet, I used to sleep soundly through the night after my PMO. Now I wake up every hour of the night and all I can think about is PMO. Even when I am sleeping. I dream about my favourite clips. On days after my scheduled PMO I feel pretty down and this diet would take up all my energy. My SO would leave me alone because I am so bad-tempered and if she cant get out, she will not have me in the house. I go for a jog outside but my mind is obsessed with PMOing. On the schedule day I begin planning earlier in the night. I get very irritated if something happens against my plans. Id give up on conversation and give in (only to later regret) at work and at home. I am not an argumentative guy but I dont want the topic or conversation to hold me down. I remember occasions when Id pick up silly fights with my SO. I then wait for 10 o&rsquo;clock. When it arrives my hands are shaking uncontrollably. I do not start the deed right away. As there are new videos that has been added, I had to shop around. As I click around, my mind tells me that since I had starved myself for 4 days I deserve a special clip and it has to be worth the time spent searching. Eventually I settle for one or two but then I want it to last so that I can survive through the next 4 days. So I take more time to finish the deed.”</em></p>
<p>In addition to his other troubles, this poor man has no idea that he treating himself to a poison. First he is suffering the “forbidden fruit syndrome.” Next he is forcing his brain to flush dopamine. His dopamine receptors are not as cut down comparatively either. But he is sliding and greasing the porn slides, seeking and searching for edging, novelty, variety, shock-value, anxiety-value (“I must treat myself so that I can survive the next three days”) etc. You probably have visions of a pathetic imbecile. Not so. This man was over six feet tall and an ex-sergeant in the Marines. He was a former athlete and didn&rsquo;t want to become an addict to anything. However, when he returned from the war he was trained as a techie in a veterans rehab program. When he entered the civil work force he was a well paid IT professional in a bank and was given a laptop (one of the ways to ensure you take work home). It was the year that famous socialites leaked their porn videos online. There was much talk about it. And he got hooked. He has spent the rest of his life paying through the nose and it has ruined him physically and mentally. If he were an animal, our society would have put him out of his misery, yet we still allow mentally and physically healthy young teenagers to become hooked. You may think the above case and my notes are exaggerated. It is extreme but not unique. There are literally thousands of similar stories. That man poured his heart out to me but you can be sure that many of his friends and acquaintances envied him for being a once-a-week man. If you think this couldn&rsquo;t happen to you, STOP KIDDING YOURSELF.</p>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<h3 id="it-is-already-happening"><strong>IT IS ALREADY HAPPENING.</strong></h3>
<p>In any event, PMOers like other addicts are notorious liars, even to themselves. They have to be. Most casual PMOers indulge far more times and on far more occasions than they will admit to. I have had many conversations with so-called twice-a-week PMOers during which they have done it more than three times that week. If you read the Reddit or No-Fap forums of casual PMOers, they are either counting the days or waiting to fail. You do not need to envy casual PMOers. You do not need to PMO. Life is infinitely sweeter without PMO. One log says&hellip;</p>
<p><em>“It started with a simple challenge to not touch my penis for a day. And being unable. I don&rsquo;t think about masturbation anymore. It doesn&rsquo;t cross my mind. That is possible, I promise you. And the riches that await those who are able - they&rsquo;re incredible.”</em></p>
<p>Teenagers are generally more difficult to cure, not because they find it difficult to stop but because either they do not believe they are hooked or they are at the primary stage of the trap and suffer from the delusion that they will automatically have stopped before the secondary stage.</p>
<p>I would like particularly to warn parents of children who loathe internet porn not to have a false sense of security. All children loathe the dark sides of porn until they become hooked. You did too at one time. Also do not be fooled by scare campaigns. The trap is the same as it always was. Children know that internet porn is supranormal stimuli but they also know that one visit or peek will not do it. At some stage they may be influenced by a girlfriend or boyfriend, school friend or work colleague.</p>
<p>You may think that all they need is an education in brain plasticity and that PMO (including even masturbation) acts like a virus in their brain programme to convince them they could never become hooked. I find society&rsquo;s failure to prevent our children from becoming addicted to internet porn and other drugs to be the most disturbing of all the many disturbing facets of addiction. I beg you not to be complacent in this matter. It is necessary to protect youngsters as their brain is more plastic at that age. I strongly urge you to read the YBOP book and educate yourself of the brain science. Even if you suspect your teenager might lready be hooked, the book will provide excellent guidance to assist in gaining understanding for someone to escape.</p>
<div class="footnotes" role="doc-endnotes">
<li id="fn:1">
<p><strong>RC</strong> - reward circuits.&#160;<a href="#fnref:1" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
<li id="fn:2">
<p><strong>Regulation</strong> - Up and down regulation is a natural reactionary process of the brain to adjust receptors and or their neuro-transmitters based on the level that is present.&#160;<a href="#fnref:2" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
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<meta name="description" content="The YouTube PMOer should be grouped with casual PMOers but the effects of a YouTube PMOer are so insidious that it merits a separate chapter. It can lead to the breakdown of personal self control. In one case it nearly caused a split for a No-Fap forum user.
“I was three weeks into one of my failed attempts to stop. The attempt had been triggered off by my wife&rsquo;s worry about my unreliable hard-ons and lack of interest.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-25 The YouTube PMOer">03-25 The YouTube PMOer</h1></header>
<p>The YouTube PMOer should be grouped with casual PMOers but the effects of a YouTube PMOer are so insidious that it merits a separate chapter. It can lead to the breakdown of personal self control. In one case it nearly caused a split for a No-Fap forum user.</p>
<p><em>“I was three weeks into one of my failed attempts to stop. The attempt had been triggered off by my wife&rsquo;s worry about my unreliable hard-ons and lack of interest. I had told her that it was not her and it was just job pressure. She said, &lsquo;I know you had handled the work pressure before but how would you feel if you were me and had to watch someone you love systematically destroying themselves? It was an argument that I found irresistible, hence the attempt to stop. She knows that I am not cheating - but this in a way is as worse as that (sic). The attempt ended after three weeks after a heated argument with an old friend. It did not register until years afterwards that my devious mind had deliberately triggered off the argument. I felt justly aggrieved at the time but I do not believe that it was coincidence, as I had never argued with this particular friend before, nor have I since. It was clearly the little monster at work. Anyway, I had my excuse. I desperately needed a release of orgasm and it doesnt matter how. As it happens she was not in the mood right away and I was in an “entitlement” hurry. So I convinced myself that it is OK if I restrict myself by avoiding a porn site and just stay this side of the red line and watch only YouTube videos. But she came around as the night unfolded and wanted to make love. But I was tired and not with all my horsepower. I then invented a headache. I could not bear to think of the disappointment this would cause my wife. Then gradually I returned to the old ways, only YouTube became my new harem destination. I remember being quite pleased at the time. I thought, &lsquo;well, at least it is cutting my consumption down; Eventually she accused me of continuing to ignore her in the bed. I had not realized it but she described the times I had caused an argument and stormed out of the house. At other times I had taken two hours to purchase some minor item and faked a sprain or something. I had made feeble excuses to cop out of the whole wooing her and etc. when I have a reliable online harem it is even more hard.”</em></p>
<p>The worst thing about the YouTube PMOer is that it supports the fallacy in the PMOers mind that he is being deprived. At the same time, it causes a major loss of self-respect; an otherwise honest person may force himself to deceive his loved one. It has probably happened or is still happening to you in some form.</p>
<p>It happened to me several times. Have you ever watched the TV detective series Columbo? The theme of each episode is similar. The villain, usually a wealthy and respected businessman, has committed what he is convinced is the perfect murder and his confidence in his crime remaining undetected receives a boost when he discovers that the rather shabby and unimpressive-looking Detective Columbo is in charge of the case.</p>
<p>Columbo has this frustrating practice of closing the door after finishing his interrogation, having assured the suspect that he is in the clear and before the satisfied look has disappeared from the murderer&rsquo;s face, Columbo reappears with: “just one small point, sir, which I&rsquo;m sure you can explain&hellip;” The suspect stammers and from that point on we know and he knows that Columbo will gradually wear him down. No matter how heinous the crime, from that point on my sympathies were with the murderer.</p>
<p>It was almost as if I were the criminal and that&rsquo;s exactly how those bouts made me feel. The tension of not being allowed to cross the red line to get my porn fix that I “rightly deserve because I am hard working man and why shouldnt I when every man does it?” entitlement, click, click, clicking on videos that come close to the right one. Longing for the porn tube videos. And then finishing the deed - just a limp rub out, wondering where the pleasure was. The fear of crossing the line losing control. The relief of returning to the bed, immediately followed by the fear that she would toss around and ask for sex. As the “safe” YouTube videos started not to do it for me - desensitization and lack of novelty and the certain knowledge that sooner or later I was bound to visit my favourite online harem. The final humiliation and shame when that certainty became a fact, followed by the immediate return to chain-PMOing.</p>
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<h3 id="oh-the-joys-of-being-a-pmo-er"><strong>OH THE JOYS OF BEING A PMO-er!</strong></h3>
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<meta name="description" content="Health of mind and body are the main reason why we should want to stop but then they always have been. We do not actually need scientific research and knowledge in brain chemistry to tell us that internet porn is addictive and can potentially shatter our lives. These bodies of ours are the most sophisticated objects on the planet and any PMOer knows instantly, from the first session, that the stimulus can go to excess and it can turn poisonous.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-26 A Social Habit?">03-26 A Social Habit?</h1></header>
<p>Health of mind and body are the main reason why we should want to stop but then they always have been. We do not actually need scientific research and knowledge in brain chemistry to tell us that internet porn is addictive and can potentially shatter our lives. These bodies of ours are the most sophisticated objects on the planet and any PMOer knows instantly, from the first session, that the stimulus can go to excess and it can turn poisonous.</p>
<p>The only reason why we ever get involved with internet porn is the PMOs overlap with their evolutionary brain programming. Porn is available for free and it gets streamed 24 hours a day. No risk and no traces and with very high brain rewards. Porn was once considered as harmless but that was when the images were static and involved a trip to the local store for a VHS tape.</p>
<p>Today it is generally considered even by PMOers themselves to be a supra-stimulus and addiction forming. In the old days, the strong man did not admit he masturbated. Jerk is a derogatory term. In every pub or club bar the majority of men would be proudly wanting to take a woman home and have real sex. Today the position is completely reversed for the internet porn addicts. Today&rsquo;s man realizes that he is starting to feel that he doesn&rsquo;t need a woman. This scares him. He bands together online and starts discussing experiences, devise strategies and explore options. Today&rsquo;s strong man does not want to depend on drugs. With the social revolution all PMOers nowadays are giving serious thought to stopping internet porn and masturbation. Today&rsquo;s PMOers consider PMO as an useless and harmful activity.</p>
<p>The most significant trend that I have noticed in forums is the increasing emphasis on the anti-social aspect of PMOing. The days when a man boasted of having sex and orgasms every day is slowly getting replaced with, “why do I need to be a slave for this porn monster when I know it is controlling my wand (and mind)?”</p>
<p>The only reason why people continue to PMO after getting educated is because they have failed to stop or are too frightened to try. There are even talks about no porn, no masturbation and no orgasms - with or without partners. Karezza is discussed widely and people are trying it out. Many aforementioned failures are “fail forwards” and thus somewhat benefiting the people who practice them. Once you start in the no-PMO route you will find your best fit that applies to your life. I strongly encourage devising your own plan on orgasms after understanding and practising the separation of the amative and the propagative parts of sex. I am sure whichever route you take you will see the value of preserving the “seed” by limiting the number of times you flush your brain with chemicals by orgasming. You will then never see porn, sex and orgasms as a pleasure or as a crutch for your emotional ups and downs.</p>
<p>I was reading a Reddit forum by non-PMOers dedicated to quitting not only porn but also masturbation. As I read along I thought. “This is good, I see so many have taken to quitting masturbation and I think that is the right way to quit PMO.” However, I found most of the notes pointing to them to try with the Willpower Method. There was a lot of self-pitying as well. Except a few&hellip; almost all were not feeling elated and not having the, “yippee I am free from slavery” attitude. Eventually someone broke down - as I unfortunately expected to happen. And the result was a domino effect. All those other PMOers had been sitting there thinking, “surely I can&rsquo;t be the only PMOer here.” However, they were “failing forward” albeit with a lot of self-torturing as they shut down their browsers but did not shut down the desire and the need. This method is the reverse as - we shut down the desire and the need first before shutting down the browser screen. As every day more and more PMOers leave the sinking ship, so those left on it become terrified they&rsquo;ll be the last.</p>
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<h3 id="dont-let-it-be-you"><strong>DON&rsquo;T LET IT BE YOU!</strong></h3>
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<meta name="description" content="Apart from the obvious point that as it is doing you no good, now is the right time to stop. I believe timing is important. Our society treats internet porn flippantly as a slightly distasteful habit that can not injure your health. It is not. It is drug addiction, a disease and a destroyer of relationships in society. The worst thing that happens in most PMOers lives is getting hooked on that awful addiction.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-27 Timing">03-27 Timing</h1></header>
<p>Apart from the obvious point that as it is doing you no good, now is the right time to stop. I believe timing is important. Our society treats internet porn flippantly as a slightly distasteful habit that can not injure your health. It is not. It is drug addiction, a disease and a destroyer of relationships in society. The worst thing that happens in most PMOers lives is getting hooked on that awful addiction. If they stay hooked, horrendous things happen. Timing is important to give yourself the right to a proper cure.</p>
<p>First of all, identify the times or occasions when PMO appears to be important to you. If you are a businessman and use it for the illusion of relief of stress, pick a relatively slack period; a good idea is to choose your annual holiday. If you PMO mainly during boring or relaxing periods, weekends etc. do the opposite. In any event, take the matter seriously and make the attempt the most important thing in your life.</p>
<p>Look ahead for a period of about three weeks and try to anticipate any event that might lead to failure. Occasions like a conference trip, partner out of town etc. need not deter you, providing you anticipate them in advance and do not feel you will be deprived. Do not attempt to cut down in the meantime as this will only create the illusion that being denied is enjoyable. In fact, it helps to force yourself to watch and have as many PMO sessions as possible. While you are having the last session and that last time, be conscious of the disappointment due to satiation, unfulfilled expectations (porn can never satisfy you), any bodily pain or pain in the genitals, the withdrawal effects, the peevishness and the melancholy. Think how marvellous it will be when you allow yourself to stop doing it.</p>
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<h3 id="whatever-you-do-dont-fall-into-the-trap-of-just-saying-not-now-later-and-putting-it-out-of-your-mind-work-out-your-timetable-now-and-look-forward-to-it">WHATEVER YOU DO, DON&rsquo;T FALL INTO THE TRAP OF JUST SAYING, “NOT NOW. LATER,” AND PUTTING IT OUT OF YOUR MIND. WORK OUT YOUR TIMETABLE NOW AND LOOK FORWARD TO IT.</h3>
<p>Remember you aren&rsquo;t giving anything up. On the contrary: you are about to receive marvellous positive gains.</p>
<p>For years the medical profession viewed porn is harmless without knowing the difference between the tame static porn of yesteryear and the latest VR streaming porn. The problem is this; although every PMOer uses internet porn purely to relieve the brain chemical craving for dopamine, it is not the addiction to the brain chemical itself that hooks the PMOer but the self-brainwashing that results from that addiction. An intelligent person will fall for a confidence trick. But only a fool will go on falling for it once he realizes that it&rsquo;s a confidence trick. Fortunately, most PMOers aren&rsquo;t fools; they only think they are. Each individual PMOer has his own private brainwashing. That is why there appears to be such a wide range of different types of PMOer, which only serves to compound the mysteries.</p>
<p>With the benefit of the original book that used this method to stop smoking, which dealt with nicotine addiction (one of the most quickest and addictive drug known to man) and bearing in mind that the personal logs that I collected from Reddit, NoFap and YBOP blogs and forums, I was agreeably surprised to realize that the philosophy propounded in the original book was still sound. The accumulated knowledge that was acquired by the original author Alan Carr and by myself the hack-author is how to communicate that knowledge to each individual PMOer. The fact that I know every PMOer can not only find it easy to stop but can actually enjoy the process is not only pointless but exceedingly frustrating unless I can make the PMOer realize it. The original author of the quit smoking book explains some controversial advice:</p>
<p><em>“Many people have said to me: You say, &ldquo;Continue to smoke until you have finished the book.&rsquo;&rsquo; This tends to make the smoker take ages to read the hook or just not finish it. period. Therefore you should change that instruction. This sounds logical, but I know that if the instruction were: Stop immediately, some smokers wouldn&rsquo;t even start reading the book. I had a smoker consult me in the early days. He said, I really resent having to seek your help, I know I&rsquo;m strong-willed. In every other area of my life I&rsquo;m in control. Why is it that all these other smokers are stopping by using their own willpower, yet I have to come to you? He continued, I think I could do it on my own, if I could smoke while I was doing it.’”</em></p>
<p>This may sound like a contradiction but I know what the man meant. We think of stopping smoking as something that is very difficult to do. What do we need when we have something difficult to do? We need our little friend. So stopping smoking appears to be a double blow. Not only do we have a difficult task to perform, which is hard enough, but the crutch on which we normally rely on such occasions is no longer available. It didn&rsquo;t occur to me until long after the man had left that my instruction to keep smoking is the real beauty of my method. You can continue to smoke while you go through the process of stopping. You get rid of all your doubts and fears first so when you extinguish that final cigarette you are already a non-smoker and can enjoy being one.</p>
<p>So this book on PMO will also keep the same advice intact. No matter how much I say it will be easy there will be a vast majority who will not be able to accept it due to their personal brainwashing on how difficult it is to quit.</p>
<p>The only chapter that has caused me to question my original advice seriously is this chapter on the matter of the right timing. Above all, I advise that if your special occasions are stress situations at the office then pick a holiday to make an attempt to give up or vice versa. In fact, that isn&rsquo;t the easiest way to do it. The easiest way is to pick what you consider to be the most difficult time to do it, whether it be stress, social, concentration or boredom. Once you&rsquo;ve proved that you can cope with and enjoy life in the worst possible situations every other situation becomes easy. But if I gave that as a definite instruction, would you even make the attempt to stop?</p>
<p>Let me use an analogy. My wife and I intend to swim together. We arrive at the pool at the same time but we rarely swim together. The reason is that she immerses one toe and half an hour later she&rsquo;s actually swimming. I cannot stand that slow torture. I know in advance that at some stage, no matter how cold the water is, eventually I&rsquo;m going to have to brave it. So I&rsquo;ve learned to do it the easy way: I dive straight in. Now, assuming that I were in a position to insist that if she didn&rsquo;t dive straight in, she couldn&rsquo;t swim at all. I know that she wouldn&rsquo;t swim at all. Do you see the problem?</p>
<p>From feedback I know that many PMOers have used the original advice I gave on timing to delay what they think will be the “evil day.” My next thoughts were to use the technique that I used for the chapter on the advantages of PMOing, something like: “timing is very important and in the next chapter I will advise you about the best time for you to make the attempt!” You turn the page over and there is just a huge, “NOW!” That is, in fact, the best advice but would you take it? This is the most subtle aspect of the porn trap. When we have genuine stress in our lives, it&rsquo;s not the time to stop yet if we have no stress in our lives, we have no desire to stop. Ask yourself these following questions:</p>
<li>When you got porn the first time, did you really decide then that you would continue to depend on it the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU DIDN&rsquo;T!</li>
<li>Are you going to continue the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU AREN&rsquo;T!</li>
<p>So when will you stop? Tomorrow? Next year? The year after? Isn&rsquo;t this what you&rsquo;ve been asking yourself since you first realized you were hooked? Are you hoping that one morning you will wake up and just not want to PMO any more? Stop kidding yourself. I waited many many awful years for it to happen to me. With any addiction you get progressively more hooked, not less. You think it will be easier tomorrow? You&rsquo;re still kidding yourself. If you can&rsquo;t do it today, what makes you think it will be easier tomorrow? Are you going to wait until you&rsquo;ve actually started to feel getting out of bed is harder than just masturbating? That would be a bit pointless.</p>
<p>The real trap is the belief that now isn&rsquo;t the right time - it will always be easier tomorrow. We believe that we live stressful lives. In fact, we don&rsquo;t. We&rsquo;ve taken most genuine stress out of our lives. When you leave your home you don&rsquo;t live in fear of being attacked by wild animals. Most of us don&rsquo;t have to worry where our next meal is coming from or whether we&rsquo;ll have a roof over our head tonight. But just think of the life of a wild animal. Every time a rabbit comes out of its burrow, it is facing Vietnam the whole of its life. But the rabbit can handle it. It&rsquo;s got adrenalin and other hormones and so have we. The truth is, the most stressful periods for any creature are early childhood and adolescence. But 3 billion years of natural selection have equipped us to cope with stress. Many people who have had hard childhoods grew up to lead normal lives.</p>
<p>We are all able to cope with unkind people and the unpleasant parts of life. I don&rsquo;t believe any of my life adversities have left me with any permanent scars; on the contrary, I believe they have made me a stronger person. When I look back on my life there has only been one thing that I couldn&rsquo;t handle and that was my slavery to that damned internet porn.</p>
<p>A few years ago I thought I had all the worries in the world. I was suicidal - not in the sense that I would have jumped off a roof but in the sense that I knew that this mental tug of war would soon kill me. I argued that if this was life with my crutch, life just wouldn&rsquo;t be worth living without it. What I didn&rsquo;t realize was that when you are physically and mentally depressed everything gets you down. Now I feel like a young boy again. Only one thing made the change in my life: I&rsquo;m now out of the porn pit.</p>
<p>I know it&rsquo;s a cliché to say, “if you haven&rsquo;t got your health, you&rsquo;ve got nothing,” but it&rsquo;s absolutely true. I used to think that physical fitness fanatics like Gary Player were a pain. I used to claim there&rsquo;s more to life than feeling fit; there&rsquo;s sex, booze and tobacco. That&rsquo;s nonsense. When you feel physically and mentally strong you can enjoy the highs and handle the lows. We confuse responsibility with stress. Responsibility becomes stressful only when you don&rsquo;t feel strong enough to handle it. The Richard Burtons of this world are physically and mentally strong. What destroys them is not the stresses of life or their jobs, or old age but the lying crutches they turn to which are just illusions. Sadly in his case and for millions like him those lying crutches kill.</p>
<p>Look at it this way. You&rsquo;ve already decided that you are not going to stay in the trap the rest of your life. Therefore at some time in your life whether you find it easy or difficult, you will have to go through the process of getting free. PMOing is not a habit or pleasure. It is drug addiction and a disease. We&rsquo;ve already established that far from being easier to stop tomorrow, it will get progressively harder. With a disease that&rsquo;s going to get progressively worse, the time to get rid of it is NOW - or as near to now as you can manage. Just think how quickly each week of our lives comes and goes. That&rsquo;s all it takes. Just think how nice it will he to enjoy the rest of your life without that ever-increasing black shadow hanging over you. And if you follow all my instructions, you won&rsquo;t even have to wait five days. You won&rsquo;t only find it easy after closing down your bowser: Y<strong>OU&rsquo;LL ENJOY IT!</strong></p>
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<meta name="description" content="No! Once that little porn monster is dead and your body stops craving dopamine and the porn water slides in your brain start to fade due to lack of greasing, any remaining brainwashing will vanish and you will find yourself both physically and mentally better equipped not only to cope with the stresses and strains of life but to enjoy the good times to the full.
There is only one danger and that is the influence of those who still use sex as their lying crutch and damned pleasure.">
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<p>No! Once that little porn monster is dead and your body stops craving dopamine and the porn water slides in your brain start to fade due to lack of greasing, any remaining brainwashing will vanish and you will find yourself both physically and mentally better equipped not only to cope with the stresses and strains of life but to enjoy the good times to the full.</p>
<p>There is only one danger and that is the influence of those who still use sex as their lying crutch and damned pleasure. “The other man&rsquo;s grass is always greener,” is commonplace in many aspects of our lives and is easily understandable. Why is it in the case of PMOing, where the disadvantages are so enormous as compared with even the illusory advantages, that the ex-PMOer tend to envy the man or woman who appears to demand sex and use porn for pleasure and a crutch?</p>
<p>With all the brainwashing of our childhood it is quite understandable that we fall into the trap. Why is it that, once we realize what a mug&rsquo;s game it is and many of us manage to kick the habit, we walk straight back into the same trap? It is the influence of society&rsquo;s brainwashing of porn being conflated with sex and presented as normal. The ex-PMOer has a pang! The insecure void feelings of them being single, which in itself is not a crime anyway, causes anxiety and cues them to PMO water slide. This is indeed a curious anomaly, particularly if you consider this piece of observation: not only is every non-PMOer in the world happy to be a non-PMOer but every PMOer in the world, even with his warped, addicted, brainwashed mind suffering the delusion that he enjoys it or it relaxes him, wishes he had never become hooked in the first place. So why do some ex-PMOers envy the PMOer on these occasions? There are two reasons.</p>
<li>“Just one peek.” Remember; it doesn&rsquo;t exist. Stop seeing that isolated occasion and start looking at it from the point of view of the PMOer. You may be envying him but he doesn&rsquo;t approve of himself: he envies you. If only you could somehow watch (clinically) another PMOer. They can be the most powerful boost of all to help you of it. Notice how quickly they open many tabs and many windows of their browsers? They fast forward to their important minutes. How quickly they get bored of some clips and how quickly they run through the gamut of genres producing novelty, shock, anxiety, worry etc. Notice particularly that not only is he/she not aware that he or she is PMOing but even the act of masturbation appears to be automatic. Remember, he is not enjoying it; it&rsquo;s just that he cannot enjoy himself without it. Particularly remember that when he leaves to go to sleep after his visit he is drained of energy. The next morning, when he wakes up with a weakened will, lost energy, bleary eyes, he is going to have to carry on choking himself at the first appearance of stress and strain. The next time he has a pain in the penis, the next ED episode or a fading penetration when he is in the company of a non-PMOer, he has to continue this lifetime chain of paying through the nose just for the privilege of destroying himself physically and mentally. He is facing a lifetime of filth, bad mental health, stained confidence, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of destroying himself, a lifetime of black shadows at the back of his mind. And all of this is to achieve what purpose? The lying illusion if getting what you deserve and the damned pleasure?</li>
<li>The second reason why some ex- PMOers have pangs on these occasions is because the PMOer is doing something i.e. self pleasuring and the non-PMOer is not, so he tends to feel deprived. Get it clear in your mind before you start: it is not the non-PMOer who is being deprived. It is the poor PMOer who is being deprived of:</li>
<li>PEACE OF MIND</li>
Get out of the habit of envying PMOers and start seeing them as the miserable, pathetic creatures they really are. I know: I was the one of the world&rsquo;s worst. That is why you are reading this book and the ones who cannot face up to it, who have to go on kidding themselves, are the most pathetic of all.</li>
<p>You wouldn&rsquo;t envy a heroin addict. Like all drug addiction, yours won&rsquo;t get better. Each year it will get worse and worse. If you don&rsquo;t enjoy being a PMOer today, you&rsquo;ll enjoy it even less tomorrow. Don&rsquo;t envy other PMOers. Pity them. Believe me: THEY NEED YOUR PITY.</p>
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<meta name="description" content="This is another myth about PMOing spread mainly by PMOers who, when attempting to stop on the Willpower Method, substitute mental gymnastics - they propose to act -Jekyll and Hyde: “Porn is for my alter ego side and real life romance is for my relationship side.” Nothing is further from the truth. The porn waterslides - the deltaFosBs and all the brain changes are going to overrun the real life romance and will make it less desirable.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-29 Can I Compartmentalize?">03-29 Can I Compartmentalize?</h1></header>
<p>This is another myth about PMOing spread mainly by PMOers who, when attempting to stop on the Willpower Method, substitute mental gymnastics - they propose to act -Jekyll and Hyde: “Porn is for my alter ego side and real life romance is for my relationship side.” Nothing is further from the truth. The porn waterslides - the deltaFosBs and all the brain changes are going to overrun the real life romance and will make it less desirable. Mr Hyde is most definitely going to overrule Dr. Jekylls instructions.</p>
<p>If you use internet porn, you may be training yourself for the role of voyeur or to need the option of clicking to something more arousing at the least drop in your dopamine levels, or to search and search for just the right scene for maximum effect. Also, you may be masturbating in a hunched-over position or watching your smartphone in bed nightly. You will eventually desire those cues more than the real life action. The thing that goes against real sex is the lack of novelty, variety, harem like 24/7 quick delivery etc. and so it stands no chance compared to your online harem. The younger you were when you started on PMO the longer to rewire and break down those porn water slides and get back those real water slides if there were any from the past or create new ones. Also powerful and lasting are the associated memories from when you were young.</p>
<p>Every time you take a ride on the porn water slide you are greasing it - keeping the nerves fresh. When you park next to a fast food restaurant the smell of the fries floats from the pan into your nostrils and the sale was already made. Likewise, the porn water slides in your brain are there for you to get sucked in and they are open 24 hours a day. Each of these cues, or triggers, can now light up your reward circuit with the promise of sex&hellip; only it isn&rsquo;t sex. Nevertheless, nerve cells may solidify these associations with sexual arousal by sprouting new branches to strengthen the connections. The more you use porn the stronger the nerve connections can become, with the result that you may ultimately need to be a voyeur, need to click to new material, need to climax to porn to get to sleep, or need to search for the perfect ending just to get the job done.</p>
<p>As with any substance or behavioural drug, after a while the body becomes immune and the “drug” ceases to relieve the withdrawal pangs completely. As soon as we close a session, the addict wants another one very soon and he has a permanent hunger. The natural inclination is eventually to escalate just to get the dopamine rush. However, most PMOers are prevented from doing this for one, or both, of two reasons.</p>
<li>Money - they cannot afford to subscribe to paid porn sites.</li>
<li>Health - There is only so much the body can take - either the motivator dopamine surges or the orgasms. And orgasms actually trigger anti-dopamine chemicals to cut down the dopamine flush. It has to - that is the way the body works.</li>
<p>Once that little monster leaves your body the awful feeling of insecurity ends. Your confidence returns, together with a marvellous feeling of self-respect. You obtain the assurance to take control of your life, not only in your other habits but also in all other ways. This is one of the many great advantages of being free from any addiction.</p>
<p>As I have said, the compartment myth is due to one of many tricks that the little monster plays with your mind. In fact, these tricks do not make it easier to stop, they make it harder. The PMOer is therefore left with a permanent hunger that he can never satisfy. This is why many PMOers turn to cigarettes, heavy drinking or even harder drugs in order to satisfy the void.</p>
<p>I had suggested watching porn with one of my partners. But eventually I noticed it did not enhance my arousal at all. The sex was not better. I realized that it actually diminished my attraction towards her. We humans are rating animals - we always self rate and other rate. I am sure she rated me against the male porn start too. Why take chances? Do you want Brad Pitt in your bedroom, even if he is in a poster ? No one man or woman can match a harem where each experience is acted, scripted and directed by professionals and at the ready 24 hours a day.</p>
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<meta name="description" content="Many PMOers, while trying to stop on the Willpower Method, attempt to increase their motivation by building up false incentives. There are many examples of this, a typical one is, “I will reward myself with a gift after no-PMO for a month.” This appears to be a logical and sensible approach but in fact it is false because any self-respecting PMOer would rather continue PMOing every day than receive a “self given gift.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-30 Avoid False Incentives">03-30 Avoid False Incentives</h1></header>
<p>Many PMOers, while trying to stop on the Willpower Method, attempt to increase their motivation by building up false incentives. There are many examples of this, a typical one is, “I will reward myself with a gift after no-PMO for a month.” This appears to be a logical and sensible approach but in fact it is false because any self-respecting PMOer would rather continue PMOing every day than receive a “self given gift.” In any case there is a doubt in the PMOers mind because not only will she have to abstain for thirty days but will she even enjoy the days without a PMO? Her only pleasure or crutch is taken away! All this does is to increase the size of the sacrifice that the PMOer feels she is making, which makes it even more precious in her mind.</p>
<p>Other examples: “I&rsquo;ll stop PMO so that I will force myself to get a social life and seek more sex in real life” OR “Ill stop so some magical energy will help me to leap above the competitors and get this woman I pursue” OR “I commit to not waste my energy and enthusiasm in PMO, so I can grow enough hunger in myself.” These are true and can be effective and you may end up getting what you want. But think about it for a second - if you do get what you had wanted, once the novelty has gone you will feel deprived - if you didnt then you will feel miserable and either way sooner or later you will fall for the trap again.</p>
<p>Another typical example is online or forum pacts. These have the advantage of eliminating temptation for certain periods. However, they generally fail for the following reasons:</p>
<li>The incentive is false. Why should you want to stop just because other people are doing so? All this does is to create an additional pressure, which increases the feeling of sacrifice. It is fine if all PMOers genuinely want to stop at one particular time. However, you cannot force PMOers to stop and although all PMOers secretly want to, until they are ready to do so a pact just creates additional pressure, which increases their desire to PMO. This turns them into secret PMOers, which further increases the feeling of dependency.</li>
<li>The “Rotten Apple” theory or dependency on each other. Under the Willpower Method of stopping, the PMOer is undergoing a period of penance during which he waits for the urge to PMO to go. If he gives in, there is a sense of failure. Under the Willpower Method one of the participants is bound to give in sooner or later. The other participants now have the excuse they have been waiting for. It&rsquo;s not their fault. They would have held out. It is just that Fred has let them down. The truth is that most of them have already been cheating.</li>
<li>“Sharing the credit” is the reverse of the “Rotten Apple” theory. Here the loss of face due to failure is not so bad when shared. There is a marvellous sense of achievement in stopping PMOing. When you are doing it alone the acclaim you receive from your friends and online buddies can be a tremendous boost to help you over the first few days. When everybody is doing it at the same time the credit has to be shared and the boost is consequently reduced.</li>
<li>Another classic example of false incentives is the guru promise. When I was younger it would make me feel angry if youd call me a saint. It is a cuss word. Stopping will give you happiness as you are not engaged in the tug of war and your brain is starting to re-wire and regain impulse controls and all that. However you must keep in mind that none of this will make you a sex god or win a lotto. No one, except you, cares if you stop PMO. You are not a weak person either if you are doing PMO three times a day and have PIED. And you are not a strong person if you are an addict and dont have PIED.</li>
<p>Stop kidding yourself. If the job offer that I mentioned before, of 10 months work for 12 months salary a year won&rsquo;t stop him. Or if the risks of cutting down your brains capacity to cope with just any normal day-to-day stress and strains or if putting yourself at odds with having a reliable erection, or if the lifetime of mental and physical torture and slavery did not stop him or her - the above said few phoney incentives will not make the slightest bit of difference. They will only make the sacrifice appear worse. Instead concentrate on the other side:</p>
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<h3 id="what-am-i-getting-out-of-it-why-do-i-need-to-pmo"><strong>“What am I getting out of it? Why do I need to PMO?”</strong></h3>
<p>Keep looking at the other side of the tug of war. What is PMOing doing for me? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Why do I need to do it? YOU DON&rsquo;T! YOU ARE ONLY PUNISHING YOURSELF. Try looking at it from the Pascals Wager perspective. You have almost nothing to lose (a rub-out with half arousals) for sure, chances of big profits (a full and reliable arousal, mental well being and happiness) and no chance of losing big (unreliable full arousals, premature ejaculations, fading penetrations, loss of general impulse controls, lower tolerance for frustrations and anger).</p>
<p>Why not declare your quitting to friends and family? Well, it will make you a proud ex-addict, ex-PMOer, not an elated and happy non-PMOer. It will scare your partner a bit since they may see this as an effort to have more sex, sort of a new-age thing. They may also fear to lose you if this turns you into sex machine. It is hard to explain to them unless they are open minded.</p>
<p>Any attempt to get others to help you in your quitting gives more power to the little monster of addiction. Pushing it from your mind and totally ignoring it has the effect of trying NOT to think of it. As soon as you spot the thoughts, when you hit the cues (home alone) or just absent minded thoughts - just say to yourself: “Great, I dont have to do it like a slave animal. I am free. I am happy to know the differences in sex.” This will cut the life of the thought and will deny oxygen to it and will stop it from burning towards urges and cravings.</p>
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<meta name="description" content="This chapter contains instructions about the easy way to stop PMO. Providing you follow the instructions, you will find that stopping ranges from relatively easy to enjoyable! But remember the definition of a brunette: a girl who didn&rsquo;t read the instructions on the bottle. It is ridiculously easy to stop PMO. All you have to do is two things:
Make the decision that you are never going to PMO again. Don&rsquo;t mope about it.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-31 the Easy Way to Stop">03-31 the Easy Way to Stop</h1></header>
<p>This chapter contains instructions about the easy way to stop PMO. Providing you follow the instructions, you will find that stopping ranges from relatively easy to enjoyable! But remember the definition of a brunette: “a girl who didn&rsquo;t read the instructions on the bottle.” It is ridiculously easy to stop PMO. All you have to do is two things:</p>
<li>Make the decision that you are never going to PMO again.</li>
<li>Don&rsquo;t mope about it. Rejoice.</li>
<p>You are probably asking, “Why the need for the rest of the book? Why couldn&rsquo;t you have said that in the first place?” The answer is that you would at some time have moped about it and consequently sooner or later, you would have changed your decision. You have probably already done that many times before.</p>
<p>As I have already said, the whole business of PMOing is a subtle, sinister trap. The main problem of stopping isn&rsquo;t the dopamine addiction (it is a problem but not the main) but the brainwashing and it is necessary first to explode all the myths and delusions. Understand your enemy. Know his tactics and you will easily defeat him. I&rsquo;ve spent most of my life trying to stop PMOing and I&rsquo;ve suffered weeks of black depression. When I finally stopped I went to zero without one bad moment. It was enjoyable even during the withdrawal period, and I have never had the slightest pang since. On the contrary, it is the most wonderful thing that has happened in my life.</p>
<p>I couldn&rsquo;t understand why it had been so easy and it took me a long time to find out the reason. It was this. I knew for certain that I was never going to PMO again. During previous attempts, no matter how determined I was, I was basically trying to stop PMOing, hoping that if I could survive long enough without a session of PMO the urges would eventually go. Of course they didn&rsquo;t go because I was waiting for something to happen and the more I moped about it, the more I wanted to visit my internet harem, so the craving never went.</p>
<p>My final attempt was different. Like all PMOers nowadays, I had been giving the problem serious thought. Up to then, whenever I failed, I had consoled myself with the thought that it would be easier next time. It had never occurred to me that I would have to go on PMOing the rest of my life. This latter thought filled me with horror and started me thinking very deeply about the subject.</p>
<p>Instead of firing up my browser subconsciously, I began to analyse my feelings as I was looking at the screen. This confirmed what I already knew, I wasn&rsquo;t enjoying them and they were filthy and disgusting. I started looking at non-PMOers - the ones that live in some other part of the world or the older people who never got to know the tube sites. Until then I had always regarded non-PMOers as wishy-washy, unsociable, finicky people. However, when I examined them they appeared, if anything, stronger and more relaxed. They appeared to he able to cope with the stresses and strains of life, and they seemed to enjoy social functions more than the PMOers. They certainly had more sparkle and zest than PMOers.</p>
<p>I started talking to ex-PMOers. Up to this point I had regarded them as people who had been forced to give up PMO for health and religious reasons and who were always secretly longing for a harem visit. A few did say, “You get the odd pangs but they are so few and far between they aren&rsquo;t worth bothering about.” But most said, “Miss it? You must be joking! I have never felt better in my life.” Even failures were fail forwards for them. They did not condemn themselves. It was easier for them to unconditionally accept themselves. Like a coach who will accept a mistake by a genuinely golden player. Talking to ex-PMOers exploded another myth that I had always had in my mind. I had thought that there was an inherent weakness in me and it suddenly dawned on me that all PMOers go through this private nightmare.</p>
<p>Basically I said to myself, “Scores of people are stopping now and leading perfectly happy lives. I didn&rsquo;t need to do it before I started and I can remember having to work hard to get used to this filth. So why do I need to do it now?” In any event I didn&rsquo;t enjoy PMO, I hated the whole filthy ritual and I didn&rsquo;t want to spend the rest of my life being the slave of this disgusting porn addiction.</p>
<p>I then said to myself:</p>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<p>I knew, right from that point, that I would never PMO again. I wasn&rsquo;t expecting it to be easy; in fact, just the reverse. I fully believed that I was in for months of black depression and that I would spend the rest of my life having the occasional pang. Instead it has been absolute bliss right from the start.</p>
<p>It took me a long time to work out why it had been so easy and why this time I hadn&rsquo;t suffered those terrifying withdrawal pangs. The reason is that they do not exist. It is the doubt and uncertainty that causes the pangs. The beautiful truth is: IT IS EASY TO STOP PMO. It is only the indecision and moping about it that makes it difficult. Even while they are addicted to porn, PMOers can go for relatively long periods at certain times in their lives without bothering about it. It is only when you want it but can&rsquo;t have one that you suffer.</p>
<p>Therefore the key to making it easy is to make stopping certain and final. Not to hope but to know you have kicked it, having made the decision. Never to doubt or question it. In fact, just the reverse - always to rejoice about it. If you can be certain from the start, it will be easy. But how can you be certain from the start unless you know it is going to be easy? This is why the rest of the book is necessary. There are certain essential points and it is necessary to get them clear in your mind before you start:</p>
<li>Realize that you can achieve it. There is nothing different about you and the only person who can make you PMO is you. Not that star, she would never in her dreams thought about herself being used for reducing a mans virility.</li>
<li>There is absolutely nothing to give up. On the contrary, there are enormous positive gains to be made. I do not only mean you will be healthier and richer. I mean you will enjoy the good times more and be less miserable during the bad times.</li>
<li>Get it clear in your head that there is no such thing as a peek or visit. PMOing is a drug addiction and a chain reaction. By moaning about the odd PMO you will only be punishing yourself needlessly.</li>
<li>See the whole business of PMOing not as a “boys-will-be-boys” habit that might injure you but as drug addiction. Face up to the fact that, whether you like it or not, YOU HAVE GOT THE DISEASE. It will not go away because you bury your head in the sand. Remember: like all crippling diseases, it not only lasts for life but gets worse and worse. The easiest time to cure it is now.</li>
<li>Separate the disease (i.e. the brain chemical addiction) from the frame of mind of being a PMOer or a non-PMOer. All PMOers, if given the opportunity to go back to the time before they became hooked, would jump at that opportunity. You have that opportunity today! Don&rsquo;t even think about it as &lsquo;giving up&rsquo; PMOing.</li>
<p>When you have made the final decision that you have had your last PMO you will already be a non-PMOer. A PMOer is one of those poor wretches who have to go through life destroying themselves with porn. A non-PMOer is someone who doesn&rsquo;t. Once you have made that final decision, you have already achieved your object.</p>
<p>Rejoice in the fact. Do not sit moping waiting for the chemical addiction to go. Get out and enjoy life immediately. Life is marvellous even when you are addicted and each day it will get so much better when you aren&rsquo;t.</p>
<p>The key to making it easy to quit PMOing is to be certain that you will succeed in abstaining completely during the withdrawal period (maximum three weeks). If you are in the correct frame of mind, you will find it ridiculously easy.</p>
<p>By this stage, if you have opened your mind as I requested at the beginning, you will already have decided you are going to stop. You should now have a feeling of excitement, like a dog straining at the leash, unable to wait to break down those brain DeltaFosB porn water slides. If you have a feeling of doom and gloom, it will be for one of the following reasons:</p>
<li>Something has not gelled in your mind. Re-read the above five points, and ask yourself if you believe them to be true. If you doubt any point, re-read the appropriate sections in the book.</li>
<li>You fear failure itself. Do not worry. Just read on. You will succeed. The whole business of internet porn is like a confidence trick on a gigantic scale. Intelligent people fall for confidence tricks but it is only a fool who having once found out about the trick goes on kidding himself.</li>
<li>You agree with everything but you are still miserable. Don&rsquo;t be! Open your eyes. Something marvellous is happening. You are about to escape from the prison. It is essential to start with the correct frame of mind: isn&rsquo;t it marvellous that I am a non-PMOer!</li>
<p>All we have to do now is to keep you in that frame of mind during the withdrawal period, and the next few chapters deal with specific points to enable you to stay in that frame of mind during that time. After the withdrawal period you won&rsquo;t have to think that way. You will think that way automatically, and the only mystery in your life will be: “It is so obvious, why couldn&rsquo;t I see it before?” However, two important warnings:</p>
<li>Delay your plan to make your last visit until you have finished the book.</li>
<li>I have mentioned several times a withdrawal period of up to three weeks. This can cause misunderstanding. First, you may subconsciously feel that you have to suffer for three weeks. You don&rsquo;t. Secondly, avoid the trap of thinking, “Somehow I have just got to abstain for three weeks and then I will be free.” Nothing magic will actually happen after three weeks. You won&rsquo;t suddenly feel like a non-PMOer. Non-PMOers do not feel any different from PMOers. If you are moping about stopping during the three weeks, in all probability you will still be moping about it after the three weeks. What I am saying is, if you can start right now by saying, “I am never going to PMO again. Isn&rsquo;t it marvelous?” After three weeks all temptation will go. Whereas if you say, “If only I can survive three weeks without a PMO,” you will be dying for a harem visit after the three weeks are up.</li>
<p>Sexual dysfunction has a lot to do with your brain and your mind frame. Internet Porn rewires your brains reward circuit and gives your mind a doubting mind frame. This self doubt will undoubtedly cause your sexual dysfunctions. Having all the desire in your upper part but putting up no arousal in your lower part is the worst thing to happen to your mind frame. Libido going hand in hand with romance is the elixir of youth that you can have until you die. You will keep the probabilities high by quitting. But that is not the only or the major gain in all this. It is your freedom from slavery.</p>
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<meta name="description" content="For up to three weeks after your last PMO session you may be subjected to withdrawal pangs. These consist of two quite separate factors:
The withdrawal pangs of dopamine, that empty, insecure feeling, like a hunger, which PMOers identify as a craving or “something I must to do” feeling. The psychological trigger of certain external stimuli such as a commercial, online browsing, a telephone conversation etc. It is the failure to understand and to differentiate between these two distinct factors that makes it so difficult for PMOers to achieve success on the Willpower Method and it&rsquo;s also the reason why many who do achieve it fall into the trap again.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-32 The Withdrawal Period">03-32 The Withdrawal Period</h1></header>
<p>For up to three weeks after your last PMO session you may be subjected to withdrawal pangs. These consist of two quite separate factors:</p>
<li>The withdrawal pangs of dopamine, that empty, insecure feeling, like a hunger, which PMOers identify as a craving or “something I must to do” feeling.</li>
<li>The psychological trigger of certain external stimuli such as a commercial, online browsing, a telephone conversation etc.</li>
<p>It is the failure to understand and to differentiate between these two distinct factors that makes it so difficult for PMOers to achieve success on the Willpower Method and it&rsquo;s also the reason why many who do achieve it fall into the trap again.</p>
<p>Although the withdrawal pangs of dopamine flush cause no physical pain, do not underestimate their power. We talk of “hunger pains” if we go without food for a day; there may be “tummy rumblings” but there is no physical pain. Even so, hunger is a powerful force and we are likely to become very irritable when deprived of food. It is similar when our body is craving its dopamine rush. The difference is that our body needs food but it doesn&rsquo;t need poison and with the right frame of mind the withdrawal pangs are easily overcome and disappear very quickly.</p>
<p>If PMOers can abstain for a few days on the Willpower Method the craving for dopamine flush soon disappears. It is the second factor that causes the difficulty. The PMOer has got into the habit of relieving his withdrawal pangs at certain times or occasions, which causes an association of ideas (e.g. “I got a hard on so I must PMO” or “I am on the bed with my laptop and I must PMO to feel happy”). It may be easier to understand the effect with the help of an example.</p>
<p>You have a car for a few years and let&rsquo;s say the indicator lever is on the left of the steering column. On your next car it is on the right (the law of sod). You know it is on the right but for a couple of weeks you put the windscreen wipers on whenever you want to indicate.</p>
<p>Stopping PMO is similar. During the early days of the withdrawal period the trigger mechanism will operate at certain times. You will think, “I want to PMO.” It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from square one then these automatic cues and triggers will quickly disappear. Under the Willpower Method, because the PMOer believes he is making a sacrifice, he is moping about it and is waiting for the urge to PMO to go - far from removing these trigger mechanisms he is actually increasing them. And under the Mystic Method the PMOer starts to wonder when he is going to become a God and even demand from himself that he should not even have those bad thoughts - this paves the way for self-loathing and failure.</p>
<p>A common trigger is alone time - particularly one at a social event with friends. The ex-PMOer (using other methods) is already miserable because he is being deprived of his usual pleasure or crutch. His friends are with their partners and are acting intimate. He is either single or is not getting any from his wife for whatever reasons. Now he is not enjoying the meal or what should be a pleasant social occasion. His ready made brain porn water slides lead him to porn as it is easier than either trying to woo his wife.</p>
<p>Because of his association of his entitlement to sex with his well being he is now suffering a triple blow and the brainwashing is actually being increased. If he is resolute and can hold out long enough he eventually accepts his lot and gets on with his life. However, part of the brainwashing remains and I think the second most pathetic thing about PMOing is the PMOer who has given up for health or money reasons, yet even after several years still craves “just one visit to the harem” on certain occasions. He is pining for an illusion that exists only in his mind and is needlessly torturing himself.</p>
<p>Even under my method responding to triggers is the most common failing. The ex-PMOer tends to regard the internet porn as a sort of placebo or sugar pill. He thinks: “I know the porn does nothing for me but if I think it does then on certain occasions it will be a help to me.”</p>
<p>A sugar pill, although giving no actual physical help, can be a powerful psychological aid to relieve genuine symptoms and is therefore a benefit. Internet porn, the habitual masturbation, however, are not sugar pills. Why? Porn creates the symptoms that it relieves and after a while ceases even to relieve these symptoms completely; the “pill” is causing the disease and quite apart from that it also happens to be the No. 1 killer poison in a mans or a womans quest for love and relationships.</p>
<p>You may find it easier to understand the effect when related to a non-PMOer or a successful PMOer who has quit for several years. Take the case of a PMOer who loses his partner. It is quite common at such times, with the best intentions, to say, “Have just one harem visit. It will help calm you down.” If the offer is accepted, it will not have a calming effect because the man is not addicted to dopamine and there are no withdrawal pangs to relieve. At best all it will do is to give him a momentary psychological boost.</p>
<p>Even after the “deed” is over, the original tragedy is still there. In fact, it will be increased because the person is now suffering withdrawal pangs and his choice is now either to endure them or to relieve them by repeating the porn water slide rides and start the chain of misery. All the porn will have done is to give a momentary psychological boost. The same effect could have been achieved by reading a book or watching a feel-good movie, even a bad one at that. Many non-PMOers and ex-PMOers have become addicted to the porn as a result of such occasions. It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from the start. Get it quite clear in your head: you don&rsquo;t need the dopamine rush and you are only torturing yourself by continuing to regard it as some sort of prop or boost. There is no need to be miserable.</p>
<p>Orgasms do not make good relations; they at most times ruin them. Remember too that it is not entirely true at all times the men and women who show public display of intimacy are enjoying it at all times. Intimacy is best enjoyed in private where both partners can respond without embarrassments. You dont have to be an orgasm induced dopamine addict. If it happens as a natural result of a series of life events, fine- if not No Big Deal. You enjoy the occasion and life without it.</p>
<p>Abandon the concept of the PMOing habit as pleasurable in itself, Many PMOers think, “If only there was clean internet porn.” There is clean soft porn. Any PMOer who tries it soon finds out it is a waste of time. Get it clear in your mind that the only reason you have been PMOing is to get the dopamine flush. Once you have got rid of the craving for PMO you will have no more need to visit your online harem.</p>
<p>Whether the pangs are due to actual withdrawal symptoms (the empty feeling) or a trigger/cue mechanism, accept it. The physical pain is non-existent and with the right frame of mind it will not be a problem. Do not worry about withdrawal. The feeling itself isn&rsquo;t bad. It is the association with wanting and then feeling denied that is the problem. Instead of moping about it, say to yourself, “I know what it is. It&rsquo;s the withdrawal pang from PMO. That&rsquo;s what PMOers suffer all their lives and that&rsquo;s what keeps them PMOing. Non-PMOers do not suffer these pangs. It is another of the many evils of this lying habit. Isn&rsquo;t it marvellous I am purging this evil from my brain?”</p>
<p>In other words, for the next three weeks you will have a slight trauma inside your body but during those weeks and for the rest of your life something marvellous will be happening. You will be ridding yourself of an awful disease. That bonus will more than outweigh the slight trauma and you will actually enjoy the withdrawal pangs. They will become moments of pleasure. Think of the whole business of stopping as an exciting game. Think of the porn monster as a sort of tape worm inside your stomach. You have got to starve him for three weeks and he is going to try to trick you into getting to bed to keep him alive.</p>
<p>At times he will try to make you miserable. At times you will be off guard. You will receive a porn URL and you may forgot that you have stopped. There is a slight feeling of deprivation when you remember. Be prepared for these traps in advance. Whatever the temptation, get it into your mind that it is only there because of the monster inside your body and every time you resist the temptation you have dealt another mortal blow in the battle.</p>
<p>Whatever you do, don&rsquo;t try to forget about PMO. This is one of the things that causes PMOers using the Willpower Method hours of depression. They try to get through each day hoping that eventually they&rsquo;ll just forget about it. It is like not being able to sleep. The more you worry about it, the harder it becomes. In any event you won&rsquo;t be able to forget about it. For the first few days the “little monster” will keep reminding you and you won&rsquo;t be able to avoid it; while there are still laptops, smartphones and magazines etc. about, you will have constant reminders.</p>
<p>The point is you have no need to forget. Nothing bad is happening. Something marvellous is taking place. Even if you are thinking about it a thousand times a day, SAVOR EACH MOMENT. REMIND YOURSELF HOW MARVELOUS IT IS TO BE FREE AGAIN. REMIND YOURSELF OF THE SHEER JOY OF NOT HAVING TO TORTURE YOURSELF ANYMORE. As I have said, you will find that the pangs become moments of pleasure, and you will be surprised how quickly you will then forget about internet porn.</p>
<p>Whatever you do DO NOT DOUBT YOUR DECISION. Once you start to doubt, you will start to mope and it will get worse. Instead use the moment as a boost. CONVERT MOPE TO BOOST. If the cause is depression then remind yourself that&rsquo;s what the internet porn and PMO were doing to you. If you are forwarded a URL by a friend, take pride in saying, “I&rsquo;m happy to say I do not need them any more.” That will hurt him but when he sees that it isn&rsquo;t bothering you he will be halfway to joining you.</p>
<p>Remember that you had very powerful reasons for stopping in the first place. Remind yourself of the costs and ask yourself whether you really want to risk too much of those fearful malfunctions of your equipage which is not the greatest loss if you ask me - but the most important loss of mental happiness and well being - of not living under a spell. This is called referenting or spotting of the minimizing efforts of the monster about the hazards. Above all, remember that the feeling is only temporary and each moment is a moment nearer to your goal.</p>
<p>Some PMOers fear that they will have to spend the rest of their lives reversing the &lsquo;automatic triggers&rsquo;. In other words, they believe that they will have to go through life kidding themselves that they don&rsquo;t really need PMO by the use of psychology. This is not so. Remember that the optimist sees the bottle as half full and the pessimist sees it as half empty. In the case of PMO, the bottle is empty and the PMOer sees it as full. There are just no advantages with internet porn and PMO. It is the PMOer who has been brainwashed. Once you start telling yourself that you don&rsquo;t need to orgasm using PMO, in a very short time you won&rsquo;t even need to say it because the beautiful truth is&hellip; you do not need to PMO. It&rsquo;s the last thing you need to do; make sure it&rsquo;s not the last thing you do.</p>
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<meta name="description" content="This is the undoing of many PMOers who try to stop on the Willpower Method. They will go through three or four days and then have the odd peek or a PMO or two to tide them over. They do not realize the devastating effect this has on their morale.
For most PMOers that first peek at the tube site harem was not as good as sex with a real person.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-33 Just One Peek">03-33 Just One Peek</h1></header>
<p>This is the undoing of many PMOers who try to stop on the Willpower Method. They will go through three or four days and then have the odd peek or a PMO or two to tide them over. They do not realize the devastating effect this has on their morale.</p>
<p>For most PMOers that first peek at the tube site harem was not as good as sex with a real person. The clips that are clean are far in between. This gives their conscious minds a boost. They think, “Good. That wasn&rsquo;t entirely all that enjoyable. I am losing the urge to PMO and I am not that much into the shocking stuff.” In fact, the reverse is the case. Get it clear in your mind - enjoyment of orgasm wasn&rsquo;t the reason why you hit porn. If PMOers were there for orgasm alone, they&rsquo;d never watch more than one clip. The only reason why you PMO was to feed that little monster. Just think: you had starved him for four days. How precious that one peek must have been to him. You are not aware of it in your conscious mind but the fix your body received will be communicated to your subconscious mind and all your sound preparation will be undermined. There will be a little voice at the back of your mind saying, “In spite of all the logic they are precious. I want another one.”</p>
<p>That little peek has two damaging effects:</p>
<li>It keeps the little monster alive in your body.</li>
<li>What&rsquo;s worse, it keeps the big monster alive in your mind. If you had the “last peek”, it will be easier to have the next one.</li>
<p>Above all, remember:</p>
<h2 id="just-one-peek-is-how-people-get-into-pmo-addiction-in-the-first-place">“Just one peek” is how people get into PMO addiction in the first place.</h2>
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<meta name="description" content="The combinations of factors that will determine how easily each individual PMOer will quit are infinite. To start with, each of us has his own character, type of work, personal circumstances, timing, etc. Certain professions may make it harder than others but providing the brainwashing is removed it doesn&rsquo;t have to be so. A few individual examples will help.
It tends to be particularly difficult for members of the medical profession.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-34 Will It Be Harder for Me?">03-34 Will It Be Harder for Me?</h1></header>
<p>The combinations of factors that will determine how easily each individual PMOer will quit are infinite. To start with, each of us has his own character, type of work, personal circumstances, timing, etc. Certain professions may make it harder than others but providing the brainwashing is removed it doesn&rsquo;t have to be so. A few individual examples will help.</p>
<p>It tends to be particularly difficult for members of the medical profession. We think it should be easier for doctors because they are more aware of the effects of ill- health and are seeing daily evidence of it. Although this supplies more forceful reasons for stopping, it doesn&rsquo;t make it any easier to do. The reasons are these:</p>
<li>The constant awareness of the health risks creates fear which is one of the conditions under which we need to relieve our withdrawal pangs.</li>
<li>A doctor&rsquo;s work is exceedingly stressful and he is usually not able to relieve the additional stress of withdrawal pangs while he is working.</li>
<li>He has the additional stress of guilt. He feels that he should be setting an example for the rest of the population. This puts more pressure on him and increases the feeling of deprivation.</li>
<p>After his hard day at work, when the stress is momentarily relieved by PMO, that session becomes wrongly attached to the relief experienced. Because of this mis-association of ideas the porn and the PMO gets credit for the total situation. It becomes very precious when he eventually quits and goes through his withdrawal pangs. This is a form of casual PMO and applies to any situation where the PMOer is forced to abstain for lengthy-periods. Under the Willpower Method the PMOer is miserable because he is being deprived. He is not enjoying the tiredness and sleep that goes after a PMO. His sense of loss is therefore greatly increased. However, if you can first remove the brainwashing and stop moping about the PMO, the break and the sleep can still be enjoyed even while the body is craving the amine transmitters - serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.</p>
<p>Another difficult situation is boredom, particularly when it is combined with periods of stress. Typical examples are students and single parents. The work is stressful, yet much of the work is monotonous. During an attempt to stop on the Willpower Method the single person has long periods in which to mope about his or her “loss” which increases the feeling of depression. Again this can be easily overcome if your frame of mind is correct. Do not worry that you are continually reminded that you have stopped PMOing. Use such moments to rejoice in the fact that you are ridding yourself of the evil monster.</p>
<p>If you have a positive frame of mind these pangs can become moments of pleasure. Remember any PMOer, regardless of age, sex, intelligence or profession, can find it easy and enjoyable to stop provided <em><strong>YOU FOLLOW ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS</strong></em>.</p>
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<meta name="description" content="There are two main reasons for failure. The first is the influence of external stimuli - a commercial, online news articles, internet browsing etc. At a weak moment or even during a social occasion somebody will get intimate with their partner. I have already dealt with this topic at length. Use that moment to remind yourself that there is no such thing as one visit or one peek. Rejoice in the fact that you have broken the chain of mental slavery.">
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<header><h1 id="tag_03-35 the Main Reasons for Failure">03-35 the Main Reasons for Failure</h1></header>
<p>There are two main reasons for failure. The first is the influence of external stimuli - a commercial, online news articles, internet browsing etc. At a weak moment or even during a social occasion somebody will get intimate with their partner. I have already dealt with this topic at length. Use that moment to remind yourself that there is no such thing as one visit or one peek. Rejoice in the fact that you have broken the chain of mental slavery. Remember that the PMOer envies you, and feel sorry for him. Believe me, he needs your pity. The other main reason for failure is having a bad day. Get it clear in your mind before you start that, whether you are a PMOer or a non-PMOer, there are good days and bad days. It rains for both the pope and the murderer.</p>
<p>Life is a matter of relativity and you cannot have ups without having downs. The problem with the Willpower Method of stopping is that as soon as the PMOer has a bad day he starts moping for his harem visit and all that does is make a bad day worse. The non-PMOer is better equipped, not only physically but also mentally, to cope with the stresses and strains of life. If you have a bad day during the withdrawal period just take it on the chin. Remind yourself that you had bad days when you were addicted (otherwise you wouldn&rsquo;t have decided to stop). Instead of moping about it, say to yourself something like, “OK, today&rsquo;s not so good but masturbating is not going to cure it. Tomorrow will be better and at least I have got a marvellous bonus at the moment. I have kicked that awful PMO habit.”</p>
<p>When you are a PMOer you have to block your mind to the bad side of PMO. PMOer never have brain fog just “a bit down.” When you are having lifes inevitable troubles you want to PMO but are you happy and cheerful? Of course you aren&rsquo;t. Once you stop, the tendency is to blame everything that goes wrong in your life on the fact that you have stopped.</p>
<p>Now if your work stresses you out you think, “At times like this I would have PMOed.” That&rsquo;s true but the important thing you forget is that the PMO didn&rsquo;t solve the problem and you are simply punishing yourself by moping for an illusory crutch. You are creating an impossible situation. You are miserable because you can&rsquo;t have the porn and masturbation yet you&rsquo;ll be even more miserable if you do. You know that you have made the correct decision by stopping PMO so why punish yourself by ever doubting the decision?</p>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<p><em><strong>Remember: A positive mental approach is essential - always.</strong></em></p>
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<li><a href="/hackbook/03-35-the-main-reasons-for-failure/">03-35 the Main Reasons for Failure</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-34-will-it-be-harder-for-me/">03-34 Will It Be Harder for Me?</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-33-just-one-peek/">03-33 Just One Peek</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-32-the-withdrawal-period/">03-32 The Withdrawal Period</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-31-the-easy-way-to-stop/">03-31 the Easy Way to Stop</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-30-avoid-false-incentives/">03-30 Avoid False Incentives</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-29-can-i-compartmentalize/">03-29 Can I Compartmentalize?</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-28-will-i-miss-the-fun/">03-28 Will I Miss the Fun?</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-27-timing/">03-27 Timing</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-26-a-social-habit/">03-26 A Social Habit?</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-25-the-youtube-pmoer/">03-25 The YouTube PMOer</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-24-casual-pmoers-teenagers-non-pmoers/">03-24 Casual PMOers, Teenagers, Non PMOers</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-23-just-one-peek/">03-23 Just One Peek</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-22-beware-of-cutting-down/">03-22 Beware of Cutting Down</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-21-the-willpower-method-of-stopping/">03-21 the Willpower Method of Stopping</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-20-those-sinister-black-shadows/">03-20 Those Sinister Black Shadows</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-19-it-relaxes-me-and-gives-me-confidence/">03-19 It Relaxes Me and Gives Me Confidence</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-18-energy/">03-18 Energy</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-17-health/">03-17 Health</a></li> <li><a href="/hackbook/03-17-health/">03-17 Health</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-16-i-will-save-x-hours-a-week/">03-16 I Will Save X Hours a Week</a></li> <li><a href="/hackbook/03-16-i-will-save-x-hours-a-week/">03-16 I Will Save X Hours a Week</a></li>
<li><a href="/hackbook/03-15-self-imposed-slavery/">03-15 Self-Imposed Slavery</a></li> <li><a href="/hackbook/03-15-self-imposed-slavery/">03-15 Self-Imposed Slavery</a></li>

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<title>03-35 the Main Reasons for Failure</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:23:39 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;There are two main reasons for failure. The first is the influence of external stimuli - a commercial, online news articles, internet browsing etc. At a weak moment or even during a social occasion somebody will get intimate with their partner. I have already dealt with this topic at length. Use that moment to remind yourself that there is no such thing as one visit or one peek. Rejoice in the fact that you have broken the chain of mental slavery. Remember that the PMOer envies you, and feel sorry for him. Believe me, he needs your pity. The other main reason for failure is having a bad day. Get it clear in your mind before you start that, whether you are a PMOer or a non-PMOer, there are good days and bad days. It rains for both the pope and the murderer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Life is a matter of relativity and you cannot have ups without having downs. The problem with the Willpower Method of stopping is that as soon as the PMOer has a bad day he starts moping for his harem visit and all that does is make a bad day worse. The non-PMOer is better equipped, not only physically but also mentally, to cope with the stresses and strains of life. If you have a bad day during the withdrawal period just take it on the chin. Remind yourself that you had bad days when you were addicted (otherwise you wouldn&amp;rsquo;t have decided to stop). Instead of moping about it, say to yourself something like, “OK, today&amp;rsquo;s not so good but masturbating is not going to cure it. Tomorrow will be better and at least I have got a marvellous bonus at the moment. I have kicked that awful PMO habit.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you are a PMOer you have to block your mind to the bad side of PMO. PMOer never have brain fog just “a bit down.” When you are having lifes inevitable troubles you want to PMO but are you happy and cheerful? Of course you aren&amp;rsquo;t. Once you stop, the tendency is to blame everything that goes wrong in your life on the fact that you have stopped.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now if your work stresses you out you think, “At times like this I would have PMOed.” That&amp;rsquo;s true but the important thing you forget is that the PMO didn&amp;rsquo;t solve the problem and you are simply punishing yourself by moping for an illusory crutch. You are creating an impossible situation. You are miserable because you can&amp;rsquo;t have the porn and masturbation yet you&amp;rsquo;ll be even more miserable if you do. You know that you have made the correct decision by stopping PMO so why punish yourself by ever doubting the decision?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Remember: A positive mental approach is essential - always.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-34 Will It Be Harder for Me?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:22:12 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;The combinations of factors that will determine how easily each individual PMOer will quit are infinite. To start with, each of us has his own character, type of work, personal circumstances, timing, etc. Certain professions may make it harder than others but providing the brainwashing is removed it doesn&amp;rsquo;t have to be so. A few individual examples will help.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It tends to be particularly difficult for members of the medical profession. We think it should be easier for doctors because they are more aware of the effects of ill- health and are seeing daily evidence of it. Although this supplies more forceful reasons for stopping, it doesn&amp;rsquo;t make it any easier to do. The reasons are these:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The constant awareness of the health risks creates fear which is one of the conditions under which we need to relieve our withdrawal pangs.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;A doctor&amp;rsquo;s work is exceedingly stressful and he is usually not able to relieve the additional stress of withdrawal pangs while he is working.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He has the additional stress of guilt. He feels that he should be setting an example for the rest of the population. This puts more pressure on him and increases the feeling of deprivation.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;After his hard day at work, when the stress is momentarily relieved by PMO, that session becomes wrongly attached to the relief experienced. Because of this mis-association of ideas the porn and the PMO gets credit for the total situation. It becomes very precious when he eventually quits and goes through his withdrawal pangs. This is a form of casual PMO and applies to any situation where the PMOer is forced to abstain for lengthy-periods. Under the Willpower Method the PMOer is miserable because he is being deprived. He is not enjoying the tiredness and sleep that goes after a PMO. His sense of loss is therefore greatly increased. However, if you can first remove the brainwashing and stop moping about the PMO, the break and the sleep can still be enjoyed even while the body is craving the amine transmitters - serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Another difficult situation is boredom, particularly when it is combined with periods of stress. Typical examples are students and single parents. The work is stressful, yet much of the work is monotonous. During an attempt to stop on the Willpower Method the single person has long periods in which to mope about his or her “loss” which increases the feeling of depression. Again this can be easily overcome if your frame of mind is correct. Do not worry that you are continually reminded that you have stopped PMOing. Use such moments to rejoice in the fact that you are ridding yourself of the evil monster.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you have a positive frame of mind these pangs can become moments of pleasure. Remember any PMOer, regardless of age, sex, intelligence or profession, can find it easy and enjoyable to stop provided &lt;em&gt;&lt;strong&gt;YOU FOLLOW ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/em&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-33 Just One Peek</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:20:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is the undoing of many PMOers who try to stop on the Willpower Method. They will go through three or four days and then have the odd peek or a PMO or two to tide them over. They do not realize the devastating effect this has on their morale.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For most PMOers that first peek at the tube site harem was not as good as sex with a real person. The clips that are clean are far in between. This gives their conscious minds a boost. They think, “Good. That wasn&amp;rsquo;t entirely all that enjoyable. I am losing the urge to PMO and I am not that much into the shocking stuff.” In fact, the reverse is the case. Get it clear in your mind - enjoyment of orgasm wasn&amp;rsquo;t the reason why you hit porn. If PMOers were there for orgasm alone, they&amp;rsquo;d never watch more than one clip. The only reason why you PMO was to feed that little monster. Just think: you had starved him for four days. How precious that one peek must have been to him. You are not aware of it in your conscious mind but the fix your body received will be communicated to your subconscious mind and all your sound preparation will be undermined. There will be a little voice at the back of your mind saying, “In spite of all the logic they are precious. I want another one.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That little peek has two damaging effects:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It keeps the little monster alive in your body.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;What&amp;rsquo;s worse, it keeps the big monster alive in your mind. If you had the “last peek”, it will be easier to have the next one.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Above all, remember:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h2 id=&#34;just-one-peek-is-how-people-get-into-pmo-addiction-in-the-first-place&#34;&gt;“Just one peek” is how people get into PMO addiction in the first place.&lt;/h2&gt;
<title>03-32 The Withdrawal Period</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:16:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;For up to three weeks after your last PMO session you may be subjected to withdrawal pangs. These consist of two quite separate factors:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The withdrawal pangs of dopamine, that empty, insecure feeling, like a hunger, which PMOers identify as a craving or “something I must to do” feeling.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The psychological trigger of certain external stimuli such as a commercial, online browsing, a telephone conversation etc.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is the failure to understand and to differentiate between these two distinct factors that makes it so difficult for PMOers to achieve success on the Willpower Method and it&amp;rsquo;s also the reason why many who do achieve it fall into the trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Although the withdrawal pangs of dopamine flush cause no physical pain, do not underestimate their power. We talk of “hunger pains” if we go without food for a day; there may be “tummy rumblings” but there is no physical pain. Even so, hunger is a powerful force and we are likely to become very irritable when deprived of food. It is similar when our body is craving its dopamine rush. The difference is that our body needs food but it doesn&amp;rsquo;t need poison and with the right frame of mind the withdrawal pangs are easily overcome and disappear very quickly.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If PMOers can abstain for a few days on the Willpower Method the craving for dopamine flush soon disappears. It is the second factor that causes the difficulty. The PMOer has got into the habit of relieving his withdrawal pangs at certain times or occasions, which causes an association of ideas (e.g. “I got a hard on so I must PMO” or “I am on the bed with my laptop and I must PMO to feel happy”). It may be easier to understand the effect with the help of an example.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You have a car for a few years and let&amp;rsquo;s say the indicator lever is on the left of the steering column. On your next car it is on the right (the law of sod). You know it is on the right but for a couple of weeks you put the windscreen wipers on whenever you want to indicate.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stopping PMO is similar. During the early days of the withdrawal period the trigger mechanism will operate at certain times. You will think, “I want to PMO.” It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from square one then these automatic cues and triggers will quickly disappear. Under the Willpower Method, because the PMOer believes he is making a sacrifice, he is moping about it and is waiting for the urge to PMO to go - far from removing these trigger mechanisms he is actually increasing them. And under the Mystic Method the PMOer starts to wonder when he is going to become a God and even demand from himself that he should not even have those bad thoughts - this paves the way for self-loathing and failure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A common trigger is alone time - particularly one at a social event with friends. The ex-PMOer (using other methods) is already miserable because he is being deprived of his usual pleasure or crutch. His friends are with their partners and are acting intimate. He is either single or is not getting any from his wife for whatever reasons. Now he is not enjoying the meal or what should be a pleasant social occasion. His ready made brain porn water slides lead him to porn as it is easier than either trying to woo his wife.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Because of his association of his entitlement to sex with his well being he is now suffering a triple blow and the brainwashing is actually being increased. If he is resolute and can hold out long enough he eventually accepts his lot and gets on with his life. However, part of the brainwashing remains and I think the second most pathetic thing about PMOing is the PMOer who has given up for health or money reasons, yet even after several years still craves “just one visit to the harem” on certain occasions. He is pining for an illusion that exists only in his mind and is needlessly torturing himself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Even under my method responding to triggers is the most common failing. The ex-PMOer tends to regard the internet porn as a sort of placebo or sugar pill. He thinks: “I know the porn does nothing for me but if I think it does then on certain occasions it will be a help to me.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A sugar pill, although giving no actual physical help, can be a powerful psychological aid to relieve genuine symptoms and is therefore a benefit. Internet porn, the habitual masturbation, however, are not sugar pills. Why? Porn creates the symptoms that it relieves and after a while ceases even to relieve these symptoms completely; the “pill” is causing the disease and quite apart from that it also happens to be the No. 1 killer poison in a mans or a womans quest for love and relationships.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You may find it easier to understand the effect when related to a non-PMOer or a successful PMOer who has quit for several years. Take the case of a PMOer who loses his partner. It is quite common at such times, with the best intentions, to say, “Have just one harem visit. It will help calm you down.” If the offer is accepted, it will not have a calming effect because the man is not addicted to dopamine and there are no withdrawal pangs to relieve. At best all it will do is to give him a momentary psychological boost.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Even after the “deed” is over, the original tragedy is still there. In fact, it will be increased because the person is now suffering withdrawal pangs and his choice is now either to endure them or to relieve them by repeating the porn water slide rides and start the chain of misery. All the porn will have done is to give a momentary psychological boost. The same effect could have been achieved by reading a book or watching a feel-good movie, even a bad one at that. Many non-PMOers and ex-PMOers have become addicted to the porn as a result of such occasions. It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from the start. Get it quite clear in your head: you don&amp;rsquo;t need the dopamine rush and you are only torturing yourself by continuing to regard it as some sort of prop or boost. There is no need to be miserable.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Orgasms do not make good relations; they at most times ruin them. Remember too that it is not entirely true at all times the men and women who show public display of intimacy are enjoying it at all times. Intimacy is best enjoyed in private where both partners can respond without embarrassments. You dont have to be an orgasm induced dopamine addict. If it happens as a natural result of a series of life events, fine- if not No Big Deal. You enjoy the occasion and life without it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Abandon the concept of the PMOing habit as pleasurable in itself, Many PMOers think, “If only there was clean internet porn.” There is clean soft porn. Any PMOer who tries it soon finds out it is a waste of time. Get it clear in your mind that the only reason you have been PMOing is to get the dopamine flush. Once you have got rid of the craving for PMO you will have no more need to visit your online harem.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whether the pangs are due to actual withdrawal symptoms (the empty feeling) or a trigger/cue mechanism, accept it. The physical pain is non-existent and with the right frame of mind it will not be a problem. Do not worry about withdrawal. The feeling itself isn&amp;rsquo;t bad. It is the association with wanting and then feeling denied that is the problem. Instead of moping about it, say to yourself, “I know what it is. It&amp;rsquo;s the withdrawal pang from PMO. That&amp;rsquo;s what PMOers suffer all their lives and that&amp;rsquo;s what keeps them PMOing. Non-PMOers do not suffer these pangs. It is another of the many evils of this lying habit. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvellous I am purging this evil from my brain?”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In other words, for the next three weeks you will have a slight trauma inside your body but during those weeks and for the rest of your life something marvellous will be happening. You will be ridding yourself of an awful disease. That bonus will more than outweigh the slight trauma and you will actually enjoy the withdrawal pangs. They will become moments of pleasure. Think of the whole business of stopping as an exciting game. Think of the porn monster as a sort of tape worm inside your stomach. You have got to starve him for three weeks and he is going to try to trick you into getting to bed to keep him alive.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;At times he will try to make you miserable. At times you will be off guard. You will receive a porn URL and you may forgot that you have stopped. There is a slight feeling of deprivation when you remember. Be prepared for these traps in advance. Whatever the temptation, get it into your mind that it is only there because of the monster inside your body and every time you resist the temptation you have dealt another mortal blow in the battle.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever you do, don&amp;rsquo;t try to forget about PMO. This is one of the things that causes PMOers using the Willpower Method hours of depression. They try to get through each day hoping that eventually they&amp;rsquo;ll just forget about it. It is like not being able to sleep. The more you worry about it, the harder it becomes. In any event you won&amp;rsquo;t be able to forget about it. For the first few days the “little monster” will keep reminding you and you won&amp;rsquo;t be able to avoid it; while there are still laptops, smartphones and magazines etc. about, you will have constant reminders.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The point is you have no need to forget. Nothing bad is happening. Something marvellous is taking place. Even if you are thinking about it a thousand times a day, SAVOR EACH MOMENT. REMIND YOURSELF HOW MARVELOUS IT IS TO BE FREE AGAIN. REMIND YOURSELF OF THE SHEER JOY OF NOT HAVING TO TORTURE YOURSELF ANYMORE. As I have said, you will find that the pangs become moments of pleasure, and you will be surprised how quickly you will then forget about internet porn.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever you do DO NOT DOUBT YOUR DECISION. Once you start to doubt, you will start to mope and it will get worse. Instead use the moment as a boost. CONVERT MOPE TO BOOST. If the cause is depression then remind yourself that&amp;rsquo;s what the internet porn and PMO were doing to you. If you are forwarded a URL by a friend, take pride in saying, “I&amp;rsquo;m happy to say I do not need them any more.” That will hurt him but when he sees that it isn&amp;rsquo;t bothering you he will be halfway to joining you.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Remember that you had very powerful reasons for stopping in the first place. Remind yourself of the costs and ask yourself whether you really want to risk too much of those fearful malfunctions of your equipage which is not the greatest loss if you ask me - but the most important loss of mental happiness and well being - of not living under a spell. This is called referenting or spotting of the minimizing efforts of the monster about the hazards. Above all, remember that the feeling is only temporary and each moment is a moment nearer to your goal.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Some PMOers fear that they will have to spend the rest of their lives reversing the &amp;lsquo;automatic triggers&amp;rsquo;. In other words, they believe that they will have to go through life kidding themselves that they don&amp;rsquo;t really need PMO by the use of psychology. This is not so. Remember that the optimist sees the bottle as half full and the pessimist sees it as half empty. In the case of PMO, the bottle is empty and the PMOer sees it as full. There are just no advantages with internet porn and PMO. It is the PMOer who has been brainwashed. Once you start telling yourself that you don&amp;rsquo;t need to orgasm using PMO, in a very short time you won&amp;rsquo;t even need to say it because the beautiful truth is&amp;hellip; you do not need to PMO. It&amp;rsquo;s the last thing you need to do; make sure it&amp;rsquo;s not the last thing you do.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-31 the Easy Way to Stop</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:07:43 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This chapter contains instructions about the easy way to stop PMO. Providing you follow the instructions, you will find that stopping ranges from relatively easy to enjoyable! But remember the definition of a brunette: “a girl who didn&amp;rsquo;t read the instructions on the bottle.” It is ridiculously easy to stop PMO. All you have to do is two things:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Make the decision that you are never going to PMO again.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t mope about it. Rejoice.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You are probably asking, “Why the need for the rest of the book? Why couldn&amp;rsquo;t you have said that in the first place?” The answer is that you would at some time have moped about it and consequently sooner or later, you would have changed your decision. You have probably already done that many times before.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have already said, the whole business of PMOing is a subtle, sinister trap. The main problem of stopping isn&amp;rsquo;t the dopamine addiction (it is a problem but not the main) but the brainwashing and it is necessary first to explode all the myths and delusions. Understand your enemy. Know his tactics and you will easily defeat him. I&amp;rsquo;ve spent most of my life trying to stop PMOing and I&amp;rsquo;ve suffered weeks of black depression. When I finally stopped I went to zero without one bad moment. It was enjoyable even during the withdrawal period, and I have never had the slightest pang since. On the contrary, it is the most wonderful thing that has happened in my life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I couldn&amp;rsquo;t understand why it had been so easy and it took me a long time to find out the reason. It was this. I knew for certain that I was never going to PMO again. During previous attempts, no matter how determined I was, I was basically trying to stop PMOing, hoping that if I could survive long enough without a session of PMO the urges would eventually go. Of course they didn&amp;rsquo;t go because I was waiting for something to happen and the more I moped about it, the more I wanted to visit my internet harem, so the craving never went.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;My final attempt was different. Like all PMOers nowadays, I had been giving the problem serious thought. Up to then, whenever I failed, I had consoled myself with the thought that it would be easier next time. It had never occurred to me that I would have to go on PMOing the rest of my life. This latter thought filled me with horror and started me thinking very deeply about the subject.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Instead of firing up my browser subconsciously, I began to analyse my feelings as I was looking at the screen. This confirmed what I already knew, I wasn&amp;rsquo;t enjoying them and they were filthy and disgusting. I started looking at non-PMOers - the ones that live in some other part of the world or the older people who never got to know the tube sites. Until then I had always regarded non-PMOers as wishy-washy, unsociable, finicky people. However, when I examined them they appeared, if anything, stronger and more relaxed. They appeared to he able to cope with the stresses and strains of life, and they seemed to enjoy social functions more than the PMOers. They certainly had more sparkle and zest than PMOers.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I started talking to ex-PMOers. Up to this point I had regarded them as people who had been forced to give up PMO for health and religious reasons and who were always secretly longing for a harem visit. A few did say, “You get the odd pangs but they are so few and far between they aren&amp;rsquo;t worth bothering about.” But most said, “Miss it? You must be joking! I have never felt better in my life.” Even failures were fail forwards for them. They did not condemn themselves. It was easier for them to unconditionally accept themselves. Like a coach who will accept a mistake by a genuinely golden player. Talking to ex-PMOers exploded another myth that I had always had in my mind. I had thought that there was an inherent weakness in me and it suddenly dawned on me that all PMOers go through this private nightmare.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Basically I said to myself, “Scores of people are stopping now and leading perfectly happy lives. I didn&amp;rsquo;t need to do it before I started and I can remember having to work hard to get used to this filth. So why do I need to do it now?” In any event I didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy PMO, I hated the whole filthy ritual and I didn&amp;rsquo;t want to spend the rest of my life being the slave of this disgusting porn addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I then said to myself:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;“WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR LAST PMO VISIT”&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I knew, right from that point, that I would never PMO again. I wasn&amp;rsquo;t expecting it to be easy; in fact, just the reverse. I fully believed that I was in for months of black depression and that I would spend the rest of my life having the occasional pang. Instead it has been absolute bliss right from the start.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It took me a long time to work out why it had been so easy and why this time I hadn&amp;rsquo;t suffered those terrifying withdrawal pangs. The reason is that they do not exist. It is the doubt and uncertainty that causes the pangs. The beautiful truth is: IT IS EASY TO STOP PMO. It is only the indecision and moping about it that makes it difficult. Even while they are addicted to porn, PMOers can go for relatively long periods at certain times in their lives without bothering about it. It is only when you want it but can&amp;rsquo;t have one that you suffer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Therefore the key to making it easy is to make stopping certain and final. Not to hope but to know you have kicked it, having made the decision. Never to doubt or question it. In fact, just the reverse - always to rejoice about it. If you can be certain from the start, it will be easy. But how can you be certain from the start unless you know it is going to be easy? This is why the rest of the book is necessary. There are certain essential points and it is necessary to get them clear in your mind before you start:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Realize that you can achieve it. There is nothing different about you and the only person who can make you PMO is you. Not that star, she would never in her dreams thought about herself being used for reducing a mans virility.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is absolutely nothing to give up. On the contrary, there are enormous positive gains to be made. I do not only mean you will be healthier and richer. I mean you will enjoy the good times more and be less miserable during the bad times.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Get it clear in your head that there is no such thing as a peek or visit. PMOing is a drug addiction and a chain reaction. By moaning about the odd PMO you will only be punishing yourself needlessly.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;See the whole business of PMOing not as a “boys-will-be-boys” habit that might injure you but as drug addiction. Face up to the fact that, whether you like it or not, YOU HAVE GOT THE DISEASE. It will not go away because you bury your head in the sand. Remember: like all crippling diseases, it not only lasts for life but gets worse and worse. The easiest time to cure it is now.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Separate the disease (i.e. the brain chemical addiction) from the frame of mind of being a PMOer or a non-PMOer. All PMOers, if given the opportunity to go back to the time before they became hooked, would jump at that opportunity. You have that opportunity today! Don&amp;rsquo;t even think about it as &amp;lsquo;giving up&amp;rsquo; PMOing.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you have made the final decision that you have had your last PMO you will already be a non-PMOer. A PMOer is one of those poor wretches who have to go through life destroying themselves with porn. A non-PMOer is someone who doesn&amp;rsquo;t. Once you have made that final decision, you have already achieved your object.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Rejoice in the fact. Do not sit moping waiting for the chemical addiction to go. Get out and enjoy life immediately. Life is marvellous even when you are addicted and each day it will get so much better when you aren&amp;rsquo;t.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The key to making it easy to quit PMOing is to be certain that you will succeed in abstaining completely during the withdrawal period (maximum three weeks). If you are in the correct frame of mind, you will find it ridiculously easy.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;By this stage, if you have opened your mind as I requested at the beginning, you will already have decided you are going to stop. You should now have a feeling of excitement, like a dog straining at the leash, unable to wait to break down those brain DeltaFosB porn water slides. If you have a feeling of doom and gloom, it will be for one of the following reasons:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Something has not gelled in your mind. Re-read the above five points, and ask yourself if you believe them to be true. If you doubt any point, re-read the appropriate sections in the book.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;You fear failure itself. Do not worry. Just read on. You will succeed. The whole business of internet porn is like a confidence trick on a gigantic scale. Intelligent people fall for confidence tricks but it is only a fool who having once found out about the trick goes on kidding himself.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;You agree with everything but you are still miserable. Don&amp;rsquo;t be! Open your eyes. Something marvellous is happening. You are about to escape from the prison. It is essential to start with the correct frame of mind: isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvellous that I am a non-PMOer!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;All we have to do now is to keep you in that frame of mind during the withdrawal period, and the next few chapters deal with specific points to enable you to stay in that frame of mind during that time. After the withdrawal period you won&amp;rsquo;t have to think that way. You will think that way automatically, and the only mystery in your life will be: “It is so obvious, why couldn&amp;rsquo;t I see it before?” However, two important warnings:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Delay your plan to make your last visit until you have finished the book.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;I have mentioned several times a withdrawal period of up to three weeks. This can cause misunderstanding. First, you may subconsciously feel that you have to suffer for three weeks. You don&amp;rsquo;t. Secondly, avoid the trap of thinking, “Somehow I have just got to abstain for three weeks and then I will be free.” Nothing magic will actually happen after three weeks. You won&amp;rsquo;t suddenly feel like a non-PMOer. Non-PMOers do not feel any different from PMOers. If you are moping about stopping during the three weeks, in all probability you will still be moping about it after the three weeks. What I am saying is, if you can start right now by saying, “I am never going to PMO again. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvelous?” After three weeks all temptation will go. Whereas if you say, “If only I can survive three weeks without a PMO,” you will be dying for a harem visit after the three weeks are up.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Sexual dysfunction has a lot to do with your brain and your mind frame. Internet Porn rewires your brains reward circuit and gives your mind a doubting mind frame. This self doubt will undoubtedly cause your sexual dysfunctions. Having all the desire in your upper part but putting up no arousal in your lower part is the worst thing to happen to your mind frame. Libido going hand in hand with romance is the elixir of youth that you can have until you die. You will keep the probabilities high by quitting. But that is not the only or the major gain in all this. It is your freedom from slavery.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-30 Avoid False Incentives</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:05:14 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers, while trying to stop on the Willpower Method, attempt to increase their motivation by building up false incentives. There are many examples of this, a typical one is, “I will reward myself with a gift after no-PMO for a month.” This appears to be a logical and sensible approach but in fact it is false because any self-respecting PMOer would rather continue PMOing every day than receive a “self given gift.” In any case there is a doubt in the PMOers mind because not only will she have to abstain for thirty days but will she even enjoy the days without a PMO? Her only pleasure or crutch is taken away! All this does is to increase the size of the sacrifice that the PMOer feels she is making, which makes it even more precious in her mind.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Other examples: “I&amp;rsquo;ll stop PMO so that I will force myself to get a social life and seek more sex in real life” OR “Ill stop so some magical energy will help me to leap above the competitors and get this woman I pursue” OR “I commit to not waste my energy and enthusiasm in PMO, so I can grow enough hunger in myself.” These are true and can be effective and you may end up getting what you want. But think about it for a second - if you do get what you had wanted, once the novelty has gone you will feel deprived - if you didnt then you will feel miserable and either way sooner or later you will fall for the trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Another typical example is online or forum pacts. These have the advantage of eliminating temptation for certain periods. However, they generally fail for the following reasons:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The incentive is false. Why should you want to stop just because other people are doing so? All this does is to create an additional pressure, which increases the feeling of sacrifice. It is fine if all PMOers genuinely want to stop at one particular time. However, you cannot force PMOers to stop and although all PMOers secretly want to, until they are ready to do so a pact just creates additional pressure, which increases their desire to PMO. This turns them into secret PMOers, which further increases the feeling of dependency.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The “Rotten Apple” theory or dependency on each other. Under the Willpower Method of stopping, the PMOer is undergoing a period of penance during which he waits for the urge to PMO to go. If he gives in, there is a sense of failure. Under the Willpower Method one of the participants is bound to give in sooner or later. The other participants now have the excuse they have been waiting for. It&amp;rsquo;s not their fault. They would have held out. It is just that Fred has let them down. The truth is that most of them have already been cheating.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Sharing the credit” is the reverse of the “Rotten Apple” theory. Here the loss of face due to failure is not so bad when shared. There is a marvellous sense of achievement in stopping PMOing. When you are doing it alone the acclaim you receive from your friends and online buddies can be a tremendous boost to help you over the first few days. When everybody is doing it at the same time the credit has to be shared and the boost is consequently reduced.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Another classic example of false incentives is the guru promise. When I was younger it would make me feel angry if youd call me a saint. It is a cuss word. Stopping will give you happiness as you are not engaged in the tug of war and your brain is starting to re-wire and regain impulse controls and all that. However you must keep in mind that none of this will make you a sex god or win a lotto. No one, except you, cares if you stop PMO. You are not a weak person either if you are doing PMO three times a day and have PIED. And you are not a strong person if you are an addict and dont have PIED.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stop kidding yourself. If the job offer that I mentioned before, of 10 months work for 12 months salary a year won&amp;rsquo;t stop him. Or if the risks of cutting down your brains capacity to cope with just any normal day-to-day stress and strains or if putting yourself at odds with having a reliable erection, or if the lifetime of mental and physical torture and slavery did not stop him or her - the above said few phoney incentives will not make the slightest bit of difference. They will only make the sacrifice appear worse. Instead concentrate on the other side:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;what-am-i-getting-out-of-it-why-do-i-need-to-pmo&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;“What am I getting out of it? Why do I need to PMO?”&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Keep looking at the other side of the tug of war. What is PMOing doing for me? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Why do I need to do it? YOU DON&amp;rsquo;T! YOU ARE ONLY PUNISHING YOURSELF. Try looking at it from the Pascals Wager perspective. You have almost nothing to lose (a rub-out with half arousals) for sure, chances of big profits (a full and reliable arousal, mental well being and happiness) and no chance of losing big (unreliable full arousals, premature ejaculations, fading penetrations, loss of general impulse controls, lower tolerance for frustrations and anger).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Why not declare your quitting to friends and family? Well, it will make you a proud ex-addict, ex-PMOer, not an elated and happy non-PMOer. It will scare your partner a bit since they may see this as an effort to have more sex, sort of a new-age thing. They may also fear to lose you if this turns you into sex machine. It is hard to explain to them unless they are open minded.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Any attempt to get others to help you in your quitting gives more power to the little monster of addiction. Pushing it from your mind and totally ignoring it has the effect of trying NOT to think of it. As soon as you spot the thoughts, when you hit the cues (home alone) or just absent minded thoughts - just say to yourself: “Great, I dont have to do it like a slave animal. I am free. I am happy to know the differences in sex.” This will cut the life of the thought and will deny oxygen to it and will stop it from burning towards urges and cravings.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-29 Can I Compartmentalize?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:03:34 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is another myth about PMOing spread mainly by PMOers who, when attempting to stop on the Willpower Method, substitute mental gymnastics - they propose to act -Jekyll and Hyde: “Porn is for my alter ego side and real life romance is for my relationship side.” Nothing is further from the truth. The porn waterslides - the deltaFosBs and all the brain changes are going to overrun the real life romance and will make it less desirable. Mr Hyde is most definitely going to overrule Dr. Jekylls instructions.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you use internet porn, you may be training yourself for the role of voyeur or to need the option of clicking to something more arousing at the least drop in your dopamine levels, or to search and search for just the right scene for maximum effect. Also, you may be masturbating in a hunched-over position or watching your smartphone in bed nightly. You will eventually desire those cues more than the real life action. The thing that goes against real sex is the lack of novelty, variety, harem like 24/7 quick delivery etc. and so it stands no chance compared to your online harem. The younger you were when you started on PMO the longer to rewire and break down those porn water slides and get back those real water slides if there were any from the past or create new ones. Also powerful and lasting are the associated memories from when you were young.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Every time you take a ride on the porn water slide you are greasing it - keeping the nerves fresh. When you park next to a fast food restaurant the smell of the fries floats from the pan into your nostrils and the sale was already made. Likewise, the porn water slides in your brain are there for you to get sucked in and they are open 24 hours a day. Each of these cues, or triggers, can now light up your reward circuit with the promise of sex&amp;hellip; only it isn&amp;rsquo;t sex. Nevertheless, nerve cells may solidify these associations with sexual arousal by sprouting new branches to strengthen the connections. The more you use porn the stronger the nerve connections can become, with the result that you may ultimately need to be a voyeur, need to click to new material, need to climax to porn to get to sleep, or need to search for the perfect ending just to get the job done.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As with any substance or behavioural drug, after a while the body becomes immune and the “drug” ceases to relieve the withdrawal pangs completely. As soon as we close a session, the addict wants another one very soon and he has a permanent hunger. The natural inclination is eventually to escalate just to get the dopamine rush. However, most PMOers are prevented from doing this for one, or both, of two reasons.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Money - they cannot afford to subscribe to paid porn sites.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Health - There is only so much the body can take - either the motivator dopamine surges or the orgasms. And orgasms actually trigger anti-dopamine chemicals to cut down the dopamine flush. It has to - that is the way the body works.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Once that little monster leaves your body the awful feeling of insecurity ends. Your confidence returns, together with a marvellous feeling of self-respect. You obtain the assurance to take control of your life, not only in your other habits but also in all other ways. This is one of the many great advantages of being free from any addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have said, the compartment myth is due to one of many tricks that the little monster plays with your mind. In fact, these tricks do not make it easier to stop, they make it harder. The PMOer is therefore left with a permanent hunger that he can never satisfy. This is why many PMOers turn to cigarettes, heavy drinking or even harder drugs in order to satisfy the void.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I had suggested watching porn with one of my partners. But eventually I noticed it did not enhance my arousal at all. The sex was not better. I realized that it actually diminished my attraction towards her. We humans are rating animals - we always self rate and other rate. I am sure she rated me against the male porn start too. Why take chances? Do you want Brad Pitt in your bedroom, even if he is in a poster ? No one man or woman can match a harem where each experience is acted, scripted and directed by professionals and at the ready 24 hours a day.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-28 Will I Miss the Fun?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:01:03 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;No! Once that little porn monster is dead and your body stops craving dopamine and the porn water slides in your brain start to fade due to lack of greasing, any remaining brainwashing will vanish and you will find yourself both physically and mentally better equipped not only to cope with the stresses and strains of life but to enjoy the good times to the full.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There is only one danger and that is the influence of those who still use sex as their lying crutch and damned pleasure. “The other man&amp;rsquo;s grass is always greener,” is commonplace in many aspects of our lives and is easily understandable. Why is it in the case of PMOing, where the disadvantages are so enormous as compared with even the illusory advantages, that the ex-PMOer tend to envy the man or woman who appears to demand sex and use porn for pleasure and a crutch?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;With all the brainwashing of our childhood it is quite understandable that we fall into the trap. Why is it that, once we realize what a mug&amp;rsquo;s game it is and many of us manage to kick the habit, we walk straight back into the same trap? It is the influence of society&amp;rsquo;s brainwashing of porn being conflated with sex and presented as normal. The ex-PMOer has a pang! The insecure void feelings of them being single, which in itself is not a crime anyway, causes anxiety and cues them to PMO water slide. This is indeed a curious anomaly, particularly if you consider this piece of observation: not only is every non-PMOer in the world happy to be a non-PMOer but every PMOer in the world, even with his warped, addicted, brainwashed mind suffering the delusion that he enjoys it or it relaxes him, wishes he had never become hooked in the first place. So why do some ex-PMOers envy the PMOer on these occasions? There are two reasons.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Just one peek.” Remember; it doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. Stop seeing that isolated occasion and start looking at it from the point of view of the PMOer. You may be envying him but he doesn&amp;rsquo;t approve of himself: he envies you. If only you could somehow watch (clinically) another PMOer. They can be the most powerful boost of all to help you of it. Notice how quickly they open many tabs and many windows of their browsers? They fast forward to their important minutes. How quickly they get bored of some clips and how quickly they run through the gamut of genres producing novelty, shock, anxiety, worry etc. Notice particularly that not only is he/she not aware that he or she is PMOing but even the act of masturbation appears to be automatic. Remember, he is not enjoying it; it&amp;rsquo;s just that he cannot enjoy himself without it. Particularly remember that when he leaves to go to sleep after his visit he is drained of energy. The next morning, when he wakes up with a weakened will, lost energy, bleary eyes, he is going to have to carry on choking himself at the first appearance of stress and strain. The next time he has a pain in the penis, the next ED episode or a fading penetration when he is in the company of a non-PMOer, he has to continue this lifetime chain of paying through the nose just for the privilege of destroying himself physically and mentally. He is facing a lifetime of filth, bad mental health, stained confidence, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of destroying himself, a lifetime of black shadows at the back of his mind. And all of this is to achieve what purpose? The lying illusion if getting what you deserve and the damned pleasure?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The second reason why some ex- PMOers have pangs on these occasions is because the PMOer is doing something i.e. self pleasuring and the non-PMOer is not, so he tends to feel deprived. Get it clear in your mind before you start: it is not the non-PMOer who is being deprived. It is the poor PMOer who is being deprived of:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;PEACE OF MIND&lt;/li&gt;
Get out of the habit of envying PMOers and start seeing them as the miserable, pathetic creatures they really are. I know: I was the one of the world&amp;rsquo;s worst. That is why you are reading this book and the ones who cannot face up to it, who have to go on kidding themselves, are the most pathetic of all.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You wouldn&amp;rsquo;t envy a heroin addict. Like all drug addiction, yours won&amp;rsquo;t get better. Each year it will get worse and worse. If you don&amp;rsquo;t enjoy being a PMOer today, you&amp;rsquo;ll enjoy it even less tomorrow. Don&amp;rsquo;t envy other PMOers. Pity them. Believe me: THEY NEED YOUR PITY.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-27 Timing</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:55:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Apart from the obvious point that as it is doing you no good, now is the right time to stop. I believe timing is important. Our society treats internet porn flippantly as a slightly distasteful habit that can not injure your health. It is not. It is drug addiction, a disease and a destroyer of relationships in society. The worst thing that happens in most PMOers lives is getting hooked on that awful addiction. If they stay hooked, horrendous things happen. Timing is important to give yourself the right to a proper cure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;First of all, identify the times or occasions when PMO appears to be important to you. If you are a businessman and use it for the illusion of relief of stress, pick a relatively slack period; a good idea is to choose your annual holiday. If you PMO mainly during boring or relaxing periods, weekends etc. do the opposite. In any event, take the matter seriously and make the attempt the most important thing in your life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Look ahead for a period of about three weeks and try to anticipate any event that might lead to failure. Occasions like a conference trip, partner out of town etc. need not deter you, providing you anticipate them in advance and do not feel you will be deprived. Do not attempt to cut down in the meantime as this will only create the illusion that being denied is enjoyable. In fact, it helps to force yourself to watch and have as many PMO sessions as possible. While you are having the last session and that last time, be conscious of the disappointment due to satiation, unfulfilled expectations (porn can never satisfy you), any bodily pain or pain in the genitals, the withdrawal effects, the peevishness and the melancholy. Think how marvellous it will be when you allow yourself to stop doing it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;whatever-you-do-dont-fall-into-the-trap-of-just-saying-not-now-later-and-putting-it-out-of-your-mind-work-out-your-timetable-now-and-look-forward-to-it&#34;&gt;WHATEVER YOU DO, DON&amp;rsquo;T FALL INTO THE TRAP OF JUST SAYING, “NOT NOW. LATER,” AND PUTTING IT OUT OF YOUR MIND. WORK OUT YOUR TIMETABLE NOW AND LOOK FORWARD TO IT.&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Remember you aren&amp;rsquo;t giving anything up. On the contrary: you are about to receive marvellous positive gains.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For years the medical profession viewed porn is harmless without knowing the difference between the tame static porn of yesteryear and the latest VR streaming porn. The problem is this; although every PMOer uses internet porn purely to relieve the brain chemical craving for dopamine, it is not the addiction to the brain chemical itself that hooks the PMOer but the self-brainwashing that results from that addiction. An intelligent person will fall for a confidence trick. But only a fool will go on falling for it once he realizes that it&amp;rsquo;s a confidence trick. Fortunately, most PMOers aren&amp;rsquo;t fools; they only think they are. Each individual PMOer has his own private brainwashing. That is why there appears to be such a wide range of different types of PMOer, which only serves to compound the mysteries.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;With the benefit of the original book that used this method to stop smoking, which dealt with nicotine addiction (one of the most quickest and addictive drug known to man) and bearing in mind that the personal logs that I collected from Reddit, NoFap and YBOP blogs and forums, I was agreeably surprised to realize that the philosophy propounded in the original book was still sound. The accumulated knowledge that was acquired by the original author Alan Carr and by myself the hack-author is how to communicate that knowledge to each individual PMOer. The fact that I know every PMOer can not only find it easy to stop but can actually enjoy the process is not only pointless but exceedingly frustrating unless I can make the PMOer realize it. The original author of the quit smoking book explains some controversial advice:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“Many people have said to me: You say, &amp;ldquo;Continue to smoke until you have finished the book.&amp;rsquo;&amp;rsquo; This tends to make the smoker take ages to read the hook or just not finish it. period. Therefore you should change that instruction. This sounds logical, but I know that if the instruction were: Stop immediately, some smokers wouldn&amp;rsquo;t even start reading the book. I had a smoker consult me in the early days. He said, I really resent having to seek your help, I know I&amp;rsquo;m strong-willed. In every other area of my life I&amp;rsquo;m in control. Why is it that all these other smokers are stopping by using their own willpower, yet I have to come to you? He continued, I think I could do it on my own, if I could smoke while I was doing it.’”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This may sound like a contradiction but I know what the man meant. We think of stopping smoking as something that is very difficult to do. What do we need when we have something difficult to do? We need our little friend. So stopping smoking appears to be a double blow. Not only do we have a difficult task to perform, which is hard enough, but the crutch on which we normally rely on such occasions is no longer available. It didn&amp;rsquo;t occur to me until long after the man had left that my instruction to keep smoking is the real beauty of my method. You can continue to smoke while you go through the process of stopping. You get rid of all your doubts and fears first so when you extinguish that final cigarette you are already a non-smoker and can enjoy being one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So this book on PMO will also keep the same advice intact. No matter how much I say it will be easy there will be a vast majority who will not be able to accept it due to their personal brainwashing on how difficult it is to quit.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only chapter that has caused me to question my original advice seriously is this chapter on the matter of the right timing. Above all, I advise that if your special occasions are stress situations at the office then pick a holiday to make an attempt to give up or vice versa. In fact, that isn&amp;rsquo;t the easiest way to do it. The easiest way is to pick what you consider to be the most difficult time to do it, whether it be stress, social, concentration or boredom. Once you&amp;rsquo;ve proved that you can cope with and enjoy life in the worst possible situations every other situation becomes easy. But if I gave that as a definite instruction, would you even make the attempt to stop?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let me use an analogy. My wife and I intend to swim together. We arrive at the pool at the same time but we rarely swim together. The reason is that she immerses one toe and half an hour later she&amp;rsquo;s actually swimming. I cannot stand that slow torture. I know in advance that at some stage, no matter how cold the water is, eventually I&amp;rsquo;m going to have to brave it. So I&amp;rsquo;ve learned to do it the easy way: I dive straight in. Now, assuming that I were in a position to insist that if she didn&amp;rsquo;t dive straight in, she couldn&amp;rsquo;t swim at all. I know that she wouldn&amp;rsquo;t swim at all. Do you see the problem?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;From feedback I know that many PMOers have used the original advice I gave on timing to delay what they think will be the “evil day.” My next thoughts were to use the technique that I used for the chapter on the advantages of PMOing, something like: “timing is very important and in the next chapter I will advise you about the best time for you to make the attempt!” You turn the page over and there is just a huge, “NOW!” That is, in fact, the best advice but would you take it? This is the most subtle aspect of the porn trap. When we have genuine stress in our lives, it&amp;rsquo;s not the time to stop yet if we have no stress in our lives, we have no desire to stop. Ask yourself these following questions:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;When you got porn the first time, did you really decide then that you would continue to depend on it the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU DIDN&amp;rsquo;T!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Are you going to continue the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU AREN&amp;rsquo;T!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So when will you stop? Tomorrow? Next year? The year after? Isn&amp;rsquo;t this what you&amp;rsquo;ve been asking yourself since you first realized you were hooked? Are you hoping that one morning you will wake up and just not want to PMO any more? Stop kidding yourself. I waited many many awful years for it to happen to me. With any addiction you get progressively more hooked, not less. You think it will be easier tomorrow? You&amp;rsquo;re still kidding yourself. If you can&amp;rsquo;t do it today, what makes you think it will be easier tomorrow? Are you going to wait until you&amp;rsquo;ve actually started to feel getting out of bed is harder than just masturbating? That would be a bit pointless.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The real trap is the belief that now isn&amp;rsquo;t the right time - it will always be easier tomorrow. We believe that we live stressful lives. In fact, we don&amp;rsquo;t. We&amp;rsquo;ve taken most genuine stress out of our lives. When you leave your home you don&amp;rsquo;t live in fear of being attacked by wild animals. Most of us don&amp;rsquo;t have to worry where our next meal is coming from or whether we&amp;rsquo;ll have a roof over our head tonight. But just think of the life of a wild animal. Every time a rabbit comes out of its burrow, it is facing Vietnam the whole of its life. But the rabbit can handle it. It&amp;rsquo;s got adrenalin and other hormones and so have we. The truth is, the most stressful periods for any creature are early childhood and adolescence. But 3 billion years of natural selection have equipped us to cope with stress. Many people who have had hard childhoods grew up to lead normal lives.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We are all able to cope with unkind people and the unpleasant parts of life. I don&amp;rsquo;t believe any of my life adversities have left me with any permanent scars; on the contrary, I believe they have made me a stronger person. When I look back on my life there has only been one thing that I couldn&amp;rsquo;t handle and that was my slavery to that damned internet porn.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A few years ago I thought I had all the worries in the world. I was suicidal - not in the sense that I would have jumped off a roof but in the sense that I knew that this mental tug of war would soon kill me. I argued that if this was life with my crutch, life just wouldn&amp;rsquo;t be worth living without it. What I didn&amp;rsquo;t realize was that when you are physically and mentally depressed everything gets you down. Now I feel like a young boy again. Only one thing made the change in my life: I&amp;rsquo;m now out of the porn pit.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I know it&amp;rsquo;s a cliché to say, “if you haven&amp;rsquo;t got your health, you&amp;rsquo;ve got nothing,” but it&amp;rsquo;s absolutely true. I used to think that physical fitness fanatics like Gary Player were a pain. I used to claim there&amp;rsquo;s more to life than feeling fit; there&amp;rsquo;s sex, booze and tobacco. That&amp;rsquo;s nonsense. When you feel physically and mentally strong you can enjoy the highs and handle the lows. We confuse responsibility with stress. Responsibility becomes stressful only when you don&amp;rsquo;t feel strong enough to handle it. The Richard Burtons of this world are physically and mentally strong. What destroys them is not the stresses of life or their jobs, or old age but the lying crutches they turn to which are just illusions. Sadly in his case and for millions like him those lying crutches kill.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Look at it this way. You&amp;rsquo;ve already decided that you are not going to stay in the trap the rest of your life. Therefore at some time in your life whether you find it easy or difficult, you will have to go through the process of getting free. PMOing is not a habit or pleasure. It is drug addiction and a disease. We&amp;rsquo;ve already established that far from being easier to stop tomorrow, it will get progressively harder. With a disease that&amp;rsquo;s going to get progressively worse, the time to get rid of it is NOW - or as near to now as you can manage. Just think how quickly each week of our lives comes and goes. That&amp;rsquo;s all it takes. Just think how nice it will he to enjoy the rest of your life without that ever-increasing black shadow hanging over you. And if you follow all my instructions, you won&amp;rsquo;t even have to wait five days. You won&amp;rsquo;t only find it easy after closing down your bowser: Y&lt;strong&gt;OU&amp;rsquo;LL ENJOY IT!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-26 A Social Habit?</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:54:03 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Health of mind and body are the main reason why we should want to stop but then they always have been. We do not actually need scientific research and knowledge in brain chemistry to tell us that internet porn is addictive and can potentially shatter our lives. These bodies of ours are the most sophisticated objects on the planet and any PMOer knows instantly, from the first session, that the stimulus can go to excess and it can turn poisonous.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only reason why we ever get involved with internet porn is the PMOs overlap with their evolutionary brain programming. Porn is available for free and it gets streamed 24 hours a day. No risk and no traces and with very high brain rewards. Porn was once considered as harmless but that was when the images were static and involved a trip to the local store for a VHS tape.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Today it is generally considered even by PMOers themselves to be a supra-stimulus and addiction forming. In the old days, the strong man did not admit he masturbated. Jerk is a derogatory term. In every pub or club bar the majority of men would be proudly wanting to take a woman home and have real sex. Today the position is completely reversed for the internet porn addicts. Today&amp;rsquo;s man realizes that he is starting to feel that he doesn&amp;rsquo;t need a woman. This scares him. He bands together online and starts discussing experiences, devise strategies and explore options. Today&amp;rsquo;s strong man does not want to depend on drugs. With the social revolution all PMOers nowadays are giving serious thought to stopping internet porn and masturbation. Today&amp;rsquo;s PMOers consider PMO as an useless and harmful activity.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The most significant trend that I have noticed in forums is the increasing emphasis on the anti-social aspect of PMOing. The days when a man boasted of having sex and orgasms every day is slowly getting replaced with, “why do I need to be a slave for this porn monster when I know it is controlling my wand (and mind)?”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only reason why people continue to PMO after getting educated is because they have failed to stop or are too frightened to try. There are even talks about no porn, no masturbation and no orgasms - with or without partners. Karezza is discussed widely and people are trying it out. Many aforementioned failures are “fail forwards” and thus somewhat benefiting the people who practice them. Once you start in the no-PMO route you will find your best fit that applies to your life. I strongly encourage devising your own plan on orgasms after understanding and practising the separation of the amative and the propagative parts of sex. I am sure whichever route you take you will see the value of preserving the “seed” by limiting the number of times you flush your brain with chemicals by orgasming. You will then never see porn, sex and orgasms as a pleasure or as a crutch for your emotional ups and downs.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I was reading a Reddit forum by non-PMOers dedicated to quitting not only porn but also masturbation. As I read along I thought. “This is good, I see so many have taken to quitting masturbation and I think that is the right way to quit PMO.” However, I found most of the notes pointing to them to try with the Willpower Method. There was a lot of self-pitying as well. Except a few&amp;hellip; almost all were not feeling elated and not having the, “yippee I am free from slavery” attitude. Eventually someone broke down - as I unfortunately expected to happen. And the result was a domino effect. All those other PMOers had been sitting there thinking, “surely I can&amp;rsquo;t be the only PMOer here.” However, they were “failing forward” albeit with a lot of self-torturing as they shut down their browsers but did not shut down the desire and the need. This method is the reverse as - we shut down the desire and the need first before shutting down the browser screen. As every day more and more PMOers leave the sinking ship, so those left on it become terrified they&amp;rsquo;ll be the last.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;dont-let-it-be-you&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;DON&amp;rsquo;T LET IT BE YOU!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
<title>03-25 The YouTube PMOer</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:51:35 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;The YouTube PMOer should be grouped with casual PMOers but the effects of a YouTube PMOer are so insidious that it merits a separate chapter. It can lead to the breakdown of personal self control. In one case it nearly caused a split for a No-Fap forum user.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I was three weeks into one of my failed attempts to stop. The attempt had been triggered off by my wife&amp;rsquo;s worry about my unreliable hard-ons and lack of interest. I had told her that it was not her and it was just job pressure. She said, &amp;lsquo;I know you had handled the work pressure before but how would you feel if you were me and had to watch someone you love systematically destroying themselves? It was an argument that I found irresistible, hence the attempt to stop. She knows that I am not cheating - but this in a way is as worse as that (sic). The attempt ended after three weeks after a heated argument with an old friend. It did not register until years afterwards that my devious mind had deliberately triggered off the argument. I felt justly aggrieved at the time but I do not believe that it was coincidence, as I had never argued with this particular friend before, nor have I since. It was clearly the little monster at work. Anyway, I had my excuse. I desperately needed a release of orgasm and it doesnt matter how. As it happens she was not in the mood right away and I was in an “entitlement” hurry. So I convinced myself that it is OK if I restrict myself by avoiding a porn site and just stay this side of the red line and watch only YouTube videos. But she came around as the night unfolded and wanted to make love. But I was tired and not with all my horsepower. I then invented a headache. I could not bear to think of the disappointment this would cause my wife. Then gradually I returned to the old ways, only YouTube became my new harem destination. I remember being quite pleased at the time. I thought, &amp;lsquo;well, at least it is cutting my consumption down; Eventually she accused me of continuing to ignore her in the bed. I had not realized it but she described the times I had caused an argument and stormed out of the house. At other times I had taken two hours to purchase some minor item and faked a sprain or something. I had made feeble excuses to cop out of the whole wooing her and etc. when I have a reliable online harem it is even more hard.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The worst thing about the YouTube PMOer is that it supports the fallacy in the PMOers mind that he is being deprived. At the same time, it causes a major loss of self-respect; an otherwise honest person may force himself to deceive his loved one. It has probably happened or is still happening to you in some form.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It happened to me several times. Have you ever watched the TV detective series Columbo? The theme of each episode is similar. The villain, usually a wealthy and respected businessman, has committed what he is convinced is the perfect murder and his confidence in his crime remaining undetected receives a boost when he discovers that the rather shabby and unimpressive-looking Detective Columbo is in charge of the case.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Columbo has this frustrating practice of closing the door after finishing his interrogation, having assured the suspect that he is in the clear and before the satisfied look has disappeared from the murderer&amp;rsquo;s face, Columbo reappears with: “just one small point, sir, which I&amp;rsquo;m sure you can explain&amp;hellip;” The suspect stammers and from that point on we know and he knows that Columbo will gradually wear him down. No matter how heinous the crime, from that point on my sympathies were with the murderer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It was almost as if I were the criminal and that&amp;rsquo;s exactly how those bouts made me feel. The tension of not being allowed to cross the red line to get my porn fix that I “rightly deserve because I am hard working man and why shouldnt I when every man does it?” entitlement, click, click, clicking on videos that come close to the right one. Longing for the porn tube videos. And then finishing the deed - just a limp rub out, wondering where the pleasure was. The fear of crossing the line losing control. The relief of returning to the bed, immediately followed by the fear that she would toss around and ask for sex. As the “safe” YouTube videos started not to do it for me - desensitization and lack of novelty and the certain knowledge that sooner or later I was bound to visit my favourite online harem. The final humiliation and shame when that certainty became a fact, followed by the immediate return to chain-PMOing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;oh-the-joys-of-being-a-pmo-er&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;OH THE JOYS OF BEING A PMO-er!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
<title>03-24 Casual PMOers, Teenagers, Non PMOers</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:40:22 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Heavy PMOers tend to envy the casual porn user. We&amp;rsquo;ve all met these characters: “Oh, I can go all week without a PMO, it really doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me.” We think: “I wish I were like that!” I know this is hard to believe but no PMOer enjoys being a PMOer. Never forget:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;No PMOer ever decided to become a PMOer casual or otherwise, therefore:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;All PMOers feel stupid, therefore:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;All PMOers have to lie to themselves and other people in a vain attempt to justify their stupidity.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I used to be a golf fanatic. I would brag about how often I played and I wanted to play more. Why do PMOers brag about how little they masturbate? If that&amp;rsquo;s the true criterion then surely the true accolade is not to masturbate at all?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If I said to you, “do you know, I can go all week without carrots and it doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me in the slightest,” You would think I was some sort of nutcase. If I enjoy carrots, why would I want go all week without them? If I didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy them, why would I make such a statement? So when a user makes a statement like: “I can go all week without a PMO session, it really doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me.” He&amp;rsquo;s trying to convince both himself and you that he has no problem. But there would be no need to make the statement if he had no problem. What he is really saying is: “I managed to survive a whole week without PMOing.” Like every PMOer, he was probably hoping that after this he could survive the rest of his life. But he could only survive a week and can you imagine how precious that PMO session must have been afterwards, having felt deprived for a whole week?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This is why casual PMOers are effectively more hooked than heavy PMOers. Not only is the illusion of pleasure greater but they have less incentive to quit because they spend less time and are less vulnerable to the health risks. They may occasionally experience PIED but they are not very sure what caused it. Remember, the only pleasure PMOers get is in search-and-seek and then to relieve the withdrawal pangs, as I have already explained but even that pleasure is an illusion. Imagine the little porn monster inside your body as a permanent itch so imperceptible that most of the time we aren&amp;rsquo;t even aware of it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now if you have a permanent itch, the natural tendency is to scratch it. Similarly as our brain&amp;rsquo;s reward circuits become more and more immune to dopamine and opioids, the natural tendency is to edge, escalate, binge, novelty-seek, shock-seek etc. There are four main factors that prevent PMOers from chain-PMOing:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Time. Most cannot afford to.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Health. In order to relieve our itches we have to consume all free material that is available and then some. Capacity to cope with that kind of binging varies with each individual and at different times and situations in his or her life. This acts as an automatic restraint.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Discipline. This is imposed by society or the PMOers job, or friends and relatives, or by the PMOer himself as a result of the natural tug of war that goes on in every PMOers mind.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Imagination. Lack of imagination plays down the shock, novelty and other values of the same clip on a subjective basis.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I used to think of my non-casual PMOing as a weakness. I couldn&amp;rsquo;t understand why my friends could limit their “intake.” I knew I was a very strong-willed person. It never occurred to me that most PMOers are incapable of chain-PMOing - you need a very strong imagination and also extraordinarily strong penis stamina in order to do it. Some of these once-a-week PMOers that heavy PMOers tend to envy do it less frequently because physically their constitution cannot do more, or because they cannot afford to PMO more, or because their job, or society, or their own hatred of being hooked won&amp;rsquo;t allow them to PMO more.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It may be of advantage at this stage to provide a few definitions:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-non-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE NON-PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Someone who has never fallen for the trap but should not be complacent. He is a non-PMOer only by luck or the grace of goodness. All PMOers were convinced that they would never become hooked and some non-PMOers keep trying an occasional session.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-casual-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE CASUAL PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There are two basic classifications of casual PMOers:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The PMOer who has fallen for the trap but doesn&amp;rsquo;t realize it. Do not envy such PMOers. They are merely sampling the nectar at the mouth of the pitcher plant and in all probability will soon be heavy users. Remember, just as all alcoholics started off as casual drinkers, so all PMOers started off as casual PMOers.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The PMOer who was previously a heavy PMOer and thinks he cannot stop. These PMOers are the saddest of all. They fall into various categories, each of which needs separate comment.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-oncea--day-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE ONCEA- DAY PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If he enjoys his entitlement to orgasm, why does he use internet porn to orgasm only once a day? If he can take it or leave it, why does he bother to PMO at all? Remember, the habit is really banging your head against the brick wall only to make it relaxing when you stop. The once-a-day PMOer is relieving his withdrawal pangs for less than one hour each day. The rest of the day, although he doesn&amp;rsquo;t realize it, he is banging his head against the wall and does so for most of his life. He is PMOing only once a day because either he cannot take the risk of getting caught or screwing up his brain health. It is easy to convince the heavy PMOer that he doesn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy it but you try convincing a casual PMOer. Anybody who has gone through an attempt to cut down will know it is the worst torture of all and almost guaranteed to keep you hooked for the rest of your life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-rejected-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE REJECTED PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This PMOer demands the right to his/her orgasm(s) every day. And of course his sex partner is not always up to it. So he goes on the internet for porn initially. Once he takes “the ride” to fix “the void” he is trapped on this most exciting water slide of novelty, shock, supranormal images etc. He is in fact dichotomously happy with the partners rejection it gives him something of an excuse. If internet porn is giving so much to you, why even bother to have a partner at all? Set him or her free. He is not even enjoying the PMO when he has to carry his partner in his mind. At some point he is using his real life partner to hand him an excuse to go out into the valleys of the dark side of the internet.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-porn-diet-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE PORN DIET PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;(Or, “I can stop whenever I want to. I have done it thousands of times”). If he thinks dieting helps with his moods to get out to get women, why is he even on the diet of once every four days? How can one predict the future, what if the happenstance of meeting occurred just an hour after your scheduled PMO session? Also, if he thinks this occasional “cleaning the plumbing” is good to relieve tension and relax why not plumb every day? It has been proven that masturbation is not required to keep the genitals healthy. Internet porn is not required at all. Even if that may be the case, any PUA guru who has read about the brain chemistry and its plasticity will never recommend watching super stimulus porn. The truth is he is still hooked. Although he gets rid of the physical addiction, he is left with the main problem - the brainwashing. He hopes each time that he will stop for good and soon falls for the same trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers actually envy these stoppers and starters. They think, “how lucky to be able to control it like that, to do PMO when you want to and stop when you want to,” What they always overlook is that these stoppers and starters aren&amp;rsquo;t controlling it. When they are PMOers, they wish they weren&amp;rsquo;t. They go through the hassle of stopping, then begin to feel deprived and fall for the trap again, then wish they hadn&amp;rsquo;t. They get the worst of both worlds. If you think about it, this is true in the lives of the PMOers. When we are allowed to PMO we either take it as entitled or wish we didn&amp;rsquo;t. It&amp;rsquo;s only when we can&amp;rsquo;t have PMO that it appears to be so precious. The forbidden fruit syndrome. This is the awful dilemma of PMOers. They can never win because they are moping for a myth, an illusion. There is one way they can win and that is to stop PMOing and stop moping!&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-i-only-pmo-to-statictamehome-made-porn-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE I-ONLY-PMO-TO-STATIC/TAME/HOME-MADE-PORN PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Yes, we all do it to start with but isn&amp;rsquo;t it amazing how the average shock value of these clips seems rapidly to increase and before we know it we seem to be feeling deprived (tolerance)? The novelty is lacking in with static porn and we pay the mascot for a cup of grease and take the ride down the porn water slide towards the dark spirals of resentment and guilt. The worst thing you can do is to use your partner&amp;rsquo;s pictures (with approval, of course) for masturbation. Why? Because you are re-wiring your brain for the seeking, searching and variety induced dopamine flushes. The porn water slides in the brain is the DeltaFosB built-up due to the dopamine surges induced by internet porn. But you will find yourself having weak and unreliable erections when you are with her in real time. Another genre in this category is amateur or home made porn. Most are fakes and you know it. And you are not going to settle down and finish on the very first one that hits your eyes&amp;hellip; you are going to continue to seek and search. Remember its not only the orgasms but the search-and-seek, the wandering, that gives the porn slide the surge, the ride. The porn content, whether amateur or professional or whatever is not the issue, it is the brain flushes of dopamine during the search-and-seek - the building up of brain tolerance and satiation. Porn destroys normal brain operations. Masturbation confuses the muscle-brain. Orgasms floods the brain and so it should be, better the risks involved in having one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-i-have-stopped-but-i-have-an-occasional-peek-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE I-HAVE-STOPPED-BUT-I-HAVE-AN-OCCASIONAL-PEEK PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In a way such peeking PMOers are the most pathetic of all. Either they go through their lives believing they are being deprived or, more often, the occasional peek becomes two. They remain on the slippery slope and it goes only one way - DOWNWARDS. Sooner or later they are back to being heavy PMOers. They have fallen again for the very trap that they fell into in the first place.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There are two other categories of casual PMOers. The first is the type who masturbates to images or clips of the latest celebrity sex tapes that hit the news. Or something they carried home from their accidental viewing at school or work. These people are really non-PMOers. It&amp;rsquo;s just that they feel they are missing out. They want to be part of the action. We all start off like this. Next time watch how, after a while, the celebrity sex tape, the same star of your fantasy is not doing it to you any more. The more unattainable the target of your fantasy is, the more frustrating the withdrawal of the orgasm is.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The second category is recently getting attention. The type can best be described by outlining a case shared online. A woman who is a professional, had been using internet porn stories for many years and had never PMOed more or less than one time every night. She was, incidentally, a very strong-willed lady. Most PMOers would wonder why she wanted to stop in the first place. They would gladly point out to her that there is no worries of PIED, or PE in her case as she is a women. She is using not even static images and the stories are far tamer than any they use on a daily basis.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;They make the mistake of assuming that casual PMOers are happier and more in control. In control they may be but happy they are not. In this case, she is not satisfied with her partner, not interested in real sex, highly irritable with her daily stress and strains. Her nearest-and-dearest could not find out what is bothering her. Even if she convinced herself not to be afraid of her use of internet porn by rationalizing, she still finds herself not being able to enjoy real relationships which almost invariably involve ups and downs. Her brains RC&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; is not able to make use of the normal de-stress brain chemicals as she is flooding dopamine into her brain on an everyday basis. The down regulation&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; of her brain receptors has rendered her melancholic most times. Like me, she had a great fear of internet porns dark side of the treatment of women- before her first time. Like me, she eventually fell victim to the massive social brainwash and tried that first porn site. Like me, she can remember the foul clips of violence staged as entertainment. Unlike me, who capitulated and became a chain-PMOer very quickly, she resisted the slide.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;All you ever enjoy in PMO is the ending of the craving that started before it, whether it be the almost imperceptible physical craving for dopamine or the mental torture caused by not being allowed to scratch the itch. Internet porn itself is a poison as far as it concerns you. This is why you only suffer the illusion of enjoying it after a period of abstinence. Just like a hunger or thirst, the longer you suffer it, the greater the pleasure when you finally relieve it. PMOers make the mistake of believing PMO is just a habit. They think, “if I can only keep it down to a certain level or do only on special occasions, my brain and body will accept it. I can then keep my PMOing at that level or cut down further should I wish to.” Get it clear in your mind: the &amp;lsquo;habit&amp;rsquo; doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. PMOing is drug addiction. The natural tendency is to relieve withdrawal pangs, not to endure them. Even to hold it at the level you are already at, you would have to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life because as your brain&amp;rsquo;s RC becomes immune to dopamine and opioids, it wants more and more, not less and less. As PMO begins to destroy you physically and mentally, as it gradually breaks down your nervous system, your courage and confidence, your impulse controls, so you are increasingly unable to resist reducing the interval between each session.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That is why in the early days, we can take it or leave it. If we get a sign of something amiss mentally or physically, we just stop. It also explains why someone like me, who never even suffered the illusion of enjoying them, had to go on chain-PMOing even though every time it had become a physical torture. Don&amp;rsquo;t envy that woman. When you PMO only once every twenty four hours it appears to be the most precious thing on earth. The “forbidden fruit syndrome.” For many years that poor woman had been at the centre of a tug of war.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;She had been unable to stop PMOing, yet was frightened to escalate to streaming clips. But for twenty-three hours and ten minutes of every one of those days she had to fight the temptation. She also had to fight her own lack of feelings towards her boyfriend. It took tremendous willpower to do what she did and, as I have said, such cases are rare. But it reduced her to tears in the end. Just look at it logically: either there is a genuine crutch or pleasure in PMOing or there isn&amp;rsquo;t. If there is, who wants to wait an hour, or a day, or a week? Why should you be denied the crutch or pleasure in the meantime? If there is no genuine crutch or pleasure, why bother paying visits to your online harem?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Here is another case of a once-in-four-days man. This is how the man described his life:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I am forty years old. I suffered PIED with real women and even when Id be doing PMO. Most times I am only rubbing it out. It has been a while since I had a full erection. Before going on the one-in-four days porn diet, I used to sleep soundly through the night after my PMO. Now I wake up every hour of the night and all I can think about is PMO. Even when I am sleeping. I dream about my favourite clips. On days after my scheduled PMO I feel pretty down and this diet would take up all my energy. My SO would leave me alone because I am so bad-tempered and if she cant get out, she will not have me in the house. I go for a jog outside but my mind is obsessed with PMOing. On the schedule day I begin planning earlier in the night. I get very irritated if something happens against my plans. Id give up on conversation and give in (only to later regret) at work and at home. I am not an argumentative guy but I dont want the topic or conversation to hold me down. I remember occasions when Id pick up silly fights with my SO. I then wait for 10 o&amp;rsquo;clock. When it arrives my hands are shaking uncontrollably. I do not start the deed right away. As there are new videos that has been added, I had to shop around. As I click around, my mind tells me that since I had starved myself for 4 days I deserve a special clip and it has to be worth the time spent searching. Eventually I settle for one or two but then I want it to last so that I can survive through the next 4 days. So I take more time to finish the deed.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In addition to his other troubles, this poor man has no idea that he treating himself to a poison. First he is suffering the “forbidden fruit syndrome.” Next he is forcing his brain to flush dopamine. His dopamine receptors are not as cut down comparatively either. But he is sliding and greasing the porn slides, seeking and searching for edging, novelty, variety, shock-value, anxiety-value (“I must treat myself so that I can survive the next three days”) etc. You probably have visions of a pathetic imbecile. Not so. This man was over six feet tall and an ex-sergeant in the Marines. He was a former athlete and didn&amp;rsquo;t want to become an addict to anything. However, when he returned from the war he was trained as a techie in a veterans rehab program. When he entered the civil work force he was a well paid IT professional in a bank and was given a laptop (one of the ways to ensure you take work home). It was the year that famous socialites leaked their porn videos online. There was much talk about it. And he got hooked. He has spent the rest of his life paying through the nose and it has ruined him physically and mentally. If he were an animal, our society would have put him out of his misery, yet we still allow mentally and physically healthy young teenagers to become hooked. You may think the above case and my notes are exaggerated. It is extreme but not unique. There are literally thousands of similar stories. That man poured his heart out to me but you can be sure that many of his friends and acquaintances envied him for being a once-a-week man. If you think this couldn&amp;rsquo;t happen to you, STOP KIDDING YOURSELF.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;it-is-already-happening&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;IT IS ALREADY HAPPENING.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In any event, PMOers like other addicts are notorious liars, even to themselves. They have to be. Most casual PMOers indulge far more times and on far more occasions than they will admit to. I have had many conversations with so-called twice-a-week PMOers during which they have done it more than three times that week. If you read the Reddit or No-Fap forums of casual PMOers, they are either counting the days or waiting to fail. You do not need to envy casual PMOers. You do not need to PMO. Life is infinitely sweeter without PMO. One log says&amp;hellip;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“It started with a simple challenge to not touch my penis for a day. And being unable. I don&amp;rsquo;t think about masturbation anymore. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t cross my mind. That is possible, I promise you. And the riches that await those who are able - they&amp;rsquo;re incredible.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Teenagers are generally more difficult to cure, not because they find it difficult to stop but because either they do not believe they are hooked or they are at the primary stage of the trap and suffer from the delusion that they will automatically have stopped before the secondary stage.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I would like particularly to warn parents of children who loathe internet porn not to have a false sense of security. All children loathe the dark sides of porn until they become hooked. You did too at one time. Also do not be fooled by scare campaigns. The trap is the same as it always was. Children know that internet porn is supranormal stimuli but they also know that one visit or peek will not do it. At some stage they may be influenced by a girlfriend or boyfriend, school friend or work colleague.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You may think that all they need is an education in brain plasticity and that PMO (including even masturbation) acts like a virus in their brain programme to convince them they could never become hooked. I find society&amp;rsquo;s failure to prevent our children from becoming addicted to internet porn and other drugs to be the most disturbing of all the many disturbing facets of addiction. I beg you not to be complacent in this matter. It is necessary to protect youngsters as their brain is more plastic at that age. I strongly urge you to read the YBOP book and educate yourself of the brain science. Even if you suspect your teenager might lready be hooked, the book will provide excellent guidance to assist in gaining understanding for someone to escape.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;RC&lt;/strong&gt; - reward circuits.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Regulation&lt;/strong&gt; - Up and down regulation is a natural reactionary process of the brain to adjust receptors and or their neuro-transmitters based on the level that is present.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-23 Just One Peek</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:35:22 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;“Just one peek” is a myth you must get out of your mind:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek that gets us started in the first place.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek to tide us over a difficult patch or on a special occasion that defeats most of our attempts to stop.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek that, when PMOers have succeeded in breaking the addiction, sends them back into the trap. Sometimes it is just to confirm that they do not need them any more and that one harem visit does just that.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The after effect of PMO will be horrible and convinces the PMOer he will never become hooked again but he already is. The PMOer feels that something that is making him or her so miserable and guilty should have not made him or her do it yet they did.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is the thought of that one special PMO session that often prevents users from stopping. The one after your long conference trip or the one after your hard day at work or your fight with kids or after an incident where your partner rejects you for sex. Get it firmly in your mind there is no such thing as “just one peek.” It is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you break it. It is the myth about the odd, special occasion that keeps PMOers moping about it when they stop. Get into the habit of never seeing the “no big deal” (NBD&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;) session - it is a fantasy. Whenever you think about porn or PMO, see a whole filthy lifetime of spending a lot of time behind a screen just for the privilege of destroying yourself mentally and physically, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of hopelessness. It is not a crime if your erections are unreliable. But it is when you could be happier in the long term but choose to sacrifice that for a short term pleasure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is OK that we cant always come up with something to do for the void and it is not realistically possible to do that every time and for our entire life. Yes, we can plan for most of them, but sometimes void happens. Good times and bad times also happen, irrespective of your PMO anyway. But get it clearly into your mind: the PMO isn&amp;rsquo;t it. You are stuck with either a lifetime of misery or none at all. You wouldn&amp;rsquo;t dream of taking cyanide because you liked the taste of almonds, so stop punishing yourself with the thought of the occasional “no big deal” PMO. Ask a PMOer with issues, “if you had the opportunity to go back to the time before you became hooked, would you have become a PMOer?” The answer is inevitably, “you have got to be joking!” Yet every PMOer has that choice every day of his life. Why doesn&amp;rsquo;t he opt for it? The answer is fear. The fear that he cannot stop or that life won&amp;rsquo;t be the same without it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stop kidding yourself! You can do it. Anybody can. It&amp;rsquo;s ridiculously easy. In order to make it easy to stop masturbating to internet porn there are certain fundamentals to get clear in your mind. We have already dealt with three of them up to now:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is nothing to give up. There are actually only marvellous positive gains to achieve.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Never convince yourself of the odd/NBD (no big deal) or JOP&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; (just one peak) PMO. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. There is only a lifetime of filth and slavery,&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is nothing different about you. Any addicted PMOer can find it easy to stop.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers believe that they are confirmed addicts or have addictive personalities. This usually happens if they have read the shocking&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:3&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:3&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;3&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; part of the brain science a little bit too much. I promise you there is no such thing. No one is born with needs to masturbate to video clips before they become hooked on the drug. It is the drug that hooks you and not the nature of your character or personality. It is the effect of addictive supranormal stimuli that makes you believe that you have an addictive personality. However, it is essential that you remove this belief because if you believe that you are dependent on internet porn, you will be. Even after the little porn monster inside your body is dead. It is essential to remove all of this brainwashing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;NBD&lt;/strong&gt; - no big deal.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;JOP&lt;/strong&gt; - Just one peek.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:3&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The shocking part of brain chemistry talks about a long lasting deltaFosB stable protein that forms the water slide cues in our brains. These cause the slip-lapse-relapse cycles in addicts. They are greased (kept alive) every time the addicted substance is used.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:3&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-22 Beware of Cutting Down</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:28:58 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers resort to cutting down either as a stepping-stone towards stopping or as an attempt to control the little monster. Many recommend cutting down or a porn diet&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; as a pick-me-up. Obviously, the less you PMO the better off you are but as a stepping-stone to stopping, cutting down is fatal. It is these attempts to cut down that keep us trapped all our lives.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Usually cutting down follows failed attempts to stop. After a few hours or days of abstinence the PMOer says to himself something like:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I cannot face the thought of going to sleep without visiting my online harem, so from now on I will just PMO once in four days or I will purge my collection of bad porn. If I can follow this porn diet, I can either hold it there or cut down further.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Certain terrible things now happen:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He has the worst of all worlds. He is still addicted to internet porn and is keeping the monster alive not only in his body but also in his mind.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He is now wishing his life away waiting for the next session.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Prior to cutting down, whenever he wanted to visit his harem he would fire up his browser and at least partially relieved his withdrawal pangs. Now, in addition to the normal stresses and strains of life, he is actually causing himself to suffer the withdrawal pangs from porn most of his life. So he is causing himself to be even more miserable and bad tempered.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;While he was indulging himself, he didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy most of the PMO sessions nor did he realize he was using a supranormal stimulate. It was automatic. The only harem visits that he imagined he enjoyed were after a period of abstinence (e.g. the first in the four days, the one after a business trip, etc.).&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now that he waits an extra hour for each harem visit, he enjoys every one. The longer he waits, the more enjoyable each PMO session appears to become because the enjoyment in a session isn&amp;rsquo;t the session itself; it&amp;rsquo;s the ending of the agitation caused by the craving, whether it be the slight physical craving for internet porn or the mental moping. The longer you suffer, the more enjoyable each session becomes.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The main difficulty of stopping PMOing is not the brain chemical addiction. That&amp;rsquo;s easy. PMOers will all on without it anyway on various occasions - such as death of a loved one, family/work affairs keeping them away from access etc. They will go say, ten days without internet porn and it doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother them. But if they went the same ten days during which time they can have access to internet porn, they would be tearing their hair out.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers will get a chance during their work day and abstain from masturbating to orgasm. PMOers will pass through Victorias Secret store in the mall, swimming pools and so on without undue inconvenience. Many PMOers will abstain if they have to sleep on the couch temporarily to make space for a visitor or if they are themselves visiting . Even in the Go-Go bars or on nudist beaches there have been no riots. PMOer are almost pleased for someone to say they cannot masturbate. In fact, PMOers who want to quit get a secret pleasure out of going long periods without a harem visit. It gives them the hope that maybe one day they will never want it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The real problem when stopping is the brainwashing. That illusion of entitlement that internet porn is some sort of prop or reward and life will never be quite the same without it. Far from turning you off to internet porn, all cutting down does is to leave you feeling insecure and miserable and to convince you that the most precious thing on this earth is the missed new clip on your tube site, that there is no way that you will ever be happy again without seeing that one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There is nothing more pathetic than the PMOer who is trying to cut down. He suffers from the delusion that the less he PMOs, the less he will want to visit the online harems&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;. In fact, the reverse is true. The less he PMOs, the longer he suffers the withdrawal pangs; the more he enjoys the PMO. However, the more he will then notice that his favourite genre or star are not hitting the spot now. But that won&amp;rsquo;t stop him. If the tube sites were to dedicate to one star only no PMOers would ever go more than once to those online harems.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You find that difficult to believe? OK, let&amp;rsquo;s talk it out. Which is the worst moment of self control one feels? Waiting for four days and then having a climax. Which is one of the most precious moment for most PMOers who are in the 4 day porn diet? That&amp;rsquo;s right, the same climax after waiting for four days! Now do you really believe you are masturbating to it to enjoy the orgasm? Or do you think a more rational explanation is that you are relieving withdrawal pangs and the illusion that your are entitled to PMO?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is essential that we remove all these illusions about PMO before you extinguish that final session. Unless you&amp;rsquo;ve removed the illusion that you enjoy it before you close the window on the final one, there is no way you can prove it afterwards without getting hooked again. So, unless you are already online waiting to go to your tube site, do type it now. Open up your favourites folder and PMO to your most favourites - star, genre, theme etc. Now as you are in the action ask yourself what is so glorious about this thing. Perhaps you believe that it is only certain clips that are of good taste, like the one on your habitual or favourite theme? If so, why do you bother to watch the other videos and themes?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Because you got into the habit of doing it? Now why would anyone get into the habit of PMO which is screwing up their brain scripts and wasting themselves? Why should a clip of the same star that hit the spot last month not be as exciting now? Nothing is different after a month, so why should porn clip be different after a month?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t just rely on me, check it out yourself. Find that hot clip from last month to prove that it is different. Now, set a reminder and watch the same clip after a week of no PMO. It will hit (almost) the same spots like it did last month. The same clip will also do a different thing to you after a social event where you are turned down or tested by some potential partner. The reason is that the addict can never be really happy if that little monster remains unsatisfied.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Where does satisfaction come into it? It&amp;rsquo;s just that they are miserable if they aren&amp;rsquo;t allowed to relieve their withdrawal symptoms at those times. So the difference between PMOing and not PMOing is the difference between being happy and miserable. That&amp;rsquo;s why the internet porn appears to be better. Whereas PMOers who get on the internet first thing in the morning for porn are miserable whether they are PMOing or not.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Cutting down not only doesn&amp;rsquo;t work but it is the worst form of torture. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t work because initially the PMOer hopes that by getting into the habit of using less and less, he will reduce his desire to PMO. It is not a habit. It is an addiction and the nature of any addiction is to want more and more, not less and less. Therefore in order to cut down, the PMOer has to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of his life. So cutting down means willpower and discipline forever.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The main problem of stopping is not the dopamine addiction to internet porn. That&amp;rsquo;s easy to cope with. It is the mistaken belief that the porn gives you some pleasure. This mistaken belief is brought about initially by the brainwashing we receive before we started using internet porn, which is then reinforced by the actual addiction. All cutting down does is reinforce the fallacy further to the extent that porn dominates the users life completely and convinces him that the most precious thing on this earth is the addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have already said, cutting down never works anyway because you have to or must exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life. If you did not have enough willpower to stop then you certainly have not got enough to cut down. Stopping is far easier and less painful. I have heard of literally thousands of cases in which cutting down has failed.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The handful of successes I have known have been achieved after a relatively short period of cutting down, followed by the &amp;lsquo;cold turkey&amp;rsquo;. These PMOers really stopped in spite of cutting down, not because of it. All it did was prolong the agony. A failed attempt to cut down leaves the PMOer a nervous wreck, even more convinced that he is hooked for life. This is usually enough to keep him reverting back to is online harem for pleasure and crutch for another stretch of time before the next attempt.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;However, cutting down helps to illustrate the whole futility of PMO because it clearly illustrates that a visit to the harem is enjoyable only after a period of abstinence. You have to bang your head against a brick wall (i.e. suffer withdrawal pangs) to make it nice when you stop. So the choices are:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Cut down for life. This will be self-imposed torture and you will not be able to do it anyway.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Increasingly torture yourself for life. What is the point?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Be nice to yourself. Stop doing it.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The other important point that cutting down demonstrates is that there is no such thing as the odd or occasional harem visit. Internet porn is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you make a positive effort to break it:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h2 id=&#34;remember-cutting-down-will-drag-you-down&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;REMEMBER: CUTTING DOWN WILL DRAG YOU DOWN.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h2&gt;
&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Porn Diet&lt;/strong&gt; - Intentionally cutting down or attempting to control etc. Frequency: Restricting PMO to once in four days. Time: Setting a timer for the session. Shock: Safe porn only. Novelty: Only one clip.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Harems&lt;/strong&gt; - Internet porn sites that cater for streaming videos, webcams and pictures.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-21 the Willpower Method of Stopping</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:20:42 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;It is an accepted fact in our society that it is very difficult to stop PMO. Even books and forums advising you how to do so usually start off by telling you how difficult it is. The truth is that it is ridiculously easy. Yes, I can understand you questioning that statement but just consider it. If your aim is to run a mile in under four minutes, that&amp;rsquo;s difficult. You may have to undergo years of hard training and even then you may be physically incapable of doing it. (Much of our achievement lies in the mind. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it strange how difficult it was until Roger Bannister actually did it but nowadays it is commonplace?).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;However, in order to stop PMOing all you have to do is not watch internet porn and or masturbate any more. No one forces you to masturbate (apart from yourself) and unlike food or drink, you don&amp;rsquo;t need it to survive. So if you want to stop doing it, why should it be difficult? In fact, it isn&amp;rsquo;t. It is PMOers who make it difficult by using the Willpower Method. I define the Willpower Method as any method that forces the PMOer to feel he is making some sort of sacrifice. Let us just consider the Willpower Method.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We do not decide to become PMOers. We merely experiment with porn magazines or websites and because they are awful, yes that is right awful - except for our desired clip, we are convinced that we can stop whenever we want to. In the main, we watch those first few clips only when we want to and that is usually on special occasions. Before we realize it, we are not only visiting those sites regularly and masturbating when we want to, we are masturbating to them every day. PMO has become a part of our lives. We then ensure that we always have an internet connection wherever we go. We believe that we are entitled to love, sex and orgasms - and also that porn helps to relieve stress. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t seem to occur to us that the same clip and actors do not provide us the same degree of arousal and that we are either escalating or fighting against the red line we have put around ourselves to avoid harmful “bad porn.” In fact, masturbation and internet porn neither improves our sex life nor does it relieve stress, it&amp;rsquo;s just that PMOers believe they can&amp;rsquo;t enjoy life or handle stress without an orgasm - even mind induced porn orgasms. Because that is what many times we are doing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It usually takes us a long time to realize that we are hooked because we suffer from the illusion that PMOers masturbate because they enjoy porn - not because they have to have porn - a need. While we are not “enjoying” porn (which we can never do unless novelty, shock or escalation is added), we suffer from the illusion that we can stop whenever we want to. This is a confidence trap. I dont enjoy porn, so I am sure I can stop when I want to. Only that you never seem to want to stop though.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Usually it is not until we actually try to stop that we realize a problem exists. The first attempts to stop are more often than not in the early days and are usually triggered off by boy-meets-girl and boy notices the girl is not quite enough after the initial dates or health (the teenager is still active in sport and finds he is short of breath).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever the reason, the PMOer always waits for a stressful situation, whether it be health or sex. As soon as he stops, the little monster needs feeding. The PMOer then wants something to pump that dopamine - a cigarette or alcohol or of course internet porn where your favourites are just a click and log in away. The porn cache is no longer down in the basement, its now virtual in the cloud. If the girl is around or if he is with his friends he cannot have access to his virtual harem and this makes him more distressed.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now by this time if he had already come across YBOP or Reddit material he is going to be having a tiresome “tug of war” (TOW&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;), resisting his temptations and feeling deprived. The thing he usually takes to relieve stress is now not available, so he suffers a triple blow. The probable result after a period of torture is the compromise, “I&amp;rsquo;ll cut down,” or, “I&amp;rsquo;ve picked the wrong time,” or, “I&amp;rsquo;ll wait until the stress has gone from my life.” However, once the stress has gone, he has no need to stop and doesn&amp;rsquo;t decide to do so again until the next stressful time. Of course, the time is never right because life for most people doesn&amp;rsquo;t become less stressful; it becomes more so. We leave the protection of our parents and enter the world of setting up home, taking on mortgages, having children, more responsible jobs, etc. Of course, the PMOer&amp;rsquo;s life can never become less stressful because it is the porn that actually causes stress. The quicker the PMOer passes on to the escalation stage, the more distressed he becomes and the greater the illusion of his dependency grows.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In fact, it is an illusion that life becomes more stressful and it&amp;rsquo;s the porn itself, or a similar crutch, that creates the illusion. This will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 28. After these initial failures the PMOer usually relies on the possibility that one day he will wake up and just not want to masturbate, use porn etc. any more. This hope is usually kindled by the stories that he has heard about other ex-PMOers (e.g. “I was not serious until I had a fading penetration then I didnt want to use porn any more and stopped masturbating”).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t kid yourself. I have probed all of these rumours and they are never quite as simple as they appear. Usually the user has already been preparing himself to stop and merely used the incident as a springboard. I spent many years waiting to wake up one morning wanting never to PMO again. Whenever I had a PIED incident or even lack of energy - I would look forward to my energy dip to end because it was interfering with my entitled porn orgasms.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;More often in the case of people who stop “just like that” they have suffered a shock. Perhaps a discovery by their girlfriend or wife, a self spotting incident of accessing porn that is not of your normal sexual orientation, or they have had a scare themselves. It is so much easier to say, “I just decided to stop one day. That&amp;rsquo;s the sort of guy I am.” Stop kidding yourself! It won&amp;rsquo;t happen unless you make it happen.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let&amp;rsquo;s consider in greater detail why the Willpower Method is so difficult. For most of our lives we adopt the head-in-the-sand, “I&amp;rsquo;ll stop tomorrow” approach. At odd times something will trigger off an attempt to stop. It may be concerns about health, virility or we may have been going through a particularly heavy bout of self analyses and realize that we don&amp;rsquo;t actually enjoy it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever the reason, we take our head out of the sand and start weighing up the pros and cons of PMO. It is time to define what PMO is - the internet porn IP, any porn, masturbation with or without porn and orgasms. Sex is split into amative and propagative. This distinction is one of our major keys in opening up our minds doors. Without which there will be confusion and failure will be the result. We then find out what we have known all our lives: on a rational assessment the conclusion is, a dozen times over, STOP PMOing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you were to sit down and give points out often to all the advantages of stopping and do a similar exercise with the advantages of PMOing, the total point count for stopping would far outweigh the disadvantages. If you employ Pascals Wager - by quitting, you will see that you are losing almost nothing with higher chances of gaining a lot and also higher chances of NOT losing a lot. However, although the PMOer knows that he will be better off as a non-PMOer, he does believe that he is making a sacrifice. Although it is an illusion, it is a powerful illusion. The PMOer doesn&amp;rsquo;t know why, but he believes that during the good times and the bad times of life the PMO sessions does appear to help. Before he starts the attempt he has the brainwashing of our society, reinforced by the brainwashing of his own addiction. To these must be added the even more powerful brainwashing of how difficult it is to “give up.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;He has heard stories of PMOers who have stopped for many months and are still desperately craving. There are all the disgruntled stoppers (people who stop and then spend the rest of their lives bemoaning the fact that they&amp;rsquo;d love to PMO). He has heard of the PMOers who had stopped for many months or even years, apparently leading happy lives but then have one look or PMO and are suddenly hooked again. Probably he also knows several PMOers in the advanced stages of the disease who are visibly destroying themselves and are clearly not enjoying life yet they continue to PMO. Added to all this, he has perhaps already suffered one or more of these experiences himself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So, instead of starting with the feeling, “Great! Have you heard the news? I dont need to PMO any more!” He starts with a feeling of doom and gloom, as if he were trying to climb Everest and he firmly believes that once the little monster has got his hooks into you, you are hooked for life. Many PMOers even start the attempt by apologizing to their girlfriends and wives: “Look. I am trying to give up PMO. I will probably be irritable during the next few weeks. Try to bear with me.” Most attempts are doomed before they start.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let&amp;rsquo;s assume that the PMOer survives a few days without a PMO session. He is getting back his arousal and morning wood is starting to rear its head. He hasn&amp;rsquo;t opened the “favourites” on his tube sites and consequently getting turned on and a tent appears for incidences where he would have zoned out before. So the reasons why he decided to stop in the first place are rapidly disappearing from his thoughts. It is like seeing a bad road accident when you are driving. It slows you down for a while but the next time you are late for an appointment you have forgotten all about it and your foot stamps on the throttle.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;On the other side of the tug of war, that little monster inside you hasn&amp;rsquo;t had his fix. There is no physical pain. If you had the same feeling because of a cold, you wouldn&amp;rsquo;t stop working or get depressed. You would laugh it off. All the PMOer knows is that he wants to visit his harem. Quite why it is so important to him he doesn&amp;rsquo;t know. The little monster in the stomach then starts off the big monster in the mind and now the person who a few hours or days earlier was listing all the reasons to stop is desperately searching for any excuse to start again. Now he is saying things like:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Life is too short. A bomb could go off. I could step under a bus tomorrow. I have left it too late. They tell you everything gives you addiction these days.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“I have picked the wrong time. I should have waited until after Christmas, after my holidays/tests, after this stressful event in my life. I cannot concentrate, I am getting irritable and bad tempered. I cannot do my job properly. My family and friends won&amp;rsquo;t love me. Let&amp;rsquo;s face it, for everybody&amp;rsquo;s sake I have got to start again. I am a confirmed sex addict and there is no way I will ever be happy again without an orgasm inducing masturbation.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“No man can survive without sex (brainwashed by well meaning people who did not think about the amative and propagative distinction of sex).”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“I know this will happen - my brain is sensitized by the deltaFosB due to changes effected by dopamine surges because of my past excessive porn use. Sensitization can never be removed from the brain.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;At this stage the PMOer usually gives in. He fires up his browser and the schizophrenia increases. On the one hand there is the tremendous relief of ending the craving, when the little monster finally gets his fix; on the other hand, the orgasm is awful and the PMOer cannot understand why he is doing it. This is why the PMOer thinks he lacks willpower. In fact, it is not lack of willpower; all he has done is to change his mind and make a perfectly-rational decision in the light of the latest information.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“What&amp;rsquo;s the point of being healthy if you are miserable?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“What is the point of being rich if you are miserable?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Absolutely none. Far better to have a shorter enjoyable life than a lengthy miserable life. Fortunately, that is not true - just the reverse. Life as a non-PMOer is infinitely more enjoyable but it was this delusion that kept me masturbating for twenty five years. I must confess, if that were the true situation, I would still be PMOing. The misery that the PMOer is suffering has nothing to do with withdrawal pangs. True, they trigger them off, but the actual agony is in the mind and it is caused by doubt and uncertainty. Because the PMOer starts by feeling he is making a sacrifice, he begins to feel deprived - this is a form of stress. One of the times when his brain tells him, “have a peek,” will be a time of stress. Therefore as soon as he stops, he wants to go back. But now he can&amp;rsquo;t because he has stopped. This makes him more depressed, which sets the trigger off again. Another thing that makes it so difficult is the waiting for something to happen. If your object is to pass a driving test, as soon as you have passed the test it is certain you have achieved your object. Under the Willpower Method you say, “if I can go long enough without internet porn then the urge to PMO will eventually go.” You can see this in the forum where addicts talk about their number of days of abstinences.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;How do you know when you have achieved it? The answer is that you never do because you are waiting for something to happen and nothing else is going to happen. You stopped when you had that last session and what you are really doing now is waiting to see how long it will be before you give in. Especially if you have read and subscribed the brain chemistry and DeltaFosB or any other similar sciences. You say, “if only I wait it out - like kidney stones - it will dissolve and go away.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I said above, the agony that the PMOer undergoes is mental and caused by uncertainty. Although there is no physical pain, it still has a powerful effect. The PMoer is miserable and feeling insecure. Far from forgetting about PMO, his mind instead becomes obsessed with it. There can be days or even weeks of black depression. His mind is obsessed with doubts and fears.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“How long will the craving last?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Will I ever be happy again?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Will I ever want to get up in the morning?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“How will I ever cope with stress in future?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The PMOer is waiting for things to improve but of course while he is still moping, the harem is becoming more precious. In fact, something does happen but the user isn&amp;rsquo;t conscious of it. If he can survive three weeks without opening up his browser at all, the physical craving for porn and orgasm (the little monster) disappears. However, as stated before, the pangs of withdrawal from dopamine and opioids are so mild that the user isn&amp;rsquo;t aware of them.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;But after about three weeks many PMOers sense that they have “kicked it.” So they then take a peek to prove it and it does just that. The ex-PMOer has now supplied dopamine to the body and as soon as he is done it starts to leave the body. There is now a little voice at the back of his mind saying, “you want another one.” In fact, he had kicked it but now he has hooked himself again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you were a child you watched Mickey Mouse on TV and as per the brain science you formed DeltaFosB for the cartoon. If I were to discourage you at that time from watching this program - Id study why adults dont like to watch their favourite childhood cartoon anymore - whether they still hold this DeltaFosB or not. For one, they have better entertainment and for the other the old cartoon does not hold the magic anymore. With the Willpower Method you are denying the child the cartoon - but with my method you are also making sure that he sees no value in the cartoon. Which one is better?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The PMOer will not usually get into another session immediately. He thinks, “I don&amp;rsquo;t want to get hooked again!” So he allows a safe period to pass. It might be hours, days, even weeks. The ex-PMOer can now say, “well, I didn&amp;rsquo;t get hooked, so I can safely have another session.” He has fallen back into the same trap as he did in the first place and is already on the slippery slope.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;PMOers who succeed under the Willpower Method tend to find it long and difficult because the main problem is the brainwashing - long after the physical addiction has died, the PMOer is still moping around all miserable. Eventually - if he can survive this long-term torture - it begins to dawn on him that he is not going to give in. He stops moping and accepts that life goes on and is enjoyable without PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers are succeeding with this Willpower Method but it is difficult and arduous. There are many more failures than successes. Even those who do succeed can go through the rest of their lives in a vulnerable state. They are left with a certain amount of the brainwashing and believe that during good and bad times the PMOs can give you a boost. (Most non-PMOers also suffer from that illusion. They are subjected to the brainwashing also but either find they cannot learn to “enjoy” internet porn or are too religious and don&amp;rsquo;t want the bad side, thank you very much). This explains why many PMOers who have stopped for long periods end up starting again later on.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many ex-PMOers will have the occasional session as a “special treat” or to convince themselves how strong their self-control is. It does exactly that but as soon as their session ends, dopamine starts to leave and a little voice at the back of their mind is saying, “you want another one.” If they get on with another one, it still seems to be under control - no shocks, no escalation, no novelty seek and they say, “marvellous! While I am not really enjoying it, I won&amp;rsquo;t get hooked. After Christmas/the holiday/this trauma, I will stop,” Little do they know the water slides of their brain. The action greased the slides even more.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Too late. They are already hooked. The trap that they fell into in the first place has claimed its victim again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I keep saying, enjoyment doesn&amp;rsquo;t come into it. It never did! If we PMOed because we enjoyed it, nobody would stay on the tube sites more than the average time it takes to finish the deed. Anyway, a better way to orgasm is to masturbate out of your memories. We assume we enjoy internet porn only because we cannot believe we would be so stupid as to get addicted if we didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy them. I had no idea about supranormal stimulus or novelty-seeking or shock-seeking, and even after I read about them, I did not believe that so much of my “fun” seeking was to do with simple evolutionary reward circuit wiring. I am some lab rat? I have free will! This is why so much of our PMOing is subconscious. If, while using, you were aware of the brain changes (the dopamine/opioid squirts, diluting of those fluids, the closing up of their receptors, the satiation levels going up ruining our future encounters and experiences with the opposite sex and you had to say to yourself, “this is going to cost $$$ in my lifetime, and this session with an unknown two dimensional actor might just be the one to trigger off PIED, PE, hypofrontality by greasing those water slides” - even the illusion of enjoyment would go.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When we try to block our minds to the bad side, we feel stupid. If we had to face up to it, that would be intolerable! If you get to watch a PMOer in action, you will see that they are happy only when they are not aware that they are PMOing. Once they become aware of it, they tend to be uncomfortable and apologetic. We PMO to feed that little monster&amp;hellip; and once you have purged the little monster from your body and the big monster from your brain, you will have neither need nor desire to PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;TOW&lt;/strong&gt;- tug of war, dichotomous thinking, double thinking.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-20 Those Sinister Black Shadows</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:18:55 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Another of the great joys of quitting porn is to be free of those sinister black shadows at the back of our minds. All PMOers know they are fools to close their minds on the ill-effects of PMO. For most of our lives PMO is automatic but the black shadows are always lurking in our subconscious minds, just beneath the surface. There are several marvellous advantages to achieve from quitting PMO. Some of them I was consciously aware of throughout my life, such as the health risks, the waste of time and the sheer stupidity of making love to a two dimensional image. However, such was my fear of quitting, so obsessed was I in resisting all the attempts of do-gooders and anyone else who tried to persuade me to quit, that all my imagination and energy was directed to finding any flimsy excuse that would allow me to continue to PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Amazingly, my most ingenious thoughts occurred when I was actually trying to quit. They were of course inspired by the fear and misery I suffered when attempting to quit by using willpower. No way could I block my mind from the health and sexual aspects. But now that I am free it amazes me how I successfully blocked my mind from even more important advantages to be gained from quitting. I&amp;rsquo;ve already mentioned the sheer slavery - spending half of our lives being allowed to PMO, doing it automatically and wishing we had never started, the other half feeling miserable and deprived because the knowledge of the destructive effects of internet porn won&amp;rsquo;t allow us to PMO. In the last chapter I&amp;rsquo;ve referred to the incredible joy of having energy again. But for me the greatest joy of being free was not the health, the time, the energy, or the ending of the slavery, it was the removal of those sinister black shadows, the removal of feeling despised by and feeling apologetic to myself and to other quitters, and most of all to be able to respect yourself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Most PMOers aren&amp;rsquo;t the weak-willed, spineless jellyfish that both society and themselves tend to believe. In every other aspect of my life I was in control. I loathed myself for being dependent on an evil crutch that I knew was ruining my life. I cannot tell you of the utter joy of being free of those sinister black shadows, the dependency and the self-despising. I can&amp;rsquo;t tell you how nice it is to be able to look at all other users, whether they be young, old, casual or heavy, not with a feeling of envy, but with a feeling of pity for them and elation for yourself that you are no longer the slave of that insidious trap. The other day I felt pity for the guy on a TV show who was so excited to get to watch porn - another case of society slipping one in your drink under the pretence of comedy.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The last two chapters have dealt with the considerable advantages of being a non-PMOer. I feel it necessary to give a balanced account, so the next chapter lists the advantages of being a PMOer.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-19 It Relaxes Me and Gives Me Confidence</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:16:17 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is the worst fallacy of all about PMOing and for me it ranks with the ending of the slavery, the greatest benefit from quitting - is not to have to go through life with the permanent feelings of insecurity that PMOers suffer from.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;PMOers find it very difficult to believe that masturbation to internet porn actually causes those insecure feelings you get when you are out late at night after a contentious day at home or work. Non-PMOers do not suffer from that feeling. It is the porn that causes it. I only became aware of many of the advantages of stopping months afterwards, as a result of my consultations with other PMOers.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I refused to see my PMO as causing so much of the mental tug of war in my mind that I am foolishly working hard to have nominal levels of confidence in my day to day life. Forget about getting an erection, I am talking about focusing, taking challenges, fighting, choosing, deciding - actions that define our lives. Especially when we are often forced to act when the facts are not clear. Come to think of it, facts were and will never be clear and hence it is to our great advantage anyway to act.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Also of note is in dating area as well, the fire to go forward is being misappropriated to this high reward zero pain porn. If you have read some top PUA books and forums, what do they say? Go on a diet&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;? Yes of course when you have the good hunger your internal juices and your brain will do the rest. Copping out is not an option at all. Playing the numbers is not tiresome by no means. All PUA advice in a nut-shell is this - try more numbers. Even if your approach is wrong you will be right twice a day like a broken clock. But if your mind is fighting a tug of war with effortless easy access to a harem of online women, how would you get back on your feet when that girl ignores you? Oh, if it was a public outright rejection I am running, not walking, to my porn girlfriend.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For a long time, before YBOP and Garys articles, none of these things did I relate to my PMOing habit but getting off it has been like awakening from a bad dream. Nowadays I look forward to each day. Of course, bad things still happen in my life, and I am subject to normal stresses and strains but it is wonderful to have the confidence to cope with them, and extra health, energy and confidence make the good times more enjoyable too.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;porn diet&lt;/strong&gt; - n number of days off before PMO.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-18 Energy</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:12:56 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Most PMOers are aware of the effect that this progressive process of PMO, leading to novelty and escalation seeking, has on their brains reward circuits and their sexual system. However, they are not so aware of the effect it has on their energy level.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;One of the subtleties of the PMO trap is that the effects it has on us, both physical and mental, happen so gradually and imperceptibly that we are not aware of them and regard them as normal. It is very similar to the effects of bad eating habits. The pot-belly appears so gradually that it causes us no alarm. We look at people who are grossly overweight and wonder how they could possibly have allowed themselves to reach that state.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;But supposing it happened overnight. You went to bed weighing 140 lbs, trim, rippling with muscles and not an ounce of fat on your body. You awoke weighing 180 lbs, fat, bloated and pot-bellied. Instead of waking up feeling fully rested and full of energy, you wake up feeling miserable, lethargic and you can hardly open your eyes. You would be panic-stricken, wondering what awful disease you had contracted overnight. Yet the disease is exactly the same.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The fact that it took you twenty years to reach that state is irrelevant. So it is with PMOing. If I could immediately transfer you into your mind and body to give you a direct comparison on how you would feel having stopped internet porn for just three weeks, that is all I would need to do to persuade you to quit. You would think: “Will I really feel this good?” Or what it really amounts to: “Had I really sunk that low?” I emphasize that I don&amp;rsquo;t just mean that you would feel healthier and have more energy but how you would also feel more confident and relaxed and better able to concentrate.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As a teenager, I can remember rushing around just for the hell of it. I was interested in reading, I had set up a chemical lab, tried fixing (old CRT) TVs, dabbled with cooking etc. I was fascinated by scientists. Then I got attracted to makers and doers of the rag-to-riches lives of real people. I had the inner push and I knew I had it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I then was introduced to print porn, then came music TV channels, followed by static computer images. By this time I was permanently tired and lethargic. Then came internet porn of images and downloadable movies. I used to struggle to wake up at nine o&amp;rsquo;clock in the morning. After my evening meal I would already be thinking about porn before going to bed, even when I had a girlfriend. Sex with her was a chore. But PMO with internet porn had all the novelty, shock, etc. No one can match that lure. And then the internet upped its game with tube sites, catalogued porn genres, hearting favorites and all in lightning speed, high quality, no traces of downloads. Even the browsers went incognito, thoroughly helping me to cover my tracks. Reward with no pains.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;By this time, the lack of energy, tiredness and everything related to it is nicely swept under the rug of getting older. My friends and colleagues by this time are all living sedentary lifestyles. I hought this behaviour was normal. I believed that energy was the exclusive prerogative of children and teenagers, and that old age began in the early twenties. I did not notice that I was paying attention to my health in general by eating right - which they did not. But I did not notice that anomaly.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Shortly after I stopped PMO, I was relieved that this foggy and muggy feeling left me. For example, I can keep a steady gaze with my eyes on just about anything for a longer time. If I am looking into someones eyes it is even longer. However something truly marvellous and unexpected also happened. I started waking at seven o&amp;rsquo;clock in the morning feeling completely rested and full of energy, actually wanting to exercise, jog and swim. I have read about a forty-eight year old who couldn&amp;rsquo;t run a step or swim a stroke. The only sporting activities were confined to such dynamic pursuits as green bowling, affectionately referred to as “the old man&amp;rsquo;s game,” and golf, for which he had to use a motorized cart. But after quitting PMO he started going to gym - not that it is necessary that everyone would - but still. Almost all us know that it&amp;rsquo;s great to have energy and when you feel physically and mentally strong, it feels great to be alive.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That is the point with PMOing - you are always debiting your energy. And in that process tampering with your brain codes of the reward circuit. Which again is going to make you miserable and vulnerable to stress and strain attacks. Unfortunately when you feel down with all of this you will seek a cigarette or alcohol or again porn. Unlike quitting smoking, where the return of your physical and mental health is only gradual, quitting PMO gives you excellent results from day one. Starting with energy. Then your mental programming to close the water slides takes a bit of time. You need to kill the Little Monster - which will be explained in later chapters. Recovering your RC is nothing like as slow as the slide into the pit and if you are going through the trauma of the willpower method of quitting, any health or energy gains will be obliterated by the depression you will be going through. Unfortunately, I cannot immediately transfer you into your mind and body in three weeks&amp;rsquo; time. But you can! You know instinctively that what I am telling you is correct. All you need to do is: USE YOUR IMAGINATION!&lt;/p&gt;
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<title>03-17 Health</title> <title>03-17 Health</title>
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<title>03-35 the Main Reasons for Failure</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:23:39 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;There are two main reasons for failure. The first is the influence of external stimuli - a commercial, online news articles, internet browsing etc. At a weak moment or even during a social occasion somebody will get intimate with their partner. I have already dealt with this topic at length. Use that moment to remind yourself that there is no such thing as one visit or one peek. Rejoice in the fact that you have broken the chain of mental slavery. Remember that the PMOer envies you, and feel sorry for him. Believe me, he needs your pity. The other main reason for failure is having a bad day. Get it clear in your mind before you start that, whether you are a PMOer or a non-PMOer, there are good days and bad days. It rains for both the pope and the murderer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Life is a matter of relativity and you cannot have ups without having downs. The problem with the Willpower Method of stopping is that as soon as the PMOer has a bad day he starts moping for his harem visit and all that does is make a bad day worse. The non-PMOer is better equipped, not only physically but also mentally, to cope with the stresses and strains of life. If you have a bad day during the withdrawal period just take it on the chin. Remind yourself that you had bad days when you were addicted (otherwise you wouldn&amp;rsquo;t have decided to stop). Instead of moping about it, say to yourself something like, “OK, today&amp;rsquo;s not so good but masturbating is not going to cure it. Tomorrow will be better and at least I have got a marvellous bonus at the moment. I have kicked that awful PMO habit.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you are a PMOer you have to block your mind to the bad side of PMO. PMOer never have brain fog just “a bit down.” When you are having lifes inevitable troubles you want to PMO but are you happy and cheerful? Of course you aren&amp;rsquo;t. Once you stop, the tendency is to blame everything that goes wrong in your life on the fact that you have stopped.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now if your work stresses you out you think, “At times like this I would have PMOed.” That&amp;rsquo;s true but the important thing you forget is that the PMO didn&amp;rsquo;t solve the problem and you are simply punishing yourself by moping for an illusory crutch. You are creating an impossible situation. You are miserable because you can&amp;rsquo;t have the porn and masturbation yet you&amp;rsquo;ll be even more miserable if you do. You know that you have made the correct decision by stopping PMO so why punish yourself by ever doubting the decision?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Remember: A positive mental approach is essential - always.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-34 Will It Be Harder for Me?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:22:12 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;The combinations of factors that will determine how easily each individual PMOer will quit are infinite. To start with, each of us has his own character, type of work, personal circumstances, timing, etc. Certain professions may make it harder than others but providing the brainwashing is removed it doesn&amp;rsquo;t have to be so. A few individual examples will help.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It tends to be particularly difficult for members of the medical profession. We think it should be easier for doctors because they are more aware of the effects of ill- health and are seeing daily evidence of it. Although this supplies more forceful reasons for stopping, it doesn&amp;rsquo;t make it any easier to do. The reasons are these:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The constant awareness of the health risks creates fear which is one of the conditions under which we need to relieve our withdrawal pangs.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;A doctor&amp;rsquo;s work is exceedingly stressful and he is usually not able to relieve the additional stress of withdrawal pangs while he is working.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He has the additional stress of guilt. He feels that he should be setting an example for the rest of the population. This puts more pressure on him and increases the feeling of deprivation.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;After his hard day at work, when the stress is momentarily relieved by PMO, that session becomes wrongly attached to the relief experienced. Because of this mis-association of ideas the porn and the PMO gets credit for the total situation. It becomes very precious when he eventually quits and goes through his withdrawal pangs. This is a form of casual PMO and applies to any situation where the PMOer is forced to abstain for lengthy-periods. Under the Willpower Method the PMOer is miserable because he is being deprived. He is not enjoying the tiredness and sleep that goes after a PMO. His sense of loss is therefore greatly increased. However, if you can first remove the brainwashing and stop moping about the PMO, the break and the sleep can still be enjoyed even while the body is craving the amine transmitters - serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Another difficult situation is boredom, particularly when it is combined with periods of stress. Typical examples are students and single parents. The work is stressful, yet much of the work is monotonous. During an attempt to stop on the Willpower Method the single person has long periods in which to mope about his or her “loss” which increases the feeling of depression. Again this can be easily overcome if your frame of mind is correct. Do not worry that you are continually reminded that you have stopped PMOing. Use such moments to rejoice in the fact that you are ridding yourself of the evil monster.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you have a positive frame of mind these pangs can become moments of pleasure. Remember any PMOer, regardless of age, sex, intelligence or profession, can find it easy and enjoyable to stop provided &lt;em&gt;&lt;strong&gt;YOU FOLLOW ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/em&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-33 Just One Peek</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:20:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is the undoing of many PMOers who try to stop on the Willpower Method. They will go through three or four days and then have the odd peek or a PMO or two to tide them over. They do not realize the devastating effect this has on their morale.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For most PMOers that first peek at the tube site harem was not as good as sex with a real person. The clips that are clean are far in between. This gives their conscious minds a boost. They think, “Good. That wasn&amp;rsquo;t entirely all that enjoyable. I am losing the urge to PMO and I am not that much into the shocking stuff.” In fact, the reverse is the case. Get it clear in your mind - enjoyment of orgasm wasn&amp;rsquo;t the reason why you hit porn. If PMOers were there for orgasm alone, they&amp;rsquo;d never watch more than one clip. The only reason why you PMO was to feed that little monster. Just think: you had starved him for four days. How precious that one peek must have been to him. You are not aware of it in your conscious mind but the fix your body received will be communicated to your subconscious mind and all your sound preparation will be undermined. There will be a little voice at the back of your mind saying, “In spite of all the logic they are precious. I want another one.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That little peek has two damaging effects:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It keeps the little monster alive in your body.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;What&amp;rsquo;s worse, it keeps the big monster alive in your mind. If you had the “last peek”, it will be easier to have the next one.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Above all, remember:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h2 id=&#34;just-one-peek-is-how-people-get-into-pmo-addiction-in-the-first-place&#34;&gt;“Just one peek” is how people get into PMO addiction in the first place.&lt;/h2&gt;
<title>03-32 The Withdrawal Period</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:16:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;For up to three weeks after your last PMO session you may be subjected to withdrawal pangs. These consist of two quite separate factors:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The withdrawal pangs of dopamine, that empty, insecure feeling, like a hunger, which PMOers identify as a craving or “something I must to do” feeling.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The psychological trigger of certain external stimuli such as a commercial, online browsing, a telephone conversation etc.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is the failure to understand and to differentiate between these two distinct factors that makes it so difficult for PMOers to achieve success on the Willpower Method and it&amp;rsquo;s also the reason why many who do achieve it fall into the trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Although the withdrawal pangs of dopamine flush cause no physical pain, do not underestimate their power. We talk of “hunger pains” if we go without food for a day; there may be “tummy rumblings” but there is no physical pain. Even so, hunger is a powerful force and we are likely to become very irritable when deprived of food. It is similar when our body is craving its dopamine rush. The difference is that our body needs food but it doesn&amp;rsquo;t need poison and with the right frame of mind the withdrawal pangs are easily overcome and disappear very quickly.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If PMOers can abstain for a few days on the Willpower Method the craving for dopamine flush soon disappears. It is the second factor that causes the difficulty. The PMOer has got into the habit of relieving his withdrawal pangs at certain times or occasions, which causes an association of ideas (e.g. “I got a hard on so I must PMO” or “I am on the bed with my laptop and I must PMO to feel happy”). It may be easier to understand the effect with the help of an example.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You have a car for a few years and let&amp;rsquo;s say the indicator lever is on the left of the steering column. On your next car it is on the right (the law of sod). You know it is on the right but for a couple of weeks you put the windscreen wipers on whenever you want to indicate.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stopping PMO is similar. During the early days of the withdrawal period the trigger mechanism will operate at certain times. You will think, “I want to PMO.” It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from square one then these automatic cues and triggers will quickly disappear. Under the Willpower Method, because the PMOer believes he is making a sacrifice, he is moping about it and is waiting for the urge to PMO to go - far from removing these trigger mechanisms he is actually increasing them. And under the Mystic Method the PMOer starts to wonder when he is going to become a God and even demand from himself that he should not even have those bad thoughts - this paves the way for self-loathing and failure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A common trigger is alone time - particularly one at a social event with friends. The ex-PMOer (using other methods) is already miserable because he is being deprived of his usual pleasure or crutch. His friends are with their partners and are acting intimate. He is either single or is not getting any from his wife for whatever reasons. Now he is not enjoying the meal or what should be a pleasant social occasion. His ready made brain porn water slides lead him to porn as it is easier than either trying to woo his wife.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Because of his association of his entitlement to sex with his well being he is now suffering a triple blow and the brainwashing is actually being increased. If he is resolute and can hold out long enough he eventually accepts his lot and gets on with his life. However, part of the brainwashing remains and I think the second most pathetic thing about PMOing is the PMOer who has given up for health or money reasons, yet even after several years still craves “just one visit to the harem” on certain occasions. He is pining for an illusion that exists only in his mind and is needlessly torturing himself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Even under my method responding to triggers is the most common failing. The ex-PMOer tends to regard the internet porn as a sort of placebo or sugar pill. He thinks: “I know the porn does nothing for me but if I think it does then on certain occasions it will be a help to me.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A sugar pill, although giving no actual physical help, can be a powerful psychological aid to relieve genuine symptoms and is therefore a benefit. Internet porn, the habitual masturbation, however, are not sugar pills. Why? Porn creates the symptoms that it relieves and after a while ceases even to relieve these symptoms completely; the “pill” is causing the disease and quite apart from that it also happens to be the No. 1 killer poison in a mans or a womans quest for love and relationships.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You may find it easier to understand the effect when related to a non-PMOer or a successful PMOer who has quit for several years. Take the case of a PMOer who loses his partner. It is quite common at such times, with the best intentions, to say, “Have just one harem visit. It will help calm you down.” If the offer is accepted, it will not have a calming effect because the man is not addicted to dopamine and there are no withdrawal pangs to relieve. At best all it will do is to give him a momentary psychological boost.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Even after the “deed” is over, the original tragedy is still there. In fact, it will be increased because the person is now suffering withdrawal pangs and his choice is now either to endure them or to relieve them by repeating the porn water slide rides and start the chain of misery. All the porn will have done is to give a momentary psychological boost. The same effect could have been achieved by reading a book or watching a feel-good movie, even a bad one at that. Many non-PMOers and ex-PMOers have become addicted to the porn as a result of such occasions. It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from the start. Get it quite clear in your head: you don&amp;rsquo;t need the dopamine rush and you are only torturing yourself by continuing to regard it as some sort of prop or boost. There is no need to be miserable.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Orgasms do not make good relations; they at most times ruin them. Remember too that it is not entirely true at all times the men and women who show public display of intimacy are enjoying it at all times. Intimacy is best enjoyed in private where both partners can respond without embarrassments. You dont have to be an orgasm induced dopamine addict. If it happens as a natural result of a series of life events, fine- if not No Big Deal. You enjoy the occasion and life without it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Abandon the concept of the PMOing habit as pleasurable in itself, Many PMOers think, “If only there was clean internet porn.” There is clean soft porn. Any PMOer who tries it soon finds out it is a waste of time. Get it clear in your mind that the only reason you have been PMOing is to get the dopamine flush. Once you have got rid of the craving for PMO you will have no more need to visit your online harem.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whether the pangs are due to actual withdrawal symptoms (the empty feeling) or a trigger/cue mechanism, accept it. The physical pain is non-existent and with the right frame of mind it will not be a problem. Do not worry about withdrawal. The feeling itself isn&amp;rsquo;t bad. It is the association with wanting and then feeling denied that is the problem. Instead of moping about it, say to yourself, “I know what it is. It&amp;rsquo;s the withdrawal pang from PMO. That&amp;rsquo;s what PMOers suffer all their lives and that&amp;rsquo;s what keeps them PMOing. Non-PMOers do not suffer these pangs. It is another of the many evils of this lying habit. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvellous I am purging this evil from my brain?”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In other words, for the next three weeks you will have a slight trauma inside your body but during those weeks and for the rest of your life something marvellous will be happening. You will be ridding yourself of an awful disease. That bonus will more than outweigh the slight trauma and you will actually enjoy the withdrawal pangs. They will become moments of pleasure. Think of the whole business of stopping as an exciting game. Think of the porn monster as a sort of tape worm inside your stomach. You have got to starve him for three weeks and he is going to try to trick you into getting to bed to keep him alive.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;At times he will try to make you miserable. At times you will be off guard. You will receive a porn URL and you may forgot that you have stopped. There is a slight feeling of deprivation when you remember. Be prepared for these traps in advance. Whatever the temptation, get it into your mind that it is only there because of the monster inside your body and every time you resist the temptation you have dealt another mortal blow in the battle.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever you do, don&amp;rsquo;t try to forget about PMO. This is one of the things that causes PMOers using the Willpower Method hours of depression. They try to get through each day hoping that eventually they&amp;rsquo;ll just forget about it. It is like not being able to sleep. The more you worry about it, the harder it becomes. In any event you won&amp;rsquo;t be able to forget about it. For the first few days the “little monster” will keep reminding you and you won&amp;rsquo;t be able to avoid it; while there are still laptops, smartphones and magazines etc. about, you will have constant reminders.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The point is you have no need to forget. Nothing bad is happening. Something marvellous is taking place. Even if you are thinking about it a thousand times a day, SAVOR EACH MOMENT. REMIND YOURSELF HOW MARVELOUS IT IS TO BE FREE AGAIN. REMIND YOURSELF OF THE SHEER JOY OF NOT HAVING TO TORTURE YOURSELF ANYMORE. As I have said, you will find that the pangs become moments of pleasure, and you will be surprised how quickly you will then forget about internet porn.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever you do DO NOT DOUBT YOUR DECISION. Once you start to doubt, you will start to mope and it will get worse. Instead use the moment as a boost. CONVERT MOPE TO BOOST. If the cause is depression then remind yourself that&amp;rsquo;s what the internet porn and PMO were doing to you. If you are forwarded a URL by a friend, take pride in saying, “I&amp;rsquo;m happy to say I do not need them any more.” That will hurt him but when he sees that it isn&amp;rsquo;t bothering you he will be halfway to joining you.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Remember that you had very powerful reasons for stopping in the first place. Remind yourself of the costs and ask yourself whether you really want to risk too much of those fearful malfunctions of your equipage which is not the greatest loss if you ask me - but the most important loss of mental happiness and well being - of not living under a spell. This is called referenting or spotting of the minimizing efforts of the monster about the hazards. Above all, remember that the feeling is only temporary and each moment is a moment nearer to your goal.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Some PMOers fear that they will have to spend the rest of their lives reversing the &amp;lsquo;automatic triggers&amp;rsquo;. In other words, they believe that they will have to go through life kidding themselves that they don&amp;rsquo;t really need PMO by the use of psychology. This is not so. Remember that the optimist sees the bottle as half full and the pessimist sees it as half empty. In the case of PMO, the bottle is empty and the PMOer sees it as full. There are just no advantages with internet porn and PMO. It is the PMOer who has been brainwashed. Once you start telling yourself that you don&amp;rsquo;t need to orgasm using PMO, in a very short time you won&amp;rsquo;t even need to say it because the beautiful truth is&amp;hellip; you do not need to PMO. It&amp;rsquo;s the last thing you need to do; make sure it&amp;rsquo;s not the last thing you do.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-31 the Easy Way to Stop</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:07:43 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This chapter contains instructions about the easy way to stop PMO. Providing you follow the instructions, you will find that stopping ranges from relatively easy to enjoyable! But remember the definition of a brunette: “a girl who didn&amp;rsquo;t read the instructions on the bottle.” It is ridiculously easy to stop PMO. All you have to do is two things:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Make the decision that you are never going to PMO again.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t mope about it. Rejoice.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You are probably asking, “Why the need for the rest of the book? Why couldn&amp;rsquo;t you have said that in the first place?” The answer is that you would at some time have moped about it and consequently sooner or later, you would have changed your decision. You have probably already done that many times before.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have already said, the whole business of PMOing is a subtle, sinister trap. The main problem of stopping isn&amp;rsquo;t the dopamine addiction (it is a problem but not the main) but the brainwashing and it is necessary first to explode all the myths and delusions. Understand your enemy. Know his tactics and you will easily defeat him. I&amp;rsquo;ve spent most of my life trying to stop PMOing and I&amp;rsquo;ve suffered weeks of black depression. When I finally stopped I went to zero without one bad moment. It was enjoyable even during the withdrawal period, and I have never had the slightest pang since. On the contrary, it is the most wonderful thing that has happened in my life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I couldn&amp;rsquo;t understand why it had been so easy and it took me a long time to find out the reason. It was this. I knew for certain that I was never going to PMO again. During previous attempts, no matter how determined I was, I was basically trying to stop PMOing, hoping that if I could survive long enough without a session of PMO the urges would eventually go. Of course they didn&amp;rsquo;t go because I was waiting for something to happen and the more I moped about it, the more I wanted to visit my internet harem, so the craving never went.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;My final attempt was different. Like all PMOers nowadays, I had been giving the problem serious thought. Up to then, whenever I failed, I had consoled myself with the thought that it would be easier next time. It had never occurred to me that I would have to go on PMOing the rest of my life. This latter thought filled me with horror and started me thinking very deeply about the subject.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Instead of firing up my browser subconsciously, I began to analyse my feelings as I was looking at the screen. This confirmed what I already knew, I wasn&amp;rsquo;t enjoying them and they were filthy and disgusting. I started looking at non-PMOers - the ones that live in some other part of the world or the older people who never got to know the tube sites. Until then I had always regarded non-PMOers as wishy-washy, unsociable, finicky people. However, when I examined them they appeared, if anything, stronger and more relaxed. They appeared to he able to cope with the stresses and strains of life, and they seemed to enjoy social functions more than the PMOers. They certainly had more sparkle and zest than PMOers.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I started talking to ex-PMOers. Up to this point I had regarded them as people who had been forced to give up PMO for health and religious reasons and who were always secretly longing for a harem visit. A few did say, “You get the odd pangs but they are so few and far between they aren&amp;rsquo;t worth bothering about.” But most said, “Miss it? You must be joking! I have never felt better in my life.” Even failures were fail forwards for them. They did not condemn themselves. It was easier for them to unconditionally accept themselves. Like a coach who will accept a mistake by a genuinely golden player. Talking to ex-PMOers exploded another myth that I had always had in my mind. I had thought that there was an inherent weakness in me and it suddenly dawned on me that all PMOers go through this private nightmare.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Basically I said to myself, “Scores of people are stopping now and leading perfectly happy lives. I didn&amp;rsquo;t need to do it before I started and I can remember having to work hard to get used to this filth. So why do I need to do it now?” In any event I didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy PMO, I hated the whole filthy ritual and I didn&amp;rsquo;t want to spend the rest of my life being the slave of this disgusting porn addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I then said to myself:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;“WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR LAST PMO VISIT”&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I knew, right from that point, that I would never PMO again. I wasn&amp;rsquo;t expecting it to be easy; in fact, just the reverse. I fully believed that I was in for months of black depression and that I would spend the rest of my life having the occasional pang. Instead it has been absolute bliss right from the start.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It took me a long time to work out why it had been so easy and why this time I hadn&amp;rsquo;t suffered those terrifying withdrawal pangs. The reason is that they do not exist. It is the doubt and uncertainty that causes the pangs. The beautiful truth is: IT IS EASY TO STOP PMO. It is only the indecision and moping about it that makes it difficult. Even while they are addicted to porn, PMOers can go for relatively long periods at certain times in their lives without bothering about it. It is only when you want it but can&amp;rsquo;t have one that you suffer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Therefore the key to making it easy is to make stopping certain and final. Not to hope but to know you have kicked it, having made the decision. Never to doubt or question it. In fact, just the reverse - always to rejoice about it. If you can be certain from the start, it will be easy. But how can you be certain from the start unless you know it is going to be easy? This is why the rest of the book is necessary. There are certain essential points and it is necessary to get them clear in your mind before you start:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Realize that you can achieve it. There is nothing different about you and the only person who can make you PMO is you. Not that star, she would never in her dreams thought about herself being used for reducing a mans virility.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is absolutely nothing to give up. On the contrary, there are enormous positive gains to be made. I do not only mean you will be healthier and richer. I mean you will enjoy the good times more and be less miserable during the bad times.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Get it clear in your head that there is no such thing as a peek or visit. PMOing is a drug addiction and a chain reaction. By moaning about the odd PMO you will only be punishing yourself needlessly.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;See the whole business of PMOing not as a “boys-will-be-boys” habit that might injure you but as drug addiction. Face up to the fact that, whether you like it or not, YOU HAVE GOT THE DISEASE. It will not go away because you bury your head in the sand. Remember: like all crippling diseases, it not only lasts for life but gets worse and worse. The easiest time to cure it is now.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Separate the disease (i.e. the brain chemical addiction) from the frame of mind of being a PMOer or a non-PMOer. All PMOers, if given the opportunity to go back to the time before they became hooked, would jump at that opportunity. You have that opportunity today! Don&amp;rsquo;t even think about it as &amp;lsquo;giving up&amp;rsquo; PMOing.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you have made the final decision that you have had your last PMO you will already be a non-PMOer. A PMOer is one of those poor wretches who have to go through life destroying themselves with porn. A non-PMOer is someone who doesn&amp;rsquo;t. Once you have made that final decision, you have already achieved your object.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Rejoice in the fact. Do not sit moping waiting for the chemical addiction to go. Get out and enjoy life immediately. Life is marvellous even when you are addicted and each day it will get so much better when you aren&amp;rsquo;t.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The key to making it easy to quit PMOing is to be certain that you will succeed in abstaining completely during the withdrawal period (maximum three weeks). If you are in the correct frame of mind, you will find it ridiculously easy.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;By this stage, if you have opened your mind as I requested at the beginning, you will already have decided you are going to stop. You should now have a feeling of excitement, like a dog straining at the leash, unable to wait to break down those brain DeltaFosB porn water slides. If you have a feeling of doom and gloom, it will be for one of the following reasons:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Something has not gelled in your mind. Re-read the above five points, and ask yourself if you believe them to be true. If you doubt any point, re-read the appropriate sections in the book.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;You fear failure itself. Do not worry. Just read on. You will succeed. The whole business of internet porn is like a confidence trick on a gigantic scale. Intelligent people fall for confidence tricks but it is only a fool who having once found out about the trick goes on kidding himself.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;You agree with everything but you are still miserable. Don&amp;rsquo;t be! Open your eyes. Something marvellous is happening. You are about to escape from the prison. It is essential to start with the correct frame of mind: isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvellous that I am a non-PMOer!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;All we have to do now is to keep you in that frame of mind during the withdrawal period, and the next few chapters deal with specific points to enable you to stay in that frame of mind during that time. After the withdrawal period you won&amp;rsquo;t have to think that way. You will think that way automatically, and the only mystery in your life will be: “It is so obvious, why couldn&amp;rsquo;t I see it before?” However, two important warnings:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Delay your plan to make your last visit until you have finished the book.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;I have mentioned several times a withdrawal period of up to three weeks. This can cause misunderstanding. First, you may subconsciously feel that you have to suffer for three weeks. You don&amp;rsquo;t. Secondly, avoid the trap of thinking, “Somehow I have just got to abstain for three weeks and then I will be free.” Nothing magic will actually happen after three weeks. You won&amp;rsquo;t suddenly feel like a non-PMOer. Non-PMOers do not feel any different from PMOers. If you are moping about stopping during the three weeks, in all probability you will still be moping about it after the three weeks. What I am saying is, if you can start right now by saying, “I am never going to PMO again. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvelous?” After three weeks all temptation will go. Whereas if you say, “If only I can survive three weeks without a PMO,” you will be dying for a harem visit after the three weeks are up.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Sexual dysfunction has a lot to do with your brain and your mind frame. Internet Porn rewires your brains reward circuit and gives your mind a doubting mind frame. This self doubt will undoubtedly cause your sexual dysfunctions. Having all the desire in your upper part but putting up no arousal in your lower part is the worst thing to happen to your mind frame. Libido going hand in hand with romance is the elixir of youth that you can have until you die. You will keep the probabilities high by quitting. But that is not the only or the major gain in all this. It is your freedom from slavery.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-30 Avoid False Incentives</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:05:14 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers, while trying to stop on the Willpower Method, attempt to increase their motivation by building up false incentives. There are many examples of this, a typical one is, “I will reward myself with a gift after no-PMO for a month.” This appears to be a logical and sensible approach but in fact it is false because any self-respecting PMOer would rather continue PMOing every day than receive a “self given gift.” In any case there is a doubt in the PMOers mind because not only will she have to abstain for thirty days but will she even enjoy the days without a PMO? Her only pleasure or crutch is taken away! All this does is to increase the size of the sacrifice that the PMOer feels she is making, which makes it even more precious in her mind.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Other examples: “I&amp;rsquo;ll stop PMO so that I will force myself to get a social life and seek more sex in real life” OR “Ill stop so some magical energy will help me to leap above the competitors and get this woman I pursue” OR “I commit to not waste my energy and enthusiasm in PMO, so I can grow enough hunger in myself.” These are true and can be effective and you may end up getting what you want. But think about it for a second - if you do get what you had wanted, once the novelty has gone you will feel deprived - if you didnt then you will feel miserable and either way sooner or later you will fall for the trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Another typical example is online or forum pacts. These have the advantage of eliminating temptation for certain periods. However, they generally fail for the following reasons:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The incentive is false. Why should you want to stop just because other people are doing so? All this does is to create an additional pressure, which increases the feeling of sacrifice. It is fine if all PMOers genuinely want to stop at one particular time. However, you cannot force PMOers to stop and although all PMOers secretly want to, until they are ready to do so a pact just creates additional pressure, which increases their desire to PMO. This turns them into secret PMOers, which further increases the feeling of dependency.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The “Rotten Apple” theory or dependency on each other. Under the Willpower Method of stopping, the PMOer is undergoing a period of penance during which he waits for the urge to PMO to go. If he gives in, there is a sense of failure. Under the Willpower Method one of the participants is bound to give in sooner or later. The other participants now have the excuse they have been waiting for. It&amp;rsquo;s not their fault. They would have held out. It is just that Fred has let them down. The truth is that most of them have already been cheating.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Sharing the credit” is the reverse of the “Rotten Apple” theory. Here the loss of face due to failure is not so bad when shared. There is a marvellous sense of achievement in stopping PMOing. When you are doing it alone the acclaim you receive from your friends and online buddies can be a tremendous boost to help you over the first few days. When everybody is doing it at the same time the credit has to be shared and the boost is consequently reduced.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Another classic example of false incentives is the guru promise. When I was younger it would make me feel angry if youd call me a saint. It is a cuss word. Stopping will give you happiness as you are not engaged in the tug of war and your brain is starting to re-wire and regain impulse controls and all that. However you must keep in mind that none of this will make you a sex god or win a lotto. No one, except you, cares if you stop PMO. You are not a weak person either if you are doing PMO three times a day and have PIED. And you are not a strong person if you are an addict and dont have PIED.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stop kidding yourself. If the job offer that I mentioned before, of 10 months work for 12 months salary a year won&amp;rsquo;t stop him. Or if the risks of cutting down your brains capacity to cope with just any normal day-to-day stress and strains or if putting yourself at odds with having a reliable erection, or if the lifetime of mental and physical torture and slavery did not stop him or her - the above said few phoney incentives will not make the slightest bit of difference. They will only make the sacrifice appear worse. Instead concentrate on the other side:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;what-am-i-getting-out-of-it-why-do-i-need-to-pmo&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;“What am I getting out of it? Why do I need to PMO?”&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Keep looking at the other side of the tug of war. What is PMOing doing for me? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Why do I need to do it? YOU DON&amp;rsquo;T! YOU ARE ONLY PUNISHING YOURSELF. Try looking at it from the Pascals Wager perspective. You have almost nothing to lose (a rub-out with half arousals) for sure, chances of big profits (a full and reliable arousal, mental well being and happiness) and no chance of losing big (unreliable full arousals, premature ejaculations, fading penetrations, loss of general impulse controls, lower tolerance for frustrations and anger).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Why not declare your quitting to friends and family? Well, it will make you a proud ex-addict, ex-PMOer, not an elated and happy non-PMOer. It will scare your partner a bit since they may see this as an effort to have more sex, sort of a new-age thing. They may also fear to lose you if this turns you into sex machine. It is hard to explain to them unless they are open minded.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Any attempt to get others to help you in your quitting gives more power to the little monster of addiction. Pushing it from your mind and totally ignoring it has the effect of trying NOT to think of it. As soon as you spot the thoughts, when you hit the cues (home alone) or just absent minded thoughts - just say to yourself: “Great, I dont have to do it like a slave animal. I am free. I am happy to know the differences in sex.” This will cut the life of the thought and will deny oxygen to it and will stop it from burning towards urges and cravings.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-29 Can I Compartmentalize?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:03:34 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is another myth about PMOing spread mainly by PMOers who, when attempting to stop on the Willpower Method, substitute mental gymnastics - they propose to act -Jekyll and Hyde: “Porn is for my alter ego side and real life romance is for my relationship side.” Nothing is further from the truth. The porn waterslides - the deltaFosBs and all the brain changes are going to overrun the real life romance and will make it less desirable. Mr Hyde is most definitely going to overrule Dr. Jekylls instructions.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you use internet porn, you may be training yourself for the role of voyeur or to need the option of clicking to something more arousing at the least drop in your dopamine levels, or to search and search for just the right scene for maximum effect. Also, you may be masturbating in a hunched-over position or watching your smartphone in bed nightly. You will eventually desire those cues more than the real life action. The thing that goes against real sex is the lack of novelty, variety, harem like 24/7 quick delivery etc. and so it stands no chance compared to your online harem. The younger you were when you started on PMO the longer to rewire and break down those porn water slides and get back those real water slides if there were any from the past or create new ones. Also powerful and lasting are the associated memories from when you were young.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Every time you take a ride on the porn water slide you are greasing it - keeping the nerves fresh. When you park next to a fast food restaurant the smell of the fries floats from the pan into your nostrils and the sale was already made. Likewise, the porn water slides in your brain are there for you to get sucked in and they are open 24 hours a day. Each of these cues, or triggers, can now light up your reward circuit with the promise of sex&amp;hellip; only it isn&amp;rsquo;t sex. Nevertheless, nerve cells may solidify these associations with sexual arousal by sprouting new branches to strengthen the connections. The more you use porn the stronger the nerve connections can become, with the result that you may ultimately need to be a voyeur, need to click to new material, need to climax to porn to get to sleep, or need to search for the perfect ending just to get the job done.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As with any substance or behavioural drug, after a while the body becomes immune and the “drug” ceases to relieve the withdrawal pangs completely. As soon as we close a session, the addict wants another one very soon and he has a permanent hunger. The natural inclination is eventually to escalate just to get the dopamine rush. However, most PMOers are prevented from doing this for one, or both, of two reasons.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Money - they cannot afford to subscribe to paid porn sites.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Health - There is only so much the body can take - either the motivator dopamine surges or the orgasms. And orgasms actually trigger anti-dopamine chemicals to cut down the dopamine flush. It has to - that is the way the body works.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Once that little monster leaves your body the awful feeling of insecurity ends. Your confidence returns, together with a marvellous feeling of self-respect. You obtain the assurance to take control of your life, not only in your other habits but also in all other ways. This is one of the many great advantages of being free from any addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have said, the compartment myth is due to one of many tricks that the little monster plays with your mind. In fact, these tricks do not make it easier to stop, they make it harder. The PMOer is therefore left with a permanent hunger that he can never satisfy. This is why many PMOers turn to cigarettes, heavy drinking or even harder drugs in order to satisfy the void.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I had suggested watching porn with one of my partners. But eventually I noticed it did not enhance my arousal at all. The sex was not better. I realized that it actually diminished my attraction towards her. We humans are rating animals - we always self rate and other rate. I am sure she rated me against the male porn start too. Why take chances? Do you want Brad Pitt in your bedroom, even if he is in a poster ? No one man or woman can match a harem where each experience is acted, scripted and directed by professionals and at the ready 24 hours a day.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-28 Will I Miss the Fun?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:01:03 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;No! Once that little porn monster is dead and your body stops craving dopamine and the porn water slides in your brain start to fade due to lack of greasing, any remaining brainwashing will vanish and you will find yourself both physically and mentally better equipped not only to cope with the stresses and strains of life but to enjoy the good times to the full.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There is only one danger and that is the influence of those who still use sex as their lying crutch and damned pleasure. “The other man&amp;rsquo;s grass is always greener,” is commonplace in many aspects of our lives and is easily understandable. Why is it in the case of PMOing, where the disadvantages are so enormous as compared with even the illusory advantages, that the ex-PMOer tend to envy the man or woman who appears to demand sex and use porn for pleasure and a crutch?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;With all the brainwashing of our childhood it is quite understandable that we fall into the trap. Why is it that, once we realize what a mug&amp;rsquo;s game it is and many of us manage to kick the habit, we walk straight back into the same trap? It is the influence of society&amp;rsquo;s brainwashing of porn being conflated with sex and presented as normal. The ex-PMOer has a pang! The insecure void feelings of them being single, which in itself is not a crime anyway, causes anxiety and cues them to PMO water slide. This is indeed a curious anomaly, particularly if you consider this piece of observation: not only is every non-PMOer in the world happy to be a non-PMOer but every PMOer in the world, even with his warped, addicted, brainwashed mind suffering the delusion that he enjoys it or it relaxes him, wishes he had never become hooked in the first place. So why do some ex-PMOers envy the PMOer on these occasions? There are two reasons.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Just one peek.” Remember; it doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. Stop seeing that isolated occasion and start looking at it from the point of view of the PMOer. You may be envying him but he doesn&amp;rsquo;t approve of himself: he envies you. If only you could somehow watch (clinically) another PMOer. They can be the most powerful boost of all to help you of it. Notice how quickly they open many tabs and many windows of their browsers? They fast forward to their important minutes. How quickly they get bored of some clips and how quickly they run through the gamut of genres producing novelty, shock, anxiety, worry etc. Notice particularly that not only is he/she not aware that he or she is PMOing but even the act of masturbation appears to be automatic. Remember, he is not enjoying it; it&amp;rsquo;s just that he cannot enjoy himself without it. Particularly remember that when he leaves to go to sleep after his visit he is drained of energy. The next morning, when he wakes up with a weakened will, lost energy, bleary eyes, he is going to have to carry on choking himself at the first appearance of stress and strain. The next time he has a pain in the penis, the next ED episode or a fading penetration when he is in the company of a non-PMOer, he has to continue this lifetime chain of paying through the nose just for the privilege of destroying himself physically and mentally. He is facing a lifetime of filth, bad mental health, stained confidence, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of destroying himself, a lifetime of black shadows at the back of his mind. And all of this is to achieve what purpose? The lying illusion if getting what you deserve and the damned pleasure?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The second reason why some ex- PMOers have pangs on these occasions is because the PMOer is doing something i.e. self pleasuring and the non-PMOer is not, so he tends to feel deprived. Get it clear in your mind before you start: it is not the non-PMOer who is being deprived. It is the poor PMOer who is being deprived of:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;PEACE OF MIND&lt;/li&gt;
Get out of the habit of envying PMOers and start seeing them as the miserable, pathetic creatures they really are. I know: I was the one of the world&amp;rsquo;s worst. That is why you are reading this book and the ones who cannot face up to it, who have to go on kidding themselves, are the most pathetic of all.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You wouldn&amp;rsquo;t envy a heroin addict. Like all drug addiction, yours won&amp;rsquo;t get better. Each year it will get worse and worse. If you don&amp;rsquo;t enjoy being a PMOer today, you&amp;rsquo;ll enjoy it even less tomorrow. Don&amp;rsquo;t envy other PMOers. Pity them. Believe me: THEY NEED YOUR PITY.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-27 Timing</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:55:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Apart from the obvious point that as it is doing you no good, now is the right time to stop. I believe timing is important. Our society treats internet porn flippantly as a slightly distasteful habit that can not injure your health. It is not. It is drug addiction, a disease and a destroyer of relationships in society. The worst thing that happens in most PMOers lives is getting hooked on that awful addiction. If they stay hooked, horrendous things happen. Timing is important to give yourself the right to a proper cure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;First of all, identify the times or occasions when PMO appears to be important to you. If you are a businessman and use it for the illusion of relief of stress, pick a relatively slack period; a good idea is to choose your annual holiday. If you PMO mainly during boring or relaxing periods, weekends etc. do the opposite. In any event, take the matter seriously and make the attempt the most important thing in your life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Look ahead for a period of about three weeks and try to anticipate any event that might lead to failure. Occasions like a conference trip, partner out of town etc. need not deter you, providing you anticipate them in advance and do not feel you will be deprived. Do not attempt to cut down in the meantime as this will only create the illusion that being denied is enjoyable. In fact, it helps to force yourself to watch and have as many PMO sessions as possible. While you are having the last session and that last time, be conscious of the disappointment due to satiation, unfulfilled expectations (porn can never satisfy you), any bodily pain or pain in the genitals, the withdrawal effects, the peevishness and the melancholy. Think how marvellous it will be when you allow yourself to stop doing it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;whatever-you-do-dont-fall-into-the-trap-of-just-saying-not-now-later-and-putting-it-out-of-your-mind-work-out-your-timetable-now-and-look-forward-to-it&#34;&gt;WHATEVER YOU DO, DON&amp;rsquo;T FALL INTO THE TRAP OF JUST SAYING, “NOT NOW. LATER,” AND PUTTING IT OUT OF YOUR MIND. WORK OUT YOUR TIMETABLE NOW AND LOOK FORWARD TO IT.&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Remember you aren&amp;rsquo;t giving anything up. On the contrary: you are about to receive marvellous positive gains.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For years the medical profession viewed porn is harmless without knowing the difference between the tame static porn of yesteryear and the latest VR streaming porn. The problem is this; although every PMOer uses internet porn purely to relieve the brain chemical craving for dopamine, it is not the addiction to the brain chemical itself that hooks the PMOer but the self-brainwashing that results from that addiction. An intelligent person will fall for a confidence trick. But only a fool will go on falling for it once he realizes that it&amp;rsquo;s a confidence trick. Fortunately, most PMOers aren&amp;rsquo;t fools; they only think they are. Each individual PMOer has his own private brainwashing. That is why there appears to be such a wide range of different types of PMOer, which only serves to compound the mysteries.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;With the benefit of the original book that used this method to stop smoking, which dealt with nicotine addiction (one of the most quickest and addictive drug known to man) and bearing in mind that the personal logs that I collected from Reddit, NoFap and YBOP blogs and forums, I was agreeably surprised to realize that the philosophy propounded in the original book was still sound. The accumulated knowledge that was acquired by the original author Alan Carr and by myself the hack-author is how to communicate that knowledge to each individual PMOer. The fact that I know every PMOer can not only find it easy to stop but can actually enjoy the process is not only pointless but exceedingly frustrating unless I can make the PMOer realize it. The original author of the quit smoking book explains some controversial advice:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“Many people have said to me: You say, &amp;ldquo;Continue to smoke until you have finished the book.&amp;rsquo;&amp;rsquo; This tends to make the smoker take ages to read the hook or just not finish it. period. Therefore you should change that instruction. This sounds logical, but I know that if the instruction were: Stop immediately, some smokers wouldn&amp;rsquo;t even start reading the book. I had a smoker consult me in the early days. He said, I really resent having to seek your help, I know I&amp;rsquo;m strong-willed. In every other area of my life I&amp;rsquo;m in control. Why is it that all these other smokers are stopping by using their own willpower, yet I have to come to you? He continued, I think I could do it on my own, if I could smoke while I was doing it.’”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This may sound like a contradiction but I know what the man meant. We think of stopping smoking as something that is very difficult to do. What do we need when we have something difficult to do? We need our little friend. So stopping smoking appears to be a double blow. Not only do we have a difficult task to perform, which is hard enough, but the crutch on which we normally rely on such occasions is no longer available. It didn&amp;rsquo;t occur to me until long after the man had left that my instruction to keep smoking is the real beauty of my method. You can continue to smoke while you go through the process of stopping. You get rid of all your doubts and fears first so when you extinguish that final cigarette you are already a non-smoker and can enjoy being one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So this book on PMO will also keep the same advice intact. No matter how much I say it will be easy there will be a vast majority who will not be able to accept it due to their personal brainwashing on how difficult it is to quit.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only chapter that has caused me to question my original advice seriously is this chapter on the matter of the right timing. Above all, I advise that if your special occasions are stress situations at the office then pick a holiday to make an attempt to give up or vice versa. In fact, that isn&amp;rsquo;t the easiest way to do it. The easiest way is to pick what you consider to be the most difficult time to do it, whether it be stress, social, concentration or boredom. Once you&amp;rsquo;ve proved that you can cope with and enjoy life in the worst possible situations every other situation becomes easy. But if I gave that as a definite instruction, would you even make the attempt to stop?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let me use an analogy. My wife and I intend to swim together. We arrive at the pool at the same time but we rarely swim together. The reason is that she immerses one toe and half an hour later she&amp;rsquo;s actually swimming. I cannot stand that slow torture. I know in advance that at some stage, no matter how cold the water is, eventually I&amp;rsquo;m going to have to brave it. So I&amp;rsquo;ve learned to do it the easy way: I dive straight in. Now, assuming that I were in a position to insist that if she didn&amp;rsquo;t dive straight in, she couldn&amp;rsquo;t swim at all. I know that she wouldn&amp;rsquo;t swim at all. Do you see the problem?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;From feedback I know that many PMOers have used the original advice I gave on timing to delay what they think will be the “evil day.” My next thoughts were to use the technique that I used for the chapter on the advantages of PMOing, something like: “timing is very important and in the next chapter I will advise you about the best time for you to make the attempt!” You turn the page over and there is just a huge, “NOW!” That is, in fact, the best advice but would you take it? This is the most subtle aspect of the porn trap. When we have genuine stress in our lives, it&amp;rsquo;s not the time to stop yet if we have no stress in our lives, we have no desire to stop. Ask yourself these following questions:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;When you got porn the first time, did you really decide then that you would continue to depend on it the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU DIDN&amp;rsquo;T!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Are you going to continue the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU AREN&amp;rsquo;T!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So when will you stop? Tomorrow? Next year? The year after? Isn&amp;rsquo;t this what you&amp;rsquo;ve been asking yourself since you first realized you were hooked? Are you hoping that one morning you will wake up and just not want to PMO any more? Stop kidding yourself. I waited many many awful years for it to happen to me. With any addiction you get progressively more hooked, not less. You think it will be easier tomorrow? You&amp;rsquo;re still kidding yourself. If you can&amp;rsquo;t do it today, what makes you think it will be easier tomorrow? Are you going to wait until you&amp;rsquo;ve actually started to feel getting out of bed is harder than just masturbating? That would be a bit pointless.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The real trap is the belief that now isn&amp;rsquo;t the right time - it will always be easier tomorrow. We believe that we live stressful lives. In fact, we don&amp;rsquo;t. We&amp;rsquo;ve taken most genuine stress out of our lives. When you leave your home you don&amp;rsquo;t live in fear of being attacked by wild animals. Most of us don&amp;rsquo;t have to worry where our next meal is coming from or whether we&amp;rsquo;ll have a roof over our head tonight. But just think of the life of a wild animal. Every time a rabbit comes out of its burrow, it is facing Vietnam the whole of its life. But the rabbit can handle it. It&amp;rsquo;s got adrenalin and other hormones and so have we. The truth is, the most stressful periods for any creature are early childhood and adolescence. But 3 billion years of natural selection have equipped us to cope with stress. Many people who have had hard childhoods grew up to lead normal lives.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We are all able to cope with unkind people and the unpleasant parts of life. I don&amp;rsquo;t believe any of my life adversities have left me with any permanent scars; on the contrary, I believe they have made me a stronger person. When I look back on my life there has only been one thing that I couldn&amp;rsquo;t handle and that was my slavery to that damned internet porn.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A few years ago I thought I had all the worries in the world. I was suicidal - not in the sense that I would have jumped off a roof but in the sense that I knew that this mental tug of war would soon kill me. I argued that if this was life with my crutch, life just wouldn&amp;rsquo;t be worth living without it. What I didn&amp;rsquo;t realize was that when you are physically and mentally depressed everything gets you down. Now I feel like a young boy again. Only one thing made the change in my life: I&amp;rsquo;m now out of the porn pit.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I know it&amp;rsquo;s a cliché to say, “if you haven&amp;rsquo;t got your health, you&amp;rsquo;ve got nothing,” but it&amp;rsquo;s absolutely true. I used to think that physical fitness fanatics like Gary Player were a pain. I used to claim there&amp;rsquo;s more to life than feeling fit; there&amp;rsquo;s sex, booze and tobacco. That&amp;rsquo;s nonsense. When you feel physically and mentally strong you can enjoy the highs and handle the lows. We confuse responsibility with stress. Responsibility becomes stressful only when you don&amp;rsquo;t feel strong enough to handle it. The Richard Burtons of this world are physically and mentally strong. What destroys them is not the stresses of life or their jobs, or old age but the lying crutches they turn to which are just illusions. Sadly in his case and for millions like him those lying crutches kill.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Look at it this way. You&amp;rsquo;ve already decided that you are not going to stay in the trap the rest of your life. Therefore at some time in your life whether you find it easy or difficult, you will have to go through the process of getting free. PMOing is not a habit or pleasure. It is drug addiction and a disease. We&amp;rsquo;ve already established that far from being easier to stop tomorrow, it will get progressively harder. With a disease that&amp;rsquo;s going to get progressively worse, the time to get rid of it is NOW - or as near to now as you can manage. Just think how quickly each week of our lives comes and goes. That&amp;rsquo;s all it takes. Just think how nice it will he to enjoy the rest of your life without that ever-increasing black shadow hanging over you. And if you follow all my instructions, you won&amp;rsquo;t even have to wait five days. You won&amp;rsquo;t only find it easy after closing down your bowser: Y&lt;strong&gt;OU&amp;rsquo;LL ENJOY IT!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-26 A Social Habit?</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:54:03 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Health of mind and body are the main reason why we should want to stop but then they always have been. We do not actually need scientific research and knowledge in brain chemistry to tell us that internet porn is addictive and can potentially shatter our lives. These bodies of ours are the most sophisticated objects on the planet and any PMOer knows instantly, from the first session, that the stimulus can go to excess and it can turn poisonous.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only reason why we ever get involved with internet porn is the PMOs overlap with their evolutionary brain programming. Porn is available for free and it gets streamed 24 hours a day. No risk and no traces and with very high brain rewards. Porn was once considered as harmless but that was when the images were static and involved a trip to the local store for a VHS tape.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Today it is generally considered even by PMOers themselves to be a supra-stimulus and addiction forming. In the old days, the strong man did not admit he masturbated. Jerk is a derogatory term. In every pub or club bar the majority of men would be proudly wanting to take a woman home and have real sex. Today the position is completely reversed for the internet porn addicts. Today&amp;rsquo;s man realizes that he is starting to feel that he doesn&amp;rsquo;t need a woman. This scares him. He bands together online and starts discussing experiences, devise strategies and explore options. Today&amp;rsquo;s strong man does not want to depend on drugs. With the social revolution all PMOers nowadays are giving serious thought to stopping internet porn and masturbation. Today&amp;rsquo;s PMOers consider PMO as an useless and harmful activity.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The most significant trend that I have noticed in forums is the increasing emphasis on the anti-social aspect of PMOing. The days when a man boasted of having sex and orgasms every day is slowly getting replaced with, “why do I need to be a slave for this porn monster when I know it is controlling my wand (and mind)?”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only reason why people continue to PMO after getting educated is because they have failed to stop or are too frightened to try. There are even talks about no porn, no masturbation and no orgasms - with or without partners. Karezza is discussed widely and people are trying it out. Many aforementioned failures are “fail forwards” and thus somewhat benefiting the people who practice them. Once you start in the no-PMO route you will find your best fit that applies to your life. I strongly encourage devising your own plan on orgasms after understanding and practising the separation of the amative and the propagative parts of sex. I am sure whichever route you take you will see the value of preserving the “seed” by limiting the number of times you flush your brain with chemicals by orgasming. You will then never see porn, sex and orgasms as a pleasure or as a crutch for your emotional ups and downs.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I was reading a Reddit forum by non-PMOers dedicated to quitting not only porn but also masturbation. As I read along I thought. “This is good, I see so many have taken to quitting masturbation and I think that is the right way to quit PMO.” However, I found most of the notes pointing to them to try with the Willpower Method. There was a lot of self-pitying as well. Except a few&amp;hellip; almost all were not feeling elated and not having the, “yippee I am free from slavery” attitude. Eventually someone broke down - as I unfortunately expected to happen. And the result was a domino effect. All those other PMOers had been sitting there thinking, “surely I can&amp;rsquo;t be the only PMOer here.” However, they were “failing forward” albeit with a lot of self-torturing as they shut down their browsers but did not shut down the desire and the need. This method is the reverse as - we shut down the desire and the need first before shutting down the browser screen. As every day more and more PMOers leave the sinking ship, so those left on it become terrified they&amp;rsquo;ll be the last.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;dont-let-it-be-you&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;DON&amp;rsquo;T LET IT BE YOU!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
<title>03-25 The YouTube PMOer</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:51:35 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;The YouTube PMOer should be grouped with casual PMOers but the effects of a YouTube PMOer are so insidious that it merits a separate chapter. It can lead to the breakdown of personal self control. In one case it nearly caused a split for a No-Fap forum user.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I was three weeks into one of my failed attempts to stop. The attempt had been triggered off by my wife&amp;rsquo;s worry about my unreliable hard-ons and lack of interest. I had told her that it was not her and it was just job pressure. She said, &amp;lsquo;I know you had handled the work pressure before but how would you feel if you were me and had to watch someone you love systematically destroying themselves? It was an argument that I found irresistible, hence the attempt to stop. She knows that I am not cheating - but this in a way is as worse as that (sic). The attempt ended after three weeks after a heated argument with an old friend. It did not register until years afterwards that my devious mind had deliberately triggered off the argument. I felt justly aggrieved at the time but I do not believe that it was coincidence, as I had never argued with this particular friend before, nor have I since. It was clearly the little monster at work. Anyway, I had my excuse. I desperately needed a release of orgasm and it doesnt matter how. As it happens she was not in the mood right away and I was in an “entitlement” hurry. So I convinced myself that it is OK if I restrict myself by avoiding a porn site and just stay this side of the red line and watch only YouTube videos. But she came around as the night unfolded and wanted to make love. But I was tired and not with all my horsepower. I then invented a headache. I could not bear to think of the disappointment this would cause my wife. Then gradually I returned to the old ways, only YouTube became my new harem destination. I remember being quite pleased at the time. I thought, &amp;lsquo;well, at least it is cutting my consumption down; Eventually she accused me of continuing to ignore her in the bed. I had not realized it but she described the times I had caused an argument and stormed out of the house. At other times I had taken two hours to purchase some minor item and faked a sprain or something. I had made feeble excuses to cop out of the whole wooing her and etc. when I have a reliable online harem it is even more hard.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The worst thing about the YouTube PMOer is that it supports the fallacy in the PMOers mind that he is being deprived. At the same time, it causes a major loss of self-respect; an otherwise honest person may force himself to deceive his loved one. It has probably happened or is still happening to you in some form.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It happened to me several times. Have you ever watched the TV detective series Columbo? The theme of each episode is similar. The villain, usually a wealthy and respected businessman, has committed what he is convinced is the perfect murder and his confidence in his crime remaining undetected receives a boost when he discovers that the rather shabby and unimpressive-looking Detective Columbo is in charge of the case.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Columbo has this frustrating practice of closing the door after finishing his interrogation, having assured the suspect that he is in the clear and before the satisfied look has disappeared from the murderer&amp;rsquo;s face, Columbo reappears with: “just one small point, sir, which I&amp;rsquo;m sure you can explain&amp;hellip;” The suspect stammers and from that point on we know and he knows that Columbo will gradually wear him down. No matter how heinous the crime, from that point on my sympathies were with the murderer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It was almost as if I were the criminal and that&amp;rsquo;s exactly how those bouts made me feel. The tension of not being allowed to cross the red line to get my porn fix that I “rightly deserve because I am hard working man and why shouldnt I when every man does it?” entitlement, click, click, clicking on videos that come close to the right one. Longing for the porn tube videos. And then finishing the deed - just a limp rub out, wondering where the pleasure was. The fear of crossing the line losing control. The relief of returning to the bed, immediately followed by the fear that she would toss around and ask for sex. As the “safe” YouTube videos started not to do it for me - desensitization and lack of novelty and the certain knowledge that sooner or later I was bound to visit my favourite online harem. The final humiliation and shame when that certainty became a fact, followed by the immediate return to chain-PMOing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;oh-the-joys-of-being-a-pmo-er&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;OH THE JOYS OF BEING A PMO-er!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
<title>03-24 Casual PMOers, Teenagers, Non PMOers</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:40:22 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Heavy PMOers tend to envy the casual porn user. We&amp;rsquo;ve all met these characters: “Oh, I can go all week without a PMO, it really doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me.” We think: “I wish I were like that!” I know this is hard to believe but no PMOer enjoys being a PMOer. Never forget:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;No PMOer ever decided to become a PMOer casual or otherwise, therefore:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;All PMOers feel stupid, therefore:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;All PMOers have to lie to themselves and other people in a vain attempt to justify their stupidity.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I used to be a golf fanatic. I would brag about how often I played and I wanted to play more. Why do PMOers brag about how little they masturbate? If that&amp;rsquo;s the true criterion then surely the true accolade is not to masturbate at all?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If I said to you, “do you know, I can go all week without carrots and it doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me in the slightest,” You would think I was some sort of nutcase. If I enjoy carrots, why would I want go all week without them? If I didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy them, why would I make such a statement? So when a user makes a statement like: “I can go all week without a PMO session, it really doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me.” He&amp;rsquo;s trying to convince both himself and you that he has no problem. But there would be no need to make the statement if he had no problem. What he is really saying is: “I managed to survive a whole week without PMOing.” Like every PMOer, he was probably hoping that after this he could survive the rest of his life. But he could only survive a week and can you imagine how precious that PMO session must have been afterwards, having felt deprived for a whole week?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This is why casual PMOers are effectively more hooked than heavy PMOers. Not only is the illusion of pleasure greater but they have less incentive to quit because they spend less time and are less vulnerable to the health risks. They may occasionally experience PIED but they are not very sure what caused it. Remember, the only pleasure PMOers get is in search-and-seek and then to relieve the withdrawal pangs, as I have already explained but even that pleasure is an illusion. Imagine the little porn monster inside your body as a permanent itch so imperceptible that most of the time we aren&amp;rsquo;t even aware of it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now if you have a permanent itch, the natural tendency is to scratch it. Similarly as our brain&amp;rsquo;s reward circuits become more and more immune to dopamine and opioids, the natural tendency is to edge, escalate, binge, novelty-seek, shock-seek etc. There are four main factors that prevent PMOers from chain-PMOing:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Time. Most cannot afford to.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Health. In order to relieve our itches we have to consume all free material that is available and then some. Capacity to cope with that kind of binging varies with each individual and at different times and situations in his or her life. This acts as an automatic restraint.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Discipline. This is imposed by society or the PMOers job, or friends and relatives, or by the PMOer himself as a result of the natural tug of war that goes on in every PMOers mind.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Imagination. Lack of imagination plays down the shock, novelty and other values of the same clip on a subjective basis.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I used to think of my non-casual PMOing as a weakness. I couldn&amp;rsquo;t understand why my friends could limit their “intake.” I knew I was a very strong-willed person. It never occurred to me that most PMOers are incapable of chain-PMOing - you need a very strong imagination and also extraordinarily strong penis stamina in order to do it. Some of these once-a-week PMOers that heavy PMOers tend to envy do it less frequently because physically their constitution cannot do more, or because they cannot afford to PMO more, or because their job, or society, or their own hatred of being hooked won&amp;rsquo;t allow them to PMO more.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It may be of advantage at this stage to provide a few definitions:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-non-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE NON-PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Someone who has never fallen for the trap but should not be complacent. He is a non-PMOer only by luck or the grace of goodness. All PMOers were convinced that they would never become hooked and some non-PMOers keep trying an occasional session.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-casual-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE CASUAL PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There are two basic classifications of casual PMOers:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The PMOer who has fallen for the trap but doesn&amp;rsquo;t realize it. Do not envy such PMOers. They are merely sampling the nectar at the mouth of the pitcher plant and in all probability will soon be heavy users. Remember, just as all alcoholics started off as casual drinkers, so all PMOers started off as casual PMOers.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The PMOer who was previously a heavy PMOer and thinks he cannot stop. These PMOers are the saddest of all. They fall into various categories, each of which needs separate comment.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-oncea--day-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE ONCEA- DAY PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If he enjoys his entitlement to orgasm, why does he use internet porn to orgasm only once a day? If he can take it or leave it, why does he bother to PMO at all? Remember, the habit is really banging your head against the brick wall only to make it relaxing when you stop. The once-a-day PMOer is relieving his withdrawal pangs for less than one hour each day. The rest of the day, although he doesn&amp;rsquo;t realize it, he is banging his head against the wall and does so for most of his life. He is PMOing only once a day because either he cannot take the risk of getting caught or screwing up his brain health. It is easy to convince the heavy PMOer that he doesn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy it but you try convincing a casual PMOer. Anybody who has gone through an attempt to cut down will know it is the worst torture of all and almost guaranteed to keep you hooked for the rest of your life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-rejected-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE REJECTED PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This PMOer demands the right to his/her orgasm(s) every day. And of course his sex partner is not always up to it. So he goes on the internet for porn initially. Once he takes “the ride” to fix “the void” he is trapped on this most exciting water slide of novelty, shock, supranormal images etc. He is in fact dichotomously happy with the partners rejection it gives him something of an excuse. If internet porn is giving so much to you, why even bother to have a partner at all? Set him or her free. He is not even enjoying the PMO when he has to carry his partner in his mind. At some point he is using his real life partner to hand him an excuse to go out into the valleys of the dark side of the internet.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-porn-diet-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE PORN DIET PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;(Or, “I can stop whenever I want to. I have done it thousands of times”). If he thinks dieting helps with his moods to get out to get women, why is he even on the diet of once every four days? How can one predict the future, what if the happenstance of meeting occurred just an hour after your scheduled PMO session? Also, if he thinks this occasional “cleaning the plumbing” is good to relieve tension and relax why not plumb every day? It has been proven that masturbation is not required to keep the genitals healthy. Internet porn is not required at all. Even if that may be the case, any PUA guru who has read about the brain chemistry and its plasticity will never recommend watching super stimulus porn. The truth is he is still hooked. Although he gets rid of the physical addiction, he is left with the main problem - the brainwashing. He hopes each time that he will stop for good and soon falls for the same trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers actually envy these stoppers and starters. They think, “how lucky to be able to control it like that, to do PMO when you want to and stop when you want to,” What they always overlook is that these stoppers and starters aren&amp;rsquo;t controlling it. When they are PMOers, they wish they weren&amp;rsquo;t. They go through the hassle of stopping, then begin to feel deprived and fall for the trap again, then wish they hadn&amp;rsquo;t. They get the worst of both worlds. If you think about it, this is true in the lives of the PMOers. When we are allowed to PMO we either take it as entitled or wish we didn&amp;rsquo;t. It&amp;rsquo;s only when we can&amp;rsquo;t have PMO that it appears to be so precious. The forbidden fruit syndrome. This is the awful dilemma of PMOers. They can never win because they are moping for a myth, an illusion. There is one way they can win and that is to stop PMOing and stop moping!&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-i-only-pmo-to-statictamehome-made-porn-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE I-ONLY-PMO-TO-STATIC/TAME/HOME-MADE-PORN PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Yes, we all do it to start with but isn&amp;rsquo;t it amazing how the average shock value of these clips seems rapidly to increase and before we know it we seem to be feeling deprived (tolerance)? The novelty is lacking in with static porn and we pay the mascot for a cup of grease and take the ride down the porn water slide towards the dark spirals of resentment and guilt. The worst thing you can do is to use your partner&amp;rsquo;s pictures (with approval, of course) for masturbation. Why? Because you are re-wiring your brain for the seeking, searching and variety induced dopamine flushes. The porn water slides in the brain is the DeltaFosB built-up due to the dopamine surges induced by internet porn. But you will find yourself having weak and unreliable erections when you are with her in real time. Another genre in this category is amateur or home made porn. Most are fakes and you know it. And you are not going to settle down and finish on the very first one that hits your eyes&amp;hellip; you are going to continue to seek and search. Remember its not only the orgasms but the search-and-seek, the wandering, that gives the porn slide the surge, the ride. The porn content, whether amateur or professional or whatever is not the issue, it is the brain flushes of dopamine during the search-and-seek - the building up of brain tolerance and satiation. Porn destroys normal brain operations. Masturbation confuses the muscle-brain. Orgasms floods the brain and so it should be, better the risks involved in having one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-i-have-stopped-but-i-have-an-occasional-peek-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE I-HAVE-STOPPED-BUT-I-HAVE-AN-OCCASIONAL-PEEK PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In a way such peeking PMOers are the most pathetic of all. Either they go through their lives believing they are being deprived or, more often, the occasional peek becomes two. They remain on the slippery slope and it goes only one way - DOWNWARDS. Sooner or later they are back to being heavy PMOers. They have fallen again for the very trap that they fell into in the first place.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There are two other categories of casual PMOers. The first is the type who masturbates to images or clips of the latest celebrity sex tapes that hit the news. Or something they carried home from their accidental viewing at school or work. These people are really non-PMOers. It&amp;rsquo;s just that they feel they are missing out. They want to be part of the action. We all start off like this. Next time watch how, after a while, the celebrity sex tape, the same star of your fantasy is not doing it to you any more. The more unattainable the target of your fantasy is, the more frustrating the withdrawal of the orgasm is.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The second category is recently getting attention. The type can best be described by outlining a case shared online. A woman who is a professional, had been using internet porn stories for many years and had never PMOed more or less than one time every night. She was, incidentally, a very strong-willed lady. Most PMOers would wonder why she wanted to stop in the first place. They would gladly point out to her that there is no worries of PIED, or PE in her case as she is a women. She is using not even static images and the stories are far tamer than any they use on a daily basis.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;They make the mistake of assuming that casual PMOers are happier and more in control. In control they may be but happy they are not. In this case, she is not satisfied with her partner, not interested in real sex, highly irritable with her daily stress and strains. Her nearest-and-dearest could not find out what is bothering her. Even if she convinced herself not to be afraid of her use of internet porn by rationalizing, she still finds herself not being able to enjoy real relationships which almost invariably involve ups and downs. Her brains RC&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; is not able to make use of the normal de-stress brain chemicals as she is flooding dopamine into her brain on an everyday basis. The down regulation&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; of her brain receptors has rendered her melancholic most times. Like me, she had a great fear of internet porns dark side of the treatment of women- before her first time. Like me, she eventually fell victim to the massive social brainwash and tried that first porn site. Like me, she can remember the foul clips of violence staged as entertainment. Unlike me, who capitulated and became a chain-PMOer very quickly, she resisted the slide.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;All you ever enjoy in PMO is the ending of the craving that started before it, whether it be the almost imperceptible physical craving for dopamine or the mental torture caused by not being allowed to scratch the itch. Internet porn itself is a poison as far as it concerns you. This is why you only suffer the illusion of enjoying it after a period of abstinence. Just like a hunger or thirst, the longer you suffer it, the greater the pleasure when you finally relieve it. PMOers make the mistake of believing PMO is just a habit. They think, “if I can only keep it down to a certain level or do only on special occasions, my brain and body will accept it. I can then keep my PMOing at that level or cut down further should I wish to.” Get it clear in your mind: the &amp;lsquo;habit&amp;rsquo; doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. PMOing is drug addiction. The natural tendency is to relieve withdrawal pangs, not to endure them. Even to hold it at the level you are already at, you would have to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life because as your brain&amp;rsquo;s RC becomes immune to dopamine and opioids, it wants more and more, not less and less. As PMO begins to destroy you physically and mentally, as it gradually breaks down your nervous system, your courage and confidence, your impulse controls, so you are increasingly unable to resist reducing the interval between each session.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That is why in the early days, we can take it or leave it. If we get a sign of something amiss mentally or physically, we just stop. It also explains why someone like me, who never even suffered the illusion of enjoying them, had to go on chain-PMOing even though every time it had become a physical torture. Don&amp;rsquo;t envy that woman. When you PMO only once every twenty four hours it appears to be the most precious thing on earth. The “forbidden fruit syndrome.” For many years that poor woman had been at the centre of a tug of war.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;She had been unable to stop PMOing, yet was frightened to escalate to streaming clips. But for twenty-three hours and ten minutes of every one of those days she had to fight the temptation. She also had to fight her own lack of feelings towards her boyfriend. It took tremendous willpower to do what she did and, as I have said, such cases are rare. But it reduced her to tears in the end. Just look at it logically: either there is a genuine crutch or pleasure in PMOing or there isn&amp;rsquo;t. If there is, who wants to wait an hour, or a day, or a week? Why should you be denied the crutch or pleasure in the meantime? If there is no genuine crutch or pleasure, why bother paying visits to your online harem?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Here is another case of a once-in-four-days man. This is how the man described his life:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I am forty years old. I suffered PIED with real women and even when Id be doing PMO. Most times I am only rubbing it out. It has been a while since I had a full erection. Before going on the one-in-four days porn diet, I used to sleep soundly through the night after my PMO. Now I wake up every hour of the night and all I can think about is PMO. Even when I am sleeping. I dream about my favourite clips. On days after my scheduled PMO I feel pretty down and this diet would take up all my energy. My SO would leave me alone because I am so bad-tempered and if she cant get out, she will not have me in the house. I go for a jog outside but my mind is obsessed with PMOing. On the schedule day I begin planning earlier in the night. I get very irritated if something happens against my plans. Id give up on conversation and give in (only to later regret) at work and at home. I am not an argumentative guy but I dont want the topic or conversation to hold me down. I remember occasions when Id pick up silly fights with my SO. I then wait for 10 o&amp;rsquo;clock. When it arrives my hands are shaking uncontrollably. I do not start the deed right away. As there are new videos that has been added, I had to shop around. As I click around, my mind tells me that since I had starved myself for 4 days I deserve a special clip and it has to be worth the time spent searching. Eventually I settle for one or two but then I want it to last so that I can survive through the next 4 days. So I take more time to finish the deed.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In addition to his other troubles, this poor man has no idea that he treating himself to a poison. First he is suffering the “forbidden fruit syndrome.” Next he is forcing his brain to flush dopamine. His dopamine receptors are not as cut down comparatively either. But he is sliding and greasing the porn slides, seeking and searching for edging, novelty, variety, shock-value, anxiety-value (“I must treat myself so that I can survive the next three days”) etc. You probably have visions of a pathetic imbecile. Not so. This man was over six feet tall and an ex-sergeant in the Marines. He was a former athlete and didn&amp;rsquo;t want to become an addict to anything. However, when he returned from the war he was trained as a techie in a veterans rehab program. When he entered the civil work force he was a well paid IT professional in a bank and was given a laptop (one of the ways to ensure you take work home). It was the year that famous socialites leaked their porn videos online. There was much talk about it. And he got hooked. He has spent the rest of his life paying through the nose and it has ruined him physically and mentally. If he were an animal, our society would have put him out of his misery, yet we still allow mentally and physically healthy young teenagers to become hooked. You may think the above case and my notes are exaggerated. It is extreme but not unique. There are literally thousands of similar stories. That man poured his heart out to me but you can be sure that many of his friends and acquaintances envied him for being a once-a-week man. If you think this couldn&amp;rsquo;t happen to you, STOP KIDDING YOURSELF.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;it-is-already-happening&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;IT IS ALREADY HAPPENING.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In any event, PMOers like other addicts are notorious liars, even to themselves. They have to be. Most casual PMOers indulge far more times and on far more occasions than they will admit to. I have had many conversations with so-called twice-a-week PMOers during which they have done it more than three times that week. If you read the Reddit or No-Fap forums of casual PMOers, they are either counting the days or waiting to fail. You do not need to envy casual PMOers. You do not need to PMO. Life is infinitely sweeter without PMO. One log says&amp;hellip;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“It started with a simple challenge to not touch my penis for a day. And being unable. I don&amp;rsquo;t think about masturbation anymore. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t cross my mind. That is possible, I promise you. And the riches that await those who are able - they&amp;rsquo;re incredible.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Teenagers are generally more difficult to cure, not because they find it difficult to stop but because either they do not believe they are hooked or they are at the primary stage of the trap and suffer from the delusion that they will automatically have stopped before the secondary stage.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I would like particularly to warn parents of children who loathe internet porn not to have a false sense of security. All children loathe the dark sides of porn until they become hooked. You did too at one time. Also do not be fooled by scare campaigns. The trap is the same as it always was. Children know that internet porn is supranormal stimuli but they also know that one visit or peek will not do it. At some stage they may be influenced by a girlfriend or boyfriend, school friend or work colleague.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You may think that all they need is an education in brain plasticity and that PMO (including even masturbation) acts like a virus in their brain programme to convince them they could never become hooked. I find society&amp;rsquo;s failure to prevent our children from becoming addicted to internet porn and other drugs to be the most disturbing of all the many disturbing facets of addiction. I beg you not to be complacent in this matter. It is necessary to protect youngsters as their brain is more plastic at that age. I strongly urge you to read the YBOP book and educate yourself of the brain science. Even if you suspect your teenager might lready be hooked, the book will provide excellent guidance to assist in gaining understanding for someone to escape.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;RC&lt;/strong&gt; - reward circuits.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Regulation&lt;/strong&gt; - Up and down regulation is a natural reactionary process of the brain to adjust receptors and or their neuro-transmitters based on the level that is present.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-23 Just One Peek</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:35:22 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;“Just one peek” is a myth you must get out of your mind:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek that gets us started in the first place.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek to tide us over a difficult patch or on a special occasion that defeats most of our attempts to stop.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek that, when PMOers have succeeded in breaking the addiction, sends them back into the trap. Sometimes it is just to confirm that they do not need them any more and that one harem visit does just that.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The after effect of PMO will be horrible and convinces the PMOer he will never become hooked again but he already is. The PMOer feels that something that is making him or her so miserable and guilty should have not made him or her do it yet they did.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is the thought of that one special PMO session that often prevents users from stopping. The one after your long conference trip or the one after your hard day at work or your fight with kids or after an incident where your partner rejects you for sex. Get it firmly in your mind there is no such thing as “just one peek.” It is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you break it. It is the myth about the odd, special occasion that keeps PMOers moping about it when they stop. Get into the habit of never seeing the “no big deal” (NBD&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;) session - it is a fantasy. Whenever you think about porn or PMO, see a whole filthy lifetime of spending a lot of time behind a screen just for the privilege of destroying yourself mentally and physically, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of hopelessness. It is not a crime if your erections are unreliable. But it is when you could be happier in the long term but choose to sacrifice that for a short term pleasure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is OK that we cant always come up with something to do for the void and it is not realistically possible to do that every time and for our entire life. Yes, we can plan for most of them, but sometimes void happens. Good times and bad times also happen, irrespective of your PMO anyway. But get it clearly into your mind: the PMO isn&amp;rsquo;t it. You are stuck with either a lifetime of misery or none at all. You wouldn&amp;rsquo;t dream of taking cyanide because you liked the taste of almonds, so stop punishing yourself with the thought of the occasional “no big deal” PMO. Ask a PMOer with issues, “if you had the opportunity to go back to the time before you became hooked, would you have become a PMOer?” The answer is inevitably, “you have got to be joking!” Yet every PMOer has that choice every day of his life. Why doesn&amp;rsquo;t he opt for it? The answer is fear. The fear that he cannot stop or that life won&amp;rsquo;t be the same without it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stop kidding yourself! You can do it. Anybody can. It&amp;rsquo;s ridiculously easy. In order to make it easy to stop masturbating to internet porn there are certain fundamentals to get clear in your mind. We have already dealt with three of them up to now:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is nothing to give up. There are actually only marvellous positive gains to achieve.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Never convince yourself of the odd/NBD (no big deal) or JOP&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; (just one peak) PMO. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. There is only a lifetime of filth and slavery,&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is nothing different about you. Any addicted PMOer can find it easy to stop.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers believe that they are confirmed addicts or have addictive personalities. This usually happens if they have read the shocking&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:3&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:3&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;3&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; part of the brain science a little bit too much. I promise you there is no such thing. No one is born with needs to masturbate to video clips before they become hooked on the drug. It is the drug that hooks you and not the nature of your character or personality. It is the effect of addictive supranormal stimuli that makes you believe that you have an addictive personality. However, it is essential that you remove this belief because if you believe that you are dependent on internet porn, you will be. Even after the little porn monster inside your body is dead. It is essential to remove all of this brainwashing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;NBD&lt;/strong&gt; - no big deal.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;JOP&lt;/strong&gt; - Just one peek.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:3&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The shocking part of brain chemistry talks about a long lasting deltaFosB stable protein that forms the water slide cues in our brains. These cause the slip-lapse-relapse cycles in addicts. They are greased (kept alive) every time the addicted substance is used.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:3&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-22 Beware of Cutting Down</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:28:58 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers resort to cutting down either as a stepping-stone towards stopping or as an attempt to control the little monster. Many recommend cutting down or a porn diet&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; as a pick-me-up. Obviously, the less you PMO the better off you are but as a stepping-stone to stopping, cutting down is fatal. It is these attempts to cut down that keep us trapped all our lives.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Usually cutting down follows failed attempts to stop. After a few hours or days of abstinence the PMOer says to himself something like:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I cannot face the thought of going to sleep without visiting my online harem, so from now on I will just PMO once in four days or I will purge my collection of bad porn. If I can follow this porn diet, I can either hold it there or cut down further.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Certain terrible things now happen:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He has the worst of all worlds. He is still addicted to internet porn and is keeping the monster alive not only in his body but also in his mind.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He is now wishing his life away waiting for the next session.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Prior to cutting down, whenever he wanted to visit his harem he would fire up his browser and at least partially relieved his withdrawal pangs. Now, in addition to the normal stresses and strains of life, he is actually causing himself to suffer the withdrawal pangs from porn most of his life. So he is causing himself to be even more miserable and bad tempered.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;While he was indulging himself, he didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy most of the PMO sessions nor did he realize he was using a supranormal stimulate. It was automatic. The only harem visits that he imagined he enjoyed were after a period of abstinence (e.g. the first in the four days, the one after a business trip, etc.).&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now that he waits an extra hour for each harem visit, he enjoys every one. The longer he waits, the more enjoyable each PMO session appears to become because the enjoyment in a session isn&amp;rsquo;t the session itself; it&amp;rsquo;s the ending of the agitation caused by the craving, whether it be the slight physical craving for internet porn or the mental moping. The longer you suffer, the more enjoyable each session becomes.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The main difficulty of stopping PMOing is not the brain chemical addiction. That&amp;rsquo;s easy. PMOers will all on without it anyway on various occasions - such as death of a loved one, family/work affairs keeping them away from access etc. They will go say, ten days without internet porn and it doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother them. But if they went the same ten days during which time they can have access to internet porn, they would be tearing their hair out.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers will get a chance during their work day and abstain from masturbating to orgasm. PMOers will pass through Victorias Secret store in the mall, swimming pools and so on without undue inconvenience. Many PMOers will abstain if they have to sleep on the couch temporarily to make space for a visitor or if they are themselves visiting . Even in the Go-Go bars or on nudist beaches there have been no riots. PMOer are almost pleased for someone to say they cannot masturbate. In fact, PMOers who want to quit get a secret pleasure out of going long periods without a harem visit. It gives them the hope that maybe one day they will never want it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The real problem when stopping is the brainwashing. That illusion of entitlement that internet porn is some sort of prop or reward and life will never be quite the same without it. Far from turning you off to internet porn, all cutting down does is to leave you feeling insecure and miserable and to convince you that the most precious thing on this earth is the missed new clip on your tube site, that there is no way that you will ever be happy again without seeing that one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There is nothing more pathetic than the PMOer who is trying to cut down. He suffers from the delusion that the less he PMOs, the less he will want to visit the online harems&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;. In fact, the reverse is true. The less he PMOs, the longer he suffers the withdrawal pangs; the more he enjoys the PMO. However, the more he will then notice that his favourite genre or star are not hitting the spot now. But that won&amp;rsquo;t stop him. If the tube sites were to dedicate to one star only no PMOers would ever go more than once to those online harems.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You find that difficult to believe? OK, let&amp;rsquo;s talk it out. Which is the worst moment of self control one feels? Waiting for four days and then having a climax. Which is one of the most precious moment for most PMOers who are in the 4 day porn diet? That&amp;rsquo;s right, the same climax after waiting for four days! Now do you really believe you are masturbating to it to enjoy the orgasm? Or do you think a more rational explanation is that you are relieving withdrawal pangs and the illusion that your are entitled to PMO?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is essential that we remove all these illusions about PMO before you extinguish that final session. Unless you&amp;rsquo;ve removed the illusion that you enjoy it before you close the window on the final one, there is no way you can prove it afterwards without getting hooked again. So, unless you are already online waiting to go to your tube site, do type it now. Open up your favourites folder and PMO to your most favourites - star, genre, theme etc. Now as you are in the action ask yourself what is so glorious about this thing. Perhaps you believe that it is only certain clips that are of good taste, like the one on your habitual or favourite theme? If so, why do you bother to watch the other videos and themes?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Because you got into the habit of doing it? Now why would anyone get into the habit of PMO which is screwing up their brain scripts and wasting themselves? Why should a clip of the same star that hit the spot last month not be as exciting now? Nothing is different after a month, so why should porn clip be different after a month?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t just rely on me, check it out yourself. Find that hot clip from last month to prove that it is different. Now, set a reminder and watch the same clip after a week of no PMO. It will hit (almost) the same spots like it did last month. The same clip will also do a different thing to you after a social event where you are turned down or tested by some potential partner. The reason is that the addict can never be really happy if that little monster remains unsatisfied.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Where does satisfaction come into it? It&amp;rsquo;s just that they are miserable if they aren&amp;rsquo;t allowed to relieve their withdrawal symptoms at those times. So the difference between PMOing and not PMOing is the difference between being happy and miserable. That&amp;rsquo;s why the internet porn appears to be better. Whereas PMOers who get on the internet first thing in the morning for porn are miserable whether they are PMOing or not.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Cutting down not only doesn&amp;rsquo;t work but it is the worst form of torture. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t work because initially the PMOer hopes that by getting into the habit of using less and less, he will reduce his desire to PMO. It is not a habit. It is an addiction and the nature of any addiction is to want more and more, not less and less. Therefore in order to cut down, the PMOer has to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of his life. So cutting down means willpower and discipline forever.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The main problem of stopping is not the dopamine addiction to internet porn. That&amp;rsquo;s easy to cope with. It is the mistaken belief that the porn gives you some pleasure. This mistaken belief is brought about initially by the brainwashing we receive before we started using internet porn, which is then reinforced by the actual addiction. All cutting down does is reinforce the fallacy further to the extent that porn dominates the users life completely and convinces him that the most precious thing on this earth is the addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have already said, cutting down never works anyway because you have to or must exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life. If you did not have enough willpower to stop then you certainly have not got enough to cut down. Stopping is far easier and less painful. I have heard of literally thousands of cases in which cutting down has failed.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The handful of successes I have known have been achieved after a relatively short period of cutting down, followed by the &amp;lsquo;cold turkey&amp;rsquo;. These PMOers really stopped in spite of cutting down, not because of it. All it did was prolong the agony. A failed attempt to cut down leaves the PMOer a nervous wreck, even more convinced that he is hooked for life. This is usually enough to keep him reverting back to is online harem for pleasure and crutch for another stretch of time before the next attempt.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;However, cutting down helps to illustrate the whole futility of PMO because it clearly illustrates that a visit to the harem is enjoyable only after a period of abstinence. You have to bang your head against a brick wall (i.e. suffer withdrawal pangs) to make it nice when you stop. So the choices are:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Cut down for life. This will be self-imposed torture and you will not be able to do it anyway.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Increasingly torture yourself for life. What is the point?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Be nice to yourself. Stop doing it.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The other important point that cutting down demonstrates is that there is no such thing as the odd or occasional harem visit. Internet porn is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you make a positive effort to break it:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h2 id=&#34;remember-cutting-down-will-drag-you-down&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;REMEMBER: CUTTING DOWN WILL DRAG YOU DOWN.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h2&gt;
&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Porn Diet&lt;/strong&gt; - Intentionally cutting down or attempting to control etc. Frequency: Restricting PMO to once in four days. Time: Setting a timer for the session. Shock: Safe porn only. Novelty: Only one clip.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Harems&lt;/strong&gt; - Internet porn sites that cater for streaming videos, webcams and pictures.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-21 the Willpower Method of Stopping</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:20:42 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;It is an accepted fact in our society that it is very difficult to stop PMO. Even books and forums advising you how to do so usually start off by telling you how difficult it is. The truth is that it is ridiculously easy. Yes, I can understand you questioning that statement but just consider it. If your aim is to run a mile in under four minutes, that&amp;rsquo;s difficult. You may have to undergo years of hard training and even then you may be physically incapable of doing it. (Much of our achievement lies in the mind. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it strange how difficult it was until Roger Bannister actually did it but nowadays it is commonplace?).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;However, in order to stop PMOing all you have to do is not watch internet porn and or masturbate any more. No one forces you to masturbate (apart from yourself) and unlike food or drink, you don&amp;rsquo;t need it to survive. So if you want to stop doing it, why should it be difficult? In fact, it isn&amp;rsquo;t. It is PMOers who make it difficult by using the Willpower Method. I define the Willpower Method as any method that forces the PMOer to feel he is making some sort of sacrifice. Let us just consider the Willpower Method.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We do not decide to become PMOers. We merely experiment with porn magazines or websites and because they are awful, yes that is right awful - except for our desired clip, we are convinced that we can stop whenever we want to. In the main, we watch those first few clips only when we want to and that is usually on special occasions. Before we realize it, we are not only visiting those sites regularly and masturbating when we want to, we are masturbating to them every day. PMO has become a part of our lives. We then ensure that we always have an internet connection wherever we go. We believe that we are entitled to love, sex and orgasms - and also that porn helps to relieve stress. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t seem to occur to us that the same clip and actors do not provide us the same degree of arousal and that we are either escalating or fighting against the red line we have put around ourselves to avoid harmful “bad porn.” In fact, masturbation and internet porn neither improves our sex life nor does it relieve stress, it&amp;rsquo;s just that PMOers believe they can&amp;rsquo;t enjoy life or handle stress without an orgasm - even mind induced porn orgasms. Because that is what many times we are doing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It usually takes us a long time to realize that we are hooked because we suffer from the illusion that PMOers masturbate because they enjoy porn - not because they have to have porn - a need. While we are not “enjoying” porn (which we can never do unless novelty, shock or escalation is added), we suffer from the illusion that we can stop whenever we want to. This is a confidence trap. I dont enjoy porn, so I am sure I can stop when I want to. Only that you never seem to want to stop though.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Usually it is not until we actually try to stop that we realize a problem exists. The first attempts to stop are more often than not in the early days and are usually triggered off by boy-meets-girl and boy notices the girl is not quite enough after the initial dates or health (the teenager is still active in sport and finds he is short of breath).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever the reason, the PMOer always waits for a stressful situation, whether it be health or sex. As soon as he stops, the little monster needs feeding. The PMOer then wants something to pump that dopamine - a cigarette or alcohol or of course internet porn where your favourites are just a click and log in away. The porn cache is no longer down in the basement, its now virtual in the cloud. If the girl is around or if he is with his friends he cannot have access to his virtual harem and this makes him more distressed.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now by this time if he had already come across YBOP or Reddit material he is going to be having a tiresome “tug of war” (TOW&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;), resisting his temptations and feeling deprived. The thing he usually takes to relieve stress is now not available, so he suffers a triple blow. The probable result after a period of torture is the compromise, “I&amp;rsquo;ll cut down,” or, “I&amp;rsquo;ve picked the wrong time,” or, “I&amp;rsquo;ll wait until the stress has gone from my life.” However, once the stress has gone, he has no need to stop and doesn&amp;rsquo;t decide to do so again until the next stressful time. Of course, the time is never right because life for most people doesn&amp;rsquo;t become less stressful; it becomes more so. We leave the protection of our parents and enter the world of setting up home, taking on mortgages, having children, more responsible jobs, etc. Of course, the PMOer&amp;rsquo;s life can never become less stressful because it is the porn that actually causes stress. The quicker the PMOer passes on to the escalation stage, the more distressed he becomes and the greater the illusion of his dependency grows.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In fact, it is an illusion that life becomes more stressful and it&amp;rsquo;s the porn itself, or a similar crutch, that creates the illusion. This will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 28. After these initial failures the PMOer usually relies on the possibility that one day he will wake up and just not want to masturbate, use porn etc. any more. This hope is usually kindled by the stories that he has heard about other ex-PMOers (e.g. “I was not serious until I had a fading penetration then I didnt want to use porn any more and stopped masturbating”).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t kid yourself. I have probed all of these rumours and they are never quite as simple as they appear. Usually the user has already been preparing himself to stop and merely used the incident as a springboard. I spent many years waiting to wake up one morning wanting never to PMO again. Whenever I had a PIED incident or even lack of energy - I would look forward to my energy dip to end because it was interfering with my entitled porn orgasms.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;More often in the case of people who stop “just like that” they have suffered a shock. Perhaps a discovery by their girlfriend or wife, a self spotting incident of accessing porn that is not of your normal sexual orientation, or they have had a scare themselves. It is so much easier to say, “I just decided to stop one day. That&amp;rsquo;s the sort of guy I am.” Stop kidding yourself! It won&amp;rsquo;t happen unless you make it happen.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let&amp;rsquo;s consider in greater detail why the Willpower Method is so difficult. For most of our lives we adopt the head-in-the-sand, “I&amp;rsquo;ll stop tomorrow” approach. At odd times something will trigger off an attempt to stop. It may be concerns about health, virility or we may have been going through a particularly heavy bout of self analyses and realize that we don&amp;rsquo;t actually enjoy it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever the reason, we take our head out of the sand and start weighing up the pros and cons of PMO. It is time to define what PMO is - the internet porn IP, any porn, masturbation with or without porn and orgasms. Sex is split into amative and propagative. This distinction is one of our major keys in opening up our minds doors. Without which there will be confusion and failure will be the result. We then find out what we have known all our lives: on a rational assessment the conclusion is, a dozen times over, STOP PMOing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you were to sit down and give points out often to all the advantages of stopping and do a similar exercise with the advantages of PMOing, the total point count for stopping would far outweigh the disadvantages. If you employ Pascals Wager - by quitting, you will see that you are losing almost nothing with higher chances of gaining a lot and also higher chances of NOT losing a lot. However, although the PMOer knows that he will be better off as a non-PMOer, he does believe that he is making a sacrifice. Although it is an illusion, it is a powerful illusion. The PMOer doesn&amp;rsquo;t know why, but he believes that during the good times and the bad times of life the PMO sessions does appear to help. Before he starts the attempt he has the brainwashing of our society, reinforced by the brainwashing of his own addiction. To these must be added the even more powerful brainwashing of how difficult it is to “give up.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;He has heard stories of PMOers who have stopped for many months and are still desperately craving. There are all the disgruntled stoppers (people who stop and then spend the rest of their lives bemoaning the fact that they&amp;rsquo;d love to PMO). He has heard of the PMOers who had stopped for many months or even years, apparently leading happy lives but then have one look or PMO and are suddenly hooked again. Probably he also knows several PMOers in the advanced stages of the disease who are visibly destroying themselves and are clearly not enjoying life yet they continue to PMO. Added to all this, he has perhaps already suffered one or more of these experiences himself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So, instead of starting with the feeling, “Great! Have you heard the news? I dont need to PMO any more!” He starts with a feeling of doom and gloom, as if he were trying to climb Everest and he firmly believes that once the little monster has got his hooks into you, you are hooked for life. Many PMOers even start the attempt by apologizing to their girlfriends and wives: “Look. I am trying to give up PMO. I will probably be irritable during the next few weeks. Try to bear with me.” Most attempts are doomed before they start.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let&amp;rsquo;s assume that the PMOer survives a few days without a PMO session. He is getting back his arousal and morning wood is starting to rear its head. He hasn&amp;rsquo;t opened the “favourites” on his tube sites and consequently getting turned on and a tent appears for incidences where he would have zoned out before. So the reasons why he decided to stop in the first place are rapidly disappearing from his thoughts. It is like seeing a bad road accident when you are driving. It slows you down for a while but the next time you are late for an appointment you have forgotten all about it and your foot stamps on the throttle.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;On the other side of the tug of war, that little monster inside you hasn&amp;rsquo;t had his fix. There is no physical pain. If you had the same feeling because of a cold, you wouldn&amp;rsquo;t stop working or get depressed. You would laugh it off. All the PMOer knows is that he wants to visit his harem. Quite why it is so important to him he doesn&amp;rsquo;t know. The little monster in the stomach then starts off the big monster in the mind and now the person who a few hours or days earlier was listing all the reasons to stop is desperately searching for any excuse to start again. Now he is saying things like:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Life is too short. A bomb could go off. I could step under a bus tomorrow. I have left it too late. They tell you everything gives you addiction these days.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“I have picked the wrong time. I should have waited until after Christmas, after my holidays/tests, after this stressful event in my life. I cannot concentrate, I am getting irritable and bad tempered. I cannot do my job properly. My family and friends won&amp;rsquo;t love me. Let&amp;rsquo;s face it, for everybody&amp;rsquo;s sake I have got to start again. I am a confirmed sex addict and there is no way I will ever be happy again without an orgasm inducing masturbation.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“No man can survive without sex (brainwashed by well meaning people who did not think about the amative and propagative distinction of sex).”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“I know this will happen - my brain is sensitized by the deltaFosB due to changes effected by dopamine surges because of my past excessive porn use. Sensitization can never be removed from the brain.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;At this stage the PMOer usually gives in. He fires up his browser and the schizophrenia increases. On the one hand there is the tremendous relief of ending the craving, when the little monster finally gets his fix; on the other hand, the orgasm is awful and the PMOer cannot understand why he is doing it. This is why the PMOer thinks he lacks willpower. In fact, it is not lack of willpower; all he has done is to change his mind and make a perfectly-rational decision in the light of the latest information.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“What&amp;rsquo;s the point of being healthy if you are miserable?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“What is the point of being rich if you are miserable?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Absolutely none. Far better to have a shorter enjoyable life than a lengthy miserable life. Fortunately, that is not true - just the reverse. Life as a non-PMOer is infinitely more enjoyable but it was this delusion that kept me masturbating for twenty five years. I must confess, if that were the true situation, I would still be PMOing. The misery that the PMOer is suffering has nothing to do with withdrawal pangs. True, they trigger them off, but the actual agony is in the mind and it is caused by doubt and uncertainty. Because the PMOer starts by feeling he is making a sacrifice, he begins to feel deprived - this is a form of stress. One of the times when his brain tells him, “have a peek,” will be a time of stress. Therefore as soon as he stops, he wants to go back. But now he can&amp;rsquo;t because he has stopped. This makes him more depressed, which sets the trigger off again. Another thing that makes it so difficult is the waiting for something to happen. If your object is to pass a driving test, as soon as you have passed the test it is certain you have achieved your object. Under the Willpower Method you say, “if I can go long enough without internet porn then the urge to PMO will eventually go.” You can see this in the forum where addicts talk about their number of days of abstinences.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;How do you know when you have achieved it? The answer is that you never do because you are waiting for something to happen and nothing else is going to happen. You stopped when you had that last session and what you are really doing now is waiting to see how long it will be before you give in. Especially if you have read and subscribed the brain chemistry and DeltaFosB or any other similar sciences. You say, “if only I wait it out - like kidney stones - it will dissolve and go away.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I said above, the agony that the PMOer undergoes is mental and caused by uncertainty. Although there is no physical pain, it still has a powerful effect. The PMoer is miserable and feeling insecure. Far from forgetting about PMO, his mind instead becomes obsessed with it. There can be days or even weeks of black depression. His mind is obsessed with doubts and fears.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“How long will the craving last?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Will I ever be happy again?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Will I ever want to get up in the morning?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“How will I ever cope with stress in future?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The PMOer is waiting for things to improve but of course while he is still moping, the harem is becoming more precious. In fact, something does happen but the user isn&amp;rsquo;t conscious of it. If he can survive three weeks without opening up his browser at all, the physical craving for porn and orgasm (the little monster) disappears. However, as stated before, the pangs of withdrawal from dopamine and opioids are so mild that the user isn&amp;rsquo;t aware of them.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;But after about three weeks many PMOers sense that they have “kicked it.” So they then take a peek to prove it and it does just that. The ex-PMOer has now supplied dopamine to the body and as soon as he is done it starts to leave the body. There is now a little voice at the back of his mind saying, “you want another one.” In fact, he had kicked it but now he has hooked himself again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you were a child you watched Mickey Mouse on TV and as per the brain science you formed DeltaFosB for the cartoon. If I were to discourage you at that time from watching this program - Id study why adults dont like to watch their favourite childhood cartoon anymore - whether they still hold this DeltaFosB or not. For one, they have better entertainment and for the other the old cartoon does not hold the magic anymore. With the Willpower Method you are denying the child the cartoon - but with my method you are also making sure that he sees no value in the cartoon. Which one is better?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The PMOer will not usually get into another session immediately. He thinks, “I don&amp;rsquo;t want to get hooked again!” So he allows a safe period to pass. It might be hours, days, even weeks. The ex-PMOer can now say, “well, I didn&amp;rsquo;t get hooked, so I can safely have another session.” He has fallen back into the same trap as he did in the first place and is already on the slippery slope.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;PMOers who succeed under the Willpower Method tend to find it long and difficult because the main problem is the brainwashing - long after the physical addiction has died, the PMOer is still moping around all miserable. Eventually - if he can survive this long-term torture - it begins to dawn on him that he is not going to give in. He stops moping and accepts that life goes on and is enjoyable without PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers are succeeding with this Willpower Method but it is difficult and arduous. There are many more failures than successes. Even those who do succeed can go through the rest of their lives in a vulnerable state. They are left with a certain amount of the brainwashing and believe that during good and bad times the PMOs can give you a boost. (Most non-PMOers also suffer from that illusion. They are subjected to the brainwashing also but either find they cannot learn to “enjoy” internet porn or are too religious and don&amp;rsquo;t want the bad side, thank you very much). This explains why many PMOers who have stopped for long periods end up starting again later on.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many ex-PMOers will have the occasional session as a “special treat” or to convince themselves how strong their self-control is. It does exactly that but as soon as their session ends, dopamine starts to leave and a little voice at the back of their mind is saying, “you want another one.” If they get on with another one, it still seems to be under control - no shocks, no escalation, no novelty seek and they say, “marvellous! While I am not really enjoying it, I won&amp;rsquo;t get hooked. After Christmas/the holiday/this trauma, I will stop,” Little do they know the water slides of their brain. The action greased the slides even more.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Too late. They are already hooked. The trap that they fell into in the first place has claimed its victim again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I keep saying, enjoyment doesn&amp;rsquo;t come into it. It never did! If we PMOed because we enjoyed it, nobody would stay on the tube sites more than the average time it takes to finish the deed. Anyway, a better way to orgasm is to masturbate out of your memories. We assume we enjoy internet porn only because we cannot believe we would be so stupid as to get addicted if we didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy them. I had no idea about supranormal stimulus or novelty-seeking or shock-seeking, and even after I read about them, I did not believe that so much of my “fun” seeking was to do with simple evolutionary reward circuit wiring. I am some lab rat? I have free will! This is why so much of our PMOing is subconscious. If, while using, you were aware of the brain changes (the dopamine/opioid squirts, diluting of those fluids, the closing up of their receptors, the satiation levels going up ruining our future encounters and experiences with the opposite sex and you had to say to yourself, “this is going to cost $$$ in my lifetime, and this session with an unknown two dimensional actor might just be the one to trigger off PIED, PE, hypofrontality by greasing those water slides” - even the illusion of enjoyment would go.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When we try to block our minds to the bad side, we feel stupid. If we had to face up to it, that would be intolerable! If you get to watch a PMOer in action, you will see that they are happy only when they are not aware that they are PMOing. Once they become aware of it, they tend to be uncomfortable and apologetic. We PMO to feed that little monster&amp;hellip; and once you have purged the little monster from your body and the big monster from your brain, you will have neither need nor desire to PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;TOW&lt;/strong&gt;- tug of war, dichotomous thinking, double thinking.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-20 Those Sinister Black Shadows</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:18:55 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Another of the great joys of quitting porn is to be free of those sinister black shadows at the back of our minds. All PMOers know they are fools to close their minds on the ill-effects of PMO. For most of our lives PMO is automatic but the black shadows are always lurking in our subconscious minds, just beneath the surface. There are several marvellous advantages to achieve from quitting PMO. Some of them I was consciously aware of throughout my life, such as the health risks, the waste of time and the sheer stupidity of making love to a two dimensional image. However, such was my fear of quitting, so obsessed was I in resisting all the attempts of do-gooders and anyone else who tried to persuade me to quit, that all my imagination and energy was directed to finding any flimsy excuse that would allow me to continue to PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Amazingly, my most ingenious thoughts occurred when I was actually trying to quit. They were of course inspired by the fear and misery I suffered when attempting to quit by using willpower. No way could I block my mind from the health and sexual aspects. But now that I am free it amazes me how I successfully blocked my mind from even more important advantages to be gained from quitting. I&amp;rsquo;ve already mentioned the sheer slavery - spending half of our lives being allowed to PMO, doing it automatically and wishing we had never started, the other half feeling miserable and deprived because the knowledge of the destructive effects of internet porn won&amp;rsquo;t allow us to PMO. In the last chapter I&amp;rsquo;ve referred to the incredible joy of having energy again. But for me the greatest joy of being free was not the health, the time, the energy, or the ending of the slavery, it was the removal of those sinister black shadows, the removal of feeling despised by and feeling apologetic to myself and to other quitters, and most of all to be able to respect yourself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Most PMOers aren&amp;rsquo;t the weak-willed, spineless jellyfish that both society and themselves tend to believe. In every other aspect of my life I was in control. I loathed myself for being dependent on an evil crutch that I knew was ruining my life. I cannot tell you of the utter joy of being free of those sinister black shadows, the dependency and the self-despising. I can&amp;rsquo;t tell you how nice it is to be able to look at all other users, whether they be young, old, casual or heavy, not with a feeling of envy, but with a feeling of pity for them and elation for yourself that you are no longer the slave of that insidious trap. The other day I felt pity for the guy on a TV show who was so excited to get to watch porn - another case of society slipping one in your drink under the pretence of comedy.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The last two chapters have dealt with the considerable advantages of being a non-PMOer. I feel it necessary to give a balanced account, so the next chapter lists the advantages of being a PMOer.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-19 It Relaxes Me and Gives Me Confidence</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:16:17 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is the worst fallacy of all about PMOing and for me it ranks with the ending of the slavery, the greatest benefit from quitting - is not to have to go through life with the permanent feelings of insecurity that PMOers suffer from.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;PMOers find it very difficult to believe that masturbation to internet porn actually causes those insecure feelings you get when you are out late at night after a contentious day at home or work. Non-PMOers do not suffer from that feeling. It is the porn that causes it. I only became aware of many of the advantages of stopping months afterwards, as a result of my consultations with other PMOers.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I refused to see my PMO as causing so much of the mental tug of war in my mind that I am foolishly working hard to have nominal levels of confidence in my day to day life. Forget about getting an erection, I am talking about focusing, taking challenges, fighting, choosing, deciding - actions that define our lives. Especially when we are often forced to act when the facts are not clear. Come to think of it, facts were and will never be clear and hence it is to our great advantage anyway to act.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Also of note is in dating area as well, the fire to go forward is being misappropriated to this high reward zero pain porn. If you have read some top PUA books and forums, what do they say? Go on a diet&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;? Yes of course when you have the good hunger your internal juices and your brain will do the rest. Copping out is not an option at all. Playing the numbers is not tiresome by no means. All PUA advice in a nut-shell is this - try more numbers. Even if your approach is wrong you will be right twice a day like a broken clock. But if your mind is fighting a tug of war with effortless easy access to a harem of online women, how would you get back on your feet when that girl ignores you? Oh, if it was a public outright rejection I am running, not walking, to my porn girlfriend.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For a long time, before YBOP and Garys articles, none of these things did I relate to my PMOing habit but getting off it has been like awakening from a bad dream. Nowadays I look forward to each day. Of course, bad things still happen in my life, and I am subject to normal stresses and strains but it is wonderful to have the confidence to cope with them, and extra health, energy and confidence make the good times more enjoyable too.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;porn diet&lt;/strong&gt; - n number of days off before PMO.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-18 Energy</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:12:56 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Most PMOers are aware of the effect that this progressive process of PMO, leading to novelty and escalation seeking, has on their brains reward circuits and their sexual system. However, they are not so aware of the effect it has on their energy level.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;One of the subtleties of the PMO trap is that the effects it has on us, both physical and mental, happen so gradually and imperceptibly that we are not aware of them and regard them as normal. It is very similar to the effects of bad eating habits. The pot-belly appears so gradually that it causes us no alarm. We look at people who are grossly overweight and wonder how they could possibly have allowed themselves to reach that state.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;But supposing it happened overnight. You went to bed weighing 140 lbs, trim, rippling with muscles and not an ounce of fat on your body. You awoke weighing 180 lbs, fat, bloated and pot-bellied. Instead of waking up feeling fully rested and full of energy, you wake up feeling miserable, lethargic and you can hardly open your eyes. You would be panic-stricken, wondering what awful disease you had contracted overnight. Yet the disease is exactly the same.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The fact that it took you twenty years to reach that state is irrelevant. So it is with PMOing. If I could immediately transfer you into your mind and body to give you a direct comparison on how you would feel having stopped internet porn for just three weeks, that is all I would need to do to persuade you to quit. You would think: “Will I really feel this good?” Or what it really amounts to: “Had I really sunk that low?” I emphasize that I don&amp;rsquo;t just mean that you would feel healthier and have more energy but how you would also feel more confident and relaxed and better able to concentrate.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As a teenager, I can remember rushing around just for the hell of it. I was interested in reading, I had set up a chemical lab, tried fixing (old CRT) TVs, dabbled with cooking etc. I was fascinated by scientists. Then I got attracted to makers and doers of the rag-to-riches lives of real people. I had the inner push and I knew I had it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I then was introduced to print porn, then came music TV channels, followed by static computer images. By this time I was permanently tired and lethargic. Then came internet porn of images and downloadable movies. I used to struggle to wake up at nine o&amp;rsquo;clock in the morning. After my evening meal I would already be thinking about porn before going to bed, even when I had a girlfriend. Sex with her was a chore. But PMO with internet porn had all the novelty, shock, etc. No one can match that lure. And then the internet upped its game with tube sites, catalogued porn genres, hearting favorites and all in lightning speed, high quality, no traces of downloads. Even the browsers went incognito, thoroughly helping me to cover my tracks. Reward with no pains.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;By this time, the lack of energy, tiredness and everything related to it is nicely swept under the rug of getting older. My friends and colleagues by this time are all living sedentary lifestyles. I hought this behaviour was normal. I believed that energy was the exclusive prerogative of children and teenagers, and that old age began in the early twenties. I did not notice that I was paying attention to my health in general by eating right - which they did not. But I did not notice that anomaly.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Shortly after I stopped PMO, I was relieved that this foggy and muggy feeling left me. For example, I can keep a steady gaze with my eyes on just about anything for a longer time. If I am looking into someones eyes it is even longer. However something truly marvellous and unexpected also happened. I started waking at seven o&amp;rsquo;clock in the morning feeling completely rested and full of energy, actually wanting to exercise, jog and swim. I have read about a forty-eight year old who couldn&amp;rsquo;t run a step or swim a stroke. The only sporting activities were confined to such dynamic pursuits as green bowling, affectionately referred to as “the old man&amp;rsquo;s game,” and golf, for which he had to use a motorized cart. But after quitting PMO he started going to gym - not that it is necessary that everyone would - but still. Almost all us know that it&amp;rsquo;s great to have energy and when you feel physically and mentally strong, it feels great to be alive.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That is the point with PMOing - you are always debiting your energy. And in that process tampering with your brain codes of the reward circuit. Which again is going to make you miserable and vulnerable to stress and strain attacks. Unfortunately when you feel down with all of this you will seek a cigarette or alcohol or again porn. Unlike quitting smoking, where the return of your physical and mental health is only gradual, quitting PMO gives you excellent results from day one. Starting with energy. Then your mental programming to close the water slides takes a bit of time. You need to kill the Little Monster - which will be explained in later chapters. Recovering your RC is nothing like as slow as the slide into the pit and if you are going through the trauma of the willpower method of quitting, any health or energy gains will be obliterated by the depression you will be going through. Unfortunately, I cannot immediately transfer you into your mind and body in three weeks&amp;rsquo; time. But you can! You know instinctively that what I am telling you is correct. All you need to do is: USE YOUR IMAGINATION!&lt;/p&gt;
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<title>03-17 Health</title> <title>03-17 Health</title>
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<title>03-35 the Main Reasons for Failure</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:23:39 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;There are two main reasons for failure. The first is the influence of external stimuli - a commercial, online news articles, internet browsing etc. At a weak moment or even during a social occasion somebody will get intimate with their partner. I have already dealt with this topic at length. Use that moment to remind yourself that there is no such thing as one visit or one peek. Rejoice in the fact that you have broken the chain of mental slavery. Remember that the PMOer envies you, and feel sorry for him. Believe me, he needs your pity. The other main reason for failure is having a bad day. Get it clear in your mind before you start that, whether you are a PMOer or a non-PMOer, there are good days and bad days. It rains for both the pope and the murderer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Life is a matter of relativity and you cannot have ups without having downs. The problem with the Willpower Method of stopping is that as soon as the PMOer has a bad day he starts moping for his harem visit and all that does is make a bad day worse. The non-PMOer is better equipped, not only physically but also mentally, to cope with the stresses and strains of life. If you have a bad day during the withdrawal period just take it on the chin. Remind yourself that you had bad days when you were addicted (otherwise you wouldn&amp;rsquo;t have decided to stop). Instead of moping about it, say to yourself something like, “OK, today&amp;rsquo;s not so good but masturbating is not going to cure it. Tomorrow will be better and at least I have got a marvellous bonus at the moment. I have kicked that awful PMO habit.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you are a PMOer you have to block your mind to the bad side of PMO. PMOer never have brain fog just “a bit down.” When you are having lifes inevitable troubles you want to PMO but are you happy and cheerful? Of course you aren&amp;rsquo;t. Once you stop, the tendency is to blame everything that goes wrong in your life on the fact that you have stopped.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now if your work stresses you out you think, “At times like this I would have PMOed.” That&amp;rsquo;s true but the important thing you forget is that the PMO didn&amp;rsquo;t solve the problem and you are simply punishing yourself by moping for an illusory crutch. You are creating an impossible situation. You are miserable because you can&amp;rsquo;t have the porn and masturbation yet you&amp;rsquo;ll be even more miserable if you do. You know that you have made the correct decision by stopping PMO so why punish yourself by ever doubting the decision?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Remember: A positive mental approach is essential - always.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-34 Will It Be Harder for Me?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:22:12 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;The combinations of factors that will determine how easily each individual PMOer will quit are infinite. To start with, each of us has his own character, type of work, personal circumstances, timing, etc. Certain professions may make it harder than others but providing the brainwashing is removed it doesn&amp;rsquo;t have to be so. A few individual examples will help.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It tends to be particularly difficult for members of the medical profession. We think it should be easier for doctors because they are more aware of the effects of ill- health and are seeing daily evidence of it. Although this supplies more forceful reasons for stopping, it doesn&amp;rsquo;t make it any easier to do. The reasons are these:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The constant awareness of the health risks creates fear which is one of the conditions under which we need to relieve our withdrawal pangs.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;A doctor&amp;rsquo;s work is exceedingly stressful and he is usually not able to relieve the additional stress of withdrawal pangs while he is working.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He has the additional stress of guilt. He feels that he should be setting an example for the rest of the population. This puts more pressure on him and increases the feeling of deprivation.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;After his hard day at work, when the stress is momentarily relieved by PMO, that session becomes wrongly attached to the relief experienced. Because of this mis-association of ideas the porn and the PMO gets credit for the total situation. It becomes very precious when he eventually quits and goes through his withdrawal pangs. This is a form of casual PMO and applies to any situation where the PMOer is forced to abstain for lengthy-periods. Under the Willpower Method the PMOer is miserable because he is being deprived. He is not enjoying the tiredness and sleep that goes after a PMO. His sense of loss is therefore greatly increased. However, if you can first remove the brainwashing and stop moping about the PMO, the break and the sleep can still be enjoyed even while the body is craving the amine transmitters - serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Another difficult situation is boredom, particularly when it is combined with periods of stress. Typical examples are students and single parents. The work is stressful, yet much of the work is monotonous. During an attempt to stop on the Willpower Method the single person has long periods in which to mope about his or her “loss” which increases the feeling of depression. Again this can be easily overcome if your frame of mind is correct. Do not worry that you are continually reminded that you have stopped PMOing. Use such moments to rejoice in the fact that you are ridding yourself of the evil monster.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you have a positive frame of mind these pangs can become moments of pleasure. Remember any PMOer, regardless of age, sex, intelligence or profession, can find it easy and enjoyable to stop provided &lt;em&gt;&lt;strong&gt;YOU FOLLOW ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/em&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-33 Just One Peek</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:20:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is the undoing of many PMOers who try to stop on the Willpower Method. They will go through three or four days and then have the odd peek or a PMO or two to tide them over. They do not realize the devastating effect this has on their morale.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For most PMOers that first peek at the tube site harem was not as good as sex with a real person. The clips that are clean are far in between. This gives their conscious minds a boost. They think, “Good. That wasn&amp;rsquo;t entirely all that enjoyable. I am losing the urge to PMO and I am not that much into the shocking stuff.” In fact, the reverse is the case. Get it clear in your mind - enjoyment of orgasm wasn&amp;rsquo;t the reason why you hit porn. If PMOers were there for orgasm alone, they&amp;rsquo;d never watch more than one clip. The only reason why you PMO was to feed that little monster. Just think: you had starved him for four days. How precious that one peek must have been to him. You are not aware of it in your conscious mind but the fix your body received will be communicated to your subconscious mind and all your sound preparation will be undermined. There will be a little voice at the back of your mind saying, “In spite of all the logic they are precious. I want another one.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That little peek has two damaging effects:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It keeps the little monster alive in your body.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;What&amp;rsquo;s worse, it keeps the big monster alive in your mind. If you had the “last peek”, it will be easier to have the next one.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Above all, remember:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h2 id=&#34;just-one-peek-is-how-people-get-into-pmo-addiction-in-the-first-place&#34;&gt;“Just one peek” is how people get into PMO addiction in the first place.&lt;/h2&gt;
<title>03-32 The Withdrawal Period</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:16:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;For up to three weeks after your last PMO session you may be subjected to withdrawal pangs. These consist of two quite separate factors:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The withdrawal pangs of dopamine, that empty, insecure feeling, like a hunger, which PMOers identify as a craving or “something I must to do” feeling.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The psychological trigger of certain external stimuli such as a commercial, online browsing, a telephone conversation etc.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is the failure to understand and to differentiate between these two distinct factors that makes it so difficult for PMOers to achieve success on the Willpower Method and it&amp;rsquo;s also the reason why many who do achieve it fall into the trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Although the withdrawal pangs of dopamine flush cause no physical pain, do not underestimate their power. We talk of “hunger pains” if we go without food for a day; there may be “tummy rumblings” but there is no physical pain. Even so, hunger is a powerful force and we are likely to become very irritable when deprived of food. It is similar when our body is craving its dopamine rush. The difference is that our body needs food but it doesn&amp;rsquo;t need poison and with the right frame of mind the withdrawal pangs are easily overcome and disappear very quickly.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If PMOers can abstain for a few days on the Willpower Method the craving for dopamine flush soon disappears. It is the second factor that causes the difficulty. The PMOer has got into the habit of relieving his withdrawal pangs at certain times or occasions, which causes an association of ideas (e.g. “I got a hard on so I must PMO” or “I am on the bed with my laptop and I must PMO to feel happy”). It may be easier to understand the effect with the help of an example.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You have a car for a few years and let&amp;rsquo;s say the indicator lever is on the left of the steering column. On your next car it is on the right (the law of sod). You know it is on the right but for a couple of weeks you put the windscreen wipers on whenever you want to indicate.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stopping PMO is similar. During the early days of the withdrawal period the trigger mechanism will operate at certain times. You will think, “I want to PMO.” It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from square one then these automatic cues and triggers will quickly disappear. Under the Willpower Method, because the PMOer believes he is making a sacrifice, he is moping about it and is waiting for the urge to PMO to go - far from removing these trigger mechanisms he is actually increasing them. And under the Mystic Method the PMOer starts to wonder when he is going to become a God and even demand from himself that he should not even have those bad thoughts - this paves the way for self-loathing and failure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A common trigger is alone time - particularly one at a social event with friends. The ex-PMOer (using other methods) is already miserable because he is being deprived of his usual pleasure or crutch. His friends are with their partners and are acting intimate. He is either single or is not getting any from his wife for whatever reasons. Now he is not enjoying the meal or what should be a pleasant social occasion. His ready made brain porn water slides lead him to porn as it is easier than either trying to woo his wife.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Because of his association of his entitlement to sex with his well being he is now suffering a triple blow and the brainwashing is actually being increased. If he is resolute and can hold out long enough he eventually accepts his lot and gets on with his life. However, part of the brainwashing remains and I think the second most pathetic thing about PMOing is the PMOer who has given up for health or money reasons, yet even after several years still craves “just one visit to the harem” on certain occasions. He is pining for an illusion that exists only in his mind and is needlessly torturing himself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Even under my method responding to triggers is the most common failing. The ex-PMOer tends to regard the internet porn as a sort of placebo or sugar pill. He thinks: “I know the porn does nothing for me but if I think it does then on certain occasions it will be a help to me.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A sugar pill, although giving no actual physical help, can be a powerful psychological aid to relieve genuine symptoms and is therefore a benefit. Internet porn, the habitual masturbation, however, are not sugar pills. Why? Porn creates the symptoms that it relieves and after a while ceases even to relieve these symptoms completely; the “pill” is causing the disease and quite apart from that it also happens to be the No. 1 killer poison in a mans or a womans quest for love and relationships.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You may find it easier to understand the effect when related to a non-PMOer or a successful PMOer who has quit for several years. Take the case of a PMOer who loses his partner. It is quite common at such times, with the best intentions, to say, “Have just one harem visit. It will help calm you down.” If the offer is accepted, it will not have a calming effect because the man is not addicted to dopamine and there are no withdrawal pangs to relieve. At best all it will do is to give him a momentary psychological boost.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Even after the “deed” is over, the original tragedy is still there. In fact, it will be increased because the person is now suffering withdrawal pangs and his choice is now either to endure them or to relieve them by repeating the porn water slide rides and start the chain of misery. All the porn will have done is to give a momentary psychological boost. The same effect could have been achieved by reading a book or watching a feel-good movie, even a bad one at that. Many non-PMOers and ex-PMOers have become addicted to the porn as a result of such occasions. It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from the start. Get it quite clear in your head: you don&amp;rsquo;t need the dopamine rush and you are only torturing yourself by continuing to regard it as some sort of prop or boost. There is no need to be miserable.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Orgasms do not make good relations; they at most times ruin them. Remember too that it is not entirely true at all times the men and women who show public display of intimacy are enjoying it at all times. Intimacy is best enjoyed in private where both partners can respond without embarrassments. You dont have to be an orgasm induced dopamine addict. If it happens as a natural result of a series of life events, fine- if not No Big Deal. You enjoy the occasion and life without it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Abandon the concept of the PMOing habit as pleasurable in itself, Many PMOers think, “If only there was clean internet porn.” There is clean soft porn. Any PMOer who tries it soon finds out it is a waste of time. Get it clear in your mind that the only reason you have been PMOing is to get the dopamine flush. Once you have got rid of the craving for PMO you will have no more need to visit your online harem.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whether the pangs are due to actual withdrawal symptoms (the empty feeling) or a trigger/cue mechanism, accept it. The physical pain is non-existent and with the right frame of mind it will not be a problem. Do not worry about withdrawal. The feeling itself isn&amp;rsquo;t bad. It is the association with wanting and then feeling denied that is the problem. Instead of moping about it, say to yourself, “I know what it is. It&amp;rsquo;s the withdrawal pang from PMO. That&amp;rsquo;s what PMOers suffer all their lives and that&amp;rsquo;s what keeps them PMOing. Non-PMOers do not suffer these pangs. It is another of the many evils of this lying habit. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvellous I am purging this evil from my brain?”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In other words, for the next three weeks you will have a slight trauma inside your body but during those weeks and for the rest of your life something marvellous will be happening. You will be ridding yourself of an awful disease. That bonus will more than outweigh the slight trauma and you will actually enjoy the withdrawal pangs. They will become moments of pleasure. Think of the whole business of stopping as an exciting game. Think of the porn monster as a sort of tape worm inside your stomach. You have got to starve him for three weeks and he is going to try to trick you into getting to bed to keep him alive.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;At times he will try to make you miserable. At times you will be off guard. You will receive a porn URL and you may forgot that you have stopped. There is a slight feeling of deprivation when you remember. Be prepared for these traps in advance. Whatever the temptation, get it into your mind that it is only there because of the monster inside your body and every time you resist the temptation you have dealt another mortal blow in the battle.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever you do, don&amp;rsquo;t try to forget about PMO. This is one of the things that causes PMOers using the Willpower Method hours of depression. They try to get through each day hoping that eventually they&amp;rsquo;ll just forget about it. It is like not being able to sleep. The more you worry about it, the harder it becomes. In any event you won&amp;rsquo;t be able to forget about it. For the first few days the “little monster” will keep reminding you and you won&amp;rsquo;t be able to avoid it; while there are still laptops, smartphones and magazines etc. about, you will have constant reminders.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The point is you have no need to forget. Nothing bad is happening. Something marvellous is taking place. Even if you are thinking about it a thousand times a day, SAVOR EACH MOMENT. REMIND YOURSELF HOW MARVELOUS IT IS TO BE FREE AGAIN. REMIND YOURSELF OF THE SHEER JOY OF NOT HAVING TO TORTURE YOURSELF ANYMORE. As I have said, you will find that the pangs become moments of pleasure, and you will be surprised how quickly you will then forget about internet porn.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever you do DO NOT DOUBT YOUR DECISION. Once you start to doubt, you will start to mope and it will get worse. Instead use the moment as a boost. CONVERT MOPE TO BOOST. If the cause is depression then remind yourself that&amp;rsquo;s what the internet porn and PMO were doing to you. If you are forwarded a URL by a friend, take pride in saying, “I&amp;rsquo;m happy to say I do not need them any more.” That will hurt him but when he sees that it isn&amp;rsquo;t bothering you he will be halfway to joining you.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Remember that you had very powerful reasons for stopping in the first place. Remind yourself of the costs and ask yourself whether you really want to risk too much of those fearful malfunctions of your equipage which is not the greatest loss if you ask me - but the most important loss of mental happiness and well being - of not living under a spell. This is called referenting or spotting of the minimizing efforts of the monster about the hazards. Above all, remember that the feeling is only temporary and each moment is a moment nearer to your goal.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Some PMOers fear that they will have to spend the rest of their lives reversing the &amp;lsquo;automatic triggers&amp;rsquo;. In other words, they believe that they will have to go through life kidding themselves that they don&amp;rsquo;t really need PMO by the use of psychology. This is not so. Remember that the optimist sees the bottle as half full and the pessimist sees it as half empty. In the case of PMO, the bottle is empty and the PMOer sees it as full. There are just no advantages with internet porn and PMO. It is the PMOer who has been brainwashed. Once you start telling yourself that you don&amp;rsquo;t need to orgasm using PMO, in a very short time you won&amp;rsquo;t even need to say it because the beautiful truth is&amp;hellip; you do not need to PMO. It&amp;rsquo;s the last thing you need to do; make sure it&amp;rsquo;s not the last thing you do.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-31 the Easy Way to Stop</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:07:43 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This chapter contains instructions about the easy way to stop PMO. Providing you follow the instructions, you will find that stopping ranges from relatively easy to enjoyable! But remember the definition of a brunette: “a girl who didn&amp;rsquo;t read the instructions on the bottle.” It is ridiculously easy to stop PMO. All you have to do is two things:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Make the decision that you are never going to PMO again.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t mope about it. Rejoice.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You are probably asking, “Why the need for the rest of the book? Why couldn&amp;rsquo;t you have said that in the first place?” The answer is that you would at some time have moped about it and consequently sooner or later, you would have changed your decision. You have probably already done that many times before.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have already said, the whole business of PMOing is a subtle, sinister trap. The main problem of stopping isn&amp;rsquo;t the dopamine addiction (it is a problem but not the main) but the brainwashing and it is necessary first to explode all the myths and delusions. Understand your enemy. Know his tactics and you will easily defeat him. I&amp;rsquo;ve spent most of my life trying to stop PMOing and I&amp;rsquo;ve suffered weeks of black depression. When I finally stopped I went to zero without one bad moment. It was enjoyable even during the withdrawal period, and I have never had the slightest pang since. On the contrary, it is the most wonderful thing that has happened in my life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I couldn&amp;rsquo;t understand why it had been so easy and it took me a long time to find out the reason. It was this. I knew for certain that I was never going to PMO again. During previous attempts, no matter how determined I was, I was basically trying to stop PMOing, hoping that if I could survive long enough without a session of PMO the urges would eventually go. Of course they didn&amp;rsquo;t go because I was waiting for something to happen and the more I moped about it, the more I wanted to visit my internet harem, so the craving never went.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;My final attempt was different. Like all PMOers nowadays, I had been giving the problem serious thought. Up to then, whenever I failed, I had consoled myself with the thought that it would be easier next time. It had never occurred to me that I would have to go on PMOing the rest of my life. This latter thought filled me with horror and started me thinking very deeply about the subject.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Instead of firing up my browser subconsciously, I began to analyse my feelings as I was looking at the screen. This confirmed what I already knew, I wasn&amp;rsquo;t enjoying them and they were filthy and disgusting. I started looking at non-PMOers - the ones that live in some other part of the world or the older people who never got to know the tube sites. Until then I had always regarded non-PMOers as wishy-washy, unsociable, finicky people. However, when I examined them they appeared, if anything, stronger and more relaxed. They appeared to he able to cope with the stresses and strains of life, and they seemed to enjoy social functions more than the PMOers. They certainly had more sparkle and zest than PMOers.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I started talking to ex-PMOers. Up to this point I had regarded them as people who had been forced to give up PMO for health and religious reasons and who were always secretly longing for a harem visit. A few did say, “You get the odd pangs but they are so few and far between they aren&amp;rsquo;t worth bothering about.” But most said, “Miss it? You must be joking! I have never felt better in my life.” Even failures were fail forwards for them. They did not condemn themselves. It was easier for them to unconditionally accept themselves. Like a coach who will accept a mistake by a genuinely golden player. Talking to ex-PMOers exploded another myth that I had always had in my mind. I had thought that there was an inherent weakness in me and it suddenly dawned on me that all PMOers go through this private nightmare.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Basically I said to myself, “Scores of people are stopping now and leading perfectly happy lives. I didn&amp;rsquo;t need to do it before I started and I can remember having to work hard to get used to this filth. So why do I need to do it now?” In any event I didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy PMO, I hated the whole filthy ritual and I didn&amp;rsquo;t want to spend the rest of my life being the slave of this disgusting porn addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I then said to myself:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;“WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR LAST PMO VISIT”&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I knew, right from that point, that I would never PMO again. I wasn&amp;rsquo;t expecting it to be easy; in fact, just the reverse. I fully believed that I was in for months of black depression and that I would spend the rest of my life having the occasional pang. Instead it has been absolute bliss right from the start.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It took me a long time to work out why it had been so easy and why this time I hadn&amp;rsquo;t suffered those terrifying withdrawal pangs. The reason is that they do not exist. It is the doubt and uncertainty that causes the pangs. The beautiful truth is: IT IS EASY TO STOP PMO. It is only the indecision and moping about it that makes it difficult. Even while they are addicted to porn, PMOers can go for relatively long periods at certain times in their lives without bothering about it. It is only when you want it but can&amp;rsquo;t have one that you suffer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Therefore the key to making it easy is to make stopping certain and final. Not to hope but to know you have kicked it, having made the decision. Never to doubt or question it. In fact, just the reverse - always to rejoice about it. If you can be certain from the start, it will be easy. But how can you be certain from the start unless you know it is going to be easy? This is why the rest of the book is necessary. There are certain essential points and it is necessary to get them clear in your mind before you start:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Realize that you can achieve it. There is nothing different about you and the only person who can make you PMO is you. Not that star, she would never in her dreams thought about herself being used for reducing a mans virility.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is absolutely nothing to give up. On the contrary, there are enormous positive gains to be made. I do not only mean you will be healthier and richer. I mean you will enjoy the good times more and be less miserable during the bad times.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Get it clear in your head that there is no such thing as a peek or visit. PMOing is a drug addiction and a chain reaction. By moaning about the odd PMO you will only be punishing yourself needlessly.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;See the whole business of PMOing not as a “boys-will-be-boys” habit that might injure you but as drug addiction. Face up to the fact that, whether you like it or not, YOU HAVE GOT THE DISEASE. It will not go away because you bury your head in the sand. Remember: like all crippling diseases, it not only lasts for life but gets worse and worse. The easiest time to cure it is now.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Separate the disease (i.e. the brain chemical addiction) from the frame of mind of being a PMOer or a non-PMOer. All PMOers, if given the opportunity to go back to the time before they became hooked, would jump at that opportunity. You have that opportunity today! Don&amp;rsquo;t even think about it as &amp;lsquo;giving up&amp;rsquo; PMOing.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you have made the final decision that you have had your last PMO you will already be a non-PMOer. A PMOer is one of those poor wretches who have to go through life destroying themselves with porn. A non-PMOer is someone who doesn&amp;rsquo;t. Once you have made that final decision, you have already achieved your object.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Rejoice in the fact. Do not sit moping waiting for the chemical addiction to go. Get out and enjoy life immediately. Life is marvellous even when you are addicted and each day it will get so much better when you aren&amp;rsquo;t.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The key to making it easy to quit PMOing is to be certain that you will succeed in abstaining completely during the withdrawal period (maximum three weeks). If you are in the correct frame of mind, you will find it ridiculously easy.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;By this stage, if you have opened your mind as I requested at the beginning, you will already have decided you are going to stop. You should now have a feeling of excitement, like a dog straining at the leash, unable to wait to break down those brain DeltaFosB porn water slides. If you have a feeling of doom and gloom, it will be for one of the following reasons:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Something has not gelled in your mind. Re-read the above five points, and ask yourself if you believe them to be true. If you doubt any point, re-read the appropriate sections in the book.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;You fear failure itself. Do not worry. Just read on. You will succeed. The whole business of internet porn is like a confidence trick on a gigantic scale. Intelligent people fall for confidence tricks but it is only a fool who having once found out about the trick goes on kidding himself.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;You agree with everything but you are still miserable. Don&amp;rsquo;t be! Open your eyes. Something marvellous is happening. You are about to escape from the prison. It is essential to start with the correct frame of mind: isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvellous that I am a non-PMOer!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;All we have to do now is to keep you in that frame of mind during the withdrawal period, and the next few chapters deal with specific points to enable you to stay in that frame of mind during that time. After the withdrawal period you won&amp;rsquo;t have to think that way. You will think that way automatically, and the only mystery in your life will be: “It is so obvious, why couldn&amp;rsquo;t I see it before?” However, two important warnings:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Delay your plan to make your last visit until you have finished the book.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;I have mentioned several times a withdrawal period of up to three weeks. This can cause misunderstanding. First, you may subconsciously feel that you have to suffer for three weeks. You don&amp;rsquo;t. Secondly, avoid the trap of thinking, “Somehow I have just got to abstain for three weeks and then I will be free.” Nothing magic will actually happen after three weeks. You won&amp;rsquo;t suddenly feel like a non-PMOer. Non-PMOers do not feel any different from PMOers. If you are moping about stopping during the three weeks, in all probability you will still be moping about it after the three weeks. What I am saying is, if you can start right now by saying, “I am never going to PMO again. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvelous?” After three weeks all temptation will go. Whereas if you say, “If only I can survive three weeks without a PMO,” you will be dying for a harem visit after the three weeks are up.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Sexual dysfunction has a lot to do with your brain and your mind frame. Internet Porn rewires your brains reward circuit and gives your mind a doubting mind frame. This self doubt will undoubtedly cause your sexual dysfunctions. Having all the desire in your upper part but putting up no arousal in your lower part is the worst thing to happen to your mind frame. Libido going hand in hand with romance is the elixir of youth that you can have until you die. You will keep the probabilities high by quitting. But that is not the only or the major gain in all this. It is your freedom from slavery.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-30 Avoid False Incentives</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:05:14 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers, while trying to stop on the Willpower Method, attempt to increase their motivation by building up false incentives. There are many examples of this, a typical one is, “I will reward myself with a gift after no-PMO for a month.” This appears to be a logical and sensible approach but in fact it is false because any self-respecting PMOer would rather continue PMOing every day than receive a “self given gift.” In any case there is a doubt in the PMOers mind because not only will she have to abstain for thirty days but will she even enjoy the days without a PMO? Her only pleasure or crutch is taken away! All this does is to increase the size of the sacrifice that the PMOer feels she is making, which makes it even more precious in her mind.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Other examples: “I&amp;rsquo;ll stop PMO so that I will force myself to get a social life and seek more sex in real life” OR “Ill stop so some magical energy will help me to leap above the competitors and get this woman I pursue” OR “I commit to not waste my energy and enthusiasm in PMO, so I can grow enough hunger in myself.” These are true and can be effective and you may end up getting what you want. But think about it for a second - if you do get what you had wanted, once the novelty has gone you will feel deprived - if you didnt then you will feel miserable and either way sooner or later you will fall for the trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Another typical example is online or forum pacts. These have the advantage of eliminating temptation for certain periods. However, they generally fail for the following reasons:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The incentive is false. Why should you want to stop just because other people are doing so? All this does is to create an additional pressure, which increases the feeling of sacrifice. It is fine if all PMOers genuinely want to stop at one particular time. However, you cannot force PMOers to stop and although all PMOers secretly want to, until they are ready to do so a pact just creates additional pressure, which increases their desire to PMO. This turns them into secret PMOers, which further increases the feeling of dependency.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The “Rotten Apple” theory or dependency on each other. Under the Willpower Method of stopping, the PMOer is undergoing a period of penance during which he waits for the urge to PMO to go. If he gives in, there is a sense of failure. Under the Willpower Method one of the participants is bound to give in sooner or later. The other participants now have the excuse they have been waiting for. It&amp;rsquo;s not their fault. They would have held out. It is just that Fred has let them down. The truth is that most of them have already been cheating.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Sharing the credit” is the reverse of the “Rotten Apple” theory. Here the loss of face due to failure is not so bad when shared. There is a marvellous sense of achievement in stopping PMOing. When you are doing it alone the acclaim you receive from your friends and online buddies can be a tremendous boost to help you over the first few days. When everybody is doing it at the same time the credit has to be shared and the boost is consequently reduced.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Another classic example of false incentives is the guru promise. When I was younger it would make me feel angry if youd call me a saint. It is a cuss word. Stopping will give you happiness as you are not engaged in the tug of war and your brain is starting to re-wire and regain impulse controls and all that. However you must keep in mind that none of this will make you a sex god or win a lotto. No one, except you, cares if you stop PMO. You are not a weak person either if you are doing PMO three times a day and have PIED. And you are not a strong person if you are an addict and dont have PIED.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stop kidding yourself. If the job offer that I mentioned before, of 10 months work for 12 months salary a year won&amp;rsquo;t stop him. Or if the risks of cutting down your brains capacity to cope with just any normal day-to-day stress and strains or if putting yourself at odds with having a reliable erection, or if the lifetime of mental and physical torture and slavery did not stop him or her - the above said few phoney incentives will not make the slightest bit of difference. They will only make the sacrifice appear worse. Instead concentrate on the other side:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;what-am-i-getting-out-of-it-why-do-i-need-to-pmo&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;“What am I getting out of it? Why do I need to PMO?”&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Keep looking at the other side of the tug of war. What is PMOing doing for me? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Why do I need to do it? YOU DON&amp;rsquo;T! YOU ARE ONLY PUNISHING YOURSELF. Try looking at it from the Pascals Wager perspective. You have almost nothing to lose (a rub-out with half arousals) for sure, chances of big profits (a full and reliable arousal, mental well being and happiness) and no chance of losing big (unreliable full arousals, premature ejaculations, fading penetrations, loss of general impulse controls, lower tolerance for frustrations and anger).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Why not declare your quitting to friends and family? Well, it will make you a proud ex-addict, ex-PMOer, not an elated and happy non-PMOer. It will scare your partner a bit since they may see this as an effort to have more sex, sort of a new-age thing. They may also fear to lose you if this turns you into sex machine. It is hard to explain to them unless they are open minded.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Any attempt to get others to help you in your quitting gives more power to the little monster of addiction. Pushing it from your mind and totally ignoring it has the effect of trying NOT to think of it. As soon as you spot the thoughts, when you hit the cues (home alone) or just absent minded thoughts - just say to yourself: “Great, I dont have to do it like a slave animal. I am free. I am happy to know the differences in sex.” This will cut the life of the thought and will deny oxygen to it and will stop it from burning towards urges and cravings.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-29 Can I Compartmentalize?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:03:34 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is another myth about PMOing spread mainly by PMOers who, when attempting to stop on the Willpower Method, substitute mental gymnastics - they propose to act -Jekyll and Hyde: “Porn is for my alter ego side and real life romance is for my relationship side.” Nothing is further from the truth. The porn waterslides - the deltaFosBs and all the brain changes are going to overrun the real life romance and will make it less desirable. Mr Hyde is most definitely going to overrule Dr. Jekylls instructions.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you use internet porn, you may be training yourself for the role of voyeur or to need the option of clicking to something more arousing at the least drop in your dopamine levels, or to search and search for just the right scene for maximum effect. Also, you may be masturbating in a hunched-over position or watching your smartphone in bed nightly. You will eventually desire those cues more than the real life action. The thing that goes against real sex is the lack of novelty, variety, harem like 24/7 quick delivery etc. and so it stands no chance compared to your online harem. The younger you were when you started on PMO the longer to rewire and break down those porn water slides and get back those real water slides if there were any from the past or create new ones. Also powerful and lasting are the associated memories from when you were young.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Every time you take a ride on the porn water slide you are greasing it - keeping the nerves fresh. When you park next to a fast food restaurant the smell of the fries floats from the pan into your nostrils and the sale was already made. Likewise, the porn water slides in your brain are there for you to get sucked in and they are open 24 hours a day. Each of these cues, or triggers, can now light up your reward circuit with the promise of sex&amp;hellip; only it isn&amp;rsquo;t sex. Nevertheless, nerve cells may solidify these associations with sexual arousal by sprouting new branches to strengthen the connections. The more you use porn the stronger the nerve connections can become, with the result that you may ultimately need to be a voyeur, need to click to new material, need to climax to porn to get to sleep, or need to search for the perfect ending just to get the job done.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As with any substance or behavioural drug, after a while the body becomes immune and the “drug” ceases to relieve the withdrawal pangs completely. As soon as we close a session, the addict wants another one very soon and he has a permanent hunger. The natural inclination is eventually to escalate just to get the dopamine rush. However, most PMOers are prevented from doing this for one, or both, of two reasons.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Money - they cannot afford to subscribe to paid porn sites.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Health - There is only so much the body can take - either the motivator dopamine surges or the orgasms. And orgasms actually trigger anti-dopamine chemicals to cut down the dopamine flush. It has to - that is the way the body works.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Once that little monster leaves your body the awful feeling of insecurity ends. Your confidence returns, together with a marvellous feeling of self-respect. You obtain the assurance to take control of your life, not only in your other habits but also in all other ways. This is one of the many great advantages of being free from any addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have said, the compartment myth is due to one of many tricks that the little monster plays with your mind. In fact, these tricks do not make it easier to stop, they make it harder. The PMOer is therefore left with a permanent hunger that he can never satisfy. This is why many PMOers turn to cigarettes, heavy drinking or even harder drugs in order to satisfy the void.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I had suggested watching porn with one of my partners. But eventually I noticed it did not enhance my arousal at all. The sex was not better. I realized that it actually diminished my attraction towards her. We humans are rating animals - we always self rate and other rate. I am sure she rated me against the male porn start too. Why take chances? Do you want Brad Pitt in your bedroom, even if he is in a poster ? No one man or woman can match a harem where each experience is acted, scripted and directed by professionals and at the ready 24 hours a day.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-28 Will I Miss the Fun?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:01:03 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;No! Once that little porn monster is dead and your body stops craving dopamine and the porn water slides in your brain start to fade due to lack of greasing, any remaining brainwashing will vanish and you will find yourself both physically and mentally better equipped not only to cope with the stresses and strains of life but to enjoy the good times to the full.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There is only one danger and that is the influence of those who still use sex as their lying crutch and damned pleasure. “The other man&amp;rsquo;s grass is always greener,” is commonplace in many aspects of our lives and is easily understandable. Why is it in the case of PMOing, where the disadvantages are so enormous as compared with even the illusory advantages, that the ex-PMOer tend to envy the man or woman who appears to demand sex and use porn for pleasure and a crutch?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;With all the brainwashing of our childhood it is quite understandable that we fall into the trap. Why is it that, once we realize what a mug&amp;rsquo;s game it is and many of us manage to kick the habit, we walk straight back into the same trap? It is the influence of society&amp;rsquo;s brainwashing of porn being conflated with sex and presented as normal. The ex-PMOer has a pang! The insecure void feelings of them being single, which in itself is not a crime anyway, causes anxiety and cues them to PMO water slide. This is indeed a curious anomaly, particularly if you consider this piece of observation: not only is every non-PMOer in the world happy to be a non-PMOer but every PMOer in the world, even with his warped, addicted, brainwashed mind suffering the delusion that he enjoys it or it relaxes him, wishes he had never become hooked in the first place. So why do some ex-PMOers envy the PMOer on these occasions? There are two reasons.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Just one peek.” Remember; it doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. Stop seeing that isolated occasion and start looking at it from the point of view of the PMOer. You may be envying him but he doesn&amp;rsquo;t approve of himself: he envies you. If only you could somehow watch (clinically) another PMOer. They can be the most powerful boost of all to help you of it. Notice how quickly they open many tabs and many windows of their browsers? They fast forward to their important minutes. How quickly they get bored of some clips and how quickly they run through the gamut of genres producing novelty, shock, anxiety, worry etc. Notice particularly that not only is he/she not aware that he or she is PMOing but even the act of masturbation appears to be automatic. Remember, he is not enjoying it; it&amp;rsquo;s just that he cannot enjoy himself without it. Particularly remember that when he leaves to go to sleep after his visit he is drained of energy. The next morning, when he wakes up with a weakened will, lost energy, bleary eyes, he is going to have to carry on choking himself at the first appearance of stress and strain. The next time he has a pain in the penis, the next ED episode or a fading penetration when he is in the company of a non-PMOer, he has to continue this lifetime chain of paying through the nose just for the privilege of destroying himself physically and mentally. He is facing a lifetime of filth, bad mental health, stained confidence, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of destroying himself, a lifetime of black shadows at the back of his mind. And all of this is to achieve what purpose? The lying illusion if getting what you deserve and the damned pleasure?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The second reason why some ex- PMOers have pangs on these occasions is because the PMOer is doing something i.e. self pleasuring and the non-PMOer is not, so he tends to feel deprived. Get it clear in your mind before you start: it is not the non-PMOer who is being deprived. It is the poor PMOer who is being deprived of:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;PEACE OF MIND&lt;/li&gt;
Get out of the habit of envying PMOers and start seeing them as the miserable, pathetic creatures they really are. I know: I was the one of the world&amp;rsquo;s worst. That is why you are reading this book and the ones who cannot face up to it, who have to go on kidding themselves, are the most pathetic of all.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You wouldn&amp;rsquo;t envy a heroin addict. Like all drug addiction, yours won&amp;rsquo;t get better. Each year it will get worse and worse. If you don&amp;rsquo;t enjoy being a PMOer today, you&amp;rsquo;ll enjoy it even less tomorrow. Don&amp;rsquo;t envy other PMOers. Pity them. Believe me: THEY NEED YOUR PITY.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-27 Timing</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:55:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Apart from the obvious point that as it is doing you no good, now is the right time to stop. I believe timing is important. Our society treats internet porn flippantly as a slightly distasteful habit that can not injure your health. It is not. It is drug addiction, a disease and a destroyer of relationships in society. The worst thing that happens in most PMOers lives is getting hooked on that awful addiction. If they stay hooked, horrendous things happen. Timing is important to give yourself the right to a proper cure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;First of all, identify the times or occasions when PMO appears to be important to you. If you are a businessman and use it for the illusion of relief of stress, pick a relatively slack period; a good idea is to choose your annual holiday. If you PMO mainly during boring or relaxing periods, weekends etc. do the opposite. In any event, take the matter seriously and make the attempt the most important thing in your life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Look ahead for a period of about three weeks and try to anticipate any event that might lead to failure. Occasions like a conference trip, partner out of town etc. need not deter you, providing you anticipate them in advance and do not feel you will be deprived. Do not attempt to cut down in the meantime as this will only create the illusion that being denied is enjoyable. In fact, it helps to force yourself to watch and have as many PMO sessions as possible. While you are having the last session and that last time, be conscious of the disappointment due to satiation, unfulfilled expectations (porn can never satisfy you), any bodily pain or pain in the genitals, the withdrawal effects, the peevishness and the melancholy. Think how marvellous it will be when you allow yourself to stop doing it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;whatever-you-do-dont-fall-into-the-trap-of-just-saying-not-now-later-and-putting-it-out-of-your-mind-work-out-your-timetable-now-and-look-forward-to-it&#34;&gt;WHATEVER YOU DO, DON&amp;rsquo;T FALL INTO THE TRAP OF JUST SAYING, “NOT NOW. LATER,” AND PUTTING IT OUT OF YOUR MIND. WORK OUT YOUR TIMETABLE NOW AND LOOK FORWARD TO IT.&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Remember you aren&amp;rsquo;t giving anything up. On the contrary: you are about to receive marvellous positive gains.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For years the medical profession viewed porn is harmless without knowing the difference between the tame static porn of yesteryear and the latest VR streaming porn. The problem is this; although every PMOer uses internet porn purely to relieve the brain chemical craving for dopamine, it is not the addiction to the brain chemical itself that hooks the PMOer but the self-brainwashing that results from that addiction. An intelligent person will fall for a confidence trick. But only a fool will go on falling for it once he realizes that it&amp;rsquo;s a confidence trick. Fortunately, most PMOers aren&amp;rsquo;t fools; they only think they are. Each individual PMOer has his own private brainwashing. That is why there appears to be such a wide range of different types of PMOer, which only serves to compound the mysteries.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;With the benefit of the original book that used this method to stop smoking, which dealt with nicotine addiction (one of the most quickest and addictive drug known to man) and bearing in mind that the personal logs that I collected from Reddit, NoFap and YBOP blogs and forums, I was agreeably surprised to realize that the philosophy propounded in the original book was still sound. The accumulated knowledge that was acquired by the original author Alan Carr and by myself the hack-author is how to communicate that knowledge to each individual PMOer. The fact that I know every PMOer can not only find it easy to stop but can actually enjoy the process is not only pointless but exceedingly frustrating unless I can make the PMOer realize it. The original author of the quit smoking book explains some controversial advice:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“Many people have said to me: You say, &amp;ldquo;Continue to smoke until you have finished the book.&amp;rsquo;&amp;rsquo; This tends to make the smoker take ages to read the hook or just not finish it. period. Therefore you should change that instruction. This sounds logical, but I know that if the instruction were: Stop immediately, some smokers wouldn&amp;rsquo;t even start reading the book. I had a smoker consult me in the early days. He said, I really resent having to seek your help, I know I&amp;rsquo;m strong-willed. In every other area of my life I&amp;rsquo;m in control. Why is it that all these other smokers are stopping by using their own willpower, yet I have to come to you? He continued, I think I could do it on my own, if I could smoke while I was doing it.’”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This may sound like a contradiction but I know what the man meant. We think of stopping smoking as something that is very difficult to do. What do we need when we have something difficult to do? We need our little friend. So stopping smoking appears to be a double blow. Not only do we have a difficult task to perform, which is hard enough, but the crutch on which we normally rely on such occasions is no longer available. It didn&amp;rsquo;t occur to me until long after the man had left that my instruction to keep smoking is the real beauty of my method. You can continue to smoke while you go through the process of stopping. You get rid of all your doubts and fears first so when you extinguish that final cigarette you are already a non-smoker and can enjoy being one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So this book on PMO will also keep the same advice intact. No matter how much I say it will be easy there will be a vast majority who will not be able to accept it due to their personal brainwashing on how difficult it is to quit.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only chapter that has caused me to question my original advice seriously is this chapter on the matter of the right timing. Above all, I advise that if your special occasions are stress situations at the office then pick a holiday to make an attempt to give up or vice versa. In fact, that isn&amp;rsquo;t the easiest way to do it. The easiest way is to pick what you consider to be the most difficult time to do it, whether it be stress, social, concentration or boredom. Once you&amp;rsquo;ve proved that you can cope with and enjoy life in the worst possible situations every other situation becomes easy. But if I gave that as a definite instruction, would you even make the attempt to stop?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let me use an analogy. My wife and I intend to swim together. We arrive at the pool at the same time but we rarely swim together. The reason is that she immerses one toe and half an hour later she&amp;rsquo;s actually swimming. I cannot stand that slow torture. I know in advance that at some stage, no matter how cold the water is, eventually I&amp;rsquo;m going to have to brave it. So I&amp;rsquo;ve learned to do it the easy way: I dive straight in. Now, assuming that I were in a position to insist that if she didn&amp;rsquo;t dive straight in, she couldn&amp;rsquo;t swim at all. I know that she wouldn&amp;rsquo;t swim at all. Do you see the problem?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;From feedback I know that many PMOers have used the original advice I gave on timing to delay what they think will be the “evil day.” My next thoughts were to use the technique that I used for the chapter on the advantages of PMOing, something like: “timing is very important and in the next chapter I will advise you about the best time for you to make the attempt!” You turn the page over and there is just a huge, “NOW!” That is, in fact, the best advice but would you take it? This is the most subtle aspect of the porn trap. When we have genuine stress in our lives, it&amp;rsquo;s not the time to stop yet if we have no stress in our lives, we have no desire to stop. Ask yourself these following questions:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;When you got porn the first time, did you really decide then that you would continue to depend on it the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU DIDN&amp;rsquo;T!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Are you going to continue the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU AREN&amp;rsquo;T!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So when will you stop? Tomorrow? Next year? The year after? Isn&amp;rsquo;t this what you&amp;rsquo;ve been asking yourself since you first realized you were hooked? Are you hoping that one morning you will wake up and just not want to PMO any more? Stop kidding yourself. I waited many many awful years for it to happen to me. With any addiction you get progressively more hooked, not less. You think it will be easier tomorrow? You&amp;rsquo;re still kidding yourself. If you can&amp;rsquo;t do it today, what makes you think it will be easier tomorrow? Are you going to wait until you&amp;rsquo;ve actually started to feel getting out of bed is harder than just masturbating? That would be a bit pointless.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The real trap is the belief that now isn&amp;rsquo;t the right time - it will always be easier tomorrow. We believe that we live stressful lives. In fact, we don&amp;rsquo;t. We&amp;rsquo;ve taken most genuine stress out of our lives. When you leave your home you don&amp;rsquo;t live in fear of being attacked by wild animals. Most of us don&amp;rsquo;t have to worry where our next meal is coming from or whether we&amp;rsquo;ll have a roof over our head tonight. But just think of the life of a wild animal. Every time a rabbit comes out of its burrow, it is facing Vietnam the whole of its life. But the rabbit can handle it. It&amp;rsquo;s got adrenalin and other hormones and so have we. The truth is, the most stressful periods for any creature are early childhood and adolescence. But 3 billion years of natural selection have equipped us to cope with stress. Many people who have had hard childhoods grew up to lead normal lives.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We are all able to cope with unkind people and the unpleasant parts of life. I don&amp;rsquo;t believe any of my life adversities have left me with any permanent scars; on the contrary, I believe they have made me a stronger person. When I look back on my life there has only been one thing that I couldn&amp;rsquo;t handle and that was my slavery to that damned internet porn.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A few years ago I thought I had all the worries in the world. I was suicidal - not in the sense that I would have jumped off a roof but in the sense that I knew that this mental tug of war would soon kill me. I argued that if this was life with my crutch, life just wouldn&amp;rsquo;t be worth living without it. What I didn&amp;rsquo;t realize was that when you are physically and mentally depressed everything gets you down. Now I feel like a young boy again. Only one thing made the change in my life: I&amp;rsquo;m now out of the porn pit.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I know it&amp;rsquo;s a cliché to say, “if you haven&amp;rsquo;t got your health, you&amp;rsquo;ve got nothing,” but it&amp;rsquo;s absolutely true. I used to think that physical fitness fanatics like Gary Player were a pain. I used to claim there&amp;rsquo;s more to life than feeling fit; there&amp;rsquo;s sex, booze and tobacco. That&amp;rsquo;s nonsense. When you feel physically and mentally strong you can enjoy the highs and handle the lows. We confuse responsibility with stress. Responsibility becomes stressful only when you don&amp;rsquo;t feel strong enough to handle it. The Richard Burtons of this world are physically and mentally strong. What destroys them is not the stresses of life or their jobs, or old age but the lying crutches they turn to which are just illusions. Sadly in his case and for millions like him those lying crutches kill.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Look at it this way. You&amp;rsquo;ve already decided that you are not going to stay in the trap the rest of your life. Therefore at some time in your life whether you find it easy or difficult, you will have to go through the process of getting free. PMOing is not a habit or pleasure. It is drug addiction and a disease. We&amp;rsquo;ve already established that far from being easier to stop tomorrow, it will get progressively harder. With a disease that&amp;rsquo;s going to get progressively worse, the time to get rid of it is NOW - or as near to now as you can manage. Just think how quickly each week of our lives comes and goes. That&amp;rsquo;s all it takes. Just think how nice it will he to enjoy the rest of your life without that ever-increasing black shadow hanging over you. And if you follow all my instructions, you won&amp;rsquo;t even have to wait five days. You won&amp;rsquo;t only find it easy after closing down your bowser: Y&lt;strong&gt;OU&amp;rsquo;LL ENJOY IT!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-26 A Social Habit?</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:54:03 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Health of mind and body are the main reason why we should want to stop but then they always have been. We do not actually need scientific research and knowledge in brain chemistry to tell us that internet porn is addictive and can potentially shatter our lives. These bodies of ours are the most sophisticated objects on the planet and any PMOer knows instantly, from the first session, that the stimulus can go to excess and it can turn poisonous.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only reason why we ever get involved with internet porn is the PMOs overlap with their evolutionary brain programming. Porn is available for free and it gets streamed 24 hours a day. No risk and no traces and with very high brain rewards. Porn was once considered as harmless but that was when the images were static and involved a trip to the local store for a VHS tape.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Today it is generally considered even by PMOers themselves to be a supra-stimulus and addiction forming. In the old days, the strong man did not admit he masturbated. Jerk is a derogatory term. In every pub or club bar the majority of men would be proudly wanting to take a woman home and have real sex. Today the position is completely reversed for the internet porn addicts. Today&amp;rsquo;s man realizes that he is starting to feel that he doesn&amp;rsquo;t need a woman. This scares him. He bands together online and starts discussing experiences, devise strategies and explore options. Today&amp;rsquo;s strong man does not want to depend on drugs. With the social revolution all PMOers nowadays are giving serious thought to stopping internet porn and masturbation. Today&amp;rsquo;s PMOers consider PMO as an useless and harmful activity.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The most significant trend that I have noticed in forums is the increasing emphasis on the anti-social aspect of PMOing. The days when a man boasted of having sex and orgasms every day is slowly getting replaced with, “why do I need to be a slave for this porn monster when I know it is controlling my wand (and mind)?”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only reason why people continue to PMO after getting educated is because they have failed to stop or are too frightened to try. There are even talks about no porn, no masturbation and no orgasms - with or without partners. Karezza is discussed widely and people are trying it out. Many aforementioned failures are “fail forwards” and thus somewhat benefiting the people who practice them. Once you start in the no-PMO route you will find your best fit that applies to your life. I strongly encourage devising your own plan on orgasms after understanding and practising the separation of the amative and the propagative parts of sex. I am sure whichever route you take you will see the value of preserving the “seed” by limiting the number of times you flush your brain with chemicals by orgasming. You will then never see porn, sex and orgasms as a pleasure or as a crutch for your emotional ups and downs.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I was reading a Reddit forum by non-PMOers dedicated to quitting not only porn but also masturbation. As I read along I thought. “This is good, I see so many have taken to quitting masturbation and I think that is the right way to quit PMO.” However, I found most of the notes pointing to them to try with the Willpower Method. There was a lot of self-pitying as well. Except a few&amp;hellip; almost all were not feeling elated and not having the, “yippee I am free from slavery” attitude. Eventually someone broke down - as I unfortunately expected to happen. And the result was a domino effect. All those other PMOers had been sitting there thinking, “surely I can&amp;rsquo;t be the only PMOer here.” However, they were “failing forward” albeit with a lot of self-torturing as they shut down their browsers but did not shut down the desire and the need. This method is the reverse as - we shut down the desire and the need first before shutting down the browser screen. As every day more and more PMOers leave the sinking ship, so those left on it become terrified they&amp;rsquo;ll be the last.&lt;/p&gt;
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&lt;h3 id=&#34;dont-let-it-be-you&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;DON&amp;rsquo;T LET IT BE YOU!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
<title>03-25 The YouTube PMOer</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:51:35 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;The YouTube PMOer should be grouped with casual PMOers but the effects of a YouTube PMOer are so insidious that it merits a separate chapter. It can lead to the breakdown of personal self control. In one case it nearly caused a split for a No-Fap forum user.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I was three weeks into one of my failed attempts to stop. The attempt had been triggered off by my wife&amp;rsquo;s worry about my unreliable hard-ons and lack of interest. I had told her that it was not her and it was just job pressure. She said, &amp;lsquo;I know you had handled the work pressure before but how would you feel if you were me and had to watch someone you love systematically destroying themselves? It was an argument that I found irresistible, hence the attempt to stop. She knows that I am not cheating - but this in a way is as worse as that (sic). The attempt ended after three weeks after a heated argument with an old friend. It did not register until years afterwards that my devious mind had deliberately triggered off the argument. I felt justly aggrieved at the time but I do not believe that it was coincidence, as I had never argued with this particular friend before, nor have I since. It was clearly the little monster at work. Anyway, I had my excuse. I desperately needed a release of orgasm and it doesnt matter how. As it happens she was not in the mood right away and I was in an “entitlement” hurry. So I convinced myself that it is OK if I restrict myself by avoiding a porn site and just stay this side of the red line and watch only YouTube videos. But she came around as the night unfolded and wanted to make love. But I was tired and not with all my horsepower. I then invented a headache. I could not bear to think of the disappointment this would cause my wife. Then gradually I returned to the old ways, only YouTube became my new harem destination. I remember being quite pleased at the time. I thought, &amp;lsquo;well, at least it is cutting my consumption down; Eventually she accused me of continuing to ignore her in the bed. I had not realized it but she described the times I had caused an argument and stormed out of the house. At other times I had taken two hours to purchase some minor item and faked a sprain or something. I had made feeble excuses to cop out of the whole wooing her and etc. when I have a reliable online harem it is even more hard.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The worst thing about the YouTube PMOer is that it supports the fallacy in the PMOers mind that he is being deprived. At the same time, it causes a major loss of self-respect; an otherwise honest person may force himself to deceive his loved one. It has probably happened or is still happening to you in some form.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It happened to me several times. Have you ever watched the TV detective series Columbo? The theme of each episode is similar. The villain, usually a wealthy and respected businessman, has committed what he is convinced is the perfect murder and his confidence in his crime remaining undetected receives a boost when he discovers that the rather shabby and unimpressive-looking Detective Columbo is in charge of the case.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Columbo has this frustrating practice of closing the door after finishing his interrogation, having assured the suspect that he is in the clear and before the satisfied look has disappeared from the murderer&amp;rsquo;s face, Columbo reappears with: “just one small point, sir, which I&amp;rsquo;m sure you can explain&amp;hellip;” The suspect stammers and from that point on we know and he knows that Columbo will gradually wear him down. No matter how heinous the crime, from that point on my sympathies were with the murderer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It was almost as if I were the criminal and that&amp;rsquo;s exactly how those bouts made me feel. The tension of not being allowed to cross the red line to get my porn fix that I “rightly deserve because I am hard working man and why shouldnt I when every man does it?” entitlement, click, click, clicking on videos that come close to the right one. Longing for the porn tube videos. And then finishing the deed - just a limp rub out, wondering where the pleasure was. The fear of crossing the line losing control. The relief of returning to the bed, immediately followed by the fear that she would toss around and ask for sex. As the “safe” YouTube videos started not to do it for me - desensitization and lack of novelty and the certain knowledge that sooner or later I was bound to visit my favourite online harem. The final humiliation and shame when that certainty became a fact, followed by the immediate return to chain-PMOing.&lt;/p&gt;
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&lt;h3 id=&#34;oh-the-joys-of-being-a-pmo-er&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;OH THE JOYS OF BEING A PMO-er!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
<title>03-24 Casual PMOers, Teenagers, Non PMOers</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:40:22 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Heavy PMOers tend to envy the casual porn user. We&amp;rsquo;ve all met these characters: “Oh, I can go all week without a PMO, it really doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me.” We think: “I wish I were like that!” I know this is hard to believe but no PMOer enjoys being a PMOer. Never forget:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;No PMOer ever decided to become a PMOer casual or otherwise, therefore:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;All PMOers feel stupid, therefore:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;All PMOers have to lie to themselves and other people in a vain attempt to justify their stupidity.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I used to be a golf fanatic. I would brag about how often I played and I wanted to play more. Why do PMOers brag about how little they masturbate? If that&amp;rsquo;s the true criterion then surely the true accolade is not to masturbate at all?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If I said to you, “do you know, I can go all week without carrots and it doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me in the slightest,” You would think I was some sort of nutcase. If I enjoy carrots, why would I want go all week without them? If I didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy them, why would I make such a statement? So when a user makes a statement like: “I can go all week without a PMO session, it really doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me.” He&amp;rsquo;s trying to convince both himself and you that he has no problem. But there would be no need to make the statement if he had no problem. What he is really saying is: “I managed to survive a whole week without PMOing.” Like every PMOer, he was probably hoping that after this he could survive the rest of his life. But he could only survive a week and can you imagine how precious that PMO session must have been afterwards, having felt deprived for a whole week?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This is why casual PMOers are effectively more hooked than heavy PMOers. Not only is the illusion of pleasure greater but they have less incentive to quit because they spend less time and are less vulnerable to the health risks. They may occasionally experience PIED but they are not very sure what caused it. Remember, the only pleasure PMOers get is in search-and-seek and then to relieve the withdrawal pangs, as I have already explained but even that pleasure is an illusion. Imagine the little porn monster inside your body as a permanent itch so imperceptible that most of the time we aren&amp;rsquo;t even aware of it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now if you have a permanent itch, the natural tendency is to scratch it. Similarly as our brain&amp;rsquo;s reward circuits become more and more immune to dopamine and opioids, the natural tendency is to edge, escalate, binge, novelty-seek, shock-seek etc. There are four main factors that prevent PMOers from chain-PMOing:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Time. Most cannot afford to.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Health. In order to relieve our itches we have to consume all free material that is available and then some. Capacity to cope with that kind of binging varies with each individual and at different times and situations in his or her life. This acts as an automatic restraint.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Discipline. This is imposed by society or the PMOers job, or friends and relatives, or by the PMOer himself as a result of the natural tug of war that goes on in every PMOers mind.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Imagination. Lack of imagination plays down the shock, novelty and other values of the same clip on a subjective basis.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I used to think of my non-casual PMOing as a weakness. I couldn&amp;rsquo;t understand why my friends could limit their “intake.” I knew I was a very strong-willed person. It never occurred to me that most PMOers are incapable of chain-PMOing - you need a very strong imagination and also extraordinarily strong penis stamina in order to do it. Some of these once-a-week PMOers that heavy PMOers tend to envy do it less frequently because physically their constitution cannot do more, or because they cannot afford to PMO more, or because their job, or society, or their own hatred of being hooked won&amp;rsquo;t allow them to PMO more.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It may be of advantage at this stage to provide a few definitions:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-non-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE NON-PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Someone who has never fallen for the trap but should not be complacent. He is a non-PMOer only by luck or the grace of goodness. All PMOers were convinced that they would never become hooked and some non-PMOers keep trying an occasional session.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-casual-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE CASUAL PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There are two basic classifications of casual PMOers:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The PMOer who has fallen for the trap but doesn&amp;rsquo;t realize it. Do not envy such PMOers. They are merely sampling the nectar at the mouth of the pitcher plant and in all probability will soon be heavy users. Remember, just as all alcoholics started off as casual drinkers, so all PMOers started off as casual PMOers.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The PMOer who was previously a heavy PMOer and thinks he cannot stop. These PMOers are the saddest of all. They fall into various categories, each of which needs separate comment.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-oncea--day-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE ONCEA- DAY PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If he enjoys his entitlement to orgasm, why does he use internet porn to orgasm only once a day? If he can take it or leave it, why does he bother to PMO at all? Remember, the habit is really banging your head against the brick wall only to make it relaxing when you stop. The once-a-day PMOer is relieving his withdrawal pangs for less than one hour each day. The rest of the day, although he doesn&amp;rsquo;t realize it, he is banging his head against the wall and does so for most of his life. He is PMOing only once a day because either he cannot take the risk of getting caught or screwing up his brain health. It is easy to convince the heavy PMOer that he doesn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy it but you try convincing a casual PMOer. Anybody who has gone through an attempt to cut down will know it is the worst torture of all and almost guaranteed to keep you hooked for the rest of your life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-rejected-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE REJECTED PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This PMOer demands the right to his/her orgasm(s) every day. And of course his sex partner is not always up to it. So he goes on the internet for porn initially. Once he takes “the ride” to fix “the void” he is trapped on this most exciting water slide of novelty, shock, supranormal images etc. He is in fact dichotomously happy with the partners rejection it gives him something of an excuse. If internet porn is giving so much to you, why even bother to have a partner at all? Set him or her free. He is not even enjoying the PMO when he has to carry his partner in his mind. At some point he is using his real life partner to hand him an excuse to go out into the valleys of the dark side of the internet.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-porn-diet-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE PORN DIET PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;(Or, “I can stop whenever I want to. I have done it thousands of times”). If he thinks dieting helps with his moods to get out to get women, why is he even on the diet of once every four days? How can one predict the future, what if the happenstance of meeting occurred just an hour after your scheduled PMO session? Also, if he thinks this occasional “cleaning the plumbing” is good to relieve tension and relax why not plumb every day? It has been proven that masturbation is not required to keep the genitals healthy. Internet porn is not required at all. Even if that may be the case, any PUA guru who has read about the brain chemistry and its plasticity will never recommend watching super stimulus porn. The truth is he is still hooked. Although he gets rid of the physical addiction, he is left with the main problem - the brainwashing. He hopes each time that he will stop for good and soon falls for the same trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers actually envy these stoppers and starters. They think, “how lucky to be able to control it like that, to do PMO when you want to and stop when you want to,” What they always overlook is that these stoppers and starters aren&amp;rsquo;t controlling it. When they are PMOers, they wish they weren&amp;rsquo;t. They go through the hassle of stopping, then begin to feel deprived and fall for the trap again, then wish they hadn&amp;rsquo;t. They get the worst of both worlds. If you think about it, this is true in the lives of the PMOers. When we are allowed to PMO we either take it as entitled or wish we didn&amp;rsquo;t. It&amp;rsquo;s only when we can&amp;rsquo;t have PMO that it appears to be so precious. The forbidden fruit syndrome. This is the awful dilemma of PMOers. They can never win because they are moping for a myth, an illusion. There is one way they can win and that is to stop PMOing and stop moping!&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-i-only-pmo-to-statictamehome-made-porn-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE I-ONLY-PMO-TO-STATIC/TAME/HOME-MADE-PORN PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Yes, we all do it to start with but isn&amp;rsquo;t it amazing how the average shock value of these clips seems rapidly to increase and before we know it we seem to be feeling deprived (tolerance)? The novelty is lacking in with static porn and we pay the mascot for a cup of grease and take the ride down the porn water slide towards the dark spirals of resentment and guilt. The worst thing you can do is to use your partner&amp;rsquo;s pictures (with approval, of course) for masturbation. Why? Because you are re-wiring your brain for the seeking, searching and variety induced dopamine flushes. The porn water slides in the brain is the DeltaFosB built-up due to the dopamine surges induced by internet porn. But you will find yourself having weak and unreliable erections when you are with her in real time. Another genre in this category is amateur or home made porn. Most are fakes and you know it. And you are not going to settle down and finish on the very first one that hits your eyes&amp;hellip; you are going to continue to seek and search. Remember its not only the orgasms but the search-and-seek, the wandering, that gives the porn slide the surge, the ride. The porn content, whether amateur or professional or whatever is not the issue, it is the brain flushes of dopamine during the search-and-seek - the building up of brain tolerance and satiation. Porn destroys normal brain operations. Masturbation confuses the muscle-brain. Orgasms floods the brain and so it should be, better the risks involved in having one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-i-have-stopped-but-i-have-an-occasional-peek-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE I-HAVE-STOPPED-BUT-I-HAVE-AN-OCCASIONAL-PEEK PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In a way such peeking PMOers are the most pathetic of all. Either they go through their lives believing they are being deprived or, more often, the occasional peek becomes two. They remain on the slippery slope and it goes only one way - DOWNWARDS. Sooner or later they are back to being heavy PMOers. They have fallen again for the very trap that they fell into in the first place.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There are two other categories of casual PMOers. The first is the type who masturbates to images or clips of the latest celebrity sex tapes that hit the news. Or something they carried home from their accidental viewing at school or work. These people are really non-PMOers. It&amp;rsquo;s just that they feel they are missing out. They want to be part of the action. We all start off like this. Next time watch how, after a while, the celebrity sex tape, the same star of your fantasy is not doing it to you any more. The more unattainable the target of your fantasy is, the more frustrating the withdrawal of the orgasm is.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The second category is recently getting attention. The type can best be described by outlining a case shared online. A woman who is a professional, had been using internet porn stories for many years and had never PMOed more or less than one time every night. She was, incidentally, a very strong-willed lady. Most PMOers would wonder why she wanted to stop in the first place. They would gladly point out to her that there is no worries of PIED, or PE in her case as she is a women. She is using not even static images and the stories are far tamer than any they use on a daily basis.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;They make the mistake of assuming that casual PMOers are happier and more in control. In control they may be but happy they are not. In this case, she is not satisfied with her partner, not interested in real sex, highly irritable with her daily stress and strains. Her nearest-and-dearest could not find out what is bothering her. Even if she convinced herself not to be afraid of her use of internet porn by rationalizing, she still finds herself not being able to enjoy real relationships which almost invariably involve ups and downs. Her brains RC&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; is not able to make use of the normal de-stress brain chemicals as she is flooding dopamine into her brain on an everyday basis. The down regulation&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; of her brain receptors has rendered her melancholic most times. Like me, she had a great fear of internet porns dark side of the treatment of women- before her first time. Like me, she eventually fell victim to the massive social brainwash and tried that first porn site. Like me, she can remember the foul clips of violence staged as entertainment. Unlike me, who capitulated and became a chain-PMOer very quickly, she resisted the slide.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;All you ever enjoy in PMO is the ending of the craving that started before it, whether it be the almost imperceptible physical craving for dopamine or the mental torture caused by not being allowed to scratch the itch. Internet porn itself is a poison as far as it concerns you. This is why you only suffer the illusion of enjoying it after a period of abstinence. Just like a hunger or thirst, the longer you suffer it, the greater the pleasure when you finally relieve it. PMOers make the mistake of believing PMO is just a habit. They think, “if I can only keep it down to a certain level or do only on special occasions, my brain and body will accept it. I can then keep my PMOing at that level or cut down further should I wish to.” Get it clear in your mind: the &amp;lsquo;habit&amp;rsquo; doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. PMOing is drug addiction. The natural tendency is to relieve withdrawal pangs, not to endure them. Even to hold it at the level you are already at, you would have to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life because as your brain&amp;rsquo;s RC becomes immune to dopamine and opioids, it wants more and more, not less and less. As PMO begins to destroy you physically and mentally, as it gradually breaks down your nervous system, your courage and confidence, your impulse controls, so you are increasingly unable to resist reducing the interval between each session.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That is why in the early days, we can take it or leave it. If we get a sign of something amiss mentally or physically, we just stop. It also explains why someone like me, who never even suffered the illusion of enjoying them, had to go on chain-PMOing even though every time it had become a physical torture. Don&amp;rsquo;t envy that woman. When you PMO only once every twenty four hours it appears to be the most precious thing on earth. The “forbidden fruit syndrome.” For many years that poor woman had been at the centre of a tug of war.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;She had been unable to stop PMOing, yet was frightened to escalate to streaming clips. But for twenty-three hours and ten minutes of every one of those days she had to fight the temptation. She also had to fight her own lack of feelings towards her boyfriend. It took tremendous willpower to do what she did and, as I have said, such cases are rare. But it reduced her to tears in the end. Just look at it logically: either there is a genuine crutch or pleasure in PMOing or there isn&amp;rsquo;t. If there is, who wants to wait an hour, or a day, or a week? Why should you be denied the crutch or pleasure in the meantime? If there is no genuine crutch or pleasure, why bother paying visits to your online harem?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Here is another case of a once-in-four-days man. This is how the man described his life:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I am forty years old. I suffered PIED with real women and even when Id be doing PMO. Most times I am only rubbing it out. It has been a while since I had a full erection. Before going on the one-in-four days porn diet, I used to sleep soundly through the night after my PMO. Now I wake up every hour of the night and all I can think about is PMO. Even when I am sleeping. I dream about my favourite clips. On days after my scheduled PMO I feel pretty down and this diet would take up all my energy. My SO would leave me alone because I am so bad-tempered and if she cant get out, she will not have me in the house. I go for a jog outside but my mind is obsessed with PMOing. On the schedule day I begin planning earlier in the night. I get very irritated if something happens against my plans. Id give up on conversation and give in (only to later regret) at work and at home. I am not an argumentative guy but I dont want the topic or conversation to hold me down. I remember occasions when Id pick up silly fights with my SO. I then wait for 10 o&amp;rsquo;clock. When it arrives my hands are shaking uncontrollably. I do not start the deed right away. As there are new videos that has been added, I had to shop around. As I click around, my mind tells me that since I had starved myself for 4 days I deserve a special clip and it has to be worth the time spent searching. Eventually I settle for one or two but then I want it to last so that I can survive through the next 4 days. So I take more time to finish the deed.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In addition to his other troubles, this poor man has no idea that he treating himself to a poison. First he is suffering the “forbidden fruit syndrome.” Next he is forcing his brain to flush dopamine. His dopamine receptors are not as cut down comparatively either. But he is sliding and greasing the porn slides, seeking and searching for edging, novelty, variety, shock-value, anxiety-value (“I must treat myself so that I can survive the next three days”) etc. You probably have visions of a pathetic imbecile. Not so. This man was over six feet tall and an ex-sergeant in the Marines. He was a former athlete and didn&amp;rsquo;t want to become an addict to anything. However, when he returned from the war he was trained as a techie in a veterans rehab program. When he entered the civil work force he was a well paid IT professional in a bank and was given a laptop (one of the ways to ensure you take work home). It was the year that famous socialites leaked their porn videos online. There was much talk about it. And he got hooked. He has spent the rest of his life paying through the nose and it has ruined him physically and mentally. If he were an animal, our society would have put him out of his misery, yet we still allow mentally and physically healthy young teenagers to become hooked. You may think the above case and my notes are exaggerated. It is extreme but not unique. There are literally thousands of similar stories. That man poured his heart out to me but you can be sure that many of his friends and acquaintances envied him for being a once-a-week man. If you think this couldn&amp;rsquo;t happen to you, STOP KIDDING YOURSELF.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;it-is-already-happening&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;IT IS ALREADY HAPPENING.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In any event, PMOers like other addicts are notorious liars, even to themselves. They have to be. Most casual PMOers indulge far more times and on far more occasions than they will admit to. I have had many conversations with so-called twice-a-week PMOers during which they have done it more than three times that week. If you read the Reddit or No-Fap forums of casual PMOers, they are either counting the days or waiting to fail. You do not need to envy casual PMOers. You do not need to PMO. Life is infinitely sweeter without PMO. One log says&amp;hellip;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“It started with a simple challenge to not touch my penis for a day. And being unable. I don&amp;rsquo;t think about masturbation anymore. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t cross my mind. That is possible, I promise you. And the riches that await those who are able - they&amp;rsquo;re incredible.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Teenagers are generally more difficult to cure, not because they find it difficult to stop but because either they do not believe they are hooked or they are at the primary stage of the trap and suffer from the delusion that they will automatically have stopped before the secondary stage.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I would like particularly to warn parents of children who loathe internet porn not to have a false sense of security. All children loathe the dark sides of porn until they become hooked. You did too at one time. Also do not be fooled by scare campaigns. The trap is the same as it always was. Children know that internet porn is supranormal stimuli but they also know that one visit or peek will not do it. At some stage they may be influenced by a girlfriend or boyfriend, school friend or work colleague.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You may think that all they need is an education in brain plasticity and that PMO (including even masturbation) acts like a virus in their brain programme to convince them they could never become hooked. I find society&amp;rsquo;s failure to prevent our children from becoming addicted to internet porn and other drugs to be the most disturbing of all the many disturbing facets of addiction. I beg you not to be complacent in this matter. It is necessary to protect youngsters as their brain is more plastic at that age. I strongly urge you to read the YBOP book and educate yourself of the brain science. Even if you suspect your teenager might lready be hooked, the book will provide excellent guidance to assist in gaining understanding for someone to escape.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;RC&lt;/strong&gt; - reward circuits.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Regulation&lt;/strong&gt; - Up and down regulation is a natural reactionary process of the brain to adjust receptors and or their neuro-transmitters based on the level that is present.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-23 Just One Peek</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:35:22 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;“Just one peek” is a myth you must get out of your mind:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek that gets us started in the first place.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek to tide us over a difficult patch or on a special occasion that defeats most of our attempts to stop.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek that, when PMOers have succeeded in breaking the addiction, sends them back into the trap. Sometimes it is just to confirm that they do not need them any more and that one harem visit does just that.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The after effect of PMO will be horrible and convinces the PMOer he will never become hooked again but he already is. The PMOer feels that something that is making him or her so miserable and guilty should have not made him or her do it yet they did.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is the thought of that one special PMO session that often prevents users from stopping. The one after your long conference trip or the one after your hard day at work or your fight with kids or after an incident where your partner rejects you for sex. Get it firmly in your mind there is no such thing as “just one peek.” It is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you break it. It is the myth about the odd, special occasion that keeps PMOers moping about it when they stop. Get into the habit of never seeing the “no big deal” (NBD&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;) session - it is a fantasy. Whenever you think about porn or PMO, see a whole filthy lifetime of spending a lot of time behind a screen just for the privilege of destroying yourself mentally and physically, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of hopelessness. It is not a crime if your erections are unreliable. But it is when you could be happier in the long term but choose to sacrifice that for a short term pleasure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is OK that we cant always come up with something to do for the void and it is not realistically possible to do that every time and for our entire life. Yes, we can plan for most of them, but sometimes void happens. Good times and bad times also happen, irrespective of your PMO anyway. But get it clearly into your mind: the PMO isn&amp;rsquo;t it. You are stuck with either a lifetime of misery or none at all. You wouldn&amp;rsquo;t dream of taking cyanide because you liked the taste of almonds, so stop punishing yourself with the thought of the occasional “no big deal” PMO. Ask a PMOer with issues, “if you had the opportunity to go back to the time before you became hooked, would you have become a PMOer?” The answer is inevitably, “you have got to be joking!” Yet every PMOer has that choice every day of his life. Why doesn&amp;rsquo;t he opt for it? The answer is fear. The fear that he cannot stop or that life won&amp;rsquo;t be the same without it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stop kidding yourself! You can do it. Anybody can. It&amp;rsquo;s ridiculously easy. In order to make it easy to stop masturbating to internet porn there are certain fundamentals to get clear in your mind. We have already dealt with three of them up to now:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is nothing to give up. There are actually only marvellous positive gains to achieve.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Never convince yourself of the odd/NBD (no big deal) or JOP&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; (just one peak) PMO. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. There is only a lifetime of filth and slavery,&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is nothing different about you. Any addicted PMOer can find it easy to stop.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers believe that they are confirmed addicts or have addictive personalities. This usually happens if they have read the shocking&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:3&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:3&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;3&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; part of the brain science a little bit too much. I promise you there is no such thing. No one is born with needs to masturbate to video clips before they become hooked on the drug. It is the drug that hooks you and not the nature of your character or personality. It is the effect of addictive supranormal stimuli that makes you believe that you have an addictive personality. However, it is essential that you remove this belief because if you believe that you are dependent on internet porn, you will be. Even after the little porn monster inside your body is dead. It is essential to remove all of this brainwashing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;NBD&lt;/strong&gt; - no big deal.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;JOP&lt;/strong&gt; - Just one peek.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:3&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The shocking part of brain chemistry talks about a long lasting deltaFosB stable protein that forms the water slide cues in our brains. These cause the slip-lapse-relapse cycles in addicts. They are greased (kept alive) every time the addicted substance is used.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:3&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-22 Beware of Cutting Down</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:28:58 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers resort to cutting down either as a stepping-stone towards stopping or as an attempt to control the little monster. Many recommend cutting down or a porn diet&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; as a pick-me-up. Obviously, the less you PMO the better off you are but as a stepping-stone to stopping, cutting down is fatal. It is these attempts to cut down that keep us trapped all our lives.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Usually cutting down follows failed attempts to stop. After a few hours or days of abstinence the PMOer says to himself something like:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I cannot face the thought of going to sleep without visiting my online harem, so from now on I will just PMO once in four days or I will purge my collection of bad porn. If I can follow this porn diet, I can either hold it there or cut down further.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Certain terrible things now happen:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He has the worst of all worlds. He is still addicted to internet porn and is keeping the monster alive not only in his body but also in his mind.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He is now wishing his life away waiting for the next session.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Prior to cutting down, whenever he wanted to visit his harem he would fire up his browser and at least partially relieved his withdrawal pangs. Now, in addition to the normal stresses and strains of life, he is actually causing himself to suffer the withdrawal pangs from porn most of his life. So he is causing himself to be even more miserable and bad tempered.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;While he was indulging himself, he didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy most of the PMO sessions nor did he realize he was using a supranormal stimulate. It was automatic. The only harem visits that he imagined he enjoyed were after a period of abstinence (e.g. the first in the four days, the one after a business trip, etc.).&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now that he waits an extra hour for each harem visit, he enjoys every one. The longer he waits, the more enjoyable each PMO session appears to become because the enjoyment in a session isn&amp;rsquo;t the session itself; it&amp;rsquo;s the ending of the agitation caused by the craving, whether it be the slight physical craving for internet porn or the mental moping. The longer you suffer, the more enjoyable each session becomes.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The main difficulty of stopping PMOing is not the brain chemical addiction. That&amp;rsquo;s easy. PMOers will all on without it anyway on various occasions - such as death of a loved one, family/work affairs keeping them away from access etc. They will go say, ten days without internet porn and it doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother them. But if they went the same ten days during which time they can have access to internet porn, they would be tearing their hair out.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers will get a chance during their work day and abstain from masturbating to orgasm. PMOers will pass through Victorias Secret store in the mall, swimming pools and so on without undue inconvenience. Many PMOers will abstain if they have to sleep on the couch temporarily to make space for a visitor or if they are themselves visiting . Even in the Go-Go bars or on nudist beaches there have been no riots. PMOer are almost pleased for someone to say they cannot masturbate. In fact, PMOers who want to quit get a secret pleasure out of going long periods without a harem visit. It gives them the hope that maybe one day they will never want it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The real problem when stopping is the brainwashing. That illusion of entitlement that internet porn is some sort of prop or reward and life will never be quite the same without it. Far from turning you off to internet porn, all cutting down does is to leave you feeling insecure and miserable and to convince you that the most precious thing on this earth is the missed new clip on your tube site, that there is no way that you will ever be happy again without seeing that one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There is nothing more pathetic than the PMOer who is trying to cut down. He suffers from the delusion that the less he PMOs, the less he will want to visit the online harems&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;. In fact, the reverse is true. The less he PMOs, the longer he suffers the withdrawal pangs; the more he enjoys the PMO. However, the more he will then notice that his favourite genre or star are not hitting the spot now. But that won&amp;rsquo;t stop him. If the tube sites were to dedicate to one star only no PMOers would ever go more than once to those online harems.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You find that difficult to believe? OK, let&amp;rsquo;s talk it out. Which is the worst moment of self control one feels? Waiting for four days and then having a climax. Which is one of the most precious moment for most PMOers who are in the 4 day porn diet? That&amp;rsquo;s right, the same climax after waiting for four days! Now do you really believe you are masturbating to it to enjoy the orgasm? Or do you think a more rational explanation is that you are relieving withdrawal pangs and the illusion that your are entitled to PMO?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is essential that we remove all these illusions about PMO before you extinguish that final session. Unless you&amp;rsquo;ve removed the illusion that you enjoy it before you close the window on the final one, there is no way you can prove it afterwards without getting hooked again. So, unless you are already online waiting to go to your tube site, do type it now. Open up your favourites folder and PMO to your most favourites - star, genre, theme etc. Now as you are in the action ask yourself what is so glorious about this thing. Perhaps you believe that it is only certain clips that are of good taste, like the one on your habitual or favourite theme? If so, why do you bother to watch the other videos and themes?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Because you got into the habit of doing it? Now why would anyone get into the habit of PMO which is screwing up their brain scripts and wasting themselves? Why should a clip of the same star that hit the spot last month not be as exciting now? Nothing is different after a month, so why should porn clip be different after a month?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t just rely on me, check it out yourself. Find that hot clip from last month to prove that it is different. Now, set a reminder and watch the same clip after a week of no PMO. It will hit (almost) the same spots like it did last month. The same clip will also do a different thing to you after a social event where you are turned down or tested by some potential partner. The reason is that the addict can never be really happy if that little monster remains unsatisfied.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Where does satisfaction come into it? It&amp;rsquo;s just that they are miserable if they aren&amp;rsquo;t allowed to relieve their withdrawal symptoms at those times. So the difference between PMOing and not PMOing is the difference between being happy and miserable. That&amp;rsquo;s why the internet porn appears to be better. Whereas PMOers who get on the internet first thing in the morning for porn are miserable whether they are PMOing or not.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Cutting down not only doesn&amp;rsquo;t work but it is the worst form of torture. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t work because initially the PMOer hopes that by getting into the habit of using less and less, he will reduce his desire to PMO. It is not a habit. It is an addiction and the nature of any addiction is to want more and more, not less and less. Therefore in order to cut down, the PMOer has to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of his life. So cutting down means willpower and discipline forever.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The main problem of stopping is not the dopamine addiction to internet porn. That&amp;rsquo;s easy to cope with. It is the mistaken belief that the porn gives you some pleasure. This mistaken belief is brought about initially by the brainwashing we receive before we started using internet porn, which is then reinforced by the actual addiction. All cutting down does is reinforce the fallacy further to the extent that porn dominates the users life completely and convinces him that the most precious thing on this earth is the addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have already said, cutting down never works anyway because you have to or must exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life. If you did not have enough willpower to stop then you certainly have not got enough to cut down. Stopping is far easier and less painful. I have heard of literally thousands of cases in which cutting down has failed.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The handful of successes I have known have been achieved after a relatively short period of cutting down, followed by the &amp;lsquo;cold turkey&amp;rsquo;. These PMOers really stopped in spite of cutting down, not because of it. All it did was prolong the agony. A failed attempt to cut down leaves the PMOer a nervous wreck, even more convinced that he is hooked for life. This is usually enough to keep him reverting back to is online harem for pleasure and crutch for another stretch of time before the next attempt.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;However, cutting down helps to illustrate the whole futility of PMO because it clearly illustrates that a visit to the harem is enjoyable only after a period of abstinence. You have to bang your head against a brick wall (i.e. suffer withdrawal pangs) to make it nice when you stop. So the choices are:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Cut down for life. This will be self-imposed torture and you will not be able to do it anyway.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Increasingly torture yourself for life. What is the point?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Be nice to yourself. Stop doing it.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The other important point that cutting down demonstrates is that there is no such thing as the odd or occasional harem visit. Internet porn is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you make a positive effort to break it:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h2 id=&#34;remember-cutting-down-will-drag-you-down&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;REMEMBER: CUTTING DOWN WILL DRAG YOU DOWN.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h2&gt;
&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Porn Diet&lt;/strong&gt; - Intentionally cutting down or attempting to control etc. Frequency: Restricting PMO to once in four days. Time: Setting a timer for the session. Shock: Safe porn only. Novelty: Only one clip.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Harems&lt;/strong&gt; - Internet porn sites that cater for streaming videos, webcams and pictures.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-21 the Willpower Method of Stopping</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:20:42 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;It is an accepted fact in our society that it is very difficult to stop PMO. Even books and forums advising you how to do so usually start off by telling you how difficult it is. The truth is that it is ridiculously easy. Yes, I can understand you questioning that statement but just consider it. If your aim is to run a mile in under four minutes, that&amp;rsquo;s difficult. You may have to undergo years of hard training and even then you may be physically incapable of doing it. (Much of our achievement lies in the mind. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it strange how difficult it was until Roger Bannister actually did it but nowadays it is commonplace?).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;However, in order to stop PMOing all you have to do is not watch internet porn and or masturbate any more. No one forces you to masturbate (apart from yourself) and unlike food or drink, you don&amp;rsquo;t need it to survive. So if you want to stop doing it, why should it be difficult? In fact, it isn&amp;rsquo;t. It is PMOers who make it difficult by using the Willpower Method. I define the Willpower Method as any method that forces the PMOer to feel he is making some sort of sacrifice. Let us just consider the Willpower Method.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We do not decide to become PMOers. We merely experiment with porn magazines or websites and because they are awful, yes that is right awful - except for our desired clip, we are convinced that we can stop whenever we want to. In the main, we watch those first few clips only when we want to and that is usually on special occasions. Before we realize it, we are not only visiting those sites regularly and masturbating when we want to, we are masturbating to them every day. PMO has become a part of our lives. We then ensure that we always have an internet connection wherever we go. We believe that we are entitled to love, sex and orgasms - and also that porn helps to relieve stress. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t seem to occur to us that the same clip and actors do not provide us the same degree of arousal and that we are either escalating or fighting against the red line we have put around ourselves to avoid harmful “bad porn.” In fact, masturbation and internet porn neither improves our sex life nor does it relieve stress, it&amp;rsquo;s just that PMOers believe they can&amp;rsquo;t enjoy life or handle stress without an orgasm - even mind induced porn orgasms. Because that is what many times we are doing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It usually takes us a long time to realize that we are hooked because we suffer from the illusion that PMOers masturbate because they enjoy porn - not because they have to have porn - a need. While we are not “enjoying” porn (which we can never do unless novelty, shock or escalation is added), we suffer from the illusion that we can stop whenever we want to. This is a confidence trap. I dont enjoy porn, so I am sure I can stop when I want to. Only that you never seem to want to stop though.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Usually it is not until we actually try to stop that we realize a problem exists. The first attempts to stop are more often than not in the early days and are usually triggered off by boy-meets-girl and boy notices the girl is not quite enough after the initial dates or health (the teenager is still active in sport and finds he is short of breath).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever the reason, the PMOer always waits for a stressful situation, whether it be health or sex. As soon as he stops, the little monster needs feeding. The PMOer then wants something to pump that dopamine - a cigarette or alcohol or of course internet porn where your favourites are just a click and log in away. The porn cache is no longer down in the basement, its now virtual in the cloud. If the girl is around or if he is with his friends he cannot have access to his virtual harem and this makes him more distressed.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now by this time if he had already come across YBOP or Reddit material he is going to be having a tiresome “tug of war” (TOW&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;), resisting his temptations and feeling deprived. The thing he usually takes to relieve stress is now not available, so he suffers a triple blow. The probable result after a period of torture is the compromise, “I&amp;rsquo;ll cut down,” or, “I&amp;rsquo;ve picked the wrong time,” or, “I&amp;rsquo;ll wait until the stress has gone from my life.” However, once the stress has gone, he has no need to stop and doesn&amp;rsquo;t decide to do so again until the next stressful time. Of course, the time is never right because life for most people doesn&amp;rsquo;t become less stressful; it becomes more so. We leave the protection of our parents and enter the world of setting up home, taking on mortgages, having children, more responsible jobs, etc. Of course, the PMOer&amp;rsquo;s life can never become less stressful because it is the porn that actually causes stress. The quicker the PMOer passes on to the escalation stage, the more distressed he becomes and the greater the illusion of his dependency grows.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In fact, it is an illusion that life becomes more stressful and it&amp;rsquo;s the porn itself, or a similar crutch, that creates the illusion. This will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 28. After these initial failures the PMOer usually relies on the possibility that one day he will wake up and just not want to masturbate, use porn etc. any more. This hope is usually kindled by the stories that he has heard about other ex-PMOers (e.g. “I was not serious until I had a fading penetration then I didnt want to use porn any more and stopped masturbating”).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t kid yourself. I have probed all of these rumours and they are never quite as simple as they appear. Usually the user has already been preparing himself to stop and merely used the incident as a springboard. I spent many years waiting to wake up one morning wanting never to PMO again. Whenever I had a PIED incident or even lack of energy - I would look forward to my energy dip to end because it was interfering with my entitled porn orgasms.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;More often in the case of people who stop “just like that” they have suffered a shock. Perhaps a discovery by their girlfriend or wife, a self spotting incident of accessing porn that is not of your normal sexual orientation, or they have had a scare themselves. It is so much easier to say, “I just decided to stop one day. That&amp;rsquo;s the sort of guy I am.” Stop kidding yourself! It won&amp;rsquo;t happen unless you make it happen.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let&amp;rsquo;s consider in greater detail why the Willpower Method is so difficult. For most of our lives we adopt the head-in-the-sand, “I&amp;rsquo;ll stop tomorrow” approach. At odd times something will trigger off an attempt to stop. It may be concerns about health, virility or we may have been going through a particularly heavy bout of self analyses and realize that we don&amp;rsquo;t actually enjoy it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever the reason, we take our head out of the sand and start weighing up the pros and cons of PMO. It is time to define what PMO is - the internet porn IP, any porn, masturbation with or without porn and orgasms. Sex is split into amative and propagative. This distinction is one of our major keys in opening up our minds doors. Without which there will be confusion and failure will be the result. We then find out what we have known all our lives: on a rational assessment the conclusion is, a dozen times over, STOP PMOing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you were to sit down and give points out often to all the advantages of stopping and do a similar exercise with the advantages of PMOing, the total point count for stopping would far outweigh the disadvantages. If you employ Pascals Wager - by quitting, you will see that you are losing almost nothing with higher chances of gaining a lot and also higher chances of NOT losing a lot. However, although the PMOer knows that he will be better off as a non-PMOer, he does believe that he is making a sacrifice. Although it is an illusion, it is a powerful illusion. The PMOer doesn&amp;rsquo;t know why, but he believes that during the good times and the bad times of life the PMO sessions does appear to help. Before he starts the attempt he has the brainwashing of our society, reinforced by the brainwashing of his own addiction. To these must be added the even more powerful brainwashing of how difficult it is to “give up.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;He has heard stories of PMOers who have stopped for many months and are still desperately craving. There are all the disgruntled stoppers (people who stop and then spend the rest of their lives bemoaning the fact that they&amp;rsquo;d love to PMO). He has heard of the PMOers who had stopped for many months or even years, apparently leading happy lives but then have one look or PMO and are suddenly hooked again. Probably he also knows several PMOers in the advanced stages of the disease who are visibly destroying themselves and are clearly not enjoying life yet they continue to PMO. Added to all this, he has perhaps already suffered one or more of these experiences himself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So, instead of starting with the feeling, “Great! Have you heard the news? I dont need to PMO any more!” He starts with a feeling of doom and gloom, as if he were trying to climb Everest and he firmly believes that once the little monster has got his hooks into you, you are hooked for life. Many PMOers even start the attempt by apologizing to their girlfriends and wives: “Look. I am trying to give up PMO. I will probably be irritable during the next few weeks. Try to bear with me.” Most attempts are doomed before they start.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let&amp;rsquo;s assume that the PMOer survives a few days without a PMO session. He is getting back his arousal and morning wood is starting to rear its head. He hasn&amp;rsquo;t opened the “favourites” on his tube sites and consequently getting turned on and a tent appears for incidences where he would have zoned out before. So the reasons why he decided to stop in the first place are rapidly disappearing from his thoughts. It is like seeing a bad road accident when you are driving. It slows you down for a while but the next time you are late for an appointment you have forgotten all about it and your foot stamps on the throttle.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;On the other side of the tug of war, that little monster inside you hasn&amp;rsquo;t had his fix. There is no physical pain. If you had the same feeling because of a cold, you wouldn&amp;rsquo;t stop working or get depressed. You would laugh it off. All the PMOer knows is that he wants to visit his harem. Quite why it is so important to him he doesn&amp;rsquo;t know. The little monster in the stomach then starts off the big monster in the mind and now the person who a few hours or days earlier was listing all the reasons to stop is desperately searching for any excuse to start again. Now he is saying things like:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Life is too short. A bomb could go off. I could step under a bus tomorrow. I have left it too late. They tell you everything gives you addiction these days.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“I have picked the wrong time. I should have waited until after Christmas, after my holidays/tests, after this stressful event in my life. I cannot concentrate, I am getting irritable and bad tempered. I cannot do my job properly. My family and friends won&amp;rsquo;t love me. Let&amp;rsquo;s face it, for everybody&amp;rsquo;s sake I have got to start again. I am a confirmed sex addict and there is no way I will ever be happy again without an orgasm inducing masturbation.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“No man can survive without sex (brainwashed by well meaning people who did not think about the amative and propagative distinction of sex).”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“I know this will happen - my brain is sensitized by the deltaFosB due to changes effected by dopamine surges because of my past excessive porn use. Sensitization can never be removed from the brain.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;At this stage the PMOer usually gives in. He fires up his browser and the schizophrenia increases. On the one hand there is the tremendous relief of ending the craving, when the little monster finally gets his fix; on the other hand, the orgasm is awful and the PMOer cannot understand why he is doing it. This is why the PMOer thinks he lacks willpower. In fact, it is not lack of willpower; all he has done is to change his mind and make a perfectly-rational decision in the light of the latest information.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“What&amp;rsquo;s the point of being healthy if you are miserable?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“What is the point of being rich if you are miserable?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Absolutely none. Far better to have a shorter enjoyable life than a lengthy miserable life. Fortunately, that is not true - just the reverse. Life as a non-PMOer is infinitely more enjoyable but it was this delusion that kept me masturbating for twenty five years. I must confess, if that were the true situation, I would still be PMOing. The misery that the PMOer is suffering has nothing to do with withdrawal pangs. True, they trigger them off, but the actual agony is in the mind and it is caused by doubt and uncertainty. Because the PMOer starts by feeling he is making a sacrifice, he begins to feel deprived - this is a form of stress. One of the times when his brain tells him, “have a peek,” will be a time of stress. Therefore as soon as he stops, he wants to go back. But now he can&amp;rsquo;t because he has stopped. This makes him more depressed, which sets the trigger off again. Another thing that makes it so difficult is the waiting for something to happen. If your object is to pass a driving test, as soon as you have passed the test it is certain you have achieved your object. Under the Willpower Method you say, “if I can go long enough without internet porn then the urge to PMO will eventually go.” You can see this in the forum where addicts talk about their number of days of abstinences.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;How do you know when you have achieved it? The answer is that you never do because you are waiting for something to happen and nothing else is going to happen. You stopped when you had that last session and what you are really doing now is waiting to see how long it will be before you give in. Especially if you have read and subscribed the brain chemistry and DeltaFosB or any other similar sciences. You say, “if only I wait it out - like kidney stones - it will dissolve and go away.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I said above, the agony that the PMOer undergoes is mental and caused by uncertainty. Although there is no physical pain, it still has a powerful effect. The PMoer is miserable and feeling insecure. Far from forgetting about PMO, his mind instead becomes obsessed with it. There can be days or even weeks of black depression. His mind is obsessed with doubts and fears.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“How long will the craving last?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Will I ever be happy again?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Will I ever want to get up in the morning?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“How will I ever cope with stress in future?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The PMOer is waiting for things to improve but of course while he is still moping, the harem is becoming more precious. In fact, something does happen but the user isn&amp;rsquo;t conscious of it. If he can survive three weeks without opening up his browser at all, the physical craving for porn and orgasm (the little monster) disappears. However, as stated before, the pangs of withdrawal from dopamine and opioids are so mild that the user isn&amp;rsquo;t aware of them.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;But after about three weeks many PMOers sense that they have “kicked it.” So they then take a peek to prove it and it does just that. The ex-PMOer has now supplied dopamine to the body and as soon as he is done it starts to leave the body. There is now a little voice at the back of his mind saying, “you want another one.” In fact, he had kicked it but now he has hooked himself again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you were a child you watched Mickey Mouse on TV and as per the brain science you formed DeltaFosB for the cartoon. If I were to discourage you at that time from watching this program - Id study why adults dont like to watch their favourite childhood cartoon anymore - whether they still hold this DeltaFosB or not. For one, they have better entertainment and for the other the old cartoon does not hold the magic anymore. With the Willpower Method you are denying the child the cartoon - but with my method you are also making sure that he sees no value in the cartoon. Which one is better?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The PMOer will not usually get into another session immediately. He thinks, “I don&amp;rsquo;t want to get hooked again!” So he allows a safe period to pass. It might be hours, days, even weeks. The ex-PMOer can now say, “well, I didn&amp;rsquo;t get hooked, so I can safely have another session.” He has fallen back into the same trap as he did in the first place and is already on the slippery slope.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;PMOers who succeed under the Willpower Method tend to find it long and difficult because the main problem is the brainwashing - long after the physical addiction has died, the PMOer is still moping around all miserable. Eventually - if he can survive this long-term torture - it begins to dawn on him that he is not going to give in. He stops moping and accepts that life goes on and is enjoyable without PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers are succeeding with this Willpower Method but it is difficult and arduous. There are many more failures than successes. Even those who do succeed can go through the rest of their lives in a vulnerable state. They are left with a certain amount of the brainwashing and believe that during good and bad times the PMOs can give you a boost. (Most non-PMOers also suffer from that illusion. They are subjected to the brainwashing also but either find they cannot learn to “enjoy” internet porn or are too religious and don&amp;rsquo;t want the bad side, thank you very much). This explains why many PMOers who have stopped for long periods end up starting again later on.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many ex-PMOers will have the occasional session as a “special treat” or to convince themselves how strong their self-control is. It does exactly that but as soon as their session ends, dopamine starts to leave and a little voice at the back of their mind is saying, “you want another one.” If they get on with another one, it still seems to be under control - no shocks, no escalation, no novelty seek and they say, “marvellous! While I am not really enjoying it, I won&amp;rsquo;t get hooked. After Christmas/the holiday/this trauma, I will stop,” Little do they know the water slides of their brain. The action greased the slides even more.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Too late. They are already hooked. The trap that they fell into in the first place has claimed its victim again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I keep saying, enjoyment doesn&amp;rsquo;t come into it. It never did! If we PMOed because we enjoyed it, nobody would stay on the tube sites more than the average time it takes to finish the deed. Anyway, a better way to orgasm is to masturbate out of your memories. We assume we enjoy internet porn only because we cannot believe we would be so stupid as to get addicted if we didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy them. I had no idea about supranormal stimulus or novelty-seeking or shock-seeking, and even after I read about them, I did not believe that so much of my “fun” seeking was to do with simple evolutionary reward circuit wiring. I am some lab rat? I have free will! This is why so much of our PMOing is subconscious. If, while using, you were aware of the brain changes (the dopamine/opioid squirts, diluting of those fluids, the closing up of their receptors, the satiation levels going up ruining our future encounters and experiences with the opposite sex and you had to say to yourself, “this is going to cost $$$ in my lifetime, and this session with an unknown two dimensional actor might just be the one to trigger off PIED, PE, hypofrontality by greasing those water slides” - even the illusion of enjoyment would go.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When we try to block our minds to the bad side, we feel stupid. If we had to face up to it, that would be intolerable! If you get to watch a PMOer in action, you will see that they are happy only when they are not aware that they are PMOing. Once they become aware of it, they tend to be uncomfortable and apologetic. We PMO to feed that little monster&amp;hellip; and once you have purged the little monster from your body and the big monster from your brain, you will have neither need nor desire to PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;TOW&lt;/strong&gt;- tug of war, dichotomous thinking, double thinking.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-20 Those Sinister Black Shadows</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:18:55 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Another of the great joys of quitting porn is to be free of those sinister black shadows at the back of our minds. All PMOers know they are fools to close their minds on the ill-effects of PMO. For most of our lives PMO is automatic but the black shadows are always lurking in our subconscious minds, just beneath the surface. There are several marvellous advantages to achieve from quitting PMO. Some of them I was consciously aware of throughout my life, such as the health risks, the waste of time and the sheer stupidity of making love to a two dimensional image. However, such was my fear of quitting, so obsessed was I in resisting all the attempts of do-gooders and anyone else who tried to persuade me to quit, that all my imagination and energy was directed to finding any flimsy excuse that would allow me to continue to PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Amazingly, my most ingenious thoughts occurred when I was actually trying to quit. They were of course inspired by the fear and misery I suffered when attempting to quit by using willpower. No way could I block my mind from the health and sexual aspects. But now that I am free it amazes me how I successfully blocked my mind from even more important advantages to be gained from quitting. I&amp;rsquo;ve already mentioned the sheer slavery - spending half of our lives being allowed to PMO, doing it automatically and wishing we had never started, the other half feeling miserable and deprived because the knowledge of the destructive effects of internet porn won&amp;rsquo;t allow us to PMO. In the last chapter I&amp;rsquo;ve referred to the incredible joy of having energy again. But for me the greatest joy of being free was not the health, the time, the energy, or the ending of the slavery, it was the removal of those sinister black shadows, the removal of feeling despised by and feeling apologetic to myself and to other quitters, and most of all to be able to respect yourself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Most PMOers aren&amp;rsquo;t the weak-willed, spineless jellyfish that both society and themselves tend to believe. In every other aspect of my life I was in control. I loathed myself for being dependent on an evil crutch that I knew was ruining my life. I cannot tell you of the utter joy of being free of those sinister black shadows, the dependency and the self-despising. I can&amp;rsquo;t tell you how nice it is to be able to look at all other users, whether they be young, old, casual or heavy, not with a feeling of envy, but with a feeling of pity for them and elation for yourself that you are no longer the slave of that insidious trap. The other day I felt pity for the guy on a TV show who was so excited to get to watch porn - another case of society slipping one in your drink under the pretence of comedy.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The last two chapters have dealt with the considerable advantages of being a non-PMOer. I feel it necessary to give a balanced account, so the next chapter lists the advantages of being a PMOer.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-19 It Relaxes Me and Gives Me Confidence</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:16:17 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is the worst fallacy of all about PMOing and for me it ranks with the ending of the slavery, the greatest benefit from quitting - is not to have to go through life with the permanent feelings of insecurity that PMOers suffer from.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;PMOers find it very difficult to believe that masturbation to internet porn actually causes those insecure feelings you get when you are out late at night after a contentious day at home or work. Non-PMOers do not suffer from that feeling. It is the porn that causes it. I only became aware of many of the advantages of stopping months afterwards, as a result of my consultations with other PMOers.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I refused to see my PMO as causing so much of the mental tug of war in my mind that I am foolishly working hard to have nominal levels of confidence in my day to day life. Forget about getting an erection, I am talking about focusing, taking challenges, fighting, choosing, deciding - actions that define our lives. Especially when we are often forced to act when the facts are not clear. Come to think of it, facts were and will never be clear and hence it is to our great advantage anyway to act.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Also of note is in dating area as well, the fire to go forward is being misappropriated to this high reward zero pain porn. If you have read some top PUA books and forums, what do they say? Go on a diet&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;? Yes of course when you have the good hunger your internal juices and your brain will do the rest. Copping out is not an option at all. Playing the numbers is not tiresome by no means. All PUA advice in a nut-shell is this - try more numbers. Even if your approach is wrong you will be right twice a day like a broken clock. But if your mind is fighting a tug of war with effortless easy access to a harem of online women, how would you get back on your feet when that girl ignores you? Oh, if it was a public outright rejection I am running, not walking, to my porn girlfriend.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For a long time, before YBOP and Garys articles, none of these things did I relate to my PMOing habit but getting off it has been like awakening from a bad dream. Nowadays I look forward to each day. Of course, bad things still happen in my life, and I am subject to normal stresses and strains but it is wonderful to have the confidence to cope with them, and extra health, energy and confidence make the good times more enjoyable too.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;porn diet&lt;/strong&gt; - n number of days off before PMO.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-18 Energy</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:12:56 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Most PMOers are aware of the effect that this progressive process of PMO, leading to novelty and escalation seeking, has on their brains reward circuits and their sexual system. However, they are not so aware of the effect it has on their energy level.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;One of the subtleties of the PMO trap is that the effects it has on us, both physical and mental, happen so gradually and imperceptibly that we are not aware of them and regard them as normal. It is very similar to the effects of bad eating habits. The pot-belly appears so gradually that it causes us no alarm. We look at people who are grossly overweight and wonder how they could possibly have allowed themselves to reach that state.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;But supposing it happened overnight. You went to bed weighing 140 lbs, trim, rippling with muscles and not an ounce of fat on your body. You awoke weighing 180 lbs, fat, bloated and pot-bellied. Instead of waking up feeling fully rested and full of energy, you wake up feeling miserable, lethargic and you can hardly open your eyes. You would be panic-stricken, wondering what awful disease you had contracted overnight. Yet the disease is exactly the same.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The fact that it took you twenty years to reach that state is irrelevant. So it is with PMOing. If I could immediately transfer you into your mind and body to give you a direct comparison on how you would feel having stopped internet porn for just three weeks, that is all I would need to do to persuade you to quit. You would think: “Will I really feel this good?” Or what it really amounts to: “Had I really sunk that low?” I emphasize that I don&amp;rsquo;t just mean that you would feel healthier and have more energy but how you would also feel more confident and relaxed and better able to concentrate.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As a teenager, I can remember rushing around just for the hell of it. I was interested in reading, I had set up a chemical lab, tried fixing (old CRT) TVs, dabbled with cooking etc. I was fascinated by scientists. Then I got attracted to makers and doers of the rag-to-riches lives of real people. I had the inner push and I knew I had it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I then was introduced to print porn, then came music TV channels, followed by static computer images. By this time I was permanently tired and lethargic. Then came internet porn of images and downloadable movies. I used to struggle to wake up at nine o&amp;rsquo;clock in the morning. After my evening meal I would already be thinking about porn before going to bed, even when I had a girlfriend. Sex with her was a chore. But PMO with internet porn had all the novelty, shock, etc. No one can match that lure. And then the internet upped its game with tube sites, catalogued porn genres, hearting favorites and all in lightning speed, high quality, no traces of downloads. Even the browsers went incognito, thoroughly helping me to cover my tracks. Reward with no pains.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;By this time, the lack of energy, tiredness and everything related to it is nicely swept under the rug of getting older. My friends and colleagues by this time are all living sedentary lifestyles. I hought this behaviour was normal. I believed that energy was the exclusive prerogative of children and teenagers, and that old age began in the early twenties. I did not notice that I was paying attention to my health in general by eating right - which they did not. But I did not notice that anomaly.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Shortly after I stopped PMO, I was relieved that this foggy and muggy feeling left me. For example, I can keep a steady gaze with my eyes on just about anything for a longer time. If I am looking into someones eyes it is even longer. However something truly marvellous and unexpected also happened. I started waking at seven o&amp;rsquo;clock in the morning feeling completely rested and full of energy, actually wanting to exercise, jog and swim. I have read about a forty-eight year old who couldn&amp;rsquo;t run a step or swim a stroke. The only sporting activities were confined to such dynamic pursuits as green bowling, affectionately referred to as “the old man&amp;rsquo;s game,” and golf, for which he had to use a motorized cart. But after quitting PMO he started going to gym - not that it is necessary that everyone would - but still. Almost all us know that it&amp;rsquo;s great to have energy and when you feel physically and mentally strong, it feels great to be alive.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That is the point with PMOing - you are always debiting your energy. And in that process tampering with your brain codes of the reward circuit. Which again is going to make you miserable and vulnerable to stress and strain attacks. Unfortunately when you feel down with all of this you will seek a cigarette or alcohol or again porn. Unlike quitting smoking, where the return of your physical and mental health is only gradual, quitting PMO gives you excellent results from day one. Starting with energy. Then your mental programming to close the water slides takes a bit of time. You need to kill the Little Monster - which will be explained in later chapters. Recovering your RC is nothing like as slow as the slide into the pit and if you are going through the trauma of the willpower method of quitting, any health or energy gains will be obliterated by the depression you will be going through. Unfortunately, I cannot immediately transfer you into your mind and body in three weeks&amp;rsquo; time. But you can! You know instinctively that what I am telling you is correct. All you need to do is: USE YOUR IMAGINATION!&lt;/p&gt;
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<title>03-17 Health</title> <title>03-17 Health</title>
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<title>03-35 the Main Reasons for Failure</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:23:39 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;There are two main reasons for failure. The first is the influence of external stimuli - a commercial, online news articles, internet browsing etc. At a weak moment or even during a social occasion somebody will get intimate with their partner. I have already dealt with this topic at length. Use that moment to remind yourself that there is no such thing as one visit or one peek. Rejoice in the fact that you have broken the chain of mental slavery. Remember that the PMOer envies you, and feel sorry for him. Believe me, he needs your pity. The other main reason for failure is having a bad day. Get it clear in your mind before you start that, whether you are a PMOer or a non-PMOer, there are good days and bad days. It rains for both the pope and the murderer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Life is a matter of relativity and you cannot have ups without having downs. The problem with the Willpower Method of stopping is that as soon as the PMOer has a bad day he starts moping for his harem visit and all that does is make a bad day worse. The non-PMOer is better equipped, not only physically but also mentally, to cope with the stresses and strains of life. If you have a bad day during the withdrawal period just take it on the chin. Remind yourself that you had bad days when you were addicted (otherwise you wouldn&amp;rsquo;t have decided to stop). Instead of moping about it, say to yourself something like, “OK, today&amp;rsquo;s not so good but masturbating is not going to cure it. Tomorrow will be better and at least I have got a marvellous bonus at the moment. I have kicked that awful PMO habit.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you are a PMOer you have to block your mind to the bad side of PMO. PMOer never have brain fog just “a bit down.” When you are having lifes inevitable troubles you want to PMO but are you happy and cheerful? Of course you aren&amp;rsquo;t. Once you stop, the tendency is to blame everything that goes wrong in your life on the fact that you have stopped.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now if your work stresses you out you think, “At times like this I would have PMOed.” That&amp;rsquo;s true but the important thing you forget is that the PMO didn&amp;rsquo;t solve the problem and you are simply punishing yourself by moping for an illusory crutch. You are creating an impossible situation. You are miserable because you can&amp;rsquo;t have the porn and masturbation yet you&amp;rsquo;ll be even more miserable if you do. You know that you have made the correct decision by stopping PMO so why punish yourself by ever doubting the decision?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Remember: A positive mental approach is essential - always.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-34 Will It Be Harder for Me?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:22:12 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;The combinations of factors that will determine how easily each individual PMOer will quit are infinite. To start with, each of us has his own character, type of work, personal circumstances, timing, etc. Certain professions may make it harder than others but providing the brainwashing is removed it doesn&amp;rsquo;t have to be so. A few individual examples will help.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It tends to be particularly difficult for members of the medical profession. We think it should be easier for doctors because they are more aware of the effects of ill- health and are seeing daily evidence of it. Although this supplies more forceful reasons for stopping, it doesn&amp;rsquo;t make it any easier to do. The reasons are these:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The constant awareness of the health risks creates fear which is one of the conditions under which we need to relieve our withdrawal pangs.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;A doctor&amp;rsquo;s work is exceedingly stressful and he is usually not able to relieve the additional stress of withdrawal pangs while he is working.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He has the additional stress of guilt. He feels that he should be setting an example for the rest of the population. This puts more pressure on him and increases the feeling of deprivation.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;After his hard day at work, when the stress is momentarily relieved by PMO, that session becomes wrongly attached to the relief experienced. Because of this mis-association of ideas the porn and the PMO gets credit for the total situation. It becomes very precious when he eventually quits and goes through his withdrawal pangs. This is a form of casual PMO and applies to any situation where the PMOer is forced to abstain for lengthy-periods. Under the Willpower Method the PMOer is miserable because he is being deprived. He is not enjoying the tiredness and sleep that goes after a PMO. His sense of loss is therefore greatly increased. However, if you can first remove the brainwashing and stop moping about the PMO, the break and the sleep can still be enjoyed even while the body is craving the amine transmitters - serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Another difficult situation is boredom, particularly when it is combined with periods of stress. Typical examples are students and single parents. The work is stressful, yet much of the work is monotonous. During an attempt to stop on the Willpower Method the single person has long periods in which to mope about his or her “loss” which increases the feeling of depression. Again this can be easily overcome if your frame of mind is correct. Do not worry that you are continually reminded that you have stopped PMOing. Use such moments to rejoice in the fact that you are ridding yourself of the evil monster.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you have a positive frame of mind these pangs can become moments of pleasure. Remember any PMOer, regardless of age, sex, intelligence or profession, can find it easy and enjoyable to stop provided &lt;em&gt;&lt;strong&gt;YOU FOLLOW ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/em&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-33 Just One Peek</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:20:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is the undoing of many PMOers who try to stop on the Willpower Method. They will go through three or four days and then have the odd peek or a PMO or two to tide them over. They do not realize the devastating effect this has on their morale.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For most PMOers that first peek at the tube site harem was not as good as sex with a real person. The clips that are clean are far in between. This gives their conscious minds a boost. They think, “Good. That wasn&amp;rsquo;t entirely all that enjoyable. I am losing the urge to PMO and I am not that much into the shocking stuff.” In fact, the reverse is the case. Get it clear in your mind - enjoyment of orgasm wasn&amp;rsquo;t the reason why you hit porn. If PMOers were there for orgasm alone, they&amp;rsquo;d never watch more than one clip. The only reason why you PMO was to feed that little monster. Just think: you had starved him for four days. How precious that one peek must have been to him. You are not aware of it in your conscious mind but the fix your body received will be communicated to your subconscious mind and all your sound preparation will be undermined. There will be a little voice at the back of your mind saying, “In spite of all the logic they are precious. I want another one.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That little peek has two damaging effects:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It keeps the little monster alive in your body.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;What&amp;rsquo;s worse, it keeps the big monster alive in your mind. If you had the “last peek”, it will be easier to have the next one.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Above all, remember:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h2 id=&#34;just-one-peek-is-how-people-get-into-pmo-addiction-in-the-first-place&#34;&gt;“Just one peek” is how people get into PMO addiction in the first place.&lt;/h2&gt;
<title>03-32 The Withdrawal Period</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:16:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;For up to three weeks after your last PMO session you may be subjected to withdrawal pangs. These consist of two quite separate factors:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The withdrawal pangs of dopamine, that empty, insecure feeling, like a hunger, which PMOers identify as a craving or “something I must to do” feeling.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The psychological trigger of certain external stimuli such as a commercial, online browsing, a telephone conversation etc.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is the failure to understand and to differentiate between these two distinct factors that makes it so difficult for PMOers to achieve success on the Willpower Method and it&amp;rsquo;s also the reason why many who do achieve it fall into the trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Although the withdrawal pangs of dopamine flush cause no physical pain, do not underestimate their power. We talk of “hunger pains” if we go without food for a day; there may be “tummy rumblings” but there is no physical pain. Even so, hunger is a powerful force and we are likely to become very irritable when deprived of food. It is similar when our body is craving its dopamine rush. The difference is that our body needs food but it doesn&amp;rsquo;t need poison and with the right frame of mind the withdrawal pangs are easily overcome and disappear very quickly.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If PMOers can abstain for a few days on the Willpower Method the craving for dopamine flush soon disappears. It is the second factor that causes the difficulty. The PMOer has got into the habit of relieving his withdrawal pangs at certain times or occasions, which causes an association of ideas (e.g. “I got a hard on so I must PMO” or “I am on the bed with my laptop and I must PMO to feel happy”). It may be easier to understand the effect with the help of an example.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You have a car for a few years and let&amp;rsquo;s say the indicator lever is on the left of the steering column. On your next car it is on the right (the law of sod). You know it is on the right but for a couple of weeks you put the windscreen wipers on whenever you want to indicate.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stopping PMO is similar. During the early days of the withdrawal period the trigger mechanism will operate at certain times. You will think, “I want to PMO.” It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from square one then these automatic cues and triggers will quickly disappear. Under the Willpower Method, because the PMOer believes he is making a sacrifice, he is moping about it and is waiting for the urge to PMO to go - far from removing these trigger mechanisms he is actually increasing them. And under the Mystic Method the PMOer starts to wonder when he is going to become a God and even demand from himself that he should not even have those bad thoughts - this paves the way for self-loathing and failure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A common trigger is alone time - particularly one at a social event with friends. The ex-PMOer (using other methods) is already miserable because he is being deprived of his usual pleasure or crutch. His friends are with their partners and are acting intimate. He is either single or is not getting any from his wife for whatever reasons. Now he is not enjoying the meal or what should be a pleasant social occasion. His ready made brain porn water slides lead him to porn as it is easier than either trying to woo his wife.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Because of his association of his entitlement to sex with his well being he is now suffering a triple blow and the brainwashing is actually being increased. If he is resolute and can hold out long enough he eventually accepts his lot and gets on with his life. However, part of the brainwashing remains and I think the second most pathetic thing about PMOing is the PMOer who has given up for health or money reasons, yet even after several years still craves “just one visit to the harem” on certain occasions. He is pining for an illusion that exists only in his mind and is needlessly torturing himself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Even under my method responding to triggers is the most common failing. The ex-PMOer tends to regard the internet porn as a sort of placebo or sugar pill. He thinks: “I know the porn does nothing for me but if I think it does then on certain occasions it will be a help to me.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A sugar pill, although giving no actual physical help, can be a powerful psychological aid to relieve genuine symptoms and is therefore a benefit. Internet porn, the habitual masturbation, however, are not sugar pills. Why? Porn creates the symptoms that it relieves and after a while ceases even to relieve these symptoms completely; the “pill” is causing the disease and quite apart from that it also happens to be the No. 1 killer poison in a mans or a womans quest for love and relationships.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You may find it easier to understand the effect when related to a non-PMOer or a successful PMOer who has quit for several years. Take the case of a PMOer who loses his partner. It is quite common at such times, with the best intentions, to say, “Have just one harem visit. It will help calm you down.” If the offer is accepted, it will not have a calming effect because the man is not addicted to dopamine and there are no withdrawal pangs to relieve. At best all it will do is to give him a momentary psychological boost.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Even after the “deed” is over, the original tragedy is still there. In fact, it will be increased because the person is now suffering withdrawal pangs and his choice is now either to endure them or to relieve them by repeating the porn water slide rides and start the chain of misery. All the porn will have done is to give a momentary psychological boost. The same effect could have been achieved by reading a book or watching a feel-good movie, even a bad one at that. Many non-PMOers and ex-PMOers have become addicted to the porn as a result of such occasions. It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from the start. Get it quite clear in your head: you don&amp;rsquo;t need the dopamine rush and you are only torturing yourself by continuing to regard it as some sort of prop or boost. There is no need to be miserable.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Orgasms do not make good relations; they at most times ruin them. Remember too that it is not entirely true at all times the men and women who show public display of intimacy are enjoying it at all times. Intimacy is best enjoyed in private where both partners can respond without embarrassments. You dont have to be an orgasm induced dopamine addict. If it happens as a natural result of a series of life events, fine- if not No Big Deal. You enjoy the occasion and life without it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Abandon the concept of the PMOing habit as pleasurable in itself, Many PMOers think, “If only there was clean internet porn.” There is clean soft porn. Any PMOer who tries it soon finds out it is a waste of time. Get it clear in your mind that the only reason you have been PMOing is to get the dopamine flush. Once you have got rid of the craving for PMO you will have no more need to visit your online harem.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whether the pangs are due to actual withdrawal symptoms (the empty feeling) or a trigger/cue mechanism, accept it. The physical pain is non-existent and with the right frame of mind it will not be a problem. Do not worry about withdrawal. The feeling itself isn&amp;rsquo;t bad. It is the association with wanting and then feeling denied that is the problem. Instead of moping about it, say to yourself, “I know what it is. It&amp;rsquo;s the withdrawal pang from PMO. That&amp;rsquo;s what PMOers suffer all their lives and that&amp;rsquo;s what keeps them PMOing. Non-PMOers do not suffer these pangs. It is another of the many evils of this lying habit. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvellous I am purging this evil from my brain?”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In other words, for the next three weeks you will have a slight trauma inside your body but during those weeks and for the rest of your life something marvellous will be happening. You will be ridding yourself of an awful disease. That bonus will more than outweigh the slight trauma and you will actually enjoy the withdrawal pangs. They will become moments of pleasure. Think of the whole business of stopping as an exciting game. Think of the porn monster as a sort of tape worm inside your stomach. You have got to starve him for three weeks and he is going to try to trick you into getting to bed to keep him alive.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;At times he will try to make you miserable. At times you will be off guard. You will receive a porn URL and you may forgot that you have stopped. There is a slight feeling of deprivation when you remember. Be prepared for these traps in advance. Whatever the temptation, get it into your mind that it is only there because of the monster inside your body and every time you resist the temptation you have dealt another mortal blow in the battle.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever you do, don&amp;rsquo;t try to forget about PMO. This is one of the things that causes PMOers using the Willpower Method hours of depression. They try to get through each day hoping that eventually they&amp;rsquo;ll just forget about it. It is like not being able to sleep. The more you worry about it, the harder it becomes. In any event you won&amp;rsquo;t be able to forget about it. For the first few days the “little monster” will keep reminding you and you won&amp;rsquo;t be able to avoid it; while there are still laptops, smartphones and magazines etc. about, you will have constant reminders.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The point is you have no need to forget. Nothing bad is happening. Something marvellous is taking place. Even if you are thinking about it a thousand times a day, SAVOR EACH MOMENT. REMIND YOURSELF HOW MARVELOUS IT IS TO BE FREE AGAIN. REMIND YOURSELF OF THE SHEER JOY OF NOT HAVING TO TORTURE YOURSELF ANYMORE. As I have said, you will find that the pangs become moments of pleasure, and you will be surprised how quickly you will then forget about internet porn.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever you do DO NOT DOUBT YOUR DECISION. Once you start to doubt, you will start to mope and it will get worse. Instead use the moment as a boost. CONVERT MOPE TO BOOST. If the cause is depression then remind yourself that&amp;rsquo;s what the internet porn and PMO were doing to you. If you are forwarded a URL by a friend, take pride in saying, “I&amp;rsquo;m happy to say I do not need them any more.” That will hurt him but when he sees that it isn&amp;rsquo;t bothering you he will be halfway to joining you.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Remember that you had very powerful reasons for stopping in the first place. Remind yourself of the costs and ask yourself whether you really want to risk too much of those fearful malfunctions of your equipage which is not the greatest loss if you ask me - but the most important loss of mental happiness and well being - of not living under a spell. This is called referenting or spotting of the minimizing efforts of the monster about the hazards. Above all, remember that the feeling is only temporary and each moment is a moment nearer to your goal.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Some PMOers fear that they will have to spend the rest of their lives reversing the &amp;lsquo;automatic triggers&amp;rsquo;. In other words, they believe that they will have to go through life kidding themselves that they don&amp;rsquo;t really need PMO by the use of psychology. This is not so. Remember that the optimist sees the bottle as half full and the pessimist sees it as half empty. In the case of PMO, the bottle is empty and the PMOer sees it as full. There are just no advantages with internet porn and PMO. It is the PMOer who has been brainwashed. Once you start telling yourself that you don&amp;rsquo;t need to orgasm using PMO, in a very short time you won&amp;rsquo;t even need to say it because the beautiful truth is&amp;hellip; you do not need to PMO. It&amp;rsquo;s the last thing you need to do; make sure it&amp;rsquo;s not the last thing you do.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-31 the Easy Way to Stop</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:07:43 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This chapter contains instructions about the easy way to stop PMO. Providing you follow the instructions, you will find that stopping ranges from relatively easy to enjoyable! But remember the definition of a brunette: “a girl who didn&amp;rsquo;t read the instructions on the bottle.” It is ridiculously easy to stop PMO. All you have to do is two things:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Make the decision that you are never going to PMO again.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t mope about it. Rejoice.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You are probably asking, “Why the need for the rest of the book? Why couldn&amp;rsquo;t you have said that in the first place?” The answer is that you would at some time have moped about it and consequently sooner or later, you would have changed your decision. You have probably already done that many times before.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have already said, the whole business of PMOing is a subtle, sinister trap. The main problem of stopping isn&amp;rsquo;t the dopamine addiction (it is a problem but not the main) but the brainwashing and it is necessary first to explode all the myths and delusions. Understand your enemy. Know his tactics and you will easily defeat him. I&amp;rsquo;ve spent most of my life trying to stop PMOing and I&amp;rsquo;ve suffered weeks of black depression. When I finally stopped I went to zero without one bad moment. It was enjoyable even during the withdrawal period, and I have never had the slightest pang since. On the contrary, it is the most wonderful thing that has happened in my life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I couldn&amp;rsquo;t understand why it had been so easy and it took me a long time to find out the reason. It was this. I knew for certain that I was never going to PMO again. During previous attempts, no matter how determined I was, I was basically trying to stop PMOing, hoping that if I could survive long enough without a session of PMO the urges would eventually go. Of course they didn&amp;rsquo;t go because I was waiting for something to happen and the more I moped about it, the more I wanted to visit my internet harem, so the craving never went.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;My final attempt was different. Like all PMOers nowadays, I had been giving the problem serious thought. Up to then, whenever I failed, I had consoled myself with the thought that it would be easier next time. It had never occurred to me that I would have to go on PMOing the rest of my life. This latter thought filled me with horror and started me thinking very deeply about the subject.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Instead of firing up my browser subconsciously, I began to analyse my feelings as I was looking at the screen. This confirmed what I already knew, I wasn&amp;rsquo;t enjoying them and they were filthy and disgusting. I started looking at non-PMOers - the ones that live in some other part of the world or the older people who never got to know the tube sites. Until then I had always regarded non-PMOers as wishy-washy, unsociable, finicky people. However, when I examined them they appeared, if anything, stronger and more relaxed. They appeared to he able to cope with the stresses and strains of life, and they seemed to enjoy social functions more than the PMOers. They certainly had more sparkle and zest than PMOers.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I started talking to ex-PMOers. Up to this point I had regarded them as people who had been forced to give up PMO for health and religious reasons and who were always secretly longing for a harem visit. A few did say, “You get the odd pangs but they are so few and far between they aren&amp;rsquo;t worth bothering about.” But most said, “Miss it? You must be joking! I have never felt better in my life.” Even failures were fail forwards for them. They did not condemn themselves. It was easier for them to unconditionally accept themselves. Like a coach who will accept a mistake by a genuinely golden player. Talking to ex-PMOers exploded another myth that I had always had in my mind. I had thought that there was an inherent weakness in me and it suddenly dawned on me that all PMOers go through this private nightmare.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Basically I said to myself, “Scores of people are stopping now and leading perfectly happy lives. I didn&amp;rsquo;t need to do it before I started and I can remember having to work hard to get used to this filth. So why do I need to do it now?” In any event I didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy PMO, I hated the whole filthy ritual and I didn&amp;rsquo;t want to spend the rest of my life being the slave of this disgusting porn addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I then said to myself:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;“WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR LAST PMO VISIT”&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I knew, right from that point, that I would never PMO again. I wasn&amp;rsquo;t expecting it to be easy; in fact, just the reverse. I fully believed that I was in for months of black depression and that I would spend the rest of my life having the occasional pang. Instead it has been absolute bliss right from the start.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It took me a long time to work out why it had been so easy and why this time I hadn&amp;rsquo;t suffered those terrifying withdrawal pangs. The reason is that they do not exist. It is the doubt and uncertainty that causes the pangs. The beautiful truth is: IT IS EASY TO STOP PMO. It is only the indecision and moping about it that makes it difficult. Even while they are addicted to porn, PMOers can go for relatively long periods at certain times in their lives without bothering about it. It is only when you want it but can&amp;rsquo;t have one that you suffer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Therefore the key to making it easy is to make stopping certain and final. Not to hope but to know you have kicked it, having made the decision. Never to doubt or question it. In fact, just the reverse - always to rejoice about it. If you can be certain from the start, it will be easy. But how can you be certain from the start unless you know it is going to be easy? This is why the rest of the book is necessary. There are certain essential points and it is necessary to get them clear in your mind before you start:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Realize that you can achieve it. There is nothing different about you and the only person who can make you PMO is you. Not that star, she would never in her dreams thought about herself being used for reducing a mans virility.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is absolutely nothing to give up. On the contrary, there are enormous positive gains to be made. I do not only mean you will be healthier and richer. I mean you will enjoy the good times more and be less miserable during the bad times.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Get it clear in your head that there is no such thing as a peek or visit. PMOing is a drug addiction and a chain reaction. By moaning about the odd PMO you will only be punishing yourself needlessly.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;See the whole business of PMOing not as a “boys-will-be-boys” habit that might injure you but as drug addiction. Face up to the fact that, whether you like it or not, YOU HAVE GOT THE DISEASE. It will not go away because you bury your head in the sand. Remember: like all crippling diseases, it not only lasts for life but gets worse and worse. The easiest time to cure it is now.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Separate the disease (i.e. the brain chemical addiction) from the frame of mind of being a PMOer or a non-PMOer. All PMOers, if given the opportunity to go back to the time before they became hooked, would jump at that opportunity. You have that opportunity today! Don&amp;rsquo;t even think about it as &amp;lsquo;giving up&amp;rsquo; PMOing.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you have made the final decision that you have had your last PMO you will already be a non-PMOer. A PMOer is one of those poor wretches who have to go through life destroying themselves with porn. A non-PMOer is someone who doesn&amp;rsquo;t. Once you have made that final decision, you have already achieved your object.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Rejoice in the fact. Do not sit moping waiting for the chemical addiction to go. Get out and enjoy life immediately. Life is marvellous even when you are addicted and each day it will get so much better when you aren&amp;rsquo;t.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The key to making it easy to quit PMOing is to be certain that you will succeed in abstaining completely during the withdrawal period (maximum three weeks). If you are in the correct frame of mind, you will find it ridiculously easy.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;By this stage, if you have opened your mind as I requested at the beginning, you will already have decided you are going to stop. You should now have a feeling of excitement, like a dog straining at the leash, unable to wait to break down those brain DeltaFosB porn water slides. If you have a feeling of doom and gloom, it will be for one of the following reasons:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Something has not gelled in your mind. Re-read the above five points, and ask yourself if you believe them to be true. If you doubt any point, re-read the appropriate sections in the book.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;You fear failure itself. Do not worry. Just read on. You will succeed. The whole business of internet porn is like a confidence trick on a gigantic scale. Intelligent people fall for confidence tricks but it is only a fool who having once found out about the trick goes on kidding himself.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;You agree with everything but you are still miserable. Don&amp;rsquo;t be! Open your eyes. Something marvellous is happening. You are about to escape from the prison. It is essential to start with the correct frame of mind: isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvellous that I am a non-PMOer!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;All we have to do now is to keep you in that frame of mind during the withdrawal period, and the next few chapters deal with specific points to enable you to stay in that frame of mind during that time. After the withdrawal period you won&amp;rsquo;t have to think that way. You will think that way automatically, and the only mystery in your life will be: “It is so obvious, why couldn&amp;rsquo;t I see it before?” However, two important warnings:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Delay your plan to make your last visit until you have finished the book.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;I have mentioned several times a withdrawal period of up to three weeks. This can cause misunderstanding. First, you may subconsciously feel that you have to suffer for three weeks. You don&amp;rsquo;t. Secondly, avoid the trap of thinking, “Somehow I have just got to abstain for three weeks and then I will be free.” Nothing magic will actually happen after three weeks. You won&amp;rsquo;t suddenly feel like a non-PMOer. Non-PMOers do not feel any different from PMOers. If you are moping about stopping during the three weeks, in all probability you will still be moping about it after the three weeks. What I am saying is, if you can start right now by saying, “I am never going to PMO again. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvelous?” After three weeks all temptation will go. Whereas if you say, “If only I can survive three weeks without a PMO,” you will be dying for a harem visit after the three weeks are up.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Sexual dysfunction has a lot to do with your brain and your mind frame. Internet Porn rewires your brains reward circuit and gives your mind a doubting mind frame. This self doubt will undoubtedly cause your sexual dysfunctions. Having all the desire in your upper part but putting up no arousal in your lower part is the worst thing to happen to your mind frame. Libido going hand in hand with romance is the elixir of youth that you can have until you die. You will keep the probabilities high by quitting. But that is not the only or the major gain in all this. It is your freedom from slavery.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-30 Avoid False Incentives</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:05:14 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers, while trying to stop on the Willpower Method, attempt to increase their motivation by building up false incentives. There are many examples of this, a typical one is, “I will reward myself with a gift after no-PMO for a month.” This appears to be a logical and sensible approach but in fact it is false because any self-respecting PMOer would rather continue PMOing every day than receive a “self given gift.” In any case there is a doubt in the PMOers mind because not only will she have to abstain for thirty days but will she even enjoy the days without a PMO? Her only pleasure or crutch is taken away! All this does is to increase the size of the sacrifice that the PMOer feels she is making, which makes it even more precious in her mind.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Other examples: “I&amp;rsquo;ll stop PMO so that I will force myself to get a social life and seek more sex in real life” OR “Ill stop so some magical energy will help me to leap above the competitors and get this woman I pursue” OR “I commit to not waste my energy and enthusiasm in PMO, so I can grow enough hunger in myself.” These are true and can be effective and you may end up getting what you want. But think about it for a second - if you do get what you had wanted, once the novelty has gone you will feel deprived - if you didnt then you will feel miserable and either way sooner or later you will fall for the trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Another typical example is online or forum pacts. These have the advantage of eliminating temptation for certain periods. However, they generally fail for the following reasons:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The incentive is false. Why should you want to stop just because other people are doing so? All this does is to create an additional pressure, which increases the feeling of sacrifice. It is fine if all PMOers genuinely want to stop at one particular time. However, you cannot force PMOers to stop and although all PMOers secretly want to, until they are ready to do so a pact just creates additional pressure, which increases their desire to PMO. This turns them into secret PMOers, which further increases the feeling of dependency.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The “Rotten Apple” theory or dependency on each other. Under the Willpower Method of stopping, the PMOer is undergoing a period of penance during which he waits for the urge to PMO to go. If he gives in, there is a sense of failure. Under the Willpower Method one of the participants is bound to give in sooner or later. The other participants now have the excuse they have been waiting for. It&amp;rsquo;s not their fault. They would have held out. It is just that Fred has let them down. The truth is that most of them have already been cheating.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Sharing the credit” is the reverse of the “Rotten Apple” theory. Here the loss of face due to failure is not so bad when shared. There is a marvellous sense of achievement in stopping PMOing. When you are doing it alone the acclaim you receive from your friends and online buddies can be a tremendous boost to help you over the first few days. When everybody is doing it at the same time the credit has to be shared and the boost is consequently reduced.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Another classic example of false incentives is the guru promise. When I was younger it would make me feel angry if youd call me a saint. It is a cuss word. Stopping will give you happiness as you are not engaged in the tug of war and your brain is starting to re-wire and regain impulse controls and all that. However you must keep in mind that none of this will make you a sex god or win a lotto. No one, except you, cares if you stop PMO. You are not a weak person either if you are doing PMO three times a day and have PIED. And you are not a strong person if you are an addict and dont have PIED.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stop kidding yourself. If the job offer that I mentioned before, of 10 months work for 12 months salary a year won&amp;rsquo;t stop him. Or if the risks of cutting down your brains capacity to cope with just any normal day-to-day stress and strains or if putting yourself at odds with having a reliable erection, or if the lifetime of mental and physical torture and slavery did not stop him or her - the above said few phoney incentives will not make the slightest bit of difference. They will only make the sacrifice appear worse. Instead concentrate on the other side:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;what-am-i-getting-out-of-it-why-do-i-need-to-pmo&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;“What am I getting out of it? Why do I need to PMO?”&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Keep looking at the other side of the tug of war. What is PMOing doing for me? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Why do I need to do it? YOU DON&amp;rsquo;T! YOU ARE ONLY PUNISHING YOURSELF. Try looking at it from the Pascals Wager perspective. You have almost nothing to lose (a rub-out with half arousals) for sure, chances of big profits (a full and reliable arousal, mental well being and happiness) and no chance of losing big (unreliable full arousals, premature ejaculations, fading penetrations, loss of general impulse controls, lower tolerance for frustrations and anger).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Why not declare your quitting to friends and family? Well, it will make you a proud ex-addict, ex-PMOer, not an elated and happy non-PMOer. It will scare your partner a bit since they may see this as an effort to have more sex, sort of a new-age thing. They may also fear to lose you if this turns you into sex machine. It is hard to explain to them unless they are open minded.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Any attempt to get others to help you in your quitting gives more power to the little monster of addiction. Pushing it from your mind and totally ignoring it has the effect of trying NOT to think of it. As soon as you spot the thoughts, when you hit the cues (home alone) or just absent minded thoughts - just say to yourself: “Great, I dont have to do it like a slave animal. I am free. I am happy to know the differences in sex.” This will cut the life of the thought and will deny oxygen to it and will stop it from burning towards urges and cravings.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-29 Can I Compartmentalize?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:03:34 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is another myth about PMOing spread mainly by PMOers who, when attempting to stop on the Willpower Method, substitute mental gymnastics - they propose to act -Jekyll and Hyde: “Porn is for my alter ego side and real life romance is for my relationship side.” Nothing is further from the truth. The porn waterslides - the deltaFosBs and all the brain changes are going to overrun the real life romance and will make it less desirable. Mr Hyde is most definitely going to overrule Dr. Jekylls instructions.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you use internet porn, you may be training yourself for the role of voyeur or to need the option of clicking to something more arousing at the least drop in your dopamine levels, or to search and search for just the right scene for maximum effect. Also, you may be masturbating in a hunched-over position or watching your smartphone in bed nightly. You will eventually desire those cues more than the real life action. The thing that goes against real sex is the lack of novelty, variety, harem like 24/7 quick delivery etc. and so it stands no chance compared to your online harem. The younger you were when you started on PMO the longer to rewire and break down those porn water slides and get back those real water slides if there were any from the past or create new ones. Also powerful and lasting are the associated memories from when you were young.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Every time you take a ride on the porn water slide you are greasing it - keeping the nerves fresh. When you park next to a fast food restaurant the smell of the fries floats from the pan into your nostrils and the sale was already made. Likewise, the porn water slides in your brain are there for you to get sucked in and they are open 24 hours a day. Each of these cues, or triggers, can now light up your reward circuit with the promise of sex&amp;hellip; only it isn&amp;rsquo;t sex. Nevertheless, nerve cells may solidify these associations with sexual arousal by sprouting new branches to strengthen the connections. The more you use porn the stronger the nerve connections can become, with the result that you may ultimately need to be a voyeur, need to click to new material, need to climax to porn to get to sleep, or need to search for the perfect ending just to get the job done.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As with any substance or behavioural drug, after a while the body becomes immune and the “drug” ceases to relieve the withdrawal pangs completely. As soon as we close a session, the addict wants another one very soon and he has a permanent hunger. The natural inclination is eventually to escalate just to get the dopamine rush. However, most PMOers are prevented from doing this for one, or both, of two reasons.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Money - they cannot afford to subscribe to paid porn sites.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Health - There is only so much the body can take - either the motivator dopamine surges or the orgasms. And orgasms actually trigger anti-dopamine chemicals to cut down the dopamine flush. It has to - that is the way the body works.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Once that little monster leaves your body the awful feeling of insecurity ends. Your confidence returns, together with a marvellous feeling of self-respect. You obtain the assurance to take control of your life, not only in your other habits but also in all other ways. This is one of the many great advantages of being free from any addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have said, the compartment myth is due to one of many tricks that the little monster plays with your mind. In fact, these tricks do not make it easier to stop, they make it harder. The PMOer is therefore left with a permanent hunger that he can never satisfy. This is why many PMOers turn to cigarettes, heavy drinking or even harder drugs in order to satisfy the void.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I had suggested watching porn with one of my partners. But eventually I noticed it did not enhance my arousal at all. The sex was not better. I realized that it actually diminished my attraction towards her. We humans are rating animals - we always self rate and other rate. I am sure she rated me against the male porn start too. Why take chances? Do you want Brad Pitt in your bedroom, even if he is in a poster ? No one man or woman can match a harem where each experience is acted, scripted and directed by professionals and at the ready 24 hours a day.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-28 Will I Miss the Fun?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:01:03 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;No! Once that little porn monster is dead and your body stops craving dopamine and the porn water slides in your brain start to fade due to lack of greasing, any remaining brainwashing will vanish and you will find yourself both physically and mentally better equipped not only to cope with the stresses and strains of life but to enjoy the good times to the full.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There is only one danger and that is the influence of those who still use sex as their lying crutch and damned pleasure. “The other man&amp;rsquo;s grass is always greener,” is commonplace in many aspects of our lives and is easily understandable. Why is it in the case of PMOing, where the disadvantages are so enormous as compared with even the illusory advantages, that the ex-PMOer tend to envy the man or woman who appears to demand sex and use porn for pleasure and a crutch?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;With all the brainwashing of our childhood it is quite understandable that we fall into the trap. Why is it that, once we realize what a mug&amp;rsquo;s game it is and many of us manage to kick the habit, we walk straight back into the same trap? It is the influence of society&amp;rsquo;s brainwashing of porn being conflated with sex and presented as normal. The ex-PMOer has a pang! The insecure void feelings of them being single, which in itself is not a crime anyway, causes anxiety and cues them to PMO water slide. This is indeed a curious anomaly, particularly if you consider this piece of observation: not only is every non-PMOer in the world happy to be a non-PMOer but every PMOer in the world, even with his warped, addicted, brainwashed mind suffering the delusion that he enjoys it or it relaxes him, wishes he had never become hooked in the first place. So why do some ex-PMOers envy the PMOer on these occasions? There are two reasons.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Just one peek.” Remember; it doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. Stop seeing that isolated occasion and start looking at it from the point of view of the PMOer. You may be envying him but he doesn&amp;rsquo;t approve of himself: he envies you. If only you could somehow watch (clinically) another PMOer. They can be the most powerful boost of all to help you of it. Notice how quickly they open many tabs and many windows of their browsers? They fast forward to their important minutes. How quickly they get bored of some clips and how quickly they run through the gamut of genres producing novelty, shock, anxiety, worry etc. Notice particularly that not only is he/she not aware that he or she is PMOing but even the act of masturbation appears to be automatic. Remember, he is not enjoying it; it&amp;rsquo;s just that he cannot enjoy himself without it. Particularly remember that when he leaves to go to sleep after his visit he is drained of energy. The next morning, when he wakes up with a weakened will, lost energy, bleary eyes, he is going to have to carry on choking himself at the first appearance of stress and strain. The next time he has a pain in the penis, the next ED episode or a fading penetration when he is in the company of a non-PMOer, he has to continue this lifetime chain of paying through the nose just for the privilege of destroying himself physically and mentally. He is facing a lifetime of filth, bad mental health, stained confidence, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of destroying himself, a lifetime of black shadows at the back of his mind. And all of this is to achieve what purpose? The lying illusion if getting what you deserve and the damned pleasure?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The second reason why some ex- PMOers have pangs on these occasions is because the PMOer is doing something i.e. self pleasuring and the non-PMOer is not, so he tends to feel deprived. Get it clear in your mind before you start: it is not the non-PMOer who is being deprived. It is the poor PMOer who is being deprived of:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;PEACE OF MIND&lt;/li&gt;
Get out of the habit of envying PMOers and start seeing them as the miserable, pathetic creatures they really are. I know: I was the one of the world&amp;rsquo;s worst. That is why you are reading this book and the ones who cannot face up to it, who have to go on kidding themselves, are the most pathetic of all.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You wouldn&amp;rsquo;t envy a heroin addict. Like all drug addiction, yours won&amp;rsquo;t get better. Each year it will get worse and worse. If you don&amp;rsquo;t enjoy being a PMOer today, you&amp;rsquo;ll enjoy it even less tomorrow. Don&amp;rsquo;t envy other PMOers. Pity them. Believe me: THEY NEED YOUR PITY.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-27 Timing</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:55:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Apart from the obvious point that as it is doing you no good, now is the right time to stop. I believe timing is important. Our society treats internet porn flippantly as a slightly distasteful habit that can not injure your health. It is not. It is drug addiction, a disease and a destroyer of relationships in society. The worst thing that happens in most PMOers lives is getting hooked on that awful addiction. If they stay hooked, horrendous things happen. Timing is important to give yourself the right to a proper cure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;First of all, identify the times or occasions when PMO appears to be important to you. If you are a businessman and use it for the illusion of relief of stress, pick a relatively slack period; a good idea is to choose your annual holiday. If you PMO mainly during boring or relaxing periods, weekends etc. do the opposite. In any event, take the matter seriously and make the attempt the most important thing in your life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Look ahead for a period of about three weeks and try to anticipate any event that might lead to failure. Occasions like a conference trip, partner out of town etc. need not deter you, providing you anticipate them in advance and do not feel you will be deprived. Do not attempt to cut down in the meantime as this will only create the illusion that being denied is enjoyable. In fact, it helps to force yourself to watch and have as many PMO sessions as possible. While you are having the last session and that last time, be conscious of the disappointment due to satiation, unfulfilled expectations (porn can never satisfy you), any bodily pain or pain in the genitals, the withdrawal effects, the peevishness and the melancholy. Think how marvellous it will be when you allow yourself to stop doing it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;whatever-you-do-dont-fall-into-the-trap-of-just-saying-not-now-later-and-putting-it-out-of-your-mind-work-out-your-timetable-now-and-look-forward-to-it&#34;&gt;WHATEVER YOU DO, DON&amp;rsquo;T FALL INTO THE TRAP OF JUST SAYING, “NOT NOW. LATER,” AND PUTTING IT OUT OF YOUR MIND. WORK OUT YOUR TIMETABLE NOW AND LOOK FORWARD TO IT.&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Remember you aren&amp;rsquo;t giving anything up. On the contrary: you are about to receive marvellous positive gains.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For years the medical profession viewed porn is harmless without knowing the difference between the tame static porn of yesteryear and the latest VR streaming porn. The problem is this; although every PMOer uses internet porn purely to relieve the brain chemical craving for dopamine, it is not the addiction to the brain chemical itself that hooks the PMOer but the self-brainwashing that results from that addiction. An intelligent person will fall for a confidence trick. But only a fool will go on falling for it once he realizes that it&amp;rsquo;s a confidence trick. Fortunately, most PMOers aren&amp;rsquo;t fools; they only think they are. Each individual PMOer has his own private brainwashing. That is why there appears to be such a wide range of different types of PMOer, which only serves to compound the mysteries.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;With the benefit of the original book that used this method to stop smoking, which dealt with nicotine addiction (one of the most quickest and addictive drug known to man) and bearing in mind that the personal logs that I collected from Reddit, NoFap and YBOP blogs and forums, I was agreeably surprised to realize that the philosophy propounded in the original book was still sound. The accumulated knowledge that was acquired by the original author Alan Carr and by myself the hack-author is how to communicate that knowledge to each individual PMOer. The fact that I know every PMOer can not only find it easy to stop but can actually enjoy the process is not only pointless but exceedingly frustrating unless I can make the PMOer realize it. The original author of the quit smoking book explains some controversial advice:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“Many people have said to me: You say, &amp;ldquo;Continue to smoke until you have finished the book.&amp;rsquo;&amp;rsquo; This tends to make the smoker take ages to read the hook or just not finish it. period. Therefore you should change that instruction. This sounds logical, but I know that if the instruction were: Stop immediately, some smokers wouldn&amp;rsquo;t even start reading the book. I had a smoker consult me in the early days. He said, I really resent having to seek your help, I know I&amp;rsquo;m strong-willed. In every other area of my life I&amp;rsquo;m in control. Why is it that all these other smokers are stopping by using their own willpower, yet I have to come to you? He continued, I think I could do it on my own, if I could smoke while I was doing it.’”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This may sound like a contradiction but I know what the man meant. We think of stopping smoking as something that is very difficult to do. What do we need when we have something difficult to do? We need our little friend. So stopping smoking appears to be a double blow. Not only do we have a difficult task to perform, which is hard enough, but the crutch on which we normally rely on such occasions is no longer available. It didn&amp;rsquo;t occur to me until long after the man had left that my instruction to keep smoking is the real beauty of my method. You can continue to smoke while you go through the process of stopping. You get rid of all your doubts and fears first so when you extinguish that final cigarette you are already a non-smoker and can enjoy being one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So this book on PMO will also keep the same advice intact. No matter how much I say it will be easy there will be a vast majority who will not be able to accept it due to their personal brainwashing on how difficult it is to quit.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only chapter that has caused me to question my original advice seriously is this chapter on the matter of the right timing. Above all, I advise that if your special occasions are stress situations at the office then pick a holiday to make an attempt to give up or vice versa. In fact, that isn&amp;rsquo;t the easiest way to do it. The easiest way is to pick what you consider to be the most difficult time to do it, whether it be stress, social, concentration or boredom. Once you&amp;rsquo;ve proved that you can cope with and enjoy life in the worst possible situations every other situation becomes easy. But if I gave that as a definite instruction, would you even make the attempt to stop?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let me use an analogy. My wife and I intend to swim together. We arrive at the pool at the same time but we rarely swim together. The reason is that she immerses one toe and half an hour later she&amp;rsquo;s actually swimming. I cannot stand that slow torture. I know in advance that at some stage, no matter how cold the water is, eventually I&amp;rsquo;m going to have to brave it. So I&amp;rsquo;ve learned to do it the easy way: I dive straight in. Now, assuming that I were in a position to insist that if she didn&amp;rsquo;t dive straight in, she couldn&amp;rsquo;t swim at all. I know that she wouldn&amp;rsquo;t swim at all. Do you see the problem?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;From feedback I know that many PMOers have used the original advice I gave on timing to delay what they think will be the “evil day.” My next thoughts were to use the technique that I used for the chapter on the advantages of PMOing, something like: “timing is very important and in the next chapter I will advise you about the best time for you to make the attempt!” You turn the page over and there is just a huge, “NOW!” That is, in fact, the best advice but would you take it? This is the most subtle aspect of the porn trap. When we have genuine stress in our lives, it&amp;rsquo;s not the time to stop yet if we have no stress in our lives, we have no desire to stop. Ask yourself these following questions:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;When you got porn the first time, did you really decide then that you would continue to depend on it the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU DIDN&amp;rsquo;T!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Are you going to continue the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU AREN&amp;rsquo;T!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So when will you stop? Tomorrow? Next year? The year after? Isn&amp;rsquo;t this what you&amp;rsquo;ve been asking yourself since you first realized you were hooked? Are you hoping that one morning you will wake up and just not want to PMO any more? Stop kidding yourself. I waited many many awful years for it to happen to me. With any addiction you get progressively more hooked, not less. You think it will be easier tomorrow? You&amp;rsquo;re still kidding yourself. If you can&amp;rsquo;t do it today, what makes you think it will be easier tomorrow? Are you going to wait until you&amp;rsquo;ve actually started to feel getting out of bed is harder than just masturbating? That would be a bit pointless.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The real trap is the belief that now isn&amp;rsquo;t the right time - it will always be easier tomorrow. We believe that we live stressful lives. In fact, we don&amp;rsquo;t. We&amp;rsquo;ve taken most genuine stress out of our lives. When you leave your home you don&amp;rsquo;t live in fear of being attacked by wild animals. Most of us don&amp;rsquo;t have to worry where our next meal is coming from or whether we&amp;rsquo;ll have a roof over our head tonight. But just think of the life of a wild animal. Every time a rabbit comes out of its burrow, it is facing Vietnam the whole of its life. But the rabbit can handle it. It&amp;rsquo;s got adrenalin and other hormones and so have we. The truth is, the most stressful periods for any creature are early childhood and adolescence. But 3 billion years of natural selection have equipped us to cope with stress. Many people who have had hard childhoods grew up to lead normal lives.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We are all able to cope with unkind people and the unpleasant parts of life. I don&amp;rsquo;t believe any of my life adversities have left me with any permanent scars; on the contrary, I believe they have made me a stronger person. When I look back on my life there has only been one thing that I couldn&amp;rsquo;t handle and that was my slavery to that damned internet porn.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A few years ago I thought I had all the worries in the world. I was suicidal - not in the sense that I would have jumped off a roof but in the sense that I knew that this mental tug of war would soon kill me. I argued that if this was life with my crutch, life just wouldn&amp;rsquo;t be worth living without it. What I didn&amp;rsquo;t realize was that when you are physically and mentally depressed everything gets you down. Now I feel like a young boy again. Only one thing made the change in my life: I&amp;rsquo;m now out of the porn pit.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I know it&amp;rsquo;s a cliché to say, “if you haven&amp;rsquo;t got your health, you&amp;rsquo;ve got nothing,” but it&amp;rsquo;s absolutely true. I used to think that physical fitness fanatics like Gary Player were a pain. I used to claim there&amp;rsquo;s more to life than feeling fit; there&amp;rsquo;s sex, booze and tobacco. That&amp;rsquo;s nonsense. When you feel physically and mentally strong you can enjoy the highs and handle the lows. We confuse responsibility with stress. Responsibility becomes stressful only when you don&amp;rsquo;t feel strong enough to handle it. The Richard Burtons of this world are physically and mentally strong. What destroys them is not the stresses of life or their jobs, or old age but the lying crutches they turn to which are just illusions. Sadly in his case and for millions like him those lying crutches kill.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Look at it this way. You&amp;rsquo;ve already decided that you are not going to stay in the trap the rest of your life. Therefore at some time in your life whether you find it easy or difficult, you will have to go through the process of getting free. PMOing is not a habit or pleasure. It is drug addiction and a disease. We&amp;rsquo;ve already established that far from being easier to stop tomorrow, it will get progressively harder. With a disease that&amp;rsquo;s going to get progressively worse, the time to get rid of it is NOW - or as near to now as you can manage. Just think how quickly each week of our lives comes and goes. That&amp;rsquo;s all it takes. Just think how nice it will he to enjoy the rest of your life without that ever-increasing black shadow hanging over you. And if you follow all my instructions, you won&amp;rsquo;t even have to wait five days. You won&amp;rsquo;t only find it easy after closing down your bowser: Y&lt;strong&gt;OU&amp;rsquo;LL ENJOY IT!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-26 A Social Habit?</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:54:03 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Health of mind and body are the main reason why we should want to stop but then they always have been. We do not actually need scientific research and knowledge in brain chemistry to tell us that internet porn is addictive and can potentially shatter our lives. These bodies of ours are the most sophisticated objects on the planet and any PMOer knows instantly, from the first session, that the stimulus can go to excess and it can turn poisonous.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only reason why we ever get involved with internet porn is the PMOs overlap with their evolutionary brain programming. Porn is available for free and it gets streamed 24 hours a day. No risk and no traces and with very high brain rewards. Porn was once considered as harmless but that was when the images were static and involved a trip to the local store for a VHS tape.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Today it is generally considered even by PMOers themselves to be a supra-stimulus and addiction forming. In the old days, the strong man did not admit he masturbated. Jerk is a derogatory term. In every pub or club bar the majority of men would be proudly wanting to take a woman home and have real sex. Today the position is completely reversed for the internet porn addicts. Today&amp;rsquo;s man realizes that he is starting to feel that he doesn&amp;rsquo;t need a woman. This scares him. He bands together online and starts discussing experiences, devise strategies and explore options. Today&amp;rsquo;s strong man does not want to depend on drugs. With the social revolution all PMOers nowadays are giving serious thought to stopping internet porn and masturbation. Today&amp;rsquo;s PMOers consider PMO as an useless and harmful activity.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The most significant trend that I have noticed in forums is the increasing emphasis on the anti-social aspect of PMOing. The days when a man boasted of having sex and orgasms every day is slowly getting replaced with, “why do I need to be a slave for this porn monster when I know it is controlling my wand (and mind)?”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only reason why people continue to PMO after getting educated is because they have failed to stop or are too frightened to try. There are even talks about no porn, no masturbation and no orgasms - with or without partners. Karezza is discussed widely and people are trying it out. Many aforementioned failures are “fail forwards” and thus somewhat benefiting the people who practice them. Once you start in the no-PMO route you will find your best fit that applies to your life. I strongly encourage devising your own plan on orgasms after understanding and practising the separation of the amative and the propagative parts of sex. I am sure whichever route you take you will see the value of preserving the “seed” by limiting the number of times you flush your brain with chemicals by orgasming. You will then never see porn, sex and orgasms as a pleasure or as a crutch for your emotional ups and downs.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I was reading a Reddit forum by non-PMOers dedicated to quitting not only porn but also masturbation. As I read along I thought. “This is good, I see so many have taken to quitting masturbation and I think that is the right way to quit PMO.” However, I found most of the notes pointing to them to try with the Willpower Method. There was a lot of self-pitying as well. Except a few&amp;hellip; almost all were not feeling elated and not having the, “yippee I am free from slavery” attitude. Eventually someone broke down - as I unfortunately expected to happen. And the result was a domino effect. All those other PMOers had been sitting there thinking, “surely I can&amp;rsquo;t be the only PMOer here.” However, they were “failing forward” albeit with a lot of self-torturing as they shut down their browsers but did not shut down the desire and the need. This method is the reverse as - we shut down the desire and the need first before shutting down the browser screen. As every day more and more PMOers leave the sinking ship, so those left on it become terrified they&amp;rsquo;ll be the last.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;dont-let-it-be-you&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;DON&amp;rsquo;T LET IT BE YOU!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
<title>03-25 The YouTube PMOer</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:51:35 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;The YouTube PMOer should be grouped with casual PMOers but the effects of a YouTube PMOer are so insidious that it merits a separate chapter. It can lead to the breakdown of personal self control. In one case it nearly caused a split for a No-Fap forum user.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I was three weeks into one of my failed attempts to stop. The attempt had been triggered off by my wife&amp;rsquo;s worry about my unreliable hard-ons and lack of interest. I had told her that it was not her and it was just job pressure. She said, &amp;lsquo;I know you had handled the work pressure before but how would you feel if you were me and had to watch someone you love systematically destroying themselves? It was an argument that I found irresistible, hence the attempt to stop. She knows that I am not cheating - but this in a way is as worse as that (sic). The attempt ended after three weeks after a heated argument with an old friend. It did not register until years afterwards that my devious mind had deliberately triggered off the argument. I felt justly aggrieved at the time but I do not believe that it was coincidence, as I had never argued with this particular friend before, nor have I since. It was clearly the little monster at work. Anyway, I had my excuse. I desperately needed a release of orgasm and it doesnt matter how. As it happens she was not in the mood right away and I was in an “entitlement” hurry. So I convinced myself that it is OK if I restrict myself by avoiding a porn site and just stay this side of the red line and watch only YouTube videos. But she came around as the night unfolded and wanted to make love. But I was tired and not with all my horsepower. I then invented a headache. I could not bear to think of the disappointment this would cause my wife. Then gradually I returned to the old ways, only YouTube became my new harem destination. I remember being quite pleased at the time. I thought, &amp;lsquo;well, at least it is cutting my consumption down; Eventually she accused me of continuing to ignore her in the bed. I had not realized it but she described the times I had caused an argument and stormed out of the house. At other times I had taken two hours to purchase some minor item and faked a sprain or something. I had made feeble excuses to cop out of the whole wooing her and etc. when I have a reliable online harem it is even more hard.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The worst thing about the YouTube PMOer is that it supports the fallacy in the PMOers mind that he is being deprived. At the same time, it causes a major loss of self-respect; an otherwise honest person may force himself to deceive his loved one. It has probably happened or is still happening to you in some form.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It happened to me several times. Have you ever watched the TV detective series Columbo? The theme of each episode is similar. The villain, usually a wealthy and respected businessman, has committed what he is convinced is the perfect murder and his confidence in his crime remaining undetected receives a boost when he discovers that the rather shabby and unimpressive-looking Detective Columbo is in charge of the case.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Columbo has this frustrating practice of closing the door after finishing his interrogation, having assured the suspect that he is in the clear and before the satisfied look has disappeared from the murderer&amp;rsquo;s face, Columbo reappears with: “just one small point, sir, which I&amp;rsquo;m sure you can explain&amp;hellip;” The suspect stammers and from that point on we know and he knows that Columbo will gradually wear him down. No matter how heinous the crime, from that point on my sympathies were with the murderer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It was almost as if I were the criminal and that&amp;rsquo;s exactly how those bouts made me feel. The tension of not being allowed to cross the red line to get my porn fix that I “rightly deserve because I am hard working man and why shouldnt I when every man does it?” entitlement, click, click, clicking on videos that come close to the right one. Longing for the porn tube videos. And then finishing the deed - just a limp rub out, wondering where the pleasure was. The fear of crossing the line losing control. The relief of returning to the bed, immediately followed by the fear that she would toss around and ask for sex. As the “safe” YouTube videos started not to do it for me - desensitization and lack of novelty and the certain knowledge that sooner or later I was bound to visit my favourite online harem. The final humiliation and shame when that certainty became a fact, followed by the immediate return to chain-PMOing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;oh-the-joys-of-being-a-pmo-er&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;OH THE JOYS OF BEING A PMO-er!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
<title>03-24 Casual PMOers, Teenagers, Non PMOers</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:40:22 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Heavy PMOers tend to envy the casual porn user. We&amp;rsquo;ve all met these characters: “Oh, I can go all week without a PMO, it really doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me.” We think: “I wish I were like that!” I know this is hard to believe but no PMOer enjoys being a PMOer. Never forget:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;No PMOer ever decided to become a PMOer casual or otherwise, therefore:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;All PMOers feel stupid, therefore:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;All PMOers have to lie to themselves and other people in a vain attempt to justify their stupidity.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I used to be a golf fanatic. I would brag about how often I played and I wanted to play more. Why do PMOers brag about how little they masturbate? If that&amp;rsquo;s the true criterion then surely the true accolade is not to masturbate at all?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If I said to you, “do you know, I can go all week without carrots and it doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me in the slightest,” You would think I was some sort of nutcase. If I enjoy carrots, why would I want go all week without them? If I didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy them, why would I make such a statement? So when a user makes a statement like: “I can go all week without a PMO session, it really doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me.” He&amp;rsquo;s trying to convince both himself and you that he has no problem. But there would be no need to make the statement if he had no problem. What he is really saying is: “I managed to survive a whole week without PMOing.” Like every PMOer, he was probably hoping that after this he could survive the rest of his life. But he could only survive a week and can you imagine how precious that PMO session must have been afterwards, having felt deprived for a whole week?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This is why casual PMOers are effectively more hooked than heavy PMOers. Not only is the illusion of pleasure greater but they have less incentive to quit because they spend less time and are less vulnerable to the health risks. They may occasionally experience PIED but they are not very sure what caused it. Remember, the only pleasure PMOers get is in search-and-seek and then to relieve the withdrawal pangs, as I have already explained but even that pleasure is an illusion. Imagine the little porn monster inside your body as a permanent itch so imperceptible that most of the time we aren&amp;rsquo;t even aware of it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now if you have a permanent itch, the natural tendency is to scratch it. Similarly as our brain&amp;rsquo;s reward circuits become more and more immune to dopamine and opioids, the natural tendency is to edge, escalate, binge, novelty-seek, shock-seek etc. There are four main factors that prevent PMOers from chain-PMOing:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Time. Most cannot afford to.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Health. In order to relieve our itches we have to consume all free material that is available and then some. Capacity to cope with that kind of binging varies with each individual and at different times and situations in his or her life. This acts as an automatic restraint.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Discipline. This is imposed by society or the PMOers job, or friends and relatives, or by the PMOer himself as a result of the natural tug of war that goes on in every PMOers mind.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Imagination. Lack of imagination plays down the shock, novelty and other values of the same clip on a subjective basis.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I used to think of my non-casual PMOing as a weakness. I couldn&amp;rsquo;t understand why my friends could limit their “intake.” I knew I was a very strong-willed person. It never occurred to me that most PMOers are incapable of chain-PMOing - you need a very strong imagination and also extraordinarily strong penis stamina in order to do it. Some of these once-a-week PMOers that heavy PMOers tend to envy do it less frequently because physically their constitution cannot do more, or because they cannot afford to PMO more, or because their job, or society, or their own hatred of being hooked won&amp;rsquo;t allow them to PMO more.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It may be of advantage at this stage to provide a few definitions:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-non-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE NON-PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Someone who has never fallen for the trap but should not be complacent. He is a non-PMOer only by luck or the grace of goodness. All PMOers were convinced that they would never become hooked and some non-PMOers keep trying an occasional session.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-casual-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE CASUAL PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There are two basic classifications of casual PMOers:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The PMOer who has fallen for the trap but doesn&amp;rsquo;t realize it. Do not envy such PMOers. They are merely sampling the nectar at the mouth of the pitcher plant and in all probability will soon be heavy users. Remember, just as all alcoholics started off as casual drinkers, so all PMOers started off as casual PMOers.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The PMOer who was previously a heavy PMOer and thinks he cannot stop. These PMOers are the saddest of all. They fall into various categories, each of which needs separate comment.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-oncea--day-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE ONCEA- DAY PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If he enjoys his entitlement to orgasm, why does he use internet porn to orgasm only once a day? If he can take it or leave it, why does he bother to PMO at all? Remember, the habit is really banging your head against the brick wall only to make it relaxing when you stop. The once-a-day PMOer is relieving his withdrawal pangs for less than one hour each day. The rest of the day, although he doesn&amp;rsquo;t realize it, he is banging his head against the wall and does so for most of his life. He is PMOing only once a day because either he cannot take the risk of getting caught or screwing up his brain health. It is easy to convince the heavy PMOer that he doesn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy it but you try convincing a casual PMOer. Anybody who has gone through an attempt to cut down will know it is the worst torture of all and almost guaranteed to keep you hooked for the rest of your life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-rejected-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE REJECTED PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This PMOer demands the right to his/her orgasm(s) every day. And of course his sex partner is not always up to it. So he goes on the internet for porn initially. Once he takes “the ride” to fix “the void” he is trapped on this most exciting water slide of novelty, shock, supranormal images etc. He is in fact dichotomously happy with the partners rejection it gives him something of an excuse. If internet porn is giving so much to you, why even bother to have a partner at all? Set him or her free. He is not even enjoying the PMO when he has to carry his partner in his mind. At some point he is using his real life partner to hand him an excuse to go out into the valleys of the dark side of the internet.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-porn-diet-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE PORN DIET PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;(Or, “I can stop whenever I want to. I have done it thousands of times”). If he thinks dieting helps with his moods to get out to get women, why is he even on the diet of once every four days? How can one predict the future, what if the happenstance of meeting occurred just an hour after your scheduled PMO session? Also, if he thinks this occasional “cleaning the plumbing” is good to relieve tension and relax why not plumb every day? It has been proven that masturbation is not required to keep the genitals healthy. Internet porn is not required at all. Even if that may be the case, any PUA guru who has read about the brain chemistry and its plasticity will never recommend watching super stimulus porn. The truth is he is still hooked. Although he gets rid of the physical addiction, he is left with the main problem - the brainwashing. He hopes each time that he will stop for good and soon falls for the same trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers actually envy these stoppers and starters. They think, “how lucky to be able to control it like that, to do PMO when you want to and stop when you want to,” What they always overlook is that these stoppers and starters aren&amp;rsquo;t controlling it. When they are PMOers, they wish they weren&amp;rsquo;t. They go through the hassle of stopping, then begin to feel deprived and fall for the trap again, then wish they hadn&amp;rsquo;t. They get the worst of both worlds. If you think about it, this is true in the lives of the PMOers. When we are allowed to PMO we either take it as entitled or wish we didn&amp;rsquo;t. It&amp;rsquo;s only when we can&amp;rsquo;t have PMO that it appears to be so precious. The forbidden fruit syndrome. This is the awful dilemma of PMOers. They can never win because they are moping for a myth, an illusion. There is one way they can win and that is to stop PMOing and stop moping!&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-i-only-pmo-to-statictamehome-made-porn-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE I-ONLY-PMO-TO-STATIC/TAME/HOME-MADE-PORN PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Yes, we all do it to start with but isn&amp;rsquo;t it amazing how the average shock value of these clips seems rapidly to increase and before we know it we seem to be feeling deprived (tolerance)? The novelty is lacking in with static porn and we pay the mascot for a cup of grease and take the ride down the porn water slide towards the dark spirals of resentment and guilt. The worst thing you can do is to use your partner&amp;rsquo;s pictures (with approval, of course) for masturbation. Why? Because you are re-wiring your brain for the seeking, searching and variety induced dopamine flushes. The porn water slides in the brain is the DeltaFosB built-up due to the dopamine surges induced by internet porn. But you will find yourself having weak and unreliable erections when you are with her in real time. Another genre in this category is amateur or home made porn. Most are fakes and you know it. And you are not going to settle down and finish on the very first one that hits your eyes&amp;hellip; you are going to continue to seek and search. Remember its not only the orgasms but the search-and-seek, the wandering, that gives the porn slide the surge, the ride. The porn content, whether amateur or professional or whatever is not the issue, it is the brain flushes of dopamine during the search-and-seek - the building up of brain tolerance and satiation. Porn destroys normal brain operations. Masturbation confuses the muscle-brain. Orgasms floods the brain and so it should be, better the risks involved in having one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-i-have-stopped-but-i-have-an-occasional-peek-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE I-HAVE-STOPPED-BUT-I-HAVE-AN-OCCASIONAL-PEEK PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In a way such peeking PMOers are the most pathetic of all. Either they go through their lives believing they are being deprived or, more often, the occasional peek becomes two. They remain on the slippery slope and it goes only one way - DOWNWARDS. Sooner or later they are back to being heavy PMOers. They have fallen again for the very trap that they fell into in the first place.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There are two other categories of casual PMOers. The first is the type who masturbates to images or clips of the latest celebrity sex tapes that hit the news. Or something they carried home from their accidental viewing at school or work. These people are really non-PMOers. It&amp;rsquo;s just that they feel they are missing out. They want to be part of the action. We all start off like this. Next time watch how, after a while, the celebrity sex tape, the same star of your fantasy is not doing it to you any more. The more unattainable the target of your fantasy is, the more frustrating the withdrawal of the orgasm is.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The second category is recently getting attention. The type can best be described by outlining a case shared online. A woman who is a professional, had been using internet porn stories for many years and had never PMOed more or less than one time every night. She was, incidentally, a very strong-willed lady. Most PMOers would wonder why she wanted to stop in the first place. They would gladly point out to her that there is no worries of PIED, or PE in her case as she is a women. She is using not even static images and the stories are far tamer than any they use on a daily basis.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;They make the mistake of assuming that casual PMOers are happier and more in control. In control they may be but happy they are not. In this case, she is not satisfied with her partner, not interested in real sex, highly irritable with her daily stress and strains. Her nearest-and-dearest could not find out what is bothering her. Even if she convinced herself not to be afraid of her use of internet porn by rationalizing, she still finds herself not being able to enjoy real relationships which almost invariably involve ups and downs. Her brains RC&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; is not able to make use of the normal de-stress brain chemicals as she is flooding dopamine into her brain on an everyday basis. The down regulation&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; of her brain receptors has rendered her melancholic most times. Like me, she had a great fear of internet porns dark side of the treatment of women- before her first time. Like me, she eventually fell victim to the massive social brainwash and tried that first porn site. Like me, she can remember the foul clips of violence staged as entertainment. Unlike me, who capitulated and became a chain-PMOer very quickly, she resisted the slide.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;All you ever enjoy in PMO is the ending of the craving that started before it, whether it be the almost imperceptible physical craving for dopamine or the mental torture caused by not being allowed to scratch the itch. Internet porn itself is a poison as far as it concerns you. This is why you only suffer the illusion of enjoying it after a period of abstinence. Just like a hunger or thirst, the longer you suffer it, the greater the pleasure when you finally relieve it. PMOers make the mistake of believing PMO is just a habit. They think, “if I can only keep it down to a certain level or do only on special occasions, my brain and body will accept it. I can then keep my PMOing at that level or cut down further should I wish to.” Get it clear in your mind: the &amp;lsquo;habit&amp;rsquo; doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. PMOing is drug addiction. The natural tendency is to relieve withdrawal pangs, not to endure them. Even to hold it at the level you are already at, you would have to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life because as your brain&amp;rsquo;s RC becomes immune to dopamine and opioids, it wants more and more, not less and less. As PMO begins to destroy you physically and mentally, as it gradually breaks down your nervous system, your courage and confidence, your impulse controls, so you are increasingly unable to resist reducing the interval between each session.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That is why in the early days, we can take it or leave it. If we get a sign of something amiss mentally or physically, we just stop. It also explains why someone like me, who never even suffered the illusion of enjoying them, had to go on chain-PMOing even though every time it had become a physical torture. Don&amp;rsquo;t envy that woman. When you PMO only once every twenty four hours it appears to be the most precious thing on earth. The “forbidden fruit syndrome.” For many years that poor woman had been at the centre of a tug of war.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;She had been unable to stop PMOing, yet was frightened to escalate to streaming clips. But for twenty-three hours and ten minutes of every one of those days she had to fight the temptation. She also had to fight her own lack of feelings towards her boyfriend. It took tremendous willpower to do what she did and, as I have said, such cases are rare. But it reduced her to tears in the end. Just look at it logically: either there is a genuine crutch or pleasure in PMOing or there isn&amp;rsquo;t. If there is, who wants to wait an hour, or a day, or a week? Why should you be denied the crutch or pleasure in the meantime? If there is no genuine crutch or pleasure, why bother paying visits to your online harem?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Here is another case of a once-in-four-days man. This is how the man described his life:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I am forty years old. I suffered PIED with real women and even when Id be doing PMO. Most times I am only rubbing it out. It has been a while since I had a full erection. Before going on the one-in-four days porn diet, I used to sleep soundly through the night after my PMO. Now I wake up every hour of the night and all I can think about is PMO. Even when I am sleeping. I dream about my favourite clips. On days after my scheduled PMO I feel pretty down and this diet would take up all my energy. My SO would leave me alone because I am so bad-tempered and if she cant get out, she will not have me in the house. I go for a jog outside but my mind is obsessed with PMOing. On the schedule day I begin planning earlier in the night. I get very irritated if something happens against my plans. Id give up on conversation and give in (only to later regret) at work and at home. I am not an argumentative guy but I dont want the topic or conversation to hold me down. I remember occasions when Id pick up silly fights with my SO. I then wait for 10 o&amp;rsquo;clock. When it arrives my hands are shaking uncontrollably. I do not start the deed right away. As there are new videos that has been added, I had to shop around. As I click around, my mind tells me that since I had starved myself for 4 days I deserve a special clip and it has to be worth the time spent searching. Eventually I settle for one or two but then I want it to last so that I can survive through the next 4 days. So I take more time to finish the deed.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In addition to his other troubles, this poor man has no idea that he treating himself to a poison. First he is suffering the “forbidden fruit syndrome.” Next he is forcing his brain to flush dopamine. His dopamine receptors are not as cut down comparatively either. But he is sliding and greasing the porn slides, seeking and searching for edging, novelty, variety, shock-value, anxiety-value (“I must treat myself so that I can survive the next three days”) etc. You probably have visions of a pathetic imbecile. Not so. This man was over six feet tall and an ex-sergeant in the Marines. He was a former athlete and didn&amp;rsquo;t want to become an addict to anything. However, when he returned from the war he was trained as a techie in a veterans rehab program. When he entered the civil work force he was a well paid IT professional in a bank and was given a laptop (one of the ways to ensure you take work home). It was the year that famous socialites leaked their porn videos online. There was much talk about it. And he got hooked. He has spent the rest of his life paying through the nose and it has ruined him physically and mentally. If he were an animal, our society would have put him out of his misery, yet we still allow mentally and physically healthy young teenagers to become hooked. You may think the above case and my notes are exaggerated. It is extreme but not unique. There are literally thousands of similar stories. That man poured his heart out to me but you can be sure that many of his friends and acquaintances envied him for being a once-a-week man. If you think this couldn&amp;rsquo;t happen to you, STOP KIDDING YOURSELF.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;it-is-already-happening&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;IT IS ALREADY HAPPENING.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In any event, PMOers like other addicts are notorious liars, even to themselves. They have to be. Most casual PMOers indulge far more times and on far more occasions than they will admit to. I have had many conversations with so-called twice-a-week PMOers during which they have done it more than three times that week. If you read the Reddit or No-Fap forums of casual PMOers, they are either counting the days or waiting to fail. You do not need to envy casual PMOers. You do not need to PMO. Life is infinitely sweeter without PMO. One log says&amp;hellip;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“It started with a simple challenge to not touch my penis for a day. And being unable. I don&amp;rsquo;t think about masturbation anymore. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t cross my mind. That is possible, I promise you. And the riches that await those who are able - they&amp;rsquo;re incredible.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Teenagers are generally more difficult to cure, not because they find it difficult to stop but because either they do not believe they are hooked or they are at the primary stage of the trap and suffer from the delusion that they will automatically have stopped before the secondary stage.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I would like particularly to warn parents of children who loathe internet porn not to have a false sense of security. All children loathe the dark sides of porn until they become hooked. You did too at one time. Also do not be fooled by scare campaigns. The trap is the same as it always was. Children know that internet porn is supranormal stimuli but they also know that one visit or peek will not do it. At some stage they may be influenced by a girlfriend or boyfriend, school friend or work colleague.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You may think that all they need is an education in brain plasticity and that PMO (including even masturbation) acts like a virus in their brain programme to convince them they could never become hooked. I find society&amp;rsquo;s failure to prevent our children from becoming addicted to internet porn and other drugs to be the most disturbing of all the many disturbing facets of addiction. I beg you not to be complacent in this matter. It is necessary to protect youngsters as their brain is more plastic at that age. I strongly urge you to read the YBOP book and educate yourself of the brain science. Even if you suspect your teenager might lready be hooked, the book will provide excellent guidance to assist in gaining understanding for someone to escape.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;RC&lt;/strong&gt; - reward circuits.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Regulation&lt;/strong&gt; - Up and down regulation is a natural reactionary process of the brain to adjust receptors and or their neuro-transmitters based on the level that is present.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-23 Just One Peek</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:35:22 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;“Just one peek” is a myth you must get out of your mind:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek that gets us started in the first place.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek to tide us over a difficult patch or on a special occasion that defeats most of our attempts to stop.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek that, when PMOers have succeeded in breaking the addiction, sends them back into the trap. Sometimes it is just to confirm that they do not need them any more and that one harem visit does just that.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The after effect of PMO will be horrible and convinces the PMOer he will never become hooked again but he already is. The PMOer feels that something that is making him or her so miserable and guilty should have not made him or her do it yet they did.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is the thought of that one special PMO session that often prevents users from stopping. The one after your long conference trip or the one after your hard day at work or your fight with kids or after an incident where your partner rejects you for sex. Get it firmly in your mind there is no such thing as “just one peek.” It is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you break it. It is the myth about the odd, special occasion that keeps PMOers moping about it when they stop. Get into the habit of never seeing the “no big deal” (NBD&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;) session - it is a fantasy. Whenever you think about porn or PMO, see a whole filthy lifetime of spending a lot of time behind a screen just for the privilege of destroying yourself mentally and physically, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of hopelessness. It is not a crime if your erections are unreliable. But it is when you could be happier in the long term but choose to sacrifice that for a short term pleasure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is OK that we cant always come up with something to do for the void and it is not realistically possible to do that every time and for our entire life. Yes, we can plan for most of them, but sometimes void happens. Good times and bad times also happen, irrespective of your PMO anyway. But get it clearly into your mind: the PMO isn&amp;rsquo;t it. You are stuck with either a lifetime of misery or none at all. You wouldn&amp;rsquo;t dream of taking cyanide because you liked the taste of almonds, so stop punishing yourself with the thought of the occasional “no big deal” PMO. Ask a PMOer with issues, “if you had the opportunity to go back to the time before you became hooked, would you have become a PMOer?” The answer is inevitably, “you have got to be joking!” Yet every PMOer has that choice every day of his life. Why doesn&amp;rsquo;t he opt for it? The answer is fear. The fear that he cannot stop or that life won&amp;rsquo;t be the same without it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stop kidding yourself! You can do it. Anybody can. It&amp;rsquo;s ridiculously easy. In order to make it easy to stop masturbating to internet porn there are certain fundamentals to get clear in your mind. We have already dealt with three of them up to now:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is nothing to give up. There are actually only marvellous positive gains to achieve.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Never convince yourself of the odd/NBD (no big deal) or JOP&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; (just one peak) PMO. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. There is only a lifetime of filth and slavery,&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is nothing different about you. Any addicted PMOer can find it easy to stop.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers believe that they are confirmed addicts or have addictive personalities. This usually happens if they have read the shocking&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:3&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:3&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;3&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; part of the brain science a little bit too much. I promise you there is no such thing. No one is born with needs to masturbate to video clips before they become hooked on the drug. It is the drug that hooks you and not the nature of your character or personality. It is the effect of addictive supranormal stimuli that makes you believe that you have an addictive personality. However, it is essential that you remove this belief because if you believe that you are dependent on internet porn, you will be. Even after the little porn monster inside your body is dead. It is essential to remove all of this brainwashing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;NBD&lt;/strong&gt; - no big deal.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;JOP&lt;/strong&gt; - Just one peek.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:3&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The shocking part of brain chemistry talks about a long lasting deltaFosB stable protein that forms the water slide cues in our brains. These cause the slip-lapse-relapse cycles in addicts. They are greased (kept alive) every time the addicted substance is used.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:3&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-22 Beware of Cutting Down</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:28:58 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers resort to cutting down either as a stepping-stone towards stopping or as an attempt to control the little monster. Many recommend cutting down or a porn diet&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; as a pick-me-up. Obviously, the less you PMO the better off you are but as a stepping-stone to stopping, cutting down is fatal. It is these attempts to cut down that keep us trapped all our lives.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Usually cutting down follows failed attempts to stop. After a few hours or days of abstinence the PMOer says to himself something like:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I cannot face the thought of going to sleep without visiting my online harem, so from now on I will just PMO once in four days or I will purge my collection of bad porn. If I can follow this porn diet, I can either hold it there or cut down further.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Certain terrible things now happen:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He has the worst of all worlds. He is still addicted to internet porn and is keeping the monster alive not only in his body but also in his mind.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He is now wishing his life away waiting for the next session.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Prior to cutting down, whenever he wanted to visit his harem he would fire up his browser and at least partially relieved his withdrawal pangs. Now, in addition to the normal stresses and strains of life, he is actually causing himself to suffer the withdrawal pangs from porn most of his life. So he is causing himself to be even more miserable and bad tempered.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;While he was indulging himself, he didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy most of the PMO sessions nor did he realize he was using a supranormal stimulate. It was automatic. The only harem visits that he imagined he enjoyed were after a period of abstinence (e.g. the first in the four days, the one after a business trip, etc.).&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now that he waits an extra hour for each harem visit, he enjoys every one. The longer he waits, the more enjoyable each PMO session appears to become because the enjoyment in a session isn&amp;rsquo;t the session itself; it&amp;rsquo;s the ending of the agitation caused by the craving, whether it be the slight physical craving for internet porn or the mental moping. The longer you suffer, the more enjoyable each session becomes.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The main difficulty of stopping PMOing is not the brain chemical addiction. That&amp;rsquo;s easy. PMOers will all on without it anyway on various occasions - such as death of a loved one, family/work affairs keeping them away from access etc. They will go say, ten days without internet porn and it doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother them. But if they went the same ten days during which time they can have access to internet porn, they would be tearing their hair out.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers will get a chance during their work day and abstain from masturbating to orgasm. PMOers will pass through Victorias Secret store in the mall, swimming pools and so on without undue inconvenience. Many PMOers will abstain if they have to sleep on the couch temporarily to make space for a visitor or if they are themselves visiting . Even in the Go-Go bars or on nudist beaches there have been no riots. PMOer are almost pleased for someone to say they cannot masturbate. In fact, PMOers who want to quit get a secret pleasure out of going long periods without a harem visit. It gives them the hope that maybe one day they will never want it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The real problem when stopping is the brainwashing. That illusion of entitlement that internet porn is some sort of prop or reward and life will never be quite the same without it. Far from turning you off to internet porn, all cutting down does is to leave you feeling insecure and miserable and to convince you that the most precious thing on this earth is the missed new clip on your tube site, that there is no way that you will ever be happy again without seeing that one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There is nothing more pathetic than the PMOer who is trying to cut down. He suffers from the delusion that the less he PMOs, the less he will want to visit the online harems&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;. In fact, the reverse is true. The less he PMOs, the longer he suffers the withdrawal pangs; the more he enjoys the PMO. However, the more he will then notice that his favourite genre or star are not hitting the spot now. But that won&amp;rsquo;t stop him. If the tube sites were to dedicate to one star only no PMOers would ever go more than once to those online harems.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You find that difficult to believe? OK, let&amp;rsquo;s talk it out. Which is the worst moment of self control one feels? Waiting for four days and then having a climax. Which is one of the most precious moment for most PMOers who are in the 4 day porn diet? That&amp;rsquo;s right, the same climax after waiting for four days! Now do you really believe you are masturbating to it to enjoy the orgasm? Or do you think a more rational explanation is that you are relieving withdrawal pangs and the illusion that your are entitled to PMO?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is essential that we remove all these illusions about PMO before you extinguish that final session. Unless you&amp;rsquo;ve removed the illusion that you enjoy it before you close the window on the final one, there is no way you can prove it afterwards without getting hooked again. So, unless you are already online waiting to go to your tube site, do type it now. Open up your favourites folder and PMO to your most favourites - star, genre, theme etc. Now as you are in the action ask yourself what is so glorious about this thing. Perhaps you believe that it is only certain clips that are of good taste, like the one on your habitual or favourite theme? If so, why do you bother to watch the other videos and themes?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Because you got into the habit of doing it? Now why would anyone get into the habit of PMO which is screwing up their brain scripts and wasting themselves? Why should a clip of the same star that hit the spot last month not be as exciting now? Nothing is different after a month, so why should porn clip be different after a month?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t just rely on me, check it out yourself. Find that hot clip from last month to prove that it is different. Now, set a reminder and watch the same clip after a week of no PMO. It will hit (almost) the same spots like it did last month. The same clip will also do a different thing to you after a social event where you are turned down or tested by some potential partner. The reason is that the addict can never be really happy if that little monster remains unsatisfied.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Where does satisfaction come into it? It&amp;rsquo;s just that they are miserable if they aren&amp;rsquo;t allowed to relieve their withdrawal symptoms at those times. So the difference between PMOing and not PMOing is the difference between being happy and miserable. That&amp;rsquo;s why the internet porn appears to be better. Whereas PMOers who get on the internet first thing in the morning for porn are miserable whether they are PMOing or not.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Cutting down not only doesn&amp;rsquo;t work but it is the worst form of torture. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t work because initially the PMOer hopes that by getting into the habit of using less and less, he will reduce his desire to PMO. It is not a habit. It is an addiction and the nature of any addiction is to want more and more, not less and less. Therefore in order to cut down, the PMOer has to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of his life. So cutting down means willpower and discipline forever.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The main problem of stopping is not the dopamine addiction to internet porn. That&amp;rsquo;s easy to cope with. It is the mistaken belief that the porn gives you some pleasure. This mistaken belief is brought about initially by the brainwashing we receive before we started using internet porn, which is then reinforced by the actual addiction. All cutting down does is reinforce the fallacy further to the extent that porn dominates the users life completely and convinces him that the most precious thing on this earth is the addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have already said, cutting down never works anyway because you have to or must exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life. If you did not have enough willpower to stop then you certainly have not got enough to cut down. Stopping is far easier and less painful. I have heard of literally thousands of cases in which cutting down has failed.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The handful of successes I have known have been achieved after a relatively short period of cutting down, followed by the &amp;lsquo;cold turkey&amp;rsquo;. These PMOers really stopped in spite of cutting down, not because of it. All it did was prolong the agony. A failed attempt to cut down leaves the PMOer a nervous wreck, even more convinced that he is hooked for life. This is usually enough to keep him reverting back to is online harem for pleasure and crutch for another stretch of time before the next attempt.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;However, cutting down helps to illustrate the whole futility of PMO because it clearly illustrates that a visit to the harem is enjoyable only after a period of abstinence. You have to bang your head against a brick wall (i.e. suffer withdrawal pangs) to make it nice when you stop. So the choices are:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Cut down for life. This will be self-imposed torture and you will not be able to do it anyway.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Increasingly torture yourself for life. What is the point?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Be nice to yourself. Stop doing it.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The other important point that cutting down demonstrates is that there is no such thing as the odd or occasional harem visit. Internet porn is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you make a positive effort to break it:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h2 id=&#34;remember-cutting-down-will-drag-you-down&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;REMEMBER: CUTTING DOWN WILL DRAG YOU DOWN.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h2&gt;
&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Porn Diet&lt;/strong&gt; - Intentionally cutting down or attempting to control etc. Frequency: Restricting PMO to once in four days. Time: Setting a timer for the session. Shock: Safe porn only. Novelty: Only one clip.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Harems&lt;/strong&gt; - Internet porn sites that cater for streaming videos, webcams and pictures.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-21 the Willpower Method of Stopping</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:20:42 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;It is an accepted fact in our society that it is very difficult to stop PMO. Even books and forums advising you how to do so usually start off by telling you how difficult it is. The truth is that it is ridiculously easy. Yes, I can understand you questioning that statement but just consider it. If your aim is to run a mile in under four minutes, that&amp;rsquo;s difficult. You may have to undergo years of hard training and even then you may be physically incapable of doing it. (Much of our achievement lies in the mind. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it strange how difficult it was until Roger Bannister actually did it but nowadays it is commonplace?).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;However, in order to stop PMOing all you have to do is not watch internet porn and or masturbate any more. No one forces you to masturbate (apart from yourself) and unlike food or drink, you don&amp;rsquo;t need it to survive. So if you want to stop doing it, why should it be difficult? In fact, it isn&amp;rsquo;t. It is PMOers who make it difficult by using the Willpower Method. I define the Willpower Method as any method that forces the PMOer to feel he is making some sort of sacrifice. Let us just consider the Willpower Method.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We do not decide to become PMOers. We merely experiment with porn magazines or websites and because they are awful, yes that is right awful - except for our desired clip, we are convinced that we can stop whenever we want to. In the main, we watch those first few clips only when we want to and that is usually on special occasions. Before we realize it, we are not only visiting those sites regularly and masturbating when we want to, we are masturbating to them every day. PMO has become a part of our lives. We then ensure that we always have an internet connection wherever we go. We believe that we are entitled to love, sex and orgasms - and also that porn helps to relieve stress. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t seem to occur to us that the same clip and actors do not provide us the same degree of arousal and that we are either escalating or fighting against the red line we have put around ourselves to avoid harmful “bad porn.” In fact, masturbation and internet porn neither improves our sex life nor does it relieve stress, it&amp;rsquo;s just that PMOers believe they can&amp;rsquo;t enjoy life or handle stress without an orgasm - even mind induced porn orgasms. Because that is what many times we are doing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It usually takes us a long time to realize that we are hooked because we suffer from the illusion that PMOers masturbate because they enjoy porn - not because they have to have porn - a need. While we are not “enjoying” porn (which we can never do unless novelty, shock or escalation is added), we suffer from the illusion that we can stop whenever we want to. This is a confidence trap. I dont enjoy porn, so I am sure I can stop when I want to. Only that you never seem to want to stop though.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Usually it is not until we actually try to stop that we realize a problem exists. The first attempts to stop are more often than not in the early days and are usually triggered off by boy-meets-girl and boy notices the girl is not quite enough after the initial dates or health (the teenager is still active in sport and finds he is short of breath).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever the reason, the PMOer always waits for a stressful situation, whether it be health or sex. As soon as he stops, the little monster needs feeding. The PMOer then wants something to pump that dopamine - a cigarette or alcohol or of course internet porn where your favourites are just a click and log in away. The porn cache is no longer down in the basement, its now virtual in the cloud. If the girl is around or if he is with his friends he cannot have access to his virtual harem and this makes him more distressed.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now by this time if he had already come across YBOP or Reddit material he is going to be having a tiresome “tug of war” (TOW&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;), resisting his temptations and feeling deprived. The thing he usually takes to relieve stress is now not available, so he suffers a triple blow. The probable result after a period of torture is the compromise, “I&amp;rsquo;ll cut down,” or, “I&amp;rsquo;ve picked the wrong time,” or, “I&amp;rsquo;ll wait until the stress has gone from my life.” However, once the stress has gone, he has no need to stop and doesn&amp;rsquo;t decide to do so again until the next stressful time. Of course, the time is never right because life for most people doesn&amp;rsquo;t become less stressful; it becomes more so. We leave the protection of our parents and enter the world of setting up home, taking on mortgages, having children, more responsible jobs, etc. Of course, the PMOer&amp;rsquo;s life can never become less stressful because it is the porn that actually causes stress. The quicker the PMOer passes on to the escalation stage, the more distressed he becomes and the greater the illusion of his dependency grows.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In fact, it is an illusion that life becomes more stressful and it&amp;rsquo;s the porn itself, or a similar crutch, that creates the illusion. This will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 28. After these initial failures the PMOer usually relies on the possibility that one day he will wake up and just not want to masturbate, use porn etc. any more. This hope is usually kindled by the stories that he has heard about other ex-PMOers (e.g. “I was not serious until I had a fading penetration then I didnt want to use porn any more and stopped masturbating”).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t kid yourself. I have probed all of these rumours and they are never quite as simple as they appear. Usually the user has already been preparing himself to stop and merely used the incident as a springboard. I spent many years waiting to wake up one morning wanting never to PMO again. Whenever I had a PIED incident or even lack of energy - I would look forward to my energy dip to end because it was interfering with my entitled porn orgasms.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;More often in the case of people who stop “just like that” they have suffered a shock. Perhaps a discovery by their girlfriend or wife, a self spotting incident of accessing porn that is not of your normal sexual orientation, or they have had a scare themselves. It is so much easier to say, “I just decided to stop one day. That&amp;rsquo;s the sort of guy I am.” Stop kidding yourself! It won&amp;rsquo;t happen unless you make it happen.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let&amp;rsquo;s consider in greater detail why the Willpower Method is so difficult. For most of our lives we adopt the head-in-the-sand, “I&amp;rsquo;ll stop tomorrow” approach. At odd times something will trigger off an attempt to stop. It may be concerns about health, virility or we may have been going through a particularly heavy bout of self analyses and realize that we don&amp;rsquo;t actually enjoy it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever the reason, we take our head out of the sand and start weighing up the pros and cons of PMO. It is time to define what PMO is - the internet porn IP, any porn, masturbation with or without porn and orgasms. Sex is split into amative and propagative. This distinction is one of our major keys in opening up our minds doors. Without which there will be confusion and failure will be the result. We then find out what we have known all our lives: on a rational assessment the conclusion is, a dozen times over, STOP PMOing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you were to sit down and give points out often to all the advantages of stopping and do a similar exercise with the advantages of PMOing, the total point count for stopping would far outweigh the disadvantages. If you employ Pascals Wager - by quitting, you will see that you are losing almost nothing with higher chances of gaining a lot and also higher chances of NOT losing a lot. However, although the PMOer knows that he will be better off as a non-PMOer, he does believe that he is making a sacrifice. Although it is an illusion, it is a powerful illusion. The PMOer doesn&amp;rsquo;t know why, but he believes that during the good times and the bad times of life the PMO sessions does appear to help. Before he starts the attempt he has the brainwashing of our society, reinforced by the brainwashing of his own addiction. To these must be added the even more powerful brainwashing of how difficult it is to “give up.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;He has heard stories of PMOers who have stopped for many months and are still desperately craving. There are all the disgruntled stoppers (people who stop and then spend the rest of their lives bemoaning the fact that they&amp;rsquo;d love to PMO). He has heard of the PMOers who had stopped for many months or even years, apparently leading happy lives but then have one look or PMO and are suddenly hooked again. Probably he also knows several PMOers in the advanced stages of the disease who are visibly destroying themselves and are clearly not enjoying life yet they continue to PMO. Added to all this, he has perhaps already suffered one or more of these experiences himself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So, instead of starting with the feeling, “Great! Have you heard the news? I dont need to PMO any more!” He starts with a feeling of doom and gloom, as if he were trying to climb Everest and he firmly believes that once the little monster has got his hooks into you, you are hooked for life. Many PMOers even start the attempt by apologizing to their girlfriends and wives: “Look. I am trying to give up PMO. I will probably be irritable during the next few weeks. Try to bear with me.” Most attempts are doomed before they start.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let&amp;rsquo;s assume that the PMOer survives a few days without a PMO session. He is getting back his arousal and morning wood is starting to rear its head. He hasn&amp;rsquo;t opened the “favourites” on his tube sites and consequently getting turned on and a tent appears for incidences where he would have zoned out before. So the reasons why he decided to stop in the first place are rapidly disappearing from his thoughts. It is like seeing a bad road accident when you are driving. It slows you down for a while but the next time you are late for an appointment you have forgotten all about it and your foot stamps on the throttle.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;On the other side of the tug of war, that little monster inside you hasn&amp;rsquo;t had his fix. There is no physical pain. If you had the same feeling because of a cold, you wouldn&amp;rsquo;t stop working or get depressed. You would laugh it off. All the PMOer knows is that he wants to visit his harem. Quite why it is so important to him he doesn&amp;rsquo;t know. The little monster in the stomach then starts off the big monster in the mind and now the person who a few hours or days earlier was listing all the reasons to stop is desperately searching for any excuse to start again. Now he is saying things like:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Life is too short. A bomb could go off. I could step under a bus tomorrow. I have left it too late. They tell you everything gives you addiction these days.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“I have picked the wrong time. I should have waited until after Christmas, after my holidays/tests, after this stressful event in my life. I cannot concentrate, I am getting irritable and bad tempered. I cannot do my job properly. My family and friends won&amp;rsquo;t love me. Let&amp;rsquo;s face it, for everybody&amp;rsquo;s sake I have got to start again. I am a confirmed sex addict and there is no way I will ever be happy again without an orgasm inducing masturbation.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“No man can survive without sex (brainwashed by well meaning people who did not think about the amative and propagative distinction of sex).”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“I know this will happen - my brain is sensitized by the deltaFosB due to changes effected by dopamine surges because of my past excessive porn use. Sensitization can never be removed from the brain.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;At this stage the PMOer usually gives in. He fires up his browser and the schizophrenia increases. On the one hand there is the tremendous relief of ending the craving, when the little monster finally gets his fix; on the other hand, the orgasm is awful and the PMOer cannot understand why he is doing it. This is why the PMOer thinks he lacks willpower. In fact, it is not lack of willpower; all he has done is to change his mind and make a perfectly-rational decision in the light of the latest information.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“What&amp;rsquo;s the point of being healthy if you are miserable?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“What is the point of being rich if you are miserable?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Absolutely none. Far better to have a shorter enjoyable life than a lengthy miserable life. Fortunately, that is not true - just the reverse. Life as a non-PMOer is infinitely more enjoyable but it was this delusion that kept me masturbating for twenty five years. I must confess, if that were the true situation, I would still be PMOing. The misery that the PMOer is suffering has nothing to do with withdrawal pangs. True, they trigger them off, but the actual agony is in the mind and it is caused by doubt and uncertainty. Because the PMOer starts by feeling he is making a sacrifice, he begins to feel deprived - this is a form of stress. One of the times when his brain tells him, “have a peek,” will be a time of stress. Therefore as soon as he stops, he wants to go back. But now he can&amp;rsquo;t because he has stopped. This makes him more depressed, which sets the trigger off again. Another thing that makes it so difficult is the waiting for something to happen. If your object is to pass a driving test, as soon as you have passed the test it is certain you have achieved your object. Under the Willpower Method you say, “if I can go long enough without internet porn then the urge to PMO will eventually go.” You can see this in the forum where addicts talk about their number of days of abstinences.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;How do you know when you have achieved it? The answer is that you never do because you are waiting for something to happen and nothing else is going to happen. You stopped when you had that last session and what you are really doing now is waiting to see how long it will be before you give in. Especially if you have read and subscribed the brain chemistry and DeltaFosB or any other similar sciences. You say, “if only I wait it out - like kidney stones - it will dissolve and go away.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I said above, the agony that the PMOer undergoes is mental and caused by uncertainty. Although there is no physical pain, it still has a powerful effect. The PMoer is miserable and feeling insecure. Far from forgetting about PMO, his mind instead becomes obsessed with it. There can be days or even weeks of black depression. His mind is obsessed with doubts and fears.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“How long will the craving last?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Will I ever be happy again?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Will I ever want to get up in the morning?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“How will I ever cope with stress in future?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The PMOer is waiting for things to improve but of course while he is still moping, the harem is becoming more precious. In fact, something does happen but the user isn&amp;rsquo;t conscious of it. If he can survive three weeks without opening up his browser at all, the physical craving for porn and orgasm (the little monster) disappears. However, as stated before, the pangs of withdrawal from dopamine and opioids are so mild that the user isn&amp;rsquo;t aware of them.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;But after about three weeks many PMOers sense that they have “kicked it.” So they then take a peek to prove it and it does just that. The ex-PMOer has now supplied dopamine to the body and as soon as he is done it starts to leave the body. There is now a little voice at the back of his mind saying, “you want another one.” In fact, he had kicked it but now he has hooked himself again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you were a child you watched Mickey Mouse on TV and as per the brain science you formed DeltaFosB for the cartoon. If I were to discourage you at that time from watching this program - Id study why adults dont like to watch their favourite childhood cartoon anymore - whether they still hold this DeltaFosB or not. For one, they have better entertainment and for the other the old cartoon does not hold the magic anymore. With the Willpower Method you are denying the child the cartoon - but with my method you are also making sure that he sees no value in the cartoon. Which one is better?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The PMOer will not usually get into another session immediately. He thinks, “I don&amp;rsquo;t want to get hooked again!” So he allows a safe period to pass. It might be hours, days, even weeks. The ex-PMOer can now say, “well, I didn&amp;rsquo;t get hooked, so I can safely have another session.” He has fallen back into the same trap as he did in the first place and is already on the slippery slope.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;PMOers who succeed under the Willpower Method tend to find it long and difficult because the main problem is the brainwashing - long after the physical addiction has died, the PMOer is still moping around all miserable. Eventually - if he can survive this long-term torture - it begins to dawn on him that he is not going to give in. He stops moping and accepts that life goes on and is enjoyable without PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers are succeeding with this Willpower Method but it is difficult and arduous. There are many more failures than successes. Even those who do succeed can go through the rest of their lives in a vulnerable state. They are left with a certain amount of the brainwashing and believe that during good and bad times the PMOs can give you a boost. (Most non-PMOers also suffer from that illusion. They are subjected to the brainwashing also but either find they cannot learn to “enjoy” internet porn or are too religious and don&amp;rsquo;t want the bad side, thank you very much). This explains why many PMOers who have stopped for long periods end up starting again later on.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many ex-PMOers will have the occasional session as a “special treat” or to convince themselves how strong their self-control is. It does exactly that but as soon as their session ends, dopamine starts to leave and a little voice at the back of their mind is saying, “you want another one.” If they get on with another one, it still seems to be under control - no shocks, no escalation, no novelty seek and they say, “marvellous! While I am not really enjoying it, I won&amp;rsquo;t get hooked. After Christmas/the holiday/this trauma, I will stop,” Little do they know the water slides of their brain. The action greased the slides even more.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Too late. They are already hooked. The trap that they fell into in the first place has claimed its victim again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I keep saying, enjoyment doesn&amp;rsquo;t come into it. It never did! If we PMOed because we enjoyed it, nobody would stay on the tube sites more than the average time it takes to finish the deed. Anyway, a better way to orgasm is to masturbate out of your memories. We assume we enjoy internet porn only because we cannot believe we would be so stupid as to get addicted if we didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy them. I had no idea about supranormal stimulus or novelty-seeking or shock-seeking, and even after I read about them, I did not believe that so much of my “fun” seeking was to do with simple evolutionary reward circuit wiring. I am some lab rat? I have free will! This is why so much of our PMOing is subconscious. If, while using, you were aware of the brain changes (the dopamine/opioid squirts, diluting of those fluids, the closing up of their receptors, the satiation levels going up ruining our future encounters and experiences with the opposite sex and you had to say to yourself, “this is going to cost $$$ in my lifetime, and this session with an unknown two dimensional actor might just be the one to trigger off PIED, PE, hypofrontality by greasing those water slides” - even the illusion of enjoyment would go.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When we try to block our minds to the bad side, we feel stupid. If we had to face up to it, that would be intolerable! If you get to watch a PMOer in action, you will see that they are happy only when they are not aware that they are PMOing. Once they become aware of it, they tend to be uncomfortable and apologetic. We PMO to feed that little monster&amp;hellip; and once you have purged the little monster from your body and the big monster from your brain, you will have neither need nor desire to PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;TOW&lt;/strong&gt;- tug of war, dichotomous thinking, double thinking.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-20 Those Sinister Black Shadows</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:18:55 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Another of the great joys of quitting porn is to be free of those sinister black shadows at the back of our minds. All PMOers know they are fools to close their minds on the ill-effects of PMO. For most of our lives PMO is automatic but the black shadows are always lurking in our subconscious minds, just beneath the surface. There are several marvellous advantages to achieve from quitting PMO. Some of them I was consciously aware of throughout my life, such as the health risks, the waste of time and the sheer stupidity of making love to a two dimensional image. However, such was my fear of quitting, so obsessed was I in resisting all the attempts of do-gooders and anyone else who tried to persuade me to quit, that all my imagination and energy was directed to finding any flimsy excuse that would allow me to continue to PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Amazingly, my most ingenious thoughts occurred when I was actually trying to quit. They were of course inspired by the fear and misery I suffered when attempting to quit by using willpower. No way could I block my mind from the health and sexual aspects. But now that I am free it amazes me how I successfully blocked my mind from even more important advantages to be gained from quitting. I&amp;rsquo;ve already mentioned the sheer slavery - spending half of our lives being allowed to PMO, doing it automatically and wishing we had never started, the other half feeling miserable and deprived because the knowledge of the destructive effects of internet porn won&amp;rsquo;t allow us to PMO. In the last chapter I&amp;rsquo;ve referred to the incredible joy of having energy again. But for me the greatest joy of being free was not the health, the time, the energy, or the ending of the slavery, it was the removal of those sinister black shadows, the removal of feeling despised by and feeling apologetic to myself and to other quitters, and most of all to be able to respect yourself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Most PMOers aren&amp;rsquo;t the weak-willed, spineless jellyfish that both society and themselves tend to believe. In every other aspect of my life I was in control. I loathed myself for being dependent on an evil crutch that I knew was ruining my life. I cannot tell you of the utter joy of being free of those sinister black shadows, the dependency and the self-despising. I can&amp;rsquo;t tell you how nice it is to be able to look at all other users, whether they be young, old, casual or heavy, not with a feeling of envy, but with a feeling of pity for them and elation for yourself that you are no longer the slave of that insidious trap. The other day I felt pity for the guy on a TV show who was so excited to get to watch porn - another case of society slipping one in your drink under the pretence of comedy.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The last two chapters have dealt with the considerable advantages of being a non-PMOer. I feel it necessary to give a balanced account, so the next chapter lists the advantages of being a PMOer.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-19 It Relaxes Me and Gives Me Confidence</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:16:17 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is the worst fallacy of all about PMOing and for me it ranks with the ending of the slavery, the greatest benefit from quitting - is not to have to go through life with the permanent feelings of insecurity that PMOers suffer from.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;PMOers find it very difficult to believe that masturbation to internet porn actually causes those insecure feelings you get when you are out late at night after a contentious day at home or work. Non-PMOers do not suffer from that feeling. It is the porn that causes it. I only became aware of many of the advantages of stopping months afterwards, as a result of my consultations with other PMOers.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I refused to see my PMO as causing so much of the mental tug of war in my mind that I am foolishly working hard to have nominal levels of confidence in my day to day life. Forget about getting an erection, I am talking about focusing, taking challenges, fighting, choosing, deciding - actions that define our lives. Especially when we are often forced to act when the facts are not clear. Come to think of it, facts were and will never be clear and hence it is to our great advantage anyway to act.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Also of note is in dating area as well, the fire to go forward is being misappropriated to this high reward zero pain porn. If you have read some top PUA books and forums, what do they say? Go on a diet&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;? Yes of course when you have the good hunger your internal juices and your brain will do the rest. Copping out is not an option at all. Playing the numbers is not tiresome by no means. All PUA advice in a nut-shell is this - try more numbers. Even if your approach is wrong you will be right twice a day like a broken clock. But if your mind is fighting a tug of war with effortless easy access to a harem of online women, how would you get back on your feet when that girl ignores you? Oh, if it was a public outright rejection I am running, not walking, to my porn girlfriend.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For a long time, before YBOP and Garys articles, none of these things did I relate to my PMOing habit but getting off it has been like awakening from a bad dream. Nowadays I look forward to each day. Of course, bad things still happen in my life, and I am subject to normal stresses and strains but it is wonderful to have the confidence to cope with them, and extra health, energy and confidence make the good times more enjoyable too.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;porn diet&lt;/strong&gt; - n number of days off before PMO.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-18 Energy</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:12:56 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Most PMOers are aware of the effect that this progressive process of PMO, leading to novelty and escalation seeking, has on their brains reward circuits and their sexual system. However, they are not so aware of the effect it has on their energy level.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;One of the subtleties of the PMO trap is that the effects it has on us, both physical and mental, happen so gradually and imperceptibly that we are not aware of them and regard them as normal. It is very similar to the effects of bad eating habits. The pot-belly appears so gradually that it causes us no alarm. We look at people who are grossly overweight and wonder how they could possibly have allowed themselves to reach that state.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;But supposing it happened overnight. You went to bed weighing 140 lbs, trim, rippling with muscles and not an ounce of fat on your body. You awoke weighing 180 lbs, fat, bloated and pot-bellied. Instead of waking up feeling fully rested and full of energy, you wake up feeling miserable, lethargic and you can hardly open your eyes. You would be panic-stricken, wondering what awful disease you had contracted overnight. Yet the disease is exactly the same.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The fact that it took you twenty years to reach that state is irrelevant. So it is with PMOing. If I could immediately transfer you into your mind and body to give you a direct comparison on how you would feel having stopped internet porn for just three weeks, that is all I would need to do to persuade you to quit. You would think: “Will I really feel this good?” Or what it really amounts to: “Had I really sunk that low?” I emphasize that I don&amp;rsquo;t just mean that you would feel healthier and have more energy but how you would also feel more confident and relaxed and better able to concentrate.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As a teenager, I can remember rushing around just for the hell of it. I was interested in reading, I had set up a chemical lab, tried fixing (old CRT) TVs, dabbled with cooking etc. I was fascinated by scientists. Then I got attracted to makers and doers of the rag-to-riches lives of real people. I had the inner push and I knew I had it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I then was introduced to print porn, then came music TV channels, followed by static computer images. By this time I was permanently tired and lethargic. Then came internet porn of images and downloadable movies. I used to struggle to wake up at nine o&amp;rsquo;clock in the morning. After my evening meal I would already be thinking about porn before going to bed, even when I had a girlfriend. Sex with her was a chore. But PMO with internet porn had all the novelty, shock, etc. No one can match that lure. And then the internet upped its game with tube sites, catalogued porn genres, hearting favorites and all in lightning speed, high quality, no traces of downloads. Even the browsers went incognito, thoroughly helping me to cover my tracks. Reward with no pains.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;By this time, the lack of energy, tiredness and everything related to it is nicely swept under the rug of getting older. My friends and colleagues by this time are all living sedentary lifestyles. I hought this behaviour was normal. I believed that energy was the exclusive prerogative of children and teenagers, and that old age began in the early twenties. I did not notice that I was paying attention to my health in general by eating right - which they did not. But I did not notice that anomaly.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Shortly after I stopped PMO, I was relieved that this foggy and muggy feeling left me. For example, I can keep a steady gaze with my eyes on just about anything for a longer time. If I am looking into someones eyes it is even longer. However something truly marvellous and unexpected also happened. I started waking at seven o&amp;rsquo;clock in the morning feeling completely rested and full of energy, actually wanting to exercise, jog and swim. I have read about a forty-eight year old who couldn&amp;rsquo;t run a step or swim a stroke. The only sporting activities were confined to such dynamic pursuits as green bowling, affectionately referred to as “the old man&amp;rsquo;s game,” and golf, for which he had to use a motorized cart. But after quitting PMO he started going to gym - not that it is necessary that everyone would - but still. Almost all us know that it&amp;rsquo;s great to have energy and when you feel physically and mentally strong, it feels great to be alive.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That is the point with PMOing - you are always debiting your energy. And in that process tampering with your brain codes of the reward circuit. Which again is going to make you miserable and vulnerable to stress and strain attacks. Unfortunately when you feel down with all of this you will seek a cigarette or alcohol or again porn. Unlike quitting smoking, where the return of your physical and mental health is only gradual, quitting PMO gives you excellent results from day one. Starting with energy. Then your mental programming to close the water slides takes a bit of time. You need to kill the Little Monster - which will be explained in later chapters. Recovering your RC is nothing like as slow as the slide into the pit and if you are going through the trauma of the willpower method of quitting, any health or energy gains will be obliterated by the depression you will be going through. Unfortunately, I cannot immediately transfer you into your mind and body in three weeks&amp;rsquo; time. But you can! You know instinctively that what I am telling you is correct. All you need to do is: USE YOUR IMAGINATION!&lt;/p&gt;
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<title>03-17 Health</title> <title>03-17 Health</title>
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<title>03-35 the Main Reasons for Failure</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:23:39 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;There are two main reasons for failure. The first is the influence of external stimuli - a commercial, online news articles, internet browsing etc. At a weak moment or even during a social occasion somebody will get intimate with their partner. I have already dealt with this topic at length. Use that moment to remind yourself that there is no such thing as one visit or one peek. Rejoice in the fact that you have broken the chain of mental slavery. Remember that the PMOer envies you, and feel sorry for him. Believe me, he needs your pity. The other main reason for failure is having a bad day. Get it clear in your mind before you start that, whether you are a PMOer or a non-PMOer, there are good days and bad days. It rains for both the pope and the murderer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Life is a matter of relativity and you cannot have ups without having downs. The problem with the Willpower Method of stopping is that as soon as the PMOer has a bad day he starts moping for his harem visit and all that does is make a bad day worse. The non-PMOer is better equipped, not only physically but also mentally, to cope with the stresses and strains of life. If you have a bad day during the withdrawal period just take it on the chin. Remind yourself that you had bad days when you were addicted (otherwise you wouldn&amp;rsquo;t have decided to stop). Instead of moping about it, say to yourself something like, “OK, today&amp;rsquo;s not so good but masturbating is not going to cure it. Tomorrow will be better and at least I have got a marvellous bonus at the moment. I have kicked that awful PMO habit.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you are a PMOer you have to block your mind to the bad side of PMO. PMOer never have brain fog just “a bit down.” When you are having lifes inevitable troubles you want to PMO but are you happy and cheerful? Of course you aren&amp;rsquo;t. Once you stop, the tendency is to blame everything that goes wrong in your life on the fact that you have stopped.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now if your work stresses you out you think, “At times like this I would have PMOed.” That&amp;rsquo;s true but the important thing you forget is that the PMO didn&amp;rsquo;t solve the problem and you are simply punishing yourself by moping for an illusory crutch. You are creating an impossible situation. You are miserable because you can&amp;rsquo;t have the porn and masturbation yet you&amp;rsquo;ll be even more miserable if you do. You know that you have made the correct decision by stopping PMO so why punish yourself by ever doubting the decision?&lt;/p&gt;
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&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Remember: A positive mental approach is essential - always.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-34 Will It Be Harder for Me?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:22:12 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;The combinations of factors that will determine how easily each individual PMOer will quit are infinite. To start with, each of us has his own character, type of work, personal circumstances, timing, etc. Certain professions may make it harder than others but providing the brainwashing is removed it doesn&amp;rsquo;t have to be so. A few individual examples will help.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It tends to be particularly difficult for members of the medical profession. We think it should be easier for doctors because they are more aware of the effects of ill- health and are seeing daily evidence of it. Although this supplies more forceful reasons for stopping, it doesn&amp;rsquo;t make it any easier to do. The reasons are these:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The constant awareness of the health risks creates fear which is one of the conditions under which we need to relieve our withdrawal pangs.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;A doctor&amp;rsquo;s work is exceedingly stressful and he is usually not able to relieve the additional stress of withdrawal pangs while he is working.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He has the additional stress of guilt. He feels that he should be setting an example for the rest of the population. This puts more pressure on him and increases the feeling of deprivation.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;After his hard day at work, when the stress is momentarily relieved by PMO, that session becomes wrongly attached to the relief experienced. Because of this mis-association of ideas the porn and the PMO gets credit for the total situation. It becomes very precious when he eventually quits and goes through his withdrawal pangs. This is a form of casual PMO and applies to any situation where the PMOer is forced to abstain for lengthy-periods. Under the Willpower Method the PMOer is miserable because he is being deprived. He is not enjoying the tiredness and sleep that goes after a PMO. His sense of loss is therefore greatly increased. However, if you can first remove the brainwashing and stop moping about the PMO, the break and the sleep can still be enjoyed even while the body is craving the amine transmitters - serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Another difficult situation is boredom, particularly when it is combined with periods of stress. Typical examples are students and single parents. The work is stressful, yet much of the work is monotonous. During an attempt to stop on the Willpower Method the single person has long periods in which to mope about his or her “loss” which increases the feeling of depression. Again this can be easily overcome if your frame of mind is correct. Do not worry that you are continually reminded that you have stopped PMOing. Use such moments to rejoice in the fact that you are ridding yourself of the evil monster.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you have a positive frame of mind these pangs can become moments of pleasure. Remember any PMOer, regardless of age, sex, intelligence or profession, can find it easy and enjoyable to stop provided &lt;em&gt;&lt;strong&gt;YOU FOLLOW ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/em&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-33 Just One Peek</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:20:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is the undoing of many PMOers who try to stop on the Willpower Method. They will go through three or four days and then have the odd peek or a PMO or two to tide them over. They do not realize the devastating effect this has on their morale.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For most PMOers that first peek at the tube site harem was not as good as sex with a real person. The clips that are clean are far in between. This gives their conscious minds a boost. They think, “Good. That wasn&amp;rsquo;t entirely all that enjoyable. I am losing the urge to PMO and I am not that much into the shocking stuff.” In fact, the reverse is the case. Get it clear in your mind - enjoyment of orgasm wasn&amp;rsquo;t the reason why you hit porn. If PMOers were there for orgasm alone, they&amp;rsquo;d never watch more than one clip. The only reason why you PMO was to feed that little monster. Just think: you had starved him for four days. How precious that one peek must have been to him. You are not aware of it in your conscious mind but the fix your body received will be communicated to your subconscious mind and all your sound preparation will be undermined. There will be a little voice at the back of your mind saying, “In spite of all the logic they are precious. I want another one.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That little peek has two damaging effects:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It keeps the little monster alive in your body.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;What&amp;rsquo;s worse, it keeps the big monster alive in your mind. If you had the “last peek”, it will be easier to have the next one.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Above all, remember:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h2 id=&#34;just-one-peek-is-how-people-get-into-pmo-addiction-in-the-first-place&#34;&gt;“Just one peek” is how people get into PMO addiction in the first place.&lt;/h2&gt;
<title>03-32 The Withdrawal Period</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:16:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;For up to three weeks after your last PMO session you may be subjected to withdrawal pangs. These consist of two quite separate factors:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The withdrawal pangs of dopamine, that empty, insecure feeling, like a hunger, which PMOers identify as a craving or “something I must to do” feeling.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The psychological trigger of certain external stimuli such as a commercial, online browsing, a telephone conversation etc.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is the failure to understand and to differentiate between these two distinct factors that makes it so difficult for PMOers to achieve success on the Willpower Method and it&amp;rsquo;s also the reason why many who do achieve it fall into the trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Although the withdrawal pangs of dopamine flush cause no physical pain, do not underestimate their power. We talk of “hunger pains” if we go without food for a day; there may be “tummy rumblings” but there is no physical pain. Even so, hunger is a powerful force and we are likely to become very irritable when deprived of food. It is similar when our body is craving its dopamine rush. The difference is that our body needs food but it doesn&amp;rsquo;t need poison and with the right frame of mind the withdrawal pangs are easily overcome and disappear very quickly.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If PMOers can abstain for a few days on the Willpower Method the craving for dopamine flush soon disappears. It is the second factor that causes the difficulty. The PMOer has got into the habit of relieving his withdrawal pangs at certain times or occasions, which causes an association of ideas (e.g. “I got a hard on so I must PMO” or “I am on the bed with my laptop and I must PMO to feel happy”). It may be easier to understand the effect with the help of an example.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You have a car for a few years and let&amp;rsquo;s say the indicator lever is on the left of the steering column. On your next car it is on the right (the law of sod). You know it is on the right but for a couple of weeks you put the windscreen wipers on whenever you want to indicate.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stopping PMO is similar. During the early days of the withdrawal period the trigger mechanism will operate at certain times. You will think, “I want to PMO.” It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from square one then these automatic cues and triggers will quickly disappear. Under the Willpower Method, because the PMOer believes he is making a sacrifice, he is moping about it and is waiting for the urge to PMO to go - far from removing these trigger mechanisms he is actually increasing them. And under the Mystic Method the PMOer starts to wonder when he is going to become a God and even demand from himself that he should not even have those bad thoughts - this paves the way for self-loathing and failure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A common trigger is alone time - particularly one at a social event with friends. The ex-PMOer (using other methods) is already miserable because he is being deprived of his usual pleasure or crutch. His friends are with their partners and are acting intimate. He is either single or is not getting any from his wife for whatever reasons. Now he is not enjoying the meal or what should be a pleasant social occasion. His ready made brain porn water slides lead him to porn as it is easier than either trying to woo his wife.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Because of his association of his entitlement to sex with his well being he is now suffering a triple blow and the brainwashing is actually being increased. If he is resolute and can hold out long enough he eventually accepts his lot and gets on with his life. However, part of the brainwashing remains and I think the second most pathetic thing about PMOing is the PMOer who has given up for health or money reasons, yet even after several years still craves “just one visit to the harem” on certain occasions. He is pining for an illusion that exists only in his mind and is needlessly torturing himself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Even under my method responding to triggers is the most common failing. The ex-PMOer tends to regard the internet porn as a sort of placebo or sugar pill. He thinks: “I know the porn does nothing for me but if I think it does then on certain occasions it will be a help to me.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A sugar pill, although giving no actual physical help, can be a powerful psychological aid to relieve genuine symptoms and is therefore a benefit. Internet porn, the habitual masturbation, however, are not sugar pills. Why? Porn creates the symptoms that it relieves and after a while ceases even to relieve these symptoms completely; the “pill” is causing the disease and quite apart from that it also happens to be the No. 1 killer poison in a mans or a womans quest for love and relationships.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You may find it easier to understand the effect when related to a non-PMOer or a successful PMOer who has quit for several years. Take the case of a PMOer who loses his partner. It is quite common at such times, with the best intentions, to say, “Have just one harem visit. It will help calm you down.” If the offer is accepted, it will not have a calming effect because the man is not addicted to dopamine and there are no withdrawal pangs to relieve. At best all it will do is to give him a momentary psychological boost.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Even after the “deed” is over, the original tragedy is still there. In fact, it will be increased because the person is now suffering withdrawal pangs and his choice is now either to endure them or to relieve them by repeating the porn water slide rides and start the chain of misery. All the porn will have done is to give a momentary psychological boost. The same effect could have been achieved by reading a book or watching a feel-good movie, even a bad one at that. Many non-PMOers and ex-PMOers have become addicted to the porn as a result of such occasions. It is essential to counter the brainwashing right from the start. Get it quite clear in your head: you don&amp;rsquo;t need the dopamine rush and you are only torturing yourself by continuing to regard it as some sort of prop or boost. There is no need to be miserable.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Orgasms do not make good relations; they at most times ruin them. Remember too that it is not entirely true at all times the men and women who show public display of intimacy are enjoying it at all times. Intimacy is best enjoyed in private where both partners can respond without embarrassments. You dont have to be an orgasm induced dopamine addict. If it happens as a natural result of a series of life events, fine- if not No Big Deal. You enjoy the occasion and life without it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Abandon the concept of the PMOing habit as pleasurable in itself, Many PMOers think, “If only there was clean internet porn.” There is clean soft porn. Any PMOer who tries it soon finds out it is a waste of time. Get it clear in your mind that the only reason you have been PMOing is to get the dopamine flush. Once you have got rid of the craving for PMO you will have no more need to visit your online harem.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whether the pangs are due to actual withdrawal symptoms (the empty feeling) or a trigger/cue mechanism, accept it. The physical pain is non-existent and with the right frame of mind it will not be a problem. Do not worry about withdrawal. The feeling itself isn&amp;rsquo;t bad. It is the association with wanting and then feeling denied that is the problem. Instead of moping about it, say to yourself, “I know what it is. It&amp;rsquo;s the withdrawal pang from PMO. That&amp;rsquo;s what PMOers suffer all their lives and that&amp;rsquo;s what keeps them PMOing. Non-PMOers do not suffer these pangs. It is another of the many evils of this lying habit. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvellous I am purging this evil from my brain?”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In other words, for the next three weeks you will have a slight trauma inside your body but during those weeks and for the rest of your life something marvellous will be happening. You will be ridding yourself of an awful disease. That bonus will more than outweigh the slight trauma and you will actually enjoy the withdrawal pangs. They will become moments of pleasure. Think of the whole business of stopping as an exciting game. Think of the porn monster as a sort of tape worm inside your stomach. You have got to starve him for three weeks and he is going to try to trick you into getting to bed to keep him alive.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;At times he will try to make you miserable. At times you will be off guard. You will receive a porn URL and you may forgot that you have stopped. There is a slight feeling of deprivation when you remember. Be prepared for these traps in advance. Whatever the temptation, get it into your mind that it is only there because of the monster inside your body and every time you resist the temptation you have dealt another mortal blow in the battle.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever you do, don&amp;rsquo;t try to forget about PMO. This is one of the things that causes PMOers using the Willpower Method hours of depression. They try to get through each day hoping that eventually they&amp;rsquo;ll just forget about it. It is like not being able to sleep. The more you worry about it, the harder it becomes. In any event you won&amp;rsquo;t be able to forget about it. For the first few days the “little monster” will keep reminding you and you won&amp;rsquo;t be able to avoid it; while there are still laptops, smartphones and magazines etc. about, you will have constant reminders.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The point is you have no need to forget. Nothing bad is happening. Something marvellous is taking place. Even if you are thinking about it a thousand times a day, SAVOR EACH MOMENT. REMIND YOURSELF HOW MARVELOUS IT IS TO BE FREE AGAIN. REMIND YOURSELF OF THE SHEER JOY OF NOT HAVING TO TORTURE YOURSELF ANYMORE. As I have said, you will find that the pangs become moments of pleasure, and you will be surprised how quickly you will then forget about internet porn.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever you do DO NOT DOUBT YOUR DECISION. Once you start to doubt, you will start to mope and it will get worse. Instead use the moment as a boost. CONVERT MOPE TO BOOST. If the cause is depression then remind yourself that&amp;rsquo;s what the internet porn and PMO were doing to you. If you are forwarded a URL by a friend, take pride in saying, “I&amp;rsquo;m happy to say I do not need them any more.” That will hurt him but when he sees that it isn&amp;rsquo;t bothering you he will be halfway to joining you.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Remember that you had very powerful reasons for stopping in the first place. Remind yourself of the costs and ask yourself whether you really want to risk too much of those fearful malfunctions of your equipage which is not the greatest loss if you ask me - but the most important loss of mental happiness and well being - of not living under a spell. This is called referenting or spotting of the minimizing efforts of the monster about the hazards. Above all, remember that the feeling is only temporary and each moment is a moment nearer to your goal.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Some PMOers fear that they will have to spend the rest of their lives reversing the &amp;lsquo;automatic triggers&amp;rsquo;. In other words, they believe that they will have to go through life kidding themselves that they don&amp;rsquo;t really need PMO by the use of psychology. This is not so. Remember that the optimist sees the bottle as half full and the pessimist sees it as half empty. In the case of PMO, the bottle is empty and the PMOer sees it as full. There are just no advantages with internet porn and PMO. It is the PMOer who has been brainwashed. Once you start telling yourself that you don&amp;rsquo;t need to orgasm using PMO, in a very short time you won&amp;rsquo;t even need to say it because the beautiful truth is&amp;hellip; you do not need to PMO. It&amp;rsquo;s the last thing you need to do; make sure it&amp;rsquo;s not the last thing you do.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-31 the Easy Way to Stop</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:07:43 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This chapter contains instructions about the easy way to stop PMO. Providing you follow the instructions, you will find that stopping ranges from relatively easy to enjoyable! But remember the definition of a brunette: “a girl who didn&amp;rsquo;t read the instructions on the bottle.” It is ridiculously easy to stop PMO. All you have to do is two things:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Make the decision that you are never going to PMO again.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t mope about it. Rejoice.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You are probably asking, “Why the need for the rest of the book? Why couldn&amp;rsquo;t you have said that in the first place?” The answer is that you would at some time have moped about it and consequently sooner or later, you would have changed your decision. You have probably already done that many times before.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have already said, the whole business of PMOing is a subtle, sinister trap. The main problem of stopping isn&amp;rsquo;t the dopamine addiction (it is a problem but not the main) but the brainwashing and it is necessary first to explode all the myths and delusions. Understand your enemy. Know his tactics and you will easily defeat him. I&amp;rsquo;ve spent most of my life trying to stop PMOing and I&amp;rsquo;ve suffered weeks of black depression. When I finally stopped I went to zero without one bad moment. It was enjoyable even during the withdrawal period, and I have never had the slightest pang since. On the contrary, it is the most wonderful thing that has happened in my life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I couldn&amp;rsquo;t understand why it had been so easy and it took me a long time to find out the reason. It was this. I knew for certain that I was never going to PMO again. During previous attempts, no matter how determined I was, I was basically trying to stop PMOing, hoping that if I could survive long enough without a session of PMO the urges would eventually go. Of course they didn&amp;rsquo;t go because I was waiting for something to happen and the more I moped about it, the more I wanted to visit my internet harem, so the craving never went.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;My final attempt was different. Like all PMOers nowadays, I had been giving the problem serious thought. Up to then, whenever I failed, I had consoled myself with the thought that it would be easier next time. It had never occurred to me that I would have to go on PMOing the rest of my life. This latter thought filled me with horror and started me thinking very deeply about the subject.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Instead of firing up my browser subconsciously, I began to analyse my feelings as I was looking at the screen. This confirmed what I already knew, I wasn&amp;rsquo;t enjoying them and they were filthy and disgusting. I started looking at non-PMOers - the ones that live in some other part of the world or the older people who never got to know the tube sites. Until then I had always regarded non-PMOers as wishy-washy, unsociable, finicky people. However, when I examined them they appeared, if anything, stronger and more relaxed. They appeared to he able to cope with the stresses and strains of life, and they seemed to enjoy social functions more than the PMOers. They certainly had more sparkle and zest than PMOers.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I started talking to ex-PMOers. Up to this point I had regarded them as people who had been forced to give up PMO for health and religious reasons and who were always secretly longing for a harem visit. A few did say, “You get the odd pangs but they are so few and far between they aren&amp;rsquo;t worth bothering about.” But most said, “Miss it? You must be joking! I have never felt better in my life.” Even failures were fail forwards for them. They did not condemn themselves. It was easier for them to unconditionally accept themselves. Like a coach who will accept a mistake by a genuinely golden player. Talking to ex-PMOers exploded another myth that I had always had in my mind. I had thought that there was an inherent weakness in me and it suddenly dawned on me that all PMOers go through this private nightmare.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Basically I said to myself, “Scores of people are stopping now and leading perfectly happy lives. I didn&amp;rsquo;t need to do it before I started and I can remember having to work hard to get used to this filth. So why do I need to do it now?” In any event I didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy PMO, I hated the whole filthy ritual and I didn&amp;rsquo;t want to spend the rest of my life being the slave of this disgusting porn addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I then said to myself:&lt;/p&gt;
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&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;“WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR LAST PMO VISIT”&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I knew, right from that point, that I would never PMO again. I wasn&amp;rsquo;t expecting it to be easy; in fact, just the reverse. I fully believed that I was in for months of black depression and that I would spend the rest of my life having the occasional pang. Instead it has been absolute bliss right from the start.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It took me a long time to work out why it had been so easy and why this time I hadn&amp;rsquo;t suffered those terrifying withdrawal pangs. The reason is that they do not exist. It is the doubt and uncertainty that causes the pangs. The beautiful truth is: IT IS EASY TO STOP PMO. It is only the indecision and moping about it that makes it difficult. Even while they are addicted to porn, PMOers can go for relatively long periods at certain times in their lives without bothering about it. It is only when you want it but can&amp;rsquo;t have one that you suffer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Therefore the key to making it easy is to make stopping certain and final. Not to hope but to know you have kicked it, having made the decision. Never to doubt or question it. In fact, just the reverse - always to rejoice about it. If you can be certain from the start, it will be easy. But how can you be certain from the start unless you know it is going to be easy? This is why the rest of the book is necessary. There are certain essential points and it is necessary to get them clear in your mind before you start:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Realize that you can achieve it. There is nothing different about you and the only person who can make you PMO is you. Not that star, she would never in her dreams thought about herself being used for reducing a mans virility.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is absolutely nothing to give up. On the contrary, there are enormous positive gains to be made. I do not only mean you will be healthier and richer. I mean you will enjoy the good times more and be less miserable during the bad times.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Get it clear in your head that there is no such thing as a peek or visit. PMOing is a drug addiction and a chain reaction. By moaning about the odd PMO you will only be punishing yourself needlessly.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;See the whole business of PMOing not as a “boys-will-be-boys” habit that might injure you but as drug addiction. Face up to the fact that, whether you like it or not, YOU HAVE GOT THE DISEASE. It will not go away because you bury your head in the sand. Remember: like all crippling diseases, it not only lasts for life but gets worse and worse. The easiest time to cure it is now.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Separate the disease (i.e. the brain chemical addiction) from the frame of mind of being a PMOer or a non-PMOer. All PMOers, if given the opportunity to go back to the time before they became hooked, would jump at that opportunity. You have that opportunity today! Don&amp;rsquo;t even think about it as &amp;lsquo;giving up&amp;rsquo; PMOing.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you have made the final decision that you have had your last PMO you will already be a non-PMOer. A PMOer is one of those poor wretches who have to go through life destroying themselves with porn. A non-PMOer is someone who doesn&amp;rsquo;t. Once you have made that final decision, you have already achieved your object.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Rejoice in the fact. Do not sit moping waiting for the chemical addiction to go. Get out and enjoy life immediately. Life is marvellous even when you are addicted and each day it will get so much better when you aren&amp;rsquo;t.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The key to making it easy to quit PMOing is to be certain that you will succeed in abstaining completely during the withdrawal period (maximum three weeks). If you are in the correct frame of mind, you will find it ridiculously easy.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;By this stage, if you have opened your mind as I requested at the beginning, you will already have decided you are going to stop. You should now have a feeling of excitement, like a dog straining at the leash, unable to wait to break down those brain DeltaFosB porn water slides. If you have a feeling of doom and gloom, it will be for one of the following reasons:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Something has not gelled in your mind. Re-read the above five points, and ask yourself if you believe them to be true. If you doubt any point, re-read the appropriate sections in the book.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;You fear failure itself. Do not worry. Just read on. You will succeed. The whole business of internet porn is like a confidence trick on a gigantic scale. Intelligent people fall for confidence tricks but it is only a fool who having once found out about the trick goes on kidding himself.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;You agree with everything but you are still miserable. Don&amp;rsquo;t be! Open your eyes. Something marvellous is happening. You are about to escape from the prison. It is essential to start with the correct frame of mind: isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvellous that I am a non-PMOer!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;All we have to do now is to keep you in that frame of mind during the withdrawal period, and the next few chapters deal with specific points to enable you to stay in that frame of mind during that time. After the withdrawal period you won&amp;rsquo;t have to think that way. You will think that way automatically, and the only mystery in your life will be: “It is so obvious, why couldn&amp;rsquo;t I see it before?” However, two important warnings:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Delay your plan to make your last visit until you have finished the book.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;I have mentioned several times a withdrawal period of up to three weeks. This can cause misunderstanding. First, you may subconsciously feel that you have to suffer for three weeks. You don&amp;rsquo;t. Secondly, avoid the trap of thinking, “Somehow I have just got to abstain for three weeks and then I will be free.” Nothing magic will actually happen after three weeks. You won&amp;rsquo;t suddenly feel like a non-PMOer. Non-PMOers do not feel any different from PMOers. If you are moping about stopping during the three weeks, in all probability you will still be moping about it after the three weeks. What I am saying is, if you can start right now by saying, “I am never going to PMO again. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it marvelous?” After three weeks all temptation will go. Whereas if you say, “If only I can survive three weeks without a PMO,” you will be dying for a harem visit after the three weeks are up.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Sexual dysfunction has a lot to do with your brain and your mind frame. Internet Porn rewires your brains reward circuit and gives your mind a doubting mind frame. This self doubt will undoubtedly cause your sexual dysfunctions. Having all the desire in your upper part but putting up no arousal in your lower part is the worst thing to happen to your mind frame. Libido going hand in hand with romance is the elixir of youth that you can have until you die. You will keep the probabilities high by quitting. But that is not the only or the major gain in all this. It is your freedom from slavery.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-30 Avoid False Incentives</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:05:14 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers, while trying to stop on the Willpower Method, attempt to increase their motivation by building up false incentives. There are many examples of this, a typical one is, “I will reward myself with a gift after no-PMO for a month.” This appears to be a logical and sensible approach but in fact it is false because any self-respecting PMOer would rather continue PMOing every day than receive a “self given gift.” In any case there is a doubt in the PMOers mind because not only will she have to abstain for thirty days but will she even enjoy the days without a PMO? Her only pleasure or crutch is taken away! All this does is to increase the size of the sacrifice that the PMOer feels she is making, which makes it even more precious in her mind.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Other examples: “I&amp;rsquo;ll stop PMO so that I will force myself to get a social life and seek more sex in real life” OR “Ill stop so some magical energy will help me to leap above the competitors and get this woman I pursue” OR “I commit to not waste my energy and enthusiasm in PMO, so I can grow enough hunger in myself.” These are true and can be effective and you may end up getting what you want. But think about it for a second - if you do get what you had wanted, once the novelty has gone you will feel deprived - if you didnt then you will feel miserable and either way sooner or later you will fall for the trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Another typical example is online or forum pacts. These have the advantage of eliminating temptation for certain periods. However, they generally fail for the following reasons:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The incentive is false. Why should you want to stop just because other people are doing so? All this does is to create an additional pressure, which increases the feeling of sacrifice. It is fine if all PMOers genuinely want to stop at one particular time. However, you cannot force PMOers to stop and although all PMOers secretly want to, until they are ready to do so a pact just creates additional pressure, which increases their desire to PMO. This turns them into secret PMOers, which further increases the feeling of dependency.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The “Rotten Apple” theory or dependency on each other. Under the Willpower Method of stopping, the PMOer is undergoing a period of penance during which he waits for the urge to PMO to go. If he gives in, there is a sense of failure. Under the Willpower Method one of the participants is bound to give in sooner or later. The other participants now have the excuse they have been waiting for. It&amp;rsquo;s not their fault. They would have held out. It is just that Fred has let them down. The truth is that most of them have already been cheating.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Sharing the credit” is the reverse of the “Rotten Apple” theory. Here the loss of face due to failure is not so bad when shared. There is a marvellous sense of achievement in stopping PMOing. When you are doing it alone the acclaim you receive from your friends and online buddies can be a tremendous boost to help you over the first few days. When everybody is doing it at the same time the credit has to be shared and the boost is consequently reduced.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Another classic example of false incentives is the guru promise. When I was younger it would make me feel angry if youd call me a saint. It is a cuss word. Stopping will give you happiness as you are not engaged in the tug of war and your brain is starting to re-wire and regain impulse controls and all that. However you must keep in mind that none of this will make you a sex god or win a lotto. No one, except you, cares if you stop PMO. You are not a weak person either if you are doing PMO three times a day and have PIED. And you are not a strong person if you are an addict and dont have PIED.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stop kidding yourself. If the job offer that I mentioned before, of 10 months work for 12 months salary a year won&amp;rsquo;t stop him. Or if the risks of cutting down your brains capacity to cope with just any normal day-to-day stress and strains or if putting yourself at odds with having a reliable erection, or if the lifetime of mental and physical torture and slavery did not stop him or her - the above said few phoney incentives will not make the slightest bit of difference. They will only make the sacrifice appear worse. Instead concentrate on the other side:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;what-am-i-getting-out-of-it-why-do-i-need-to-pmo&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;“What am I getting out of it? Why do I need to PMO?”&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Keep looking at the other side of the tug of war. What is PMOing doing for me? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Why do I need to do it? YOU DON&amp;rsquo;T! YOU ARE ONLY PUNISHING YOURSELF. Try looking at it from the Pascals Wager perspective. You have almost nothing to lose (a rub-out with half arousals) for sure, chances of big profits (a full and reliable arousal, mental well being and happiness) and no chance of losing big (unreliable full arousals, premature ejaculations, fading penetrations, loss of general impulse controls, lower tolerance for frustrations and anger).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Why not declare your quitting to friends and family? Well, it will make you a proud ex-addict, ex-PMOer, not an elated and happy non-PMOer. It will scare your partner a bit since they may see this as an effort to have more sex, sort of a new-age thing. They may also fear to lose you if this turns you into sex machine. It is hard to explain to them unless they are open minded.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Any attempt to get others to help you in your quitting gives more power to the little monster of addiction. Pushing it from your mind and totally ignoring it has the effect of trying NOT to think of it. As soon as you spot the thoughts, when you hit the cues (home alone) or just absent minded thoughts - just say to yourself: “Great, I dont have to do it like a slave animal. I am free. I am happy to know the differences in sex.” This will cut the life of the thought and will deny oxygen to it and will stop it from burning towards urges and cravings.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-29 Can I Compartmentalize?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:03:34 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is another myth about PMOing spread mainly by PMOers who, when attempting to stop on the Willpower Method, substitute mental gymnastics - they propose to act -Jekyll and Hyde: “Porn is for my alter ego side and real life romance is for my relationship side.” Nothing is further from the truth. The porn waterslides - the deltaFosBs and all the brain changes are going to overrun the real life romance and will make it less desirable. Mr Hyde is most definitely going to overrule Dr. Jekylls instructions.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you use internet porn, you may be training yourself for the role of voyeur or to need the option of clicking to something more arousing at the least drop in your dopamine levels, or to search and search for just the right scene for maximum effect. Also, you may be masturbating in a hunched-over position or watching your smartphone in bed nightly. You will eventually desire those cues more than the real life action. The thing that goes against real sex is the lack of novelty, variety, harem like 24/7 quick delivery etc. and so it stands no chance compared to your online harem. The younger you were when you started on PMO the longer to rewire and break down those porn water slides and get back those real water slides if there were any from the past or create new ones. Also powerful and lasting are the associated memories from when you were young.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Every time you take a ride on the porn water slide you are greasing it - keeping the nerves fresh. When you park next to a fast food restaurant the smell of the fries floats from the pan into your nostrils and the sale was already made. Likewise, the porn water slides in your brain are there for you to get sucked in and they are open 24 hours a day. Each of these cues, or triggers, can now light up your reward circuit with the promise of sex&amp;hellip; only it isn&amp;rsquo;t sex. Nevertheless, nerve cells may solidify these associations with sexual arousal by sprouting new branches to strengthen the connections. The more you use porn the stronger the nerve connections can become, with the result that you may ultimately need to be a voyeur, need to click to new material, need to climax to porn to get to sleep, or need to search for the perfect ending just to get the job done.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As with any substance or behavioural drug, after a while the body becomes immune and the “drug” ceases to relieve the withdrawal pangs completely. As soon as we close a session, the addict wants another one very soon and he has a permanent hunger. The natural inclination is eventually to escalate just to get the dopamine rush. However, most PMOers are prevented from doing this for one, or both, of two reasons.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Money - they cannot afford to subscribe to paid porn sites.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Health - There is only so much the body can take - either the motivator dopamine surges or the orgasms. And orgasms actually trigger anti-dopamine chemicals to cut down the dopamine flush. It has to - that is the way the body works.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Once that little monster leaves your body the awful feeling of insecurity ends. Your confidence returns, together with a marvellous feeling of self-respect. You obtain the assurance to take control of your life, not only in your other habits but also in all other ways. This is one of the many great advantages of being free from any addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have said, the compartment myth is due to one of many tricks that the little monster plays with your mind. In fact, these tricks do not make it easier to stop, they make it harder. The PMOer is therefore left with a permanent hunger that he can never satisfy. This is why many PMOers turn to cigarettes, heavy drinking or even harder drugs in order to satisfy the void.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I had suggested watching porn with one of my partners. But eventually I noticed it did not enhance my arousal at all. The sex was not better. I realized that it actually diminished my attraction towards her. We humans are rating animals - we always self rate and other rate. I am sure she rated me against the male porn start too. Why take chances? Do you want Brad Pitt in your bedroom, even if he is in a poster ? No one man or woman can match a harem where each experience is acted, scripted and directed by professionals and at the ready 24 hours a day.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-28 Will I Miss the Fun?</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:01:03 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;No! Once that little porn monster is dead and your body stops craving dopamine and the porn water slides in your brain start to fade due to lack of greasing, any remaining brainwashing will vanish and you will find yourself both physically and mentally better equipped not only to cope with the stresses and strains of life but to enjoy the good times to the full.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There is only one danger and that is the influence of those who still use sex as their lying crutch and damned pleasure. “The other man&amp;rsquo;s grass is always greener,” is commonplace in many aspects of our lives and is easily understandable. Why is it in the case of PMOing, where the disadvantages are so enormous as compared with even the illusory advantages, that the ex-PMOer tend to envy the man or woman who appears to demand sex and use porn for pleasure and a crutch?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;With all the brainwashing of our childhood it is quite understandable that we fall into the trap. Why is it that, once we realize what a mug&amp;rsquo;s game it is and many of us manage to kick the habit, we walk straight back into the same trap? It is the influence of society&amp;rsquo;s brainwashing of porn being conflated with sex and presented as normal. The ex-PMOer has a pang! The insecure void feelings of them being single, which in itself is not a crime anyway, causes anxiety and cues them to PMO water slide. This is indeed a curious anomaly, particularly if you consider this piece of observation: not only is every non-PMOer in the world happy to be a non-PMOer but every PMOer in the world, even with his warped, addicted, brainwashed mind suffering the delusion that he enjoys it or it relaxes him, wishes he had never become hooked in the first place. So why do some ex-PMOers envy the PMOer on these occasions? There are two reasons.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Just one peek.” Remember; it doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. Stop seeing that isolated occasion and start looking at it from the point of view of the PMOer. You may be envying him but he doesn&amp;rsquo;t approve of himself: he envies you. If only you could somehow watch (clinically) another PMOer. They can be the most powerful boost of all to help you of it. Notice how quickly they open many tabs and many windows of their browsers? They fast forward to their important minutes. How quickly they get bored of some clips and how quickly they run through the gamut of genres producing novelty, shock, anxiety, worry etc. Notice particularly that not only is he/she not aware that he or she is PMOing but even the act of masturbation appears to be automatic. Remember, he is not enjoying it; it&amp;rsquo;s just that he cannot enjoy himself without it. Particularly remember that when he leaves to go to sleep after his visit he is drained of energy. The next morning, when he wakes up with a weakened will, lost energy, bleary eyes, he is going to have to carry on choking himself at the first appearance of stress and strain. The next time he has a pain in the penis, the next ED episode or a fading penetration when he is in the company of a non-PMOer, he has to continue this lifetime chain of paying through the nose just for the privilege of destroying himself physically and mentally. He is facing a lifetime of filth, bad mental health, stained confidence, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of destroying himself, a lifetime of black shadows at the back of his mind. And all of this is to achieve what purpose? The lying illusion if getting what you deserve and the damned pleasure?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The second reason why some ex- PMOers have pangs on these occasions is because the PMOer is doing something i.e. self pleasuring and the non-PMOer is not, so he tends to feel deprived. Get it clear in your mind before you start: it is not the non-PMOer who is being deprived. It is the poor PMOer who is being deprived of:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;PEACE OF MIND&lt;/li&gt;
Get out of the habit of envying PMOers and start seeing them as the miserable, pathetic creatures they really are. I know: I was the one of the world&amp;rsquo;s worst. That is why you are reading this book and the ones who cannot face up to it, who have to go on kidding themselves, are the most pathetic of all.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You wouldn&amp;rsquo;t envy a heroin addict. Like all drug addiction, yours won&amp;rsquo;t get better. Each year it will get worse and worse. If you don&amp;rsquo;t enjoy being a PMOer today, you&amp;rsquo;ll enjoy it even less tomorrow. Don&amp;rsquo;t envy other PMOers. Pity them. Believe me: THEY NEED YOUR PITY.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-27 Timing</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:55:57 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Apart from the obvious point that as it is doing you no good, now is the right time to stop. I believe timing is important. Our society treats internet porn flippantly as a slightly distasteful habit that can not injure your health. It is not. It is drug addiction, a disease and a destroyer of relationships in society. The worst thing that happens in most PMOers lives is getting hooked on that awful addiction. If they stay hooked, horrendous things happen. Timing is important to give yourself the right to a proper cure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;First of all, identify the times or occasions when PMO appears to be important to you. If you are a businessman and use it for the illusion of relief of stress, pick a relatively slack period; a good idea is to choose your annual holiday. If you PMO mainly during boring or relaxing periods, weekends etc. do the opposite. In any event, take the matter seriously and make the attempt the most important thing in your life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Look ahead for a period of about three weeks and try to anticipate any event that might lead to failure. Occasions like a conference trip, partner out of town etc. need not deter you, providing you anticipate them in advance and do not feel you will be deprived. Do not attempt to cut down in the meantime as this will only create the illusion that being denied is enjoyable. In fact, it helps to force yourself to watch and have as many PMO sessions as possible. While you are having the last session and that last time, be conscious of the disappointment due to satiation, unfulfilled expectations (porn can never satisfy you), any bodily pain or pain in the genitals, the withdrawal effects, the peevishness and the melancholy. Think how marvellous it will be when you allow yourself to stop doing it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;whatever-you-do-dont-fall-into-the-trap-of-just-saying-not-now-later-and-putting-it-out-of-your-mind-work-out-your-timetable-now-and-look-forward-to-it&#34;&gt;WHATEVER YOU DO, DON&amp;rsquo;T FALL INTO THE TRAP OF JUST SAYING, “NOT NOW. LATER,” AND PUTTING IT OUT OF YOUR MIND. WORK OUT YOUR TIMETABLE NOW AND LOOK FORWARD TO IT.&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Remember you aren&amp;rsquo;t giving anything up. On the contrary: you are about to receive marvellous positive gains.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For years the medical profession viewed porn is harmless without knowing the difference between the tame static porn of yesteryear and the latest VR streaming porn. The problem is this; although every PMOer uses internet porn purely to relieve the brain chemical craving for dopamine, it is not the addiction to the brain chemical itself that hooks the PMOer but the self-brainwashing that results from that addiction. An intelligent person will fall for a confidence trick. But only a fool will go on falling for it once he realizes that it&amp;rsquo;s a confidence trick. Fortunately, most PMOers aren&amp;rsquo;t fools; they only think they are. Each individual PMOer has his own private brainwashing. That is why there appears to be such a wide range of different types of PMOer, which only serves to compound the mysteries.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;With the benefit of the original book that used this method to stop smoking, which dealt with nicotine addiction (one of the most quickest and addictive drug known to man) and bearing in mind that the personal logs that I collected from Reddit, NoFap and YBOP blogs and forums, I was agreeably surprised to realize that the philosophy propounded in the original book was still sound. The accumulated knowledge that was acquired by the original author Alan Carr and by myself the hack-author is how to communicate that knowledge to each individual PMOer. The fact that I know every PMOer can not only find it easy to stop but can actually enjoy the process is not only pointless but exceedingly frustrating unless I can make the PMOer realize it. The original author of the quit smoking book explains some controversial advice:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“Many people have said to me: You say, &amp;ldquo;Continue to smoke until you have finished the book.&amp;rsquo;&amp;rsquo; This tends to make the smoker take ages to read the hook or just not finish it. period. Therefore you should change that instruction. This sounds logical, but I know that if the instruction were: Stop immediately, some smokers wouldn&amp;rsquo;t even start reading the book. I had a smoker consult me in the early days. He said, I really resent having to seek your help, I know I&amp;rsquo;m strong-willed. In every other area of my life I&amp;rsquo;m in control. Why is it that all these other smokers are stopping by using their own willpower, yet I have to come to you? He continued, I think I could do it on my own, if I could smoke while I was doing it.’”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This may sound like a contradiction but I know what the man meant. We think of stopping smoking as something that is very difficult to do. What do we need when we have something difficult to do? We need our little friend. So stopping smoking appears to be a double blow. Not only do we have a difficult task to perform, which is hard enough, but the crutch on which we normally rely on such occasions is no longer available. It didn&amp;rsquo;t occur to me until long after the man had left that my instruction to keep smoking is the real beauty of my method. You can continue to smoke while you go through the process of stopping. You get rid of all your doubts and fears first so when you extinguish that final cigarette you are already a non-smoker and can enjoy being one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So this book on PMO will also keep the same advice intact. No matter how much I say it will be easy there will be a vast majority who will not be able to accept it due to their personal brainwashing on how difficult it is to quit.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only chapter that has caused me to question my original advice seriously is this chapter on the matter of the right timing. Above all, I advise that if your special occasions are stress situations at the office then pick a holiday to make an attempt to give up or vice versa. In fact, that isn&amp;rsquo;t the easiest way to do it. The easiest way is to pick what you consider to be the most difficult time to do it, whether it be stress, social, concentration or boredom. Once you&amp;rsquo;ve proved that you can cope with and enjoy life in the worst possible situations every other situation becomes easy. But if I gave that as a definite instruction, would you even make the attempt to stop?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let me use an analogy. My wife and I intend to swim together. We arrive at the pool at the same time but we rarely swim together. The reason is that she immerses one toe and half an hour later she&amp;rsquo;s actually swimming. I cannot stand that slow torture. I know in advance that at some stage, no matter how cold the water is, eventually I&amp;rsquo;m going to have to brave it. So I&amp;rsquo;ve learned to do it the easy way: I dive straight in. Now, assuming that I were in a position to insist that if she didn&amp;rsquo;t dive straight in, she couldn&amp;rsquo;t swim at all. I know that she wouldn&amp;rsquo;t swim at all. Do you see the problem?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;From feedback I know that many PMOers have used the original advice I gave on timing to delay what they think will be the “evil day.” My next thoughts were to use the technique that I used for the chapter on the advantages of PMOing, something like: “timing is very important and in the next chapter I will advise you about the best time for you to make the attempt!” You turn the page over and there is just a huge, “NOW!” That is, in fact, the best advice but would you take it? This is the most subtle aspect of the porn trap. When we have genuine stress in our lives, it&amp;rsquo;s not the time to stop yet if we have no stress in our lives, we have no desire to stop. Ask yourself these following questions:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;When you got porn the first time, did you really decide then that you would continue to depend on it the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU DIDN&amp;rsquo;T!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Are you going to continue the rest of your life every day without ever being able to stop? OF COURSE YOU AREN&amp;rsquo;T!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So when will you stop? Tomorrow? Next year? The year after? Isn&amp;rsquo;t this what you&amp;rsquo;ve been asking yourself since you first realized you were hooked? Are you hoping that one morning you will wake up and just not want to PMO any more? Stop kidding yourself. I waited many many awful years for it to happen to me. With any addiction you get progressively more hooked, not less. You think it will be easier tomorrow? You&amp;rsquo;re still kidding yourself. If you can&amp;rsquo;t do it today, what makes you think it will be easier tomorrow? Are you going to wait until you&amp;rsquo;ve actually started to feel getting out of bed is harder than just masturbating? That would be a bit pointless.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The real trap is the belief that now isn&amp;rsquo;t the right time - it will always be easier tomorrow. We believe that we live stressful lives. In fact, we don&amp;rsquo;t. We&amp;rsquo;ve taken most genuine stress out of our lives. When you leave your home you don&amp;rsquo;t live in fear of being attacked by wild animals. Most of us don&amp;rsquo;t have to worry where our next meal is coming from or whether we&amp;rsquo;ll have a roof over our head tonight. But just think of the life of a wild animal. Every time a rabbit comes out of its burrow, it is facing Vietnam the whole of its life. But the rabbit can handle it. It&amp;rsquo;s got adrenalin and other hormones and so have we. The truth is, the most stressful periods for any creature are early childhood and adolescence. But 3 billion years of natural selection have equipped us to cope with stress. Many people who have had hard childhoods grew up to lead normal lives.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We are all able to cope with unkind people and the unpleasant parts of life. I don&amp;rsquo;t believe any of my life adversities have left me with any permanent scars; on the contrary, I believe they have made me a stronger person. When I look back on my life there has only been one thing that I couldn&amp;rsquo;t handle and that was my slavery to that damned internet porn.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;A few years ago I thought I had all the worries in the world. I was suicidal - not in the sense that I would have jumped off a roof but in the sense that I knew that this mental tug of war would soon kill me. I argued that if this was life with my crutch, life just wouldn&amp;rsquo;t be worth living without it. What I didn&amp;rsquo;t realize was that when you are physically and mentally depressed everything gets you down. Now I feel like a young boy again. Only one thing made the change in my life: I&amp;rsquo;m now out of the porn pit.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I know it&amp;rsquo;s a cliché to say, “if you haven&amp;rsquo;t got your health, you&amp;rsquo;ve got nothing,” but it&amp;rsquo;s absolutely true. I used to think that physical fitness fanatics like Gary Player were a pain. I used to claim there&amp;rsquo;s more to life than feeling fit; there&amp;rsquo;s sex, booze and tobacco. That&amp;rsquo;s nonsense. When you feel physically and mentally strong you can enjoy the highs and handle the lows. We confuse responsibility with stress. Responsibility becomes stressful only when you don&amp;rsquo;t feel strong enough to handle it. The Richard Burtons of this world are physically and mentally strong. What destroys them is not the stresses of life or their jobs, or old age but the lying crutches they turn to which are just illusions. Sadly in his case and for millions like him those lying crutches kill.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Look at it this way. You&amp;rsquo;ve already decided that you are not going to stay in the trap the rest of your life. Therefore at some time in your life whether you find it easy or difficult, you will have to go through the process of getting free. PMOing is not a habit or pleasure. It is drug addiction and a disease. We&amp;rsquo;ve already established that far from being easier to stop tomorrow, it will get progressively harder. With a disease that&amp;rsquo;s going to get progressively worse, the time to get rid of it is NOW - or as near to now as you can manage. Just think how quickly each week of our lives comes and goes. That&amp;rsquo;s all it takes. Just think how nice it will he to enjoy the rest of your life without that ever-increasing black shadow hanging over you. And if you follow all my instructions, you won&amp;rsquo;t even have to wait five days. You won&amp;rsquo;t only find it easy after closing down your bowser: Y&lt;strong&gt;OU&amp;rsquo;LL ENJOY IT!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-26 A Social Habit?</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:54:03 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Health of mind and body are the main reason why we should want to stop but then they always have been. We do not actually need scientific research and knowledge in brain chemistry to tell us that internet porn is addictive and can potentially shatter our lives. These bodies of ours are the most sophisticated objects on the planet and any PMOer knows instantly, from the first session, that the stimulus can go to excess and it can turn poisonous.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only reason why we ever get involved with internet porn is the PMOs overlap with their evolutionary brain programming. Porn is available for free and it gets streamed 24 hours a day. No risk and no traces and with very high brain rewards. Porn was once considered as harmless but that was when the images were static and involved a trip to the local store for a VHS tape.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Today it is generally considered even by PMOers themselves to be a supra-stimulus and addiction forming. In the old days, the strong man did not admit he masturbated. Jerk is a derogatory term. In every pub or club bar the majority of men would be proudly wanting to take a woman home and have real sex. Today the position is completely reversed for the internet porn addicts. Today&amp;rsquo;s man realizes that he is starting to feel that he doesn&amp;rsquo;t need a woman. This scares him. He bands together online and starts discussing experiences, devise strategies and explore options. Today&amp;rsquo;s strong man does not want to depend on drugs. With the social revolution all PMOers nowadays are giving serious thought to stopping internet porn and masturbation. Today&amp;rsquo;s PMOers consider PMO as an useless and harmful activity.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The most significant trend that I have noticed in forums is the increasing emphasis on the anti-social aspect of PMOing. The days when a man boasted of having sex and orgasms every day is slowly getting replaced with, “why do I need to be a slave for this porn monster when I know it is controlling my wand (and mind)?”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The only reason why people continue to PMO after getting educated is because they have failed to stop or are too frightened to try. There are even talks about no porn, no masturbation and no orgasms - with or without partners. Karezza is discussed widely and people are trying it out. Many aforementioned failures are “fail forwards” and thus somewhat benefiting the people who practice them. Once you start in the no-PMO route you will find your best fit that applies to your life. I strongly encourage devising your own plan on orgasms after understanding and practising the separation of the amative and the propagative parts of sex. I am sure whichever route you take you will see the value of preserving the “seed” by limiting the number of times you flush your brain with chemicals by orgasming. You will then never see porn, sex and orgasms as a pleasure or as a crutch for your emotional ups and downs.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I was reading a Reddit forum by non-PMOers dedicated to quitting not only porn but also masturbation. As I read along I thought. “This is good, I see so many have taken to quitting masturbation and I think that is the right way to quit PMO.” However, I found most of the notes pointing to them to try with the Willpower Method. There was a lot of self-pitying as well. Except a few&amp;hellip; almost all were not feeling elated and not having the, “yippee I am free from slavery” attitude. Eventually someone broke down - as I unfortunately expected to happen. And the result was a domino effect. All those other PMOers had been sitting there thinking, “surely I can&amp;rsquo;t be the only PMOer here.” However, they were “failing forward” albeit with a lot of self-torturing as they shut down their browsers but did not shut down the desire and the need. This method is the reverse as - we shut down the desire and the need first before shutting down the browser screen. As every day more and more PMOers leave the sinking ship, so those left on it become terrified they&amp;rsquo;ll be the last.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;dont-let-it-be-you&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;DON&amp;rsquo;T LET IT BE YOU!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
<title>03-25 The YouTube PMOer</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:51:35 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;The YouTube PMOer should be grouped with casual PMOers but the effects of a YouTube PMOer are so insidious that it merits a separate chapter. It can lead to the breakdown of personal self control. In one case it nearly caused a split for a No-Fap forum user.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I was three weeks into one of my failed attempts to stop. The attempt had been triggered off by my wife&amp;rsquo;s worry about my unreliable hard-ons and lack of interest. I had told her that it was not her and it was just job pressure. She said, &amp;lsquo;I know you had handled the work pressure before but how would you feel if you were me and had to watch someone you love systematically destroying themselves? It was an argument that I found irresistible, hence the attempt to stop. She knows that I am not cheating - but this in a way is as worse as that (sic). The attempt ended after three weeks after a heated argument with an old friend. It did not register until years afterwards that my devious mind had deliberately triggered off the argument. I felt justly aggrieved at the time but I do not believe that it was coincidence, as I had never argued with this particular friend before, nor have I since. It was clearly the little monster at work. Anyway, I had my excuse. I desperately needed a release of orgasm and it doesnt matter how. As it happens she was not in the mood right away and I was in an “entitlement” hurry. So I convinced myself that it is OK if I restrict myself by avoiding a porn site and just stay this side of the red line and watch only YouTube videos. But she came around as the night unfolded and wanted to make love. But I was tired and not with all my horsepower. I then invented a headache. I could not bear to think of the disappointment this would cause my wife. Then gradually I returned to the old ways, only YouTube became my new harem destination. I remember being quite pleased at the time. I thought, &amp;lsquo;well, at least it is cutting my consumption down; Eventually she accused me of continuing to ignore her in the bed. I had not realized it but she described the times I had caused an argument and stormed out of the house. At other times I had taken two hours to purchase some minor item and faked a sprain or something. I had made feeble excuses to cop out of the whole wooing her and etc. when I have a reliable online harem it is even more hard.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The worst thing about the YouTube PMOer is that it supports the fallacy in the PMOers mind that he is being deprived. At the same time, it causes a major loss of self-respect; an otherwise honest person may force himself to deceive his loved one. It has probably happened or is still happening to you in some form.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It happened to me several times. Have you ever watched the TV detective series Columbo? The theme of each episode is similar. The villain, usually a wealthy and respected businessman, has committed what he is convinced is the perfect murder and his confidence in his crime remaining undetected receives a boost when he discovers that the rather shabby and unimpressive-looking Detective Columbo is in charge of the case.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Columbo has this frustrating practice of closing the door after finishing his interrogation, having assured the suspect that he is in the clear and before the satisfied look has disappeared from the murderer&amp;rsquo;s face, Columbo reappears with: “just one small point, sir, which I&amp;rsquo;m sure you can explain&amp;hellip;” The suspect stammers and from that point on we know and he knows that Columbo will gradually wear him down. No matter how heinous the crime, from that point on my sympathies were with the murderer.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It was almost as if I were the criminal and that&amp;rsquo;s exactly how those bouts made me feel. The tension of not being allowed to cross the red line to get my porn fix that I “rightly deserve because I am hard working man and why shouldnt I when every man does it?” entitlement, click, click, clicking on videos that come close to the right one. Longing for the porn tube videos. And then finishing the deed - just a limp rub out, wondering where the pleasure was. The fear of crossing the line losing control. The relief of returning to the bed, immediately followed by the fear that she would toss around and ask for sex. As the “safe” YouTube videos started not to do it for me - desensitization and lack of novelty and the certain knowledge that sooner or later I was bound to visit my favourite online harem. The final humiliation and shame when that certainty became a fact, followed by the immediate return to chain-PMOing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;oh-the-joys-of-being-a-pmo-er&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;OH THE JOYS OF BEING A PMO-er!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
<title>03-24 Casual PMOers, Teenagers, Non PMOers</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:40:22 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Heavy PMOers tend to envy the casual porn user. We&amp;rsquo;ve all met these characters: “Oh, I can go all week without a PMO, it really doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me.” We think: “I wish I were like that!” I know this is hard to believe but no PMOer enjoys being a PMOer. Never forget:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;No PMOer ever decided to become a PMOer casual or otherwise, therefore:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;All PMOers feel stupid, therefore:&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;All PMOers have to lie to themselves and other people in a vain attempt to justify their stupidity.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I used to be a golf fanatic. I would brag about how often I played and I wanted to play more. Why do PMOers brag about how little they masturbate? If that&amp;rsquo;s the true criterion then surely the true accolade is not to masturbate at all?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If I said to you, “do you know, I can go all week without carrots and it doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me in the slightest,” You would think I was some sort of nutcase. If I enjoy carrots, why would I want go all week without them? If I didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy them, why would I make such a statement? So when a user makes a statement like: “I can go all week without a PMO session, it really doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother me.” He&amp;rsquo;s trying to convince both himself and you that he has no problem. But there would be no need to make the statement if he had no problem. What he is really saying is: “I managed to survive a whole week without PMOing.” Like every PMOer, he was probably hoping that after this he could survive the rest of his life. But he could only survive a week and can you imagine how precious that PMO session must have been afterwards, having felt deprived for a whole week?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This is why casual PMOers are effectively more hooked than heavy PMOers. Not only is the illusion of pleasure greater but they have less incentive to quit because they spend less time and are less vulnerable to the health risks. They may occasionally experience PIED but they are not very sure what caused it. Remember, the only pleasure PMOers get is in search-and-seek and then to relieve the withdrawal pangs, as I have already explained but even that pleasure is an illusion. Imagine the little porn monster inside your body as a permanent itch so imperceptible that most of the time we aren&amp;rsquo;t even aware of it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now if you have a permanent itch, the natural tendency is to scratch it. Similarly as our brain&amp;rsquo;s reward circuits become more and more immune to dopamine and opioids, the natural tendency is to edge, escalate, binge, novelty-seek, shock-seek etc. There are four main factors that prevent PMOers from chain-PMOing:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Time. Most cannot afford to.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Health. In order to relieve our itches we have to consume all free material that is available and then some. Capacity to cope with that kind of binging varies with each individual and at different times and situations in his or her life. This acts as an automatic restraint.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Discipline. This is imposed by society or the PMOers job, or friends and relatives, or by the PMOer himself as a result of the natural tug of war that goes on in every PMOers mind.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Imagination. Lack of imagination plays down the shock, novelty and other values of the same clip on a subjective basis.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I used to think of my non-casual PMOing as a weakness. I couldn&amp;rsquo;t understand why my friends could limit their “intake.” I knew I was a very strong-willed person. It never occurred to me that most PMOers are incapable of chain-PMOing - you need a very strong imagination and also extraordinarily strong penis stamina in order to do it. Some of these once-a-week PMOers that heavy PMOers tend to envy do it less frequently because physically their constitution cannot do more, or because they cannot afford to PMO more, or because their job, or society, or their own hatred of being hooked won&amp;rsquo;t allow them to PMO more.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It may be of advantage at this stage to provide a few definitions:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-non-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE NON-PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Someone who has never fallen for the trap but should not be complacent. He is a non-PMOer only by luck or the grace of goodness. All PMOers were convinced that they would never become hooked and some non-PMOers keep trying an occasional session.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-casual-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE CASUAL PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There are two basic classifications of casual PMOers:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The PMOer who has fallen for the trap but doesn&amp;rsquo;t realize it. Do not envy such PMOers. They are merely sampling the nectar at the mouth of the pitcher plant and in all probability will soon be heavy users. Remember, just as all alcoholics started off as casual drinkers, so all PMOers started off as casual PMOers.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;The PMOer who was previously a heavy PMOer and thinks he cannot stop. These PMOers are the saddest of all. They fall into various categories, each of which needs separate comment.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-oncea--day-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE ONCEA- DAY PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If he enjoys his entitlement to orgasm, why does he use internet porn to orgasm only once a day? If he can take it or leave it, why does he bother to PMO at all? Remember, the habit is really banging your head against the brick wall only to make it relaxing when you stop. The once-a-day PMOer is relieving his withdrawal pangs for less than one hour each day. The rest of the day, although he doesn&amp;rsquo;t realize it, he is banging his head against the wall and does so for most of his life. He is PMOing only once a day because either he cannot take the risk of getting caught or screwing up his brain health. It is easy to convince the heavy PMOer that he doesn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy it but you try convincing a casual PMOer. Anybody who has gone through an attempt to cut down will know it is the worst torture of all and almost guaranteed to keep you hooked for the rest of your life.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-rejected-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE REJECTED PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This PMOer demands the right to his/her orgasm(s) every day. And of course his sex partner is not always up to it. So he goes on the internet for porn initially. Once he takes “the ride” to fix “the void” he is trapped on this most exciting water slide of novelty, shock, supranormal images etc. He is in fact dichotomously happy with the partners rejection it gives him something of an excuse. If internet porn is giving so much to you, why even bother to have a partner at all? Set him or her free. He is not even enjoying the PMO when he has to carry his partner in his mind. At some point he is using his real life partner to hand him an excuse to go out into the valleys of the dark side of the internet.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-porn-diet-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE PORN DIET PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;(Or, “I can stop whenever I want to. I have done it thousands of times”). If he thinks dieting helps with his moods to get out to get women, why is he even on the diet of once every four days? How can one predict the future, what if the happenstance of meeting occurred just an hour after your scheduled PMO session? Also, if he thinks this occasional “cleaning the plumbing” is good to relieve tension and relax why not plumb every day? It has been proven that masturbation is not required to keep the genitals healthy. Internet porn is not required at all. Even if that may be the case, any PUA guru who has read about the brain chemistry and its plasticity will never recommend watching super stimulus porn. The truth is he is still hooked. Although he gets rid of the physical addiction, he is left with the main problem - the brainwashing. He hopes each time that he will stop for good and soon falls for the same trap again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers actually envy these stoppers and starters. They think, “how lucky to be able to control it like that, to do PMO when you want to and stop when you want to,” What they always overlook is that these stoppers and starters aren&amp;rsquo;t controlling it. When they are PMOers, they wish they weren&amp;rsquo;t. They go through the hassle of stopping, then begin to feel deprived and fall for the trap again, then wish they hadn&amp;rsquo;t. They get the worst of both worlds. If you think about it, this is true in the lives of the PMOers. When we are allowed to PMO we either take it as entitled or wish we didn&amp;rsquo;t. It&amp;rsquo;s only when we can&amp;rsquo;t have PMO that it appears to be so precious. The forbidden fruit syndrome. This is the awful dilemma of PMOers. They can never win because they are moping for a myth, an illusion. There is one way they can win and that is to stop PMOing and stop moping!&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-i-only-pmo-to-statictamehome-made-porn-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE I-ONLY-PMO-TO-STATIC/TAME/HOME-MADE-PORN PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Yes, we all do it to start with but isn&amp;rsquo;t it amazing how the average shock value of these clips seems rapidly to increase and before we know it we seem to be feeling deprived (tolerance)? The novelty is lacking in with static porn and we pay the mascot for a cup of grease and take the ride down the porn water slide towards the dark spirals of resentment and guilt. The worst thing you can do is to use your partner&amp;rsquo;s pictures (with approval, of course) for masturbation. Why? Because you are re-wiring your brain for the seeking, searching and variety induced dopamine flushes. The porn water slides in the brain is the DeltaFosB built-up due to the dopamine surges induced by internet porn. But you will find yourself having weak and unreliable erections when you are with her in real time. Another genre in this category is amateur or home made porn. Most are fakes and you know it. And you are not going to settle down and finish on the very first one that hits your eyes&amp;hellip; you are going to continue to seek and search. Remember its not only the orgasms but the search-and-seek, the wandering, that gives the porn slide the surge, the ride. The porn content, whether amateur or professional or whatever is not the issue, it is the brain flushes of dopamine during the search-and-seek - the building up of brain tolerance and satiation. Porn destroys normal brain operations. Masturbation confuses the muscle-brain. Orgasms floods the brain and so it should be, better the risks involved in having one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;the-i-have-stopped-but-i-have-an-occasional-peek-pmoer&#34;&gt;THE I-HAVE-STOPPED-BUT-I-HAVE-AN-OCCASIONAL-PEEK PMOer&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In a way such peeking PMOers are the most pathetic of all. Either they go through their lives believing they are being deprived or, more often, the occasional peek becomes two. They remain on the slippery slope and it goes only one way - DOWNWARDS. Sooner or later they are back to being heavy PMOers. They have fallen again for the very trap that they fell into in the first place.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There are two other categories of casual PMOers. The first is the type who masturbates to images or clips of the latest celebrity sex tapes that hit the news. Or something they carried home from their accidental viewing at school or work. These people are really non-PMOers. It&amp;rsquo;s just that they feel they are missing out. They want to be part of the action. We all start off like this. Next time watch how, after a while, the celebrity sex tape, the same star of your fantasy is not doing it to you any more. The more unattainable the target of your fantasy is, the more frustrating the withdrawal of the orgasm is.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The second category is recently getting attention. The type can best be described by outlining a case shared online. A woman who is a professional, had been using internet porn stories for many years and had never PMOed more or less than one time every night. She was, incidentally, a very strong-willed lady. Most PMOers would wonder why she wanted to stop in the first place. They would gladly point out to her that there is no worries of PIED, or PE in her case as she is a women. She is using not even static images and the stories are far tamer than any they use on a daily basis.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;They make the mistake of assuming that casual PMOers are happier and more in control. In control they may be but happy they are not. In this case, she is not satisfied with her partner, not interested in real sex, highly irritable with her daily stress and strains. Her nearest-and-dearest could not find out what is bothering her. Even if she convinced herself not to be afraid of her use of internet porn by rationalizing, she still finds herself not being able to enjoy real relationships which almost invariably involve ups and downs. Her brains RC&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; is not able to make use of the normal de-stress brain chemicals as she is flooding dopamine into her brain on an everyday basis. The down regulation&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; of her brain receptors has rendered her melancholic most times. Like me, she had a great fear of internet porns dark side of the treatment of women- before her first time. Like me, she eventually fell victim to the massive social brainwash and tried that first porn site. Like me, she can remember the foul clips of violence staged as entertainment. Unlike me, who capitulated and became a chain-PMOer very quickly, she resisted the slide.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;All you ever enjoy in PMO is the ending of the craving that started before it, whether it be the almost imperceptible physical craving for dopamine or the mental torture caused by not being allowed to scratch the itch. Internet porn itself is a poison as far as it concerns you. This is why you only suffer the illusion of enjoying it after a period of abstinence. Just like a hunger or thirst, the longer you suffer it, the greater the pleasure when you finally relieve it. PMOers make the mistake of believing PMO is just a habit. They think, “if I can only keep it down to a certain level or do only on special occasions, my brain and body will accept it. I can then keep my PMOing at that level or cut down further should I wish to.” Get it clear in your mind: the &amp;lsquo;habit&amp;rsquo; doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. PMOing is drug addiction. The natural tendency is to relieve withdrawal pangs, not to endure them. Even to hold it at the level you are already at, you would have to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life because as your brain&amp;rsquo;s RC becomes immune to dopamine and opioids, it wants more and more, not less and less. As PMO begins to destroy you physically and mentally, as it gradually breaks down your nervous system, your courage and confidence, your impulse controls, so you are increasingly unable to resist reducing the interval between each session.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That is why in the early days, we can take it or leave it. If we get a sign of something amiss mentally or physically, we just stop. It also explains why someone like me, who never even suffered the illusion of enjoying them, had to go on chain-PMOing even though every time it had become a physical torture. Don&amp;rsquo;t envy that woman. When you PMO only once every twenty four hours it appears to be the most precious thing on earth. The “forbidden fruit syndrome.” For many years that poor woman had been at the centre of a tug of war.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;She had been unable to stop PMOing, yet was frightened to escalate to streaming clips. But for twenty-three hours and ten minutes of every one of those days she had to fight the temptation. She also had to fight her own lack of feelings towards her boyfriend. It took tremendous willpower to do what she did and, as I have said, such cases are rare. But it reduced her to tears in the end. Just look at it logically: either there is a genuine crutch or pleasure in PMOing or there isn&amp;rsquo;t. If there is, who wants to wait an hour, or a day, or a week? Why should you be denied the crutch or pleasure in the meantime? If there is no genuine crutch or pleasure, why bother paying visits to your online harem?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Here is another case of a once-in-four-days man. This is how the man described his life:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I am forty years old. I suffered PIED with real women and even when Id be doing PMO. Most times I am only rubbing it out. It has been a while since I had a full erection. Before going on the one-in-four days porn diet, I used to sleep soundly through the night after my PMO. Now I wake up every hour of the night and all I can think about is PMO. Even when I am sleeping. I dream about my favourite clips. On days after my scheduled PMO I feel pretty down and this diet would take up all my energy. My SO would leave me alone because I am so bad-tempered and if she cant get out, she will not have me in the house. I go for a jog outside but my mind is obsessed with PMOing. On the schedule day I begin planning earlier in the night. I get very irritated if something happens against my plans. Id give up on conversation and give in (only to later regret) at work and at home. I am not an argumentative guy but I dont want the topic or conversation to hold me down. I remember occasions when Id pick up silly fights with my SO. I then wait for 10 o&amp;rsquo;clock. When it arrives my hands are shaking uncontrollably. I do not start the deed right away. As there are new videos that has been added, I had to shop around. As I click around, my mind tells me that since I had starved myself for 4 days I deserve a special clip and it has to be worth the time spent searching. Eventually I settle for one or two but then I want it to last so that I can survive through the next 4 days. So I take more time to finish the deed.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In addition to his other troubles, this poor man has no idea that he treating himself to a poison. First he is suffering the “forbidden fruit syndrome.” Next he is forcing his brain to flush dopamine. His dopamine receptors are not as cut down comparatively either. But he is sliding and greasing the porn slides, seeking and searching for edging, novelty, variety, shock-value, anxiety-value (“I must treat myself so that I can survive the next three days”) etc. You probably have visions of a pathetic imbecile. Not so. This man was over six feet tall and an ex-sergeant in the Marines. He was a former athlete and didn&amp;rsquo;t want to become an addict to anything. However, when he returned from the war he was trained as a techie in a veterans rehab program. When he entered the civil work force he was a well paid IT professional in a bank and was given a laptop (one of the ways to ensure you take work home). It was the year that famous socialites leaked their porn videos online. There was much talk about it. And he got hooked. He has spent the rest of his life paying through the nose and it has ruined him physically and mentally. If he were an animal, our society would have put him out of his misery, yet we still allow mentally and physically healthy young teenagers to become hooked. You may think the above case and my notes are exaggerated. It is extreme but not unique. There are literally thousands of similar stories. That man poured his heart out to me but you can be sure that many of his friends and acquaintances envied him for being a once-a-week man. If you think this couldn&amp;rsquo;t happen to you, STOP KIDDING YOURSELF.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h3 id=&#34;it-is-already-happening&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;IT IS ALREADY HAPPENING.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In any event, PMOers like other addicts are notorious liars, even to themselves. They have to be. Most casual PMOers indulge far more times and on far more occasions than they will admit to. I have had many conversations with so-called twice-a-week PMOers during which they have done it more than three times that week. If you read the Reddit or No-Fap forums of casual PMOers, they are either counting the days or waiting to fail. You do not need to envy casual PMOers. You do not need to PMO. Life is infinitely sweeter without PMO. One log says&amp;hellip;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“It started with a simple challenge to not touch my penis for a day. And being unable. I don&amp;rsquo;t think about masturbation anymore. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t cross my mind. That is possible, I promise you. And the riches that await those who are able - they&amp;rsquo;re incredible.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Teenagers are generally more difficult to cure, not because they find it difficult to stop but because either they do not believe they are hooked or they are at the primary stage of the trap and suffer from the delusion that they will automatically have stopped before the secondary stage.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I would like particularly to warn parents of children who loathe internet porn not to have a false sense of security. All children loathe the dark sides of porn until they become hooked. You did too at one time. Also do not be fooled by scare campaigns. The trap is the same as it always was. Children know that internet porn is supranormal stimuli but they also know that one visit or peek will not do it. At some stage they may be influenced by a girlfriend or boyfriend, school friend or work colleague.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You may think that all they need is an education in brain plasticity and that PMO (including even masturbation) acts like a virus in their brain programme to convince them they could never become hooked. I find society&amp;rsquo;s failure to prevent our children from becoming addicted to internet porn and other drugs to be the most disturbing of all the many disturbing facets of addiction. I beg you not to be complacent in this matter. It is necessary to protect youngsters as their brain is more plastic at that age. I strongly urge you to read the YBOP book and educate yourself of the brain science. Even if you suspect your teenager might lready be hooked, the book will provide excellent guidance to assist in gaining understanding for someone to escape.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;RC&lt;/strong&gt; - reward circuits.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Regulation&lt;/strong&gt; - Up and down regulation is a natural reactionary process of the brain to adjust receptors and or their neuro-transmitters based on the level that is present.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-23 Just One Peek</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:35:22 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;“Just one peek” is a myth you must get out of your mind:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek that gets us started in the first place.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek to tide us over a difficult patch or on a special occasion that defeats most of our attempts to stop.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;It is just one peek that, when PMOers have succeeded in breaking the addiction, sends them back into the trap. Sometimes it is just to confirm that they do not need them any more and that one harem visit does just that.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The after effect of PMO will be horrible and convinces the PMOer he will never become hooked again but he already is. The PMOer feels that something that is making him or her so miserable and guilty should have not made him or her do it yet they did.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is the thought of that one special PMO session that often prevents users from stopping. The one after your long conference trip or the one after your hard day at work or your fight with kids or after an incident where your partner rejects you for sex. Get it firmly in your mind there is no such thing as “just one peek.” It is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you break it. It is the myth about the odd, special occasion that keeps PMOers moping about it when they stop. Get into the habit of never seeing the “no big deal” (NBD&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;) session - it is a fantasy. Whenever you think about porn or PMO, see a whole filthy lifetime of spending a lot of time behind a screen just for the privilege of destroying yourself mentally and physically, a lifetime of slavery, a lifetime of hopelessness. It is not a crime if your erections are unreliable. But it is when you could be happier in the long term but choose to sacrifice that for a short term pleasure.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is OK that we cant always come up with something to do for the void and it is not realistically possible to do that every time and for our entire life. Yes, we can plan for most of them, but sometimes void happens. Good times and bad times also happen, irrespective of your PMO anyway. But get it clearly into your mind: the PMO isn&amp;rsquo;t it. You are stuck with either a lifetime of misery or none at all. You wouldn&amp;rsquo;t dream of taking cyanide because you liked the taste of almonds, so stop punishing yourself with the thought of the occasional “no big deal” PMO. Ask a PMOer with issues, “if you had the opportunity to go back to the time before you became hooked, would you have become a PMOer?” The answer is inevitably, “you have got to be joking!” Yet every PMOer has that choice every day of his life. Why doesn&amp;rsquo;t he opt for it? The answer is fear. The fear that he cannot stop or that life won&amp;rsquo;t be the same without it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Stop kidding yourself! You can do it. Anybody can. It&amp;rsquo;s ridiculously easy. In order to make it easy to stop masturbating to internet porn there are certain fundamentals to get clear in your mind. We have already dealt with three of them up to now:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is nothing to give up. There are actually only marvellous positive gains to achieve.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Never convince yourself of the odd/NBD (no big deal) or JOP&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; (just one peak) PMO. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. There is only a lifetime of filth and slavery,&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;There is nothing different about you. Any addicted PMOer can find it easy to stop.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers believe that they are confirmed addicts or have addictive personalities. This usually happens if they have read the shocking&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:3&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:3&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;3&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; part of the brain science a little bit too much. I promise you there is no such thing. No one is born with needs to masturbate to video clips before they become hooked on the drug. It is the drug that hooks you and not the nature of your character or personality. It is the effect of addictive supranormal stimuli that makes you believe that you have an addictive personality. However, it is essential that you remove this belief because if you believe that you are dependent on internet porn, you will be. Even after the little porn monster inside your body is dead. It is essential to remove all of this brainwashing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;NBD&lt;/strong&gt; - no big deal.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;JOP&lt;/strong&gt; - Just one peek.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:3&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The shocking part of brain chemistry talks about a long lasting deltaFosB stable protein that forms the water slide cues in our brains. These cause the slip-lapse-relapse cycles in addicts. They are greased (kept alive) every time the addicted substance is used.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:3&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-22 Beware of Cutting Down</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:28:58 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers resort to cutting down either as a stepping-stone towards stopping or as an attempt to control the little monster. Many recommend cutting down or a porn diet&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt; as a pick-me-up. Obviously, the less you PMO the better off you are but as a stepping-stone to stopping, cutting down is fatal. It is these attempts to cut down that keep us trapped all our lives.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Usually cutting down follows failed attempts to stop. After a few hours or days of abstinence the PMOer says to himself something like:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;“I cannot face the thought of going to sleep without visiting my online harem, so from now on I will just PMO once in four days or I will purge my collection of bad porn. If I can follow this porn diet, I can either hold it there or cut down further.”&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Certain terrible things now happen:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He has the worst of all worlds. He is still addicted to internet porn and is keeping the monster alive not only in his body but also in his mind.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;He is now wishing his life away waiting for the next session.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Prior to cutting down, whenever he wanted to visit his harem he would fire up his browser and at least partially relieved his withdrawal pangs. Now, in addition to the normal stresses and strains of life, he is actually causing himself to suffer the withdrawal pangs from porn most of his life. So he is causing himself to be even more miserable and bad tempered.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;While he was indulging himself, he didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy most of the PMO sessions nor did he realize he was using a supranormal stimulate. It was automatic. The only harem visits that he imagined he enjoyed were after a period of abstinence (e.g. the first in the four days, the one after a business trip, etc.).&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now that he waits an extra hour for each harem visit, he enjoys every one. The longer he waits, the more enjoyable each PMO session appears to become because the enjoyment in a session isn&amp;rsquo;t the session itself; it&amp;rsquo;s the ending of the agitation caused by the craving, whether it be the slight physical craving for internet porn or the mental moping. The longer you suffer, the more enjoyable each session becomes.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The main difficulty of stopping PMOing is not the brain chemical addiction. That&amp;rsquo;s easy. PMOers will all on without it anyway on various occasions - such as death of a loved one, family/work affairs keeping them away from access etc. They will go say, ten days without internet porn and it doesn&amp;rsquo;t bother them. But if they went the same ten days during which time they can have access to internet porn, they would be tearing their hair out.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers will get a chance during their work day and abstain from masturbating to orgasm. PMOers will pass through Victorias Secret store in the mall, swimming pools and so on without undue inconvenience. Many PMOers will abstain if they have to sleep on the couch temporarily to make space for a visitor or if they are themselves visiting . Even in the Go-Go bars or on nudist beaches there have been no riots. PMOer are almost pleased for someone to say they cannot masturbate. In fact, PMOers who want to quit get a secret pleasure out of going long periods without a harem visit. It gives them the hope that maybe one day they will never want it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The real problem when stopping is the brainwashing. That illusion of entitlement that internet porn is some sort of prop or reward and life will never be quite the same without it. Far from turning you off to internet porn, all cutting down does is to leave you feeling insecure and miserable and to convince you that the most precious thing on this earth is the missed new clip on your tube site, that there is no way that you will ever be happy again without seeing that one.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There is nothing more pathetic than the PMOer who is trying to cut down. He suffers from the delusion that the less he PMOs, the less he will want to visit the online harems&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:2&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;. In fact, the reverse is true. The less he PMOs, the longer he suffers the withdrawal pangs; the more he enjoys the PMO. However, the more he will then notice that his favourite genre or star are not hitting the spot now. But that won&amp;rsquo;t stop him. If the tube sites were to dedicate to one star only no PMOers would ever go more than once to those online harems.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You find that difficult to believe? OK, let&amp;rsquo;s talk it out. Which is the worst moment of self control one feels? Waiting for four days and then having a climax. Which is one of the most precious moment for most PMOers who are in the 4 day porn diet? That&amp;rsquo;s right, the same climax after waiting for four days! Now do you really believe you are masturbating to it to enjoy the orgasm? Or do you think a more rational explanation is that you are relieving withdrawal pangs and the illusion that your are entitled to PMO?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It is essential that we remove all these illusions about PMO before you extinguish that final session. Unless you&amp;rsquo;ve removed the illusion that you enjoy it before you close the window on the final one, there is no way you can prove it afterwards without getting hooked again. So, unless you are already online waiting to go to your tube site, do type it now. Open up your favourites folder and PMO to your most favourites - star, genre, theme etc. Now as you are in the action ask yourself what is so glorious about this thing. Perhaps you believe that it is only certain clips that are of good taste, like the one on your habitual or favourite theme? If so, why do you bother to watch the other videos and themes?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Because you got into the habit of doing it? Now why would anyone get into the habit of PMO which is screwing up their brain scripts and wasting themselves? Why should a clip of the same star that hit the spot last month not be as exciting now? Nothing is different after a month, so why should porn clip be different after a month?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t just rely on me, check it out yourself. Find that hot clip from last month to prove that it is different. Now, set a reminder and watch the same clip after a week of no PMO. It will hit (almost) the same spots like it did last month. The same clip will also do a different thing to you after a social event where you are turned down or tested by some potential partner. The reason is that the addict can never be really happy if that little monster remains unsatisfied.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Where does satisfaction come into it? It&amp;rsquo;s just that they are miserable if they aren&amp;rsquo;t allowed to relieve their withdrawal symptoms at those times. So the difference between PMOing and not PMOing is the difference between being happy and miserable. That&amp;rsquo;s why the internet porn appears to be better. Whereas PMOers who get on the internet first thing in the morning for porn are miserable whether they are PMOing or not.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Cutting down not only doesn&amp;rsquo;t work but it is the worst form of torture. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t work because initially the PMOer hopes that by getting into the habit of using less and less, he will reduce his desire to PMO. It is not a habit. It is an addiction and the nature of any addiction is to want more and more, not less and less. Therefore in order to cut down, the PMOer has to exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of his life. So cutting down means willpower and discipline forever.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The main problem of stopping is not the dopamine addiction to internet porn. That&amp;rsquo;s easy to cope with. It is the mistaken belief that the porn gives you some pleasure. This mistaken belief is brought about initially by the brainwashing we receive before we started using internet porn, which is then reinforced by the actual addiction. All cutting down does is reinforce the fallacy further to the extent that porn dominates the users life completely and convinces him that the most precious thing on this earth is the addiction.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I have already said, cutting down never works anyway because you have to or must exercise willpower and discipline for the rest of your life. If you did not have enough willpower to stop then you certainly have not got enough to cut down. Stopping is far easier and less painful. I have heard of literally thousands of cases in which cutting down has failed.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The handful of successes I have known have been achieved after a relatively short period of cutting down, followed by the &amp;lsquo;cold turkey&amp;rsquo;. These PMOers really stopped in spite of cutting down, not because of it. All it did was prolong the agony. A failed attempt to cut down leaves the PMOer a nervous wreck, even more convinced that he is hooked for life. This is usually enough to keep him reverting back to is online harem for pleasure and crutch for another stretch of time before the next attempt.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;However, cutting down helps to illustrate the whole futility of PMO because it clearly illustrates that a visit to the harem is enjoyable only after a period of abstinence. You have to bang your head against a brick wall (i.e. suffer withdrawal pangs) to make it nice when you stop. So the choices are:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Cut down for life. This will be self-imposed torture and you will not be able to do it anyway.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Increasingly torture yourself for life. What is the point?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Be nice to yourself. Stop doing it.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The other important point that cutting down demonstrates is that there is no such thing as the odd or occasional harem visit. Internet porn is a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life unless you make a positive effort to break it:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div style=&#34;text-align: center;&#34;&gt;
&lt;h2 id=&#34;remember-cutting-down-will-drag-you-down&#34;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;REMEMBER: CUTTING DOWN WILL DRAG YOU DOWN.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/h2&gt;
&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Porn Diet&lt;/strong&gt; - Intentionally cutting down or attempting to control etc. Frequency: Restricting PMO to once in four days. Time: Setting a timer for the session. Shock: Safe porn only. Novelty: Only one clip.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:2&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Harems&lt;/strong&gt; - Internet porn sites that cater for streaming videos, webcams and pictures.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:2&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-21 the Willpower Method of Stopping</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:20:42 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;It is an accepted fact in our society that it is very difficult to stop PMO. Even books and forums advising you how to do so usually start off by telling you how difficult it is. The truth is that it is ridiculously easy. Yes, I can understand you questioning that statement but just consider it. If your aim is to run a mile in under four minutes, that&amp;rsquo;s difficult. You may have to undergo years of hard training and even then you may be physically incapable of doing it. (Much of our achievement lies in the mind. Isn&amp;rsquo;t it strange how difficult it was until Roger Bannister actually did it but nowadays it is commonplace?).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;However, in order to stop PMOing all you have to do is not watch internet porn and or masturbate any more. No one forces you to masturbate (apart from yourself) and unlike food or drink, you don&amp;rsquo;t need it to survive. So if you want to stop doing it, why should it be difficult? In fact, it isn&amp;rsquo;t. It is PMOers who make it difficult by using the Willpower Method. I define the Willpower Method as any method that forces the PMOer to feel he is making some sort of sacrifice. Let us just consider the Willpower Method.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We do not decide to become PMOers. We merely experiment with porn magazines or websites and because they are awful, yes that is right awful - except for our desired clip, we are convinced that we can stop whenever we want to. In the main, we watch those first few clips only when we want to and that is usually on special occasions. Before we realize it, we are not only visiting those sites regularly and masturbating when we want to, we are masturbating to them every day. PMO has become a part of our lives. We then ensure that we always have an internet connection wherever we go. We believe that we are entitled to love, sex and orgasms - and also that porn helps to relieve stress. It doesn&amp;rsquo;t seem to occur to us that the same clip and actors do not provide us the same degree of arousal and that we are either escalating or fighting against the red line we have put around ourselves to avoid harmful “bad porn.” In fact, masturbation and internet porn neither improves our sex life nor does it relieve stress, it&amp;rsquo;s just that PMOers believe they can&amp;rsquo;t enjoy life or handle stress without an orgasm - even mind induced porn orgasms. Because that is what many times we are doing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;It usually takes us a long time to realize that we are hooked because we suffer from the illusion that PMOers masturbate because they enjoy porn - not because they have to have porn - a need. While we are not “enjoying” porn (which we can never do unless novelty, shock or escalation is added), we suffer from the illusion that we can stop whenever we want to. This is a confidence trap. I dont enjoy porn, so I am sure I can stop when I want to. Only that you never seem to want to stop though.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Usually it is not until we actually try to stop that we realize a problem exists. The first attempts to stop are more often than not in the early days and are usually triggered off by boy-meets-girl and boy notices the girl is not quite enough after the initial dates or health (the teenager is still active in sport and finds he is short of breath).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever the reason, the PMOer always waits for a stressful situation, whether it be health or sex. As soon as he stops, the little monster needs feeding. The PMOer then wants something to pump that dopamine - a cigarette or alcohol or of course internet porn where your favourites are just a click and log in away. The porn cache is no longer down in the basement, its now virtual in the cloud. If the girl is around or if he is with his friends he cannot have access to his virtual harem and this makes him more distressed.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Now by this time if he had already come across YBOP or Reddit material he is going to be having a tiresome “tug of war” (TOW&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;), resisting his temptations and feeling deprived. The thing he usually takes to relieve stress is now not available, so he suffers a triple blow. The probable result after a period of torture is the compromise, “I&amp;rsquo;ll cut down,” or, “I&amp;rsquo;ve picked the wrong time,” or, “I&amp;rsquo;ll wait until the stress has gone from my life.” However, once the stress has gone, he has no need to stop and doesn&amp;rsquo;t decide to do so again until the next stressful time. Of course, the time is never right because life for most people doesn&amp;rsquo;t become less stressful; it becomes more so. We leave the protection of our parents and enter the world of setting up home, taking on mortgages, having children, more responsible jobs, etc. Of course, the PMOer&amp;rsquo;s life can never become less stressful because it is the porn that actually causes stress. The quicker the PMOer passes on to the escalation stage, the more distressed he becomes and the greater the illusion of his dependency grows.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;In fact, it is an illusion that life becomes more stressful and it&amp;rsquo;s the porn itself, or a similar crutch, that creates the illusion. This will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 28. After these initial failures the PMOer usually relies on the possibility that one day he will wake up and just not want to masturbate, use porn etc. any more. This hope is usually kindled by the stories that he has heard about other ex-PMOers (e.g. “I was not serious until I had a fading penetration then I didnt want to use porn any more and stopped masturbating”).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;rsquo;t kid yourself. I have probed all of these rumours and they are never quite as simple as they appear. Usually the user has already been preparing himself to stop and merely used the incident as a springboard. I spent many years waiting to wake up one morning wanting never to PMO again. Whenever I had a PIED incident or even lack of energy - I would look forward to my energy dip to end because it was interfering with my entitled porn orgasms.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;More often in the case of people who stop “just like that” they have suffered a shock. Perhaps a discovery by their girlfriend or wife, a self spotting incident of accessing porn that is not of your normal sexual orientation, or they have had a scare themselves. It is so much easier to say, “I just decided to stop one day. That&amp;rsquo;s the sort of guy I am.” Stop kidding yourself! It won&amp;rsquo;t happen unless you make it happen.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let&amp;rsquo;s consider in greater detail why the Willpower Method is so difficult. For most of our lives we adopt the head-in-the-sand, “I&amp;rsquo;ll stop tomorrow” approach. At odd times something will trigger off an attempt to stop. It may be concerns about health, virility or we may have been going through a particularly heavy bout of self analyses and realize that we don&amp;rsquo;t actually enjoy it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Whatever the reason, we take our head out of the sand and start weighing up the pros and cons of PMO. It is time to define what PMO is - the internet porn IP, any porn, masturbation with or without porn and orgasms. Sex is split into amative and propagative. This distinction is one of our major keys in opening up our minds doors. Without which there will be confusion and failure will be the result. We then find out what we have known all our lives: on a rational assessment the conclusion is, a dozen times over, STOP PMOing.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;If you were to sit down and give points out often to all the advantages of stopping and do a similar exercise with the advantages of PMOing, the total point count for stopping would far outweigh the disadvantages. If you employ Pascals Wager - by quitting, you will see that you are losing almost nothing with higher chances of gaining a lot and also higher chances of NOT losing a lot. However, although the PMOer knows that he will be better off as a non-PMOer, he does believe that he is making a sacrifice. Although it is an illusion, it is a powerful illusion. The PMOer doesn&amp;rsquo;t know why, but he believes that during the good times and the bad times of life the PMO sessions does appear to help. Before he starts the attempt he has the brainwashing of our society, reinforced by the brainwashing of his own addiction. To these must be added the even more powerful brainwashing of how difficult it is to “give up.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;He has heard stories of PMOers who have stopped for many months and are still desperately craving. There are all the disgruntled stoppers (people who stop and then spend the rest of their lives bemoaning the fact that they&amp;rsquo;d love to PMO). He has heard of the PMOers who had stopped for many months or even years, apparently leading happy lives but then have one look or PMO and are suddenly hooked again. Probably he also knows several PMOers in the advanced stages of the disease who are visibly destroying themselves and are clearly not enjoying life yet they continue to PMO. Added to all this, he has perhaps already suffered one or more of these experiences himself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;So, instead of starting with the feeling, “Great! Have you heard the news? I dont need to PMO any more!” He starts with a feeling of doom and gloom, as if he were trying to climb Everest and he firmly believes that once the little monster has got his hooks into you, you are hooked for life. Many PMOers even start the attempt by apologizing to their girlfriends and wives: “Look. I am trying to give up PMO. I will probably be irritable during the next few weeks. Try to bear with me.” Most attempts are doomed before they start.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Let&amp;rsquo;s assume that the PMOer survives a few days without a PMO session. He is getting back his arousal and morning wood is starting to rear its head. He hasn&amp;rsquo;t opened the “favourites” on his tube sites and consequently getting turned on and a tent appears for incidences where he would have zoned out before. So the reasons why he decided to stop in the first place are rapidly disappearing from his thoughts. It is like seeing a bad road accident when you are driving. It slows you down for a while but the next time you are late for an appointment you have forgotten all about it and your foot stamps on the throttle.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;On the other side of the tug of war, that little monster inside you hasn&amp;rsquo;t had his fix. There is no physical pain. If you had the same feeling because of a cold, you wouldn&amp;rsquo;t stop working or get depressed. You would laugh it off. All the PMOer knows is that he wants to visit his harem. Quite why it is so important to him he doesn&amp;rsquo;t know. The little monster in the stomach then starts off the big monster in the mind and now the person who a few hours or days earlier was listing all the reasons to stop is desperately searching for any excuse to start again. Now he is saying things like:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Life is too short. A bomb could go off. I could step under a bus tomorrow. I have left it too late. They tell you everything gives you addiction these days.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“I have picked the wrong time. I should have waited until after Christmas, after my holidays/tests, after this stressful event in my life. I cannot concentrate, I am getting irritable and bad tempered. I cannot do my job properly. My family and friends won&amp;rsquo;t love me. Let&amp;rsquo;s face it, for everybody&amp;rsquo;s sake I have got to start again. I am a confirmed sex addict and there is no way I will ever be happy again without an orgasm inducing masturbation.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“No man can survive without sex (brainwashed by well meaning people who did not think about the amative and propagative distinction of sex).”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“I know this will happen - my brain is sensitized by the deltaFosB due to changes effected by dopamine surges because of my past excessive porn use. Sensitization can never be removed from the brain.”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;At this stage the PMOer usually gives in. He fires up his browser and the schizophrenia increases. On the one hand there is the tremendous relief of ending the craving, when the little monster finally gets his fix; on the other hand, the orgasm is awful and the PMOer cannot understand why he is doing it. This is why the PMOer thinks he lacks willpower. In fact, it is not lack of willpower; all he has done is to change his mind and make a perfectly-rational decision in the light of the latest information.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“What&amp;rsquo;s the point of being healthy if you are miserable?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“What is the point of being rich if you are miserable?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Absolutely none. Far better to have a shorter enjoyable life than a lengthy miserable life. Fortunately, that is not true - just the reverse. Life as a non-PMOer is infinitely more enjoyable but it was this delusion that kept me masturbating for twenty five years. I must confess, if that were the true situation, I would still be PMOing. The misery that the PMOer is suffering has nothing to do with withdrawal pangs. True, they trigger them off, but the actual agony is in the mind and it is caused by doubt and uncertainty. Because the PMOer starts by feeling he is making a sacrifice, he begins to feel deprived - this is a form of stress. One of the times when his brain tells him, “have a peek,” will be a time of stress. Therefore as soon as he stops, he wants to go back. But now he can&amp;rsquo;t because he has stopped. This makes him more depressed, which sets the trigger off again. Another thing that makes it so difficult is the waiting for something to happen. If your object is to pass a driving test, as soon as you have passed the test it is certain you have achieved your object. Under the Willpower Method you say, “if I can go long enough without internet porn then the urge to PMO will eventually go.” You can see this in the forum where addicts talk about their number of days of abstinences.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;How do you know when you have achieved it? The answer is that you never do because you are waiting for something to happen and nothing else is going to happen. You stopped when you had that last session and what you are really doing now is waiting to see how long it will be before you give in. Especially if you have read and subscribed the brain chemistry and DeltaFosB or any other similar sciences. You say, “if only I wait it out - like kidney stones - it will dissolve and go away.”&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I said above, the agony that the PMOer undergoes is mental and caused by uncertainty. Although there is no physical pain, it still has a powerful effect. The PMoer is miserable and feeling insecure. Far from forgetting about PMO, his mind instead becomes obsessed with it. There can be days or even weeks of black depression. His mind is obsessed with doubts and fears.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“How long will the craving last?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Will I ever be happy again?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“Will I ever want to get up in the morning?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;“How will I ever cope with stress in future?”&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The PMOer is waiting for things to improve but of course while he is still moping, the harem is becoming more precious. In fact, something does happen but the user isn&amp;rsquo;t conscious of it. If he can survive three weeks without opening up his browser at all, the physical craving for porn and orgasm (the little monster) disappears. However, as stated before, the pangs of withdrawal from dopamine and opioids are so mild that the user isn&amp;rsquo;t aware of them.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;But after about three weeks many PMOers sense that they have “kicked it.” So they then take a peek to prove it and it does just that. The ex-PMOer has now supplied dopamine to the body and as soon as he is done it starts to leave the body. There is now a little voice at the back of his mind saying, “you want another one.” In fact, he had kicked it but now he has hooked himself again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When you were a child you watched Mickey Mouse on TV and as per the brain science you formed DeltaFosB for the cartoon. If I were to discourage you at that time from watching this program - Id study why adults dont like to watch their favourite childhood cartoon anymore - whether they still hold this DeltaFosB or not. For one, they have better entertainment and for the other the old cartoon does not hold the magic anymore. With the Willpower Method you are denying the child the cartoon - but with my method you are also making sure that he sees no value in the cartoon. Which one is better?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The PMOer will not usually get into another session immediately. He thinks, “I don&amp;rsquo;t want to get hooked again!” So he allows a safe period to pass. It might be hours, days, even weeks. The ex-PMOer can now say, “well, I didn&amp;rsquo;t get hooked, so I can safely have another session.” He has fallen back into the same trap as he did in the first place and is already on the slippery slope.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;PMOers who succeed under the Willpower Method tend to find it long and difficult because the main problem is the brainwashing - long after the physical addiction has died, the PMOer is still moping around all miserable. Eventually - if he can survive this long-term torture - it begins to dawn on him that he is not going to give in. He stops moping and accepts that life goes on and is enjoyable without PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many PMOers are succeeding with this Willpower Method but it is difficult and arduous. There are many more failures than successes. Even those who do succeed can go through the rest of their lives in a vulnerable state. They are left with a certain amount of the brainwashing and believe that during good and bad times the PMOs can give you a boost. (Most non-PMOers also suffer from that illusion. They are subjected to the brainwashing also but either find they cannot learn to “enjoy” internet porn or are too religious and don&amp;rsquo;t want the bad side, thank you very much). This explains why many PMOers who have stopped for long periods end up starting again later on.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Many ex-PMOers will have the occasional session as a “special treat” or to convince themselves how strong their self-control is. It does exactly that but as soon as their session ends, dopamine starts to leave and a little voice at the back of their mind is saying, “you want another one.” If they get on with another one, it still seems to be under control - no shocks, no escalation, no novelty seek and they say, “marvellous! While I am not really enjoying it, I won&amp;rsquo;t get hooked. After Christmas/the holiday/this trauma, I will stop,” Little do they know the water slides of their brain. The action greased the slides even more.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Too late. They are already hooked. The trap that they fell into in the first place has claimed its victim again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As I keep saying, enjoyment doesn&amp;rsquo;t come into it. It never did! If we PMOed because we enjoyed it, nobody would stay on the tube sites more than the average time it takes to finish the deed. Anyway, a better way to orgasm is to masturbate out of your memories. We assume we enjoy internet porn only because we cannot believe we would be so stupid as to get addicted if we didn&amp;rsquo;t enjoy them. I had no idea about supranormal stimulus or novelty-seeking or shock-seeking, and even after I read about them, I did not believe that so much of my “fun” seeking was to do with simple evolutionary reward circuit wiring. I am some lab rat? I have free will! This is why so much of our PMOing is subconscious. If, while using, you were aware of the brain changes (the dopamine/opioid squirts, diluting of those fluids, the closing up of their receptors, the satiation levels going up ruining our future encounters and experiences with the opposite sex and you had to say to yourself, “this is going to cost $$$ in my lifetime, and this session with an unknown two dimensional actor might just be the one to trigger off PIED, PE, hypofrontality by greasing those water slides” - even the illusion of enjoyment would go.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When we try to block our minds to the bad side, we feel stupid. If we had to face up to it, that would be intolerable! If you get to watch a PMOer in action, you will see that they are happy only when they are not aware that they are PMOing. Once they become aware of it, they tend to be uncomfortable and apologetic. We PMO to feed that little monster&amp;hellip; and once you have purged the little monster from your body and the big monster from your brain, you will have neither need nor desire to PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;TOW&lt;/strong&gt;- tug of war, dichotomous thinking, double thinking.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-20 Those Sinister Black Shadows</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:18:55 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Another of the great joys of quitting porn is to be free of those sinister black shadows at the back of our minds. All PMOers know they are fools to close their minds on the ill-effects of PMO. For most of our lives PMO is automatic but the black shadows are always lurking in our subconscious minds, just beneath the surface. There are several marvellous advantages to achieve from quitting PMO. Some of them I was consciously aware of throughout my life, such as the health risks, the waste of time and the sheer stupidity of making love to a two dimensional image. However, such was my fear of quitting, so obsessed was I in resisting all the attempts of do-gooders and anyone else who tried to persuade me to quit, that all my imagination and energy was directed to finding any flimsy excuse that would allow me to continue to PMO.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Amazingly, my most ingenious thoughts occurred when I was actually trying to quit. They were of course inspired by the fear and misery I suffered when attempting to quit by using willpower. No way could I block my mind from the health and sexual aspects. But now that I am free it amazes me how I successfully blocked my mind from even more important advantages to be gained from quitting. I&amp;rsquo;ve already mentioned the sheer slavery - spending half of our lives being allowed to PMO, doing it automatically and wishing we had never started, the other half feeling miserable and deprived because the knowledge of the destructive effects of internet porn won&amp;rsquo;t allow us to PMO. In the last chapter I&amp;rsquo;ve referred to the incredible joy of having energy again. But for me the greatest joy of being free was not the health, the time, the energy, or the ending of the slavery, it was the removal of those sinister black shadows, the removal of feeling despised by and feeling apologetic to myself and to other quitters, and most of all to be able to respect yourself.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Most PMOers aren&amp;rsquo;t the weak-willed, spineless jellyfish that both society and themselves tend to believe. In every other aspect of my life I was in control. I loathed myself for being dependent on an evil crutch that I knew was ruining my life. I cannot tell you of the utter joy of being free of those sinister black shadows, the dependency and the self-despising. I can&amp;rsquo;t tell you how nice it is to be able to look at all other users, whether they be young, old, casual or heavy, not with a feeling of envy, but with a feeling of pity for them and elation for yourself that you are no longer the slave of that insidious trap. The other day I felt pity for the guy on a TV show who was so excited to get to watch porn - another case of society slipping one in your drink under the pretence of comedy.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The last two chapters have dealt with the considerable advantages of being a non-PMOer. I feel it necessary to give a balanced account, so the next chapter lists the advantages of being a PMOer.&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-19 It Relaxes Me and Gives Me Confidence</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:16:17 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;This is the worst fallacy of all about PMOing and for me it ranks with the ending of the slavery, the greatest benefit from quitting - is not to have to go through life with the permanent feelings of insecurity that PMOers suffer from.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;PMOers find it very difficult to believe that masturbation to internet porn actually causes those insecure feelings you get when you are out late at night after a contentious day at home or work. Non-PMOers do not suffer from that feeling. It is the porn that causes it. I only became aware of many of the advantages of stopping months afterwards, as a result of my consultations with other PMOers.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I refused to see my PMO as causing so much of the mental tug of war in my mind that I am foolishly working hard to have nominal levels of confidence in my day to day life. Forget about getting an erection, I am talking about focusing, taking challenges, fighting, choosing, deciding - actions that define our lives. Especially when we are often forced to act when the facts are not clear. Come to think of it, facts were and will never be clear and hence it is to our great advantage anyway to act.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Also of note is in dating area as well, the fire to go forward is being misappropriated to this high reward zero pain porn. If you have read some top PUA books and forums, what do they say? Go on a diet&lt;sup id=&#34;fnref:1&#34;&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;#fn:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-ref&#34; role=&#34;doc-noteref&#34;&gt;1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;? Yes of course when you have the good hunger your internal juices and your brain will do the rest. Copping out is not an option at all. Playing the numbers is not tiresome by no means. All PUA advice in a nut-shell is this - try more numbers. Even if your approach is wrong you will be right twice a day like a broken clock. But if your mind is fighting a tug of war with effortless easy access to a harem of online women, how would you get back on your feet when that girl ignores you? Oh, if it was a public outright rejection I am running, not walking, to my porn girlfriend.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;For a long time, before YBOP and Garys articles, none of these things did I relate to my PMOing habit but getting off it has been like awakening from a bad dream. Nowadays I look forward to each day. Of course, bad things still happen in my life, and I am subject to normal stresses and strains but it is wonderful to have the confidence to cope with them, and extra health, energy and confidence make the good times more enjoyable too.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;div class=&#34;footnotes&#34; role=&#34;doc-endnotes&#34;&gt;
&lt;li id=&#34;fn:1&#34;&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;porn diet&lt;/strong&gt; - n number of days off before PMO.&amp;#160;&lt;a href=&#34;#fnref:1&#34; class=&#34;footnote-backref&#34; role=&#34;doc-backlink&#34;&gt;&amp;#x21a9;&amp;#xfe0e;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
<title>03-18 Energy</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2022 23:12:56 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Most PMOers are aware of the effect that this progressive process of PMO, leading to novelty and escalation seeking, has on their brains reward circuits and their sexual system. However, they are not so aware of the effect it has on their energy level.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;One of the subtleties of the PMO trap is that the effects it has on us, both physical and mental, happen so gradually and imperceptibly that we are not aware of them and regard them as normal. It is very similar to the effects of bad eating habits. The pot-belly appears so gradually that it causes us no alarm. We look at people who are grossly overweight and wonder how they could possibly have allowed themselves to reach that state.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;But supposing it happened overnight. You went to bed weighing 140 lbs, trim, rippling with muscles and not an ounce of fat on your body. You awoke weighing 180 lbs, fat, bloated and pot-bellied. Instead of waking up feeling fully rested and full of energy, you wake up feeling miserable, lethargic and you can hardly open your eyes. You would be panic-stricken, wondering what awful disease you had contracted overnight. Yet the disease is exactly the same.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The fact that it took you twenty years to reach that state is irrelevant. So it is with PMOing. If I could immediately transfer you into your mind and body to give you a direct comparison on how you would feel having stopped internet porn for just three weeks, that is all I would need to do to persuade you to quit. You would think: “Will I really feel this good?” Or what it really amounts to: “Had I really sunk that low?” I emphasize that I don&amp;rsquo;t just mean that you would feel healthier and have more energy but how you would also feel more confident and relaxed and better able to concentrate.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;As a teenager, I can remember rushing around just for the hell of it. I was interested in reading, I had set up a chemical lab, tried fixing (old CRT) TVs, dabbled with cooking etc. I was fascinated by scientists. Then I got attracted to makers and doers of the rag-to-riches lives of real people. I had the inner push and I knew I had it.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I then was introduced to print porn, then came music TV channels, followed by static computer images. By this time I was permanently tired and lethargic. Then came internet porn of images and downloadable movies. I used to struggle to wake up at nine o&amp;rsquo;clock in the morning. After my evening meal I would already be thinking about porn before going to bed, even when I had a girlfriend. Sex with her was a chore. But PMO with internet porn had all the novelty, shock, etc. No one can match that lure. And then the internet upped its game with tube sites, catalogued porn genres, hearting favorites and all in lightning speed, high quality, no traces of downloads. Even the browsers went incognito, thoroughly helping me to cover my tracks. Reward with no pains.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;By this time, the lack of energy, tiredness and everything related to it is nicely swept under the rug of getting older. My friends and colleagues by this time are all living sedentary lifestyles. I hought this behaviour was normal. I believed that energy was the exclusive prerogative of children and teenagers, and that old age began in the early twenties. I did not notice that I was paying attention to my health in general by eating right - which they did not. But I did not notice that anomaly.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Shortly after I stopped PMO, I was relieved that this foggy and muggy feeling left me. For example, I can keep a steady gaze with my eyes on just about anything for a longer time. If I am looking into someones eyes it is even longer. However something truly marvellous and unexpected also happened. I started waking at seven o&amp;rsquo;clock in the morning feeling completely rested and full of energy, actually wanting to exercise, jog and swim. I have read about a forty-eight year old who couldn&amp;rsquo;t run a step or swim a stroke. The only sporting activities were confined to such dynamic pursuits as green bowling, affectionately referred to as “the old man&amp;rsquo;s game,” and golf, for which he had to use a motorized cart. But after quitting PMO he started going to gym - not that it is necessary that everyone would - but still. Almost all us know that it&amp;rsquo;s great to have energy and when you feel physically and mentally strong, it feels great to be alive.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;That is the point with PMOing - you are always debiting your energy. And in that process tampering with your brain codes of the reward circuit. Which again is going to make you miserable and vulnerable to stress and strain attacks. Unfortunately when you feel down with all of this you will seek a cigarette or alcohol or again porn. Unlike quitting smoking, where the return of your physical and mental health is only gradual, quitting PMO gives you excellent results from day one. Starting with energy. Then your mental programming to close the water slides takes a bit of time. You need to kill the Little Monster - which will be explained in later chapters. Recovering your RC is nothing like as slow as the slide into the pit and if you are going through the trauma of the willpower method of quitting, any health or energy gains will be obliterated by the depression you will be going through. Unfortunately, I cannot immediately transfer you into your mind and body in three weeks&amp;rsquo; time. But you can! You know instinctively that what I am telling you is correct. All you need to do is: USE YOUR IMAGINATION!&lt;/p&gt;
<item> <item>
<title>03-17 Health</title> <title>03-17 Health</title>
<link></link> <link></link>